Directory for 1898

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Directory for 1898 THE BECI(F~NHAM DIRECTORY FOR 1898. FOURTEENTH YEAR OF ISSUE. COMPRISING THE \VHOLE OF THE DISTRICT UNDER THE JURISDICTION OF THE BECKENHAMURBAN DISTRICT COUNCIL AND WEST WICKHAM. With Map, Price Eighteenpence. Subsc;,ibel'S, One Shilling. CONTENTS: Page Page LOCAL INFOR:IIATIO~ ••••••••••••••• 17 PRIVATE RESIDENTS •••••••••••••• 151 STREErs DIRECTORY: COMMERCIAL DIRECTORY •••••• 195 Beekenham .....•............ G5 PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY •••••• 207 EImers End 127 HOUSE DIRECTORy ••••••••••••••• 213 ShortlauC1s ..•............... 135 POSTAL INFORMATION •••••••••••• 59 West Wickham 143 DIARy •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 277 nECI{ENHAl\1 : PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY T. W. THORNTON" AT HIS STEAM PRINTING AND BINDING WORKS, ~ 42 & 44, HIGH STREET. Enterd at Stlltioner's Hall. ADVERTISEMENT. BECKENHAM C01~servative and U1~iorlist A ssociatiotl .. All desiring information concerning H.egistration of Voters in this district, should apply to- A. H. BAI(EH, Esq., President, Elderslie, South Eden Parle Mr. THOMAS NUNN, 75, Alexandra Cottages. NIr. C. J. GRIGG, Marlow Villas, \Viverton RQad . '\ '... ­' '. \. Mr". JOSEPH IVlcLAREN, 107, Alexandra Cottages. NIr. ]. PRID1VIOI\E~ 'I06a, Alexandra Cottages. JOlIN GOOD\VIN, Agent, 20, Burnhill Road. PREFACE. This Edition of THE BECKENHAl\1DIRECTORY marks the Fourteenth Year of its publication. The whole book has been systematically revised arid corrected, and the Publisher has confidence that the new issue will be found of reliable service alike to all classes of residents. He desires to heartily thank those who have 4 ADVERTISEMENT. ltthnu~, ~ve.dticaHl)n~ anb QJ;~Hmate~ . ~ •.. ~tthmitteb' • ~ ~e­ ~(§) SANITATION, ro HEATING & VENTILATION, ~ ~. KITCHENERS & STOVES, ~ ~ GAS AND BELL ~ ~~ _& FITTINGS, ~cY .~ f.ii JOINERY, Gh~ ((j DADO AND ~ <:)" MOULDINGS. I ~' O~ Nq;; PAINTING AND DECORATIONS, &...f{{?§ L1NCRUSTA WALTON, S~ MURUMORM, ~ .{f ANAGLYPTA, rr ~ WALL & CEILING PAPERS, ~~' GENERAL REPAIRS. ~' Skilled Mechanics in all Branches of the Trade sent at the shortest notice. ADVERTISEMENT. 5 J..r. V\THITELAW, 14, High Street, h~0<> ~C;;:{ Beckenham. 'fBe: 6ate:~t J'love:1tie:~ , . , In .. .w ar$, ea~$, otpe!' I@onne:r$: M illine!'~. 'T ogtle:$, Ete" J. I. W{-iITEIiA.W, ~ 14, HIGH ST., BECKENHAM. 6 ADVERTISEMENT. R. FERRIS & SONS, OLD ESTABLISHED Jr. Saddlers a1~d ~ rr Harness M an'ujacturers 103, HIGH STREET, BROMLEY} AND HIGH ST., BECKENHAM. R. F. & SONS being thoroughly practical in all branches Q£ their Business, are able to purchase at the best markets and offer all their Goods at Store Prices for Cash. -:0:­ GOOD HOME-MADE PONY HARNESS from £5 58. M.ortmllllt.ellUll, @ agg, ~runltg, &t' •. Repaired on the Shortest Notice. --:0:-­ .dw(/nled Diploma of HonollY, the Highest Aw.xrd, at the In ternatio1lal Exhibition, 1884, for Lightness and Excel/mce of Workmanship. A Large stock of Second-hand SADDLES, HARNESS, &c. ADVERTISEMENT. 7 CHURCH HILL CYCLE WORKS. 34a, HIGH STREET, BECKENHAM. uC')){ Cycle ~ AND . General Engineer. AGENT FOR Humbers Royal Enfield 'l'riumphs Swifts Elswicks Singers Raleighs Excelsiors &c., &c. Specialite-REPAI RS. MACHINES ON SALE OR HIRE. 8 ADVERTISEME~T. HOME & INFIRMARY· FOR SICK CHILDREN. SYDENHAM ROAD, LOWER SYDENHAM. SUPPORTED BY VOLUNTARY. CONTRIBUTIONS. If Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my Brethren ye have done it unto me."