PRESS GUIDE ALL RUNNERS ARE BEAUTIFUL MATTONI KARLOVY VARY HALF MARATHON 19 MAY 2018 ENG MATTONI KARLOVY VARY HALF MARATHON MEDIA INFORMATION Dear Sports Friends, Welcome to the 6th edition of the Mattoni Karlovy Vary Half Marathon! The Press Guide, which you are holding in your hands, contains basic information for journalists about the Mattoni Karlovy Vary Half Marathon. You will also find a short introduction of elite athletes including intermediate times leading to breaking records. We hope you find everything you need to cover this year’s event, but please do not hesitate to ask anyone on the Press Team, if you need anything else. THE PRESS TEAM The Press Team is based at the Spa Hotel Thermal. Tadeáš Mahel PR & Media 725 974 749
[email protected] Milan Janoušek PR & Media 776 712 665
[email protected] Diana Rybachenko International Media and Guests 777 746 801
[email protected] James Moberly International Media 737 186 997
[email protected] PRESS CENTER The Press Center is a place where media representatives can pick up their credentials. Also, they will find there the latest information about the race, wireless Internet access, live results and live race broadcasting. Friday – Saturday (race day) Red lounge 2 Spa Hotel Thermal, 1st floor I. P. Pavlova 11 Karlovy Vary Opening hours: Friday May 18th 11:00 a.m. – 8:30 p.m. Spa Hotel Thermal, Red lounge 2 Saturday May 19th 8:30 a.m. – 11:00 p.m. Spa Hotel Thermal, Red lounge 2 2 PRESS GUIDE MEDIA CAR Take advantage of an opportunity to ride in a special car which will drive ahead of the elite runners throughout the race! • Unique experience • Unrivaled photographs • Live coverage from the course Reserve space in the car at the Press Centre or by calling Tadeáš Mahel at tel: +420 725 974 749.