14 May 2009

week 20

Clips on the Net How RTL Group’s video portals add value

Luxembourg Belgium RTL Group remains member of How RTL Belgium covers the FTSE4Good index the 2009 elections

Greece France Change on Alpha Media Group’s Un dîner presque parfait management team at newsstands week

COVER: Montage with RTL Group’s video-clip portals

2 week 20 the RTL Group intranet

“Advertisers need reliable environments” In addition to various catch-up TV services, RTL Group companies also operate video portals, which now offer professional content as well as user-generated content, thereby making them easier to market. Clipfish.de Luxembourg - 14 May 2009

Unlike catch-up services, video-clip portals were designed as interactive portals that users can get involved in. The idea is that they should be able to upload, view and share free short videos (no longer than five or ten minutes) using a PC or mobile device. In addition, they can comment on uploaded videos, save them as favourites or integrate them in their own sites. Channels help users to create a library or video diary of sorts.

In 2006, the video portal Clipfish.de went online in – a portal modelled on the Mathias Blüm huge audience success of YouTube and Mathias Blüm, Managing Director of specifically aimed at German-speaking users. Clipfish.de, confirms this trend: “At Clipfish our As well as content related to RTL Television users have increasingly accessed professio- programming, the portal also highlighted clips nally produced video content since the summer produced by the users themselves and laun- 2008 relaunch. Highlight clips such as ched a number of casting and talent competi- Deutschland sucht den Superstar (), tions, for example for the popular daily soap Ich bin ein Star – Holt mich hier raus (I’m A Gute Zeiten – Schlechte Zeiten. The strategy Celebrity – Get Me Out Of Here) and has since changed: “I believe that interest in Das Supertalent (Got Talent), which apart from user-generated content is already past its RTL.de are only available on Clipfish.de, are peak,” says Marc Schröder, Managing Director among the most successful formats on German of RTL Interactive. “The trend is towards more TV and Internet.” Thus, an environment suitable quality. People want professionally produced for successful marketing has been created. video content rather than user-generated “Advertisers want to present their brands in content.” reliable environments,” says Blüm. “Our strong premium content, in combination with the over 11,000 music videos from our partners Universal, Sony, Edel/Kontor and Ministry Of Sound, plus premium content from over 130 channel partners with high-quality videos, has 3 week 20 the RTL Group intranet

been the calling card of Clipfish.de for the past year. The download figures for these videos now account for up to 40 per cent of total views on Clipfish.de,” says Blüm. The biggest diffe- rence to the RTLnow.de catch-up service is that Clipfish offers highlight clips, video clips and additional videos, while entire programmes can be viewed at RTLnow – just as they were previously broadcast on television.

Tom Weber The Youmake.tv portal, operated by RTL Lëtzebuerg in Luxembourg and RTL Digital in Belgium, has taken the approach of offering professionally produced content in conjunction with user-generated content from the begin- ning. “Youmake.tv came about because we decided that Luxembourg content was going under on the big video platforms – simply because of the sheer number of clips,” Paul Mudter says Tom Weber, Station Manager at

Paul Mudter, Head of Interactive at IP Deutschland, adds: “Professional content Viewers ask – Chancellor Merkel plays a crucial role in marketing. It offers users answers a greater variety of interesting content without On Sunday 17 May at 21:45, RTL restricting user activity – the community ‘feel’ Television kicks off Germany’s 2009 elec- remains intact.” According to Mudter, a univer- tion year with the Townhall Meeting pro- sal standard is required to properly market gramme Zuschauer fragen – video advertising. “The necessity of a common Bundeskanzlerin Merkel antwortet standard for video views is well known and is (Viewers ask – Chancellor Merkel ans- being pushed for by the salient organs. The aim wers). Four months before the general is to set up guidelines for standards of measu- elections, the Christian Democratic rement in video advertising. One reason is that Union’s top candidate for the first time the market currently presents a very inconsis- fields the questions of a studio audience. tent picture when it comes to measuring Video The channel is additionally drawing on the Views. There are no clear rules, not even in the video platform Clipfish by inviting its users definition of a Video View, so there is a clear to upload videos of themselves asking a and urgent need for action here.” question. With a bit of luck, their question will be selected and presented to the chancellor. The show, co-produced by RTL Television and Spiegel TV, will be moderated by Maria Gresz and RTL’s editor-in-chief, Peter Kloeppel.

