One Planet Summit for biodiversity - 11 january, 2021

Draft programme for speakers Working draft as of December 30, 2020

Opening (20 min - 14:00 to 14:20)

Introduction  Christophe MAE and Youssou N’DOUR sing live their song « L’ours »

Opening by One  Antonio GUTERREZ United Nations Secretary General (pre recorded video) Planet Summit  David MALPASS President of the group (live remote) founding partners  Président de la République française

Keynote (5 min) On the road to CBD COP15 in Kunming (TBC) XI JINPING, President, China (pre recorded video)

Session 1: Protect marine and terrestrial areas (30 min - 14:25 to 14:55)

High Ambition  Carlos ALVARADO QUESADA, President, Costa Rica (live remote) Coalition for Nature  (TBC) , Prime Minister, Italy and People  Video

Round table on the  HSH Prince ALBERT II of Monaco Mediterranean Plan  Hichem MECHICHI, Prime Minister, Tunisia of Action  Pedro SANCHEZ, President of the government, Spain (modalities tbc)  Gilles SIMEONI, President of CPMR islands commission  Video Illustration Q&A Through moderator

Session 2 : Promote agro-ecology (40 min – 14:55 to 15:35) Keynote (5 min) Sustainable agriculture : what’s at stake for Europe Ursula VAN DER LAYEN, Président of the

Round Table on  Introductory video Great Green Wall  Moderation by Gilbert HOUNGBO, President, IFAD  Mohamed OULD CHEIKH EL GHAZOUANI, President, Mauritania  HRH the Prince of Wales  Amina MOHAMMED, Deputy Secretary General, United Nations (live remote)  David MALPASS, President, the World Bank Group (live remote)  Karim AIT TALB, CEO, Géocoton  Testimony from Mariam SOW, co-founder of 3AO Alliance Agroécology West Africa (live remote)


 French announcement on the agro-ecology chapter of the Recovery plan / relance Q&A Through moderator

Session 3: Mobilize finance for biodiversity (30min - 15:35 to 16:10)

Introduction  Video about measuring impacts of businesses on biodiversity

Round table  Christine LAGARDE, President, European  Jean-Pascal TRICOIRE – CEO, Schneider Electric (live remote)  Justin TRUDEAU, Prime Minister, Canada (live remote)  Erna SOLBERG, Prime Minister, Norway (live remote)

Conclusion  (TBC) Boris JOHNSON, Prime Minister, United Kingdom (live remote)

Q&A Through moderator

Session 4 : Protect tropical forests, species and human health (35min – 16:10 to 16:45) Keynote (5 min) Tropical forests, a life insurance against pandemics and for our health Angela MERKEL, Federal Chancelor, Germany (live remote)

One Health  (TBC) Tedros Adhanom GHEBREYESUS, director general, WHO Prezode  (TBC) Professor Awa Marie Coll Seck Deforestation Round Table moderated by Bérangère ABBA, French Secretary of State for biodiversity  Marco LAMBERTINI, President, WWF international  Félix TSHISEKEDI, President, Republic Democratic of Congo  Mark RUTTE, Prime Minister, Kingdom of the Netherlands (live remote)  Pascal CANFIN, President, Commission environnement du Parlement européen (live remote)  Vidéo on the Alliance for tropical forests and launch of Spatial Climate Observatory Q&A Through moderator

Leaders Pledge for  Video calling for further mobilisation of leaders Nature

Closing Emmanuel MACRON, Président de la République française 16:40 to 17:00
