Official Gazette, Govern'ment of Goa

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Official Gazette, Govern'ment of Goa ,,~, I REGD. GOA - 5 I Panaji, 30th July, 1987 (Sr-avana 8, 1909) SERIES III No_ 18 OFFICIAL GAZETTE, GOVERN'MENT OF GOA GOVERNMENT OF GOA Education Department Directorate of Education Notice No. 47/37/81/Adm. II (Vol. 1)/429 Iri pursuance of sub-rule (1) of Rul~ 5 of the Central Civil Services (Tem'porary Service) Rule,s, 1965; I hereby give notice to Smt. Shobha ~ Natekar, Pry. School -Teacher that her services shall stand tenninated with effect from the date of expiry of a period of one month from the date" on which this notice is' served on, or a? the case may be, tendered to her. Panaji, 1st June, 1987. -The Dy. Director of. Educ~tion... (Adm.), Sd/.. ~ Forest and Agriculture Department Dh'eclorate of Agriculture Soil Conservation Division Tender Notice' No, 2/SCD/DA/87-88 Director of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Division,' Panaji inviteS' on beha,lf of President of India, Item' Rate tender from approved and eligible contractor in appropriate class upto 3.00 p. m. ·on 14-8-1987. Elstinieted . Earnest Time limit Cost ot Sr. No, Name ot . work cost money including tendOf' Class ot put t. mOllSOn!, contractor tend·er Rs, period Rs. 1. Repairs to the bund, sluice gate & closure of -breaches 10,29,706-87 20,000/- 365· days; 100/- I. B. in the bund defending the paddy f~eld "Poinguinim Cantor, Narcinva Prassad Khazan, Dessai Cantor, Haribhatlem Cantorlim, etc." situated' ·at Agapur of Ponda 'I'aluk:a. The tender ·will be opened on ·the same day at 3.30 p .. m. the contractors· without E.M.D. in prescribed form are liable in the office of the ·Superinten~ing Engineer, Circle I, Irriga­ to :be. rejected. Contrador should produce valid Income;tax tion Department, Junta House, Panaji Goa. Earnest Money Clearance. Certificate, Registration Certificate and Work shouid .be. deposited by way of Deposit at CaU Receipt from Certificate for having· completed the worlts satisfactorily . the state Bank of India or any· ·other Scheduled Bank and c~sting more than 5.00 lakhs in the Irrigation Sector or at least two works of Soil Conservation Division, at the time enclosed with the. tender. Condition of the·contract and tender of issue of tender form. Right" to reject any or aU the tenders forms can be had from this· office on payruent of cost as including.the lowest is reserved without assigning any·.reason mentioned above (non-refundable) on all working days from thereof. 11.00 a. ro. to 4.00 p. m. The last date to receive appl.ications for issue of tender ·form is 10th August, 1987. Tenders from... Pana,ji, 21st July, 1987. - The Director, U. M. Duarte. Public Works and Urban Development Department Public Works Department __ Works Division I (Bldgs.) Panaji-Goa .;, Tender Notice No. PWDjWD1/ASW-17/29/87-88- The Executive Engineer, Works Division I (Bldgs), Panaji invites sealed loom. rate tenders from approved and eligible contractor of Goa, P. W. D: and those of appropriate list of·· CPWD, State· FWD, Railways upto 3:00 p. m. on 4/8/87; Est1mat~ EaMlest· Time limit Class ot Cost '. ot 81. No. Name' ot work1t and place cost money Including contractor tender Rs. Rs. monsoon Rs, 1. Development, of Additional land for Fire Sfu.tion 9,48,925/- 20,000/- 365 days Class II 100/- COmplex at 'St, Inez Panaji, Sc H. Earth filling. 'including and· above monsoon 174 SERIES III No. 18: Tenders will _be opened at 3.30 p. m. on the same day. EMO in cash, the same should be paid to the Cashier 8.nd Earnest Money should be deposited in the Reserve Bank of­ -enclosed, the relevant receipt in the tender and no cash India and deposited challan sent ~ongwith the tender or alongwith tenders will be accepted. i~ may -be- deposited in form of Deposit at Call Receipt of Scheduled Bank payable at Panajl. The tender. of the contractor who do not deposit money m the prescnbed manner will be summarily rejected. The . Conditions and tender fonn _can be had from this office Income-tax -Clearance Certificate shall 'be furnished by -upto 12.00 noon on 1/8/87 at the rate mentioned above tenderer in the prescribed manner. (non-refundable). In case the tenderer intendS to pay the Panaji, 6th July, 1987. - The Executive Engineer, Sd/•. Tender Notice No. PWD/WDI/ASW-17/31/87-88 The Executive Engineer, Works Division I (Bldgs), Pan:aji invites _sealed rate tenders from approved ,and eligible contractors of Goa PWD and those of appropriate list of CPWD, State PWD, Railways upto 3.00 p. m. on 12/8/87. Sr. No. Name of work at:ld pl&ce 1. Construction' of overhead. water tank (50 Cu. m. capa­ city) for the Government PolyteChnic at Altinho~Pa.. naji (2nd call). - Tenders will be opened at 3.30 p. J1L; 'on the same day. cash, the same should ~ paid to the Cas'hier and enclose- the Earnest ,Money should be deposited in the Reserve Bank of relevant receipt in the tender and no cash a10ngwith tenders India and' deposit challan sent alongwitb the tender or it Will b~ accepted.