January 27, 1992 Eastern Illinois University
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Eastern Illinois University The Keep January 1992 1-27-1992 Daily Eastern News: January 27, 1992 Eastern Illinois University Follow this and additional works at: http://thekeep.eiu.edu/den_1992_jan Recommended Citation Eastern Illinois University, "Daily Eastern News: January 27, 1992" (1992). January. 14. http://thekeep.eiu.edu/den_1992_jan/14 This is brought to you for free and open access by the 1992 at The Keep. It has been accepted for inclusion in January by an authorized administrator of The Keep. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Hey teach Teacher Sheila Misselhorn will speakto students Monday. Page3 Monday, January 27, 1992 The EasterE.Jllino1s Universjty Charleston, Ill. 61920 Vol. 77, NO. 91 Daily 12 Pages Ziggy Marley cancels By TIM SHELLBERG Staffeditor Ticket refunds The Ziggy Marley and the Melody Makers· concen that was now available scheduled for Feb. 7 in LantzGym Ticket holder� for the cao has been cancelled by Marie) due ce lied Zig£)' Marley and the to a throat infection. according to Melod) Mal:crs t·oncert can Jason Dotson, University Board recci\e refunih for concen comminee chair. 1he cnncen st.nning-at 11 a.m. Monda) at !he Dotson also said Marley can Union Box Office at the .Mnrtin celled all February dates of the American leg of Marley and the Luther King Jr. Un1versicy Melody Makers· Jalimekya tour Umon. because of lead singer/guitarist According ICl fason Dot�on, Marley's infection. Univer,iiy Board concert com •·we received a phone call from mittee chair. ticket holders must his agent (William Morris Agency) bring their tickets back to the at 11 Friday morning (cancelling box officeto receive Uteir refund concen)." Dotson said. "Ziggy the Dotson al<;o said ticket holders caught a throat infection while have until Feb, 14 to receive touring Europe, and the doctors their rcftmd!>. advised him that if he didn't rest (his voice) for six weeks, he would Approximately 300 tickets never sing again." were sold for the concert. Dotson said about 300 tickets were sold for the show by 11 a.m. -Staffrept>rt Friday before the UB was forced to halt ticket sales. .. We put a lot of lime in lt cancellation) was unfor this." (the Dotson said he is not sure if the tunate for students." Dotson said. UB and the William Morris "ll was quite a surprise. washes his car Sunday afternoon at 4th St. andHarrison Ave. The sunny weekend was a pop Agency will be able to reschedule 11rlow "It was out of conttol. We /or motorislS to wash their cars. UB the concen. can't control things like that," he added."J was really disappointed. ., Co111inued on page 2 iver's license center set Seven groups paint Union windows By CATHY MYERS be closed due to raises Staffwri ter Ceremony kicks off week INGFIELD (AP) - The years, will remain open. The themes of the countries By TERESA.JOHNSON and the University Board also on office is one of several Ryan said the closings general Ireland, Australia and Japan were Staffwriter will speak. she said. ·ver's license cencers slated ly affect offices issuing fewer brushed on the windows of the Panicipating campus organi Illinois Secretary of than 50 licenses a day and are closed, Martin Luther King Jr. University Ctl!tural J)iversity Week offi. zations each were assigned a Ryan said. arranged so most Illinois resi George Union's walkway Saturday as a cially kH:li.s at p.m. country to represent during e dents will have an open office -0ff l the closings, which are to window painting contest started Monday with an opening cere· activities of Cultural Diveri.ity nsate for employee raises within 30 miles. activities for Cultural Diversity mony in the University Wee� 10 give participants the this week by an arbitra- Ryan on Wednesday said he Week. Ballroom of the Jvlartin Lu1hcr opportunity to recognize differ clude full-time driver's will lay offas many as 475 work "Each organization picked a King k Untversiiy Union. saiil ent cultures and to acknowledge offices in Charleston (with ers to comply with an arbitrator's coumry." said Elecia Dexter. .Elecia Dexter, University Board diversity among people. Dexter layoffs). Shelbyville (three ruling on employee pay raises, University Board Human Poten human potential coordJnator. �aid. sJ and Tuscola (three lay with many of the layoffs coming ria1 Coordinator. "They have dis- Prestdent Stan Rive.; and Vice '"I'm very excited," she said. � v.ell as part-time offices in drivers' and vehicles· service Presidem for Student Affairs ..It makes me fe.elproud. reenup. Marshall and