-Matthew XXV., 40' • HONORARY MEDICAL OFFICERS. COl/sulting Surgeons-GEORGE COWELL, Esq., F.R.C.S.; SPENCER SMYTH, Esq., M.D. F R.C.S. COllsultillg Plzysician- VALENTINE BIRD, Esq., !\I.D., I\I.R.C.P., Physicialls-C. E. STEELE PERKINS, Esq., M.D., !\I.R.C.S.,; J. K. BRIGHAM, Esq., M.D , !\I.Ch. Assistallt Physician-ARTHuR GRAYLING, Esq , ;\[.B., Lond., L.R.C.P., LaND., M.R.C.S., Eng. Surgeons-GERALD CRECY PARNELL, Esq., M.R.C.S.,; E. VVOLFENDEN, COLLINS, Esq., M.A., M.n., F.R.C.S.I. Assistant Surgeon-F. J. LORIMER HART, Esq., M.D., !\I.S., Edin. Assistallt MedicarOjjicer-\V. F UMNEY, Esq., M.D., !'II.R.C.S., L.R.C.I'. Dentist-C. A. CLARK. Esq., L.D.S. Assistant Dentist-C. CANNELL, Esq., L.D.S. Holt. Secretaries-E. M STONE, Curnnor, Laurie Park. Sydenham, S.E. SAMUEL R. BOAG, 9, Park l{oad, Forest Hill, S.E. (J(;MI'.M .f1!'1!'R N. MAYOW W. ADAMS, Esq, J.P., The Old House, Sydenharn, S.E. \VILLIAM ASTE, Esq., Hill House, Crown Lane, Streatharn, S. \V. J. M ATTREE, Esq., Laughton Lodge, West Hill, Sydenham. J AMES BOYD, Esq., Abernyte, Mayow Road, Forest Hill, S.E. :\11'5. EDMUND H. CHAPMAN, Combe, Dulverton, Somerset, Treasurer. EDWARD CLARK, Esq., Lapsewood, Sydenham Hill, S.E. F. CROCKFORD,Esq., The Trossacks, Silverdale, Sydenham. ;\1ISS EDITH C. ELWES, qo, Ebury Street, S'\V' A. GORDON HENNELL, Esq., Oakwood. Mayow Road, Forest Hill, S.E. :.\'1AGNUSaHREN, Esq., Lower Sydenham, S.E. FRED. PEEL, Esq., Harold Road, Upper Norwood. C. J. W. RABBITS, Esq., 8, Palace Gate, W. E. M. STONE, Esq., Cumnor, Laurie Park, Sydenham, S.E., HOIl. Sec. C. E. STEELE PERKINS, Esq., West Hill, Sydenham. G. C. PARNELL, Esq., St. Norman's London Road, Forest Hill. Matron-MISS MEADOWS. Bankers-LONDON & SOUTH WESTERN BANK, SYDENHAM, Cases Treated in 18g6-In:patients, 715. Out-patients, 4476. Subscriptions and Donations for this valuable charity which has been at work for twenty years, and was removed in January, 1886, to their new premises in LowerSydenham. where there are 45 cots, will be thankfully received by the Hon. Treasurer, .at the Home or by the Hon. Secretaries, E. M. STONE and SAMUEL R. BOAG. A Seaside Cottage Home at Broads(airs has been opened with accom­ modation for twelve children. Connected with this institution, is a Dispensary for women and Children, open every Tuesday and Thursday at 3 o'clock. TRADES DIRECTORY . • Giving the names of advertisers and the pages at which th advertIsements may be found. Art Needlework and Fancy Goods. Hope, E., 121, High Street Lacey, K and M., 21, Albemarle road .. Auctioneers and Estate Agents. Baxter, Payne and Lepper, Beckenham and Bromley 142 Cox, J., Public Hall, Beekenham 134 Jennings & Son, Clock House •• 289 Levens, W., Son and Hoare, Station Buildings 257 Segrave, Browett and Taylor, New Becl,enham ~o6 \Vright, Thomas, Kent House End fly leaf Bakers and Confectioners. Ebben and Son, Bromley Road Ribbens, G. J. Beckenham Road Bankers. London and County, High Street London and Pr:ovincial, High Street 10 TRA.DES DIRECTORY. Bookbindel'3, Stationers, &c. Cox, Mrs .. 