A Meeting was held on Thursday 15th April 2021 via Zoom at 7.30pm

Present: PCllr B Whittaker, PCllr P Bullock, PCllr T Fry, PCllr B Blackall, PCllr S Beaumont, PCllr B Cooksley, PCllr J Miller, P/UCllr Hares, Mrs G Wiggs (Clerk), 5 members of the public.

1. To receive apologies for absence PCllr Lovell.

2. To receive declarations from members in relation to any new Pecuniary Interests As a member of the CBC Development Management Committee, P/UCllr Hares will not take part in any planning matters.

PCllr Bullock has already declared a personal interest relating to the planning application for 3 Rectory Lane as he is a close personal friend of the applicant.

3. Co-option of new member It was RESOLVED to co-opt Anthony Mullin who joined the meeting.

4. To confirm the minutes of the last meeting. These were approved.

5. Clerk’s report and reports upon matters from the last meeting Verge parking – The Clerk had circulated the email from Trading Standards that suggested any verge parking could be reported to Highways who have the legal power to enforce removal if they so choose. P/UCllr Hares has spoken to the Parking Enforcement Team at CBC who explained that they can only carry out enforcement action against vehicles that are illegally parked in areas where there are parking restrictions, such as yellow lines. However, if they get regular reports of cars blocking footpaths they will endeavour to come out.

6. Correspondence Resident – update on ditch issues adjacent the Sports Field, first reported in 2019 (emailed 15/3/21) CBC – Temporary Road Closure Rd for drainage investigations & carriageway reconstruction, dates changed to 22/4/21 – 28/4/21 (emailed 17/3/21) L&Q Estates – update on pedestrian footpath link to school village 3 (emailed 17/3/21) Resident – query about commemorative bench (emailed 18/3/21) Resident – bus shelter is impeding access to water meter (emailed 19/3/21 & reply 30/3/21) CBC – Local Plan modifications (emailed 19/3/21) Resident – copy of email to requesting picnic bench in Conquest Wood (emailed 22/3/21) All Saints church – request for storage (emailed 22/3/21) CBC – Street Trading application for Cakes & Canapes (emailed 23/3/21) Resident – query about Parish Council response to CB/20/04162/LDCE, Field Farm (emailed 24/3/21) Resident – Information about land being sold in Mill Lane (emailed 25/3/21) Resident – query about litter picking (emailed 25/3/21) The Clerk reported that this resident & her family are now carrying out voluntary litter picking near their home on Greenlakes. They have been provided with equipment & the Risk Assessment. CBC – Footpath diversion Houghton Conquest: footpath no 10 and Haynes: part of footpath no 10 public path diversion order 2021 (emailed 31/3/21) East West Rail - consultation (emailed 1/4/21 & 14/4/21) Resident – report of broken play equipment (emailed 6/4/21) Resident – copy of comments made on Planning application for 3 Rectory Lane (emailed 6/4/21) Resident – query about location of static gym equipment & container (emailed 6/4/21) Police – crime stats (emailed 6/4/21) Resident – query about shops in the village (emailed 6/4/21) Resident – query about boundary in Rectory Lane (emailed 7/4/21). Wixams newsletter – invitation to submit articles (emailed 8/4/21). The Clerk explained that this newsletter covers several Parishes that span the Wixams. All the other Parishes contribute regular articles. Houghton Conquest already has approximately 300 residents which is growing very quickly at the moment. PCllr Bullock explained that the Houghton Conquest Parish newsletter is already delivered to all residents of the Parish, including those in Wixams. It therefore seems an unnecessary cost to contribute to a second newsletter at this stage – Action The Clerk Art Society – Application for grant for Family Art Open Day £405 (emailed 9/4/21) It was RESOLVED to approve this application – Action The Clerk

1 WHP Telecoms – Pre planning consultation on installation of telephone mast on Chapel End Rd adjacent Play Area (emailed 9/4/21). It was RESOLVED to express concern about the selected location. It is located directly adjacent a children’s play area, in a central part of a rural village. There is a small development of self-build houses being constructed directly opposite the proposed location. Is it possible micro masts can be utilised which would be more appropriate in a rural setting? If small masts could be utilised, there are potentially less obtrusive locations that could be identified, such as behind the village hall if the micro masts were small enough. These comments will be made. Once the planning application is submitted the Parish Council will consider the application & raise public awareness of the consultation – Action The Clerk Greensand Country – Booklet & May festival (emailed 14/4/21) Grant Palmer – Route 42 service (emailed 14/4/21) Police - introduction by new Community Policing Inspector Louise Bates (emailed 14/4/21) Jarvis Homes – Invitation to site meeting at Chapel End Farm (emailed 15/4/21). It was decided that Jarvis Homes will be invited to present their proposals at a Parish Council meeting (emailed 16/4/21)