4 week 20 the RTL Group intranet

Sony Pictures, TFM Distribution and Universal France. Although only 22 per cent of the videos currently posted on Wideo.fr were professional- ly produced, they generate fully half of all monthly video views.

Advertising on Wideo.fr consists mainly of ‘pre-rolls’, ads that run before the actual video clip. Right now, there is a major campaign to promote the launch of the X-Box game Lips, which also sponsors the show Nouvelle Star. The game is advertised with a clickable pre-roll in videos on the Nouvelle Star channel. In a single month the campaign generated roughly a million contacts and a 3.28 per cent click-through rate. According to AdTech, the average click-through rate for video ads in RTL Lëtzebuerg. “Based on our long-standing France is 1.93 per cent. and close cooperation with our colleagues in Belgium, we proposed that we should develop Tuclip.com is the video platform operated by and operate the system together.” Youmake.tv Grupo Antena 3. It was created in 2007 and pri- is used as a platform by both countries. The marily designed for user-generated content. version displayed depends on the user’s IP Antena 3 set up a special technical system address. Klub 100 from Russia has also begun which allows each editorial team to receive to use the platform and has its own channel. breaking-news videos from users, place them on the Internet platform and then select those RTL Télé Lëtzebuerg uses the platform mainly which are ultimately broadcast on television. as a marketing tool – for example, for the Tuclip.com thus goes beyond the idea of Luxembourg talent show Wanns de eppes Internet-based content distribution: videos are kanns or most recently for the Télévie fundrai- sent in by viewers who can decide which chan- ser. Youmake.tv also serves as a technical nel they want their videos to appear on. backdrop for easily integrating videos into the channel’s website at RTL.lu. “Youmake.tv is Antena 3 Noticias, Espejo Público, also the official video platform of the Grand- Buenafuente, En Antena and 7 Dias, and 7 Duchy of Luxembourg,” says Weber. “For Noches were the first programmes to have a example, the Luxembourg police operate their permanent slot devoted to broadcasting videos own channel on the portal to draw public atten- received via Tuclip.com. tion to breaking issues.”

The French community Wideo.fr caters primari- ly to young audiences aged 35 and under. Accordingly, its range of professional content is tailored to this demographic. Last year’s rede- sign placed the emphasis on trailers for upco- ming blockbusters and video games. The Community is subdivided into ‘Humour’, ‘Movies’, ‘Music’, ‘Sport’ and ‘Video Games’ sections.

M6 makes professional content available to accompany a wide range of formats including Kaamelott, Caméra Café and Incroyable Talent – the latest addition is a channel tying in to Nouvelle Star, where viewers can watch reruns of the candidates’ performances. The M6 brand itself is not given prominent placement, however. Wideo.fr also has partner channels in cooperation with such companies as Paramount France, , Warner Music, Youmake.tv in the Klub 100 edition 5 week 20 the RTL Group intranet

Change on Alpha Media Group’s management team On Thursday, RTL Group, Dimitris Contominas and Alpha Media Group announced that Christoph Mainusch (46), currently Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of RTL Televizija in Croatia, has been appointed the new CEO of Alpha Media Group, effective September 2009. Christoph Mainusch Greece - 14 May 2009

