Master Programme in Economic Growth, Innovation and Spatial Dynamics Analyzing Key Factors Affecting the Adoption Intentions of 3G Mobile Services in Turkey Ezgi Baran
[email protected] Abstract: Third generation mobile communication standard (3G) is an incremental innovation which follows the prior developments from 1G to 2,5G and provides several services including intranet/extranet access, customized infotainment, multimedia messaging service, internet access, location-based services and rich voice. This study aims to analyze key factors influencing possible 3G acceptance in Turkey, where 3G is expected to be released by July, 2009. This study provides explanations to (1) the significance of the influence of critical factors, adapted from established theories of innovation, on the acceptance of 3G (2) demographic characteristics of the individuals influencing adoption intentions of 3G technologies. In doing so, this study draws upon several well- known theories, namely, technology acceptance model (TAM), the theory of planned behavior (TPB), diffusion of innovation theory and network externalities theory. The study is conducted via an online survey, through which 282 responses are obtained. It uses descriptive statistics and Multinomial Logistic Regression to analyze data and examine the influence of the defined critical factors and demographic characteristics on 3G adoption intentions. Keywords: Innovation, adoption, diffusion of innovations, network externalities, 3G EKHR 21 Master’s Thesis (15 credits ECTS) June 2009 Supervisor: Olof Ejermo Examiner: Ola Jonsson ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS First of all, I would like to sincerely thank my supervisor, Olof Ejermo, for his constant guidance. Without his able supervision, the pieces would not come together. I owe a lot to my bestest friend Merve Şeker, for her friendship and support during my sleepless nights studying on this research paper.