Long \Va"e ShortWa,-e £ents News S)lotS tIle £olly &Pidures 81 •.;0 Year

Volume III. No. 32 WEEK ENDING AUGUST 17. 1934 PubI:,hed Weekly

t This and That fRadio Forces Will Clash WitlI ! IByMorri.Hasting.1 "Reformers"" At October H· g A MUSICAL rivalry does exist ' earIn between the National and ~ ""> Columbia Broaueasting companies, I nnd it would be difficult to say 'which has the more points to its Lar'p'e0 Independent Stat,·ons Non-Profit credit so he as presentation of concerts by outstans~~~h~:tc~~ May Form A Co -Op Network Broadcasts chestras goes." Dloscussed Columbia, lor f ~x:~7~e~::~:r~; WGN, WOR Boxy Retnrlls Over By The MICROPHONE'S Special by the New l~ York Philhar· To be Basic CBS Septel11 h er d Washinglol1 Correspondenl. monic, the ~ I Mighty forces in the radio Phi I a delphia Af f 1°11° ates world will clash with ··rel{)rm

Danny Dc-e-, \\ OR Bill and Alex, KoKA 9 P.M. EDT; 8 EST, 7 CT "jolin. r'Jnl, '\ MeA john 8.uker. baritooe, WLW WADe Ont' Man'~ hmily, WEAP WEEI WGY Parents' FOf1 m, \\':\8X Ja,k Armstrong. All AmellC&.Q 80,.. 1 '\ ·fI.A \\ "'8, ~o m. P.M. 12.15 P.M. EDT, 11.15 A M. EST; "'au I jJ.mbolft, \\,jZ ~"BZ WHAM KDKA \\'L\,("~ 10.15 CT Sanders Sisters, WHAS tohttle Curran, son~. WPG '0 m. HOOC'Vboy at'd "e..' Eo&1aod Community Sl.Q&ItI& Cube. GAS-John Herrick, barito::e, Frencb ClUJ.' WOR. 10 m. \l;gz \\'SB .~ o( luly. W.IO.. • ·IlC·\\ JZ Martha .nJ Hal, WGY Junm., Galbgber's Orchestra, WSY Me-loJy MUillCfl~, \'\ £ "BX 8.00- little S} WIlbon) Orches· F dd" anJ Hall. \'X. tz KDKA l ChKIJI K:YUe. \\-OR Weather. M 51ule \\"BZ 5.45 P.M. EDTI 4.45 EST; 8.45 CT (h 0 h..-stra \V(; , 30 m. lt3. \\"OR ~ Don anJ BJ.M, come- y. \\"I~" ~radlt"J KIncaid. \rGY EST; 7.15 CT «.:crt. CBS·\'\'A DC \X'HAS \\'PG \X FLA WG.· Piano, \VOR Mr..cha Ra.insky·s Ensemble. W ABC The Monitor V,ew" me Nnt'l. WBZ 9.~o-GoldmaD·s Did;, Kev. ton, 5(ln~s, \X'. leA Or(' tu, \X'SM Band, 'BC­ \'\'CAU \,'HAS WPG. }o m. MIl.l QUJI.l;"" W'.!C..o\ \\'JZ June 8.:rker, Home ~lar'lJ ('lTlcnt \"G:-.l The Texans. "'lW High,,'ay Sdety Toilk. \\~'1lX Tony \'X d;em3n. ~rorts, \'\"MCA 9.30 P.M. EDT; 8.30 I:ST; 7.30 CT lO.I')-]ack Denny, N"BC­ ~~mr~ 12.30 P.M. EDT. 11.80 A.M. ESTII Hill Billlcs, \\':-JBX. \0 m. <- 0 ny On lcstra, \\ I \1 \\ U I WEAF 10.30 CT G P.M. EDT; 5 EST; 4 CT '\,(.,Y, v m, The Va 'ab... ,I~, We\' [.... F GnlrlmJn B r'l; ( T'l~cCl. \}. IZ 11.3O-Paul Whileman's Pact)'. AI Pc,\~e'" Gang, Wl:.AF WLW WSM, W"bZ \x HAM \\.BAL Wl\\ ... m.; \\::,- ( ~,l[Js and M .. \\"]7. \'\'HZ WBAl NllC·\\.FAF \,\'58, \0 m. '..' to 1000 \\~""'M \X'S ( \'\ FLA X\. ,,0 m. 'n. I 1he E"ePlflg Tattler. WEEI, ~ Dl. ~ulCe Ha Imu, KDKA '\X'llli.m Penn O,chtslr'. KOKA 810Ih~. ~ The Tnaos. WlW BICYltJ<:s aud ne'" s. WGY Dd S. ( Jolloo)' johnson', Ordltstra. 1it'BZ ~tCing xtCI, \\ B. ~o m. (AIJ programs are li.f/e.1 jfl Eas/ern Ek'n BI"r\r's Orchntr., WOR WlZ Da)/igbl Sall.;ng Time, E.JJlern I 1lise- RrJhar'lt, <,,~roinll. \\G:-l w::t~~: ~~'tra, \\Cr. S/.Jlld."J 7'jnl€ iJ one hOI" earlier; 12,45 P,M. EDT; 11.45 A.M. EST; J. r.c{ ZJ,t OrthC,Jua "'MCA DM'urlnn . \\ II"~. 30 m. Market Reports. or,un, \VGN ~tory 'Idh:;'~ CIJremont D,.), WXBX 10.15 P,M. EDTI 9:15 EST; House, \';-'OR Wolm.:rn '\ ril'). WMCA, :lr0 m. l.uI \l:~BX 6.30 P,M. EDT; 5,30 EST, 4,30 CT 8.15 CT Blr":, ~ile O"Is. \\":\BX, I h, New~ and Tom Co.1lkley's OrchC'Su•• WEAF, j,l.cl< Deonn)"s Orche-ma ""EAF WEEI W(;Y' 9.15 A.M. EDT; 8.15 EST; 1 P,M. EDT: 12 N. EST; ~o m, fWrFl WGY from 6,'15) \\"FLA WSD ~o m '\\"I.\\:' I' m. 7.15 CT 11 A.M. CT N(:w~, \'(:rn W(.Y Dandits of Yesterday' WjZ \\..t1AM. Ai\;r\E .ElSTr\ER, romel)' )'Oll11g CE') F'"it~r 1 ndt T' 0 anJ \X'hitc, \\TAr ,...'HI \\'GY Jan Brunts(\)~ Or~lIc tfl, \"\"'fAF, ~o m.; I IOcnty 01 Harmony ;and News, WJZ \X'e-uhe-r \'\-'nz • \X'IW \\,[EI from I.IU; \\'GY (rom 1.1' lle/HiJ, hal beel1 wilh radio 101" Weather. \XI HZ Golf KDKA Poss~m Hunter~ Sjh-el StrAin~. \\'OR Stocks, WUI WGY (WMCA, 30 m.) J~i1rs. jack Armstrong. WLW \'x'SM YJ,u,::hn , \\- 1:1.1 \\-(.Y N.p and Dec, \\"SM B"h AICher, \\'HAS Farm ProR'um. \'('(;Y, '0 m, oanon8 By the Sea, WABC WHAS WPG, Sump Cluh, \\JZ KDKA Socarras' Orche~tra, \\'MCA rondy Co"tloy, \\OR National EHm Pro.ram, \\'JZ \\~8Z WBAl 30 m. • CIO , \\ mid In Re-\' ev.. \,\'I3Z Kttr Fit Cluh. \\'G:-J \\~HAM KDKA. \\'LW \\"SM \\'FLA WSB. P,oto p ..t.. CAU. 30 m. PLlnn, \\'SM 11 P.M. EDT; 10 EST, 9 CT 1 b_ Organ, we; . The Old Oh'cTVcr. WlW Abe l.',m.lln SOl'; t •• WEAF WGY WLW• , 0 A.M. EDT; 9 EST, 8 CT r:.!ilhcr \ elas. ~lC', WABC WCAl.! f oren 'C H, bnd. s ~r no \'l; OR • f. ry lutman. I( rrano. WADe WCAU ~o- m. \\\11-1 at lI,I~) lerude. \\ HAS ~~ Annette 1c<"..ulIou~h, 'i\~EAF Wert WGY \\ PC, '0 01 Internu on,1 Afb IS. \); £ leA. \\" 'I ha d .11. M"", ""'EEl Ford Frick. 'lporu. WOR ~oP' M n S tcs, \\ JZ KDKA \'\:--, I H.A Tbcatn' Clu.b, ~OR ••45 P.M. EDT. 2.45 ESTI 1.46 CT . _,.M PhIl Orcfte'ltCJ. WGY MutU 5 sten \\ I( A Organl'lt. \\ ( •. "Gull,J Jumpcn," \\ S. t , n ~o c , Motrl'11 w Dousy ~Lllr:r . nOl ," ~'MCA 4 P.M. lOOT; S P.M. EST; 2 CT Homespuo.· WEAP R.ad.lo :'undak \\; MCA, }O m. Farm Bureau. '\X 'HX Dnn ( fias Or /J a, \'t JZ \\. HZ ~ lAM Kidd« Kuokmg Klaa. WOR (..Aruir'l Al Willunu. WjZ \,("BZ WHAM 11.15 P.M. EDr; 10.15 EST; f ,\\'C.... KDK.A 9,15 CT 2 P.M. EOTI 1 EST, 12 H. CT \'(ebll Ff11 I f r too , C.onulluOIt)" \\ . M \\ SB "'hal On Tod,lY, \\~.1. '8X Barn Dance 0" Ile,tra, ~"SM Rex Battle-, r.rtSt'Mble. \\'r.Ar WIn \\--GY, . t Inf,:. \\ ARC \"\ HA~ Mu ,uI Mcmory Glnt...,t. \\TLA On:he~tra, lt~fra. 10.15 A.M. EDT. 9,15 EST; ~o m, Tea Time TorI', \'i; I'G Ish m loncs' \\-'AOC WCAU u- a l"'TIJ Orc \\ ABC "-HAS ,",'PG 8.15 CT Wearher, ,tu~b. \X'HAS Th~ Pichrd family, W'CAU, '0 m. WHAS W8T Or~an, W(;N Dance t-('I.$IC. \\ OR. ~O m. AI anti J.ee: ReIser. WOR. ~O m. \\-'IIIu.m Penn Orchestra., KDKA. 30 m. 11.80 P.M. EDT; "'10.80 EST; Murnhg Parade Ind ncv.1 It 10,'0, WEAF ('arden ':Iub Speaker and bH~ ,in~e-r. WG:\l Ii k. atllm. S11[1~. \\.-. fCi\ GClman B.lnd, WlW \\Tl A \\ S8, 4' m.; \\:'SM, IS m. 9.30 CT Jack Ruuclrs Onh tn, \\'ABC WCAL', 4.15 P.M, C::OTI 8.15 EST, 2.15 CT $Iudio ProRram. WPG (\\ I I.;" l~ ttl 10,\0 arlJ IO.4~ fI I Paul \X'hilcman', Saturday Night Party. n, to \\ P<., ~o m. Danny Ott, \'('OR SlOg n' Strm:s, \\JZ \\.- 8Z \\ HAM. 30 \\'EAF WHI W(.Y \\,-'FLA WSB••, m. \\ eather. m.:rrkm. W'HAS PI t and .' ('man, riaoo .:1110, \\ J7. \\ HZ Palmer Housc Ensemble-. WGN "fl\llt Ju Urmkeo,"' \,\'5/1.1 m. H.;,OKA at 10.'0) Theatre RevIew. WMC:" "ltl\M KDKJ\ UrrJerlull"l Ol<.hcslu. 'i\....'BX. ~o 01. C:Larlle D.1I"1S Orc!I"Ua, \\; JZ \\-8Z. 30 fll. The- Suutheroe-n, \\(rY G d CI b \\G:-J Ann le.1li. l·pn. \,ABC \\-HAS 7.80 P.M, EDT; 6.30 EST; 6.30 CT ar cn u, I. ', \0 m. r.lIe (.oilll, \, [Lj..'1. \\'\(CA Srolt" orchntra. KOKA, 30 m. hOM Home Forum. KDKA H (",rlton Ind Craig. \\.'ABC WCAU 4· Club. \\.- NUX Roben Dc \. J. \\. ·RX. 3" m. MJrtha Me-an. cr ntralto. ~~EAF WGY (J.stic Firm Ordle'ltra, n~"" .. , \\ l\\-"-" '0 rT'. Antomtlle \'('e"ll. snprano. WLW 2·;:,ts ~T EDT, 1.15 EST;: 4,30 P.M. EDT, 3.30 EST; 2.30 CT Atter Dinner Re-YUe. WEill FelJe Grofe. WARe \\:'C/l.U \\"HAS, }O m, Rubert 8oil!. readinlt., wGN Don Bestor', Orchestra, WjZ WBZ WHAM Enoch I.Ip.ht". Otod Hour. wrn. 30 m. Smith CollejOe \\ BZ, 30 m. IP'ano Recit WOR ill ,C, ok. BlOtl, rs Orch~tra, \\"SM GJluy (If Suu, WGY WlW WWj WTAM Chan1onette, stnnl!' e-ose-mble, WABC I a, Ple<,~· Radio .. 'e""S and Sj~lt"rs o( the ~DT; HO"lcvmooners. WjZ "" fi7. WHAM WSM WCAU \\'HAS WPG. }O m. 5,30 P.M. 4.30 EST, 3,30 CT \\"PG e, 12.30 A,M. EDT; 11,30 EST;: \X'FI.;\: WS8 T Ariel Ensemble, WOR, 30 m, IHenry K;OIo:'s Orchestra, \\"'EAF \'o;-'EEI \\"58, linIe S~'mph()ny Orche'tra., \X'OR 10.30 CT Bot-hy and Sue, 'KDKA l::nkIDhlc:. \\'GS ~o m. (\\ GY. IS m.) Pa.lrncr Hou~ [nsemble. WG:-: Frcd~' lartin's OrcbcsUa. 'WjZ WBZ Kni kerbOl~ker KnIghts, WAne WCAU Org;r.n. WMCA j ,:kie Heller, tenor. WjZ 'WBZ WHAM ThrC'C' l.ittle F:lnSleT', \\"~,ICA \\'H.o\.1 KOK"'. }O m. WIIA~ \\,'PG. 30 m. 8.15 P.M. EDTI 7.15 EST; 6.15 CT Jan GarbC'~'s Orchestra. WABC. }O m, Movie Personalilies. WeN loutS P,l.nlco's Orce-hsrr.1l, \\·IIAS. ;0 m. Bavui.:rn 8and. \\"'JZ WBZ WHMi KDKA 5, or('5 .Ild nixie Liners, \\. SM "'11.15 A,M. EDT; 10.15 EST;: 'Bllrdlcl\"l OrdlCSU.:r, \.vLW \\'illie Bryant's Orchestra, \\·MC.A 9.15 CT Rudy·s First Show Glee Club. WGN TIle- Vau Family, ~e-o barmon,. chIldren. Me\"cr Davis' music, \XfMCA 8.30 P,M. EDT; 7.30 EST; 6.30 CT WEAF \'X'GY \\'SM ~ ~ ~ Acro~s Dct'f' R;\'er, "-FlA ______l!H.nds the 8al of Rogers, CB.s·W ABC :.omninslry Trio. WABC wau 8.15 CT America:' talk by Melvin \'\1. StOopnaKle and Budd, Frank Wi-lAS, )0 m. Mn. Montague's Millioos, drama. WJZ CaJ5moee, economiSL !\'"DC­ Packer. Pauline Alpert, Helen Rbytbm Boys, WPG WFLA WEAF Gleason, AI Goodman's mu­ News, WMCA YMCA Talk. KDKA sic, NBC-\X'JZ 1.45 P.M. EDT, 12,45 EST; St. Cecilies Glee Ull-b. Associat~ F',tech 1 1 .45 CT Societies. WBZ Mills' Blue Rhythm Band, WjZ WSZ 9.30-Alhum of I;amiliac Mu­ Devora Nadworney. contralto. \"VEAF WEEI 10.30 P.M. EDT; 9.30 EST; KDKA, }O m, sic, NBc.WEAF Orche~tra, KDKA 8.30 CT News. Castle Farm Orchestra, WLW War i n g's Pennsylvanians, John Cassidy, sonll~, WMCA Canarlian Carers, WEAP WEEI WGY Red Nichols' Orch~tra, WADC WCAtJ 2 P.M. EDT; 1 EST; 12 N. CT WSM WPLA, 30 m, WHAS CBS·WADC L'Hcuce Exquise, N. Y. U. Chorus of 200 Enoch LiAht's Orchestra. WPG, )0 m. Gt:ne Arnold's Commodores. WEAF WEEI mixcd ~OICes. WjZ W8Z KDK.lt. WBAI. 1O.OO-Mme. Schumann·Heink. Anthony Trini's Orchestra, WOR WFUI., ~o m. WHAM WFLA, )0 m. Bob Fallon's Orchestra, WMCA NBC,WJZ Narumal S\\..et'p~lJkeo; Trophy Race. WjZ bro Hour. WLW. J b. 12.15 A,M. EDT; 11.15 P.M. EST; I WBZ \'i:'RAL KDKA, 30 m. "Americana," FNde Grofe's Orchestra. 10.-;5 CT SHin" Mu~!c. WSM. 30 m. WABC WCAU. lO m.; WPG from 10..4) (All programs are listed in Eartern Maflan Cnn/lres.s. AI/red r. Smilh, Alexis "'Sunday E~cnm~ With YOu. WHAS,)o m. Russ Columbo, buitooe. WEAl" WLW WSM Cardinal l.erifier. SM., Archbishop of "Nocturn~.