f> ■ «■

lor the -Greatim * g -c r y -* -^ . . . y .. OMy tta wtuRtsif n't Mmt tB .....Ai yra- cmr-du far tlw . -Jt amn t isimr ""ir I t tion’a ^ n u a l Kholarahip bridge fk fo d i^ m o r awitb tee often to be tiinlndid of tlM a O of Ch|b vrin rebeaitg) aqd oMsafa party, to be. held on. your iwpenayKIlUM ho them? r Wtdniaday, jim. It, at litA p. wl Rnstn yog fM Ilka Myiag tciriglit at t o'clMk br Gobper Hiall Centinel Hill Hall, miiat be at tSa Smith Metkodlak Church iit- Pmgram ' not RkMdmobUo Day ajn in r atead nf at the Hmamiel UlUiereir pMdi J « . Mphtey- Th think o f . .U|a patlanto xrithTlisukb^ Church. made by caU|ng*Mra. Wlflara G. mia or atndler blood diaonaoa who Ne^plj or. Mra. iRobeit C. .Ctene, \Maxt Bkwdmdbila Day. for Man- dspradrupoasrthat Ttofloua pint pf both of nartford. AO membeie of U 'iliaraday. daa. 17. The btoadt.not once a months but regu- 10,470 Memhdln of Memorial Lodge No. national sororities are ellglMe to T h t 'RMrRst crop • ! chickeAs is n n i a W k rg B r jtot, St, KnIghU of Pythias, wmliokl a U IM pia(a. T>« noad is atlU la ^ , to keep them alive. attend and are cordiany Invltad. w ^ n you gat tired of being re­ .RMPt'Ceikier, eoeswtniMy sMstitr aiii itBcInRS Rfe al>' aerriee tontght at *t the A style show will be given during urgent MandiMeter «A City of ViUmgo Cktum Holmes Funeral I| a ^ for Latting minded of BloodmoMIe Day every SR txetirtimwlly’ fiiw lot. TtR ptr ctRt Aisemnit at serving of dessert and door prises Tho ciu for blood donors la not mohtli, remember that' accidra* Caveriy. erho w a ^ Charter mem­ tlis fsHR; M ivtrjr Friday.' win bt awarded later In the after­ a ence-a-yw, do-U-enCo.aad-i^ and aerioua o^rattons dM!L'tratt Q«Ultjr M n a n whn ber of the lodgeLAn members are noon. reipicstcd (tend. aU-over drira The noed for blood on ample oup^cs mood r VOL. LXXL NO. M MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, JANUARY U , I t i t (rOUHTERW PA61^)_ M WM)0 atafWi, Hare’a _ • m m 'aijii' iiiiwiUaitaa ■^"prim yim mm itffw i'' *nir daughtdc bom thrttme. month' out waralniL. -frithout discrimina­ ....' ■ of Liberty No. 17. at the Hartford Hospital to' Mr. to i^jr. 8k«p liM* hi B—ln A e i. T m t flu«> LuO.UX^' artil meet thia evening In, month out,^ ^throughout the tion. and Mrs. JW^Iltam Moorhouse,. of year. V ' 40a Wtst CsRtcr S tn tt Tthplw ie 78$S Hjr mmi yaw iwna wM opputlaH tM MU at 7jio In one of the rooma of the N(ri(t moSth't blood supply wilt D o^ ed by Bullet Hqlmee Funeral Home. 400 Main 70 Harlan road, har been named WhefT you 'get weariod of t^n 'hot aavd- the Hfe of one who needs felMMO. atraM, la tribute toLatU ngCam - Susan Louise. They have a-son monthly appeal for dmMin, think It today. '\y, whoae wife, Mra. Bllaabeth William. Mrs. Moorhouse Is the of the boys slogging a^«Mg in ko- Bldodmobila Day it Jan. 17 from VbH Flwelwrsf T«4«y . . St«f« Oavcrly, la a member of the lodge. former Beatrice Torrance. rta. Their job gom oil xritbont re­ 1 to t pi nu Rhone SUl new and Mra. Grace M a g u ir e , great spite. They afWdipendhig upon makb an appointment. H«w« DoHy • A. M. H 4 P. M ., deputy of Lakota Ceuilcll, No. 61, Mr. agd Mn. l(aymond Brawn, you for the biood they need xrhen Be a blood donor tliip month. A d v e r t i s e Im ' The Herald— It Pays and her ataff, inatalted the offl* who came up from Florida to MfO. of CoHewenaha Council. No. spend the Chjixtmss holidays with M. of Hartford Tueaday evenii|g. Mrs. Brown's parents', Mr. andi Min. Mary Vendrillo acted as. Irs. Charles B. Packard of 63 feDs street, left for Florida Ttiea- Oreat Miahinewa. An enjoyable Skittlt, J»Jt tuifadtiyWQIIMliyAiWS aocCri bou)’ followed, day mommg'to"'spend'the re^ niaihder of the winter. After April Abendoned Ship widening tea-sir aesrch fw M rc Maurice Rwaiabn and her ■1, Mr. amt Mrs. - Brown-srlR •re­ ^ freighter^ Penntylvsnu. r«nmlttee 'w1ll be In charge of the side in Westfield. Mass. Mra; and tha 46 mm whq atan- A - RNHH^ITIOIir o r 40 l A - < twtlaeir at (r:30 Snturdajr ewiing. Brawn Is the form**’” -Rutlr' doned her wauowing hiilk -4. MORfiffM/H READY TO EAT preceding Ut« annual bUiUneaa Packard. meeting of the Oovahant-Oongre' Wednesday waa undarwa.v to­ gational Church. Arrangcmenta day over, a laiVd North Joumey^s End for Flying Enterprise will be made ta care for amall chll- Pacific area. 8 G O P HAM 75c d m of the mcmbera during the CALL Thrao aSlpa eoatinued to comb H urt M ost (Whnia or SiMwk Hotf). houri of the buainraa aeaitnn. ---- •— tSf l^fhiian the area and aevaa airplenea arore WMOrIV* WW9 alerted to participate In the aec- TlrJcrta for the Polio Ball may FOR ond day of aearchlng the windy. Ouster Bid By Loss of •AA^MRAH^RJIBRrI R^M^RE^^^EMRA' be purchaaed from any of the com*, UABIUTY INSURANCE aurglBg oeeba apot wbara tka men muter membcra or at-the foUow- AND REAL ESTATE laat were, heard from. CHOICMEiP. ______ing placea; North End Pharmacy, It# l ^ t Ceater St.' TeL S-ttM Oanadian aad U. R. ahipa and On Jessup Cobum and Mlddlrbrook, • Bur­ planea yeaterday conducted a day- ton'e, Inc., Michari’a. Norman'a kmg criaa-cTom aearch o f the ae- Rm ROASTS fts^ Variety Store and Pine Pharmacy. gion 465 mllea northweat of Van- Wuhington, Jan. 11— 10 m CH CUT, Li...... W S # ^ couvar laiaad whare the brokan Ry EDWARD CURTIS Memorial Temple, Pythian 81a- — Senator , Sparkman (D., (WItk 7 la. <'nl« at ISe) L U N C H E O N S and water-loggad freighter laat Falmouth. Eng., Jsb.' 11>4 ten, win meet at 7 o'clock tonight, reported being In difficulty. Alt) said today s new Repub- It la. Btailr Roaata (boM hi) Far Pot Roaal tie at the Holmea Funeral Home to 40c oRi Up . licsn attack on Ambassador- (AVrSsfe sshors, Cspt KiUt Nat A Trace CM mii told the sto^ to(^ FRE(ntl.V- CHOPPEO - Thr Ptorot OaranHNMit - pay reapecta to their brother, Lat- C H A n n t J M X — They found nothing. Not even a -4it-Larire Philip C. Jeksup it f l R g T 3 ^ ^ T ------acrap nf wreckage, a drifting bit of hit monumental fi|^t with AIMtnulil MR>w Impmim Rib ar Strip RESTAUilANt a "atab in the bsek’^ for the the raging Atlnntic—• two of clothing or a life proaerver. U. S. delegation at the Paris. fiROUNO BEEF Rmii P0rk 4Se t it .MAIN STREET Juat wind and wavea and anow weeks battle against .wind, flurriea. United Nations meeting. tie IJEAN O i.A A rasoluUon. Introduced yester­ waves and c(M. GRADE ...... l b . O I C rARM FRESH FRlCASSiEB •f The aurface aearch for the four Ufaboala from the PenMylvaala day with the backing of .3t GOP He told a cheering crowd of vams, wMML'wna a woaeeekoatage aad karvleaded Senatora, asked the Senate to ad­ thousands: “I deeply regrH HAMMTRa .....lb , lA^ tog a aevsM alarm to the PactSr kept up all night aa ahipa crewa la tkls Ankara. N. Y . 71c FOWL Ui maintained a ceaaeleaa vigil,' vise President Truman that Jes­ thst I was not in position to Omaa, 4 tt. afOba nartkweat . «f kanm for olx kooro, fhlla from a sup “does not command the confi- HALE'S : • Vamiamtor - l atond.- -IW ra a to-ra aearolling the wild awetlg .i ^ . xriadow wttk a oelf- bring the Enterprise bs^ tixMigba wUM.tkc-ald.i)( Ughtqaad. dencejaf-the- Americoh: p e o p lfv ;; '’wlth'ifts:” -"'"''''"'''-’ ' ■■■" ■ FRESH FORK SMRE RUS - ia 5k j 4S-JraluJa.Jlfakaato.-kwl: toairai R-^xraaad to the stom­ Senator Bridges iK , n H), Re­ plania have keen aarabln ta toeale ftarea. Airpianea were forced to O w meet moMafpr waata .vaa. ta kaow that ha will -have aaaia ach: The aiao. who gave kbi publican floor leader, said it waa tram the deck of the kscim Itora. ^WRA Telepbato). return to their baaea at nightfall. ae Daniel Walker, 22. of Tug Turmoil lie watched the death of .oar TENDERCURE CORIVED REEF r**il.r for roa thio troak :/■ - Ctodr. Ri-M. -Dudleyv -chief-piloi- In. effect.a.requrat ,to Mr,..Tiruman i -. .T aad ha aost that PlhHmrat RMORTS. PORTERttOirsE OR' IP Kew“'2e1Hie'y, "lilel?'' waa 'ivpitofe* to recall the Ambassador from tha throqir o f tho' t,7ii-tdn Ihyiag' riM T of a Cbaat Guard flying beat, re- oat of-danger. (AP Wlrepboto SIREOI.NS CITT FROM ODR CHOfCE REEF WILL StJREt.T turned to Seattle and reported General Assembly session in Paris Enterprise yeotrirday, minutes PI.EA8BTOr. FRESORIFTIONS by Ned Ryaa of TV Statloa Sparkman, who serves on the after he leaped into the water Father Refuses aimply: TVmEN o f Ryiaeaee. N. Y.) OirtfNilMMRPsBndtA. foreign relations committee to from the dying freighter. She '^Of anonir jroa kaow -that hava RINa Eya Proa at S for'Ite “We didn't am a thing. Not a which the resolution was referred, went down in 40 fathoms (3St Frroch Frira t for Ite. largo boxro at Straabrrrira Itr bat to trace." aaid its “only practical effect Is feet) of water. 37 mUea off this yoa know that wa al»a have Ubb,v’a Freaeh Frietl Shrimp at a Arllmr Dill Blurts MediEil< fo r Son - • Storm Ragtag a stab |n thq,hack of.our..d#tega- fisMng port, after a *Uir6SBUig, anr priee of atr . . . Fiearh PrlMI Sratlopii iPr, r o t cakM Sir aoit - He eaid a atorm waa elril raging Fugitive Shwts floh fighting for us at the United titanic battle xrith the oea. Micfr frooled flub ao haMoek. rad'ant perrb. Ray yoar frmlet and aiirfaca awella wefa ao great- Nations.’’ At Hale’s Froin Truman hlapiant would have been torn to ‘Thai reaUy hurt ma, quite h Oraage Jolre at Plaeharat S mail Me. Jeaaup had had to carry an ex­ lot,’' Carlsen aaid. piccea had It been forced to ait Self as Crowd, tra load at Paris brirauae of the It was that “last gale" whiek Wdahingten. Jan. 11— or'flit Family man aaid. “An abandoned ahip young desperado lay under armed “The last few d ^ ' gala w u tM tale at Mr aad l.aad of l.ake« at Mr. Vaa laore Mamrhto "arorthy to confer" It ‘ coming at this time to take out much," he said.‘‘There were high RanpeK; /H efrlperalun would have a allm chance in that" guard in a hoepital today after alterihe man who., ia. ceOcaaentlng. at U r lb., shurllae Orape telly at Ite, Carraat telly Sge SNQWCM it Os.,Pkg.)i . . . It waa tito t n t Uine in hlatory -' But the ae^ctr^contiitoca today; a m goWg and (key wert tab that anyone baa turned down; the ttJUjr 19 'Kill klniMUr. while ~a us in oppoaitioa to (AndraJ) Viah- muck."^ i, nr Skarirue Marniiklade at *te', . V aai katter vrill eoa-" JTRffeada Al! _ frail wnhiM. atood at :Ala. morcy. tlaae-to"'dtoti. ^ - -...f.--.- JOHN E niRKL nation'! bigiiett mUltary awitd. - Inokyi. (Russian foreign mtntor. m and 100 policemen begged him to • Hia woirat momont to D toag TRENiM FRIED POTATOES 19c Hie fathar la Halaey McGoyern, (Cearttonad im Rago ’Ikn) ler).” ordeal, he said, “was the n can m ,....0|lier AppliRnccR-, ■urrender. — ^ . " Reaotatloa Set Tcmier Testa New BlSETS FUMmat HOMI— > of-tha American Traniit atodri^ The 24-year-old e x - c o n v ic t , that the Flying Enterprloo...... dlai»> ...... -«.™ MINUTE MAID (6 Os. 6in) tion and a traffic conaulUnt -to Chairman Oanaaljy. .(UrjCn-l known Daniel E. Walker^ Jr-> akaettf the or Calif. GoMen CARROTS Beha. 67 Bast Crater St. Tld. MtS IW'. > o o u tha.Jntaratnte Oemmerea comnda^ 'tM 'fbfn^'i^Griioiia He .obvtaaHp toqed h(s ahip. i ^ o m .waa 'repbrtwi In aeiioua co'nditiqn comment, only: "The reaction ABIBULANCE SERVICE 'alen. He alaa rejected the fUvar wMh: a ■benet wound, in the QiifeUy he totd of tha tarribit W A X E D RirTABAGA TURNIPS lb. «e TANGERINE lUICE 2^47t Star, which waa beatowed m an­ will come before the compattee.' 0i 'md Mato flTnliiif" itoRey •Tjr'i HALE’S atpinacH. One of the Republican .sponsors mooMnt When he and Dawer TOMATOES h o r 2.1c other of hi! aona. , 9 and) wdar .,1w— , - » nytog - jumpad off tlw funnel tote tha KRAFT DINNER Gun Is^Shown State Police said Walker waa a said privately there waV little ex­ plaagiag to 'af. ‘ l A t t a ^ (AT I 'fraia I Mbraroalraroal aad dieeaed ie Both were killed ta action in churning ataa. FAN CY McIn t o s h or GREENING APPLES parole vioUtor from Eastern pectation the resolution would be Four Servingalervinga to 7 MMlautea Korea. State Penitentiary, in fTiUadel- passed or would affect Jessup's “We had agreed to otfek to­ !J lb. M r 4.1c COFFEE MEAT■ b DEPARTMENT * The Deftnae department would T^o Conferees phia and had “a record a mile status at Paris. • gether ia the water to order to Fresh Groknd aay officially only.tkat.it bad held ioi^'- of larceny and aaaaulL—;— make reaeua eaoler...... ^Itourfi WmMr|(^ Thruw A Silvur Dtl- 2 Pkgs. correapondenM xritS McGovarn. ~ Bridgeb lotd the Senate yesterday Smith Reprieve “We had llfejacketa on and we Oor ewtoRMrt hopo looraod to dopoad on HiTlof ' Waahin'gton, Jan. ll..-0P»-^- The He shot himsrif rather than there was no way technically Uia ibly Favors 1 Lb. A apokeaman aeWnowIadged that brave police, who Sought him after actually awam hand to hand, to­ ttricHy froth oiooH of top qooHty. m'tlitary today ahowed to the Sen- lawmakera Could bring about Jaa- ward the ThrmoU. the medala had been rejected. ate-Houae Atomic committee a he fired at a State Trooper who Plea Approved lar Aurust Thu Pftumac, But Yuu Oau Savu McGovern waa not immodiately stopped him for speeding Wednes­ aup'a recall. The OOP leader aaid “We were to the water at the FOR A NICE ROAST A. FAVORITE DISH model of an artiUery giin de- Jessup could otay in his post for most nine minutes, according to available but the Wkahlntton aigned to handle atomic ahella. day. Timei-Herald quoted him aa my- Troopers aaid they doubted that 40 days after Congress convents By Gov. Lodge IS Slash Study Oapt. Parker (Den Parker, master YMr Dullars*' |ijf Bayiag All Yoar Mutt The model waa encloaed in a even though he har not been con- of the IVrmotl). concealing wooden box when car­ Walker waa hia real name. He FRESN DAISY *"«=‘‘Accepting * theae medala . . . would ... waa to be questioned further as to flrined by the Senate. The Paris Lest Shlp^B Lag ried into and from a dooed-door teaslon ta expected to end in mid- Hartford, Jan. 11-^—(ff)—Govern­ At Tliu - hnpty ^ Truman ia wor- his trua Identity. Paris. J o n M l—•4th—The . United |mmediata - “I kept the log .day b y - ^ toii Flnridhjriraagen aeaaion of the committee. HrM-Six - Hoara - Eebruary.— ‘ ■ ...... or Lodge today granted a reprieve prohibition of ntomia - thy-1« ’ confer-thoae -honora. And iShii'rThM'McMaKim (b., Cbhh.V Nations General Assembly voted .weaimns.tapons. it went down with the ahip. nMHlIttm Dob. ISr SNOULDER HAMS Walker held Mra. Jamea Wada- Jeaaup waa given a recess ap- until April 21 to permit convicted I don’t think that fellow ie worthy declined comment, when reoortera slayer Francia C. Smith time for 42 to 5 today t b ^ t u| a 12-nation • The assembly voted down “1 had my ship's papera and an- Extra Large Me to confer honora on my boya, or aaked him xrhathef. the model waa disarmament eommlM i. The body Csechoslovak attempts to enuscu- eouata in a watertight container (Continued on Page Ntoe>' (Centtaued on Pago Tea) .legal moves aimed at' getting a Temple Oraagra ELEAN(»C0RN anyone'! boya. - .u, that of a gun already actually new trial. will study step-by-npp reductions late the Western power resolution, and had attempted ____ to-traaefar , _____ it ------Teogerbie*— — -•iAa fat..-aa-I'm concerned.. thia. eenatructed'or -xraa ipade f rom-the- ■•wf* 66^ sqt oiiw ------€rtsm Slylt- — ELEANORJEAS -Smith hid been alated in die hr ln-ann» whole thing ia a clmed chapter. No blueprint of a gun .atilt to be the state prison electric chair the ing at some future datb.^with pro­ procedures. Avoidance of a flght were loet at sea.’’ Indlaa River SPINACH preaentationa are going to be nrapefrolt 1 L b. Tin bullt^'----- ^ . week of Oct. 26 in connection with hibition of atomic weapohe. over the Russian proposals speed­ The Golden Eagle la a U. B- GREEN BEANS 2 Cons fM^e becauae I don't intend to ac­ The western Big Three powers ed up.-the assembly actiqn. S for Ur PEPPERS Ltd^tr H int ind Meat Hotie LI. LI. McMahon ahid the committee the ehooting of Grover 8. Hart Navy supply ahip which stood hy \ r ■ cept anything.” ^ ^ member! lookad at tha itandri and Korea Air War Flares; during an attempted burglary at —the U. 8. Britain and France— The proposal calls foC tha 'l l him for. a time . before the Extra Large Plah WHITE ONIONS TOe While Houae decllnad any nations making up the Security IDAHO POTATOES 2 Cons dlacuaaed it. He declined to my Greenwich July 33, 1646. aponaored the measure, the major Destroyer Weeks arrived. Beedlenn firapetralt comment. v. more, except that the model had achievement' of the sixth U. -N, Council plus Ctonad)i to study all Deliciottt and Economical Large Sio^To Bake or Boil The governor, shortly before the Chilaen .said h r saved nothing Me Earb CP.IJIRT THIS WEEK WE FUTURE BEEF / The Medal of Honor waa award- been . brought - to the committed execution deadline, granted a re­ assembly here. " ■ diaannament proposato. beginning NaveU, ~"CVCUMRERi " ^ lo'lat Lt. Robert M .McGovern. aemtion by an ordnance officer. Reds Lose. Four MIGs within 30 days and to submit its from the Flying Enterprise excMI OUT OFTHE HOUSE OF SWIFT & CO . FRESH’TENDER prieve until Jan. 14 after counsel Four weeks of debate in the as­ the Clothes he was wearing Ida FRENCH ENDn'R 23., of the lat Cavalry Divlalon and It waa th; Srat time, he added, for Smith claimed that testimony flrSt report by Jun^, 1833. -' — - - and D'AoJoa Pear* RIE ROAST OF REEF ...... L b . 