Highway Traffic Accident Investigation and Reporting: Basic Course -- Instructor's Lesson Plans

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Highway Traffic Accident Investigation and Reporting: Basic Course -- Instructor's Lesson Plans DOCUMENT RESUME ED 073 328 VT 019 457 AUTHCR Daugherty, Ronald D., Ed.; And Others TITLE Highway Traffic Accident Investigation and Reporting: Basic Course -- Instructor's Lesson Plans. INSTITUTION Ohio State Univ., Columbus. Center for Vocational and Technical Education. SPONS AGENCY National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (DOT), Washington, D. C. PUB DATE Dec 72 NOTE 152p. ECRS PRICE MF-$0.65 HC-$6.58 DESCRIPTORS Behavioral Objectives; Bibliographies; Course Descriptions; Data Collection; *Investigations; Job TraiIi6ing;Learning Activities; *Lesson Plans; Resource MItelsia4s; *Skill Development; *Teaching Guides; Teaching Prbeedures; Technical Education; Technical Occupations; *Traffic Accidents; La'azt4.,r*ation; Vocational Education IDENTIFIERS *Accident Investigation iectniciann ABSTRACT These 35 extensive lesson plans for the instructor in a basic training program for accident investigation are intended for use with a student study guideand a manual for acministrators and planners, available as VT 019 456 and VT 01-9 455, respectively. As part of a curriculum package developed by the Center for Vocational and Technical Education after a nationwide survey, this document - contains a rationale detailing the needs for accident investigation technicians, an instructional outline, a discussion of facilities and equipment required, and a course description. Included in this teaching guide, which is 3-hole punched for easy insertion into a notebook, are a bibliography, resource lists, and appended resource materials. Intended to develop entry -level skills and to train technicians to identify, collect, record, and report data regardllig the driver, vehicle, and environment as they relate to the pre-crash, crash, and post-crash phases of an accident, the course consists of five flexible instructional units. Each lesson plan provides teaching procedures, behavioral objectives, and suggested learning activities. A related document is available in a previous issue as ED 069 848. (AG) FILMED FROM BEST AVAILABLE COPY DOT-H.5.-1151-169 HIGHWAY TRAFFIC ACCIDENT INVESTIGATION AND REPORTING: BASIC COURSE - INSTRUCTOR'S LESSON PLANS Edited by Ronald D. Daugherty Anne C. Hayes Sandra R. Orletsky The Center for Vocational and Technical Education The Ohio State University 1960 Kenny Road Columbus, Ohio 43210 December 1972 Prepared for: U.S. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION NATIONAL HIGHWAY TRAFFIC SAFETY ADMINISTRATION WASHINGTON, D.C. 20590 I U S DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH EDUCATION I WELFARE OFFICE OF EDUCATION THIS DOCUMENY HASBEEN REPRO DUCED 0CM:it Y AS RECEIVEDFROM THE PERSON OR ORGANIZATIONORIG INATING IT POINTS OF VIEWOR OPIN IONS STATEC 00 NOT NECESSARILY REPRESENT OFFICIAL OFFICEOF EDU CATION POSITION OR POLICY HIGHWAY TRAFFIC ACCIDENT INVESTIGATION AND REPORTING: BASIC COURSEINSTRUCTOR'S LESSON PLANS c Prepared for U.S. Department of Transportation National Highway Traffic Safety Administration Washington, D.C. 20590 December 1972 Course Guide Contract DOT-H.S.-115-1-169 Contractors undertaking such projects tinder government sponsorship are encouraged to express freely their judgment in professional and technical matters. Pointsof view or opinions do not. therefore. necessarily represent those of the National Highway Traffic ,Safety Administration. U.S.DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION NATIONAL HIGHWAY TRAFFIC SAFETY ADMINISTRATION WASHINGTON, D.C. ii FOREWORD Transportation technology demands informa- munity program referred to as Standard No. 18. tion. Most critical in highway traffic are the data "Accident Investigation and Reporting." It was in and facts required to counter accidents. The Cen- connection with this program that The Center for terforVocational and TechnicalEducation, Vocational and Te,:hnical Education was con- through representation on the Traffic Education tracted to plan and conduct an in-service instruc- and Training Committee of the National Safety tor training course (6). Council (NSC), noted the inclusion, of -occident Resource materials on accident investigation investigation in the NSC's monograph Highway techniques from a great variety of sources were Safety Manpower and Training (18). Accident in- evaluated as to suitability for a basic course, for vestigation was likewise noted in The Role of the intermediate courses, or for an advance course. Community Colleges in Developing Traffic Spe- The Basic Course: Instruccor's Lesson Plans and cialists and Technicians (3), a publication of the the Student Study Guide (17) are basic-level acci: American Association of Community and junior dent investigation guides referredto and ue- Colleges. scribed in the Highway Traffic