Official Gazette Government of Goa, Daman and Diu
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REGD. MH 1776 Panaji, 11th January, 1973 Wausa 21. 18941 SERIES III No. 41 OFFICIAL GAZETTE GOVERNMENT OF GOA, DAMAN AND DIU GOVERNMENT OF GOA. DAMAN Office of the Commissioner AND DIU Department of Revenue and Taxes General Administration Department Notice The Heads of Taluka Revenue Offices of Goa, Bardez, Salcete. Marmagoa. Pernem, Bicholim, Satari, Ponda, San Mamlatdar's Office of Bicholim Taluk. guem, Quepem, Canacona, Daman and Diu make known in pursuance of article 38 of «Regulamento do Imposto Comple mentar» approved by Leg. Dip. No. 1789, dated 15-4-1958 and Notification in accordance with artic:les .111, 13 and :14 of the said Regula mentc that th~ complementary tax relatirng to the year 1973 c No. ELN/VP/Co-option/72 on income not affected by income tax shall be collected _in the manner and time specified in the said Regulamento and In pursuance of Rule 14(c) of the Goa, Daman and Diu the declarations mentioned below shall have to be submitted ViUage P-auchayat (Co-option of Members) Rules 1968, ,tt is at all the Taluka Revenue Offices where the tax payers- are hereby notified for public information that the name of the being taxed. person as appearing in column 3 of the schedule, has been The declaration in the prescribed form Mil (as appended declared elected on 26-12-72 as co-opted member of the Pan to the respective law) shall be filed in the month of January chayat shown in column No.2 of the said Schedule. and February, 1973; Name of the person elected The declaration in form M/3 referred to in the said law Sr. No. Name of the Panchayat as co-opted member shall be filed up to 15th March, 1973; The declarations in forms M/4 and M/5 referred to in the 1 2 • a.foresaid law shall be filed up to 30th April, 1973. 1 Maulinguem Kurchirem Shrimati Yende Prabhavati The tax levied shall be paid in two instalments in the Balkrlshna months of July _and October, 1973 if the amount exceeds Rs. 100/- and when the amount is Rs. 100/- or less it shall ?e paid in a single instalment in the month of July, 1973, 'Bicholim, 26th December, 1972. - The Mamlatdar, G. K. m accordance with article 23 of the above cited law. Valavi. Pa:naji, 22nd December, 1972. - The Commissioner of Re ... venue and Taxes, Oarmo de Noronha. finance (Revenue) Department Notifiea-tion under sub-rule (IO) of Rule 4 of the Centro' Sales Tax (Goa, Daman and Diu) Rules-, 1964 Revenue Recovery Court of Go. T.Iuk. No. OC/S'l1I12/6/4/72-73 . Whereas it has been reported by Mis. Vissu Virgin car & Sons, Margao, holding Registration Certificate No. 68 under Notice the Central Sales Tax Act, 1956, that three declarations in form 'C' referred to in sub-rule (1) of Rule 4 of the Central M. S. Sail, Judge of Revenue Recovery Court, Tiswadi Taluka Sales Tax (Goa, Daman and Diu) Rules, 1964 beariiIlg at Panajl. No. Z 412311 dated 30-3-71, (No. Z 521563 dated 14-9-72 and No. Z 481185 dtd. 31-3-72 issued by him to Mis. Shree Rishabh I hereby now known that the time limit of thirty days is Vanijya, P. O. Alokudyog, Bagalkot Dist., Mysore, have been hereby given by this Court, through the offiice of the clerk R. lost. Porobo Dessai, who signed below, counted from the date of pu blication .in the Official Gazette of this notice, notifying the Now, therefore, I,' Carmo de Noronha, CommisSioner of defaulter Dr. Mberto Days, Representative of "0 Heraldo". Sales Tax, Panaji-Goa, in exercise of the powers vested in c/o Dr. Leo Vtiegas, OpPosite Post Oftliee, Pa.naji, 3It present me under sub-rule (10) of Rule 4 of the said Central Sales ['esi'dent at unknown part, to apply for ehalan to this Revenue Tax (Goa, Daman and Diu) Rules, 1964, hereby declare that Recovery Courlt (Maml31tdar's Offilce) of TiBwadi Taluka at the said declaration forms 'C' bearing serial No. Z 412311 Panaji, within ten days, after :the ~iry ;of the above time dtd. 30-3-71, No. Z 521563 dtd. 14-9-72 and No. Z 481185 limit to :effect the payment at the State Ba.nk of India, Panaji dated 31-3-72 should be treated as invalid. of the amount of Rs. 671/- being the Rent of Flat no. 4-B, of the period from 2-9...!9-11966 Ito 30-4·,1967, as per recovery Panaji, 3rd January, 1973. - The Commissioner of Sales ·cel'tlflica.te Issu<!'d by Under Se..cremry (Home Department), Tax, Carmo de Noronha. S'ecretariat, Panaji, besides the legal cost of concerned proceedings which shall be settled at the Ibime of payment, failing which ifurlther action w'i11 be taken. Notification under Sub-Rule (10) of Rule 4 of the Central Sales Tex (Goa, Daman and Diu) Rules. 