7 S c ‘ the Sliver Star to hia brother. 2d sembly’s political committee—in­ wrist watch—and the watch W9e ('HICKORY that auch a model had been against Smith by Mias Edith cluding private Big Four talks with The Soviet bloc voted against NEWCARBAGE ILOCK CHUCK (lONE-INl POT ROAST U . 7Sc Lt. Jerome F. McGovern, 21, of the Seoul, Korea,*Jan. i l —(ST—Red same----- battle by American ruined. CHICKENS ahown to the comiliittee. . top ace — Col. Francis 8. Ga- Springer had been perjured. M lu Rusria and Assembly President the measure today as it had in the SALAD MIX 2nd biviaion. jeta floahed south almost to Par­ Springer serving a term in an Aia- Moet of the time aboard he C U T-U F REEF F O R S T E W ...... L b. S 4 c Yoang birdt t* brolL fry or bake. Robert waa killed Jan. 30 and allel 35 today—and ]>aid for their breski of Oil City. Pa.. Slat Fight­ Luis PadiUs Nervo for one week 60-nation )>oIiticaI committee. Ar­ SPRQI7TS . Tressnry Balsnct •toraa priaon, later Issued a state­ in an attempt to reach -tinderatand- gentina joined eeveral Arab opd FRESH GROUND HAMIURG ...... L b. 4 7 c Mb brother fell In’ battle 12 daya audacity with loss o^ four MIG- er-Interceptor Wing commander. (Gonttoaed aa Paga Tin) T.. Bt'Y THIS WEEK'S FFiATI’REO ITEMS AND SAVE V E R Y M E A T Y later. Both were buried in Arling­ 15a.' . - -' -rr;- . ' ' It waa hia fourth MIG and hia 32nd ment to that effect. ihg-^preeeded today's decision. Aslan countries in abstaining. ALL CUT PROM HEAVY SHER UEF Coaftetiotery ton National Cemetery Nov. 15. Waahington. Jan. 11—(A)—The They were shot down, and a plana in two wars. .Reds Drop Ckaagra Merges Two Graapo ' Robert waa killW when he poaition of the .TreaaUry;. Jan. 6: 'fifth was damaged, in five blaxing This battle, between 23 Sabre At the outset of today’s session, The new measure actually NATIVE FOWL Lb. Net- budget recelpta, 1135,775,- ELMDALE PEARS 2y>^St SUGAR charged a machine gun poeitton battles with American jeta. Jeta and 60 very aggreosive Rua- Russia uithdrew amendments it merges the ■ present Braurity SUGAR tkM had halted the advance of hia 757,4b-budget expenditure! $254,- The air was flamed within 30 alan-type MIQa raged for. 35 min­ had previously attempted in vain Council Atomic. Energy and Dis- S h i ^ e Milk ...... I for Y7e Shurllae C offee...... lb. tie ' FRESH FORK PRODUCTS " FRESH DRESSED 526,512.63; caah balance, f 3.266,- Llpton'v Vegetable 5 Lbs. mllea of the Panmunjom truce utes over a 75 mile area. It was aa News Tidbits to get adooted In the political com­ BtiUetins EXTRA LEAN FORK SHOULDERS ...... L b. 4 S c / (OattaMd aa RaRc NIra) 706,466.tL site. One fight. Was .nearly. 180 long aa any jet.battia recorded. . mittee which would have demanded (Conttoali aa Paga Ntoa) ar Needle Soup ... .Mr LIploa’o Tea .. . H W. Me 2 Pkgt. CaOad froRt AP WIrsi ~ friHR tht AP WIrsR EXTRA LEAN fRASY) SPARE RIIS . ... Lb. SSc miles, from the Tahi'River bound­ All of . the' day’a kUla were made "tig.' ROASTING - ary between Kotm and Manchuria. by F-SS Sabre j«ta; ■ ^ SMALL MIATY FORK HOCKS...... L b. 3 t c Thin la far south of MIG alley But the southernmost fight In- iMNM DAffiEft^ tk Lb. Much trumiwted (fomifl'iinlat EXTRA LEAN FRESH HAMS ...... L b. 4 3 c CHICKENS where the jeta usually fight. volired F-t4 Thunderjeta. Thraa DB TABBIGNY DIB8 Army Lists 1,800 GIs Tha new outbreak of air war, af- MIGa attacked them near Kum- program to clean up East Berlin’s ArmR Bottleneck Fades, Fkris, dan. ll-riff)—Oeewiel FUM PORK SAUSAGE MEAT ...... L b. 4 f c BACK BY REQUEST—A LOW PRICE ON Thenew outbreak of mlr war, afr chon, 150 miles amithwest of the bomb rubble arid rebuild the ______« Jeon da lAttsa da Twaigny dtoi LITTLE U N K S A U S A G E ...... L b. 4 f c ter jeta were snowbound yaatar- Yalu and only 11 miles north of 3S. “capital” cells peed after only IS- toaighL tha Fram* Mow* Agen> day, raised the Allied bag (or -thr - "This Waa the most southerly jet day try. .West German Ouincelior cy aaneracefl. Tka 61-yenr alfl As ‘Unknown Soldiers’ week to 11 jeta shot down and IS engagement ever fought in the Kearad Adeaaaer announced to­ But Not Enougli: Lovett Korean- w*r. ... day, hh will'visit Waahington this t o o n u damaged,...... skMiei FRESH DRESSED TOUtTRY One Jet destroyed today waa hit _ . n d a y Have Plenle apring. ' : ' • ' ' ‘1 Reolpter J« Davidaoa, who died Chtow WETHERBA*riKT^ ^ Tokyo Jan.‘ - l l —URI—Koreoil'rfiamp Kbhura for recheck and poa- over Rariwon, 150 mUes aoutheast Maj. VVilllam Waltman. Air Washingtra, Jah3 j i —(di)i^" 'ihe .plane'produclfon' firtt on "what it ler the past twa days fei- FREMER in France Jan, 3, willed bulk of United StatcB ia breaking'.bottle-i saya is the attempt to impose a ■ hattlefieida have given up bodiea' Itive idenUfiratlon before,: they of the Yalu. No MIG had been Force brieSng officer, said probr laartog twa spsriMsae tor m, LARGE MEATY FOWL ...... L b. S 3 c HAM o f 1JOO American "unknown aol-, are returned to the United Statm bogged ab far south before. hia more than 1150,000 American necks in jet fighter and tank pro- ’ muiU-btlllon dollar armament pro­ . turner '.af ...Jtha.-prea66te. gtatoLt-...... LARGE HAT1VE"CAFOHrT7. DIETETIC MiHiilbldr ------...... ■' I t n hurtgl...... : ------'r ' "m eTfflG 'w aa • dWirifed ‘ In Uie (Dsattoned ea' Pige'TW a)'''” '' eMita to his widow.', Lt. Comdr. duction but Defense - Secretary . gram on x' booming civilian econ- “ . FRiS NEICED AS y o u o r d e r Today tlwy lie in Army mau»o- ; The "unknowna" rtmain at Kto Edwin M. Rosenberg, 'told in 1646 Robert Lovett estimates it - will -omy. Induatiy,,kta([era aay the prih IWIFr M EiS& VU RKEYS .:• t...... • • 1 •L b. t S c ;;iaafna'on-Kywaka, ■-•autliam Japto.r.kum-,. ^tfi«t’'»e'’'WburdW(iMir M l mary’ reason 'ter, .la M ^ T p l^ c -: N’g^prvxjw-'v. 4aH0®8.'^ TkA .^JdaaitlfifMiltoa^ * ■affax^-.a-ato* -weriW ihtrf wtid ftwight Four tomdred'MtUh l 16 Qt. Kach day a feW are identified— r bracea the work of chemiota. X-ray menta to realiu. hia dream, as­ liveries. : land, component iwrta traced ta / SMOKED MEAT FRORUOTS fran Mrthmarka. tattooa, finger-i^hnlclana, mortteians, doeton, lytrig Coy on YiewSf sumes command of U ra J. Doug­ "rile defeiTae chief expressed tblgiacorcities of machine tools and al- era to anaaall keato ereeeed'lks FEAS 2 8 0B. caito27o Hssket $1.69 ^ t o , dental work, old fracturaa faentlata,. flngerpaiat oxporta, aa- las Blackwood. ■ vlaw in. testifying before the Sen-;]!loy metals needed in jet engine Sa-eeterOter 'Oraal kafaie dawR FERRIS HICKORY SMOKED Bomt of the unidentified dead! Uiropologfsta and clerka. Baymoad C. Gaagler. 56. presi­ ate Armed Services commlUec at manufacture, tsiday to anti sniper.midi sa twa HAMS (WHOLE) ...... Lb. 4fc Visit Hah*s Seafood Counter are carried on war liata aa miaalng.' The proceaa ia ao thorough that SeHf Aiken Tfilh Eisenhower dent of American (>anamid Gof, a closed door aeselon yeaterday. i The Army la producing an un- viUagm naar the Mg Reyal Alt COCKTAIL I VlU Sk ______HEINZ The defenoe department, haa lifted: a aerviceman'a “dog tag" ia net ae> dies from cerebral henriorrbagel,. Lovett’a statement, taken -to-, diObloaed number of light, medium Ferae boa* at AtoiBmlr,.hi tka. FOSTER'S COOKED lONELESS HAMS .. Lb. 91c about 11.000. miaaing In tha Ko-1 cepted aa concluaivc proof except Armv eatimatea total eaeai.v gether with unofficial estimates of and heavy-tanka. SaexOaanl'Xaari,'. for fish in the piece, slice or 4illet, 'Washington, Jan. 11— ' UP> — < aaid the general would have to re­ COLONIAL LEAN DAISY HAMS ...... L b. S S c r«an war. The Ckunmuniata have | where the body la recovered im­ raaanitl-- in Korea at 1,S66,046 American and Russian production, { May Shift on Tasks BEECHNUT KETCHUP itated 3,165 Americana aa' priaon-1, mediately and unit officera ou'ear Senator Aiken (IL. Vt) aaid today j sign if he wins the Republican through Jan. 3 . . . Oilcago group pointed up Preeident Truman’s re- But it has hm into production PRESENTS CRSDSNTIAUl'' GROTS G W EIG a COHAGE ROLLS ... Lb. 15c eroi They oaid 570 other Ameri- to identification that “If General Eisenhower wants nomination. \ ' supporting Rea, Kefhavef (Di. port to Congress on Wednesday, troubles in at least one type^ the Bo dapesL Hnagary. tan. U -» 14 Bottle eana dira after capturel^ •66 Identified ; to be President he should aak to “I think :he better resign if he Team.) for democratic preridentiat '"-“it the Soviet Union “la atlil pro- T-41 light. It had occejrtto. u^ to U. 8. Mtototor ------" Fresh Fruit and Yegetahles Tww WII be relieved of hia present job and wants to win. the nomination." nomination annouuM his 'same inidiig more war planes than the a month ago, about one-third of the Bnvndal praasntad FfRUlS COOKED CANNED HAMS .. Each $4.12 FeanitBittar peauchamp aaid 500 bodies re- make hie views on domestic isauea Aiken tohi a reporter.. ‘‘He'would will be entered in OUnois pri­ free nattena." tight tanka^whlch hal^ been com­ ■______■ . r- . < . ' A ■ Others may be listed as kUled in calved at Camp Kokura aa “ un- ttols to Raagn(y*B Jsp ’ , 2 For acUon. The military acCepta the known." • , greatly strengthrii Htoiself aa a mary. Rad Ptoae Oat pot pleted. TTie Qthen were being held day to ~ * knowna" have been identified. “Hhe should come out swinging candidate if he lets voters kaow Democratic merobera o f State The moot recent unofficial esti- iiark until changes could be made THIS WEEK FROZEN FOOD SKCIAL TOM ATOES 1 Lb. Cello Pkg. 19c xraid of two or more wttneasea as Experts forward Rngerpiinta to vorificaUon of depth even thragh and not be so coy,'-'-Aiken :;iala, where he Btaada’’ Senate ehalleage Oeveraav Lodge mate hera is that Russia ia pro­ In the mechanism which turns the the FBI for checK against the adding "and Cm from an-Eiaen- to prove bis claim that a state ducing about IS.OOO-planes a year, tank turret. UUY'S ONE4IALF COOKED CHICKEN .. Il J7 the body priay Bbllle recovered im- prints on record fof every aarvlce- Mr. Truman's naxra oonferenee DENOUNCES PAJAMAS I WGdlGtuly* bower area." comment that' he bad been told budget deficit amuld reoult If he Of tbeae about 12,000 are flrst line This defect, which the Army DEVILED FROZEN CRARS CELERY B..29e man. Aiken'a comments attracted at­ grants salary ralaea to stale em- cbmbat 'aircraft with abput 70 per Insists Is of minor nature and can .sadra. Jm . 11—(ff)-4l4 Maj. Robert J. Beauchamp, chief last August the general waa a t o m nai TaUsr and CNSMt' IN FATTY SHEU ...... E a ck 2 3 c ot the Far East Command Quar- The height. weighL age, race, tention here because he tong has Democrat received quick Yerlflca- ployea . . . QMtroveray between cent of them Jet flghtera. be corrected without sending Uw color and other physical character- battled what'he rails 'The Old Board of Edocatkm and Board of Against thia is the recent esti­ tanka back through )>roduetion tsnMMter'a Memorial Division, tion from Kanaaa. day OM TANGERINES d..49 c aaid today,thare waa “no way in latics ara - recorded to the extent Chiard" in the Republican |>arty. TJia President indicating the Apportionment and TOutlen over mate of. AdmI. DeWItl C. Ram' lines, apparently waa a “bug" da- pooslble. veloplng out of the attempt to far the 10% eO M (12) or r m f o poclwmi of froooo SEEDLESS the world to eetlmata the percent­ Aiken'a proposal compared with announcement Elsenhower is a amount of )iay increaae rcaulta to’ aty (ret) Ffesldent of Aircraft Gm-R Stamps Given With Cash Salts age of unknowns that w oi^ be on ' Dentista dravi( a chart of the com President Truman's news confer- Republican came aa news'to him. pajrteos pay toy far MoeMih InduStrlaa aasaciatton, that total speed a weapon into produetkm ditkm of teeth ta hope that it might erence statement yesterday that taarkera. production of American planea of without the usual pnUonged sarv- tM misstog .in action Hat.'” said a brother of a former Kanaaa MAY GRAPEFRUIT 3 For 29c At Camp Kokura on Kyushu tha be fpuad to mateli thet of e miee- ha xriU keep Elsenhower as Su­ governor told him the general waa Soviet Government newspaper all typaa' may reach about 1.500 ice^uting. * LIVE LONGU — RE HAFFY moat, modern scientific detection ing ipan.' preme Commander of Allied Forces a Democratic precinct worker at iBveotia says Waahingtaa taUu be­ per nmith by late 1M3. TTiat The Army's move into the field ■tathoda arc used to link each body The rcmalneI etoo are checked fof to-Europe as long as'the general the age of 18. tween TVuman and Churchill r a n araold be at tha rata of 18,060.a of heavy tank production appearad • 302 .MAIN sT • Dial 4i 5i • ^ REEF ACQUAINTED TtoJMtHALteo en old fracture,, tattooa, hirtk- wtU stay. In Olathe, Kas., Frank Hodges, a faltore . . PresideBt Truman yoar and aome industry men be­ j:o be a reversal of policy which ■mmnf iKa S 3 ' wl(h a name. LEMONS 3 L 17c The bodiea of all Americans merks. Mast Bcatoa to Wto brother of the lata Gov. George H. vtewa exhibits showing result of lieve this flgure may be a Httle' 'existed os recently m a year ago. 6a Itov ' M K. H Mlad to batUe-^not Juat the un- - Mr. Truman, after repeating bis an A-baato attack on aa uapro- ton high. knowu—ara sent from Korea Ip OH Mage r) previeau praise of Eiaeahower, (Caattoaed oh Fhge Tluw) taeted American dty. The industry btomea the log to (OM« ea Page r) *

U % •51 A_. ;r, J :i s ■■■•■* • •►' IK. ' ' \ * '■' l''^ \ ''' ’ ■' ^ . *“ , -A^}c?;r,tr^-.^v-•■v-v.=’'^’'.ll." .■'■AtS.Trr'.y-

1IANCHE8TEK EVENlNja HEiUL^ U A M O asm , OOICK^ Fi^AY^ jAWUAlY 11,190 MMieHKihi atoek w« ■AtfiMr iMUWHlTO domr^ flipATa^ANUARY u. im . ■ • - I ffe* iNMk wm OMR kiM BWBr ps maeting U to give par- in Capital EsamsK j to hatter ”3 1 A I £ ~B. Wtabii fA ipiiN Pidikt Home Decorating ’ OOiM In Surplus with a ■Ul M r Talk on Sex ante an oupegf a R : Bliaeea, CenH \ ...... ■ ■praeiate oia natur ld,OOir sutSUiidiBf sharso. -—‘~ ■' ' "~naa's for thie salahUshasent the Noeth Braitcli are matarihMa> BayaMtiT* T i i r tn ha Ssantag asMBBy by Ha asBS.|s S late H ea l| & l o c a t o r ..-Mr.^ags tiNhPhgaffapv I j JkMurd iaS raptdiy. It is SdpM«M that a* 'daas iM''fp'EMifaM'Trihm ~ ' ■ ■ ■'■■antten- ’ Mas Gloria^^ohnsott, g rtore architect will be ^ The Mssti lHil El iHig Hi W in IN s c w Amamen wHh the sentatlve from the ^erwin..ln.-Wll TenU thre near future and partmant af Health, Bsdpw, Ubsahowef ba “ CaUegn, S h ow M -- Hama' Paint -Onqpany, spoke on ■*inriECf ■*' - S lu u rc assy be started soon T o ChUdreBi*s Queries aingia Ulka and aartaa p t leetuina a qweeh at the .use Of color in interior decor­ While the time of com] Tha lata Mr. Pcrguasii was aa 1______on famUy Ufa and aaa guldanca Tggyy* ¥—:* - Psaaw i^ «hib ating pt the meeting of the Pro- 'hraneh facilities will asna Themae F. Ferguaan, *SI and Wattsr E. FBfgsMW *M. isha •Dm Uacoln School FTA will throughout the state of Ooonaeti- Rodgaa ftoMOhal .Women’s. Cluh held Tues­ , i%« B0«M ar W M rt^ •* T u avaUabHHy ef 'aso NOW owpuMhhaaa ad- Tha NacaMk ’ - . eu t In the eoutan a f Ms work; ha. ■Mb ha toM Mr,, ftum aa about It hava ita rtiM ar masting at the has davalopsd and oandiactag' IB a latter. “ day evening in the Federation ilfinrlinl*T T f^ hoped that the new haaarlaig .thair (Sithcr .hy. .Nig .asHMsIpNIlt. sf...» iplss. pi ■m- Maaiaav. ,.SA R f,; Room of tha Center Church. opened RhrBMisr - tha InatituMan attended h r - ^ t h i ^ eouraaa "fat~~ths teachers eoBigel; CLEARANCE ^rtaMMMd tanUtiaalr tWK«,»>- 'Using' various - iliustrstiana ~in summer. hspad ta ■■iililtsiB ta tha pmaent peai Jaa. 14. at S pjn ., at which tlma halpiag t o prspata toachara/to iKftrUM artaa^af •••k -V. the Company's book entitled, "The Bsmanne Languages DagaitMMiit at Ti tha apaakar will ba William F. HMst tha challStigiBg aasd at/u»-. a t/u »- • M te aaid that Eiaeahowar^ li#« stock, to bs sctcd on by BMaOct, health educatag; Osn- daratandlhg tha intiaiatenata w a r s . RtedN taka off his ualform aad Style Guide,'' tha use of color in %itoekMdm St tho ^ The gift rsnelete a f an anOnal ttreg pi metleut Btata Dapartmant of atra ImpMoatlan o f tha topsaOHjlrs m v gat into the pilaiary eoateata.' the bomb was discussed. NuaMr- ^ 4sb. as. IMS. St M i arise al |fSE ta ha awasSsd hy tha Im M a f tha DaptMss Health. The tapic win ba “ Whin proc aaesa. ila ilM A in TI I VatoiB aipat Km w ous sttFSCtlve living rooms, dining Segseee# LeaNSSHMS •• the BsmBhasB ad the eenlar eleSe me wsrh has laVoiviM ispaetel M . GlaateMa^ 3pt Alkah, who has not pet Joined reoina bedrooms, kitchens and OF KEITH QUAL itURE . ilnM sctkm by ttc bosrS wtH Tanr Children ANi T t^ ' B b|: bathrooms suitable for any t]m jbo, taken at s aeetlag ^ U r the ^Anew in Korea In rreweh wha a n , hs hla aplnlen, hsH'gnsMflad far tha I harraaaing Queatlans.