Accident Investi- The Center conducted a nationwide inventory gation and Reporting: Course Guide (16). a man- of sub-baccalaureate-level programs and training ual for _administrators and planners. They were materials related to a variety of highway traffic ,developed in conjunction with the national Acci- safety occupations. Among priority needs was dent Investigation Instructor Training Institute. training in accident investigation and reporting (5). Robert E. Taylor The National Highway Traffic Safety Adminis- Director ti.ation (NHTSA) in the U.S. Department of Trans- The Center for Vocational portation administers nationally a state and corn- and Technical Education iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The project. "Accident Investigation Instructor _The names of the64state and local instructors TrainingInstitute."was directedbyRonald who represented 35 states at the regional work- Daugherty. assistant director of Field Services shops appear in the Appendix. These instructors and Special Projects., The Center for Vocational also authored the original draft of the Instructor's and Technical Education. Project associates were Lesson Plans for the curriculum package. The Anne C. Hayes and Sandra R. Orletsky, graduate lesson plans in turn were compiled and edited research associates. Kenneth Spooner, research by the project staff. coordinator, Vocational Education Department, The local host institutions for the five work- UniversityofNorthernColorado.servedas shops were: evaluation consultant to analy,e the evaluation The Atlanta Area Technical School, Atlanta. of the project.* Pauline Frey served as typist for Georgia the project. The project staff was assisted by several in- West Campus, Denver Community Colleges. dividuals in the development of the accident in- Denver. Colorado vestigation curriculum package, either by plan- City College of San Francisco. San Francisco, ning or through workshop participation. Appre- California ciation is hereby extended to the following per- WilliamRainey Harper College.Palatine. sons: Aaron Adums of NHTSA, who served as Illinois contract technical manager; regional workshop Manchester Community College, Manchester. consultants were Bernard T. Fagan, associate pro- Connecticut fessor of trade and industrial education. Univer- The technical reviewers of the Instructor's Les- sity of Kentucky. Carroll Hyder, assistant profes- son Plans were selected from the participants at sor, Department of Industrial Education. East the five workshops. They were: Glenn E. Clark. Tennessee State University, and Ivan Valentine. Karl Hutchinson, John Knight. H. Wayne Overson, professor of vocational research, Colorado State Wayne Seal, and Irvin B. Smith. University; Richard Fredericks and John Keryeski from NHTSA, who contributed to tile technical re- Information about this project can be found in Daugherty.' view; and Sgt. D. G. Slemmer of the Ohio State Ronald D.: Hayes. Anne C: and Orletsky, Sandra R..11 ( ably Investigation Tchnirion Instructor Miming institutiF'itml Highway Patrol Academy. who contributed to the Report Washington. D.C.: National Highway Traffic Adminis- curriculum package and the final technical edit- tration. 1972. available from the National Technical Informa- ing: tion Service v TABLE OF CONTENTS Foreword ni Acknowledgements Accident Investigation 3 Function 3 Manpower 4 Instructor Institute 4 Training Plan 4 Purpose of the Instructor's I esson Plans 4 Objectives 5 Limitations 5 Course Content 5 Lesson Plans 5 Model Schedule 6 Methods of Instruction 6 Use of Lesson Plans 7 Facilities and Equipment 7 Instructional Materials 8 Instructor's Lesson Plans 8 Student Study Guide Instructor-Developed Aids 8 Referenced Text' Materials 9 Training Evaluation 9 THE BASIC COURSEINSTRUCTOR'S LESSON PLANS 11 Introduction Unit 1-3 13-24 Identify Unit 4-21 25-81 Collect Unit 22-27 82-107 Record Unit 28-31 108-119 Report Unit 32-35 120-130 Appendix 131 Program Standard No. 18, "Accident Investigation and Reporting" 132 Guidelines for Development of Behavioral Objectives 133 How to Give a Demonstration 138 Survey Q3R Method 138 Instructor Rating Sheet 140 Roster of Contributors 143 Bibliography 147 vii HIGHWAY TRAFFIC ACCIDENT INVESTIGATION AND REPORTING: BASIC COURSE-INSTRUCTOR'S LESSON PLANS ACCIDENT INVESTIGATION Function.The growing need for accident investi- There are. gation technicians in the United States has been 1. Three phases of accident investigation, con- established by various federal, state, and local sisting of pre-crash, crash, and post-crash government and law enforcement agencies. The manpower estimates for accident investigation 2. Three components of accident investigation. technicians by 1977 are for .12,000 full- or part- environment, vehicle, and driver time persons employed by state or local agencies 3. Four functions of the basic-level accident (Highway Safety Occupational Program Devel- investigation technican,
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