departments. Glenn Williams wm nddress the Acthhie" being lleld dllring (all staffed by employees <.ame cases that's going to audience at the ceremony. "lo • The Hispanic Stu Cultural Dhers1ty \Veelc mdode 1-tJme oflices). mean that people are going to Dexter dent Union plans for added. la"I Saturday's "indow painting offices could be closed by have to dnve fanher for che ser . Student Gc:wemment offic1al in the Union walkway plus<m vices the) need. The lines that we will declare bruacy. the week. See story, l v llu week ethn1l· toQd taste at 6 p.m. facility in Mattoon. which have problems with are DO\\ page 5. Cultural Dh·ersit v Weck at the Tue.sda) to befollowed by acul- ovated within the last fcw ceremony. and represenUUi\'C'> .• . • Cominued on page 1urol fashion ">how i p.m both 2 from the Jh5pan1c Su,.tdent played the theme of their country to be held in La\\ son Han. UnlOnAhe Black Student Union Dext"r or what their particular country b �aid. orm misses Charleston; significant for on the window:· Seven organizations entered at 10 a.m. Saturday o.nd the w111- during the week's events and the ilder weather expected the contest that will highlight dows will be cleaned by Feb. 2. winnl.!r will receive a trophy. Saturday and early Sunday. Cultural Diversity Weck. which is Scoring for the window paint There is a campm. cultural diver He aid conditions until sponsored by the UB Human ing contest is 25 points for enter sity award as well as a Greek Wednesday and possibly Thurs Potentiol Committee. ing. 15 points for first place, 10 division award and a general leston missed the heaviest day may keep highs in the upper Sig.ma Nu. the Black Student points for second place and five campu!. organization participation all of a weekend storm sys 30s or lower 40s wilh ovemjght Union. the llispanic Student points for third place. award. Dexter said. fnday night nnd residents lows in the :!Os. Union, the Residence Hall Dexter s-aid che theme of The winners of the overall con expect mild weather through "We're in for a few days of A:."ocia1ion, Circle K and the Cultural Diversity Week is test will be unnounced at the end halfof this wee�. accord mild weather." Price said. "Mild National Rei.idence Hall Asso- "Bringing down the barrier:.: Tl1e of the week during a closing cere to local weather ob�crver anywa) for the end of January." ciation and Tau Beta Sigma were age of unity." mony in the- Univen.ity Ballroom Price. The high Sunda) was about 38 the groups Lhat panicipated in the "I encourage participation dur of the Union at I p.m. Thursday. said Charle'>ton received degrees. Price said. compared wlndow painung contest. Alpha ing rhe week's events from the A fa<>hion <.how from 7 to 9 an inch of -.now Friday with an average high of 36 Kappa Alpha Sororiry. fnc.• is campus." she said. "This is the p.m. Tue<\day and a "Taste of the \\hi le Champaign. ng. deerees and a low of 19 dei!rees enrolled in the contest, aJU1ough fiN year for the contest, and in a World" ethnic food contest from arul other more nonhcm H; added that temperature� and the group's members did noc par- resolution. the Student Sena1e has 6 to 7 p.m. Tuesda both in 53\\ one to four inches of precipitation for the rest of momh ticipate in the\\ indow painting. ju-.t declared rhe last week of Law-.on Hall. will help give orga all. He added that lempera- indicate average conditions. All student-recognized organ1- Januar) Cultural' 01,eri.ity nizarions points , win. iccording o�er the rest of the \\eekend "The nice thing about it 1s the unions and groups \I.ere eligible • Week." to De>..ter. �lightly above average. bright, clear weacher." Price -;aid. to enter. Dcxt.cr said. Groups are awarded points mg most of the -.now Painting by the groups started based on their participation .,. Cominued 011 pe1ge2 2 Monday. January 27. 1992 The Dally Eastern Ne \VEEKLY COLUMN BY ROBERT rJENNINGS FROM PAGE ONE A Concert TURNING BACK THE PAGES Dotson ...aid. "All February date!'. " From pagenm• l�litor\f/Ot<•: T/t(•w n>fm1111.,11 ctt /'l't'pw·ed l>,1 lri.Ho tlir�ctor, as the con1rihu11on of the college. fa were cancelled. t)' Proft'ssor Rolu•rt Hem1i11g\ with the asmt1111<e of and s!llllents. "I ... .;. "We weren't Lhe only school would hope that we could s111d 111 Marcia /11 cmm11fmoru (reschedule concert). but \\e'll grad11a1£• e Steward. (Marie) and the Melody Maker� the " rio11 of tire 11111\'l'Is1f\''s 11pcomi11i: cmnfrer.�m) have 10 wait and �c. he -.aid. "l IOOth ( c.'d ttoria1) were scheduled lo perform al). .. and the recem 75111 a11nfrers(ll) rifThc Dail) Eastern Only eight \\eek' of ....ar and alread) ma hope \\C can.