·' WUR. 30 m. WFLA Da),!ight Saving Thne, Eastern Tar,u~, WABC \X'HAS WPG WCAU, The Wandering Poet, WPG Ibv~ Mart:..'; Orch-tra, WMC!l Standard Time iJ one hOllr eaf'lier; I-l;r~i~r;:~ jubilcc Choir, WMCA, 30 m. Ollo:all, WhiCA 12.30 A.M, EDT; 11.30 EST; The Whi~rler anrl his Dog. WGN 10,45 P.M. EDTI 9.45 EST; 10.30 CT Central Time iJ two hOllrs earlier.) Travel TRlk, WOR 8.45 CT Hollywood 011 the Air. WEAP WLW '1', M. C. A. Progr:tm, KDKA WFLA, 30 m. B A.M. EDT; 7 ESTI 6 CT 2·1;.1PS ~T EDT; 1.15 EST; Gcl'le Soe:trrllS Orchestra, WMCA Clyde Lucas' Orcheslra. WJZ WBZ WHAM Melody Hour. WEAP, f h. 1 KDKA, 30 m. Tone Pictures. WJZ WBAL, ~o m. Paola Autor, soprano, \\lOR 11 ~.M. EDT; 10 EST; 9 CT Hidden Lakc Orchestra, WSM 00 thc .air today and organ reveille. W ABC Palmer House [nsemble, WGN B;,Iscball Scorcs. WEAF WEEI Henry Busse's Orchestra, WABC wau ·B ., R b' Abc: Lyouu'~ OrdK'~tla. \\'EEI WGY. )0 m.; WPG WHAS, 30 m. B.30 A.M. EDT; 7.30 EST; 2 . SO P ..M EDT; 1.30 EST; i-IARLES 'VnDY OGERS 'gins WlAf flOm 11.1~ 6.30 CT C Cbick: Webb's Orchestra. WMCA. 30 m. 12.30 CT Roxanne \'('allace. WjZ WHAM WFLA 1 A.M. EDT: 12M. EST; ~ The: Tune Twinen, \\-"EAF \\"'EEl WGY, fl Wcather reports, WBZ I.e....' \'i:'hite, organist. '\\'JZ WBAL, m. neu' series of CBS programJ '11 P.M. CoT Artist RecItal. WABC 0 3 m. Ihis Slinda'l: eZ'eJ1ing at 9. \X'ealher. KDKA ~o Concert Arti~ts, WTZ wnz WHAM W8AL J Little jack LIllie's Orchestra, WABC wau hck Mi16 Orchestn., WLW. m. 8,45 A.M, EDT; 7.45 EST; WLW KDKA \\"SM, 30 m. (WFLA from 1------WPG WHAS, 30 m. Bobby Gehman':\' Orchestra, WHAS 6.45 CT WMCA '2....,) Charles Barnett's Orchestra, WOR, 30 In. Chide \Vebb's Orchestra. Musicalc, .... catller, WBZ 'kale Slreet Boys. WABC WCAU WIIAS, 8.30 P.M. EDT; 5.3"0 EST; 4.30 CT Leon FnedOl:an\ Or~hestra. \X'MCA Radio SpotliSht. WABC WPG Henry King's Orchestra, WI:'.AF WHI WCY Tt:oor. WGN 9 A.M. EDT; 8 EST; 7 CT Thru Little Funstets. WMCA. "n m. WFLA. -\0 m. 11.15 P.M. EDT; 10,15 EST; &~':bal], SI, Loui~ n. Chicago, WGN, 2: h" Baltimore Municiral Band, direction Roherl 9.15 CT Announcer Young Balladet'rs, WEAF WGY WFLA -\0 ro. V. La.nsinller, WjZ KDKA WBAL WHAM, Coast to Coast on ;l Bus. Milton J. Ctou. 2.45 P.M. EDT; 1.45 EST; .)0 m. (\~'BZ at 6.45J Innio Bolognini. 'cellist, WJZ WBZ KDKA WJZ \\'BZ KDKA WHAM WLW. 1 b. 12.45 CT Tune. Weather, \\'BZ Llttlc Jade I.ITtle·s Orchestra. WABC WPG, . \\7 30 m.; WCAU WH.!t.S from 1130 Speaks at Oxford Sunday MOInlng at Aunt Susau). W.lt.SC W~L WCAU WPG. I h. Tito Guillr, '\l;'ARC \X'CAU \T"IIAS VOICes and Organ. .)0 m. OrAan, Herbert Koch, WH.!t.S V· I" 0 h WPG Fred Wall~r, tenor. ~SM tum and Abn". WGN Invited to lecture at Oxford Uni­ 9.'15 A.IUI. EDT; 8.15 EST; 10 10 rc estra, The Abels, WPG 7.'15 CT 3 P.M. EDT; 2 EST; 1 CT Harold Stern's Orchestra, WOR, )0 m. Udo's Ta.oto Orchestra, WMCA \'ersity on American broadcasting, C1oist~r B~IIs, '\l;·F.AF \X'GY WFLA TJ.lkie Picture Time, Junc Meredith, WEAF Safety Duma, WMCA 11.;:';0 P.M, EDT; 10.30 EST; \X'EEI WGY \X'SM, 30 m. \Vayne K10g'S Orchestra••C:-J". '0 m. 9.30 CT )OH" S. YOUNG, NBC announcer, 9·:.~OA.~. EDT; 8.30 EST; Or,c:an Recital, WJZ WBZ WHAM WFLA, 6.45 P.M. EDT; 5.45 EST! 4.45 CT Broadcast to Byrd rxpeditinn. WEAF \"(.·UI wmner of the Jiction award and )0 m. '. Ross l'enton Orchestra, WSM WG Y W L W \'('SM WFLJ\ WSu • ~o m. Trio Romantique, wEAf WFLA Detroit Symphony Olchcslra, OSSlP C:tbnlo....·· Cu!ile and london with Warwick Sisttrs. NewS" and D<'rrens' Orchestra, W jZ WBZ holder of an LL.D. degree, has Service from Union CoUel;:e Chapel, WGY, ~t,jch, t:onductor, ()o.ell,~re 10 Humrerdmck's WABC \'C'CAU \'>;i'HAS WPG WHAM KDKA. 30 m, sailed for England. 30 m. Hansel and Gletel, Three mO~'ements Derner's Orchestra W/OR Tea Lca\'cs and Jade, w!.W, 30 m. f~om D<1.("h's n M,nor .,Suire, r>ebm~y'. Gal About To"'n: WMG\ Glen Gray's Orchestra. \VABC WCAU He was invited by Sir HENRY 9.45 A.M. EDT; 8.45 ESTI Altcrnuon of a raun, sdeulons trum \VHAS 7.45 CT Wa.cn~r's "Die \Vdlure,"' \X'ABC WCAll 7 P.M. EDT; 6 EST; 5 CT 81ue Rhythm BJ.nd, """MCA PENSON, who bears the title of P~rsia.", AlAn fJlins. b,n, \\ I:.AF \YFI.A 'X'HAS, J h. "K.,· Orarrua. "A "lnbC'slUllll of hham Jon(1' Orche<;tra. WPG. 30 m. \Xlarden of the King's English and Frank Sc;"'art's music. \,\-·OR. )0 m. \\l:.A.f WGY. 30 m. Kinlo:,'s. W·eeks". \"'<'eems' Kemp's and Pac· "10 A.M. EDT; 9 EST; 8 CT Gospel MMs~a-e. wpr. M~l)h,uun :>'ferry·(ro Round, \\·I:'.U, ~o m. dla's Orchestras, \\-GN. 2 h. who Will introduce YOUNG to Pem­ Sabbath Revcm:s, Dr. Chules L. Goodell, $,,'1 , of Old Spain, \\-:'oICA Charles Prc..-ins Ordle!>tra. M<>nn SlstCrs and broke and Balliol colleges at Ox­ \\~EAF \,'GY WSM \\'FLA, ~o m. 3.15 P,M. EDT; 2.15 EST; 1.15 CT l'\or~n Quart~. \\")Z WBZ WHAM 1 1'.~~ ~~. EDT; 10.45 EST; 5olIthern;aire~, WjZ ~Z WBAL h.IJKA Southern College, W'FLA ,''VLW KD.KA \\ S"l \\ F!;-A, )0 m. ford. Pi"nolo e WMCA \Xayne Kmgs Orchestra. \':GN. \0 m. joe Reidlln.ln's Orch~itn, WABe WCAU \\'HAM, ~o m. YOUNG Church Forum, \'\TLW J.:u , "Peter. the Grcat,'· drama. WAnC \X'PG \\"HAS In addition will study Jmpem.l H.t.w;uians, WABe WPG WHAS 3.30 P.M. EDT; 2,30 EST; 1.30 CT \VilAS, 30 m. Willic Bryant's Orchestra, \\"fMCA. British broadcasting methods. He ?>o m. Dandnp, Shadows. \~'EAF WEI.l \\'GY COllledy Stars of Holly....'ood. WCAU 12M. EDT; 11 EST; 10 CT \'Vlltch Tower Pro~ram. WCAU. f h. WLW. 30 m. renWIck i':e"all. u;nOf, \\ MCA recently completed a lecture course Kin~'s Chapel Choir. \X'jZ \\'BZ \\'L\\' Mllhan String Trio. WOR "t-w~ and fddie Duchin s Musk, WF: .... F 10.30 A.M. EDT, 9.30 EST; \\~GY ~'SM on radio at New York Univec:)ity. 8.30 CT \\'HAM \\'BAL \\SM \\·rLA. 30 m. 7.15 P.M. EDT, 6.15 EST; S.15 CT WFJ.A Shad~' La.nes. WOR Munz Sl~h:a. \\'MCA Mc:xican Typica Orctw tra, \x'[AF WEEI Cah'ary Symphony Oo;bestra, W fCA, I b. Ted We~ms' Orchestra, \\'G7\1 WLW. \0 m. S.Hoovar '·llJd~, \\~IZ WRZ KDKA \\'BAL 4 P.M. EDT; 3 P.M. ESTI 2 CT \7.30 P.M. EDT; 6.30 EST; 5.30 CT _-: \X"HAM \\'FL\ WSM, ?>o m. Jo~J.:' Kennedy. WEAF WEEI WGY ~~.lItion McAfee~. songo;, \\lEAF WGY Patterns in Harmony, \'VAIK: WCAU WHAS Station Direeto.oy (\;ationa] Championshir R~re fnr Hydro I<1.nes (jllrden talk, \\ En. 30 m. ("ore~ at -.,:0) Sunday Morning Concert, WGN. 1- b., ~o m. \'(IjZ \\:1HZ WLW WHAM \'<-·B .... L J'Iw -~i MUSIcal Art Quartet, J;horak. Quutec for , 0.45 A.M. EDT; 9.45 EST; WFLA • ~ rlano and sumgs. \\:'jl Will WHAM 8,45 CT B ff I V' W k h KDKA WSM WFLA, ~o m, .. Station Chain K.C. WaLLs Location x~nrler u a () atlety or'S op, W'ABC WCAU Cilicago Knights, WAlK \XlCAU WPG '"''''''''''~''.''' .. ', AI ... Sl'mmler. pianist, WABC wau WHAS, 4': m. .\ ' """,-"'.... WPG WIIAS CFRS CRC &. CBS 690 10.000 Toronto "Begllllling Again," Thelmll I folder, \\lOR Smook;nOreams, \VL\V CKAC CRC &. CBS 730 5.000 Montreal 11 A.M. EDT; 10 EST; 9 CT 4.15 P.M. EDT; 3.15 EST; 2.15 CT Ensemble. WHAS, ~o m. KDKA NBC 980 50.000 Pirrsburf!:h. Peuo. 1':C\\;S and Va/i:aoonds, WrAF W(jY WFI.A, Lillian Bucknam, soprano. \\"fEAP WEEI The Bible wmera. WOR KbfOX CBS 1090 50,000 St. l.oUIS, Mo. }O m, Carmdo woo, pianist. WGY Country Club Pro,ltram, WMCA. 30 m. KSD NBC 550 '00 Sc. Louis, Mo. St. Paul's Cath~draJ ~n·"e. wrn, I h .• Arthur Lang, baritone. \\"'OR Concert. WGN, 30 m. KY\'(T 1\BC 1020 10.000 CbiC2~o. Ill. l'j m. The. Te:uns. WLW 7.45 P.M. EDT; 6,45 EST; 5.45 CT WAAB CBS it YN 1410 '00 Boston r.:"s and Morniog Musicall'. JoS('pb Stopak. WABC CBS Key 860 50.000 New York 4.30 P.M. EDT; 3.30 EST; 2.30 CT "-cndell Hall, son.c.s. \\"EAF \X'GY violmlst. WjZ WBZ KDKA WHAM WBAL NBC 1060 IO.CleO Baltimore WeAl. \'(·I.W WSM WFLA, 30 m. Chicall:o S)'mphony Orchestra. WEAF WEEl Baseball scores. \),"1E£1 WHBM CBS 770 25.000 Chkago. IJ. Ouldren's Program. WAec. I h, WGY WLW. I h. (WSM, 30 m.) Plano, WOR \"'('850 9'0 '00 N~ham Rhoda Arnold, ani:! Tllylor Buclley, WHAS Intcrnational Tld·Blts, \'VjZ WBZ f'/:"s, Western SOrlgs, \,:'MCA WDT CBS 1080 2S,OOO Cha.rlotte, N. C. Children's Hour, WCAU Shadysid~ Cburch Ve~pers, KDKA. I h. 8 P.M. EDT; 7 EST; 6 CT WBZ NBC 990 50.000 Boston Colton Manor Ensemble, WPG. ~O m. Or~~G on Parade. WADC WCAU WIIAS jimmy Durante :and Rubinoff's Orchestra. WCAU CBS &: DIX 1170 50,000 Philadelphia WCe.O CBS 810 50,000 MinneapOlis. M.io.n. '1.15 A,M. EDT; 10.15 EST; Lee Co~rid. Mllriorie Tremont, piJ.oo. WOR ~'\I~AF WGY WHZ WLW WSM WF).A, 9,15 CT WCSH NBC &: NEN 940 1.000 Portland, Me. Orgao, plano, WMCA The j~nney Concert, WEEr, I h. WDRC CBS &. YN 1330 1,000 Hanford Hall and Gruen, pianists, WEAF WGY WEAF NBC Key 50,000 New York WFLA 5 P.M. EDT; 4 EST; 3 CT "Cooin' to To.... n." Ed Lowry, WjZ WHAM ... WEAl" CBS &. YN '00 Providence National Vespen. Dr. Paul Scherer WJZ KDKA, I h. WEEI NRC &: NEN 7" 11.30 A.M. EDT; 10,30 EST; WBZ WFl.A. ~o m. • Cclumbla Variety 1I0ur, Cliff Ed.....ards. Fray '90 1.000 BostOD 9.30 CT \\-E1\,,,& NBC 870 50,000 TIle Playboys, WABC \VCAU WHAS WPC and Braggiotll, Do Re Mi Tno. Vera Van. Chicap,o. Ill. upitol Family, Major Bo.....es, WEAF WGY '\\"'FfA CBS &. YN 14"}O • '00 :ManchC'Sler. N. H• Josef Zatour's Orchestra, \\~OR jerry Cooper. \X'ABC \V'HA~, t h.; WHA WFLA. 1 h.; WSM, 1) ro, NBC 6'0 25.000 Clearwarer. Fla, Family Prayer Period. WLW WCAU. 4': m. WGAR NBC 1,000 Richard Max",'ell, tcnor, WjZ KDKA WHAM ~o 14'0 Cleveland, Ohio Afternoon Musicale. \'{'GN. I h. "Chansonetlc," \'(fOR, m. WGN 720 50,000 Chic:u:;o WLW Young People's Church, WMCA. I b. Thret' Little Funsters. ""MCA Radio Nimblewits. E~·('tett Smi(h. MICRO. WGST CBS • 890 '00 Atlanta. Georgia PHONE Columnist, WliZ 5.15 P.M. EDT; 4.15 EST; 3.15 CT Hal Kemp's Orchestra, WGN a WGY NBC 790 50,000 Scheneclady. N, Y. Salt Lake City Tabern<1.c1e Choir, WPG, t h., Windy City R~vue, WABC WCAU WPG 8.15 P,M. EDT; 7.15 ES:rt 6..1 5 CT ;=; WHAM NBC 1150 50.000 Rochester. N, Y. WIJAS CBS &: DIX 820 50,000 I.ouisville. Ky. WrHAS, ~o m.; WABC from 12 .'CWHAS L D[ebut bN, ight'GKDKA, 45 m._~. urrent egal Tupics," WOR ;.nsem c, W N ~ WIIOII 830 1,000 BoslUn 11,45 A.M. EDT; 10.45 EST; WHEB 5,30 P.M. EDT; 4.30 EST; 3.30 CT Fishers Gypsy Ensemble, WMCA ~ 740 250 Portsmoutb. N. H. 9.45 A.M. WHK CBS 1390 2.500 Cleveland. Ohio Phantom Strings. W jZ WBZ KDKA WI lAM &ntineh. Edward D"vles. baritonc, Chicago 8.30 P.M. EDTI 7.30 EST, 6.30 CT :3: '\\'7ICC CBS &: YN 600 250 Brid.ceport, Conn. \X'LW Capella Choir. WEAF WI:EI WGY \'VL\Yl StadlWII Concert, wm~m Van Hoogstrat~o, WJAR NBC &: NIN 890 '00 Providence Time, "e;ather. ","'BZ "SM, 30 m. conductor, \'<-'OR, :z h, WJR NBC 750 10,000 Detroit. Mich. First Baptist Church, WSM, .4:) m. Finah of Geld Cup Race and Internation,1 "l'icholas Gual!usi, violin. \'i:'MCA WISV CBS 1460 10.000 \'1ashint:too. D. C. Tld·Blts, WjZ WBZ WHAM KDKA Bridge Talk. WGN \X'JZ NBC Key 760 50.000 New York 12 N. EDT; 11 A.M. EST; 10 CT \X·FI.A, 30 m. 8.45 P,M. EDT; 7.45 EST, 6.45 CT \X'LBZ CBS &: YN 6'0 '00 Banoor. Maine Presbyterian Church &rvice, WHAM. 1 b., Prank LIUllllt and Julia Saoderson WABC f T WCAU WLEY 1370 100 Lexitlltton, Mass. WCAU WHAS ~o • ur appers. 