Mainusch will succeed Rick Spinner (67) who Dimitris Contominas, Chairman of the Board of has served as CEO of the Greek company Directors of Alpha Media Group, said: “I want since RTL Group acquired a 66.6 per cent to thank Rick Spinner for the excellent job he majority stake in it in December 2008. Spinner has done, especially in terms of programming. will return to working for RTL Group in a Christoph Mainusch can build on these good consultative capacity. results of the efforts launched in recent months. I am looking forward to continuing the coope- Christoph Mainusch has sat on the Alpha ration with RTL Group.” Media Group Board of Directors since December 2008 and will remain on the Board in Christoph Mainusch, born in Münster his new capacity. Christoph Mainusch’s (Germany) in 1962, has served as Chief successor as CEO of RTL Televizija will be Executive Officer of RTL Televizija in Croatia announced in due course. since 2004. Under Mainusch’s leadership, RTL Televizija reached break-even and became Gerhard Zeiler, CEO of RTL Group, said: the market leader in the key 18 to 49 target “RTL Group is grateful to Rick Spinner for group in 2006, its second full year of operations taking over the management of our newly following its launch on 30 April 2004. RTL acquired subsidiary Alpha Media Group in a Televizija’s audience success is based on a mix very tough economic environment and quickly of international formats such as Big Brother laying the foundation for a positive strategic and Idols, US series and movies and locally realignment. Rick immediately initiated a com- developed news programmes and entertain- prehensive business review and has success- ment shows. fully begun the process of repositioning Alpha TV as a general-interest channel catering for Mainusch studied Economics before starting younger audiences.” his career as a freelance for Bayerischer Rundfunk, Bavaria’s public broadcaster. In Zeiler continued: “In the past five years, 1990, he was hired as Executive Assistant to Christoph developed RTL Televizija from the Programme Director of the German com- scratch into Croatia’s leading commercial mercial channel Sat 1. From 1991 to 1992, he broadcaster. He has a proven track record served as Head of Acquisitions and Deputy when it comes to introducing innovative for- Programme Director at Tele 5 before joining mats and new ways of scheduling in a highly RTL II as Programme Director (1992 to 1995). competitive market, and is an expert at combi- He was CEO of ACS Media from 1996 to 2004. ning audience success with sustainable finan- cial results.”

6 week 20 the RTL Group intranet

Valued as a responsible company On Thursday 7 May, RTL Group was notified that the company remains a member of the FTSE4Good Index, the responsible investment index by FTSE Group. Luxembourg - 12 May 2009

In his letter to RTL Group, Will Oulton, Director of Responsible Investment, FTSE Group wrote: “Global investors are increasingly concerned with the management of environmental and social risks in their portfolios. As a member of the FTSE4Good index, your company is demonstrating that you have the policies and management systems in place to help address these risks. Congratulations, once again, on your continued inclusion in the FTSE4Good Index Series.”

Since 2005, RTL Group has been a member of the FTSE4Good Index, evidence of its consis- tent commitment to sustainability. Created by the independent financial index company FTSE Group, FTSE4Good is a financial index series that is designed to identify and facilitate investment in companies that meet globally recognised corporate responsibility standards.

Companies in the FTSE4Good Index Series are doing more to manage their social, ethical and environmental impacts, and are better positio- ned to capitalise on the benefits of responsible business practice.

7 week 20 the RTL Group intranet

Commercial broadcasters take action In the lead-up to the 7th European Parliament elections, commercial broadcasters from all over Europe take action with a large-scale campaign to raise awareness Belgium - 13 May 2009

The campaign entitled “European Elections – The TV spots, designed to be tailored to It’s your Choice” will run up until and during the specific national concerns, deal with important elections, which will be held in the 27 Member issues that concern all European citizens, such States between 4 and 7 June 2009. as energy, security, transport and food safet. By running this trans-national campaign, the For thirty years, the elections have been the European Parliament aims to raise awareness largest European democratic exercise, with about the upcoming elections and gives every 375 million citizens called on this year to elect citizen the chance to take an active part in the 736 Members of the European Parliament. EU. Commercial broadcasters recognise their crucial role as mass media reaching out to Ross Biggam, Director General of the millions of citizens and agreed to broadcast, Association of Commercial Television in Europe free of charge, the TV spots produced by the (ACT), said: “Many commercial broadcasters European Parliament, and to inform their are actively encouraging citizens to vote. A viewers by running special reports on EU number of our member companies have agreed issues adapted for national markets. to air the European Parliament advertisement, while many others are engaged in national Anne-Margrete Wachtmeister, Head of the initiatives to encourage participation at the European Parliament’s Audiovisual Unit, European and other elections. In line with the comments: “The European Parliament various news channels and programmes run by welcomes the engagement of commercial our members, we have always demonstrated broadcasters in these elections. This powerful our engagement in the democratic political pro- collaboration will encourage EU citizens to vote cess and our objective of providing European and to realise their role by making their voice citizens with a reliable source of information.” heard. Having a European campaign broadcast all across Europe is a great experience and shows the support of commercial broadcasters in delivering a broader debate about Europe and engaging people to take part in society and to vote.”

