Maneerut Anulomsombat, Senior Associate – Investment Banking, The Quant Group.
[email protected] Maneerut is a Senior Associate Director at The Quant Group – Investment Banking, she graduated magna cum laude in Industrial Engineering from Chulalongkorn University and an MBA from Stanford University. May 2008 Smackdown - The Fight for Financial Hegemony Last night I switched on the cable and World Wrestling Championship was on. I’ve never really watched wrestling before but for the five minutes that I did, it seemed like the fight was between two greasy large muscular male slamming their heads at each other surrealistically and theatrically slapstick. Amidst this fight another large muscular male came out from backstage, jumped into the ring and dropped-kick one wrestler who fell off the stage then turned around and slammed the other wrestler while the referee bounced around the ring ineffectively. Apparently this is a common scene on “Smackdown”. I don’t know what it is exactly but this made me think about the fights for the hegemony in global deal-making between the three giants: Private Equity Funds (PE), Hedge Funds (HF), and Sovereign Wealth Funds (SWF). And while the authorities and senate banking committees don’t always wear striped black and white referee shirts, they seem to be bouncing around not quite certain what to do as well. And here's how the giants compare by size. The Asset Under Management (AUM) of PE by the end of year 2007 was around US$1.16 trillion. The AUM of SWFs rose from US$500 Million in 1990 to US$3.3 trillion in 2007, overshadowing the US$1.7 trillion of AUM thought to be managed by HFs in year 2007 (up from $490 billion in year 2000).