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GOV poHe RNMENT GAZETTE 4 : j J x it Published by Authority | Vol. LXI, No, 16 _ 2nd “MARCH, 1984 Price 30c.- \ iS General Notice149 of1984. Route: Shall be the same as in. the road service permit in- _ "ROAD MOTOR TRANSPORTATION ACT respect of the vehicle towing thetrailer. Na [CHAPTER 262] Nature of carriage: Products: of Bulawayo Bottlers and empty rt containers. used for the said products. “| Applications in Connexion with Road Service Permits Dorrington ‘Transport (Pvt.) Ltd. - G/l, 10 and 11/84. Three goods-vehicles. Load: 30000 kilo- grams each. - , Ll. IN terms of subsectio “4 of section. 7 of the Road Motor Route: Harare - Mutare. ’ Transportation Act [Ch ipter 262], notice is hereby given that. | Nature the applications. detaile inthe Schedule, for the issue or of carriage— - amendment of. road, se ice permits, have been received for (a) goods, wares and mer -handise of all kinds; the consideration of the Controller of Road Motor Trans-- (b) agricultural produce a requirements. - — ‘portation, © - 4 Any person wishing | object to any such application must G/2 and 5/84. Two goods-vehicles. Load: 30000 kilograms» lodge with the Contr lier of Road Motor ‘Transportation, each. : . P.O. Box, 8332,Causewa: Lo, , Route: Harare - Plumtree. (a) a notice, in writing, of his intention to object, so as to Nature of carriage— ae réach the Controller’s office not later than the 16th ' (a) building materials and _ March, ionad) requirements, and material . excavated from building sites; his objection the grounds therefor, ‘and on form R.M.T (b) goods, wares and merchandise ofall kinds. 24, together with| two copies thereof, so as to reach the _ Controller's =n later than the 6th April, 1984, . Gis and 4/84. Two goods-vehicles. Load: 30000 kilograms Any person. objectin -to an application for the issue or ! — + ae each. ‘amendment, of a road's rvice permit must confine his grounds Route: Harare ~ Beitbridge. of objection to matters) directly tearing on the considerations - teferred to in paragraph| (a), (b); (c), (), (©), or (f) of section Nature of carriage— - : ' 8 ofthe said Act. (a) building materials and requirements, and materials 44 . oe “R, N. TSOMONDO. excavated.from building sites;. - ~ 223-84, — Contfller of RoadMotor Transportation. ’ (b) goods, wares and merchandise of all kinds. ~ GI6 and 8/84, Two goods-vehicles, Load: 30000 kilograms ~MOTOR-OMNIBUS each. - z Amendment > ~|. Loe | Route: Harare - Nyamapanda. United Touring Company Ltd. Nature of carriage— : a01/84. Permit: 19008: Motor-omnibus. Passenger-capacity: (a) goods, wares and merchandise of all kinds; . (b) agricultural produce and requirements. Area: Throughout Zimbabwe. Three goods-vehicles, Load: 30008 kilo- Conditions— G/7, 9 and 12/84. - grams each. : . ‘{a) for private hire! es charter and for advertised or Route: Harare - Chirundu. _ . organized tours, vided. no stage-carriage service is , operated on any youte; Nature of carriage— oe " -(b) ali. operations commence within a 40-kilometre | (a) goods, wares and merchandiseofall kinds; . radius of the post! office,Masvingo. (b) agricultural produce and requirements. By: Deletion of thé existing condition (b) and the substitution of “all operations to commence within a 40-kilometre Insta-Haul Transport (Pvt.) Ltd.- ; _ radius ofHwange Safari Lodge.”