8 week 20 the RTL Group intranet

Elections 2009 The editorial staff of RTL Belgium is setting up its special operations for TV, radio and the Internet to explain to audiences the ins and outs of the regional and European electoral campaigns. European flag Belgium - 14 May 2009

RTL Belgium is offering in-depth coverage of The highlight of the operations, the evening the major political event that will lead Belgians of the elections of 7 June, presented by and all Europeans to the polls on 7 June. Hakima Darhmouch and Pascal Vrebos, will be broadcast Together, RTL-TVI, Bel RTL and RTLinfo.be are simultaneously on RTL-TVI, Bel giving everyone the opportunity to express RTL and RTLinfo.be. The voices of themselves, whether they are leading lights in Bel RTL (Frédéric Cauderlier and Visit: politics or those who receive much less media his guests), fine connoisseurs of RTLinfo.be coverage. All topics, whether major issues or the world of politics, will decipher local ones, will be addressed. RTL Belgium’s the results as well as the editorial staff is driven by a concern to educate statements made by political figures the public, its objective being to help audiences in a very direct fashion. RTL Belgium understand the function and role of the different journalists will also be on hand wherever assemblies that will be created following the the situation requires: Grégory Willocq will June 7 vote. broadcast live from the RTL set in the Wallonian Parliament in Namur, Frédéric Delfosse will report live from the Parliament in Brussels and Serge Vermeiren will be on hand to dissect the results in Flanders from the VTM studios, to name just a few.

Hakima Darhmouch and Pascal Vrebos

9 week 20 the RTL Group intranet

Grand finale On Saturday 9 May Deutschland sucht den Superstar ended with the most-watched final show since 2006, from which Daniel Schuhmacher emerged as the winner. Daniel Schuhmacher Germany - 11 May 2009

The final show of Grundy Light Entertainment audience share of 23 per cent – tuned in for the produced Deutschland sucht den Superstar final motto show. The decision show was wat- (Idols) on Saturday evening on RTL Television ched by 6.18 million viewers aged 3 and over. was closer and more exciting than ever before. Its total audience share amounted to 34.9 per Daniel Schuhmacher is the German Idol of cent, or an impressive 43.4 per cent among 14- 2009. The heartthrob won 50.47 per cent of vie- to 49-year-olds. 3.89 million viewers aged 3 wer call-ins, prevailing over the pop diva Sarah and over tuned in for the subsequent Nacht der Kreuz, who scored 49.53 per cent of the phone Superstars, with Frauke Ludowig reporting votes. from the after-show party: a 32 per cent share of the total audience market, and 39.3 per cent Up to 7.3 million viewers watched the grand among young viewers. finale of the beloved show series. A strong 36.3 per cent of 14- to 49-year-old The single of the winning song Anything But viewers (3.53 million) and an average 6.08 Love will be available in stores from Friday 15 million viewers over the age of 3 – for a total May.

The finalists: Sarah Kreuz and Daniel Schuhmacher

10 week 20 the RTL Group intranet

Formula 1 on iPhones RTL Interactive has launched a free iPhone application for Formula 1 fans called RTL Pole Position. Germany - 8 May 2009

The service gives users the latest news, along with comprehensive information on teams, dri- vers and tracks. During the race a live ticker provides constant updates about what’s hap- pening on the track. In addition, there are extensive picture galleries and videos about Grand Prix racing, including race analysis from Formula 1 experts Christian Danner and Heiko Waßer. The Formula 1 site for iPhones and iPod Touch is easy to navigate using an innovative Coverflow navigation tool specially produced for the site, found at the bottom of the screen.

Robert Fahle, Head of Mobile, says: “RTL Pole Position keeps motorsport fans abreast of the latest developments even when they’re on the move. The new service, which includes a mobile video offering, will increase our reach by attracting even more mobile Internet users in the future through iPhone access. Besides, iPhone users are an attractive target group for our advertising partners.”

The video offering to accompany the new Formula 1 service will be further expanded over the next few weeks. Users can download the application via the Apple App Store or simply by clicking the App Store button on their iPhone. iPod Touch owners can also access the site via WLAN. For non-iPhone users, all relevant information about Formula 1 is available free on the RTL mobile portal. You can also find pure, in-depth Formula 1 on RTL.de – including comprehensive information on drivers and teams, news, background reports, picture galleries and live streams. Screenshots of RTL Pole Position

11 week 20 the RTL Group intranet

Un dîner presque parfait at newsstands Being an access prime time success since February 2008, Un Dîner presque parfait is now available as printed magazine. France - 11 May 2009