30 m. 'r.nse~ble Srr~: WT.\V NBC 700 500.000 Cincinnari Watchto.....er Propram, WCAU PresldcI1t Hotd WPG Alexander's forum, \VMCA WMAQ l"DC 670 5,000 Chica,l::O. III. Sunday Worship, WGN, I h. Larry Taylor, bJiritone, WOR Ensemble. W(,N WMAS CDS &. YN 1420 '00 Sprin.cfeld. Ma5!I. ASS Key Church Service, WHAS, 30 m, 6 P.M. EDT; 5 EST; 4 CT 9 P.M. EDT; 8 EST; 7 CT W:MCA 570 '00 Ncw York Comics, WOR WNAC CBS &: YN 1230 1.000 Boston Catho.lie: Hour, Madiaev<1.!ists, Choir, WEAF Merry.Go Hound, Tamara, WEAF WGY, WNDH YN 1310 m New Bedford 12.15 P.M. EDT; 11.15 A.M, EST, WNIlX 10.15 CT WIEI WGY WSM: WFLA, 3>0 m. Ni~~ ~'C1ock Re~·ue. \'{'EEl, }O m. 1260 250 Springfield. VetmOttt WOAJ NBC H\X~~IA'~rObs of th~ Hills. \'(,JZ \'(feZ HI"~dIJners. S:oornllAI~ and Budd. Frank 1190 50.000 San Anwoio, Tel:. Muiscal Turns. \\lET:I wQAM CBS '60 1.000 Miami. Florida WealOer. sclloollU:udS. WGY Those I hrec- Girls. KDKA Parker. Paulme Alpert. Al Goodman's Or, g WOR 710 Ncv.-ark. N. J. Ch~tra. '.000 Gould and Shcfter. WJZ WBAL WHAM Chorus and organ WL\'V i-Wen Gle;,lsoll. \\-JZ \\<'8Z \VHAM WORC CBS &: YN 1280 '00 Worcester KDKA WLW Nu.k Lu,:t5. son¥;. WABe WCAU WPG KDKA W8AL \\L\\' \\SM ~'FlA,}O m. WSB NBC 740 50.000 A1lal1ta. Gfl>rgia Time. \\lealher. Temperature. WBZ Or~an. Herbert Koch, \'VHAS JeanOle lan~ and Buddy Rogus Orchestra 5' CBS 1100 '.000 Adan,:c City, N. J. Bud Shav, sonl!S. ""CAU Uoele Don. WOR. 30 m. \\'ABC \'\CAU. ~o m. ' """Gws,.\{ NBC 6'0 50,000 Nashville. Teoo.. Musical Raconteur. WMCA RadJo Party, WMCA, 30 m. Songs 10 My helUt. "'HAS I:: WSMB NBC 1320 '00 New Orleans. La. 12.30 P.M, EDT; 11.30 EST; Doring Sisters, WG", jetry Baker, tenor. \.....MeA WTAG NBC &: NE'J '80 '00 \'(Imcesler. Mass. Chicago Symrhony Orchestra. \'VGN. 2 ~=g WTAM NBC 1070 50.000 Cleveland. Ohio 10.30 CT 6.15 P.M. EDT! &.15 EST; 4.15 CT (News at ;0) h'l ,--~ WTAR CBS 890 '00 Norfolk, Va. University of Chicago Round Table. WEAF Heart Throbs of the Hills, Wjl 9.15 P.M. CDT; 8.15 EST; 7.15 CT ~ WTIC NBC &: NEN 1040 50.000 Hanford. Conn. WEEf WGY, 30 m. Quartet. WB2. ~ Music Hall Symphony Concert, WjZ WHZ P;POoo~',"SK",~~"WLW ~~~~ ~~/~~~~s~~'tioWo,H~~'CA CHAlNS: NBC, Nali/mal JJroJJ(aJling Company; CBS, Colum!Jia BroadcdJri", i WBAL WHAM KDKA WFLA, 1 b .• .. ... J' :l SY1t..m; YN, Yonl" Ntrworle; D1X, Dixie Nt/worl,' ABS, Amt-rican BrHdr.n. WSM, }O m. SummN Musicale. \X'ABC WCAU \"'HAS. 9.30 P,M. EDT; 8.30 EST; 7.30 CT ing SY1UPn; CRC, Canadian RAdio Co.,,,,iS1io1l; NER. Ntw P..gl.IIJ NlltlJorl.. ~ The Romany Trail. WABC WCAU WPC 30 m. American Album of Familiar Music. Frank ~ fE WHAS, 30 m. ~ .-::==::==::::::::::======~~~ John Fuser. WMCA BuryAroun.tDevine,thc 19thsongs.Hole.\\'"'G:-J"WPG Munn,WSM WFUr.,Vlrginia)0Rea,m. WEAF WEEI WGY ...===:.. .:::;, • I I Saturday, August 11, 1934 TIlE MlCROPHONE Page fiye

.., '~ BadioLane Studiosity = By Jimmy J. Leonard""---~ ___.oJ By Les Tro RADIO wilI practicaUy govern your children THIS PAST week, in case you do not know and your children's children. At least, VOLUME 111 5atllrda), Allgust IT, '934 NUMBER 32 it, has be{'n "Waltz Week." It seems that .so thinks ORESTES H. CALDWELL, scientist, lec­ 500 years ago the waltz was born. So t hat it Publisher, JOHN K. GOWEN, Jr. BIISilless j\Ianager, PHILIP N. HOBSON turer and former Federal Radio Commissioner. why you have heard so many waltzes being The supreme achievement of our greatest Editor, G. CARLETON PEARL J'lanaging Editor, MORRIS HASTINGS played by dance otchestta. radio invention to date, the photo-electric cell, A weekly oewspapet, The MICROPH01'F is published every Saturday Speaking of dance orchestras, DON BrsTOR, better known as the "radio eye," is not able to at Boston, Massachusetts, by The :MICROPHONE, Inc. radio orchestra leader, has started a campaign cope successfully with tdevision and the making Entered as .secon-d class matter August 11, I933, at tl:e post office at ..against the '''ord "jazz." BESTOR thinks that of electricity by the sun's potent rays. Boston, Massachusetts, under the Ad of :March 3, I879. jazz is a damning rather than helpful phrase to When the The MICROPHONE will not be responsible for unsolicited manuscripts describe radio eye unless they are accompanied by return postage. modern mu­ achieves Subscription for one year, $1.50 postpaid. Single copies, five cents each. sic as played e i the [ of by dance or· these great Advertising rates on application to the Business l\{anager. chest ras. So projects. it Offices, No. 34 Court Square, Boston, ~iassachusetts. BESTOR will rc:volu­ Telephones (c01l11ecting all departmentj) LAFayette 2860 and 2861. askeeI.all t ion ize so­ radio editors ciety to al­ to contribute most the ex­ their ide a s tent or the The Horse Laugh on what the ';~\'ention of thiog called the cotton ANNOYING e\idence of ill-breeding, of comFiece dis- "jazz" ought gin. regard for the rights of others, is to be found at almost to be called. It may any of the out-of-door concerts being given these balmy Among th:::: see m (ar Summer evenings. A strong case in point is the Arthur names already f etc hed to suggested are Fiedlet Esplanade Concerts, sponsored by The MICRO­ think t hat "Free Har­ the 5 un' 5 PHONE. mony," "Free ray 5 could Here in Boston, on the quiet banks of the Charles River, Rhythm," manu facture thousands gathered to hear good music performed by able "Rythmania,·· c lee tricity, artists, from the new illuminated shell with excellent "Dansanna, .• 'b u t M r: acoustical properties. Othet hundreds of thousands heard and to top CAL DWELL the m off, the programs at home, through The MICROPHONE'S writes t hat "SyncoCtacy:' the sun arrangements fOr radio broadcasts. In our own throws 175 For the most patt, the listeners physically ptesent at the simple way watts of elec­ Esplanade were orderly and well-behaved. They came to we would B.EN BEttNJE TONY WONS tricity on each hear the music and they remained quiet in order that othets • just as soon square foot of terra-firma. On a sunny Jay might hear it also. Traffic was divetted; extraneous noise call it "music," along with everything else there is enough electricity beaming down on a classed undet that heading, although we do battleship's deck to run the ship with its was at a minimum. agree that it should have some other name energ}'. From time to time, however, there boomed fOtth from than '·jazz." Just at this time the electric eye is being the outskirts what is colloquially but nevertheless accu­ You can't stop these radio stars, To~-Y utilized to the full ext<:nt of its present knowl­ rately termed the horse laugh., This carries a great dis­ WONS now on his vacation, sits down every edge. Tt is used for c~~)Unting cars going a~d tance; it may give a certain perverted pleasure to the cal­ Jay writes a thousand words. And it is through New York's Holland tunncl. It guides not just for the sake of writing. He is writing the large ocean liners to a safe harbor. 10\v youth uttering it, but no symphony can compete even a book revie".'ing his 10 years in radio, ,vhich~ The eye blinks its way beside air lines fl)'ing momentarily with its stridency. I am sure, must be fraught with interest. the government mail. And it may be used to Police moved silently to the spot to rout the offender, A simple tale of the tastes of great men warn night watchmen and home owners of an who took his small gang of disturbers, male and female, comes to these now calloused cars. It seems attempted burglary. Within the next few and his horse laugh off with him. that HENRY FORD has something cJ.lled a FORD years, Me. CALDWELL believes, yon w:] see the Symphony Garden out in Detroit, which he What the police cannot do, public opinion can do. The motor car governed by th,:se electric eyes to sometimes attends. And when he goes every­ the ··nlh" degree. annoyance is great and the solution is simple: Let those one knows it and the Detroit Symphony Or­ Little man, you've had a busy day, may be whose enjoyment is interrupted by skylarking groups give chestra simply has to play what Mt. FORn wants easily applied to that well·known radio actor, evidence of their displeasute and the horse laugh, never to heat. It's one of those things. CHARLES \'QEBSTER. Here is what he does to Mr. FORD, a dispatch says, is a lovet of the put geldt in his jerkins: Tn a bit over a week worth preserYing, is definitely doomed. simpler forms of symphonic expression and he has played parts in "Mr. SPIERS," The GoLD­ doesn't like heavier stuff. \Vell, sir, HENRY BERGS, K-7, Radio Guild, Stories of History, On TI.e Rig)•• Road went to a concert one night. VICTOR KOLAR, Othcr Americans, Rural Sketches, Voyage of the conductor, knew that he was corning and SETH PARKER and Ghost Stories. G~OD adv~rtising. taste in programs. Accuracy in olso that Mr. fORD would stay ooly fot the It is definitely decided that JOE COOK will . 1 hese are pomts of paramount importance being in­ fi r.st part of the concert. not go to Hollywood to make that picture. He's SIsted upon by the new Federal Communications Commis­ Then, as they say in story books, as luck had an argument with the big cheeses and tore sion. Jail terms face false ait advertisers; complaints that would have it, ~1.r. FORD decided to stay longer, up th~ nassy ole contracts. much to KOLAR'S chagrin, because the second Wheo that oil sPQt stops btoadcasting the certain programs are unfit for the ears of childten are being investigated. The Commission, in its attempt to half of the concert 'began with BRAHMS' First foreign talent they will call upon our country­ Symphony, a thing that Mt. FORD just cao't men to take the mike. Bl·DD and STOOPNAGLE, clean up radio broadcasts, is on the right road. It has the abide. just to be different, will go on oyet WJZ. Col­ support of the listening public. Mt. KOL-\R made a few substitutions. So, umbia has decided to loan them instead of the Fitst Symphony' to their rival chain. LUIS MAR· Ba~k Broad~asiers of BRAHMS, a truly noble work, DEN, former MICitOPIiONE photog. Siage With the Byrd there appeared in one, two. three rapher and W13Z's Radio Camera By GEORGE LILLEY each \'(fednesday, Riverhead, these tests faitly tegulatly. order, "The Bluc Danube Waltz," Clubbn, has by this time reached Loog Island, CIlS's (and LSX, Buenos Aires, can be LISZT'S "Liebestraum," RACHMAt{J­ \X/ashington to join the staff of FOR HOURS at a time they RCA's) New York tetminal; depended upon for reception. INOFF'S "Prelude io C Sharp cameramen on the National Geo· sit in their offices of the LSX aod I-kilowatt KFX, regardless of conditions. _Minor," "Fair Land of 7\fine graphic Magazine. LUIS thinks Columbia Broadcasting System Little America, can be found March," and FRlrL. 