* and Qw iMOuMt ot^pealk ill sdhMh anidh TODAT aad BATVEOAT •tbsr Nfw Eaglandeia In bodai- new issue' has bass »ote4 by the ■howtng o f the film, "Humaa Be­ graapa aMr churchla ./ Ha ia, at lag BkwMwwer. said tha *votera i f home are displayed within "llie The prtaee are ta ha awarded at tha mmmmi Hoaara Ha^ Pem^ Style Guide." "When one consM- ntoefcholders. . ^ many, tlw Srat awards wlO hs seada at tMa year's Hanara Day. ginnings," Will serve to stimulatb **FIXID lA Y O tm ** ace «ititled to know Ika’a views." ' The book veloe of each o f the fraaa Baga < s lively diacuaaion period through OaasmHtoa aa HptMM.|(a. wHh EIOBABD U U e U B f "H9 eartainly can't differ too era color in interior decorating," ■ sisbt tboussml shares of stock which many o f tha perplaaing Tie fr«E*iS2^fciiVv" touch with admlnlstmtlon foreign stated .Miss Johnson, "thought ■'now outstaatfinr as stiows I9 ably the ventured •'K fer paraoiMl problems o f aa Intimate T iiiij* — MMarn 'M •^ovl Nwr ■ poUetea.becauae ha'a been carryiag must M given to the draperies, aouth they were "getting gi«S-4i4B-lSiSS P. H . Jaae Mavai-—WSs. l .aaMgaa S/r'r /-■Dec. SI. IM l ststewent expariehi^^ nature may be aolveA gram af out part o f them.' Alkeq aaid. add- color accents and. focal point as /- imbllMWiiaMMS. more caauaKy reported In a S^mlaote AeUva. curious sag Inguisittva tha United lahMdar Oant. Praas t M. BUNDAY IhmlOTamAE tag: • well as Color rhyUiro." BLON DERN ;^lewe la tbe statenssnt their balta. - "''i flg^t between S3 Babree and Girl Scout Councils ^ TH E EAggET", "Z want to.knbW, for instance, Miss Johnson advised the au- 4kBlsd ta this camsntalK..^ "Our, boys up^tr^^^dlda’t hay» .urhara ha.atanda. da the B t. Law»- ' dieaee regarding individual intev- any picnic." ba MdM. ■lU., "hBoiif:,«S""Rsd-'Jetp." ' ...... BOf, Mf»r..‘TtJin.' Sales or the atoA to^ha Trust Other Rabres reported they ^ •‘unmoK n BsmF* ranoa BaaWap. I also wonder about ior decorating problems during a - Oompaay in recent mtatha. ..were, _The, U..B.,Pifth A^^Korce mswi _To Hotel Banquet wNh Mark Bliaeaa .. __ hla tdewa Oh labor, health, aduea- dlariimtoit.'pcrton. Howard M. Turner OdiLilt said reporters would know hla luag, thea a wkeeldmlr, aad BE WIPED OUT? SMpSha^' Dacl saM negMiationa for superviaiBg Guaat apaakar at tha dinnar are the adleeteaee atoag. the path e f luftsvanr Baak Stocks Will ha Nalssn. A. Bly, Boy Bcont ptans tMfora tha Republlean oon- Thera are many ways that prop- To the north. twiK ether U. S a Korean t f ^ could not ronttnue iOC vsntioa bsgiiiB on July 7. steleksa la the IBM je lla . Exacutiva o f Chartar Oak Conn comvrrn U _B l4:A ak«l arty and paaaesaieas can ha wtpad daatroyera—the Oragory and the until the R i^ explBlnJlhe ap­ Phn” In a ei PsyaWfartoe ou t But If you carry ade^uata HacKenite—fought an hhur parent diacrep^cy. ell In Hartford. Mr.. BIT la an helpiaghim aloag tto path to a i I life. P in t Natlonsl Bank Impressive aad dranmUe Prl., Mb, Bs jmtitlTl Senator Lodge (R., Mast.), who 38 Rej^larly $198.7 fire husiraace aad extended cor- dual with Rad ahiwe giinai Turner eald the'ftcda last month 1 of lUaclMotor...... 33 and.-8ATUBDAT ODNT. FBfNI S P. M. gat 38,000 atgaaturaa urging the Aetna F ir e ...... B3 55 mond E. Grwman, Insuraaee tired from their own flva tnckera. ■ "Tou wlU never get a Mrs. Edwin Htymr Is cbaimian BOfninaUaii o f JUaenhoWer. Ha Hartford F ire ...... 134 139 M tha banguaC aaaistad by Mra. , said aevefal hundred parsoiu Richard Hultman, aecond paUolK>wn lunch in the cimtw's kitchen National Fire ...... 60 63 ...... Thy one MIG waa the ..only tory.anmrcr, to.ypiw mi .OBBAT DOUBUEinX ■Edward "Pab^-’ Sivar-’ Pmraal - Haw ; laigned- .a .fear .Junica.attar victhttr wtaea..tlia' diaesae; hit :MAa- ,Andwato,|helr,owB--4^ Phpeil|X.;. . i. ■ccttBiiin H ey'A demiiutde.'” ' ell; Mrs. Hefman Pateraeii. Mrs. •Sahy Wlalsfi The tnicp subcommittee met f< ■MS. Cease the patkioni wars fafoaied. cheater in the summer o f IMS, la Tha National Foundation for In­ ' jUfe aiM I'ii4m ^t'y'Im 'C ^ '“''' ..'-I \ only 34 minutes. The subcommtt Barbara Thompson, Miia Evaline L ^ e said the Gov. Payne en- fantile Paralyala paya the eoat of Aetna Caaualty...... 91 96 tee --on - pplaoner ' exchahge. ad itlagd, Mra J. 8. MWwn and “ RaginB ...... doraemant waa typical of. msesagea looktog .tor^rt jio hU aWh^^ Hultman'a therapy. - ;.w...... Aetna U fa . . 65Vi 69V4 joumed after four hours' and SO I.' iSbewge' Marlow.' ™ TM«" - from .'all etatea “aince it became sessions which will begliv soon at Hultman made medical history Ctonn. General 126 130 minutes. Both will meet agaia at \ tilM iU u known that General Elaenhower the YWCA pool in Hartford. when he underwent a gall blader Hartford Steam Boll. 32Vi 35Vi It a. m. Raturday (t p. m. e ^ t. ' waa in this light to a flnlali,'' Hultman whose arms and legs Operation while in ah iron lung on Travelers ...... 610 630 E . E C 0 f t p s Friday) in Panmunjorn. Lin lerans to See Taft headquarters countered by were affected by the paralystoig Aug. 33. 1M9. He was the aecond PuMio UtUltles ~ etaiming the "first delegste actu­ disease, explained that he will he person to undergo surgery while Oonn. Light, Pow er.. . 141* 16 ally named for the Republican na­ abi*to u*e his aMiacles more esatty in the lung. The first case on QanQ.,G«ieral v .—.-.1 2 6 131 ThatlHave?^ tional conventlim in 1053." . * In the- water than he can against record viras a Caesarean delivery. Hartford Elec. Lt. . . . . 46 48 Honor 2 Employes He was identified 'Sa J. C.'Brud' Hultman was put into the lung Hartford Gas Co...... 35 87 i m r .. / gravity. Though he can walk on . JtiNNiit Ra| . Offlcera df tha Senior Luthar ford of NaahvlUe, Tenn., ,and cnitehea now and uses hla wheel­ immedtetely upon his arrival at So. New England Of Trust Company quoted as saying Taft “will be chair only when he 'ia alone at his McCook hospital on July 13, 1M9. Tel...... 34 V4 , L«agua of Chwcerdla Lutheran nominated on the flrst ballot' Ten days later he came out of Maanfseturing Compaales Church will hiKto charge af the W e Them? home at 53 Ruaaell street, Hult-' ^ m i M E w t i r ThiFtiriUM [DEUClbUSI Taft headquarters said he 'was man knows his rauacles need a the lung for iff seconds. He waa Am. Hardware ...... iSVi''20Vi A itfnnar party Was hald WadMs- worship prograniNBunday avoning YOU N T W i 00 AND TH IY. "choaen unanimously at a Repub­ great deal of re-education. He can taken from the lung for Increaa- Arrow Hart and Heg. .59 62 day avening. Jan. It, at Cavay'a at 7:30, to which Ml mamhara af lican district convention of the band hla left arm at the elbow ixit * ‘5* Asao. Spring .... 32Vi 35H ----- Bth-Congreeeional District of Ten- aav' stoav BllBi z j i TRL^j I ' mannwra^ lasii'TMi’ U ir TJIE^FIIONOm hCton ,not Uftirifom the Oibulj^.' XlM.jajMtiiM . Will ha\liMil lit the F R IE D Cl - jMSMe.'' ______lung for good. Oolltna partmeni ofT h a Maaehaater Tmet m MUSICtANS In New Jeraey, Gov. Alfred E. He hopes to make peat'progress Hultman later wore braces ex­ sanctuary sad the at the swimming sessions which Em-Hart Catnpany. The occasion was to leased sound fitm, **Al| That I Driscoll reported BUbatahtlal sup- tending down both la ^ The brace Fafnir Bearing soimr Uiit Erttfiat '. among Repubileana for Elsen- are conducted by the Hartford on hla left leg is gone now, Hult- celebrate Uw » annhreraarpof two Hava;* ■ wUI •be"Nn*i County Rehahtlltatien Center.; *nte' Hart A Cooley of its employee. Mlaa Jeanette Ralph Walsh, vtae | Diueious THEMNEXSNMK «r~a5a HCtnt ttaektnr tor Tnan said ab he propped hta left Landers, Ffary, elk. tiex FWI Senator Taft and Harold Btasaen. same organization has been super­ foot comfdrtably on his right Pa ton anAMm-RuUi AngalL win act as.elaUnBaa. a f HOMieCOOKlO ^ lAlT CiNTN STUNT vising the: physical and oecu|i»> New Brit. Mach. Co, *TAKE ME lAQIC” Bath ainployea atartsd with the gram. Saerstary /Martha UQUORS 29 DiiacoU waa a "favorite knoe. Me reposed tn hta wheelchair North and Judd...^ Superfoam Pillowi MiALS a v e y 8 tondidate in 1M8 and threw his tional therapy that has been hMp- as h'e explained that he uses the S A L tr hanh 10 yaars- sgn as aaatstant will be the ptenlat. Traaaarer —Si — I - .Support to'Gov..Thomas E.. Dewey *"ff H\|ltn^ on- hts-yrsF. Mr W; Chair..for ccnvenlenee when he is Russell Mfg- .,,. 18V4 . 20*4 • \ ^ bankheapdra. Thay hava ainaa baan art- -Ledatta wWJeperata -tha- covery alhee shortly after be left Stanley Works com. . 82*4 85H promoted to positions of higher Jector. William /Geaa and Leoga: o f’ New York. Driscoll did not say at home alone. Terry Steam ...... 90 100 who be la backing. McCook Isolation 'Ward in Hart- When asked If he had any mes­ - ^ $ K .95 tniat and reisponsIMIIty in the ever Zwich will act aa ushers. Pmsi' foid and returned home..That waa Torrington/<...... 32 344 expanding Igan department of the dent Lennre BWiek and Mrs. Mar­ Favorite Boa sage for Manchester people. Hult- Union Mfg...... 19V4 2214 'SEALY' MATTRESSES B U R tO N ’S F O R BEST In Jubr, 1950. locsl hank, garet McMullen, advisor, wilt he Another potential "favorite eon” man said tha statement he made U. S., Envelope com. . 90 100 Mrs. Angell la the former Ruth In charge of refreshments at the —Ben. Hubert H, Humphrey (D., Hultman feela the therapy has in a Herald article in mld-1950 U. S.'Envelope pfd. .,61 66 OR MATCHING BOX SPRINGS Filled with Super^irfoam Rub­ ALL SPEEDR M. 45. 7H R.P.M . Kornse and la well known Ideally. social to .follow In the Bunday . Minn.)—said if he should decide to been very valuable. Aa he puts still expresses Ma sentiments. Veeder-Root ...... •.34' 37 ber . . . for greater cqmfort, Miss ^ to n Is well known for her school ro^im. ''ejBtio’ Minnesota'a presidential prl' it, "Any supervised exercising la This ia what he said then; 1S9 CENTER ST. PLENTY OF FREE PARKING n ia ^ and wins he would hand over better' than what yOu do your­ "This aeems like the proper The above quotations are not to freedom from BUergies, Will bU musical ability. Both are lifetime The above nfficera ware elected be construed a« actual markets. Save nearly $20 on this luxurious Innerspring Muttreae! Sealy qual­ ways keep its shape. eeaktanta of this town. -- — - Sundayammlag, Jaa. f t . . hla artegatioa to Another ..candi­ self.’.'______time for me. .to. express my ap- date atxtha national convention. ity all-the way through for relaxing comfort. In handstune Damask Volunteer" Red Cross drivers .preciatlon to the people of this ticking with Pre-Built border, 220 coil unit. Keith Clearance Value at He aaid he does not "aspire to the chauffeur/him between hia home towihwho did so much for me and r n w c STORE ROUES: Open Ttarttoya office of nssideht.’ and the rehabilitation center's my family.' This ordeal that I Uatn f P. BL Cioae W eA M adaya^ ^BURTON’S FOR BEST — 841 MAIN STREET There has been speculation Mr. workshop in Hartford two days have been through was quite a Truman will n ^ m te r the Minne­ NsMk Begular Haura friNn t A. ML each WMk. There, from 9:50 in blow to the family, and It has UatU ff:M P. M. Eyeatag i sota primary, but;, instead have the morning until 3 in the after­ been the sincere a ^ p a th y of the $59.50 1 . 9 5 one of his supporterq-T-aa Hum­ ■Mate arranged. \ noon.. he runs the hand operated people In Manchester that has VALUES! FERE PARKING at Keith's pnifetag e- phrey ia—run as a "favorite son' printing press', bicycle pumpa to bolstered their spirits. 'I can't 6-33SS latrtSbt at tha atom. hOe aeater patki------i ~. and later thrOw his suppbrt to the run the jig saw, hand seta type, thank the Folihdatioh enough. Horriord Trove! Bureau . PnsidaaL...... 407 Umte Imr la the Mock Juat SNto. R'a eaqr or engages in one of the. many ac­ They took' -veiy. ftaa «ara. o f me, BuflQBt T«rms $5 MontMy toiwkatKMthV Humphrey's entry in the' Ml tivities designed to bring weak­ giving me all the attention that sota primary does not preclude th ened muscles back, into condition was possible. - ' It dion’t cost me paseibllity that Mr. Truman tyill ~^d to teach akills.X one penny. -The Foundation is a b vsaassa run for reelection. The President Make Own Lonrli \: Wonderful thing and deserves the J___ ;______TOYS --gaid'Jttti ii«ry»ter«iy' ■ It V* 'pHjnifolHFfapfsfi arid' two fullest support .frotn everyoneT*" O F MAN l HESTE!^ news conference. occupational therapists assist Fof the Kiddles. Mr. Truman told reporters he HuItma^Apd other patients at Underseas mountains 11,060 FOR FINE . erill announce hla political 'inten­ the center when they need It. but feet high were discovered in the ArUiHr Drue Utons tions some time .before the Re­ everyone doM ^s much aa he can Arctic Ocean between the Ork­ Larg« AsuortniMt publican National Convention in for himself.elf. l^ le n te make their ney Islands and Spitsbergen. HIGH-WAISTED July. . 1—, -Jl* X J feIllL it MAIM tT it no-inciTi 'uifu I'furxr^i s Another possible Democratic 111b MAIN ST 0P:>0SITt HIGH SCHOOL candidate—Senator Kefauver of Tennesaee--got a boost yesterday our moMton-collared GIRDLE from*Rep. Hays (D-Ohlo», who has announced he will enter Ke- fauver's name in the Ohio, primary hi a contest for delegates. Hays has amazing rontrbi! aaid Democratic county chairmen ■Xif., -X . o f the 18th Ohio Congressional dia- STORM COATS trict have decided unanlmoualy to WITli NARLOWS support Kefauver. / . nhE-MVim, LU0R-8AVII FOR GIRLS- ---V- BEFORE YOU BUY C ^ D L E Columbia - Trial Justice Court, held in ADDING MACHINES STORlW SA$H ROASTING C H IC K E H T ^ • \ T con 'i"* Hall Monday night, found Michael Sorokoliti 37, of Hop The newest crop of chickens is running larger jrel;' BRA $ 2 ^® River Villags guilt of breach of AND PORTABLE TYPEWRITERS P!':f more tender, conalderably 'm eatier and dmhHiB as iM^'-, peace. Justice Newton B. Smith INVESTIGATE ways, an exceptionally fine lot. Ten per cent diaciMiBt al-' anposed a fine of >50 and a 10 day the farm; delivery Friday. \ - worfti .2S.00 Jsli sentence. Sorokolit who had VICTOIl ~ Men arrested .by State Police Ofr i-fV i fleer Slroraki appealed the ca KMINftTON HAND t M you’ll &3vi thff iitfdciliiL .'‘tupped-ih- Manuel A. Piree. 20. o f Pawtucket. R. 1., arrested by Officer Angell waistline” with Fonnnt’t mtracu- _SMITM iM -W dftt Center Stwet-- k>u» Tiiffhjraiftted 'BuFtfm’ft for vlolatlbn-bf rtiles-of the road Bfen ctammgnriff^^ ill bm pob Dttm'kiuiw just siM When he passed on a curve, for- Mlteda-hendof ffl&when hafailad j m SM p r S'- ' ■ ConblfiBtioR'acreeR UBd window. «Ea^rt.to/i T b“" - to appear. Dayld W-, Hill, .29, also in»4 TWTOfi ftiiiSh W l® ^ c k « T ; tWfesfMf ri'iu^TTr'l^iAyi! warn thick alpaca lining . . . crent* rftaiitant they’re ia comfortable as a cloud MacKenxie'for speeding, forfeited RDDIN& MMNINEr. a fined of $10 for the same reason. PRI-WVINTORY s •. water-RsistAnt . . . well-tailored . . . in red . . . home in today and be fitted by 4-H Columbia COoktng Club For Ft m DBWioastrqtkMi CoR Yoor RUSCO Moo our expert edraetieres. fCCC) met Monday afternoon with PRICED FROM their leader Mrs. F. C. Savage at TODAY^l her home on Columbia Lake. The PORTULE TYPEWRITERS YARN SALE g rls worked on their club project, Me setting. This is In prepara­ $99.50 ARNOLD 0. BRONSON tion for the coiinly favorite ah ttw ROYAL PORTAMlES Tioga l-pl| f hgoriogi oat o r h o '. H i to be held at a later date. Barbara Quiet Deluxe |92-S^Arw>w “g* Model $82.50 BURTON’S Beck reported. (PLUS Va XES) WANOHESTER TIM. _ CHILDREN’S Mr. and Mrs. Harx-ey 8. Collins, SMITHXORONA FORTARUS Tioga Sport Yaii, I ooiMt $fJi^ their son Thomas and daughter AHEAD CORSET SALON Unda, left here early Wednesd Silent |94.50-^tcrUng 189.50 EASY TERMS "ALWAYS ONI SHOP morning to drive to Flirida, to ClipiMr 884.50—Skywriter 804.50 ■pend the next eight weeks at their OR THE WEATHER'"WITH BonaiArgiio Sport SoikPaik ' lUNi home in Sarasota. M n. Edna Rimington enter­ UNDUWOOD PORTAMJS URERAL TRADES Bomot Nfioi, too oiooo 9S tained the Monday Club at her Leader H4J0—UnlTenal $84JS0 heme on Jonathan Trumbull high­ Chanpien $80.50 way thii week. The Tuesday after­ TYPEWRlfER AND RUSCO KiHtiog Woritodi I ooMo AoioS1JI41ifl| noon Bridge Club met with MriL (ALL PRICE8 QUOTED FLUB FED. A 8TA1E TAXES) af tha t . a Oat, Cteveiaad Lyndon Little at her home on Co- ADDING MACHINE .hnmbia Green. , ALSO REMINOTON FORTARLN Mra Leola Beck, Columbia’s SALES, RENTALS OM D|o Uto lolow M J i- poat-nilstress, on vacation fOr s' AND REPAIRS THE BARTLEn-BRAHIARD GO# raw daya have been 'visiting her IBS WOODBINB STREET IPHONE S-ISSB, HARTFORD 841 M A IN ST. ■on and hia wife Mr. and Mra BIMmhis, Carbon Paper Hanry Beck in New Yoilc. ED-MU KNiniNe NOOK Mra Nellie B. Tuttle, who makes and SuppHea . bar home With her son Donald MRS. ^wm FULLER llitUa is with her son Charles H. REPAIRS ON ALL AIAKES TbtUa In Waat Hartford where abe Adveitise in The ^frald---lt Paya 9 ? OH v g wia (fpsad tbs wlater moatba