This 100-page quarterly in pocket format has press and to position itself in a strategic been available at newsstands since 13 May segment for M6 (women, cooking, decorating) 2009 for EUR 4.95 (80,000 copies) in single and enhance the synergy of the group. format and for EUR 8.95 including a DVD (35,000 copies). Airing every evening at 17:50, Un dîner presque parfait allows The magazine Un dîner presque M6 to be classified number one parfait continues the concept of in the early evening by drawing the show by offering, with each an average of 2.5 million issue, ten “all-inclusive” thematic viewers for an audience share of dinners (from a Provençal meal to 35 per cent of housewives under a medieval feast), which are 50 (Médiamétrie, in the period approached from three different from 5 January 2009 to 6 May aspects: decorating, cooking and 2009). ambiance. The book, launched in December This launch allows M6 Editions to confirm 2008 as a co-publication with Hachette the power of the “three in one” concept that Pratique is a huge success in bookshops, with made the show and the book a success in the more than 30,000 copies sold.

Viewers to shape future content A new monthly viewer panel will influence programme content and open up dialogue for every business area within FremantleMedia. United Kingdom - 13 May 2009

A new online panel called iCount, comprising The panel is run by FremantleMedia’s Research 3,000 people in the UK, is launching to help Department with input from Ipsos Mori. “Ipsos FremantleMedia regularly connect to its vie- Mori has a great reputation in market research wers. All panel members on iCount will be pol- internationally. This will be invaluable to us led for their thoughts. This includes tracking when we roll out the research worldwide to the key drama brands Neighbours and The Bill, as US, Australia and possibly to Germany at a well as other key formats, on a monthly basis. later stage. The success of the panel will also depend on all business units being proactive in Shailesh Patel, Head of FremantleMedia submitting ideas and questions and working Worldwide Research, explains “We will run a closely with our great team of researchers, survey each month to track our key formats but which includes Douglas Wood, Alison Pratley it will also allow us to add in different questions and Veronica Pottinen,” says Shailesh. on topics of our choice. Producers will be able to have instant feedback to changes they make to storylines or characters, or to test out a new idea.” 12 week 20 the RTL Group intranet

Lisa has that certain something Last Saturday’s big final show marked the end of season two of The X Factor in the Netherlands. 21-year-old Lisa from Utrecht prevailed over her co-competitors. Wendy van Dijk and Lisa (right) Netherlands - 12 May 2009

In all, 2.5 million viewers watched the results show – it drew 21.6 per cent of the target demographic of shoppers aged 20 to 49. Visit: Three candidates stepped up to Xfactor.nl the microphone last Saturday: Jamal in ‘Solo artists under 26 (male)’, coached by jury member Stacey Rookhuizen, Rachel in ‘Solo artists over 26’, coached by Angela Groothuizen, and Lisa in ‘Solo artists under 26 (female)’, who was coached by Gordon.

Jamal was the first to be eliminated from the gripping showdown, leaving it up to Lisa and Rachel to decide the contest between them. Angela Groothuizen, Rachel and Lisa (from left to right) Both presented their singles: Rachel sang What Hurts The Most, while Lisa performed Hallelujah. By the last 30 minutes of the show, it was clear that Lisa would be voted the winner of The X Factor 2009 by a wide margin. She now has a recording contract with Sony Music. The two female finalists’ singles have been available as downloads at Xfactor.nl since the end of the show – the physical single will be in stores by the end of the week.

13 week 20 the RTL Group intranet

Antena 3 reinvents itself Grupo Antena 3 implements its new ‘Antena 3.0’ strategy across all three channels and platforms. New iPhone applications will be released soon Spain - 11 May 2009

The launch of the new strategy reflects Antena 3’s new self-image – no longer just a TV broadcaster, it is now an integrated media company with a presence on all platforms: television, Internet and mobile. “We want to be where our audiences are,” explains Bernd Reichart, Managing Director for digital channels at Antena 3. “We are resolutely putting this principle into practice with Antena 3, and making our content available to viewers at all times using the new media and the possibilities they open up.”

