WEDNESDAY JUNE 25 2014 ENTERTAINMENT 21 Sequel takes a leap into even dumber territory for laughs

mismatched cops Jenko (Tatum) and Schmidt (Hill) an undercover upgrade. They’re no longer posing as high school students. Now they are college students. Shock twist, huh? 22 (MA 15+) Even their latest assignment – unmasking the STARRING: , campus kingpin who is selling the kids a dangerous new , narcotic named WhyPhy – barely registers on the film’s fresh-o-meter. By LEIGH PAATSCH Channing Tatum and Jonah Hill Instead, it is what happens share a rare comedic when the main storyline is LET the record show 21 Jump connection. ignored that gives was the smartest dumb Each knows exactly when Street its eclectic edge. movie of the millennium so far. to get out of the way if the Tatum plays Jenko faster So what of 22 Jump Street, other is on a roll (and just as and looser this time around, then? All you really need to crucially, when to ride the and the character is no longer know is that it’s the cleverest other into the ground). just a low-IQ lug. sequel to a dumb movie of all Unlike other sequels, the Meanwhile, Hill takes more time. movie doesn’t bother trying to of a back seat as the outta- OK, so it didn’t really have hide its less-than-imaginative shape Schmidt but he is still to beat much in that category. reason for existing. able to step up with the funny Nevertheless, it’s the thought – In fact, 22 Jump Street stuff at a second’s notice. or lack thereof – that counts. keeps reminding the audience A run of scenes where A lot of brain cells have died they are being sold second- Schmidt earns the everlasting so that the slam-dunkingly hand goods. hatred of his boss (Ice Cube), stoo-pid jokes could live. The sequel is immediately shows Hill’s talents at the All that wasted intelligence cracking so many strong gags very best. should not be in vain – not at its own expense that the Speaking of the very best, when the laughter-to-silence sameness of the plot never the inspired direction seen ratio remains so high. becomes much of a drawback. here is the work of the red- If you’ve seen the original, Therefore, little time is hot-right-now Phil Lord and Jonah Hill and Channing Tatum star in 22 Jump Street. you’ll already be aware stars wasted in getting those Chris Miller ().

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27 28 There are laughs aplenty in 22 Jump Street.


ACROSS Hawke's '80s Press Secretary (6,7) 19. Carlton star and Victorian minister BIG SCREEN 1. AFL all-star team picked at the end DOWN until 2010, Justin ... (6) FILM FESTIVAL of each season (3,10) 2. Rock festival founded in Brisbane 21. 'It Ain't Necessarily So' singer, ... 10. Make an attempt (coll) (4,1,2) in 1988 (5) Rowe (6) DARWIn 27–29 JUnE, 2014 11. True, genuine (coll) (5,2) 3. Oscar-winning animator of 'Harvie 22. Gold mine where Herbert Hoover 12. Common snake, ...-... black (3-7) Krumpet' (4,6) worked, Sons of ... (6) 13. Broken (coll) (4) 4. 1963-65 Wimbledon runner-up, 25. Francis de Groot's '30s right-wing Opening Night Black Screen Free Event commentator Fred ..., (6) 15. ABC youth radio, ... J (6) group, the New ... (5) Double Feature! Actor Hunter Page-Lochard will introduce 17. Airport in Perth (8) 5. Rainforest timber that was used for 26. Pest plant controlled by the his new flm and join us for a Q&A after HEALING (M) the screening. 19. David Koch's 'Sunrise' co-host furniture (3,5) cactoblastis moth, prickly ... (4) FRI 27 JUn, GAtEs opEn 6.30pM FoR 7.30pM tHANKS tO: AROUND THE BLOCK (M) 6. Sydney prison, ... Bay (4) A powerful, moving story of redemption, the + until 2013 (3,5) MINNIE LOVES JUNIOR (G) discovery of hope and healing. stars Hugo sHoRt FILM: 20. Ex-ACTU president and 7. Grace McLeod in 'McLeod's Last Weeks Solution Weaving, Don Hany and Xavier samuel. sUn 29 JUn, GAtEs opEn 6.30pM FoR 7.30pM 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 C A M P B E L L N E W M A N Christina Ricci, Jack thompson and rising Indigenous International Trade Union leader, ... Daughters' (3,6) 8 O E O U Y R R H UNCHARTED WATERS (M) talent Hunter page-Lochard star in this story of love, 9 10 Burrow (6) 8. Rowena Wallace in 'Sons & M A L C O L M N O E L I N E FRI 27 JUn, 9.45pM revenge and triumph. P B N H G S S C 11 12 A feature length documentary about the mercurial 23. Rupert Murdoch's third wife, Daughters', Pat ...... (3,3) A B O X R O M A S T R E E T 13 and legendary Australian surfer, Wayne Lynch. S U D L N P O DECKCHAIR CINEMA 14 15 16 Wendi ... (4) 9. 1964 World Champion surfer S E R V E N T Y C O O P E R 17 Jervois Road, off Kitchener Drive, N S Z D I A Wharf precinct, Darwin. 24. CUB's premium beer brand (5,5) Bernard Farrelly's nickname (6) 18 19 20 Saturday Double Bill Thrill! M C E W E N M A G N E T I C 21 Free parking at cinema & Esplanade. 27. Sydney raceway, ... Creek (7) 14. 2005-09 'Temptation' host (2,8) A R H M T R A 22 23 24 THE BABADOOK (M) N I G H T F E V E R C A S S InFo: (08) 8981 0700. 25 28. Bart Cummings' Randwick 16. Water into which the Murray and U I R L J D F C sAt 28 JUn, GAtEs opEn 6.30pM FoR 7.30pM 26 27 K E N D O N E O P U N T I A Dinner is available from food vendors every night. stables, ... Lodge (7) Darling were thought to flow (6,3) THE ROVER (MA15+)* A I S N A N E D Drinks are available from the licensed bar (no BYO). 28 sAt 28 JUn, 9.30pM /bigscreen 29. ABC 'Insiders' host and Bob 18. Grafton's river (8) P A T E R S O N S C U R S E FOR ALL TICKET PRICES & DETAILS please check program or website. * persons under the age of 15 must be accompanied by a parent see NEXT WEEK’S PAPER for this week’s solution or adult guardian. V1 - SUBE01Z01MA