'KREISLER'S hc'll be sent to mug mummies in wracking their brains for The seven and one-half working out final details for "Old Rcfraio:' Ergpt. ideas and new tricks to let watt stratosphere transmitter, short waves perform. They the 10-0'c1ock btoadcast. WIOXCW, opetatiog con­ The great man left the colis­ fou wouldn't think so by lis­ are the boys who map out Likely as not, Little Amer­ sisteotly 00 13,050 kilocycles, scum, and said: tening, but the Showboat re· the BYRD programs which ica isn't commg through was heard direct by listeners "That's the kind of music peo­ hearses 21 hours, and it takes RUDY each Wedoesday thrill the well enough to please, anJ thtoughout the countty. ple like to heat." VALLEF. only IOY2 hours to re· nation. you'lI hoar the Riverbead hearse his talent. FRF.O ALLEN While ifs all going.oo, high engineers s ~ ;. i n g: "Hello. must rehearse his gags 15¥2 hours frequency fans are snooping John, swirch over to 'num· with the rest of his show. (Now to around "back-stage," where the ber 71 for ab:>ut 15 min­ To Subscribe The Microphone he knows how we feel.) The real thrills are found. On one utes." longest rehearsal is The Beauty Fill out the blank and mail with cash, money otder or occasion last Winter lightning Jaill' DYI'R is the CBS Box spot with SWARTHOUT. This muc the antennae of LSX. man with BYRD. "\ umber check to The MICROPHONE, 34 Court Square, Boston, Mass. show takes 35 hours rehearsal a "Trans-Radio." the relay point ·7" is simply a code numhcr week. (Please ptint) at Buenos Aires. for one of the frequencies Nam~ BEl\: BrRNJE has started some· Fi\,c minutes after drop· used hr KFZ. n _ . thing we wish he'd finish, When ping from the air. the Argen. As to possibilities of recep· 5I'eel...... BERNIE was in Florida and his tine was back on again, with tion direct from Antarctica, II band was in Chicago, BEN de· the engineer muttering: little can be said othet than Cil] or TOWTl _ . tided it would be nice to sing ·~/e·re on a different 3!J:ten· that it depends upon weJ.tl.er • with the band. Eogineets de­ na, but another flash like conditions and location. 5Iall ,·..·..·-- ·..· .. cided they could do it, aod made that and I go borne!" :Many fans throll~hout the (Subsctiption $1.50 per year, postpaid) quite a success. By 9.15 P. M. (EDST) East have tuned them in on I", ~-:' Page Six THE MICROPHONE Saturday, August II, 1931 Monday, August 13 - Music Camp on NBC-WJZ ~hain at 10 P.M.,

Ncw~. stoch, WLW The Texans. WLW I Henrietta Schumann and Iud Gluskin's Ot­ Highligbts Maytair Mdodll:'. \\lABe WCAU \'='HAS IJ'illmvy Gordon, Dave and Bunoy, WABC wau chestra. Geor,gie Price. guest. \\'ABC r- Your Friendly l\;eighbor. \X'GN WHAS WCAU WHAS, 30 m. Town Crier, WNBX "DancinA Around," WOR Arthur \'(fright, tenor, WGN Sports, WMCA ~o 11.30 A.M. EDT; 10.30 EST; "The Spotlight" Revue, WOR, m. "The IIour of Cheer," \'V·MeA, 30 m. P-;:~-ChiCagO Symphoo)' Oc- 9.30 CT 6 P.M, EDTJ 5 EST; 4 CT I Hotel Tra)more Orchestril. WPG, 30 01, Melr"l~' Mjxer~, WJZ WHAM WBAl, }O m. AI Pearce and his Gang. WEAF WLW WSM 1.. chestra, NBC-WJZ (WUZ at 11.4') WFLA 9-45 P.M, EDT; 8.45 EST; 7.45 CT, ~ 1, 8.0o-Champions. Richard Him­ CharIOlt:er~. W J.. "" E\ening Tattlcr, WEEI, 30 Ol. Magic Stnngs, WBZ bec's Orchc"iitra, NBC·\VEAF Stllge Shnw. \Xi'BZ Three X ~IHer~, WJZ WBZ Earl Burtn(;tt'~ Orchestra. \'(fGN Do Re Mi Trill. \VABC WHAS ..• wau Time. weather. KDKA 10 P.M. EDT; 9 EST; 8 CT Gladys Swarlhout, NBC­ Wandering Poet, WPG. 30 m. News and bvellm~ Brevitje~. WGY WfAF un S.i!\·Il. organ, \'qGN Peter Biljo's Orcllestra, WABC WCAU Gene Arnold. Luflaby Lady. male quartet. Matinee Melodies. WNBX WI lAS b~tman'~ Orchestra, \'VEAF WEEI WGYj 9.0o-Grpsies, Robert S i m­ String Music, WSM \'\IL\'\!. 30 m, 11.45 A.M. EDT; 10.45 EST; ~ational mons, NBC-WEA F 9.45 A,M. Orche~tra, \'(fGN MU)ic CAmp, Ossip Gabrilo9.·itsch·, Uncle Don. WOR. 3!1 m. c-onductor. WJZ WBZ ,",'HAM KDKA. 4~ [van Evans, CBS·\VABC Ella Craunart. KDKA m.; WSM from 10.\0 (WFLA. ~o m.) nream~, Meditatltlos. WMCA Painted \VI.\\I Farm Flash. WNBX ");'ayne Kin~'s Orchestra, WAB<.. wall 9.30-Lud Gluskin. Henrietta ~~~-.I ,he C'dets. chlO, W ABe WHAS. ~o m. Schumann, George Price, Bud Shays. songs, WCAU 6,15 P.M, EDT; 5,15 EST; 4.15 CT f rll. nz Imhoff, tenor. WPG I \v ... (~ CBS-WABC three Ales, Landt Trio '!lnd White, WtAF News. music, WGN, I h. I Studio pro,c:rll.m, WI lAS Joe and Eddlc. WGY John Kelvin, tenor, \,<'OR Joe Cook and Donald Navis, Poem. WNfiX U. S. Army Band. WJZ WHAM WSM. 30 m. Archie D1eyer·s Olche~tra. \x'MCA Orchestra, NBC·\'\IEAF Bill Williams, WBZ 12 N. EDT; 11 A,M, EST; 10 CT Sports, KDKA 10.15 P.M, EDT; 9.15 EST; lO.Oo--Nafional Music Camp. Charles Sear~. tenor. WEAF WI:L1 WCY Bobby Benson and Sunoy Jim, WAlK 8.15 CT Ossip Gabrilo" itch, con­ ~,:._I H~~;L;ean. \,(fJZ WI lAM KDKA WSM WCAlJ Mary Cortner, sorrano. \'\ISM ductur, NBCW)7­ Organ, WHAS, 30 m. The Dukes. WPG . The Monitor Vi('ws the New~, \VBZ BUll Biferno, guitar, WMCA l.a9.'renc~ Salerno, baritone. 'X'GN, 30 m. lO.30-Gothic Choristers, NBC­ Moroin~ Hi.l:htights, WLW Patelli's Orden Experiments doll. . And CoxRAD? Of coursc, \\ ht:n }'OU he:lr CO, f...... D THI ith Sound BAl l.T' robust resonant \ OICC. you think of an int(:nse. serious. By ROSIILI.·E GRE' rr .n, don't rou? \Vell. he IS in, Jnten~e1)' (Ad' 1 Abo",J C ·P:.lI' HE. 'R> S ten'\e---but also funnj·. Sholl Bo.lI) I WI'ih you could sec the crazy stunt) he impro\·j"ec;. Onc<.' Co•. Gold old Captain HE, 'RY'S RAn put on a grotesque reJ heard Sho\\ HOJt has churned up quite and his ,t:rimaces in contrast with a ~ood deal of • {IS" d'pp' mod the soulfulness of the song con· ~in<.c It stl sail on ib cntt'rt3m­ yuls<:d us with laught r. ment crul (; almost t .... 0 years ago. I somet:I11t'S wondt:[ if [oldio "Brcaking Us Up" autlic:nce.;, get as big .1 kick out .M()I.A~"ES and j.\;'\;l AllY, too, of Jislt:nJng to our efforts, via the n,vel in "breaking us up." Thty elhl'r, as we do in the: .teluJ) re­ pull unexpecteu jokes on each~ heor,ing and pl.lying of the pro­ other-really, they're most spon- ge.un. taneousl)' funny. And often Ihc:y lt m.lY sound bromidic - and make up a complete new "spot" let it's quite truc' -w~ .ue as one bet\\ een dress rehearsal ilnd show I h.ppy f.1I11ily! CIIIII

Thtn it's a ma.tter of dear 'liomdhing I Now that he has had movie ex- Uncle He. ·RV 'c,lmpering from However, \\e take our JralTI:ltic peri<:ncc. he "registers" his feel· the \\ rarh of the 50unJ effects interludes .cerioush', The dia· IOg~ \\ hilt: reading his script and man. All tllis at rcheJrsJl, of lo~uts \\ ith L.o\_ -..,: Ross arc fun it"s most interesting to wat,h the course. to do. He is such a dear' And play of emotions on his f.lce. The And \\ h,Ie I 'I"nk of It If you so fine to \\ork with. Charm. first ni ht he \\.1S back. I \\3.S so hen a re ounding thl\Jck during ing. hanc.home, and Hollvwood intcnt on \\ atc.:hing his Lice. I the actual hroadcast it's just hasn't spoiled him one whit. fOCJ~ot to look back at my script Uncle HE. RY giving me an extra OUf most thrilling momtnt on and .llmost missed a cue. hard ~lap between the shoulJer Show' Boat was his first broadcast LAl". 'Y takes himseif and his blade. It .tJds emphash to his RosALI. 1" GRI J. I adr 1 ,JIJO;J,.d fhl: "Shou BIJ:U" Itll abOll1 he,. jd. from the Co,1St. \\'hen I heard work him I w pot ell III Jh~ auomp..l1,rmg ,;l1udl.;. hiS swed ,"oice fIoatin}! out of ens of humor anJ III e)cs no (;nd. _ the loud speaker In the stud o. h\,illkle <;,0 OlCely. I'm not sure ~ I IS ",I' l\laria Declaims licit)' man. TI.·" Rl FF ER is tlOUlty 1'0 another bundle of ter dc,liatin!\. his 'ong to 1ARY Loc, "Ilieh mood most cngaC! IRf 'f Ht·BB:\RD~ Then there's the man who extols the \'irtucs of rif IC er. :: rgr. He is compIetely -;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;~ [V(;from: knows her as .. ~ faria" our little itiner.mt troupe. and h, absorbed in the pro~ram and he r and she's almost as dear to me certainl)" is a d)'namo of energy. himself feds "'ery word that is as my own mother. Possibly it's He sings, he announces, he ad­ spoken. He gesticul.t;S died recently in his$>------­ and t home in W'ashington, O. C, after Speedboat Regatta I-RIDAl.' rears of research into air waves. T One of the patents covers a Broadcast by NBC at method of multi\'cx radio trans­ Three speeuboJ.t ra.ces, which 6:4.; P .ill. mission, \\ hile the other two deal constitute a part of the National with television. Under a/range­ Regatta to be held at Baltimore, ments by JENKL'CllIbl:, \X'ABC ... "-'" hiJ own z"erJe on a pr(Jgr:tm rrith WSM. lO m" Th~ Evenin~ Tattler, WEEI, }O m. "Mountain Moments," WOR \X'HAS \\PG Th~ DaH T~'nn. sonl:~. \\ 1'(; Markel~. \'(.{,=" MORTON GOl:LD, pi.miJ/. N~,,'s. WGY Orch:stra. WGN Kaiarna'.J Royal Ha"'aiians. WHAS Thun!' Club of th~ Air. WOR pr0f,ram iJ bro4Jc(J,1 b) Ihe D"rothv Pag~' Orchestra, WHZ Heat Wave TrIO. WG~ 10 A.M. EDT; 9 EST; 8 CT Sylvl~ BI".,. wnlZ. \\,1'.1(;\ \X'HAM 10 P.M. EDT; 9 EST; a CT I\"BC-Jr'EAF ChJ;d TflesdA)s at Time, Ic:mr~rature, ,,-~Jther. KDKA Mclntyr~. Gbd\~ Bree., and de R,,~. \\LAf \X'[El 1.45 P.M. EDT; 12.45 EST; J"hn Baul",y. FunIc S..;Jtth· ~. CocO.lnuts. \X"FLA. ,0 m, OUI. Ope'~lt2. \t'EAF WEEI \\"(,Y \\TW Soull \\ GY 11.45 CT 11.30 A_ ,II. Ord~tu. \\"'G:\ WG:>: WS~f \\ f h, Id _ Ma,Hul'::h. (.. S f' ~r. \\"JZ \\ BZ Al\ln~ ti,e Vo4:". \\'AOC \X"CAU W'HAS HA. Metz~r. re",din~. ChatlC5 urllk. WABC WCAU WHAS 1"bt' Troopc:n, WABC WHo\S "Pc. KDKA \\" M \,"[LA j Anin C. WPG Meditui'-':ls. \\ MeA Eddy Bro..... n. yjolini5t. orche. tta. WOR Bill and Glng~r, WAne wau WHAS Ru'<;('11 R"hln 'n. p.,an >. \\ ;\lC,\ 3.30 P.M. EDT; 2.30 £ST; 1.30 CT rolls L"IJ. (Ilcnun, \\';:..;BX MornlnJ: MU~lcale. WGN Dorothea ~hay. blue~. \\'OR Archi~ Biever Or tr \\""IC\ Home Hour. WPG RU5~~11 Rohmson. ['>!.In" \\ MCA \'<'oman's R.dio Re\ i~w. .'Painting: the 6.15 P.M. EDT; 5.15 EST; 4.15 CT X:,-"-s an "Blu .c" Be'm" On th~ Air. \X"r...