. G/69 to 72 and 79 to 80/84, Six goods-vehicles. Load: | 30000 kilogramseach. -” GOODS-VEHICLES Area: Within an 80-kilometre radius of Gokwe, with access to Additionals Pooh all Grain Marketing Board and Cotton Marketing Board Zambezi Carriers (Pvt.)° td i. depots in the Midlands. areas and Aspindale. G/741/83.. Goods-ve ile. Load: 27000 kilograms. Nature of catriage— - Route: Plumtree - Victotit Falls. (a). goods, wares ‘and merchandise of all kinds; Nature of carriage:|Go s, wares and mercharidise of all kinds. (b) agricultural produce and requirements. Zimbabwe United Frei t Company Ltd. (Bulwark Division). gis Sto 78/84. Six goods vehicles. Load: 30000, kilograms . G/840/83.. Draw-bar iler. Load: 5 000 kilograms. each. <- “ 164 ZIMBABWEAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 2ND Manes,31984 " Area: Within an 80-kilometre radius of Gokwe with access to General Notice 150°of 1984. all Grain and Cotton Marketing Board depots in the ‘Mashonaland West areas and Aspindale. ZIMBABWE STOCK. EXCHANGE ACT (CHAPTER 198] Nature of carriage— {a) goods, wares and merchandise ofall kinds; Cancellation of Registration of a Stockbroker ( by. agricultural produce and requirements, E, Tenda. “ IT is hereby notified that the Registrar of the Stock Exchange- G/98'84. Goods-vehicle, Load: 30 000 kilograms. has, at the request of Walter Henry Peter Paxton Rawson, in Route: Harare - Chirundu. terms of paragraph (a) of subsection (3) of section 33 of the Zimbabwe Stock Exchange Act [Chapter 198], cancelled the Nature of: carriage— ‘ registration of the said Walter Henry Peter Paxton Rawson, - (a) goods, wares and merchandise of all kinds; with effect from the 8th February, 4984. (b) argicultural produce and requirements. A.J, NDUNA, 2-3-84, Registrar of the Stock Exchange. G/99/84. Goods-vehicle. Load: 30 000 kilograms. Route: Harare - Plumtree. General Notice 151 of 1984. Nature of carriage— (a) goods, wares and merchandise of all kinds; ZIMBABWE STOCK EXCHANGE ACT [CHAPTER 1983 (b) agricultural produce and requirements. Cancellation of Registration. of a Stockbroker _HIRE-CAR . | oo Additional Nissan Zimbabwe (Pvt).Ltd. trading as Mana Pools Safaris. IT is hereby notified that the Registrar of the Stock HC/1/84. Hire-car. Passenger-capacity: 7. Exchange has, at the request of Jeffrey HughEdwards, in Area: Mana Pools Safari Camp and National Park. terms of paragraph (a) of subsection (3) of section 33 of the Zimbabwe Stock Exchange Act [Chapter 198], cancelled the -TAXI-CABS registration of the said Jeffrey Hugh Edwards, with effect from the 8th February, 1984. " Additionals , A.J. NDUNA, M. Mabhena. 2-3-84, Registrarof the StockExchange. TX/34 and 235/83. Twotaxi-cabs. Passenger-capacity: 3. Area: Within a 40-kilometre Padiusof the General Post Office, Bulawayo. General Notice 152 of 1984. - Condition: The vehicle to stand for hire at any authorized taxi- INCOME TAX ACT [CHAPTER 181J rank within the jurisdiction of the Municipality of Bulawayo. R. Nhamo. | Exemption from Non-residents’ Tax ‘on Interest.. TX/233/83. Taxi-cab. Passenger-capacity: 4 Area: Within a 40-kilometre radiusof the post office, Wankie. Condition: The vehicle to stand. for hire at the Baobab Hotel, THE Minister.of Finance,“Bconomic Planningand Develop- . Wankie. Ve ment, in terms of subparagraph (iv): of subparagraph (a) of subparagraph (1) of paragraph 1 of the