On the occasion of the 95th anniversary of the National Red Crescent Society I would like sincerely to congratulate all members, veterans, staff and volunteers of the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society which plays an important role in the protection and development of values of humanism, traditions of charity and kindness in our country.

Being formed in a difficult public-political situation of the month of March 1920 and in difficult days of activity of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic the Red Crescent Society has contributed greatly to application of international humanitarian legal norms in Azerbaijan. Despite public-political structure had changed in different periods of history in our country, the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society always adhered to its noble goals such as providing assistance to people affected by wars and natural disasters, vulnerable groups of population.

The history of activity of the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society is rich with deeds of charity and kindness. In this regard it is quite enough to remember twenties and thirties years of a last century and a period when malaria, cholera and other diseases were wide spread in our country. At that time members of the National Society did their best in order to save lives of people. Today we still remember how the nurses of the National Society served to the wounded soldiers on battlefields during the years of the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945.

The Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society has been fulfilling properly its obligations towards solving problems of our refugees and internally displaced people who fled from their natives lands as a result of a policy of aggression and ethnic cleansing of Armenia. The National Society has been successfully implementing medial-social, humanitarian and other projects. The National Society has been conducting a wide scale education- promotion activities on different topics among population in our country and has been teaching First Aid and other skills to our people.

Today the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society which has about 300.000 members and 20.000 volunteers is one of non-governmental organizations having the biggest social base in our country. A strong legal foundation is created for activity of the National Society.

On 24 November 1994, by the initiative of a nationwide leader the National Parliament of the Republic of Azerbaijan adopted a decree on “Improving the work of the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society”. Following this decree the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society has been recognized as an official National Society functioning in the humanitarian filed in our country and adopted as a full member into the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies.

As a logical continuation of activities carried out in this direction a President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Mr. signed a decree on “Increasing a government care to the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society” on 31 January 2004. On 22 May 2007 the National Parliament of the Republic of Azerbaijan adopted a Law on “The Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society”. All these decrees are a bright sample of attention and care of the Azerbaijani government to the National Society.

I am confident that the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society which plays an important role in developing of humanitarian sphere in our country will continue to adhere to its honorable traditions from now on and will fulfill properly its obligation to its people. Once again I would like to congratulate all members, veterans, staff and volunteers of the National Society on the occasion of this glorious jubilee. I wish a sound health and a long life to each of them and every new success in their future activities.

Best regards,

Chairman of the National Parliament of OGTAY ASADOV the Republic of Azerbaijan

Baku city, 30 January 2015