-BX rnse-mhl'. \\'e;,\ • R.J.II'I~." WEAF \\GY. ~o m. Piano. \VGY }O m, Cnd~, Orches~ra, 10.15 A.M. EDT; 9.15 EST; Fum Ref'lm~r, Wl\iKX \\'1:.1:1 RCJ.ding \\ EEl. \0 m. Ramon Ramos' \\')Z \\'HAM 10.15 P.M. EDT; 9.15 EST; "\X'h,te T~rror." dram.. \,,"jZ 8.15 CT 2 P.M. EDT; 1 EST; 12 N. CT KOKA Bill Williams. WBZ 8.15 CT \\"SM. ;0 m. e,set- II T21·. KDK 0\ MoJnn Mt>unu,ncer , \\-ABr. \\'Co\l' \'\ \'ICnntl,;mhk. \X"lAF \\"[E! Dinn Kenned)". or~ani$t. \\T:\f. }O m. H\S Ad\enturing "ith p( "U~ S~ MpS, '~"DZ. £'obb)' Bensoo and Sunny Jim. WABe Milton Kellem's Orche Ha. "·~IC .. CNIe5 nl R"lll.1nte. WJZ WBZ KDKA Pur~ Food Institut~. \\7[[1. ~o m. :'/0 1II. WCAU J luel Slu"er. fred King. WFLA. Hatlley Rasmuson. baritone., WGY " Sputtel and \\'hine. WI.W Herbert Koch. orAanist. WHAS. }O m. 1 0.30 P.M. EDT; 9.30 EST; Crane Calder. bass. WABC WCAU 1:Iun Boys. quartet. \X'ARC \X'CAU \X'PG Dancill~ by thc Sea, WABC WPG WHAS, T"dl~ht M:lodies. WMCA 8.30 CT Poet's Corner. \X'MCA Markets, .... cathcr. WHAS WCAU, ''0 m, Bub l'a(.e1J."~ Oahestra. \'<;'G~. ~o m. Tim Ryan"$ Rendtrous, WJZ \\"BZ•.'0 m. 10.30 A.M. EDT; 9.30 EST; W.llrer Clarhult. ~on!:s. \\"MCA Salitone, WOR S",uire H"",kln$. KDt\:A 6.30 P.M. EDT; 5.30 EST; 4.30 CT Stnng~. 8.30 CT Orchc~tra. \\ OR Stocks. WMCA Melodic W ABC WCAL' WHl\S, i'\e:W\, Mary Small. \X'EAF \\'GY, ~'SM ~o m, News And Morning Parade. WEAP WSM. 2.15 P. M. EDT; 1.15 EST; 3.45 P.M. EDT; 2.45 EST; 1.45 CT Scores. ne:w~. Weel Little jJck T.itlle·\ music, WPG. ~o m. I h, (wrll. ~o OJ, and lrum 11.1') 12.15 CT Twe:ntv hngcr~ of Hsrmony (News 3t 6, ..0)' Eli Dalltzi~"s Orrhe\ua. \X"MeA. 30 m. 1'}j1O Roge~. harironc, \\'~Z Today'~ Cluldrt:n. \\-' JZ WDl. WHAM lTou\thnld Chat. WGY WJZ BrOJ:.ale's Orrhe\tra. WOR, ~" m, WB"f. KDKA WfLA PoetIC Strzn/ol\. WABC WCAU King lad;: and jc:>!el, WLW' Time:, we:ather. \'CDZ Chical/:o 1 heatle of the Air. \X'G:"J, }O m. Gen!!' (;'ravc:llc"\ OHhe'IU. \\,l\.t('\ Arll,ur Ch ndkr. or ·an. \\"I,W (.tnrgl1 '" rld,"'t. \X"HAS jack ArmstronR. WL\'" 1 0.45 ~,M. EDTI 9.45 EST; N,'" and M doon fmc. l,k \\'ABC V"CAU R,,::,an.,' of lIelen Trent. \\"G~ B ~hall. Btun \'1. Clm ""G:-':, ::! h Sam Robh-ns' Orchestra, WADC 8.45 CT ""If:\<;, }O m.' "M'-'morie~" \\OR 1 ITI" Ben G~(lbl;m. wau Kell)' SIStC ,KOK.\ Planu. \\,(;;0..1 Spurt!,. WMCA EDT; 3 P.M. EST; 2 CT tarry Taylor. h:Jnt<>ne. \\'OR Mornillg C"nlet!. \Vr-.me forum. KDKA. m, "0 Rh./lr~ody. "MId mmav;<-wey') Orchc,t",. "'BZ ;:-';cllie Revell intenic.... s. \VJZ \X'HAM )onnny johnson's Orche~·n. \X"EAF Ba~eb~ll !leview. WEAF 11.15 P.M. EDT; 10.15 EST; Trolil~," piJllO~, U. S. Navy Dand. WADC WCAu WPG Adult E<1ucuion Plo~ram. WABC MJJof 'J" Hampton Rith, 'Old \'\'EEI (;'auld and Sheffter, 'WEH 9.15 CT \X/IIAS, ~o m. Palmcr Ilou~e Ensemble, WGN The SmJ:in~ Strangcr. W)L;; \\.-tU. \'\{JIAM. Slilmp Club. WJZ Jlck Ktr~e:r"\ Ordle'tu. WEAF \VEEI \\'FLA Movie Persnnalities. WGN A~riculfllral College. WHAS KOKA WFLA Ntws. WBZ Rohert Roy(.e, tenor. \\lJZ WBZ \X'HAM Music by Oivano. WLW Dan and Sylvia. KOKA De\"otional Hour. \X'!':BX 3 P.M, EDT; 2 EST; 1 CT KDKA [;lrry Roberts. tenor, \\"OR SIring I:nsemble. W'SM Crtne and Gl~nn, WSM 11.15 A.M. EDT; 10.15 EST; Blue Room [choes. \X'EAf WLW WFLA. Rose of Lombardi, WMCA Ilawailans. WL\'V Ish~m Jones Orchema, WABe \X'PG WHAS 9.15 CT }o m. Alternoon Concert. \X"l'\BX. }O m. Bt:ale: Stre~t Boys, WADe 'WCAU \\"HAS \\'CAL!. }O m. Platt an,l Nicrm:rn. pianists. W)Z WBZ Del Ca~tillo. org~nist. WEEI. 30 m. 4.30 P.M. EDT' 3.30 EST' 2.30 CT Ford Frick. sporlS. ~OR MU$ical VarielY. WHAS WIiAr-f KDKA Albany Oll Plirade. \'('GY • • . 01lve June:,. ~ongs. \\ MC.\ Lum and Abner. \X'GN ~'T:AP \\'G~ Ne.... l. livest"cks. 'W'LW };ath;tn Stewart, tCflOr, \\'JZ WIIZ ""DAL Art..Tatem, pianIst. WEFT WGY. IB;,;n Potltr. lht,h. 11.30 P.M. EDT; 10.30 EST, Leon CIlI~. or~ani~t. WSM \'<"SM. ~o m. C111ugn Symphnny Orcheitla. \\)Z \\"HA~t Sporh. Wz\;BX 9.30 CT Charm Secrets. WCAU Sammy fulle:r. KDKA \\"SM WFI.A. I b, fKD:(,\, 30 m. lCom17.15 P.M. EDT; 6.15 ESTj 5.15 CT C~'I Hoff and Orche·tn. \,\'LA F \'{"Cfl, Nei~hbor, WG~ Si~ttrs. Your Friendly Ponce WLW 4..;') (\\'BZ, '0 m, Gene and G[::nn. WEAF \\"lU \\ (j¥ "CHA. '0 m, TO"n Crier. \\'I\"8X Metropolilan Parade. WABC WCAU WPG, lo~arh( ReporB, KDKA, Pitbbulgh Varieties. KDKA Rav ;:";'chols OcchC'ilr:l. \\'GY" 30 m. ;0 m. I \\'H,\~( ~'.~~ ~.:,. l;ni\cr~ity K~ntud;.y. Life: of Mary Sot"harn., \\.L\V :-';e<\s. llllt;J'e lenor. \VJZ \X'BAL Rucl., \',lllcc's ~bsic. \\"'J7 ""'8Z. }O m. 1 EDT; 10.30 EST; of "'HAS, 30 m. Carlt(J~ and, Craltt. \'( CAt" Don Humbert's Magic Strings, \'X'DZ \'\"illi,'m Penn Orche<·u. KDK"\ I:n~mhle, \\·G~. 4"1 m. 7.2,:"lIr s Orchestt.l, \\ O_R Varidie,.. KDKA. 30 m. Blue Rh~thm Band, \X"M(A.. }!) m. TIlIee: Shadl'"~ of Blu:.- \\"'EAF \\TEI ~'GY Sally and Su~. WOR tt:f J. .lure Cottone, ).:an, \\ .\ICA Muslta' MtIllOru:~, \\"FLA. }O m. \\'andering P()("1. \'('PG Spirituah. WI.\\1 ' BeU)" (;nuld, or U., "'MCA Melotly Mix~rs. \X'jZ KDKA \\.::iM \X'FLA. 4.45 P.M. EDT; 3.45 EST' 2.45 CT Wa))ide C"tta~e, WhBe \,'(AU frank 'tt".1It", O:.hc'u. \'COR. }': m. 5001, S.15 P.M. EDTl 2.15 EST; 1.15 cr IIA~ Blrl' Rhnhm Blnd. wMCA Adventure. On M1'ler)" J,land, ,,;, [AF \\'EEf Sere:nade:. \\ Orche~na~. E. R. A. Orch~stra. \\'RZ. }O m. Mudl..1\"es.' rby. WGY Stocks \\'GY Munz S:\te~. \'( MCA ""'GN, ' h. Do. R~. MI TH". \\"ABC WP(i, '0 01.; Low Do ..... n. WI,W Ship Ahoy. WCAIT Palmer IIQb~e r:n"sembJ~.,';'G~ 11.45 P.M. EDT; 10.45 EST; \\.IIAS, 1$ Ill. IWCAU:r1 11.-1<;1 Conmess of C1uh\. KDKA 1 he Easy Chair. WOR Rc:que:\ted Recordings. \X NBX 9.45 CT Pete \'l:'oolcr)"s Or("h~,tra. \\'CAU Ne"ark Museum Prngram. WOR ('.2rri~ Lillie Club. \\'MCA 7.30 P.M. EDT; 6.30 EST; 5.30 CT Joe Reichm~-'\ Orchestr.... WABC WC.\U Melodv Mcn. \"(IGN Mad",m" Baranpiana" WGY Ca~t1e Painted Dreallls, \'V'GN WLW WHZ Farm Orchestn. \VL\'V New~. WNBX Bob Newhall. WI.W bc;k Shook. guitu. WSM ~~~-~~~-~~~:1 Ptler H,lJo's Orchestra. \'VABC W'CAU Harry Sosnick's Orrhestra. WA8C WCAU 12 N. EDT; 11 A.M. EST; 10 CT Club Pw!'ram. WIIAS WPG WHAS. 30 m. The Merry MaC';. 'W'EAF \\TF.I \\'GY Footlight Echoc~, WOR. '\0 m. Bob Fallon's Orrhe\tr.\. WM(A fav fNgU)"IO. pi.lnist. \\jZ WHAM \\'OA1 ~ews. Soiree Musicale. WMCA, }O m. 12.30 A.M. EDT; 11.30 EST; W'FLA Sports R~porter, \X'GN 10.30 CT Mnnitor Views the News. WBZ jack Denny's Orchestra. \'!C'fAF "~EEl WGY lIi,o;:hlighh. \\"LW 7.45 P.M. EDT; 8.45 EST; 5.45 CT WEEI \\:'SM "'Fr.A Ccnnie Gate5, WA.BC \X'CAU \"'('IIAS Bhrk and Gold String Ensemble, \\-EAF Bohb' MtI'k«r"~ Orchewa, \\'JZ WSZ Barr}' Devin~. songs. WG~ \\'SM WHAM KDKA. ~o m. Home Sweet Hom~. WPG lIi~ Fredtlit M,Iler, \'\"[[1 \'X"jAR WCSH Mel Snvrler's Onhe'llra. WI.W" "'I) m. nann)" Dc:e. \X'OR WTAG \\-.TIC !,mm\' G-a,lIa~her's Orchestra. \\'...:-.[ Ni(hnlu (,ar.agus;, \ :Jlini~t. W)[CA frank Buck. WJZ WBZ WHAM KDKA Steel "Pier music. \\'PG Puents' Forum, WKBX \\"FtA rhic:' \\-o:-!)b's Orrh~~trl. ''''ICA 12.15 P.M. EDT; 11.15 A.M. EST; Mdod) Mastcrs. WLW Mark Fish~r's ()Hh~\Ua. \\'G:-.:. ::! h. 10.15 CT Boa.ke Carter. WABC WCAU WHAS 1 A.M. EDT: 12 M. EST; \\-"orld'~ ~o H' Ilt... ",>y "nd S:lS~afras. \\":'E.\F \\ ITI \\'GY FaIr Reporter, \\·G.·, m. 11 P.M. CT F,c;ds and Hall, WjZ KDKA \\"SM WfLA 8 P.M. EDT; 7 EST; 6 CT Pete Smith's Orchestra. \,\'JZ WBZ WHA.t! \\'SM WFLA. Leo R"i\man'~ Orchestra, Phil Duey. WEAF KDKA Tlm~, "cathtl. ~afety committee, \tBZ \'I:'EEI WGY, }O m" Terrace Gudens music. \\,"'SM. }O m. B~bs and Don. \\'1,\'" Henry Kjng'~ Urchestra, \\:jZ \VOZ WL\"', Charles Barnett's Orch~~tu, \"'OR Concert Oricntale, WAnc WCi\U WHAS }O m, Vee Oa"ldsoll"~ Olchestu, \X'HAS, 30 m. WPG Florida Military Acad"my. \X!fLA Benny Goodma.n·s Orcheslra. \\7MCA Musicale. \\"(;;0..1 "Lavender and Old Lace." Frank Munn and Barn~y Rapp's OrcheHra. WLW rn~emble. \VOR, Muriel Wihnn. Gustav Haenschen's Music. ST~plctLJll ano Boroff, piani~t$, \X'MeA WA~C WHAS, 30 m, ~II, Victor Hcrhert melodies. Wi'JDX_ News aad Ray Ziegler, sports. ~'PG ~ 12.30 P.M. EDT; 11.30 EST; IF BARR, McKINLEY, young ,aJio batitone, hadn·t gotttn "Radio Vanities." Frank Parker. tenor. '"" ST.'-\TIO~ 10.30 CT WOR. '\0 m Three Funstch. WMCA M("Il)" Madcaps. \VEAF WGY \VLW, }O m. mad, lw would never have: b{.come a radio star. He went Stock~. prndute, \\EEI to audition at \X'L \XT with two oth{.'r people as a trio, The 8.15 P.M. EDT; 7.15 EST; 6.15 CT OmE£TORY Vi.; and Sad..::, \X'JZ \\"B2 KDKA WHAM station wouldn't accept the trio. So H:\RItY demanded an audi­ WGN Orchestra. WGN "'FtA Beauty that Endules. \VFf"A AI Ka\t!in's Or<.hestra, \\"'ABC WCAU ~ Vira C" Park. contralto, \VPG Pn:.le4 12.4~ tion as soloist, and was signeJ. He's an example of lad who WHAS. ,0 m,; \\,PG from Me..~r Oavio' Orchestra. \X',Mr<\, hI. !ke-: • \\ (j:'\ got aheaJ by losing his head. Or(h~ltu., \'('G..'i THE MiCROPHONE Page Nine Saturday, August 11, 1934 ,

Less Mer~y~ Please!

Q.-And what is that-an article? A.-Yes, an article, containing a plea for intolerance of crime. Q.-Oh, this Chittenden is one of these rabid hot­ heads, avid after blood? A.-Not exactly; Mr. Chittenden is iust one of the decent citizenry heartily annoyed by the spineless attitude toward crime. He insists that a little more bigotry would be helpful. Q.-Suppose I'm not interested in crime? A.-Qyite all right with us; you might find 'something in "Idle Labor", by P. W. Pratt, a plan to put it to work. Q.~ I find it too hot for heavy thinking; my mind is on keeping cool and keeping my appetite keen. ­ What is there for me in August NOW? A.-Philip N. Hobson contributes "Food For Summer". This is a timely warning against excessive eating. You can get NOW from your news dealer or from the Circulation Manager, 34 Court Square, Boston. Fifteen cents the copy; $1.50 for twelve issues.