7. Public Comments A Resident of Rectory Lane expressed concern about the application for 3 Rectory Lane. He had sent the Parish Council a copy of his objection submission. In summary his two key objections relate to the front facing dormer & the lack of parking. The dormer is out of character with the village & in particular Rectory Lane, which is a country lane that attracts multiple visitors accessing the country walks. It overbears the neighbouring property, & is destroys the symmetry of the 3 cottages that were built together. Four parking spaces are required, but it has been established that this is not physically possible. Therefore, the three spaces provided is inadequate for the size of the property.

8. Planning Matters As a member of the CBC Development Management Committee, P/UCllr Hares did not take part in this agenda item. Application received for comment: CB/20/03298/FULL – revised plans for demolish existing conservatory & erect double & single storey rear extension, loft conversion with front & rear dormers. Retrospective permission for car port - 3 Rectory Lane Having declared an interest PCllr Bullock did not take part in this item. PCllr Whittaker chaired the meeting for this agenda item. It was RESOLVED to object to this planning application for the following reasons:

The second storey element of the rear extension windows impede on the privacy of those in close proximity, and may also reduce natural light to the rear of the neighbouring property.

The loft conversion has a new dormer window with partially frosted glass. This further adds to the 3-storey design of the property. The front dormer window overlooks the neighbouring property (including their bedroom), & has a negative impact on their privacy. The three-storey design creates an overbearing impact on neighbours.

To the rear the design creates a square, townhouse style visual design element as a 3-storey townhouse, which has long been objected to in this Parish, as is not in keeping with the character of the village. Again, this increases the detrimental impact on the privacy of those to the rear of the property, & is overbearing.

The required fourth parking space has not been provided, as the fourth space has been removed to not encroach on the turning area and emergency vehicle access to the neighbouring dwelling. This is therefore contrary to the Local Transport Plan Parking Strategy.

In summary, the Parish Council objects to this application on the grounds of design concerns over the external visual impact, and privacy impact to the surrounding properties to the front and rear of this site, which this property will overlook from a greater height from the 3rd storey. Three storey dwellings are out of character in the village, particularly in this central village location. Additionally, the parking facilities are unsatisfactory, as the required four spaces have not been provided. Dates on the new plans and elevations are unchanged and are still dated August 2020. As new drawings these should also be resubmitted, dated and signed.

CB/21/00867/FULL Single storey front extension – 7 Mill Lane No objections.

CB/21/00663/FULL Erection of aluminium glasshouse sited on dwarf brisk wall – 6 Corncroft Leys No objections.

CB/21/00780/FULL - Enlargement to the side of existing single storey rear extension, front porch extension and new boundary fencing and gates - 57 Bedford Road No objections.

2 Planning Decisions: CB/21/00093/FULL – Permission refused for erection of 3 bed dwelling with ancillary works – Land South-East of Bella Cottage, The Grove CB/21/00299/RM – Permission granted for Reserved Matters to Plot 1 detailed design - Land at Chapel End Road and London Lane CB/21/00486/FULL – Permission granted for single storey rear extension and conversion and alterations to garage to form utility room - 7 Mill Lane. CB/21/00623/RM – Permission granted for reserved matters Plot 4 detailed design – Land at Chapel End Rd & London Lane CB/21/00555/FULL – Permission granted for single storey rear extension – 4 Cherry Close

9. Wixams S106 shortfall PCllr Lovell attended a meeting on this topic on 23/3/21 & circulated a report. The purpose of this meeting was to report back to local PCs the latest revisions to the S106 provisions relating to educational provision on the Wixams Village 2 and 4. V2 is currently in progress. V3 & 4 are imminent. BBC/CBC have identified a £21m shortfall in funding for education within the new V2 and V4 developments of the Wixams. This is due to an inadequate demographic survey & increased costs.

BBC/CBC have gone back to the original S106 provision and looked at areas where they can save money. These were identified in four main areas.

1 Reduction in bus subsidies. Subsidies reduced from £1.9m to £750,000.

2 Reduction in the size of the medical centre. Also, no dedicated car park for medical centre. Shared parking with school drop off, retail units and other town centre facilities.