‘. • I . ■ • i ?' .rxA kdfj:■ . . ' '

UANCBBeTEM i-€XHW m -naAYr^AHVAkY--U i^ 9 t a a^HUDAYa^JAKUANY Ilk heard at tnMaaa «r Ohto Btdts tronaaaea. Tha '4 Moe will ba held PardL trumpet; Howard Arm i Bottleneck P o lio f ia ir s M u s ic H a n 1 ^ 0 0 ^ U nkno im Univanlty'WMn IMS m a Mu ie- Ah the RtettMT Ouh Baa win faa* tlrimiut la IMS, a. Totalof770 - B o lt o n j Tmmr tax aad Tioey at thekplb^ ...... ! Hospital laat ysar. waa Boptember elected and ah' appropriate' name M anchaster’s rsquirem m rts for ad- ths^battls fra u t th at thay tae^ hava Timo-Vight Boat. f ie Itaeroatioa and Bark Commie- os o bcovy.dnil Amsrtcon ordnance - 2 3 5 7 — M hrriigi for Two. TfHAT-Niws: Night Watch. whan 7 4 births took placo. Tho chosen for tho'chib. Lola Cooper diUonsl land for perk and recrea­ men iwy Its reportod Bt tons in*' to fig h t W D R C — C t r l 8 m i t h . and Anita Gagltatdone will serve tion uasa. ' ,-'V ' A t e — WTHT—B ^ n g . annual roport of birtha at tho refreahmenti. T r i f taport. wWdi le dated 1^- tuslly msfce It o ksovy medium In­ WONB-Prank Edwards. ■ugMeta the development for Bread Street ' stead o f a. trua bsavy tank- ^W DUC— Arthur Godfrey. llaynoa atraot Inatltution, rtloaaod Although attendance at the first X and playground uee of about Another school site mentioned This Indicates thst the sew Deaths iAui Night WONS-Jack's Waxworks. today to Tha Harald dladost that meeting .was exceUent, the group Hava Year Era Phyalriaa'a Prcecripfion Aeearately FlOed By Db. aeiaa, eoihe of lU portions of American hsavy will run c lo s a ^ W D R C— Tsnhee Kltchwi. wishes to encourage all in the age by the com m ission in Its report is ■ / lBte*k. . a total , of 770 birtha occurfod duy- . Duly FIret QaaUto Leaeea and Franma Uaed recently acquired by the that on Broad street, where the BO tons. w n c — Young Widder Brawn. WDIKi^^Hartford School o< ii^ th o yoar IM l at tha local hoa. group 13 to 10 yeara to Join. Mrs. ^ Rei^r Bervlca GIrca Immediate Atteatlea. for school sites, to Incresae Pilot M eddilfoady 9m THE AiaOCSATED PBEM ra t YOUt CONVM Iliei Wl NOW HAVi W TH T— Bob E. Uoyd Show. Fred Luck was present at th# first W addell School la under construc­ MuM^ . amount of park and ^ y - The first pilot moM (the niogel y& ral Gahlss. Pla.—^Hsihart S. W OOC— Newi; MuMc. ■ meeting and it to hoped that other LEONARD M. GRACE, Lteeaaed Optleiaa tion. Th is IsiiA w hich ths com m is- Atkinson. gS. Oolumhas 0 „ loanr* WTHT—American Sportspege. Thera were 411 boys born find around acreage in Manchester sloh Included Ui ite orlgloai ecre- to which produeUM Unas ara 4 t4B— 3SB girls. Thera wero seven sets < 4 adults interested In teen-age prob­ anca man and ehalraum of tha w n c —Bin Btsrn. lems will alao attend future meet­ M B t o S««. ' .i age figure of 2 B 5 . le recom m ended gaaradl was eemiplsted at the Tm Ntw HiHbw»^*45ll*2-4SK WTK 3 — Women tn M y Houm. WONS—Sen.: IBveratt Dirkaen. twins, one set of girls, four sots t4 MANGHESTER OPTICAL COMPANY ;.In lU report, the commission for the establishm ent of e play- Newark, Del., Cnryslpr tank plant W H AT— Bowl. O • Rink B ud- boys, and two aoU of a boy and ings. • ■ sUmd. - - '...... - ■ New Books- received at Bolton~ .Next .TO State Theater— Tetephewa M d tt dtinar that in planntnr for future g r o u n d ...... — ■■■•""...... ■■ test'November.' — ...... W T fO -P ro and Con. 't ir i;...... " 747 UAiK ilfYREET MANCllANCHESTER* OONir. 2 » k and playground acquisition Many American tank experta, Ite — Ths averago was better tluui 84 Public Library Include the three In estim etlng playground needs, Edward W...... "beat aellera," "Prealdent‘a-;tBd^: 1ST Tw m I ^ Wddt V — T and dcv^pment. it had used the the eommiasioa established lour tnehidt^ the late Oen> Gaorga '^m.tEsf€tauw,wiTH n m w m W DRC— Nlwi; Old R e c o r d . Newa.oa all stations births per month for 'thb year. etandards died by the NaUonal Patton, have been advoeatee . Pf L L JOHNSON PMRTCa B l f o p . ' Second heaviest month for births by Stoner "Catcher In the Rye” by I ^ E i DlDEUYEKY ON CASH OKOERS acres for s neighborhood of 3,000 Edward W. Kfascnics, chairman W n iT —^News Salinger and “The Caine Mutiny’t KacreaUon Aapoeiatiaa, which ss the sUe It Considered desirsbie. medium weight tenke, aa agalnat of the Music committee for the ^ Ifl KAUimiL” W TH T — News; Joe Olrsnd. WONS—News was October with 80, While there heavlaa, because of ths higher W n C L-Ju it PUth BIU, were 88 births In three months, by Wouk. Other aliditiona are OF SS OR OVEK prescribes one aero Of publicly On this bests, the report ststae, Msnehestor- March o f Dimes Ball WHAT—News; Night Watch “The Story of Andrea Fields.” Scl- owned park and rejerqatlon space thoae areas bounded on tbs west apeed, batter mobility and Ms ar­ W H A T— Btoiy Queen. l t :I 8-> April, July and Auguat. Lowest gument that heavy tanks cannot on Jan. IB,' has announced the WON 8 — Green Hornet total number of birtha was -80 In fert( “River of the Sun," Ullmah; for each 100 of the loOM popula­ by Parker and Autumn atfeeU, on selection of EllsworUi Mitten dnd WTHT—Republican Cithnn’s “The Case o f the Angry Mourner," Major cause of oil burner ^ tion. \ the north by Lydell street, on the opsrata across normal'bridges or 1 b l l — - Dinner — l4 afch. la aoft gnunA But- they concede, his orchestra to provide the music Jfine was the ‘‘beat’’ month for Gardner; "D evil's Stronghold.” KeeomiaeadaMsas \ south by Spring street, and on the for'this gala charity event. - W H A T— Croaby'i Quarter, WONS—Jsck'i Waxworks ^ Ford; and “ Back Trail to Dan­ 89c STEAKS 8 9 Recommendatloas made ln\lhe east by Greenwood and the pro- there are a fqw areas of the world w n c — Front Page Farrell. w n c —News twins,'with three seta born. Single c where they might be useful. In Mr; Mitten, who 1s presently twin births occurred In April, Au­ ger." Field; - report include: poaed Dale road, ere weak In luay- playing at the Shell Chateau, Is Manehe§ter*» Carpet Speeiaity Stare I:a»— V WDRC—Public Service Prognun Bolton residents have been LB. ■' ' \ . L a 1. 0Oak Grove street property; ground apace. eluding tha flat country and can . w n c — Notes and Quotas. llsS »— gust, September and November. service calls tral Europe. well knowm in Msnehester and Following to a complete break- solicited In error by the Manchea- CLUE. T-IONE m 4 FORTEIIHOUSE n acres. This property, recently \ . Balarge at Utnen vicinity for his large selection of W H A T— Shnd by Demand. Tinne—Marine Corps Show ter -Polio committee and are asked purchased by the touTi for park This might mean that Uie deci OPKN DAILY t to B:St WEDNI8DAT TO NOON W DRC— Memory Lone. WHAT—Night Watch down of births .by the month at CUT PROM NEAYY WEST« . To correct title sttuetion, the Sion to go Into heavy tank produc- songs and clever arrangements. Manchester . Memorial Hospital to take note of their coin cards. and playground use and the Im- coimntsalon rccommenda. the an- “We feel we ere very fortiinato W O N S— W ild Bill hiekock. IllIM— Bolton cards will be addressed to pOltnding :o f waur, could, the largeiqent o f the Mancbaater tloa'was predicted In part on the THtmSDAY u d FRIDAY • A. M. to • F. M. • l 4l — WTHT—News during 1051. Figures after each use Of those tanks in the western in being able to secure such a 'flne month repr^nt-maletTemale and Bolton Marrii of Dimes. Since con­ \ cammlasion believes, be used for Green .School playgnxwd, . which band for the ball.'' said Mr. W DR C— Curt Msaeey and M ar- WONS—Newa tributions from Bolton people **qrrtaln park and water depart- falle In thm sactlota. It alao recesn- Buropeaa defense system either by t h s T U t o n . ___ total birtha, napectively, American troops or by European Krasenics. The committee alao ex- l o t O N I 0 1 THI LAtOHr January, 3 1. 3S. 8 8 ; Fcbrliarv, made In Ibfanchester would not go ROAST PORK tk47c \ in wit uses at the same time." It mends tha tetenlion .of aa much as prensea Its appreciation to Wat­ W H AT— Sports. Televlaloa Into the Tolland County fund, Bol­ NOW ELIMINATED forces rscelvtng arms aid from ths 33, 24, 8 7 : Harch. 25, 25, 8 0 ; NO SUCKER FAT ' ■ , , also recommends purchase of land possible ofXths Highland Park kins Brothers for the use of one of S:B5— WNMC-TV ton residents are asked to make 'f Unitad BtoUs. SaJCTIONS OP W O N S— CJecIl Brown, News. April, 30. 30, 6 8 ; May, 30, 26V 6 8 ; f r ^ Case Brothers on Highland playground fm: playground pur­ thelf' piancp, he said. 4 :00—Kate Smith Show sure toeir contributions reach the street to provide aceeaa to this poses "rather .tbiut run- a - road ErttalB has a tank somewhat June. 38. 30. 6 4 ; July^ 32. 38. '8 8 ;. lONELESS POT ROAST L K ^ C heavier tbaii the 4T-ton tiiedium or Tlcketir,for the Ball.may be pur­ ...... :.... BvenlBg ' ...... 8 t e —(Space Cadet August 38, 33. 6 8 : September, 30,' BoTtoh drive. area ' . „ through the middle aa ws under­ chased from any member- of the - S t e — 8 :15—Gabby Hayes . ■ ' Louise Anderson, who la being J. Keeney street school site, 27 stand has-been < tlM United Btatee but lighter than 37, 78 ; October, 41. 38,- 8 0 ; No­ the heavy—the Centurion, weigh­ committee or at Burton's, Inc., W D R C — N e w s . 8 :30—Howdy D tion, the pla^teldp ara not so lo­ of both the school and the neigh­ S h o w . 7 :00—Kukla, Fran and Ollie borhood as It develops. . cated as to adequately A cohmy of 7,800 American Boston, Jan. 11—(F)—The tem­ town. "Not covered by playfl flamingos has been reported living BROAPLOOM CARPETS ” 1 :18— 7 :18—Bob and Ray Show perature In New England during -W n c-rS trlctiy.,. 8 pS«t,V5 la te s t N etiees-- la a wary. torga:.area in. the oa ths Island pt.Q.rtot .Inagua.ln the ,next...\fili’a .'Osya,.. Baturday! BALCH is Your •■■NO-'-DOOW-^NO'-TFASTB' -- Uis Iftliismss, SEE OUR DISPLAY « i4 9ALE8ROOM - t : 4jL.-,NeWa. Caravait .... through next Wedneaday. Win 'aV4ir': " !|Ve ) ^ r « r f SheU research Imve gone Into tfw aectlon of the town, generally weiiA WONSL^rg^Sriir'"’ " '^ ' 8 :00—Mama AT A COURT o r PROBATE h»M of e line drawn north and south^ age near the seasonal normal. development of FOA—5X ... 3 additional yoon wero at Minch*«li»r within SNf.' I«r lh» WjiiHYiw'reJtoimii W R A Y— Supper Serenade. 8 :30 —We the People _ Wanner Saturday and Sunday and Fomiosf Cooked PICNICS ■ Blelrkt of Maa«lkWt#i. « o tha .Mh through..Cooper.street end elso .ln _ BUDGET.TERMS ARRANGiffl^ , - WDRC-^Jsck Smith.------the eestem section of the town 9 :0(^—’nie Blr Stonr followed by colder about the Brat. FORMOitr . ------' .... apent tn^ng it in thousands of homes with burner 4 iv nt Januarr AD. HM. S:2B— 0 :3 0 —The Aldrich Famllv Praaant. JOHN J. W A I.l*TT , generally east of a line drawn ^ A L S I TEETH of the week. I units of ail^ types and with only normal summer through Manchester Green park- Miiley’sSiEaniiiif WALL TO WALL SPECIALIST ' W DRC-t-Jack Z k i m g n ; G u y 10 :00—Cavalcade of Sport. Precipitation during thlp period READY TO EAT HAMS nt Paul H. Hlrechhoim. lata n( VfiME Lofnhsrdo.. 10 :45—Greatest Fights .Slairttnwn. Naw Jarsair. laevlBe prop- le t." ______will on. the average total over one ttVboto or Mhaak Half). maintenance/^ every test the result was the same— Psopis w ho *o(k 1 ^ * ^"g!28—------• ' ‘— II :0fl—Man Areinat Crime ' ertr In Meacbaeltr, Ip m H District. The report’s final recommenda­ half Inch occurring aa snow or rain nof a tingle emoApf burner shutdown due to m clogged Many weuera nt falM teeth - have at a hard, steady W DRC— Guy Lombardo. 11 :.70—Mystery Theater in southern New England and aa ' ® ) On .Buitiaa at lauilas .O. Uiraehlutm tion. therefore. Is that a further WATOIIO|_ _ - W DRC— Weather-Bureau. MORRELL'S HONEY HAM Lh. 7»e study be made to 'detormine auBereS-. feel\ w h eeresiwmit heeeuee f l a e t l M t h a t t e f i r - 12:.30—News "■ " SilOw tii Korth'eni New Rnglartd fitter aereen was rp^orferf. • • • ni.- BanJ. M. Keya. asacutnra. r-a .tohn their elate ei^pad. allejMd ar woh- Ing on'a sm ooth S t e — 5. Burhr. Atty.. 71 Peerl Itresl. Hert­ where and how many additional blaS at luat the, wrons time. Do not lata Sunday and again about mid* ford. Connactfcul. . ^ ptayflelda should be added to the lire la (ear of Ihia haspaalas to you. piece of delicious W n C — Em ile Cote Glee Club. die of next week. BETTER DEAL ORDEBED; Ttiet tis months -from Juat aerinhle a IIItTe rA R T irrH . W riglsy’s Spear­ THE MANONESTER NERALI W ONS— News; Bill J s n k i n s Now Shell Fwei\)il with FOA-SX has a tha »th dst of Jsnusry A.D.. IMJ. ha town’a park and recreation sys­ the alkaline (non-acid). powder,>wdar. OB S*»M lent NuFRes m int G m isa real S h o w . $ MfiTCWJSS lOLUR VALUES 4 . . . f d tha ssipa ara llmitad an>.’ illowad tem so that future land acquisi­ -your platee. Holde (plae teeth more.... help on the iob. Carpet Center W TH T— Sereno Gammell. PONTIAC DEALER pewerfai onti-rui^^pcHen too returda ■r tha rrediters .within wWch to m ily , an thay feet mhia romrortahte. ;24 S Oi. Bottles of Soda...... 1 . 0 0 tions may be made to remedy Th ie pifswsnt ch ys- f ' Hh) formation of rail and a c ^ Inside inring In thair elelms ssslnst aald at- what tha commission calls "this Deaa not aour. Chacka^''slate odor" •:4S— Return to UConn 4 Pound Jan Ptirc Grape Jcllw fata, snd tha SsM asaculori sra dtrarl' (dontura breath), Oet- rASniTH at ing nelpe keep the m outh m oist, S08 MAIN STREET TEL. 2*4S4S W DRC— Lowell Thomas. GUARANTEED 1.00 )fOwr atorope tank. \ sd to lira public nptlea to tha crodl- dsBclt’* la the psrk system any drug atom tension snd seems to m ake your w ork DeCOIMiER MOTOR SALES 7 Cana of Applesauce___ J., S I .00 . tora to bring In tbair alslma within Comer Middle Turapike at Pineharit Camar w n C — Three Star Extra. msissto:.AaiaoU)asi)desikt-.R m ______cfflem -. 2 4 M A PLi^m tn T - W H A T— FfmtbgM- prophet ------T^Mlsa Helen Stilear o f 73»~Honil-~ -4 "Gaita of-StAW-Bonttk-Tuiia . 1 ! 1 .t) 0 her. too, you can chewh e w TW ’ riglev’s ■ WATCH W TH T— Stock M ir k t ti ter stroet, la one of l 4 student 4 300 Count Each of Pond’a Tiaaue S I.0 0 Ing s cirrulstlop Is seld probata dla- Speannint______as long _ as you 7 want with N e w s . CALL 2-0121 \ tH fl. within Ian Sara from tha data ^both handa free lor w o rk li«. nurses scheduled to return to the 7 Cana of Jesso Tender Peaa...... l . 0 0 of th|i ordar, anO ratum maka lo this 7 t e — R E PAIRIN G WANTED t - court’'of tha not Ira pi ran.- ■ .r- .. It G um is t rcsl. University of Con^tlcut In Feb­ 3 46 0^. Capa pineapple Iniee 1.00 -ahene today tor earcfrca heet aW wliwer' ^ .JOHN-J, W AIX ETT. Judge. you get five refrething, _ W DRC— Beulah. ■ W h A V - ' ^ SsHniphoTiy H sll. ‘ ruary,-after-27 m ^ h s In the fund 3 12 0^ Jars Torino GUve tone, MAM IT NIW SMH.I PUEl OR WITH long-laitint M i^ to the oecksge et EXPlRiENCED now o n i L tn a l NbUc m V e r y t i t t l e o o e t . T o b e s u r e o r g e t t i n g t h e ■ w n c — Guy Lombardo Show. as part of their nurses', at.udy pro­ / All Watch Anllpaato aoA-.sx aaoM originsl W rigley’s Spearm int G um — W TH T— Weather; Songs snd gram. to complete one, final aemea- M i T A t M EN _^£_6 _Ofc^Cana^Pr2 a B ^ ^ HORN»X>OWER A W EEK *., w itn that (am oua reel spearm int flavor S t o r i e s . ter before becoming graduate Repairs Are e»TtUlesle nt Um lled .pArt»»r»bie thst hat been a lavorits in New Eng- W dN S — FOtton Lewis, Jr.'" ■ n u r a e a . * " ..... - Tested On The —:?— 8 liep.and Bench Work- Th . und»r»lsn»d. h»»lB« (nnn»d • Aa part qf thqir study program LASSEN PETROLEUM blm lled PcH n.r.hIp under the U w » nf tand for geheratinns— ksskfor the gram 7 iVi— Apply OFEN DAILY • A. M. TO 9 F. M. (h. B;»I« n( New Tnrh «Bd deilrins -tpesr on the package. W ONS— TeUo-Test. dhHhg the' 37 months thay have tVAICH MASTER M. BiORYON LASSEN. Jr. in dn huelnna* In »h. (JUI* of Onn- W TH T— Songs and Stories. bean away from the Storra cam­ OPEN A U DAY SUNDAY BIRCH MOUNTAIN ROAD—B4H.TON n e c h r u t at a Llm ltrd Perln.r.htp. MANCHESTER SHEET ' -Tear Cemmaalty SheU Dletribater’' aerenv certify: ^ w W DRC— Jack Smith. pus, the students have worked at t. The name nf Ike Arm under which Grace-New Haven Community GAUDET METAL WORKS the PArtnerm ip le conducted le Korn- IF all Ae owners /w O N S^G sbriet Heatter. Hospital. Oinnecticut State Hoa- M l MAIN ST. Beur SO Pine Street h l n w e r A W e e h e . . ' iital In Middletown and the Hart- *, The asm # end piece of regidence w n c — N e w s . J (Aeveea From St. Jameeto Church) Phone 8418 eeeb Oenerel Tertnerehlp ere; W D R C— Club Flfteen- ord Visiting NurM Association. JEWEIJCRS irlee T . I-o»erlnS. IM Perk Arenue., W TH T— Lone Ranger. * Tork, New Tnrh; Ralph Hnrn- A F w T f r r , 7 Loulehure Bque^. Boelnj. of America’s 7 :48 — \ Vhueetu: Paul B, ■•‘‘"""r.