98, High Street 263 Rawley. T., Beckenha11l Road 132 Thornton, T. \V., High Street 193, 147,126, 131 Bootmakers. Ayling. Edwiu, Bromley Road End fly leaf Ayling, T. S., High street 290 Churcher, E. \V., High Street 263 Brewers. Benskin and Co., Railway approach .. II3 Builders, Plumbers, Decorators, Smiths, etc. Boardman and Co, Ltd., Tweedy road, Bromley 266 Copeland, H., Bromley road 272 Cox, T., High street 2II Davis, R. E., High street 249 Graham and Co., Church Hill Inside back cover Heathfield and Co., Kent House Lane 4 McIntosh, A. and Son, Kent House Farm T6r l\Jiller, J., Chancery Jane .. 63 1\'loss, Alfred, High street 27° Pascall and Sons, High street, South Norwood 128 Skinner, George, Blakeney Avenue 265 Butchers. Chalk, V., Bromley road 242 London and Provincial Meat Stores 8r Parker, E., 133, High street 62 Rich & Hagger, High street Opposite title Shambrook, W, High street . 246 TRADES DIRECTORY. II Cabinet Makers. 13atehelar and Son, Ltd., Railway Bridge 97 Curtis, C., High Street End fly leaf Murrells, W. A" High street 256. Chemists. Routley, E. W., High street Inside front cover Barnes, F. \V., A.Ph.S., The Parade 194 Chimney Sweep. Brown, R. F., Burnhill road Coachbuilders. Dean, H., 8, Bromley road Coal Merchants. Cart, H. and W., Station Yard .. IIZ: Lockhart and Co., Clock House Road .• 253­ Moore and Mathew, Station 'Yard 2+ Corn Merchants. Carr, H. and W., High street 112­ Grinsted, D., High street 212: Cycle Makers. Clarke, G. High street 7 Dairymen. Beckenham Park Dairy, High street Overton, Bros, High street, Bromley road and Croydon road 12 TRADES DIRECTORY. Drapers. Cole, J. S., Railway Bridge 250 Goody, E. B., 18 and 20, High street 252 Heath and Pratt, Albemarle road IS° Yates, H. B., 41, High street 259 DressmakerS and Milliners. Hillier, Misses, Albemarle road Whitelaw, Miss, 14 High street Dyers and Cleaners. Podger and Sons, Albemarle road 292 Fishmonger and PoulteI-er. Blundell, W., Albemarle road Fruiterers. Crease, J., High street 2-f3 Snee, E., Albemarle road .. 258 Grocers and Provision Merchants. George, J., Albemarle road 16 Booth, The Parade, and High stree.t 267 Heffer's Stores, High street 270 Howard's Stores, High street 27:', 275 Lindoo Valley Tea Company 262 'White, J. E., Bromley road 241 Ironmongers . .oscar Jones and Co., 'yictori'!l Buildings, Beekenham road 160 Weeks, George and Son, Railway Bridge 247 TRADES DIHECTORY, 13 Job and Postmasters. Thorn, S. F. H., Railway Hotel Lindsey, Walter, Thayers Farm road Phillips and Robinson, High street Laundry. Temperance Laundry, Eimers End H.oad Naturalist. Dell, W., Bromley Nurserymen, etc. Challis, T., Beckenham Road •. Horsman, 1'., Beckenham Road, and l::5tatiouApproach Keeler, A., New Beekenham Randall, J., Blakeney road and Station Conservatory Photographer. Valery, F., The Parade, Rectory road •• Saddlers. Alcock, R. High street I3Z Sales, A. High street 149 Ferris and Sons, High street 6 Scholastic. Albemarle College, Lennard road 24° Ardley, Mrs., Hartington House School 96 High School, Clock House 239 Beckenham School of ~lusic, The Parade 80· TRADES DIRECTORY. Sign Writers. 'Carpenter and Son, Kelsey Park road .. Stonemasons. Art :\Iemorial Co., The, EImers End 289 Bishop, A., EImers End road 337 Tob accon ist. Lawrence, \V., Railway bridge .. Tailors. Evans, T., Church road Pratt, G., High street Undertakers. Church, £., Bromley road 268 'Copeland, H" Bromley r~ad 272 Watchmakers. DeBrent, H. B., High street 149 Edwards, B't The Parade and High street 129 Wine and Spirit Merchants.
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