

Laurence Leamer | 9780062458360 | | | | | The Lynching: The Epic Courtroom Battle That Brought Down the Klan (Paperback)

Aug 15, Rob rated it really liked it. Friend Reviews. Advanced Search. In Marchmembers of Klavern of the pondered how to lash out against a jury that refused to find a black bank robber guilty of shooting a white police officer. Gaines Award for Literary Excellence in for it. And also make the Klan responsible: "Whatever judgment you decide, I do hope you decide a judgment against me and everyone else involved. Good solid historical nonfiction, covers not only the lynching of Michel Donald, and the ensuing tribals, but also the history of the Civil Rights Movement, and the close, often personal relationships between Robert Shelton, and United Klans of America, , and Morris Dees and the Southern Poverty Law Center. Morris Dees, the attorney in the civil suit against the Klan is a colorful character, almost fearless, The Lynching The Epic Courtroom Battle That Brought down the Klan 1st edition, he started up The Southern Poverty Law Center, which has done much to fight for rights of poor and victims of discrimination. There are lots of details about George Wallace that I was not aware of. Want to Read saving…. In addition to telling a gripping and consequential story, Laurence Leamer chronicles the KKK and its activities in the second half the twentieth century, and illuminates its lingering effect on race relations in America today. Right there in the title-Epic. Arrested, charged, and convicted, Hays was sentenced to death—the first time in more than half a century that the state of sentenced a white man to death for killing a black man. Sign in to Purchase Instantly. Welcome back. Read more This title and the focus of the book are off. Shopping cart There are no products in your shopping cart. Civil rights leaders found much of their time spent in the state dedicated to marching and peacefully protesting, though they were met with clubs, bottles, and water cannons. Charging them with conspiracy, Dees put the Klan on trial, resulting in a verdict that would level a deadly blow to its organization. Laurence Leamer is an award winning journalist and historian who has written fifteen books including five New York Times bestsellers. Why didn't I remember this event? Benjamin Franklin Cox, Jr. The story focuses on the two men who did the killing, the attorneys and George Wallace. Archived from the original on February 6, Of course, this award financially wiped out the organization--the Klan had nowhere near that sum. I will be sure to find some more of your work in the near future. Dees was and remains a flamboyant and controversial figure to many but there is little doubt that he showed incredible intellect and skill, as well as courage in going after the KKK and substantially weakening it. Recommend everyone and anyone read this book. I was interested, and kept reading nonetheless. However, it is not over, there have been changes but the organization still persists. A The Lynching The Epic Courtroom Battle That Brought down the Klan 1st edition member at my prior institution is quoted and had worked on the Nightline discussion of the case and some of the commemorative activities depicted in photographs were things I followed. However, Leamer depicts him as the man who would stop at nothing to bring down the Klan, after seeing all its actions throughout the s and 70s. But the middle portion, the biggest The Lynching The Epic Courtroom Battle That Brought down the Klan 1st edition is a long digression into the development of Morris Dees as an unlikely champion of civil rights, and the bloody history of the civil rights movement in America: especially the racist Alabama. Details if other :. Nothing could illustrate this more than the "Where are they now" portion of the book that notes Jeff Sessions was a congressman who seemed to have suffered no long term ill effects form his involvement in the case juxtaposed by his now being elevated to Attorney General of the United States. The prosecutor announced his intention to retry the case for a third time. Interesting by itself, this part drags the pace of the book down, however. Brevard Hand sentenced him to life in prison. Henry Francis Hays November 10, — June 6, was convicted of capital murder. It is in three parts. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. In addition to telling a gripping and consequential story, Laurence Leamer chronicles the KKK and its activities in The Lynching The Epic Courtroom Battle That Brought down the Klan 1st edition second half the twentieth century, and illuminates its lingering effect on race relations in America today. The Associated Press reported that Hays was Alabama's first execution since for a white-on-black crime. On March 21, two members of the KKK took to the streets of Mobile, Alabama in search of a Black man to kill in retaliation for an all black jury acquiting a black man accused of killing a white police officer. NOOK Book. What follows is an act so depraved and horrible that it does not bear detailing here. For a better shopping experience, please upgrade now. The first part is about the lynching and subsequent criminal trial. Apr 17, Nandakishore Varma rated it liked it. The Lynching: The Epic Courtroom Battle That Brought Down the Klan