- *,” W DRC— Ed M orrow..' t y w n c — One Man's Family. W ONS— Perry Como. Do Yoi NnmI electric and power companies S:SA— W DRC— Muslciand. U. 8 .A. GLEARANCE SAJLE MrhuMite: Virtmem R. Hoeen- W h a t -U ni V. of conn. va. .)4 ie e t toto .Blretl. New Jo rK . Tnrh; Harold *, V ffrtll.JlJin u n - Spact FDr Y«itr — '" — R hode Island ' Basketball. T »* . mesd. CAP* ■-im m W THT-;=-Rlchsrd Diam ond. ne; Cherle. R. Perrlfo, • }J 0 C a r y PartiM, WMkIiNSi, W ONS-^uglc. 4 V . A ^ I '. J d I I tV in i £!!I£»LS! TELEVISIO N SETS Snue. HIShlend Perk. Illlnnle; Pawl w n c — Roy Rogers. E a k l n , 770S Bouthinetnn Ro.H, 'SSHOPM Aer Helchl*. Ohio; 0 ( 1* A. Ote.r- 'e.'.Vv - t-n'— -i,:' i ; Baaqaait, Sl^wars, t : 8^ •IB MAIM • TP tn ok, .Ir.. Benedlrt Hoed, _Donsen W TH T— This Is Your FBI. ■ Serfol Makes and Models To Choose Ffom W .w To rk: Chertee ». Bergen).* Akk rwe£Alh Ak.)^; a. single file... Perk Aeenoe.'Tfiw Tnfk. ^ W J - Tin e - D atfi MBWit-'J fiffy''— ; EdweM O. McOonell, Horee- L e w i s . Rned, Mill Neck, New Tork; W O N S— Oracle Fields Show. liter M. Olhlln. MS/ Park Avenue. Select an appropriate ncmerlal t o . W Tork. New Tork! Howard *. mark a loved one’p paaslnf . . . one THE ITftUMi- W DRC— The Big Time. ROCK BOTTOM PRICES | i » e . 141 Church Road. - W Innetke. •:(W— nnie; Oeaewa L. M nrrte. 11 M e r e d i t h that adda dignity and beauty with the W DR C— Paul Weston Show. Id. O rTram M Hllle. Pm niylvanle: fiiMi AMERIDAN HAU nee J. Wetaen. M M Daeldeaw Are- paaeage of time. Here yod many — IBS EUHtlDGS S'# W TH T— Ossie snd Harriet, Boroum of Uronn. New Tork. from which to chooOe one that snita w n c — Duffy’s Tsverii. With Warranties and Service Backed By MALOHET'S Tork; Daniel T. Berlin, I AJden WONS— News; Ths Hidden re. Brnnsvltle. New Tnrk; Henry your. Individual cireuBiataBecs. H «t Tw« HbNi Ona nblnwer II. SS O yde Street. Cheet- T r u t h . H l l l ' 47. Meeeechueetl.: Relph CQMPARN AND SAVI Sdotinq 250 mid flw Bblo.wer. Jr., Hntcre.t Perk Btem- ' ' r . ' Full Down Per Connecticut: Herry W . Puccrttl. O t I w r I Z S Lake Shore Drite. Chlregn IS. Price Payment Month eta; Harold P. Carter. SIS Oeren Camplete kllcheR rsrllltiee If CALL ODD/LOTS - BROKEN SIZES Snue, I-anadowne. penheylrenla; wsntfil. Alan bar facilities. the pacing parade ran Antell. 1 Pterrepnnt Street, ohlyp. New Tork;. Joeoph aimm e, G SAJPOEITI Caterer furnished If desired. CharlM Wa Laihii|i BEARING'SUCH FAMOUS NAMES AS 2 ONLY i r TULE MOUa M4N0UNY CUINET . 1 7 5 :0 0 ~ka Terrace. Ptandome, Long le- FOR . • ' tw 2 6 l2 5 MO New Tork: William J Leerlor For Further Informallbn Can lU Birch Street. WInnetke. Ill)' MEMORIAL COMPANY AOTOMOBILE INSUKANOB A. J. OEORGB would go on day and night (laatalhuent PaymautalJ^— : Oeoiwe T. Plynn. 41 D eri. Ave- 4 7 0 ^ TEU S-S14B NUNN-BUSH EDCERTON BASS New Rochelle. New Tork: Thom ea CENTEE ST. MANCHISTER IN East Oeator S t. TM. 3-MM annelt. M aln.Inne Perm . W ayland. 1 ONLY 2T BLONDE OONSOLE FULL DOORS 2 7 M 0 4 1 3 5 1 4 3 1 larhueetu. ' — alph Hom bloerer, Paul B Skinner. WRIGHT ARCH PRESERVERS W .-Beew n: and J amen J.-Phelen. are both Bporlal Partnere and for THREE YEARS! cral Partaara. Accnrdlaily, they are 1 ONLY 2T NAH0B4NY OONSOLE ’ « - 2 5 0 0 3 7 3 0 elal Partnera only a* between f ■ t' J 1 2 .7 5 neelree end other Partnere. m Partnere abere named are all K orlaed to Iraaevt the ■Pertnerahip Ineaa and atin the Srm name. SEVERAL i r MAHOBANY OABINET TABLE MODELS ibe name ana place of re.ldence of 1 9 0 3 5 -WWSww3 ILN^ 10L22 i Bpectal Partner^ t>ho ire not elan « )ew partnere ere. Alfred » R. per. Hurt Towere. Orrenwich. ron- Ucut: P. ■ Dewey Everett. » 4S P e r k (M td Bue. Nee Tork. New Tork. H*nry SPEGIAL ODD LQTS A Osly i r WALNUT ADMIRAL CONSOLE aHh ihert 1 5 0 3 0 2 UI 7 3 0 ISSO Kxeter Prace. Saata . California. ' 4 I yattaw nhlp bm lne.. I. a gen )u iR j hualoeae' inrtiulin'g e il- 10sly i r UPRNNT RADIO-PHONO TV COMOINADON t a a_hroker h r o k . i dealer and unuerw rltrr. WHILE THEY L\ST! 2 5 0 3 0 1 2 .7 5 HCipal place of hu.lnen la . .“ ‘- ■S'SrEED VYEBSTER'CMMI^ n x in i^ BMouah. n j Ma£ai< o u B t j : a n d 3 t.4 ( e ' « t - N towrr.U'p't "•ki LOAFERS WJkTEAU PATTERNS OXFORDS I^MLV# MAHOi^ w m d d B 4MI Iw itohgBlM ^knLM -iSrt^ 2 5 KOO 3 7 3 0 1 2 .7 5 : f o r d , ■ |N BLACK AND TAN. Th* amount* of cepiiel fum lehcd ro w dosr hai i m - lalW Bit h i AbM rfiw*i w hidi w sat to iaveit your m oney w infy. actually contributed by Alfred ftyer. F . I> * w » Everett and Henry ^ n Imo thom IMBS dootito .earhera, Ih# iperlal _ Partnera w ho 2 ONLY i r MAHOOANY CONSOLES not alao Oenerel . Partner* EDCERTON NUNN-BUSH 2 2 5 3 0 3 1 7 5 1 1 3 0 tectlvely, ta (allew f: ■ ■ -- d w m If ^ R. Meyer ...... 1300 ( M ) Whst glieu eomptnioi gfooM • If yea have a dac^ s \ Were *1L 50—1 1 2 .95—413.50 $ 1 8 2 6 4 1 9 2 5 . D e w e y E v e r e t t ...... M t l . i m Tniy^yB inyittod put te tr isvlii to ' ■••fly •▼sryoBO — yonr MiiiBdi« yaw W e r e a n d eanr B. Dearborn . 41.500 Th* em euntxof capital furnished CWMCto sampBRy loenritiM. j ’ —i(dinin s m yon/ - ftascripdea to N coato 1 ONLY 2T PHILOO CONSOLE 3 0 0 3 0 4 5 3 0 1 5 3 5 J actually contributed ,by each $9.95 rial Partner who le al.d a aeneral poaoded, aad ae eac M $9.95 * - # r ( a : fbJfon'W ower ...... 1500.000 •end to a drag atota, fast SOME ..Jl n Skinner ...... 1M.OOO 1 ONLY i r SENTINEL CONSOLE 2 5 0 3 0 3 7 3 0 ItTS hrey W . Brown ...... 110.000 nee J. Phelan. Jr ...... » 4. o n o Mlaphoae as. Our mew W R IG H T A R C H PRESERVERS— WERE $19.95 ...... NOW $13.95 ' Partnership, w lurh c-immencea ? - L IM l, cteect Decemhfr It. . esagar will call for the >■ W ITNESS W HEREOF, the un- Senral OHar UsM tr sM ir TaUt MiiMt aad Cmslct al Qhedway Prim '— 1 hava hav- alened ■ Vhl. ■ VeritgcitV pcescftpdoe; deliver lae BASS SKI BOOTS d a y of Dec«wib#r. li&l. ;• BASS — - T., {^YPfinr lUtrh Horti- WERE $19.96 A U SUtJECT TO FRiOR SALE- ALL SETS GUARANTEED Mf, Foul ■. ttlnnsr. PdrcY - : i M e e x m charge. Be sura MOCCASINS and OXFORDS NOW $12.98 * INCLUDES WARRANTY—INSTALLATION. IF NECBSAKY, EXTRA N tslspheec as aen dsMl WERE $15.96 WERE $24.76 and $27.60 Oeergt L. Morrlr. - Jamei j. PINE NOW $11.98 DtaM T. Berlin. Henry ■Woerer, II. Ralph Hnrnblower. NOW $18*98 HarjF W, Pwcecttl, . Harold p PHARMACY WERE $9.95 T he C onnecticut ^ P ow er C om pany M4 CMrter St. TU t*Ml4 2 PAIRS—WERE $10.96 FNc IMHrerr NOW $7.98 , NOW $7.98 aS?-.*H certlSqaUt W 0 i U A,a.ahov. S A b e i jat I AAkaoWlAdcM' RADIO AND TELEVISION ‘"1 h m n re e a t' • i # Dva CM ; < 44S HARTFORD ROAD f CORNER McKEE STRRTI TILIFNONI ■■J' tiXm , .M ^W niEOTEE CTOBKfl HEUill.ft ^C0|Qlir4am iA¥rM M SAS¥^t,^^ : rTSrrsTWTirT-.-raTterx.*:^ OTaia nifiAr.jAiffiARi^

baaitp and senm. We Amatl- chida dapandsMUty, aarrieS, -laad- banaflt af .Uw athleUe progrdm. it fbfklaaseptuty mad at Award CpL Berk erahlp and paUlOtlam. . URb will ba a lecal talent shew Tells of Month RockvUle : u a wa jtttmmmy. tamts yrm «lM tnim BUtaa a^^ snybody-^AB wa qMi. te aor baastm A fliad aala wiu f » bq|id an W i- held last availing at tbs aebool. agreed Uiat Uda waa a goal the is tbpt otbar paapla ba as IHaadly ^ U d ^ . Jan. 26. a t the U P. .F lta- high, p q ^ o f )Mth countrtaa as tbey caa. tao. S^htas ^Btirn* on SkM&ow,.Reflch Accord geraM Ford StaUca, a t I p.' m. 6or Tha RadnrUla High Schaol wauld try to 'qrerfc toward—than ' ' '€ ^ Vkanh' "Bath ." W 'W n iy' ’ . <-5l tha bMtofit of fta March. iof' 'baaketMill team wM play Uw this could be iM mmt Important streai^ has hsan awaaihd tha O»M~ A mtnlMar who Uvod fo r aalM m . Thay had ahraya I Dhnes. Food donatlona may bt le ft Wllaon lUfh School five toiilght ______» . r*m tmom. sentence la the eaOiimialqoc. hat IBtantrjnnato Bndlga, a sjriabel jiw ith aa a *1ow ery Bum" on no-1 vaa te ' mute their big dedetane I n ^ S i d t at Uw statlan any Uma aftaq 6 at TU6 atWUaon. wujtm I t rnamm. m. an that day. LnggHanared But oiir guess la tAat even hi Andover o f claae .quarter ig h tla g with tjbs taM BWd B«w ineniben[*®^5i,,^»“^ they wen confrontM Mrs. Winifred Gagne ia chair­ A ttonw y H u ry L. Lugg baa the anSst general aim at Mr. anaaqr. While ssrvlag with tha X th at tha Kaanay ttnat Pannt "With large problem and coidd Sum Not Disdoaed in man In charga aaaiatad by Mrs. boan appoiatad to Uw Commission. K. K . Baydt aaeratanr o f tbs BtfatU n IMviatMi In Kama. :? Myrtle Pierre, «a ebajrman, Mrs. d e i ^ Jhadomeuyaiontaar. Blm 11: Tsachara Club .q cloae look last hot it alone ao turned to tha fbr tha Promotion af ^UalfomttF atom a niim juiumil^aad regular Hw ied n i eenalebng-ef e-ed nigbt at tha forgotten men la botUn $ 2 0 ,0 0 0 A m I o u - A r i a , Marguerite wnuly, Mrs. Claisnca of Legiilatton In tba Unltad Statas at itMifcmir, ment, announces that the A n d o w latura rs|wca of a Ravohitlanary Bamforth, Mrs. Raywand B. Huint ^ Govafiwr' Jobs VaOtt. Mr. • I f d tUttn. process o f nonsultatloB ahd- ,e0- firs airsn wUl ba aoundad tha thalr "top houses." Other cases w e n men who had ing from Auto Dealfai W ar matbwik moontad an a M I (Itav. Forrest Muaser of tha had a good aducation and bad held Mrs. Elmer Fhiektgcr, Mrs. Viola uigg U prbeacutor of tha Rock- opefatton between the two couh: end PrM ay at aach month at f hgekgnaiad aad pupertaineiid i . WW: j 5 mmatartom tuawt T p. ni. starting Jan. 11th. Tha fu r- RaclEvUla C ongnfatlenkl Church reapaairible poaRtone but Somehow Uqnr. Mtoa ROaa SiUmer, Mrs. MU- vUla a t y Court and a form tr & • T«»r *y ...... tries hi aU . fields o f goUcy—thk' aaU varw nath, dIaHiigutohaa tbs aaM ha apant July o f 1160 on they failed, peihape for need of RodnriUs, Jan. U-^(Spaclnl)— ton Albora.; Slrs. Ralph Upman. fts Vostlu kjr XEft******* ••••« ••V . ee is to test tha sinn and alas actual dghting laan ttfm' raar Pi AY TEX* result was aomathlng of a stand­ toindlcate to firsmen that a asSat- Skid Row to and tha caiue of affection or otMr similar causp. Tha 620.006 cMl action being Mrs. Bemlea Persaiwwakl, Mis. Om Kaatk kr l(M l...k...... •••! ttO area aad servlea troepa \ Eleanor Dlckinaon aitd Mra. mui» Om « • • a.t ••••«•••*•■• off. The bhmt truth is that It Is ing is balBg bald at tha firs bouse. amohoUam by cloaa aaaoeiatlon T ) ^ w e n not all “ bums." heard la tha ToUaad County Bu- Oonoral Bark is a aaiinber pf with those suffering front the mal­ I M state at OMmectlcut Is on# Geraldine Fahy. Wm Mt. kr CMrtjr...... -4,,-S not sentiments or opinions or lack lecturer, Mra. Alma the isth Dlvtotcn’s 14th R eel- partor Court, Uw rasuK of a fatal J|WlllM...SUViaSMITHt SINCI I960 ■Bka M lTtn C Om TMr...... $U.W Brooka,vTDn1ngton. ahd bar suita ady imd to And oiit why peopla at tha ftrat to have a apodal hos­ Klswa OauneU w of-.verbal communication -whldi, mental Ooasbat Taam. ' o f officara inataUad the ofOcera of fan Into tha dagradaUon of alto- pital to hdp theae men aad accident la Bolton on May ^ 1951 A t the meeUpg o f Kiowa Ooun- la n n x x o r dividers, but hard facta. TheK Is in which David G. Murdock. I I of efl. Degree of ncahontas, to be n o AfkoOATBD wuBii Andover Orange at a regular kollam. women. On the other haiHl, be said. Dimes RhymeB .Tk* JwtrtatX Pm* to Mdutotir the hard fact that the British iifle meeting on Monday night. TM Tha' mlniatar’a “ home" for the Oonnectlcttt la ooa of tha etataa Bolton waa kined, Was setUad fo r held this evening, Mrs. CaUwrine ^ U * « «• tk* M* • ( M may be better than our own, bat Officers now Me: Master Henry to-day period was -the Salvation that need R tha most A t any rate, an undtocloeed' amount Thursday Pretws will be. installed aa Poca­ then an plaoas .today whan alco­ afternoon. hontas and the appolhUva otflcera ■gn Mwa H intirm oMItWI t* H. or that we win not accept It. There Bkoog, overseer plwood Hudson, Army Man's Hotel In the heart of eUtonrlM mdlta4 in tkto vito lecturer Margaret Teomana, treas­ BkWI Bow dtotrIcL Hen tM holics can get physical and aplr- The case was brought by Paarl arill be announced. Deputy |>raat Sm *toe tka toeal a m vakltoka4 ktra. is the hard fact that Ire consider urer Ajthea Hendry .''■qcretary Eto- IhHniW roema an mtremely wnall, poorly Rual .ald If thay so daain. Mas Murdock, administrator, of HMT invfv • V vraiis iMfw !!jm Hcfeto a( «r matt tlw aotnta; against Geoigvna D; katala aia ^atoi» watfra* that British linpiMtaliam should be' wortaOovetl. chaplain Anna Lhul-' PILLOW vanUlatadlMt elaan and wUh-onlp PdB tRB COWItiy M H looeened In Iran and Egypt, adiite hohn, P lq m Virginia GovaH, C m h tho hanat of fumiablllga- Thase „M r. Muaser bad many paintings Ball, at al-of BoltoA Tbe.lattar. And it's •• hlfhiivWi b W B » ^ran awTtoa altoat af If. ■. A. Britain is fighting to retain its Irene Brown, Pomona Ann Hud- rtxNnS,~hoWaVer, a n luxurloua which wan dona aa a rsault ot hla waa tha Oparator o f tha automobUa conclusion at Uw buaineas ssmliin, tto lae. yak. aaalatant steward Broard compand to some o f tM aocallod experianoaa In Skid Row. Thay de­ and Dnvld Murdock Waa riding a refreahmenta wUl ba aervad. You cdM'l raock it wHfc • |Mlf. ^itabttakar^ kaanatatoUTta: T grip. There is the harsh conflict Whitcomb, gate keeper Max Ash­ “ Sop houaaa" w hen a good many pict h life th e n whiim ir.not p n tty bicycla on Laka atrast, Bolton, Held Tkyants Mtaa Ifatbawa •aactol Actaer — N tv between our view that Britain was UN YULYES er, ladies' saeiaUnt steward Here’s aeiigationg] Plgytex newa th«t offers the opportunity to InabrUtaa “put up," the speaker -men aaafehing for food and whan tha taro collided. I t was The RocAvtlle High Sdwol T«rk, CMcaca, DatMt aa« Battam. wrong in recogntotng Communist Trua; executive conunittee asem- e f tba Bat dnga of liquor mI garbage brought out tha bicycls cama out AthleUc Association wlU sponsor Tan rOWB these super-luxurious Superfosm bed Tallows at Midwinter pointed ouL ■waoBM Avon MCBMAV or Oiina, and the British view that her for three years, Janies Hendry. Their diet Is Inadequata con­ tha ttihbreUa man wiMwho usualusually haa of a driveway onto the road. The a variety show bt the sdiool on ctncwATiom. State officers present Included WaH^ Sale prices! You save 11.00 on every Plsytex Pillow at Watkinsx no tima'for repairing umbnUas; ease was being heard with only II Saturday night. Fab. A for Uw Knock o bit off mto ood thorn, we are pursuing sheer internation­ \ u MAPLE anuen sisting o f stale rolls and coffaa tha leanen holding up tha lamp state master Ira Wilcox aad Mrs. for SO cents a day. Thay have jurors, tha attorneys agraeliig on Eiso wo*l pay so muck in tonot ru Harald Prtotiat CoaiaaBr. IM. al nonsense in trying to compel Wilcox, general deputy Raymond Opp. First N a tietal M at pqaU: tM budneaa man o f tM this number. taauaMa aa OBaaclal rtaaoulkttitjr lar Paifc^ Let. no materiel poea^one. They Bowery gathering hie supply of Traditionally tha (lna$l.,.lwr dto- I nOw IT 9 OOdTwR W9 WM Ww^no iraaaraahleal men aptmiing to a4- Japan to recognise Chlsng Kai- Johnson and Mrs. Johnson. Po­ think only of getting mon Haner Seaiir iiftlatmmu aad ethar raadlag aiattot ■hefc, the ruler o f one island, as mona o fficers w an Gertruda bottles in a baby carriage; the bat­ CSiristine Mary GeMer, the 17- laond anpoflamant ring from Michoalt. Ref. I8.9B ’’Extra-Plump” PUytex Pillows “sneaky pete.” When they an tle o f Um bottle; the outatntchad to Tha Maiicb*(ttr BTtalaf MtraU. China. There to the harsh fact that Haven of East Central and tha lec­ eaeaaaaB under the Influence o f liquor, they yaar-old daughter o f Mr. aad Mrs. HEARING-AID Ian then 1% of oil flw diomondi minad turer from Farmington Valley Po­ hand aearching aid, and many Charles Gebler of SI Pleasant rrtday. Jawiary 11 our two natiena were oncq equal mona. Beveral auSordlnate mea- feel on top o f the world and otMra,- street, has been chosen to receive throughout tha world ora fine enough atomic partaera, and t ^ t . our Ref. |9Jf “Extra-Plump” Style with Zippers drown all their troubles. Mr- Aftar listening to Revennd BATTERIES V ■■ " n— te n w en present from other "Rcfular” Heifht PUytex Pillows. Tha Musaer cama to tM eonclurion Jhe "annual D AR Good Citaenahlp for our ceilaction; Congress haa paasad a law cutting