3 Reduction in the size and functionality of the community buildings.

4 No retail provision in V2 or V4. All retail provision to be in Town Centre in V3, although there may be additional small shops at the station.

They have saved about £12m one way or another which will fund the 3 primary schools, but there is no funding for Secondary school provision for V2 or V4.

P/UCllr Hares explained that regretfully there is nothing than can be done about this, as it was a calculation error by Council Officers many years ago, so the Developer cannot be expected to meet the shortfall. It means that residents in this area will be poorly served as summarised above by PCllr Lovell.

10. Financial Matters and Accounts for payment Bank Account Reconciled Balance as 25/2/21 £37,071.41

Schedule of payments authorised:

Project Metalcraft – Pavilion grilles £3,090.00

Beds Pension Fund £257.65

L Lovell - strimmer £283.40

G Maxted – Litter picker £106.00

M Granger – various maintenance works £1,177.20

G Wiggs – clerks account net of tax & pension £693.31

Kalkwik - newsletter £836.00

Bidwells – allotment rent 6 months £39.00

11. Highways PCllr Fry reported that the crash barrier repair is finally finished on the B530 turn into The Grove.

3 Highways are happy in principle to add some directional signage for the Sports Field. Whilst it would still need to be approved, they are keen to know the Parish Councils preferred location for this signage. It was suggested that this could be on the mini roundabout coming from the A6 & from Bedford Rd – Action PCllr Fry

With reference to the signage for Rectory Lane, the second time of asking has not changed the response and Highways feel the current signage is adequate and in keeping with the style of the village and is comparable with the signage for Mill Lane.

There is yet another water leak in The Broadway which is in exactly the same place as last year. This has been reported it to Anglian Water.

12. Speed Indicator Devices PCllr Lovell has downloaded the latest data. It is apparent that last month’s data may not have been noted correctly, as the SID’s default to kph instead of mph. There is a significant increase in traffic, no doubt attributed to school re opening.

Summary 10/3/21 – 8/4/21 The Grove – 20mph: Average vehicles per day – 430 67.53% violation. Most of which were under 25mph. Average speed - 22.5mph Highest speed – 62mph

The Oak – 20mph: Average vehicles per day – 1748 61.85% violation. Most of which were under 25mph. Average speed - 22mph Highest speed – 62mph

Bedford Rd – 30mph: Average vehicles per day – 886 1.53% violation Average speed – 19.8mph Highest speed – 55mph

PCllr Bullock added that the problems with the Bedford Rd SID now seem to be resolved, but if there is a problem again the SID will be returned.

13. Litter Picking in Wixams village 4 Wixams Parish Council employs Litter Pickers & are looking at the needs for Village 4. They would like Houghton Conquest to contribute, in view of the fact the Village 4 covers a considerable part of Houghton Conquest. It is too early to say how much litter picking will be needed. In principle the Parish Council want to support any litter picking activities. It is likely that this will be an ongoing demand in the new build areas. We have already had a volunteer come forward for Green lakes. The amount contributed to Wixams PC needs to be commensurate with what we already pay for litter picking in the main village – Action The Clerk

14. Static Exercise Equipment S106 P/UCllr Hares is still chasing the Deed of Variation to the S106 agreement – Action P/UCllr Hares

PCllr Blackall has been waiting for an example of Kompans equipment sited in North London that had a similar budget to ours. A visit has been arranged for next Thursday (22/4) to view this site and trial their premium range. Kaloo, the other company, are still in touch and PCllr Blackall will visit one of their existing sites before May’s meeting. A local Personal Trainer has trialled a couple of military style training sessions with her clients, and he is waiting for feedback. A resident who backs onto the field is interested in hearing where it will be sited & where the container will go. This will be easier to consider once we are back to face-to-face meetings.

PCllr Beaumont has been advised by the Police to consider erecting CCTV to the Pavilion when this equipment goes in. She has been referred to Town Council who have had real success in reducing ASB by doing this – Action PCllr Beaumont

15. Community Orchard PCllr Blackall reported that the Orchard area has been cleared of dead trees and brambles, allowing a walkway from Cherry Close. There is still a need to remove chopped up wood and garden waste that neighbouring residents have thrown over their fence in recent years. We also need to level the ground so walking around the

4 Orchard is easier. Further plans needed to determine how Orchard will look with a timescale to include possible open day next year.