'I! I 'If JI:n:!"r' 'II 'III "II ~'I "1' Page Ten THE 1I1lCROPHO_ 'E Saturday, August 11, 1934 nesday, August 15 - Broadway Vanities, W ABC, 8.30 P.M. ~f:w ing T 'ri s, \X'FT A L ·ttl .... t LIttle O",h.n Annit. \VjZ \X'nZ KOKA Highlights Fr.tnklin Betl" Onhe!'tf.t, WG:-J , P I..~.S t!.. Tht Texan). WLW 8.45 P.M. EDT; 7.45 EST; 6.45 CT It.tmhle'i in Rh)"thm. \\ AR(" \\ C \U WPG. GorJon. DJ\c, Bunnr. \\ AHC \X'HAS Th~rnton Fi~her. Sp"rt St<,ric, off :ht RtCorJ. 30 m. (WIIAS from 11 I. WCAU WjZ \\f6Z KUKA \\'II.'\M (our friendly "'er"hbIJr. wGN rauy Chules. tenor. WPG Sket{h. \\7LW rllwn Critr. \X'~HX T~\ Fktdn:r. Lontly Clwh,,' ,",'OR Maple LeJf SexteW:. \VPG Chi(,\~o .1.jll Symphon) Or· 1~••~~ ~.:. EDT; 10.30 EST; Andy Kelln"d)"lo OrLhe'lrJ.. \V, HX. 41 m. 9 P,M. EDTI 8 EST, 7 CT chc)(ra, NBC·\\"jZ ~tty Ml>Oft. WEAP WEEI WGY wt.W 6 P.M. EDT; 5 ESTI 4 CT T'~"'I H;l.lI 'I, ·ht. h d Allen. TheoJore 8.,o-r"crcn Manh:tll, CBS· U, S. Am.'. 8.w' \\ lZ \\ nAt KDK\ A \'I:·ebb. M.u II H;arl)",lumew. ,rn..-el'1. '7ABC \, I p, and H s e, \\'[AF \\-L\\ len",,;: H Or hc ~~a \\:1:.11." \\ [[[ \\ rA '\.... , rD•• ,,"'ILA~I 1:otD 11.41 \\ H A \X'GY \\ L\\ \'( .1. I h. 9.00-Dctroit Symphony Or· ?,! niwi'd CC.'u· ',w B'... n,n or f·' \,,"[fI, EJam Fra 11.0 G LJ I I B:Ll1cl. \\ j7. \\ BZ chcstra.. CBS·\\·ABC '" .... • ea • \\GY \\HAM \\BAL KOh...... 1 h. 11.45 A.M. ED'l 10.45 EST; t.du at n In l~t. ea·,. \\j7. \X'~I ",,-oFLA Houscaal: (,1'1. \\rL/l Fred Allen, "lIe·WEAF 9.45 A.M. Dlly}of r! ",.'~ Mu~ M ken. \\liZ Dc"tr t ~ r Ur tr.. o.ertur t rao BUl;"S. \\ EAF \\-Ffl WC.Y TIme. at.ltJrt:r. KDKA ~ ~ nI I '" I I a T n. Mendel ~n'~ IO.(JO-nwa(.ka~t to and from Id:th Murr,n. Ta)'lor 8udd..... '0"-, \\"ABC p, S. R b " 1 d E~peuition, r'alUted Dreams. \\'I.W X\ (,N \\'CAlj \VIIAS -, ....' , J·Il;.:I. U I elll!o • e u , ,n 13}cd CBS.\X"ABC M;agic Rxipcs, WABC \\'HAS U'C!l.U Unlle [).,n. WOR. 30 m. r·. Radrlllanu off, !'rdude in C 'hllrp Cu}' I.omhardo's Orchestra. ,. K. 0 rno. \X'PG Me:ltdl'll" \\MJ ,\ l\l:nur. ~lla I . 81 c O.t~ ... be.·- .: Itu· Poem. \VNBX nrlllln!l "I t u r 'P;adefe",~kl'l Mm· ]\;!lr..W FA F 8.15 P.M. EDT; 5.15 ESTI 4.15 CT uet. Gurn e'l 'Counf~ Oef!),' L rl!rt 10. \O-liarrr Hichman, r\8C· 12 N. EDT; 11 A.M. EST1 10 CoT !'e old Hun ;afran Rlursodr. \\ABC Chules S(' .. ~s. \\TAf \\fEl WG\' lan.!t T' and \~'hite. \\1.W \\(11.1 \\I!\ \\!'(" I h. \\)1.: Al lind '-~ R(iser. \\'JZ \VHAM KDKA Joe and Eddie, WGY Orche\tra, \X'OR, ~o m. \\'~\I \X'rIA "r'.mh.l O.1~ldoff. baso. \\jZ \\II.\M ChieJ.~. \\.LUI l¥lrc ~ ten _Je. \\ ABC, \0 m. 'IImt"~hdd.tr" Song~.!her, tt-mpeUfl.lte. \\ BZ \\ OAl \VHA,:\I \'\ fLA \\ EEl l\\- \\ fl A \\' .\1 ~o P!ll r "oJ E', . \\'PC IB1h~ "nd Don. KOKAWf.\X' 1'1 K C"m;d,Time ftuh'"rSI1~' ot\VBZIlflllvwood. KDKA EJJle Drachm's Or( hestu, •\\ JZ m.KOKA. 8.15 A.M. EDT; 7.15 EST; "Cha.o Illutt.".·' \\.-CAU' \X HAS "'PC I' .'\RGIE ElLl:R I a jOlIll,~er rl fa j~tk Afm'trong. WLW' 30 m. . . 8.15 CT Ense bit. WOR oj tie bdlt:f k70WJl RUDY. ~\lAR' Strn~ M - \'('SM Brnalust to and from Dyrd I':xl'edltloD. untit Ttlo \\ \\-Jz \\"BZ '\ HA ( Ie.. s Wh,te. bus \\. (, ,~ and"J~rry (()( rer WARe": "ABt. \\ CAll \\'HAS. 30 m. KDKA \\l\.... L ' H~.. hh 1",lk. \\. OX GiE bload(~ If mer Ibe II \1(' 1 B,lIy Ha\I' Ort.he't:;I., '''''CAU' [noc" J. ~hl s mu lC. WPG .• T Reallb r ..t'rn~t'S. \\'PG 1'2'30 P.M. EDT, 11.3<; A.M. EST; n,.w k "~/l1eId,J)J at 10.15 Singrn" lady. \\"'C:-J ' t'rS aflpJ MComch Sf . \\G~. 30 m. N • W':"ffiX 10.30 CT ~(r«"t rC'VJt ~tcA 10.30 •• EDT; 9.30 EST; \, " J P ill. Dr. FOlkell. \\,).;BX. 30 m. 0.30 CT o:)r~, ~'HI 8.308.30A.M.CT [COT; 7,30 EST; .BanW'1olen.. a \\'GY \\"'[AF \\L\\7 845 PM EDT' 5 45 EST' 4.45 CT . 'The (WIer AIIltl. a~. fd""ard T omI'lU~On, nEAF w.EEI V- and SaJe. WjZ \\"DZ KDK.\ \\-FLA • .• .., \X'EAF \\.111 \\(,Y 'VI m. C s \1 Iflttr!ude. '" " I \~'_\I 3.15 P.M. EDT; 2.15 EST; 1.15 CT ~"ulirlf'tn. WECl Ja k Denny', Oall(.... ll:l. Harry Richman and W( ') \\1\\ II.. luk t R"r(lrt~. \X'G. 'Wue M n.· Wr"p WGY WS.M \\FL\ Lnwell Thomas. D~. W]Z WBZ WHA...\i .john D. Kennedy, WjZ \\BZ \\I-IAM, \\hre, ofgan t \\-ojZ \\""'BZ ~I AI K.nd.i:r OICl, ..• -DC \'C!l.U WPG J~1 LHtdlo. r I \V!.W KDKA WFLA ~Q m. \\1iA~ 1'.[,)1\..\. \0 m. 1\\ HI f' "Ibrry IbY'!' rn DIxie." BladlC'? Kincaid. Pf'f'1"t A I o's Orchest·a. \'l; ABC \\'c..'\t: Hcnry Then' Ordle,~ra••'\X·LW O, '" _ \\. \\ I/. WRZ IB..\t KDK.-\ Wlfl'\' The OM Obsel'o'er. KOKA J\' Rlwthm \\'FLA ~ • HA~ low' O"a'~. \\.-1.\\1 ' • ;0 m. little Orrlnn Annie, we.' WSM jimmy <,alia her I Or he tta. \\S~I Rhythm D ndhtJx. \\ ABC. }o trI. 1 2.4S P.~. EDT; 11.45 A.M. EST; 0, :'I. tcr \\ (.. T'" l Prln., . ""OR \\ FLA rJ,a\"s. \\ r A 0 m. Ur... ailS. v.Pt.. 10.45 T Pl.1nQ)'guc. WMCA Ifa :'1,1, t\.:r and Pr P, \\~.(c..\ CJllforlll-a lo!el,)(jIe1. \\'ABC \\"CAU \\rIAS l\hrht\ "'·at"-ier. \V[AF &oxy. "YQut L(J~er:' WOR I }O 11\. 9 A.M. EDT; 8 EST; 7 CT This .nd That. WEEt 7 P.M. EDTj 6 EST; 5 CT I "I!'lt! ArJcmble, WGN • june Provines. W(iN \\ (,'I' On \VillI" 01 Sfln~. \X'EAF \\}:. \\'(,Y Pnr~ COtl(t-rt. \\'1 Af WITI WGY WSM Hoh C.hurdl. \,\':-';BX 11.15 P.M. EDT; 10.15 ESTj ), F rIO. on I \VI.W 5 MOlning Melodies, WEEI Th, Honn,_,hle ArchIe ar d fr<-:Jk ~'jZ \\'fI.A. 30 m. 7.30 P.M. EDT; 8.30 EST; 5.30 CT ,.,9'·'C"I,C.,T" 30 m.: KDI\A \\'>M • lklty .nd Bob. WjZ wnz WHAM KDICA \\(.y Met nl1n!lt," Pua",: ht\. KDK.\ Fa~~ 'P;o"um. ",·GY D'Wr~uH"Ay.,P~~e. SIr. 'r, WjZ "'DZ \VDAl Co....boy Sonr. WOR ~ .I it d F T \' I "' ""ABC l' ~~"'S. snrree mu"(,,,!e. \x'MeA 30 m, . J:t;.,- a w . 1m. e~nessce .. { 1t"~"r' fit Cluh W(;N joe Rcidlrnan's Orchestra., WCAU Stan!t"y Metcalfe Orcht-\tra. KOKA Mdndy Masten. WlW Pro d. jUlle A, Moft('I~. Fedtr~1 ~('ll~:nlt Bob Atcher, \\'IIAS WHAS WPG, 30 m. DI\iaIlO\ lIIU~I'. \vl.W Sports reporler. WGN AJmmr_trat~f, \\ EAF \X En \\c.\ \X.~M 10 A.M. EDT; 9 EST; 8 CT i\l.Hkeu, PiallCl, \'V'(;i'\ COllr:ld ann 'I ftmllnt, riano duo, \'VOR Don ije\tor ~ Orche,tra. WJZ \\'OZ In~trllm~nt:tl \\'1'01 Brt(n .nd Je Ro~e. \\'EAF \\'£1:1 WI.\V Trio. r.A , 30 m. Valll,C CJ.mphtl!, harrtflnt, \X'MC,,,, 7.45 P.M. EDT; 6.45 EST; 5.45 CT \VIIAM. 30 m. Rosalind jewet. books. WOR Hob Wil~nn's Orchema, \'('",ex Black and (iokl Strin," In'emble, W"EAF \\'il!iam Penn Or:·ht'~tr.t, KOKA The Soufh"rMn, \\ (, Y WBZ WHAM 1 45 PM EDT 1245 ES WEEI WGY \"SM CJr~(It. duma, WlW Ha' ~tt of Snne' W JZ '11.45 CT ;. Tl 4.30 P.M. EDT; 3.30 EST; 2.30 CT funic nurk, \"jZ \\HZ \\.-HAM WBAl Orcheslra~. WG:-J. } b. KOKA \'i:"SM \\ HA I Skip. Step and 1I1r';l.na. WI.AF \\'11.1 Ws~t KDKA \\ ft A Orain. \\-·HAS. ~o m. Orpn. WL\\7 .! fold Kill bt OahC'!ltra.~ WAGC O!,1 Oh\Crver, \\ (,V Hm~ "'1 100 'L MD S' In the luJ:t'mbour,q Gardf'O'. WABC WUAS In~emlo"o;, rna Osborne. Irr.n 'iX'OR CIi'laC'o S.,mplwlI' 0, I.M'"."~,,,,'·1. H.J. "e y Masttrs. \\ W 11.45 P. •E T; 10.45 E 1; \\'<:AU \XC:\:,,-, ·"X j ...... ~,.."'dlrc".". "JZ "'.• 1 '" n I h. Boake\'\' }rIJ'~Cart"r.f'lr nea"ne"'"1. \\WAI\CGN Wc..\U WHAS Neas.9.45orchc-o;tra.CT '\X.-'JZ WBZ KDKA WSM HOI e Hour. \X'PC. 1 h.; N'ea'S .at 10.}O F,rm Rq Incr. w. • f BZ. ~l) m.) ,\X·FLo\. frU:l1 i.-t~) \\ BZ \\'SM Ror.I"lit-r~. \\.'(;'\,J" 2 P.M. EDT; 1 EST; 12 N. CT fKDKA. iO m. ({Del "'.•~) 8 P.M. EDT; 7 EST; 6 CT Oante Mu~i(, WII.-\M On LIe Air, \\.':-.;BX T",o Scab ill the 8al .n) \'('1 AF WGY :-f&rht~. KDK.\ The Ruon. WEAF WEEI WGY WSM Futlle D:alley'l Ortbestra, WABC WCAU 10.15 A.M. t::DT; 9,15 EST, Nitjonal Farm and HOllle Houl. W'jZ WBZ I.lte 01 Mary Suthern. \\"L\\'" \\.'1'1.11.. 30 m. \\"'PG 8,15 CT \X'HAM KDKA \\"S.\I \\TI.A. 30 m. t1tJ.i:n rll~l"" \\'F}..I\, P!a:lt O:se.1ses," !'nric Madri~uera"s Orchestra. WjZ WBZ 12 M. EDT; 11 EST; 10 CT Vienne~e ellselllb1e, \\"TAF \\~EEI Th~RomJ.ny Trail, WAOC WPG WC!l.U r,., "·CA· I elll, ·-t lmlt Wl\\', 30 m. Huddv Ro~efS' mu~ic. \\'EAF \'(;'E£I iO m. ForcntlJ Trio. \'VIZ \X'DAL $V m. • ". Ba"ariJn Onhestra, \\7HAM. '0 m. Phil Emm~rton's Orthestn, WGY. 30 m. Weather, mJrket~. WI-IAS sDra.lkna\v~"'hks, WCAU Pill I Snit;llny'~ Fn~emble, WAnc \>qCAU Sammy \'V'!ltkin~' Or{hestr1. W jZ \'X!BZ llkultle lou. ""07- ~ 'Birtbday Clull, wrr A Dr. Anllur Frank Payne. WOR . tot·S W PC (I .H WHAM KDKA, 30 m. john Cowl. baritone, \\'MCA t~scfl Za~~ur's Ort'htSlrll, \\'OR. 40 .,. Nen:.'s ~ll'dL~~,i' ~Ci~~ sonAS. WPG Lary lee's Orche'tra. WlW Sammy fullN, KOKA ~o ";11 iOJ Gin,lt~r, W ... RC WCAU OrRan, \XGN .lares assin,Rer tenM WMCA Ortht"stra. WCN, m. Red Nichol's Orchestra, \X7ABC \V'CAU Mo ,rin; Concert, W:-';BX, 30 m. 2.15 P. M. EDT; 1.15 EST, 4.45 P.M. EDT; 3.45 EST; 2.45 CT ThrC(' Fuosters. WMCA I WHAS 12.15 CT AJ~~ntures on Mystery hiand, \\'t.AF \X'LEI Fran Frey'~ Frolic. '\X'OR. 30 m. Enoch Li,ltht'~ music. WPG 10.30 A.M. EDT; 9.30 ESTJ Romin(e of Helen Trent. WABC WCAU \VfLA. 30 m. O.nce Orrhe~tn. W'OR 8.30 CT \\,"G:-J Stoch. \\'(jV 8.15 P.M. EDT; 7.15 EST; 8.15 CT Jack Miles' Orche.trl. WGY 1'.1.'" • '1 \X"EAF \\":'SM Wildcats. WHAS The In~trumenuli)ts. \VABC \\-HAS WPG Elm'ry Deutsch. violin. WADe WCAU 112.30 A.M. EDT; 11.30 EST; 01 -_co. \\ ELI Connol·.'> Oldle'tll, \VOR \\TAl WPG 10.30 CT rbt Mallet Ruht. \);'r:;y \\--8Z \\BAL. Sporu. WMCA Came's Club. WMCA Hden It't-', OrcllC'n, \\ jZ M~yer KOKA \\TI,' 2.30 P.M. EDT; 1.30 EST; 5 P.M. EDT; 4 EST; 3 CT On-is' Orrhestra. WMCA 30 m. Orch~trl. "AI o\h"'ur Yen," lI.rle. \X·<;"\; 5.30 P.M, EDT; 4.30 ESTj 3.30 CT t'nde Tom 1nd D:tty KDK.'\ 3 P.M. EDT; 2 ESTI 1 CT Old jim 8rrdger. \\TAF "'HI WGY In a quiet nook at Nt""'~' \\,\\ Ortams Comt True. WEAP WEEI we \\,SM lofo~ ie Personalitit'S. WGN \'VLW Y la(be IIdler. ttnor. 'X"jZ \X'BZ WII.\M BARIIE(:L'I~ "Cooking Clost-up~." WCAU Joe 'X'hile, tenor. \'('jZ WJiAM KDKA Ralph W"tter\. \\'flA SLADES Pum Talk, WPG WFLA WSM Jack Armstrong, WABC WCAU Ma,ter Tommy linton. WHAS CrlliAJvJJ and Old Erin \'('BZ Rell·lawrcncc Orthcstn, WPG 958 TREMONT ST. - 967 TREMONT ST. "afmt-oter :and Sev~f;lnce. WNfiX Camay Minstrels. WLW . Christine Ridge. WHAS '1.15 A.M. EDT; 10.15 EST; La Forge Berumen Musicale. WABC WPG. Or. Shirley \X'ynne. WMCA 435 COLUI,fBUS AVE. 9.15 CT WCAU. 30 m. Chico de V:rd.... WKnx "lice Remsen. contralto. WEAP WEEr WGY L'niH'r$lty of K... ntu.kr. \\.'HAS. 30 m. 5.45 P.M. EDT; 4.45 EST; 3.45 CT Merl")' Ma~s. \\.'jZ WHAM WBAL KDKA ~.how Boat BoYS. WOR Larry Rt'Ve!I's Or{ht"$ln \"'EAF Open All Night \\'SM lenor. or~an. \\'MCA \X'SM \X·FT.A • WEE11 JI!1omen's Club News. WDZ jongleurs. WGN Tenor. WGY J-.....oiiiiiii======...... !1 Saturday, August II, 1934 THE MICROPHO, E Page Eleyen Here's A Chicago Program Which Chooses Its Own Sponsor Conducted I Will Will BeL..r .. To Budio Soo.. ' By Health I AuthorityI