Granges. Muaoer for a abort time, aU pres- Award given each year to a aen- For All Reariiur-AMs lot thnrn's 61 porposo I oHnro yoo. game model also comes wdth tippers (Rtf. that they did not drown their I l a v i t a d \ F«ir A w *'**i Gains Brttain out o f that partnarahip. ' Preceding , the meeting and In­ WILUNK ant reallaed more fttUy. the.im ­ ior. girt- - at - -the Rockvilto - High So contimio with thoso Noon. stallation, a ham dinner waa Ref. 112.95 “Kinf-Sixe” Style with Zippers • a e e • a • 55.951 ••••• *7*^5 trouhlea .hut they did leirii to mense ebcial problem confronting School. Mias Gebler plans to study ~ Gaarantced Freak Thk apac^fle achievements the These facta have not yielded swim. this democncy. aervad With Muriel Skoog and Each Has a Story nursing next fall. She to a mem­ offlctot<^ communique aummsrtolng overnight to any conversational Marmuet Teomana In charge. During the bualneM meeting ber o f the achooi student council. Iws vWy MQWno npvQiimgmdto^wlw or pVMfWn OILSEWieE - Utonh man had a atorv. Soms- plana w e n diacoased fo r a dance the OiurchUl-Truiaaii talks could charms, nor even to any mutual Edwin Undholm started on e sokHst with the Glee Club and a ~'A'9di'i8iM Nn Q mShW Ndfc'a9'#ltik"#lNdUHL-^Y v TIT TIM T M M T *"" " ------atuunmee .vert, almost ail. Tlie good will. The only curtail sum­ trip to Tampa, Fla., Monday. thing put tha skids to nearly every to be held In February. The re­ cheerleader. She has been treas­ S41 BEOAD8T. one. Sometimes it waa becauae freshment committee served gin­ most eooereta result announced Mn. A. H. Benton la a patient urer of her class for four years vTMM V piWMMT TnOT^IT Ww fw M W * mary avaUabIs for the Churchill at Windham Community Hoapital thay wen psychological. ci gerbread, whipped cream and eof- aad w ill take part In the school Was that Churchill gained an ot visit seems to be that we have d ^ when she le being treated for FUEL ahd lANGB OIL “laanan” as Mr. Muaser called fae to round out the evening. play on Saturday night. Sha ia a fld a l pledge from us that wa elded to do our beat together In virus pneumonia. Berbarn CoveU, \ member o f the >(aaUoSal — Honor So- “ 873 Mslll 84. TsL 4185 In oikinp |ntt for dlmot! toould hot use our atom bomber spite of the facU which divide ua. daughter of Mr. and Mn. Willis tary of tha club will mall notices daty. bases in Brttain for offensive ac­ But as for sny real chance o f conr Covell la at the same institution it \ * to members stating tima and other The award la made upon recom- receiving care After a aavera hum mendatlon of the faculty of the tion without consulting Britain. cesslona which might lead to a Wapping information regarding the event. •>4| pn her. feet., Barbara, is the_young-: Starting yaateaday -a--dental aeiuMt The qualitiea atreseSed, |n- cloMf fMinohthrii. ihat has jnpt est of the Oovell chlldnn, the oth,; - ~ OIL HEA’flWG Wapping - Grange met ■ a t • "the rglentst from ' the 'stafe "Depait- people, who have trouble conquer­ yet appearM...... 'ef'twO'''bel'ng b o ^ ...... I ti 1MI MiMliittf Community H6uae Tueeday eve­ ment of Dental Hygiene Is avail­ 'l^au- > ing their fears that we may plbnge one able in tha local achoola to give ning. During the meeUng State t b ^ taito the front imes o f a new fluoride treatments to pupils of itims, iRlSWuffMUiNiiffiaivt ■ Wli.v Proba Ton Deeply ? EatiaMtaaOa ' Gruige'lecturer Mre.- Ahna Brooks ' war. biit It to not n a c tly earUt- the aecoihd and Afth grades. ~ Ift parents wish their chlldran’s teeth I ilM p ii wHIi (M lf 3. H lw ffTir, 1i 1951i ■ » shaklng or constructive in tm' Eorced Into a second thought by C A L L and her staff Installed the follow­ piece mai ing officera; Leon Parmaklan, treated they are asked to return poetanee. ------. —- the final refusal of rederal Judge F - t S IT dental noUces to the school aa h o m e comfort thirl|HiiM tf lliMff vittiMS w tii s H I I ! ^ The next most realistic result of Murphy to head a clean-up invseti' G u v fa lty ( maaUr; Mra. Lucy Southergill. aoon aa posaible. The fifth graders gatim of comipUen In- federal overaeer; Mra. Elate Hall, lecturer; WlU be the flrat group at the local ' t ^ conference seems-to be the Then choose it from Watkins “Open Stock” Old Ip- Cheater . Rau. ateward;. WUUam _ ' raotlTiffg btspHal traataMit tbiMgli' _ suggestion that a formal agree­ office. President Truman has used ArilMrDnigtItrti school to hava. n e fluoride treat­ MORIARTY Bros B^ch rallectiohr A hey bed for the youngster’s Park, assistant ateward; Mra. m ent.' \ ment may be near on the sale, by that eecoAd thought to conclude room? A dresser for the guest bedroom? Select it Ruth Dewey, diaplain; Levi 3 .. t ! fc s r 11 Hw Mh hMlI StBfyMrtltt lrllw i us, of more steel to Britain, In re­ that he will be Just aa well off Dewey, treasurer; Walter C. Fos­ patnssmA d t AT ONCE I d IMtovt now . . . And at a special price! Every piece finiahed ■ f , , ■ ( ^ MiMbtsItr Tnitl CM|itay toiay. ; I turn, perhaps, for a reduction o f politically if he doean't make the in idowing waxed Colonial color. Bed pictured, regu­ ter. aecretary: WiUlam Leonart, WHY gatekeeper; Mrs.- June Park, traditional price in the tin we want to buy investigation too thorough and QUAUTT SINCE 1900 W«|TED YOUt Itt? MIV larly 544.50. Cerea; Marilyn BoUea, Pomona; Marlborough m € $ 9m from Britain. Tha thing Britain too drastic. One can follow his rea* Aurel Dewey. Flora; Ruth Buqh- U JdAiN STRnr. .... Manchester Bonlna. There to a nhai.r« th.^ be* Bnis Seeem...Vl Fua on. 9 needsBiost In Ua struggls tor eco- II to ii iiiaiig ■■Baig Mrs:— Barney -Ofshayr who ' Is Bomle balance—a balance newly enough other things come ytong UWiYEE - executlve committee for three chairmon... of—-ths— Mariborougb periled liy neceaslUcs. of rearma- to occupy the pubUc mind, the pub­ years, Miw. Mahnah 'W niiam anh recognition o f 50 years continuous March of Dimaa for tha tenth lic will lose some of Its intsreat In fnent—is not doUus, but stMl, the OPERATOiir . .Orange membenMp .in.. Wapping conseeutiva . yaar.. has - appointed raw material w lth ' whiidh WHtalh the 'cormptlon-'lsrac.'There' is 'a” Orange Levi Dewey waa presented her ..co'mihitUe for tha house to inay produce for Its own fiscal chance that UM acandaia Involved .OnwrtiM ilye LINCOLN 7 ^ ' with a golden aheaf aertlRcate and house cenvaa which haa already can be lived down. And. on the pin by the state lecturer. Also started and which wiU end on balance. •eei WarMiit C«iidR- Feb. 2. other hand, a fid l and uninhibited 44Am 4$3r$l$!wllli AX Robert. Watson, Jhe retiring mas­ 1 The communique iacludsa two. ter, waa preaented a past maater*a Tha canvaasera are; Mrs. John InveeUgatloh ihigiit inereiy serve •(/ Rankl. Jr., Mrs. Oariten FowHr, htgatlve results—a failure to re- NIW YORK badga by the newly ewefr** maet**'. polve the rivalry between the Brit­ to keep the issue slive, end inten Lev^ ftrmakian. Tktr 'foBawing Jr., M ik Harold ’ Taylor, Mra. Apply In P«no« Fraak Mund. Mta. WUliaaa Cat- ish and American automatic rifles, aify public feeling about it. Oranges were represented at the So the President haa decidsd meeting; Avon, T^inix, Eureka, 'pjejmajo lauar asiic “jg 'ujj jmd a failure to resolve, the quM- Miss Patricia Ltndaey, Harvey Of- that 'the clran-up will be HIRALD Om CI Manchester, Vemim, Winchester, tlon of the Atlantic naval -com- Tbrrington and Higganum. Three shay. Lea Laster, Miss Nancy tnand, under the North Atlantic for Attorney General J. Howard 13 K mbI St. state officers were present. Re- Frink. Gordon Islclb, Mtoa Anne Imot. In both Instances, British McGrath, under whose admini­ freahmenta w6ra aerved after the a lle y , Mtoa Phyllis MkJeaki and WATKINS OPEN STOCK SOLID A\APLE CROUP Mias Cbarlotta Bquiers. rfaee” Is at stake. They think stration many o f the scandals meeting. X On'Jan. 29 Donald R. Wllpon, Mr. and Mra. Norman Moreau o f ^ey have developed the batter hays occurred, somatimes with hie Pawtucket, R. L. visited relatives ta d t approval. Whereas Uia sym­ naUonal commander o f the Ameri­ Hfle. They think Britain, with Its can Legion, will risit Conecticut here on Sunday. Rgval tradition, ought to receive bol of a real clesn-up might hava and wiU be gueat of honor at a Mr. and Mra. John^RadeU have returned home aftar spending sev­ ^omo high naval command In the been the realgnaUon o f McGrath, apecial dinner at Schaub'a Restau­ SALE rant on Route 6 in East Windsor. eral weeks in the South. They vis­ ffA T O set-up. They got neither. McGrath is now to conduct the ited in Mexico and fhe last few clean-up. That he wi]^ put on some The regular meeUng of ,Abe Mil­ Fed. Excise Tbx ladaded ' On more ImporUnt questions, ler Poqt, American Legion, sched­ weeks of their stay they spent In the communique is even leas con- kind o f a purihcatlaB show can be MIRROR Florida where they have bought a it -k it k . it it Perhapa you^re furnishing a uled fo r Uiait nigjit w ill be post* plaer pfUr Miami. ^urive and more mysterious/'u faken for granted. But. Bte vigor room tucked under the eaves .poned aiid'the post wUI attend'lhe and reallam o f this show can, with 2 9 .5 0 dinner In a group. Further infor- • • ' >---- -— plalms an Identity o f alms in the couple where apace ia limited. A head- Fallowlag Brother's Feotstepa^ him in charge, be adjusted to what maUon jnay be had by contacUng 1MN. BENDIX TV . Mddle East, which ~la somewhat board bM (reg. 586.00) provides Oommandqr Gaylord Paine; WASS239.9S ^estlonable, at least if one con- the public mood aeeou to' be. I f space for books, radio and there’s T h « snniisl WM»Hiig and hsnqiiet Vie Howe, recently added to the the-publlc eecm i to I roller'.of the aheinnati Mohawks 'pideeTKai a "cabinet for bedding. Metal at the Pleasant yaUey Rifla Club McGrath's course can be adjusted of Uie' American Hockey League AUTOMATIC |ldered along with alms. frames to support bedding are w ill be hrid Jan. 21 at t^e Aero SALE to that happy poasibUlty. Diner, East Hartford. Thp seera- aspires to the success ^attained by ! It' reafflrnm aa If this ware his famous brother, Gordie, o f the Fed. Excise Tax Incladed In any case, thto course o f con­ included. The double dresser WASHING gamshow a gain—Mr. Churchill's Detroit Red Wings, rated one of duct on the pail, of the Triiman (reg. 598.00 for base, 584.76 for previous half-heartod support of tha all time greats. Both era right- k k k k k k adminlatratien cannot escape the mirror) combines the drawer' winga. MACHINES the Idea o f European unity. Ilito Barn and SUo charge of ••e^ltewaah." The apkce.of a chest and drsaser in g |itnB the two coiintriee In the pro- 17-IN. H.O.A. President has apparently accepted single pi4ce! Only a few of the P o i h o l d e r a ^ s at preaching to others a unity $199 this risk consciously, csleulatlng many Old Ipswich pieces are W enderfiiliy y will not agroe to practice GOMBe^ADIO-TV that it Is at least nq greater than m shown here. Cthemaelvee. the risk of the dlsdoaures a full V e r s a t i l e { The communique U clearest in I mono aad fearless InvssUgaUon might l wamlnd that tha two povmrs KEG. $850.00 bring, and might ba a great deal tsnd to maintain the security. leee If the public should tend to 'AtC Southeaat Aeia. where the next SO forget, or could be given' some SALE OiBunuatot attack is feared. But. $389 spectacular distractions ln-''oUier Fed. Excise Tax ladaded M real handling of that problem aecomplfshments or policies by the 4sraita the partcipatien o f the adminiitretlon. k k k k " k k fyeneh n^tai^ auUioritles now. - Xt~ts a eynibal decision, pertape ^ Washington, and one feara that poUUcaUy sound.' What it elimi­ M-NLABIIHIftt qvan that wlU not he the right nates to any prospect that tha ad­ ^aadling o f the problem, ministration now In powtr will J60NS0LE j m m MM point of view, per- really and thoroughly reform 11 REG. $809.95 Mwe, It la a gain to have Britain, M lf. fbanoa aad the United Statee get- italg together on what to do about Save 42.00 on this 1951 K SALE $299 fMs threat, for this means that at Pleasant Evening In Vienna $ Phw Tax aad Wanaalg , the thipat la being reeqg- , OccacioiiaUy. a warm huaua Or morfl? kr ★ ■ ★ ■ ★ k k B aad planned for by eome- hepa flickara. But from the other point of ni.eKewi. Mje olh’tr night,-in r- .which , le that aggression Is .whan, 1* 6, ,|(tqaalWM.,«idfJ MR. '•iititiiber'W-rei^^ 'df' dwfty decided "t^itoCept IhWr 'iQ B ltO lt, . v'SMMd'Nntiowr-ws w uttatlowtocqtWiggaadrpartelitote ' PiT'hi)j*’''ydti' iil^ 'sh isiitlrtf' room ' ^bid which la, furthermore, that the in an ‘‘intarnaU oaal-api^ night” 1 7 .0 0 BBura safety and peaoe o f the at which tha United SUtee Army ,93 Formerly of Old Ipswich. The'bestity of this 4114” wide and formerly 572.50. eONSOLE big Open Stock ensemble is that R M . S M f . n world depend upon U N functioning in Vienna waa host. 5289.95 Crown-top mirror, regularly 515.60 Ip Mch inetancee, any develop- . The Rusalana broi^ht vS mili­ there’s great Variety of styles and The chest li 31^ indies wide and’ i(MBt orhlch would leave theee tary band, and presented a felk aizes. And every piece' is finely haa four roomy drawers. Regularly t|wee powere holding the bag for dance group which drew mor* ap made with center-guided and dust- 559.75. A limited quantity of the $288 -1 iuol ia just a matter of days gone by. But Fed. Excise ta x ladaded dmtoprnanU'in lloulheast Asia, pUuse, from- the Tmldiera of the with Kelvinstor iPs a whole year! That’s why 'proofed drawers; finely styled, too, mushroom-poat paneled beds in full tinis invIUnt a lack o f reepondbUi- West, than they gave to their own you save 542.00 on this deluxe Model HR. It for long lasting enjoyment- size,, which were formerly 549.96. k k k k k k on the part o f other powere and parfOrmert. The ' American com-1 provides 8 cubic feet of refrigerstjon and J tha part of the UN itself, mey mander said "maybe we can have 42* s pounds of frozen food space. A 6-quart TELEVISION ba the exact opposite at eecurtty.more such evenlngi." •...... ^ 7 . 0 0 By Mrs. Ab m Oakat polyst,vrene meat thiy is just below the frozen A Mg rad bant and matdilng No one seems to be. able to The Ruaaian acceptance and food chest. Space for extra tall bottles and Mlo crodietad of Sturdy cotton, TURN-tOP tpam wb|d the crypUc concluding parUdpatlon to aean aa part o f a extra bulky foods are provided. ’Two 12-quart Buhw tha bqadieat at potholders. i ■Obtenee o f the communique may new campaign o f courtesy and crispers provide extra-moist storage for salad The set la ao easily made you'll ,By S«e BdnwM TABLES Moaa. It'reads as follows: friendliness the Russiane dellher- wiah to make several for friends. Tha ona draaa that's always ia ST^ns and fruits. 5-Yaar Protwtion Flan on Pattern N a 2900 contains com REG. $18.00 l*W a are resolved to build an •tely inaugurated caosntly in famoua Potarsphere sealed unit. style, goaa avsryplaca with charm, 4)tiaaUe cnpimunity, not only for pleta croebetiag instructions, ma­ flatU rs ovary flavra. This elaaaie Vienna, and Austria, in any case, terial requirements, stitch lllu- is in a widq raaga and haa a daftly ktonMdiate dafeaM. bat for andur* t* soroathliig o f a medet at M g atratkma and finishing direcUoiis. ahap^ collar mm pecketa. $10a8S h iB p n g n o a - Four behavior, even in a divided Send 20c ia coins, your name, PattaTn N& rt66 la a new aa W ith Oaatars—612J6 ITbat may ba a santlmciital word occupaUon, as comparad to their 'Wfv. * i . $ p address and the pattern number rtta, perfbratsd pattani la alsea 14. fHtura bwierlag the eweeping record in Germany. to Anna Cabot, Tke Manchester 16. 16. 20; '46V 4I, 44, 46. Bias 16. k k k k k k Mr. CharehUI never get V'‘ Evening Herald, UBO Ave. Am cii- 2% y ^ of 26>la^ - -> But perhaps the most important «aa, NOW Tork 3S. N. T. F or this pattan, aend 30c In of bis btlefraaa. or It may be J i l V WE HAVE SONE thing about tha evantng was not - - - If • Anne Oabot's New Album of coins, your naflwi addraao, alaa i m ladlei Utot the propoeale th f fact that the Ruaaiana decided Needlework la a “ must” . I t ’s aifod. and Uw pattani aumbar to out make to be' pltaaaat, far whatever ehockfnll of riiarmlng derigna aa Sue BunwU, Tba Mabebastar Bvo- BSEBTVSETS* can be f^c- eventual purpose no one can tall, waU as bagianera' "Howr'fb" dl- niqg Harald. 1180 Ava. Americas, of ManchsitsA WAW ractieoa on knitting and crochet­ Tha new Spring and Summar iN iU yM M U ad paw. Ih the latter but the fact that the Welcome to ing . . . a gift pattern printed in Basle Faahies fOr wemaa whl saw H i l l I f ObarefeOI d d bring aut theaa was spoataaaolis aad aau m li Uw book and assay other grand WlU ba raady fo r yoil shorUy. Band of Meutohsttm faaturs^ 26 cants. 28 esata now with tour copy. ..-— ,t.. .,-.