The Clerk has been contacted by a resident who is very interested in setting up a Community Garden. The Clerk explained we have set aside £1k to get this up and running potentially adjacent the Orchard. He is very keen to start planning & has been liaising with PCllrs Blackall & Miller, looking at potential locations within the Sports Field.

16. Reports from Representatives Sports Field – PCllr Blackall reported:

Football teams - Our Sunday side have returned to training and will be Spring cleaning the pavilion next week. He has also agreed to paint the inside, but this might need specialist attention due to type of paint required, also asking around for a carpenter to repair damaged doors. The response to helping us get things done is encouraging.

Russell, the youth team Manager has been in touch to confirm his interest to bring under 16 ‘s team football to the village on Saturdays, maybe even 2 youth sides. PCllr Blackall will be meeting with his ground keeper to discuss plans to improve the 2 fields ready for next season.

Gordon is an rugby coach who is also interested in bringing youth football to the village (he lives in the village). PCllr Blackall has allowed him to bring the Ampthill under14’s rugby team to train this Sunday morning (as a one off) to fully test the pitch and facilities (football team informed). They will use the second pitch for this session. He has agreed to a litter pick of the field as a ‘thank you’.

The ground is drying out so PCllr Blackall would like to progress moving the container, painting it and emptying contents to a skip in the near future. We would then be ready to site Static Exercise equipment once location agreed. (See item 14 for further information on this topic)

No Dogs – PCllr Whittaker reported that there have been queries raised by some residents as to why dogs are not permitted on the Sports Field. Many more people may use the field if they could bring their dog. Other Councillors reported a similar response from some residents, & it was commented that other Sports Fields permit dogs on leads. The Clerk added that CBC policy for all Sports Fields in CBC area is “dogs on leads” & therefore our current policy is unenforceable. As the field gets used more as planned, it may be appropriate to review this policy, although the issue with dog waste needs careful consideration.

Play Area – PCllr Miller reported that damaged play equipment was repaired a day after the report was received and secondly, two spring returns were fitted to the kissing gates. A third spring return was replaced on a further gate as it was damaged.

Allotments – PCllr Lovell reported that activity continues at the allotments. 57 plots are being maintained. We have no further news on any potential rent rise by the landowners. The skip was delivered and filled on 27/3/21. Thanks are offered to all of the volunteers who helped to fill it with rubbish from around the allotments. Hedge trimming has been completed. Tap maintenance is on hold until the weather improves.

Village Hall PCllr Bullock reported that the kitchen refurbishment has been completed. There have been several thank yous for the new gates.

Tree Warden - PCllr Bullock reported that the tree warden has completed his first inspection & identified a number of trees in the Parish that he recommends need attention. Some of these are privately owned, some are owned by CBC Highways, some by the Parish Council & some by the Village Hall. He will continue to work on this.

Police - PCllr Beaumont reported that she has spoken to PC Dagley last week after receiving the crime stats. There are street names in the stats that do not appear anywhere. PC Dagley is also at a loss about this. In the last 28 days, there is only one offence he can comment upon, and that is the residential burglary on 20/3/21 on Rectory Lane. Power tools were stolen from the garage. As we had no contact last month, Aaron advised there had been only 2 reports on which he could comment, since 1/2/21. These involved Aggravated Vehicle taking on 3/3/21, a stolen vehicle from outside our area being found in Thickthorn Lane, and a cement mixer being taken from Abbey Homes site.

PCllr Beaumont also discussed with PC Dagley the ongoing nuisance behaviour at the Kier estate. PC Dagley advised that the Police do not usually get involved with children on electric scooters/quad bikes. Adults can be charged with various motoring offences such as No Insurance/ No Licence etc. He stated that the Responsible

5 Authority was Stonewater, and discussions had been had with the Design Out Crime Officer. However, he will ask our local Special Constable to keep an eye on the situation.

An email has been received introducing the new Community Policing Inspector, Louise Bates. She is reintroducing the quarterly priority setting programme. The priorities for this area are speeding, ASB & visible policing which PCllr Beaumont will feedback – Action PCllr Beaumont

Climate Emergency – Roz Blevins reported that she has attended several on line events. Any ideas & feedback that she gets that is relevant to Houghton Conquest, she will endeavour to take forward with Parish Council support.

17. To set the date and time of the next meeting – 6/5/21, 7.30pm, via Zoom – Annual Meeting.

Meeting closed 9.30pm

Signed……………………………… Date……………………