· may be deposited in fonn of Deposit at call Receipt of Sche- duled Bank payable- at Panaji. Tenders of the .contractors who do not deposit money _in the prescribed manner will be summarily rejected., The Income-tax: Condition and tender forms can be had from this office upto Clearance Certificate shall be- furnished by the tenderers in 12.00 noon on 10-8-87 at the rate mentioned above (noD:-re­ the reserve form., ~ . 'fundable). In case the tenderers',intend to pay the EMD in Panajl, 14th July, 1987.. - The Executive Engineer, Sd/-.. Works -Diy-ision V (Buildinga}"":' P.noji .. 600 Tender NotiCe No. PWD(WDV/Bldgs/ ASW /F. 2/12/87-88 The Executive Engineer, Works Division V, (Bldgs) P.W.D. Panaji-Goa, invites on behalf of the President of India, ,sealed percentage rate tenders from the approved and eligible contractors of Goa-, CPWD/Railways for the below mentioned works. Estima.ted E.M.D. Cla.sS ot' Cost of' Sr. No. Name of works cost Time_ i'mlt contractor tender Rs. Ro. Rs. 1; Repairs to· two -room Govt. Primary school Bldg. at 37,348-40 934/- 60 days IV& 30/- Mouliguem in Bicholim-Taluka. including above -monsoon 2. Repairs to· two room Govt. Primary school Bldg. at 39,532-75 989/- . 60 days IV & 30/· Cudchu'em in Bicholim-Taluk,a. including above' monsoon 3. Repairs & Painting, to Govt. Primary school Bldg. at 58,877-35 1,472/- 120 days IV& 30/- Bordem in Bicholim Taluka. including abovt'- monsoor. c-, 4. various repair works to Govt~ Primary. schools at 46,367-37 1,160/- 60 days. IV & 30/- " (1) Madhalawada-Harmel (2)Bandarwada. Paliyem (3) including above .....:/ N aikwada Paliyem (4) M;ardiwada Morjim and (5) monsoon Petechwada Korgao in Pernem Taluka., (2nd call). 5. Providing Post construction antltermite treatment to 17,800/- 445/- SOda;ys. V& 30/- the Court Bldg. at Bicholim. inclwling above monsoon Tenders will ,be 'received upto 3.00 p. m. on· 5th August,. Tender forms will be issued on all working days -upto· 1.987 and will be opened at 3.30 p. m. on the same day. Earnest 12.00 noon on 4th August, 1987 ..The cont.ractor must produce Money D~posit should be deposited in _the State Bank. of valid Income-tax 'Clearance Certificate before -the issue of' In.!lia or any -other Scheduled Bank in ,the form of Deposit tender forms. at Call Receipt in favour of the Executive Engineer, Right to reject any or all the tenders Without assigning Works Division V. (Bldgs), P.W.J?, Panaji-Goa, and the same any reason thereof is reserved. be enclosed with the tender. In no, case cheque will be enter­ tained, Panaj~, 18th July, 1987. - The Executive Engineer, Sd/-; Tender Notice. No. PWD/WDV/Bldgs/ASW/F.2/13/87-88 The Exec~tive Engineer: Works Invision V, (Bldgs) P.W.D., Panaji Go~ invites on behalf- of the PresiI;leitt~ of India, 'sealed Item/percentage rate tenders from the approved and eligible contractors of Goa, CPWD/Railways for the .,p~lo.w. mentioned workS".- Cos.t of ElsUmated E. M. D. Class of Sr. -No. NnItre ot worka coat T1m~ Itm1t eontractor tend"er Ro. Ro. Rs. 1. Const. of compound wall for c Veterinary Hospital & 1,07,802-85 2,696-00 180 days· III & 100-00 staff quarters at Acol, Mapusa. incl. above l!lonsoon 175 Estimated E;ILD. Class of Coot 01 ~Sr. No. Name of works cost 1t~_. Time limit contraCtor tender R •. Ro. , 53,220".53 1,330-00 120.days IY& &\1,00.. inch ab{:>V,e " ,.',-, '::'1 ,';', monsoon Tenders wm:.oo received ,.~pto,_3.00 p;,-in. on -13th August, Tender forms -will,be issue4;,on all working days,d~p~9 1987 aiid ,wilCbe opened at'- 3.30 p. m. on the sam~ day. 12.0H noon on .11th August, 1987. The contractor must Earnest Money Deposit .should be depoSited in., the State produce valid Income-tax Clearance Certificate before the Bank of, India or any other Scheduled Bank in the form issue of tender forms. of Deposit at :Call .Receipt,-· in" the favour of', the Executive./ Right a;riy, "all teftders. Engm~f. Works Division V (Bldgs.), P.W.D., Panaji-Goa :-1:0 rej~t or :the ·~thoti(,~gnibg any reason thereof is reserved: . - <' -" "",' and the same to_»e" encloseu with the tend,er.
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