------,' - . *■ •-■ ■■ T ■ ' ^ '■.tv,-. JIANCHEtTEB XVENINO HERALD. MANCHEFrEit. CONN,. FRIDAY, JANUARY 11.19S2 t W B t t m HEBJOiD. iQOMK« f«0 A Y . ^ANUABY 11, -rijerr -rptre Trr:i:;f3?;a!~ -.-^Arr flfl» ^ If: Mmarisidoal B t«ft Nfiw YA if BlH?t ■ Moch'aaid ha could undentand .'.pw*,— * a - - - 'Vlahinakjr'B sincerity In-romplaln- .When m t f you laat a.hlood Y o ^ b H u r t M ^al Ibr Son Jng.ahout the Atlantic pato. and dhiior ? I f ft waa nterstbantwo Sel :RS baaea in Europe, M ia and Africa mentha ago. you eaa phone but he pleadro. for VighinSky to' ST'-,- BUI and maka ah appointment W to O r W ho. Ooai; From Truinan realiae. Western auapiclon o f Rna-', to r the'BlembnoMla v to t \ alan statements and actiona wht(dt. Thuraday, J m . 17< from 1 to 8 9 6 threaten Western rountriee. inf owb«lk But lom Fago O m ) -p. m. Start the new year right « from Flag* D M } Their statements were made Be a blood (fenor Thuraday. YOU XIX, N a 17 PBIDAY, JANUARY 11 B ig h I hi durfhg “ explanation of votk” talks I H«I EBtm, RMritjr Aivtaw J1117 b Not Serifl^o men. When Iw waa within 10 yards worth, 68, wifa of a eametny earo- \' at tha poeltlon a burst of gunfire that followed the balloting. A graup o t boys tossing snow- taker, aa a hostage in W .lxnB e* ripped.nia carblna from hta hands WIU Revltw Ptaa to tend Nancy to a paychlatric Olficera Elected bfiUa. at a e o m p a i^ who waa rid- but he Mntflroed to throw gra Vlahinaky told tha assembly he for six hours yeatarday,. \ I Cheerleaders Lead home for treatment which waa in i^ iis Split Legion of Honor Individuals^ Groups Bnng First Science -- ta g m Meyela yMUrday afUriwdn ■ aadea untll tntogun waa atlencefi. did not insist on hie amendment* trompted by her atriuige conduct A fter -sheoilRg himsatfi ha to ^ HawSmiday In the a*eemhly today because he pled from a second-story wind(iw For SomanluB m Npnico stroot waa tha dlract Jerome, although wounded, re- ■ fenowod cHmacUcaUy by the Basketball Rally organlaad Ms platoofi and led a win revive them when the politi­ aoIv|ng of Nathanlera (Ulomma. of tha Wadsworth home on the : (^ e (infests 1 aauaa 'od an aecidaBt. pollto rq- charge against the enemy uhtll he cal rommlttee takes up the Rus­ outskirts of this central New H onor to M H S D u rin g *5 1 Fair Planned 'adrUd today. ' ' Thus our horoino la spwed a giavc Nona Omaha, '83, was elaetad feU *wUh a second wound. Hta ci­ sian peace plan, perhapa tomor­ York City. He landed at the feet The eokMfuUy clad chaerieadera, vA b lan MIcliaud, 18, of 300 row or Monday, Injuatlco and tha author ia en­ aditor-in-cblef of the Somanbia tation aaid ha displayed "absolute abled to write a happy ending to of hie girl friend, Mia* Jacqueline . banSeS by Goitoie Glennay, intro- Ckattor Oak atraat waa troaUd at fearleasnaea.” The Russian peace plan- Cooperman, 17, o f Los Angelas, Lose Orertime Game at staff at a mseting held Friday, BpotUghta fell on aporta, admitted 44 new meadtera and Fair to Be Spimsoreil . Mawfhaatar Mamortal M o r ta l for the extraordinary and whlmaical Jan. 4. She will sarva.as head of matics, music, clactlami aaij the duioad nonM original chaari at a doomed to assembly defeat—calls She was traveling arlth hlit elaetad Adrian SchmldhauaVr to raatiMtowa of tha right lag. T r y ^ for . immadiato atom waape road waa Icy Annual itld-wtntec YJoniarance He was a“ Chrtxtfah” at the'md, -y -i hands of Middletown High hy a cucci, traaaurar. Latrodnead aa auch to tha atudenta. yeani over UN majority plans for by Insincere ]dirlatn<;.” for Veterinarians sponsored by the forced undefeated Weaver Into an candid photographers who catch Ona of tha moat popular naw by tha Science Club of Manchaatar find Bndth was unSMa to come to atomic energy control. the whitf-hatred woman said. * those everyday and out-ofrtha-or- Close score. Jimmy Mlnieuocl and New faces have bMk added to High School on Thursday and Fri­ New York State Veterinary Col­ overtime but finally loet the lead. chaan waa tha "Blaachar Boogia.” a complete atop. BnHth told police The. new disarmament Mmmta- A reporter telephoned the house dinary shots of unauspacting sub­ Jimmy Roach ware awarded, the the faculty ataff. Harry lUidmant day. March • and 7, at the Var- he eaw the boys end waa going lege, at Cornell-University. Thia la 'nUa la a musical chaar and tha aion, after preparing a aehedule a refresher course to keep practi- and said Walker told him; l « t Friday night the Indiana jects. Thom McAn Shoes for their out­ has replacad Lawrenea Laonatd planck School. For the flrat time Slowly, Injuries were not aerioue Unusual Situation "I really wish for once I was oh poured It on in the laat half to standing .playing a'blUty. Jimmy who went Into tha aervice. Mr, ilo aocompanlmmt featur- BIfa. Rxth flpexeer and her sea, Bekert, fa rta en la Spencer Buhhef PradUrta Qaiapnay, slady ^ for disarmament, la to draft tlonera up to date on new develop­ Tha printer's sketch, of the cov­ tha trumpat ia providad by tha in Manchester'a hlatory the youth and no araat waa made. treaties "for ths regulation, limi­ jLbe other aide of the tra(;ks. I’ye down favored Meriden by a 87 er design waa submitted to the ~ ich set a new High nehool rec- Maidment teachaa woiM under- of the town will be given a chance model lay-oat o t their plant wUh the aew addHtoa, datrniilalag the lecaWaa o f the new (gmlmmjat to he ments in veterinary meylicine. standing, buMnaaa math, and par- d under tha direction of WU- tation and balanced reduction of In Thespian Play More than 450 veterinarians from tried hundreds o f times to {Hay it to 42 verdict. staff for approval. It la a forest- by scoring 17 touchdowns and to" display thair science talent at Installed. The additlaa Is achedaled for eamplrriea hy Frh. lA The expaaalea has been made aeeca straight but nobody ever gave me Tueaday'a conteat with the conversions for a total o f 108 sohal aconomica. Othar new teach­ i^Vadera. aaiy laereaalag defease work, Mr. Speacar aaM, aH armed forces and all artna- New York and' a doken or more green leatherette cover surmount­ 'em AHva" was a cheer thair own fair. By a chance." Beavers was a far cry from the poihu. Parents' and Alumni Day ers nre George Bradlau in aclenea Teacher Explains mehU, and for the effective Inter­ other states are attending the ed by a gold class ring. Tha theme the fact that MHS OontesUnts will competo only "•Gramercy . Ghost” by John Walker will not be arraigned on onesided contests played between gamto were Inaugurated during and M tu Bevarty Southwlek tn within thair division: Dlviaon 1, national control of atomic energy toOee day conference In Ithaca. was accepted by the members but tha name "Indiana.” dKdl Holm, to ba presented aoon any charge until he reco'vera, State the two clubs last year. The In­ in accordance w ith ^ a custom of the fciirtball season this year. home aconomica, Grades 4-fi; Division 3, Grades 7-8; -Visual Aid W o^ to inatirs the prohibition of atomic Dr. BdshneU drovy up to Ithaca Sheldon Jaffa won tha American waa in the Huddle” weapons and tha use of atomic by the Center Thespians, under on Monday and ia exproted home Police said. dians trailed'In the first thrw previous years this will not be C o-c^aln s Harold Moors and and Division 8, Grades 10-13. DIvl- S6uth Coventry the capable direction of A. W il periods but continued to gain mo­ Lagton Oratorical Contest for hla new cheer which had Rubber Firm Expanding energy for peacetul purposes tomorrow or Sunday.. divulged until tha book goes on Wa could think of no battar way George C m kd the soccer team Thia week our hata go off to forniation. The' alona 3 and 3 wlU bo further sub­ Ifam Aatley, presents an unusual mentum as the period scores sale. to gat this column off to n good excellent apee ^ echoola, gave '^anafteld Mlnatiel Maateia of A wealthy resident' of New Finky, Marshall Aitken and Jim 28B And 17F Win —Barham Bangtaon. Chamlatry by last year's queen Joan Osgood. each of the three divislona with keyatone of the plan. The Soviet defeated a favored Oraenwieh team H sr U(Ues-ln-waiUng wsrs Jackls with "Harm’ and hia friandUnaas Meriden that nfght^t tha armory aa Uhwtrsted lecture on the Vis- the'\Buchanan School of Mansfield A $20,006 axpanalon programaAt that rime, the Spencers bought York's aristocratic Gra mercy Park Roach led the Indians second half lab. High School World., office, but loat the flnala to WIIHam Hall awards being etpiaUy divided. A bl(>c had called for reduction of all comeback, with the latter three CSuloWr ’82; Shirley H i ^ . ’82r bM. wo&.hlm the friandahip. of xU wta due in pfirt.to tha. support of :iiid Aid. method.new -Paed^- ta -Centor-will--present their-show that wtU jliiw ia Itg MOO aquare- out a laundry thaUoccupled.. dies-and wills her - c(mventlon.at play irahaafaal ....thesa ara only H ^ by a peftaltr kfek. Caas led tha chaarlaadera andXtheIr new system o f awarda trnow babigile- echoola, at the OMetlng of the Hot- foot floor spars and result in arnsed forces and arms by one- dropping through' 11 points Homeroom Games Jean Oofambat, 'U ; and Oannla his elaaamatea. site, converted it and began, properties to her maid. To her thraa o f tha plaeaa wa vlaltad be­ the seortttg by setting a new school ehacra which were leaniM ao en- vised by the award eommittee. Hater F T A Tuesday avenlng. The Jan. ^ at 8 p. m. at the Nathan doubling Its payroU wUl gat into third, aa well aa. atomic weapon apiece. These same three cagera, Olenney, '88. Othar proms hatd "BTonchie,” aa he is moat com­ Tha fair will bo open to the pub­ manufacture o f rubber bands in * prohibition, before any census waa kind neighhhr and tenant, Nanvy fore catching up with Barb; then record with 16 goala monly known, mada hia debut: Into thualaatlcaHy by the atudMta. profirem Was arranged by Mrs. Hale Oknmunlty Center sponsored full swing at Spencer Rubber plant having 3,000 aipiara feet of however, were lost to the local five Poet-holiday besketball play has during tjM ysar wsrs ths Ssnior lic from S p. m. to 10 p. m. on by the Center’s organUwtlonal taken. Willard, played by Barbara Mc- wa could anally saa how and The cross country team, lad by Prom .snd. ths HI-Y Prom.' tha MHS a p ^ igh t whan thd In­ Barbara Bangtaon 'S3 John Mayhiaw.. •< Products Oompany aa soon as tha floor apace. Qulde, (a be(]ueatoed a ghost’—the later in the last half due to five gone from end to end In the March • and 7, and everyone ia In­ Two fUma ikere shown, “The committee. ProCeiMla will be divid­ necessary huilding permit is la The commL*«ion is empowered personal fouls and the Indiana w h y.. aha has won for heraalf a Milton Cole, placed third in the DslegateS^to Nutmeg Boys* snd dian soccer squad took Its poat- vited to attend. About a year and a half later. Gramefcy Ghost — Nathanlal Freahman Homeroom BaaketbMI Growth of a Plant,” and 'Tn- ed betwe(m the achool and tha sued, acjordlng ,to an announce- j the plant, still manufacturing rub- to set up an inspection aystem to fought the rest of the way with reputation of being one of tha state meet while Jack Panelerm OirIF slsctsd lii the tiona on tha Raid. Playing for hia The entire plana for tha fair OooMbea, who' ia obliged to be League. 26B's last second win over third year, ha helped the team Hi-Y Takeg Firgt vaaion.” The latter was an amus­ local organ&toOon. ment made yesterday by M r*.: bar hands exclusively, was ex- verify tha cenatia. spe^ In place of height. I I P kept the crowd gueaaing while doing-aat girls In sckodl. led the swimming team to their spring, .wsrs Jhnst Bradley and have been made by the yarioua earthbound for certain plausible Writing, writing and more writ­ third consecutive CCIL title. malto Its mark In tbs Manehsater ing xtory of vaccination, .which Tha Buchanan School is raising Ruth Sprocer and her son, Robert, panded to 8,400 square feet, World Parley Due Tom Foley, Weaver’s big hoop- the 75 to 8 defeat of 28B by 17F Phyllis MastrofWiTO junior girls; committeee composed of Science -waa presented in a manner most money for a regional study tour reasons, ing . this.has played, a major Oeorgs Ckss, Bob Jamuon. Jamas Hlglr history book. This year aft'ar In ’51 Olympics who head toe rubtor products com- : « wasn't until 1950 that Spencer A t some future date, a • -ater. also wae taken from the con- put the -crowd to ileep: I7F, atm The baaebajl ..team. had. a fiiie -.piub members. Anthony Altbrio raaaaurlng to children. to be taken th m gh New England dis()rmament ^conferenpe, is , t()' he Nathaniel, played by Van Mc- ro|a In Barbara'a- - high - -achool MInTriiod, ■ -andV-AIm : :saiuhirt; hecomlng aeoustoeaad to the baek- I ' Rubier went into-defeiHi# work-. In " t e w on fouls:" - Foley iccouMfOd favdred'to lakk the league TinF, season's - m ark'or 'nine' wtiis' and the: faculty adytaor wlth ;'Bok“ ;lh.ths (llaraiaai()n period..LfiiKt ioL to. May., th e ld (^ organixatlon.la .h eld....,-'. — ^ Qtdde, can lie seen and heard only career. Appointed staff librarian five loaaas. After only a fair start junior b o ^ ; snd J l ^ t y FamU, fiald-for tw o yennt •Vrenchte" for 18 of the Beavers’ points proved their power against 38B. Competing with a wall organ­ r iuKl' Fenna L e, Fisher 'a a " lowad, Mr. Spencer explained the raising money to' meet their bud- crease^ toS*ffo^ 800' df that yeaif. the ruh- , Philip C. Jessup, the U. 8. dele by Nan'c'y)''a" clicumatance which while center Rudy Knight drop­ for the "World'' in her junl6r they caught on fire and Won seven A l Guay. Eddie Lynn, add Jamea playad m oatly on tha Una. Prob­ ease the fl(Mr space to 18,800 ber-band maker,makers wer.were .nnmarh.riapproached proves- vital to tha theme of the First league action found 3fiB ised team of alx membera, Man- lalrmen of tha fair. ' use o f films in such aubjecta aa square feet, will, take the form of gats on tha arms question—he was ped in 14. and-Xd'Jtaynes .13-----... year, Barb waa thus rewarded for atralgbt games. .The. baskatball Morinrty, w^dtomoi* boya.. \ . __ ably the moM spectaeuIar_of hit gei- \ by officials Of the HamlUorr-gUnd. -pla)’,.. and almost caiaintlPHa to sneaking by H P after trailing mt chaater’a HI-Y ta ih i' aaaUy came bUcity (HMnmittee- under - ' ramedlal 'reading, apetllng and ’ Ri(:h'atd'O. BHggli of ’Wnifmah- an addition to the north end or the the ' U.S.' repfo'sentatlve In the Walt Morlarty sank a game- outstanding news reporting In her team waa not ae succesafut as they ParenU' night, boys’ and ktrU* fenta waa hla playing lii tha Blls- the lefi^rahip of Bob (?arlaon has ard Propeller Company who were Nancy herself. Both her flanea the end of all the par(od, behind worth game when the final score through a winner o f the Fifth An­ math. tic, principal at tne Buchanan plant and ia aeh(Mluled for comple­ private Big Four talka.^toId the deciding foul shot In the last min­ compiled a six win 11 loss record. waek, and tha Producta Show w4n mada ptovisiona for ra(Uo, news­ k b 33 to 30 at tha half. Dtutcan waa first two yeart; serving aa aaslat- nual HI-Y Olymplea held at the Principal Thomas Bentley re- School, ia director. Mrs. Harry tion by Feb. 15, weather permit­ In need of a I< * I eub<:ontrattor Parker Burnett, a stuffy, proper ute of the fourth period to force The rifle team had an eight win a numbar o f ether high spots lit read 3-1, "Franchte” acoring both paper, and circular publicity. This assembly "When all the treaties young Bostonian, played hy the big gun (n the game for SAB ant-cdltor this year ("it's hard 'goals for tha locals. Hartford (bounty Y on Dec.. 37. rtod that blaelunit curtoina had Gembino of Mt. Hope,. Mansfield, ting. , to produce phenolic rubber which the game into overtime. Harta- work, but I loVa It!") has left five ioaa record while the tennis the year 1861. Dr. Ondu's speech commltteeto oomp(Med of Marcia in need of a local snboontractor have been fully negotiated and ad­ Charles Knofl'a; and a pers(mable gathering up eight baakeU thr 16 X'Harm'e' Intsrasts sra quits The team, conatsting of Bob tn purehaaad to'factlltato pro- ia piano ac(x>mpaniBt. David Mar­ Mr, Spencer, who la plant man­ hered to by alt nations of tignifl fleld hit for tem foul shots In the points. Dams, Donovan and Curfy Barbam with no spars study halls team won seven and lost three. highlighted n very successful Par­ Beach, (aeciktary of Science Club) e■' jeering films In tha (Ufferent pellers and. toe Speneqra recall, newspaper reporter, (Charley Stew­ ents’ Night. AU the clsaaes pnd ▼srlqd ss can bs ssan by his choice Johnson, Bill Slover, Dick Day. tin of Mansfield ia interlO(nttor. ager, said that toe expansion haa cant military potential, wa can overtime. but three quick Weaver followed with seven, aix, five. In to apeak off. Tha track team won only two Ormand WegL and Gary Grimm. nom a'- toev wanted it In a hurry. art, played by MeirlU A« pointa. Bruce .Anderson. . S3, chairman turn the rabbit's foot the other tic, .. AoM key ..nward;. the....next EMdle Lynn, croaa-country; Jack garten teacher, in charge. „ _ Leif Jacobsen qf_ South Coven- New Rubber Mill Russia's Andrei Vlahinaky had plicated by Nathaniel's thrtrwing ------High’s—basketbill-team-putt—one way when they take on-their next Hentachet aitd-eharHe'Cromn,-aoc» fiacuUy oC..JUUL-Hal-auid- 1 -C<>!wpJ.eted_hU_aEPit-^^^ a(M-„ — First ovaat-of-Um dav-waa -the -of-the -eatalogtte and -entry-Mank :._.The .company .alsojXQdyc(U! promteed -In- commi ttee....debater year she received a aimUar jf{onor tng track to iater-claaS\haakstball -•rB« ~ w teH d B H (»'b «H «w try, a pupil at Buchanan Bchool. , A new fuhhef mTn,''u8eff for'mfii;^ c'aion moulded-rubber part*, which hta-hat In'the^rtng:^—The declaton' - o f the upsets of It* canipalgn last opj^iuutnt to try to., change their cer; Eric Hohenthal, haaketball; Halcolm presented three playlets baaketball toss with Steve Bel- eommittee, (Sordon Laaaow, John that Ruaaia would cooperate in for cxeallanca in journalism; She and soccer. For the traek'team he awarded to Mi«a Gertrude Car will be one of the end men. Other Ing rubber. *and- rubber-moulding are used by Pratt ahd Whitnsy, as Friday night ala It rolled oyer Klngalay Kuhhay. Hfle team; anl whQt tha A rt Club presented a Hnghtri and Dick Day teaming Kleperia and .Haney Folsy, treas­ the work of the new commission. was also recipient o f the QutU ran.Uie 440 yard dash and the re­ rier’B first grade room. end men Include Carol Melkle, facilities, which will make it pos­ well a- by home appliance indus­ favored Meriden 87 to 43. “ Aa variety la the spice of Ufa.” Adrian Schmidhauser and Milton fashion show. William Sksdden up to garner 18 hoops out of a urer of the Science Club, have pre- A t the aocial period, brownies Dawn GHdden, David Melkle and sible for all proceasea in toe manu­ Rusia and other permanent mem- Prise for an essay written In her lay. This ysar he’ll piobably possibla SO for' a 60 per cent aver­ tries throughout New England. It'w as the Clarkemen's third variety la the life of basketball. Cole track team. Inspired the . students of M.H.8- liared the entry blanks, which and coffee were* served by Mrs. Alan Malnes. .; . . facture of Moulded rubber to be Tha contest between 17F and 38B flrat year .at MHS. with his excellent speech, on switch over to Uia 100 and 330 age and a second and fourth place have now been dtatrtbuted, and The productl(m o f rubber bands, Victory of the season but .no other Dramatics played an Important yard runs and continue in tha re­ Georgs Nutter, Mrs. Joseph 'Von- Mrs. Frederick G. Biaaell and carried on under (me roof, wHl'be well llluatrated this point. 