In the area of TV, for instance, Antena3videos.com: Watch & Chat commercials will be synchronised, for example the same adverts will run course of the month a wide range of applica- simultaneously on all three channels – tions for iPhone will be released – including one Antena 3, Antena Neox and Antena Nova. based on Antena 3 Noticias, which delivers the Accordingly, airtime sales will be bundled for latest news to users. the three channels, making a new form of cross-promotion possible: the ‘Navegador 3.0’ As Antena 3.0 kicked off, the first episode of ticker lets viewers know what’s showing on the the brand-new fifth season of El Internado have other channels at the moment. been viewable on the Internet since Monday 11 May – a full 36 hours before it was on television. Online, some content will be made available 12 May marked the official starting date of even before it is broadcast to TVs. Antena 3 has Antena 3.0: the first episode of season five of El already set up premium websites for all of its Internado was broadcast simultaneously on popular formats, which contain the individual Antena 3, Antena Neox and Antena Nova from episodes as well as a wealth of additional 22:00 – albeit with slight differences. While material. Viewers can also use the ‘Watch & Antena 3 showed the ‘regular’ version of the Chat’ feature to view the latest episodes and episode, Antena Neox treated its viewers to a chat with other fans about them. Director’s Diary, which provided background information on the series, its cast and locations Antena 3’s new mobile portal makes all of the in small superimposed videos. Meanwhile, on content posted on the website available in a Antena Nova, postings from the ‘Watch & Chat’ format optimised for mobile devices. Over the feature were faded in during the programme.

14 week 20 the RTL Group intranet

A big hit Already more than 100 million programmes have been watched since the launch of the catch-up TV platform M6 Replay in March 2008. It also scored a new monthly record in April 2009: with 11 million viewings and 1.8 million Unique Visitors. France - 14 May 2009

Best of humour Recently, RTL Digital in Belgium launched a new website dedicated to humour and comedy: www.rtlcomedie.be Belgium - 8 May 2009

Joining forces with Magnum Media FremantleMedia announced a deal with entertainment format specialists Magnum Media to represent Magnum’s entire slate of formats globally. The deal is funded through FremantleMedia’s Talent Fund. United Kingdom - 8 May 2009

Talking ecology Airing last Sunday in prime time on M6, the information programme Capital on the subject “I consume green: dreams and pitfalls” drew 4.4 million viewers for a total audience share of 18.6 per cent. France - 12 May 2009

Partner of Millennium M6 will be the exclusive free-to-air television broadcaster for the Millennium saga, the adapation of the Swedish bestseller by Stieg Larsson and a true literary phenomenon in 2008. France - 13 May 2009

Countdown to the Com.mit Award 2009 100 applications for the sought-after workshop at the RTL School of Journalism received by the end of April – three times as many as the year before – were culled down to just seven projects. The ten pupils behind these projects travelled from all over Germany to Cologne last weekend for a two-day intensive introduction to the basics of TV journalism. Germany - 14 May 2009 15 week 20 the RTL Group intranet

People FremantleMedia’s Rob Clark appointed President of Worldwide Entertainment United Kingdom - 12 May 2009

FremantleMedia CEO Tony Cohen has announ- ced the appointment of Rob Clark as President of Worldwide Entertainment.

In his pivotal international role, Rob Clark will continue to oversee the global roll-out of all FremantleMedia’s developed and acquired non-scripted formats. His responsibilities also include the acquisition of third party entertain- ment formats and the coordination of FremantleMedia’s global entertainment deve- lopment network.

“Rob has played a significant part in turning FremantleMedia into the leading global produc- tion and distribution company that it is today,” says Tony Cohen “Since he joined our Worldwide Entertainment division in 2003, Rob has managed a number of the company’s most successful global roll outs including Got Talent, The X Factor and Hole In The Wall as well as Rob Clark the continued success and roll out of the Idols franchise. With the support of his talented team, Rob has done a terrific job in helping our network of production companies bring inspiring entertainment to dozens of countries around the world.”

Rob Clark is a highly experienced producer, programme creator and writer across prime time, entertainment, reality and comedy gen- res. He has extensive experience in the UK television industry having previously been Head of Entertainment for Scottish Media Group and Princess Productions as well as Executive and Senior Producer for London Weekend Television, Carlton, HatTrick and Celador. During his career, Rob has worked on many iconic and leading series including Don’t Try This At Home, Surprise Surprise, Popstars, Man O Man, The Likely Lads, Wheel of Fortune, Big Talent Show, Supermarket Sweep, Blind Date, and Beadles About. He also co-wrote and created the sitcom Barbara.

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