It mar seem incredible for a radio program to sponsor the products of t he companies associ~ atcd with it, rather than be spon­ sored by those companies. It m3.Y seem equally incredible that a number of companies should contract for a solid year's broadcasting, consisting of 260 full ont-hour programs, without either an audition or a manuscript of :l sample program. Yet, that is precisel), the story bc.:hind rhe BCNDESE, T Hour, ac­ cording to an article by Dr. \X'ILLI/I,M T. FISHBElN in BroatkaJ/­ illg ,\L'gaZ;lle. The program is broadcast from 9 to 10 o'clock every morning, except Saturdays and Sundays, from WLS, Chicago. The pro­ gram is subtitled "Your Daily :Magazine of the Air:' and it pre­ sents some 14 distinct features, including an editorial. a dram­ atized rt\'lew of thc day's ncws, dramatized talks on adult and child health, suialized fiction. music and various other features, all edIted and presented by Dr. 1 [ERMAN N. BUNOESEN, president of the Chicago Board of Health. Thc 'Inside Scory' Herc is the story behind the Bu. 'DES[:,\ Hour. A linle more than a year ago RALPH KU,l P, of KE. rp Brothers Packing Com­ WII.l. ROGfRS. Jo1~e of Ihe pl.ullJ, CO/Ilt111l1 I. 01,10,. .11:.1 raJio fpe.:1ker, who pan)", found himself faced with aX.lJll '0" brinK h fl1J1iciJlnr 10) III louJ speaktr • t'lnne m Ihe Fal/. the Jifficult problem of introJuc­ This pit-Illre is Ibe It'd)' he /ooh 10 XAVIf'n CI'GAT, cJriwlu,.i.f1 ..1fIJ 011('­ ing a new product into the Chi­ lime It:aJt:r of Ihe OnheJlroJ at Ihe U".;!Jorj·AJlori.J ill Neu' }~o,.k. cago market-Sun-Rayed Tomato Juice. Chicago's consumers had heard Ra)' ed Tomat0 Jui((o', DEt\N'S tecl i\ e food::;. I@'~"""""'~"""""'~"""""'~"""""'~"""""'~""''''''~''''''''''~''''''''''~S'i''''''''''iil! a lot about tomato juice from Vitamin D Lvaporated Milk and On the first day of the pro- mlOr manufacturers; how then banana::;.. gram, this was the nature of the , wa~ he to introduce a new prod­ An Edicorial Policy_ commercial credit: new.' uct into this field? Not until after tile commit- "Each day we mention ccr- Mr_ KnfP discussed the prob­ ments for the rear's broadcast had tain food products. Through lem with a Chicago ad\'ertisin~ been received was any thought our mention o( them, we call executive, and tORethcr th(:y given to the: nature of the pro- co your attenuon that they I110~IZED \'Er\~T t\oh·ed the idea of a progra.m gram. Dr. BI:~nEsrN Iud been arc of the highest qUJlity which would serve, in a sense, as petitiontd to present a progrJm. and are descrYing of a place a radio food watchman, exam­ None of the three petitioners on evcry table. \X'e do not ining and frankly broadcastin~ who were accepted exp.:.cted to and will not give you long, the merits of no particular food see a program made up of some drawn-out commercial an· but, rather, of all food,. 11 featur<:~ amI presented br nouncements. These arc the The one person in ChicJ.go some 19 musicians and actors. food products sponsored by "ho, by reputation and record, The)' did not expect a program the Bundesen Hour: Kemp's was eligible to be the leader in written b)' fo:.!r authors. Sun.Ra}'cd Tomato Juice, thi~ health crusa.de was Dr. HER­ They did not know ther were Dean's Vitamin D Eyapo- frOl11 ~lilk. M:\~ <- • Bli, 'DI:51~, president of going to receive a program which rated and bananas." the Chicago Board of Health. He was to combine the essentials of Only Two-Minutc "Plug" REAL LII;'E W.lS re~ponsible for an unparal­ all other succcssful radio pro- In all, there wee<: two minutcs leled system of parent education grams plus the added features of of commercial credit in an !lour's I in caring for childn:n and an newspaper and magazineli into a show. There was not and nc\"er acknow ledg

The first requisite he established the n:lture of the commercial I drawn .lOd o\"er·done commer· was that these foods must ha\'e credits for the ne'Xt wcek. the cials. \VouJd a public already the :tcceptJ.nce of the committee Bl.::'\DE5fl': Hour has a dcfir.it~ IcallouseJ a g a ins t commercial at on foods of the American M,ood." ett~ Colbert. Wa'.;en \Villiam, Henry \Xfi14 \\'BAL ~andets Siste:rs. 'XfHA<: Rex Battle's [nsemble. \'lEAF WL\'V' (WGY, coxon. ~uests. pleVlew of "Clel}patla"~ Sunay Mcln,lil.'S. WABC, 30 m. Ha"'aliiin rn~mblr. WMf:A I') ill.) WA8e WCAU. 4'\ m. Exercises, \X'PC Vic :'.OJ Saue, WJZ KDKA \X"S~{ WFL..... Little Orphan Annie. WGN Ne~>, "IX'" 'BX, 4~ I'll. Sam. GIl. Louie. WHAS ,0 m. 7 P.M. EDT, 6 EST; 5 CT Druming TllllC. WP(i- 8.30 A.M. EDTj 7.30 EST; AI Kavelin's Orchestra. WARC WCAU N~\\s and Th;l\iu'~ Orchestra. \VGN ~o Bneball Resume. WE,AP 6.30 CT \VI-LAS ill, (WPG from 11.4) Tlllee: Shanes of Rlue:, wc.-y Sylvi;l Blu~. WMCA. 300 m. Fur Trappers. \XlCAU, ~o m. ~o Frecldi: Martin's OH_hestra, WjZ WBAL. 30 Cbcello, WEAr WIU wr,y WlW. m, Stocks, WMCA (lIew~ r~) 10.15 P.M. EDT; 9.15 EST; Lc-'" \X'hite. or~al1i~t. ,W jZ \'('HAM WBAL m. It 7. t{ugtr Robinson. baritone. WGN nan and Sylvia. KDKA. 8.15 CT '0 Ill.; I') LOWELL THO~1....S. KDKA, \'Y'BZ. m. Rev. M. E. Harter, \'('NBX who /(:1l.1 aboll! Bela~co's frank Ferti,r:. WPG Paul anu Bert, W"M I.er,n Orcllestra. WADC \X.'CAlJ 12.45 P.M. EDT; 11.45 A.M. EST; He.dlioe Hj~hlja:hts. WGY Louisville program. WHAS M 'I' ical C1Ol.k. \\. rI_ \ the neWJ of the daJ et't'IJ el'eninf!. 10.45 CT IIu·aiians. WJ.W Currenl E\'ents, WOR Salon Musil.'lc, WABC except SaJlIrda)' '411d S1Inda) ot'er "Blubber" BerAman. WGN OrGan, WPC Va&"&bomls, \'(fGY Ford Frick. sports, WOR N. E. Farm Talk, WBZ. 30 m. the NBC·1J7fZ ,,,tuo,k at 6.45. Ben Potter. sketch, WGN M.Jton Kellem's Orcheslla. WMCA 8.45 A.M. EDT; 7.45 EST; Words and Music, WJZ WHAM WSM. Gene Gravell:'s music. WMCA 10.30 P.M. EDT; 9.30 EST; 8.45 CT ~o m. Sports, WNfiX 8.30 CT Brun,-n Bu~te:r~, \X'SM ""illiam Penn Orchestra. KOKA 7.15 P.M. EDT; 6.15 EST; 5.15 CT l:.chocs of the Palisades, WjZ W8Z KDKJ1 r~rf. 3.30 P.M. EDT; 2.30 EST; 1.30 CT ~xern~e~, A.::rit:Ulrure W'FLA c.-enr and Glenn, \X!FAF W[[I WGY WBA!. WFLA. ;0 m.; WHAM {10m 10.4:1 Mt,rr:ln/o: \\1'1.\ I\\'S:-'f at Woman'} RadIO R.\~, \XT,\r wrn ""GY. caroline Gr.y. p'anlSI. WABC. june Baker. WGN rRA Chori}teu, \l.'BZ, ~o m. Revd~. \\"SM. 30 m. [he Texans. WLW "SO m. Orlt.n. KDKA Tenl.lr, \\-'(;:-.1 9 A.M. EDT; 0 EST; 7 CT Or~n. WMC':A. 30 m. R,'Y Shdd's On-be tta. 'I);,'JZ WHZ WHAM Erne-rson's Orchestra, WLW HIlda Capiiblanca. W'HAS f'.:e'·s, WNBX WSM WFLA, ;0 m. fKL>KA. 1~ ro.) Frank Ste...·arr's Orchestra, \'\'lOR. 30 m. Hernun .nd thnu, W'EAF \X'FFI . Sputter and Whrne. WLW FlOance5. WSM \Villrs. McCullou~h. sonh. WGV 1 P.M. EDT; 12 N. EST, Mui5Q,1 Memories. WfJ.A Dance orehest{a. WPG. \0 01. Dancing by the Sea, WAlK wau WIIAS '\X'ay~ide [Ii Danrzi~'s ml.lsic. WMCA, ~o m. Bw...ldut (Iuk, \\'jZ W'DZ \\'HAM KDKA 11 A.M. CT WPG Con.RC. WABC WC!l.U \\ H.A, I h. ~ocks. Musical Oe8c:rt. WG. 10.45 P.M. EDT; 9.45 EST; Markets. v'eathef'. WEAF KDKA WMC4 \VHA~ Salt and Peanut\, \VL\V Bradley Kincaiu, WGY &renade. 8.45 CT Old~tra, OC'\Dbnn~. \'\'::jM Bob Albri~ht. WLW 3.45 P.M. EDT; 2.45 E5T; 1.45 CT johnny johnson, \X'MCA Thlee Blue N"tes. WBZ '1 he: "'>ng ReI"" te, Di.k • ~ ... ton. \\ABC VarietY. WFLA. 30 m. }'cle:riil, ,,.. Pennwh"nia \\ flme:!l. KDKA Recordin,i:S, WN8X The Playhnyo;, WAR<: WHAS \\ CAU Do, Re Mi trio. WADC Cbarles Dameron. WLW 7,30 P.M. EDT, 6.30 EST; 5.30 CT BIlly Hap' Orchestra. \\'CAU De-h'tlnns. \'t·HAS. ~o m. )ht>~. Orch~tra, WG='" \'e1JU'co's Orlhe:-.tn.. \l.'ABC WHAS, 30 m. P.. \X'ABC WCAU ""liAS WPC riddlers Thrtt, WEAF Early Rirds, \'\7:\DX. I h. \X'earher, music. \VPG. "S m. "'rudlO OJ(hc:s~ra. \\ OR After Dinner R__ lC"'. \X I_U 11 P.M. EDT; 1 0 EST; 9 CT Duzcr'~ ~o \'1 Braefle:y, ~..ngs, \X'MC'::\ 9.15 A.M. ~DT; 8.15 ESTJ Roger Van music, U. OR. m. r,~ l.r'~'" \\'jZ \X BAL \\'lIA~f KDK.:\ Your lo\er. son.!tS. WEAP lVrlc soprano, \X·Mr.A th~lI. Bosron \I. Ch, agll Cub~. \\-·c=". 7.15 CT I \\'S\f, ~o m. E. B. Rideout. WEEI 2 h., I') m. Mid·d:aJ Service. \\'GN. 30 m. Bob Ne... hill.. 'irLW j,,1 r,r.~ Jr i~ ", • Orchestra. W'GY, '\0 m. n. H~tl Tr Bot> . 'e:al. \\'. '8X \\L\F \\rn WGY \\-LW 4 P.M. EDT; 3 P.M. EST; 2 CT alH Edurds. "'ABC "C.\li J. [)rnnys OH--b~ra. '\);JZ \\oB.'\L \\H~t lot, t • WADC" w. ('''PG 'I'" 1.15 P.M. EDT; 12.15 EST; ChICk \\'ebb's Ot(hesua. WEAl' WGY Cluh Proltr.m. \\'HAS \\TI.A. 30 at. £r lU I) 11.15 A.M. CT Ray Perkins' Orchestra, WOR \X'eatber. temperature. sporn. WBZ \\.TLA. ;0 m. ~p'-m, 9 ••0 A.M. COT; 8.30 EST; nick Fidler's mu~i('. \\.... U.F ~tocks. M'~rket~. \\TrT Sporn R¢"'porter, WGN KD"'A 7.30 CT Mu\·lne5. WGN Wllt.kats. \\'IIAS \X'HAS r h_ Rig [fr,t.'; M;Ilt'r. ',);Tn Onhe)lus. \\-·MCA. 3 hIS.. 30 m. "ariety. ""'XRX lhe Arple KnOl.ke~, '\\·C..... U Friink Ruck. WJZ \\o'"1}Z WHAM KOKA 11.15 P.M. EDTI 10.15 EST; 9.45 A.M. EDT; 8.45 EST; 1.30 P.M. EDT; 12.30 EST, Tt"'... elo~ue. "·PC. '\0 m. WLW WFI.A 7,45 CT 11.30 CT :-';el::ro Quartet. \\ MeA Boake Carter. WAOC WCAU WHAS 9.15 CT Siimmr Watkins' Orcbeslra, WLAF WEEI. Ah<:rnl>rm C<.lnte:rt. \\0 ,ax Melody Masten. WLW jack Berger- Orchestra, W'f.AF \\"EEI WFL!t; jO m. Gene .nd Glenn, ·..wSM Syl n Trio. \\'(AF \VH1 VCGY 4.15 P.M. EDT, 3.15 EST; 2.15 CT WorlJ', Fair NC'Yl·s. WGN Sylun Tno. WLW WGY Farm Program, WGY. 30 m. leon Friedmao's Orchestr•• WMCA Mu~ie. \\.'(,y Son~s, WEEI l:.rni: 11c>lst'~ Orche~tra, KDKA PI.!n~ Rclie:f Fund Talk, WOR 9·;0) Charle:~ l.iarkets and Mail Box, WGN. }O m. Romance of Heen Trent. W'.G:"l Barnett's Orchestra. \VOR. 30 m. Sally's Party. WMCA. '0 m. Death Valley Days. drama, WjZ WBZ Streeu of Puis Music, WGN Ne"s and Artist RCtit11, WAlK: WCAU 12.30 P,M. EDT; 1.30 EST; N. H. Folk Tah. \\-X8X WHAM KDKA WLW. }o m. \\ liAS 12.30 CT Bu X Days and Nights. WABC WCAU 12.30 A.M. EDT; 11.30 EST; 5.15 P.M. EDT; 4.15 EST; 3.15 CT 10.30 CT MurOlng Concert. '\X'N8X ITrio Romantique. \\-EAF \\'[[1 WLW WHAS Wl'G. ~o m. 10.45 A,M. CDT; 9.45 EST; Albany on Par.de, \\'GY Duke Dewey's Hickory ::-:uts, \\'BZ Rud and Gun Club, ""OR IIarold Sterns' Orcbcstr:a. Wr.AF WGY WLVl, Kiddies' Klub, KDKA ~o WLW 8.45 CT Draffi.,atlc Sk:erch, WjZ \\7HAM W'FLA Orchestra, WGN. m. I ~o Devotions. WHAS T<:nor, \'(/MCA Diincing in The T\\-in Cities. W'j7; \\"'B2,j Cuokmg School. WDZ. m. Go.oJ Mornin/: Md<.ldi~~, \"EEI KDKA Home Forum. KDKA. ~o m. Piano, WOR Romance m Song. ,\'.;:'OR \\-'HAM KDKA ""5M WfLA, ~o m. Orche~tra. m~ r..e ... ~ and RadIO Kltthen. WJZ WBZ Pochc SUlng~, WABC \X'PC; Royal Poet. WKBX 9.15 P.M. EDT; 8.15 EST; 7.15 CT Earl Hines' WAOC WHAS. 30 KDKA \VF1.A Home Forum, KDK.t\. ;}o m. 5.30 P.M. EDT, 4.30 ESt; 3.30 CT Castle Farm Orchestra, ~W. 30 m. ElI"lt Brock:, liolin. WI.