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Play It Safe Play It Safe Little League ® Baseball & Softball A practical approach to leadership responsibility in an effective Little League Safety Program Play It Safe FOREWORD CONTENTS As a spirited action program of established benefit to chil- dren, the movement of Little League Baseball is well known to the public and is identified with the highest standards of Play it Safe........................................................4.1 integrity and ethical practices consistent with the physical and emotional well-being of youngsters. Safety is a Responsibility .................................4.1 One of the important responsibilities of adults who come forward voluntarily to help is to project Little League sensibly and safely for the ultimate enjoyment of the many Defining Terms.................................................4.2 thousands of children who come into the local ranks each year. It is hoped that this book will contribute to better under- Structure of a Sound Program ..........................4.2 standing, and appreciation of the continuing necessity for making Little League a safe, wholesome activity. It is Administration..................................................4.3 tailored for a wide range of interest — local league person- nel, the parent and all segments of the community which share a common objective of improving the safety factor in Organization .....................................................4.4 all sports. District Safety Officer ......................................4.5 Copyrighted 1998 by Little League Baseball®, Incorporated R Williamsport, Pennsylvania C E RPIS1 LeagueCO Safety Officer.......................................4.6 T OU Controls areU Essential.......................................4.7 C R A R Exposure to UnsafeA Practices...........................4.9 R A G Hazards in Travel To and From Field .............4.13 A G E H Making Use of AccidentE Reporting.................4.15 C First Aid...........................................................4.16 Public Liability ................................................4.16 Accident Insurance Coverage..........................4.18 ¨ Safety Code for Little League ........................4.19 L O Y A L T Y Play It Safe PLAY IT SAFE The purpose of “Play It Safe” is to provide EDUCATION refers to the important matter of information and counsel to Little League per- including suitable safety precautions in instruc- sonnel on carrying out basic safety policies, tions, training, communications, drill work and and making Little League a safer and more follow-up. enjoyable activity. EQUIPMENT applies to the safe upkeep and Those who are engaged in Little League use of physical property, fields, personal protective administration and management should equipment, bleachers, bats, balls, etc. have an understanding of how fundamen- ENTHUSIASM is the key to selling this impor- tals of safety can be applied to various tant ingredient called safety, which can prevent assignments in the organization. painful and disabling accidents. Safety practices should become routine discipline ENFORCEMENT should be applied more as an incen- and a background reason for all activities. In tive for skillful ball playing rather than as disciplinary short, become “safety-minded.” action. Far better results can be obtained by praise and The four cornerstones for building an recognition than by forcing players into line. Tactful effective safety program, known as the four guidance must be backed by firmness and justly used “E’s” of safety, may be described as follows: discipline. SAFETY IS A RESPONSIBILITY In order to understand the reasons for a Safety Program, we Safety Responsibility should look at why Little League has been so successful. The very fact that it is a basic principle of Little League to provide an opportunity for most of the youngsters who sign up Little League Policy for a team to receive these benefits, multiplies the exposure to One of the reasons for Little Leagues’ wide acceptance and accidental injury. Having accepted this large group of partly phenomenal growth is that it fills an important need in our free developed fledglings, we must also accept the moral responsi- society. As our program expands, it takes, more and more, a bility for their safety. This obligation rests with every adult major part in the development of young people. It instills con- member of the league organization as well as with inactive par- fidence and an understanding of fair play and the rights of ents who have entrusted their children to us. other people. Many of the younger children who develop slower than oth- Other Reasons ers are given an opportunity not only to develop their playing In addition to our basic moral responsibility, other skill but to learn what competition and sportsmanship are all significant reasons for an organized effort to prevent about. All who take part in the program are encouraged to accidents are to: develop a high moral code along with their improvement in 1. Stimulate public confidence in this high caliber physical skills and coordination. These high aims of Little youth program. League are more for the benefit of the great majority of chil- dren rather than the few who would otherwise come to the top 2. Hold insurance costs to a minimum. in any competitive athletic endeavor. 