Retrieved July 24, Jun 07, Jean rated it it was amazing. Dec 21, Matt rated it really liked it Shelves: audiobook. Sign in to Purchase Instantly. Two: Lynchings have increased tremendously in India; and almost always, Muslims have been at the receiving end and the perpetrators, Hindu extremists. Masks required Mon-Sat 9ampm Sundays 11am-6pm. Does Leamer go too far? United Klans of America". I do hope that you find a judgment against me and everyone involved. Other editions. More than that, however, this trial set a precedent for legal strategy against other hate groups. Hardcoverpages. The murder, therefore, was the responsibility of the whole of the Klan: and they celebrated it by installing a "burning cross", the Klan's trademark calling card, on the lawns of the Mobile courthouse. Returning th narrative to the mids, Leamer discusses that Dees took the opportunity to approach Michael Donald's mother and agreed to take her case to civil court for wrongful death. A faculty member at my prior institution is quoted and had worked on the Nightline discussion of the case and some of the commemorative activities depicted in photographs were things I followed. It is listed under non-fiction, which supports that the horrors and battles found therein are at least mostly true. Clever Legal Strategy - but Will it Work? . View 2 comments. Jesse Jackson[6] who organized a protest march in the city and demanded answers from the police. While I have always been looking for an overarching book to explore the roots and depths of the Klan in America, Leamer has surely whet my appetite to learn a little more. Dec 27, YupIReadIt rated it it was amazing. Uh-oh, it looks like your Internet Explorer is out of date. Search eBooks. Arrested, charged, and convicted, Hays was sentenced to death—the first time in more than half a century that the state of Alabama sentenced a white man to death for killing a black man. Regardless of what we constantly hear in the news, the US has made significant progress in terms of race and justice. Enabling JavaScript in your browser will allow you to experience The Lynching The Epic Courtroom Battle That Brought down the Klan 1st edition the features of our site. And one could really not care any less about who he was sleeping with during the SPLC's takedown of the Klan. The Good Men Project. Mar 14, Lea Ann rated it really liked it. That The Lynching The Epic Courtroom Battle That Brought down the Klan 1st edition save the fact that this book is just terribly written and edited: clearly the author wasn't sure whose story he really wanted to tell, so he settled for Morris Dees. Johnson Publishing CompanyJuly 9, The two Klansmen found nineteen-year-old Michael Donald walking home alone. Lynching of Michael Donald

Even George Wallace, who infamously ran for president four times as a staunch segregationist and served four terms as Alabama governor, gets a fair shake. Hays' lawyer was willing to go forward with proceedings. I learned so very much! There are no discussion topics on this book yet. His play, Rose, was produced off Broadway last year. Two: Lynchings have Lynching is, without doubt, a hate crime - always. It does so much more than that because it recounts the fear the white supremacists caused and the struggles of the movement in the 's, thus putting the The Lynching The Epic Courtroom Battle That Brought down the Klan 1st edition in context. Lowering the Boom. The elder Hays was indicted for inciting the murder. Add to Wish List. I went to law school so the words "Epic Courtroom Battle" were sure to catch my eye. Rating details. Dees was and remains a flamboyant and controversial figure to many but there is little doubt that he showed incredible intellect and skill, as well as courage in going after the KKK and substantially weakening it. More importantly was the tremendous amount of research that the author covered in the re- telling of the events and the trial. I will be The Lynching The Epic Courtroom Battle That Brought down the Klan 1st edition to find some more of your work in the near future. Where Are They Now? Trivia About The Lynching: The Get A Copy. University of Illinois Press. Namespaces Article Talk. Dalits have been murdered for riding horses and growing moustaches! In a year when political campaigns are exploiting people's worst racial fears, this is an important book to read. A narrative as powerful as any novelist could imagine. Leamer also humanizes the various Klan members and segregationists in the book. This is a powerful book about a lynching in Mobile, Alabama that took place in and the trial that linked this crime to the United Klans of America. The scope of the book was too narrow and congratulatory for the realities of our era. The police released the suspects at the conclusion of their investigation. This book blew me away! He did nothing to provoke them. They were seeking to retaliate after a largely black jury could not reach a verdict in a trial involving a black man accused of the murder of a white man. Archived from the original on April 18, One perpetrator, Henry Hays, was executed by electric chair inwhile another, James Knowles, was sentenced to life in prison after pleading guilty and testifying against Hays. Open Preview See a Problem? Gold October 12, The audio version is well narrated. Justice for African-Americans - even in the imperfect form we have it today - was won through the effort a determined group of right-minded individuals. Preview — The Lynching by Laurence Leamer. In addition to telling a gripping and consequential story, Laurence Leamer chronicles the KKK and its activities in the second half the twentieth century, and illuminates its lingering effect on race relations in America today. His powerful story will resonate in the minds and hearts of anyone courageous enough to take the time and learn how Michael Donald became a lasting symbol of the fight for equality in Alabama. A Major Injustice. Perhaps the most compelling part of The Lynching is during the civil trial. This prevented the case from being dismissed before it could go to the jury. Beulah Mae Donald contacted national civil rights activist Rev. National Geographic. Yes, it reports the murder of an African-American teen in Mobile in the 's and how justice was finally accomplished and how that led to the demise of the Klan.

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