\\' Markets. WSM Western SanAS, WMCA Tenor. WGN Baseball, Chiull~o \·s. Boston. 3 b. 30 m. Jackie IIdb. tenor, \'IC'jZ WBZ WHAM 9.30 P.M. EDT; 8.30 E5T; 7.30 CT D\x.~~urice j. lc\\is. WABC"'\X'CAU WHAS (2 ~am~s) WGN WLW Edwin Franko Gnldmiin's Band, WjZ WBZ - jatk Armstrong. AII·AmeriCiln Boy. WAEe "TIle Homemaker." WORt 30 m. WHAM. 30 m. Dail)" SttlC}'. \'\"mx Tex and Eddie. WMCA Chrisrine RidR"e. WHA~ Squire Ha...·ldns. KDKA EVERY subscriber to or Motor Tips. W'OR Me[o,ly Masterpiece.., WABC WCAU WPG 11 A.M. EDT; 10 EST; 9 CT 2.45 P.M. EDT; 1.4S EST; other purchaser of Heat WJ\'e~. trio, WMCA Mid·Week Hymn Sing. WHAS. ~O m. Galaxy of Star,. WGY. WI.W 12.45 CT Ludlow l'rngum. '\X';,\;BX. 30 m. \,(!hirlwiod Piani~t. WOR THE MICROPHONE U. S. N'J.\y Band. \'VJZ WBZ KOKA \\"'FLA ,\fa Perkins. WEAF \\T[I \\",GY W·I.W 5.45 P.M. EDT; 4.45 EST; 3.45 CT Wayne King's Orchestra, WGN \\'SM, ~o m. (WHAM from It.I~) WSM w'JZ Rqy Cotterill's Cosmopolilans. WMCA. is entitled to share its bene· Swinging Along, WADC \'('CAU WJlAS. Geoc'l:e Beulcr. baritone, n \'l;'HAM Wilberforce Male Quartet, The Oleanders. 30 m. 30 m, WFU WEAF WEEr WSM 9.45 P.M. EDT; 8.45 EST; 7.45 CT fits wilh a friend. Write to Te:an \'(leiner_ or/:a'1, WPG Edwin Otis. baritone. WBZ john Finke, pIanist, WGY D.::"'ltitln.ll Hour, \X'NBX Palmer House Orchestra. WGN Lirtle Orphan Anoie. W jZ WBZ KDICA Kelly Si~ters, KDKA Circulation Manager) ,Agricultural College. 'IX'HAS WHA "Fat.~" Waller s Rhythm Club. WhBe 11.15 A.M. EDTj 10.15 EST; Popular Soags, WMCA Th( TeXAns, \'('LW WCAU WPG The MICROPHONE, 9.15 CT I3 P.M. EDT; 2 ESTj 1 CT Modern Mouotainc:::rs. WABC WCAU "'HAS The \'(',ttb·... Tal..-, WOR Three Tones, WPG Anson \'Y't't.:ks· music, \'(.IG:--:l No. 34 Court Square, Prances lee Barton. WEAF WGY WEEI Dreams Come True, WEAF WHr WGY I Key~, Tenor, pial/o, WOR 10 P.M. EDT; 9 EST; 8 CT Your Friendly Neil1:hbor. WGN Mu\ical WjZ WBZ WHAM KDKA Boston, Massachusetts. TO\\n Crier. \'Y'NBX W5M WFI.A, ~o m. Tony Wakeman, sports, WMCA Paul \'Y'bileman Music Hall, Oef'na Ta)'lot, Camay Minstrel, WLW 6 P.M. EDT; 5 EST; 4 CT Al jOl.'>Oll, WEAF WEEI WGY WLW. giving the names and ad­ 11.30 A.M. EDTj 10.30 EST; Metropolitan Parade, WABC WCAU WPG 1 h. 9.30 CT University nf Kentucky. \X'lIAS, ~o m. Tom Coakley's Orchestra, WEAP WLW dresses of those you'd like ~o ~lll11m il'll ~ \I 1111111,11 t '1I'1I11'IIP'rl'rm~'lil'l ;iHffiluliiIIlW, 1II111!:i: Pedro Via's Orchestra, WEAP WEEI, 30 m. Sally and Sue. WOR WSM, m. II' Mu~icaJ Program, \XlGY, W m. Jon~lcurs, W(;N, 45 m. The Evelllng Tattler, WEEr. ~o m. :3 to become familiar with Huel Arth. contralto; Andy S:..nella WJZ Betty Gould. c:~c~n. WMCA Evening Brevities, WGY WB7. WBA!. KDKA • U. S. Navy Baod, WjZ WHAM WDhl, d STATION D The MJCROPHONE. A sam· Mmic. WHAM 3.15 P.M. EDT; 2.15 EST; 1.15 CT ~o m. Joe and Bateese, WBZ pic copy will be sent Market Reports. WLW Melvin W. Cassmore. "An Appraisal of Time. weather. KDKA DIRECTORY OrRan, WSM America," Wr.AF WGY Dixlans, WFL..... promptly to each name Melody Men, WGN Silver Lining Hour, WEEI Mnha Ral;insky's mu~ic. WABC Madison Ensemble. WARC WCAU WI-{AS Low Down, WLW WHAS Page 4 given, without obligation. \\,PG. '0 m. Piano Recital, \'\'lOR Und~ ~, Matinee Mcludit5, WNDX Pianologue, WMCA !:?on, WOR. 30 IMeditatIOns, E. H. S:l'llth. WMCA ,UI I r II, I, ,11ll!llJu 1Ii1 Saturday, August 11, 1934 THE MICROPHONE Page Thirteen --~------"Manhattan Merry-Co -Round" Whirls Merrily Into Popularity A ··Heavy•.,eigl,t..... Leader American radio tenor by the New Tamara and York E,'e"il1f!. T ele"ram. ,~, DUEY is the youngest member

1 of the <:nsemble. He is a native Quartet Are of i\1acy, Indiana, anti was gradu­ ated from lnJiana University. J lis the Features first professional en~3.gt"ment was in "Good News" and in tours I with the lnJiana Glee Club. Oul­ One Sunday afternoon nearly side of the studio he is interested two years ago, listeners of the In the ancient and honorable country, idly running their eyes game of golf. ovcr radio program listings, ·no· I One other change is no::ed in ticed a new musical feature was' Manhattan-Merry-Go-Rounc.J. Or­ to make its bow. iginally it was heard Sunday aft­ It was called "Manhattan Mer· I ernoon. No\\,' it is broadcast ry.Go-Round." The title seemed every So:nday night at 9 o'clock, to catch their fancy :lnd their t\\' York City Time, Q\'er an dials were shifted accordingly. BC-WEAF network, After a few minutes of listen­ ing, they decidcd that here was :iornething that would serve :lS an KDKA, Pioneer antidote for the "depression blues:' Station, Enlarges For what they heard was a £:lst, snappy, sophisticated ,0 minutes KDKA, 'ht oldtst broadcasting of music and melody, picked station in the Unitc:.d States, is to fresh from the tune "plants" of have ntow quarters. 0, H, J lAN- Droadway and Hollywood. SON, technical director of the There was an orchestra that NBC, and W. S. CLARK, NBC knew its up _to _the· minute architect, who built the NBC rhythm, soloists who could inter- stuJios and equipment in Radio T ItMAnA, j/J. U no.lI pret the hit numbers of the mo. City, 1 ew York, will bt in charge /olJ) of Rfi. ho ment, and a program arrangement of making the new Pittwuegh .ril1,':j fill Ihe ··,\1anhtJIlaJl 1\I~rr)­ that seemed to include something plant. Go-ROlin"" plogramr. foe everyone. The con<;truction of the KDKA (IBright Spot" studios will be on the same plan elF k Kn ]ACQI'ES RENAHD, portly fOlld"'/or of Ihe "Alerry-Go-Rolmd" Or,heJlr,l with those of WEAl' in New 0 ° ran ox Thus it was that "Manhattan h I b f I d h York, All departm"nts will L U' 0 Of a J11l1n er 0 ),ean e av orr i:.flra in BOl/on. ... 1ft; S k 0 R dO Merry.Go-Roun"d became one 0 f air·conditioned. pea s n a 10 the Sunday "bright spot" fa\'o- The first studio of KDKA wa.' rites of the tuners-in. place on~y t.o find that the straw IGo-Round." . on the 9th floor of thc "K" Colonel FRAI"'K K ·OX, publisher Today the original formula for had not Igmted. It had been too JACQCES RE. '"RD and hiS or- of the Ch/(ago Dall) l\t'U s, \\'111 aJ- the program continueo; ano its damp. dH:~tra stepp(;:J IOta the: program building in Pittsburgh. Some dress a r.:tJio audit:ncc on [he sub- opularity justifies that policy. ThC.famil ' \\as united and de· following the dc.ath of RODE- stitmte laHtulla sutu~iO w.as oPfcnp(.~ in P I ' j b . a e a nlverslty 0 Itts- jeet of "Business - Free or 10 There havt been some chan~es C1ded to seek t immediate. New GSH 13.97 Oa"mtty, EDJtl.2od '·9,30 It. M. .. . sing. "You don'r belong in

~ ~ Reflections Nimblewits = m iiwmllllmllllllll:lIlllIllWIIIlIIIIIIIIIIII~llIl1mll:1I111 mm:'"m~lml,III1~11lm:mnI11111! C, By Diana IIerbert ! By Everett Smith t· The MICROPHONE'S Fashion Observer - "Wit Teasers" on Sunday at 11.30 A.M. from WBZ " BLUE is the fashionable color. \X!ord comes from Paris that it N0- r. (No time limit) And why not? looms large in smart resort wardrobes and elc:gantes on this ABCDEBfG lIlJJKDU' LMN OCPHGBQCLHRDO' BA GRD side of the \vater are not to be outdone by their Continental sisters. IMSGDN FGLGDF LMN OLMLNL TSKK EDDG SM UBFGBM BM 0-- KLUBC NLP, TRP MBG VBSM GRDE? GLADYS SWARTHOUT wears --0 No.2. (3 minutes -more Of' pale blue satin cut on shirt-waist Radio Clash less) And IT CAN BE DONE, and skirt lines. A slender column­ New Co-Op ~O DON'T GIVE UP! Tryadd­ like skirt, a wide belt to dissimulate ing up five odd figures so they the tuck-in bleuse, whilh is collar­ Is Foreseen will total 32. less, but hugs the base of the throat, Chain May No.3. (1 and a stiff little bolero jacket with minute) Quick./ dark blue co'1 feathers applied to In October Iy now! \Vhat the shoulders in important epau­ Be Formed (Colllil/lled frolll Page 1) weI J. known lettes. It is a costume of great dis­ ,( Con/in/led Page [wm I) r a d i 0 artists tinction and its severity only eo­ communications bill. with NBC shortly, which is one arc represented hances her well-known beauty of \XfAGNER and HATFIELD'S ap­ reason why the new co-op nc:t­ by the follow­ face and figure. peals for a mandatory provision work may start to function. ing \\'ords, or PASTliL, periwinkle, hyafinlb, aJlotting 25 per cent of broad· Although thue have been co-op :ombination of lavender, corn flower, coball-eJrESEN Hour as its exclusive In<:rchandis· self. However, with the addition of Tew Sunday Show New Talent its own jacket or blouse it becomes TVA Program Discussed ing medium. JF.A.' _'IE LA:'\G. vocalist, and the kind of simple. wearable cos­ A second company reports that, Talcntthat hitherto has not been How the Tennessee Valley pro· BIlDOY ROGIr:.S, moyie star and or­ tume that is suitable for innumer­ while sales in other markets have widely kno\\n "iii be given a chc:stra leader, are the stars of a able occasions. gram has brought chtap power suffered a marked s<:asonablc de:- chance on a new progr.:tm, called to home O\\T.ers and indust ries in new weekly Sunday program, to cline, the saltS in the Chicago "Stardom Express," arranged by be broadcast over lhe CBS \X' ABC the South will be discllssed by market have. on the contrary, '-ThiS and That network, beginning August 12. 9 sho\..'n an unusual incr<:asc. forc- ARTHUR F. EDE$, program director DAvlJ) E. LlLIEl"·IHAl, director of P. M. ing di\"er~ion of surplus stocks for Station \X'EEL LCC.ntin",J from Page 1) the TVA, on:r an .I. BC-\XTEAf Other enttrtaine'Fs on the pro­ from othercitits to Chicago. This The first program in Ihe new just that. So it is with KOSTElA­ chain on \"ICedncsday, August 15, Igram are the Three Rascals and company also used the 13IJNDESEN series will be broadcast over St.ltion NETZ'S ensemble. at 11.30 P. 1\f. the Grecn Stripe Orchestra. Hour as its exclusive fficrchan- WEE1 on Monday. August 13. from \Xlhat T, for one, would like to dising medium, 3 30 to 4 P. M. see happun would be to have Col­ After 10 month, of dally At the end of the first six ,,