3. Reassure parents as to the safety of their children. 4. Develop safety-mindedness for their protection in later life. November 1997 4.3 Play It Safe DEFINING TERMS To clarify the meaning of these guidelines, we are defining 7. INSURANCE CLAIM refers to the right of a parent, as use of the terms essential to an understanding of a basic in the case of accident insurance to have eligible medical accident-prevention program in Little League Baseball. expenses resulting from an accidental injury connected They are as follows: with a game or scheduled practice paid by the appropri- 1. ACCIDENT is a sudden, undesirable and unplanned ate insurance company occurrence often resulting in bodily injury, disability 8. TYPE OF ACCIDENT is a phrase used to describe an and/or property damage. unintentional, sudden incident that can be identified so 2. ACCIDENT CAUSE is an unsafe condition, situation effective counter measures may be taken. or act that may result directly in or contribute to the Examples are: struck by, tripped, fell, collision with, occurrence of an accident. caught between, etc. 3. CORRECTIVE ACTION is the positive steps or mea- 9. AN UNSAFE ACT refers to unintentional human fail- sures taken to eliminate, or at least minimize, an ure or lack of skill that can lead to an accident. It is one accident cause. of the two general accident causes, the other being an unsafe condition. 4. CASE is used in the general sense, such as: accident case, injury case, claim case or insurance case. 10. AN UNSAFE CONDITION is an abnormal or faulty situation or condition which may cause an accident. Its 5. HAZARD refers to a condition or a situation that could presence, particularly when an unsafe act is committed, cause an accident. may result in an accident. 6. INJURY is the physical harm or damage often resulting from an accident. STRUCTURE OF A SOUND PROGRAM It is a recognized that the area personnel and commodity available only to those organizations which facilities available for the operation of a Little have a real desire to make it a part of their activities. League will dictate the structure of an effec- It must be understood that although your safety pro- tive safety program. These safety gram is designed to cover all personnel and all activities guidelines are presented as a goal toward in the operation of your Little League, its scope does which the adults who administer a league not supersede any existing lines of authority. We can work. The effectiveness of their efforts expect everyone to become “safety-minded” and to prevent accidents will be measured more by be guided by safety considerations, but not their sincerity of purpose than by the amount of attempt to change the structure of the Little money and preponderance of volunteer effort at their dis- League Organization. posal. Effective accident prevention is a 4.4 November 19961997 Play It Safe ADMINISTRATION Responsibility Basic Factors The administration of an effective safety program is the To minimize accidents, particularly during the initial responsibility of all who operate the Little League system on learning period, instruction in the basic skills should be all levels. The inexperience and dependence of young chil- approached gradually. This applies particularly to fundamen- dren on adult guidance make it imperative that all levels of tals such as running, ball handling, batting and sliding which authority make safety an integral part of their behavior, trans- produce the majority of accidents. action of league affairs and instructions to the players. A second basic factor very important to the safe develop- ment and continuing use of baseball skills is the under- Point of View standing and practice of teamwork and good sportsmanship. Everyone’s approach to the problem of accident prevention These intangibles have a direct bearing on accidents involv- must be from a positive point of view if it is to be effective. ing another person and can be made a part of the game by the We should be concerned primarily with controlling the causes following: of accidents which can be eliminated without taking any 1. A courteous and considerate attitude by adults. They action, speed or competition out of the game. An attitude of must set a good example. alertness, hustle and enthusiasm without antagonism should 2. Many of the players will need to be instructed in cooper- be encouraged. Good equipment and proper instruction more ation between teammates and good sportsmanship than outweigh the risk of injury. A lively spirit of competi- toward opponents. tion engenders that extra effort needed for development of skills. November 1997November 1997 4.5 Play It Safe ORGANIZATION Little League Headquarters Regional Centers District District Administrator Safety Officer Meetings and contacts with League Safety Officers to establish policy of: 1. Safe playing conditions. Maintain continuing emphasis on accident 2.
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