1964 Revenue Recovery Court, Tiswadi Taluka a~ Panaji, 4th Janu-ary, il913. - I, R. Porobo Dessai, U. D. C. of ReVienue No. OC/ST/12/6/5/72-73 Recoyery Court, hay.e wrtl.tten, Whereas it has been _reported by «The Vanakbara Matsya Seen. - The Judge of Revenue Rrecovery Court. M. S. Sail. Udyog Sevadai Sahakari MandaU Ltd.~, Vanakbara - Diu, • 390 SERIES III No. 41 holding Registration Certificate No. 988 under the Central me under sub-rule (10) of Rule 4: of the said Central Sales Sales Tax Act, 1956, that sixteen declarations in forms 'C' Tax (Goa, Daman and Diu) Rules, 1964. hereby declare that referred to in sub-rule (1) of Rule 4: of the Central Sales the said declaration forms 'C' bearing serial No. Z 380885 to Tax (Goa, Daman and .Diu) Rules, 1964, jssued to him and Z 380900 should be treated as invalid. bearing serial No. Z 380885 to Z 380900 have been lost. Now, therefore, I, Carmo de Noronha, Commissioner of Panaji, 3rd January, 1973. - The Commissioner of Sales Sales Tax, Panaji-Goa, in exercise of the powers vested in Tax, Carmo de Noronha. ----.~---- Local Self Government Department Forest Oepartment ., Tender Notice 1. Tenders are hereby invited for undertaking the COll areas shown in the schedule mentioned below on the follow tract for clearfelling and removal of timber etc. from the jng conditions: Timber in m' Poles Sr. No. Round Range Name and No. Fire- Remarks of the coupe 2nd 3rd 1st 2nd 3rd wood class," class class class class class 1 2 • • 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1. Sanguem Sanguem Dandedongor C. 27.339 39.977 400 200 300 1000 No.1 (Solauli) 2. Dandedongor C. 0.1350 12.995 21.339 20 90 50 100 NO.2 (Solauli) 3. Dandedongor C. 0.7242 32.4709 42.4165 80 310 1200 " No.3 4. Dandedongor C. 4.7407 1.6524 40 38 6 50 " No.4 2. The description of the area, material and its cubical 5. The successful bidder will have to pay full sale price in contents though believed to be correct is only meant as a lump sum plus Sales Tax at the statutory rates in force on guide which is open to the tender-ers to verify by personal full purchase money as well as amount necessary to make up inspection or otherwise and no guarantee is given that the 10% of full sale-- price in addition to the earnest money description is absOlutely accurate as to the quantity quality deposit, as security deposit for proper fulfillment of the or in any other respect. No errOr mis-statement or omission agreement conditions within a week from the date of commu in the particulars of such discription shall annual the con nication of the acceptance of the bid, failing which the forest tract tendered for or give the tenderer a right to any abate produce concerned will be re-sold at the risk and expense ment compensation or any other consideration whatsoever. of the original purchaser who shall be liable to make good the Govt. any losses ariSing out of such re-sale but shall 3. Tenders should be sent in the prescribed from only which not be entitled to the profits or any portion thereof resulting will be obtainable from the U/S's Office and in the Range to Govt. by such re-sale. The loss sustained shall be reco Forest Offices upto 23-1-1973 before 12 noon as per this verable from the '<.iefaulter together with the interest, due Office clock on payment of a fee of Rs. 5/- (five only) per 9% per annum on the balance purchase money (from the form which is not refundable. Tenders sent otherwise than date it becomes due, up' to the date of its recovery which on the prescribed printed forms will not be considered. Tender he has failed to pay, as arrears of the land revenue). In forms are not transferable and they are valid only for the calculating the loss sustained the amount forfeited shall not be taken into account. tenders for which they are issued. 6. In the case of unsuccessful tenderer the amount of 4. Each tender shall be accompanied by a receipted treasury earnest money depo'sit will be returned to him in due Course. chalan of the amount at the rate indicated in the following table, as earnest money. In.- lieu of the receipted chalan, a 7. All the material purchased and paid for must be removed demand draft or deposit at call for the amount issued in from the site on or before 15th May, 1973.