Sixteenth Schedule to _M.Sibanda. the IncomeTax:Act [Chapter 181], hereby specifies that the TX/7 and 8/84. Two taxi-cabs. Passenger-capacity: 4 each. interest payable by the borrowers. specified in the first column Area: Within a 40-kilometre radius of the General Bost Office, of the Schedule on the loans provided for by the loan . Bulawayo. agreements entered into between the said borrowers and the organizations specified in the second column of the Schedule Condition: The vehicle to stand-for hire at any authorized on the dates spetified opposite thereto in the third: column of (pxtrank within the. jurisdiction of the Bulawayo City the Schedule, is exempt from non-residents’ tax on interest. ounci .Scuepure G.Pindeni. ’ Date of TX/15'84, Taxi-cab. Passenger-capacity: 4. Borrower “Lender agreement Area: Within a 40-kilometre radius of the post office, Masvingo. Electricity Supply - Industrie Electriche diLegnana .. 20.10.80 Condition: The vehicle to ‘stand for hire at Mucheke bus- Commisson. ‘ Maschinefabrik Augsburg Nuernberg and : / terminus and the town.centre, Masvingo. : Duetsche Bank J. 19.10.80 Standard Chartered Merchant Bank 6.3.81 TRANSFERS. -Duetsche Bank... 2. wy ee) 15.3. 81. “Marshie Motorways (Pvt.) Ltd. Ansaldo spa 27.5.81 - ‘Societe Generale 4.6.81 0/434 and 435/83. Permits: 25259 and 25240. Two motor- Consortium ofBanks with Lazards Brothers : omnibuses. as Agent . - + tee) 6.) 6228.10.82 By: ‘Transfer of the Permits fromPamberi Bus Services (Pvt.} ‘ European Investment Bank eee ee 16.12.82 * fd. : Commonwealth Development Corporation . 4.2.83 Le International Bank for Reconstruction and Mangula Transport and Sales (Pvt,) Lid. Development wo. 9.2.83 G/760/83. Permit: 21462. Goods-vehicle. National Railways, : Manufacturers Hanover Limited . 19.12.80 By: Transfer of the permit from Cotisolidated Transport ofZimbabwe - © Barclays Bank International -. 2’. 7: 23.7.81 Services (Pvt.) Ltd. nf : _ - Kuwait Fund for ARAB Economic ‘Deve- : Jopment . coe «oe - se) 25.7.81. Mashonaland Holdings Ltd.. ‘ British Government . >. (31.7.81° « G/807 and 808/83. Permits: 21463 and 21465. Two goods- _Zentralesparkasse and Kommerzial Bank - 18.8.81 vehicles. Banque du Benelux. 9.9,81 Grindlay Brandits . 11.9.81 ’ By: Transfer of the permits from Consolidated ‘Transport _Kreditanstalt fur Wiederaufbau . 17.9.81 Services (Pvt.) Ltd. ’. Kreditanstalt fur Wiederaufban . »« 1827.81 Credit Nationale and Banque Francaise du M, Mabhena. Commerce Exterieur. 8.1.82 -TX/9/84. Permit: 25044. Taxi-cab. Kuwait Fond for ARAB’ EconomieDeve- . By: Transfer of the permit from A. Ncube. lopment . : 8.3.82 - Export Development Corporation 11.3.82 W. Chihombori. _ Lloyds Bank and Exim Bank . » . 25.3.82 Credit Nationale oe -.° 30.6,82 TX/18/84. Permit: 22566. Taxi-cab. Banque Francaise du Commerce.Exterieur . By: Transferof the permit owesS. Machiya. ‘and Societe Generafe - (30.6.82 . i ZIMBABWEAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 2ND Marcu, 1984°—(. 165 | . Date of (b) in terms of subsection (2) of that section, declared that Borrower Lender | / agreement- _ publication to be prohibited, ", Air Zimbabwe. - Manofacturers Hanover Limited. 18.11.80 G. J. KINGMA, ” ~ Deutsche|Lufthansa A.G. ; 2.12.81 ‘ . - Chairman, StandardBank , . 4. 8.1.82 . 2-3-84, “ Board of ‘Censors. Dairy Marketing . Amsterdam/Rotterdam Bank . 2 oe +) 8.40.82 mo .