17F -■-Of her Bubjecta thltryear "Your. Road Ahead.” “ Reaedved In the meet standinga. will be in charge of making cata­ nth, Mn. Rome Paquette and liutalled in the new addition, Mr. however, continues to be the back- Win Was as convincing. Led by sll French II, m<^|m; problemi, Eng­ role in making 1951 a aucceasful lay. “ Frenchia” aaya hopes a n Mrs. Edward ^chultheiaa of the rolled oyer 28B by a acora of 78 to year. "Antigone,” Sock A Bua- That tha Oollege Athletaa ehould Also competing In the bowling logues of all'the antriea when the Mria. Dextor Ordway.“’ ' X Oenter’a organisational commit-' Bpencar said. ' ' txme of the company,-Mr. Spencer around offensive play, backed up lish, Slid chemistry .... Barb, high for this year'a coming track by spotless defense, the locals 8. BIU fiatmoiid collsctsid 14 hoopa kln'a faatlval play, atarring Pat be given special aeholaiahipa for e^ent. Day and teammate George entry blanka are returned to the tee are tn charge of tickets. said, th'eir production being In­ Personal Notices naturally. enough, names BngUah s a ; ^ and ha plcka Hartford Puh- He also said ^lat all trimming creased, by 40 per cant ..last year. htehaUavasalaei. “ ■ ahbaff lh the last hSlf td •to lead the gamo'a scoring with 38 'O'Hara, Fred-Bllah and DtanaMo- their athletic abiHty*' was ■ the .Paatanoa managed-to iRdit aven Sclpnee Club. Paul Paige; a«- T h e mlMtrel ahow wlH also be surged as her "pat” Her schedule, in rie eia the number one obstacle. Be- operations win he (arried on in tot Natives of Alliance, Ohio, near flaa, Hib' thnah HIM sat the Silver City five back on pointa. Paquette and Parmacla tycka, won the Raglonai, State topic of the speech as presatitad with their opponents. In a bowl the chairman of the program and given at the Hampton OonaoU- new wing and all raw materiala fehast and back previous yaara. has Included a year aidee eontinulng with aoccer. Sen­ College Receivc8 Card of Thanks their heels. followed with 13 each. and New England contaata. Fred by members of the Debating Club. off, high man Day, racked up a setup eommittee. Will be respon- dated School Jan. 18 at 8 p. m., Mr. win be brought from various stor­ Akron, where they both worked in with CMBfOrtlMt Scoring for 38B waa wall divid­ of Glrbr' choir and two years of ior HI-Y, track and intar-claaa ba^ fourth place and two mors pointa v m s captain Pinky HohenthsI led his Bllah, president of S A B, vrrota The debating team tied for first alble for the eetting-up of the Briggs said Tuesday. age itx>ma around town and con­ ru'bb«r factories, the Spencers W r wish to think our friend* and ed, the honors went to Audette, A Cappella eho'r. katball, ha has added V anity M for the HI-Y total. came to Connecticut In 1942, set? neirhiMn for their tympathr and art* aourtmen on the offensive end and directed a ona act play. He place Ih the Annual State De­ projects of Verplanck achool and Ti^nks for Cow Coventry Coopefarive Nursery solidated there. Ballaelper, Boland knd Ball, each An "alumna” of Paint and Pow­ Club to this year'a Hat of acUvitiasi for any program which may be tllng first In Wethersfield. Robert, ot kindne** In nur recent bereavement dropping 1ft points, 13 of which also‘w4s the recipient of the Best bating Tournament. Tha big newa of the Frechette The table tennis event waa run and Kindergarten will meet Being aa large aa the size of toe In the loss nf our husband and brother. with 3 pointa. der, Barbara waa admitted to Sock Theaptan award which he received off third on tha Hat of five events Manned during the two nights. Thuraday.at 8 p. m. at the Nathan who la 30, was drafted soon efter We are grateful for floral tribute* anc.' were scored In tha lart half. Cen: Numerous elections took place family la their beautiful new home Long Beach, Calif.—(J V - Offi­ present plant, the new section will Albert Guay, ‘.'S3'' and Buakln In her junior year. during SAB'a Annual Thespian and Bill Slovar, representing tha Working on this eommittee are HM* Community O nter to elect thelr arrival tn Connecticut, but to tho«e who loaned their car*. We . Wanted tar Marshall Aitken and Jim Qlen- in tha spring and fall of '51. Janet which waa juat finished about a cials at Long Beach CHty College aUo Include lounges for toe work­ eapeclallv thank the employee* of De­ « NO CMD9 M87RICTIONS Serving first as btutinesa manager, banquet. The. upper claas dra­ locals, ralUed throua^ a tough Joe . Dublel, Betty Whitney and officers. Mrs. Burton E. Moore. after h'a discharge In 1944, they aey also combined the Indiana’ Barb gave this position up when Bradley was elaetad Editor of tba month ago. "Harm” la in a very were sUghtly confuaed when they ers and a cafeteria. partment S and *hop friend* In Hamil­ k LOW DOWN.PAYMINT matic club held Its prom In May, World. Connie Glenney captains gams to tie for third. Later in Dick Wo(>dhouse. Jr. of South Ci)ventry, and Mra. Thia addition marks toe se(and moved to Manchrater. ton Blanflard Dtvlirton of United Air­ scoring talent dropping in 13 and ahe was'Chosen for a major role In weird situation though and has received a letter from Hochacht, craft. East Hartford. 11 points respectively. having a tropical theme. ' In the chsarleadara auad Baveriy Dick- to be careful not to become too the day. Slovar and Day teamed James Fay, Dwight Gordon. Wilma Orimatad of Mansfield expansion of toe c(nnpany since it They settled hero, bought out the h UBOUi T«AOg.lN the club's annual public perform­ Fred Hansen, Edmund Perealuha. Weat (tormany, which started out have accepted teaching, position* MAN FOR NIRHT The Big Red poured on the spring Richard Day waa elected SOB la majorette captain. Bill friendly with his new neighbore up for a doubles match but failed waa organized in January, 1945. laundry, and then' went to work. Sarah hartley Oaio-ln « LONO, 8A8T Tim U Corn Corner ance. In her own words, Barb la to gain any pointa In thia event. Ruth Shinn, Arthur Thayer, Jay Uka thia: of the nursery and kindergarton ■team In the last two periods as nrCsident for the coming year and Slovar and Fenna Lae Flaher head on Tanner street, more commonly end the Garvin family. Mrtraying "Quacn Morgan Le One of the moat hotly conteMed Brown and Bruce Andera(m, ’55, "Honorad Sirs; It la now two classes, reapecUvely, to begin they sat up fast break scoring during the fall-the club traveled Current Affairs and Setanca Club known aa ‘Teacher’s Lane." (We home town and plan to make their OFFICE WORK Fay, a tree, trea alniatere wom­ to New York 'City to sep Ethel events of the day turned (mt to be with Julia Morlarty. as t he chair­ mentha since I received the cow Feb. 4 In the Boy Scout cluhroom In Memoriam sprees which' nstted them 35 It is an acceptad fact that stud­ respectively. Junior HI-Y and undentand, "Harm,” but why did home in or near Ellington. Mr. and Sll R Miy to I iiMistritto d tHn irait ixtn-iito tnMks an!” We'll be looking forward to Merman In "Call Me Madam.” the volley ball matches.- Man man,, have composed the rules and from you. I want to express my at the Center. points.. Meriden, mesnwhile, found ents, befora a vacation, era liebla Senior H i-Y ara lead by WllUam you wait tUI your senior year ?) haarUeat thanks for the beauti­ Ellington Mrs. Cohen are boto.mualciane and seeing Barb "give her all" to thia They chose "A Connecticut Yan­ cheater met Emanon of Hartford reguiatlona for the fair aa well aa There ara aUU a few openMgs In lovlna mefcory of Sg;. Clifford to do many atranga and perhaps Ritchia and Bob Johnson respec­ Tha walla of MHS do not con­ hava had exteniivg orchestral ex­ K ile* McKinney who made thr (u- Must be fut, sccurate It hard as far as cracking the part, thus employing her formula kee In King Arthur's Court” for Dublie, and playing team ball all ootQplled a Hat of possible exhib­ ful preaent.*' for pupils to be registered in both weird things to axpnas thair joy. tively. Harold Moor’s was elaetad fine "Harm’s" ambition and CYO The; txplanaUon came from a perience as well as private teach­ oreme aacrifloe Jan. 11. 1H 4 In World locals' defense was concerned and for "coming through with flying their annual three act- preaanta- the way, took the Y membera its U>hich could be shown. claaaea. Mrs. Herman "Jake Le- I Tbe engagement of Mias Jane War II. typist, 45 houra per week Students,' however, are not the president o f Varaity M; Nona has taken s great deal of hla time added biit Ifi points. In the last colors.” tion. Paint and Powder, the friMn aerbaa the 'rivei* Into camp ‘thia la the chanM fo r every faculty adviser who recalled that Doyi, may — ,, be— contacted----- for reipa- - , A. Conopast, daughter o f Mr. and ing. StbklMENE, INCORPORATED only onea who ara aelaad with this In the last five yean. Iirthe T lee” Morton E.fhom paon of Main' Dear (Jllfford. you will alway* be guaranteed. Full insurance half. Tom Rychlec topped the A straight “ A ”, student, Barbara tinderrlass dramatic club, present­ Qniaha leads Senior Y-Tsena while in the beat two out of three se­ student who has any intereat in part of the proceeds 6t the traUontratlon InformaUM^infopnatlon. Do^^^^Donations for W. A COnopaat of Grant faellng of exhubefatlon. Our cham- Intermediate League, he played ■chool’a (diarity carnival had been street la IH at hla home. With Dau- and Mom In memory. beneflts. Meriden scores with 17 points. WfU . deserved the diattnetion of ed their three one- act plava In Margaret Rogers heads Junior Y- ries.-? In the-flnala. the ktcal teem acienoa in Grades d to 13 t o gain MUipment for both Indoor, .And You aeem *o rloea to ua each day 634 center STREn — telephone 5101 iatty teacher expressed hta feel- being elected to the National Hon­ Teena. with the Mustangs for tha past turned over to thh Heifers for Re- , f o i sniington Grange held a meet­ Tha Indiana, making their first April. Kim Shlrer waa elected two w a n and thia year la continu­ cbnsiating of alt six membera of recognition for himself and hla outdoor recreation are being ac- We feel aa though you're “ juat awav." official home start of the, year. Inga, before the recent vacation, or Society In her sophomom year. Jesaia Lathrop was named the HI-Y. easily swamned their school by entering this fair. Any­ Haf Fund. They had sent the . capted by -the.. organixatlon. __ Mrs. win W. .81ut*._Mn.'6fn lb f!ME.jnl.l'Jrs,. ing in toe EHlngton Town Hall And think we *ee your amlfe *o iwret. 1^Tli6Wffig-inai(« - Bfw preaident-tor-tha.^OU-U. asaaon.. ■ ing hla caraar as forward on the W ^ e id a y night with 47 members Tour- presence ■ mad---Tnrr— Itvei- comr battled the favor^ Stiver City S*l^g~to--#ecr«aiy W vaT^rrtoffan and Vfig^ia’Martin BIoomfleM opponents for flrat one interested in participating MW to Bnino Gerigk In the'name i Ruaaell Potter and Mra. John T. Henry fitutx of Job’s. H*'L El'Ing- plete. classroom. Oh, yas, thsy happan Affairs Club also occupies some of The All State featival. the Ar­ Gaudet Jewelen team. and guests present. Following five, nip and tuck, through the salutatorian of ths graduating Sports hold a g n a t Interest for place. ' . may obtain an entry blank from Of the college. Cousins are in charge of this de- ton, has been announced. Both God grant we'll meet again lome day. KTW. to have been candy! her extra-ciinicular efforts. When tist Concerts, and tha CCIL mu­ claaa of 1951. ^ The' letter added: "Three days the bualnesB a program waa pre­ In Heaven, with our dear Lord to first period. HohenthsI and Altkcii sic featival were the major events our Legionnaire, and baseball Laat (u>nteat of the day turned a science teacher in hia school Ull. ■ ■ ~ vdiing people are graduates of we asked her about her pastimes. .ago thS' cow bad a calf, and both Intermediate Girl Scouts Troop RockMUe High School. Mlaa COilo- sented by the retiring officers be­ atay. dropped in a copibined total of which occurred In the muaic field. Awards presented during class heads tha Hat. Among hia favorites out to be the awimming races in These entry blanka are due iMCk Motor Froight, hi. seven points In the first stanss but Has anyona noticed the new ad­ Barb replied: "Reading . day were DAR, Carol Rowes; to the MHS Science Cliib on Feb tha MW add the calf are healthy 71 enroUment haa been closed. past. la employed at toe First Na­ ginning with a quartet of men Mr. and Mr*. William McKinney, Two hundred and fifty MHS mu­ are the Red Sox b a s a lt club and which four of the six Jim Thorpes dressed aa cowboys singing Rychite's six markers combined dition to the Main Building? It la avarything but historical novels; Clarks. BUI Shaekey; Renaselawr. from Manchester participated. 10. The club hopes that this . and cheerful.” Mrs. Theodore W. Moberg. leader. tional Bank of Mancheater. Ser­ brother*. Wadiworth and William Perrett Place—Manchester txNUrtmct^ pr light'brown m i ^ sicians from the thraa cholra. band Holy Cross on the gri(ilr(m. As for "Home an the Range" and "Work­ McKinney, ___ • with three other Meriden field Mirf bathing; and lea skating. And, Bill Munale; Uona Chib, Diana boxing, "PVenchle” held no com­ Jack Panciera g a n ie i^ firsts in' foir win be such a aucceaa that it Said Tuesday. There are.41 giria geant Rtutx ia stationed at Suf­ wood. It ia a telephone booth on tha oh yea,” Barb added with a twin­ anl. their meeting, Wedneaday after- Griswold to hold a achool of in­ ' fitting miera 1850 vintage. with a ctniple o t ''buddies.” "Wa he a great success, not only giving Conn. Ha ia the praridant of How fooUah parrots are when noonv dropping In two quirk lay-ups fol­ tion between tha two!) Meatball awards were won by SHinor Hus­ taat sponsored by the Exchange hope to buy a car, and unleaa ' The Christian Ehideavor Society struction In EHlngton hall on Sat­ lowed by an eye-opening' set shot sandwiches and Johnnv Ray's ren­ sey, Nel| Gray and Joan Markers. Club. the various Y groups a chance to Tojiand County Teachers Asso­ they won't let thejr children make, Pfc. Marine John Luaa who haa Students weren’t the only onea aomaUilng Intomipta opr plana, ciation and serves on the Legis­ of .the Second Congregational urday, ' Feb. #. . at. 8 P-. m.,. .vra* well past quarter floor.. who iwcelved different gina this dition of "UUIa White CToud" Mary Jo Brennan was elected ed­ Carol Rottner '53. . eompeta against- each other ^ in tbrir own choices in even such been at toe home of hla parents, wFll head Northweet and then lative and the Membenihip C m - Church will sponsor a round and gramted. ■ Meriden waa unable to catch the Yuletide season. Soma teachers come in a.rtose aecn received his prompter, and hia orchestra will fenaively. Jim Glenney pulled a airplane to take a trip to Florida hrins CIbba School for airls In attended - the- Annual Press Con- to be one of the best balanced Mrdlng to adult values, waa hap­ road, observed hla. 8l*t birthday Auxiliary of Hatoaway-MIHer In Store Window Air Corps after graduation and bachelor of science degree from pier with his traded pdaaeasion he present. _ good number of reboun'da off the during the vac*tmn,.Jio.wevfr,_lh,« yentlnn held et Merldeij Hlgh-_8o; groups aUUatl^y andnow haa ncaatly and kia snodaonr Joscipk -Poetr-No;-S2-,— American— Leglott;' really- traval.;—. Hta other -future woB-the Olyinplc-trophy for 'thr -the Teachers'-GoHega of'Chnneet-;'^ t^aa: wltlr'hla ortgtnat ■ one. -who —rReV;-Truman-0.-IreIattd; minis- ~Mfrtdetnibard and converted them teacher dOean t seem very tanfied. on the fraehman roster of Endl- 'menYiTa firtded T>y' .’Sally Emery, ter of the First Congregational W. MacVariah arranged xputpriMi wUI.be held In Ellington Town - baakat*’^ whttsc:.- adding'Y'Wondar; ’whab'-baqppcmdT^’Idotoi" «oto;'Jairi«u'''«COIl4!g«:'<'<''.''WlMtei!^'plMed’'1ii-'tti»’''e«tniiibiS'8ehotaBtiv' A.Jaiai.iuekgr^udanU oertaMy Britain, ,ad»4>ta h»araa « 'vami aaa^ hp .'-k*k:6a a pooc.-.baegaM ? h«'ta affettloMitaly Mail: TOwsSay,^ Jan,'18.’ -nt;Sp.'m .‘ ^Public JUtility St^l^ the president of Student Qmncil Even If he was sorry ton raln- aOlirth. wiIlr"ott iiji" Mii -^aerm()li’ t h w jP»e .throws ,/or U pdtata. ■ .tnnuUaf.:. ■, ''' W «hptoa.to.JlttolA .Ttoif.^Christo a - " ’*Itb«-Caae;Tira™Hon'tB"ff^ Jtaf or nbxMcal-aidtteaUoB...... ^ tka J648 aditiBir ..ntaa ''aftar-tha- tnuM,.- ihoco: 9tmy3.- topic ‘^Angela oC -OocL” during tha there fa no doubt In our minds 'T h e yea rb i^ had dramatics as' mas season whan they Saw signs Herman ie the eon of Mr. and Sunday MraS-A •m..worship tofvi ngeiMratlMi. An -oyilaF-aapper a m giwat" sjMakcr. Retfr^mento: la five poinla, set.up many of the "Hold atlU!" "Look this way!" that this ' gal. .the daughter o f Its theme. The Hartford Coursnt of "Who's Who Among Studmta ■ laaaon to ba learned If the grown- served and cards were played A of thair own making In the win­ Mrs. Dania H Fpachotte of 11 Icea. Laymen of the church are Be aerved and a social hour follow. Big Red’s fast break drives along T h a t’s it!" *Y)kay!'t Tha tall and Mr. .and Mrs. William G. Bengt- Shcolastle ' Magaxlne keys anfi In American Coilegea and tlnhrar- upa had let the trade aUnd. nice sociable evening waa enjoyed 4*4* dow o f PBttarton'a radio store. Tanner street. AI Grossman, February 15,16 slUea." invited to a dinner meeting of the Walter H. Neff of BlUngton . ia ^ t h Harold Carlson, Aitken and abort of It is that Mr. Fallot, ably son who reatde.ngTegati(m- hunting and flablng trips, and In annouaead. , PROTO ktiHlqMrtors tha third period, lost Its top scor- week, ^f the camera has baen ehlp, writing and especially in the nor Hussey, Jeaa|e Lathrop, John h e fm letting go of one thing to ^ t a of SI years' that hava stacked Tha EHlngton - Democratic Club , w , Rychlec, on fouls half way The signs used by Potterton’s get anothar. al Church Monday. Reservations and buy the high quality, tough, broken ..aa many times aa atudeata all-round popularity which ahe has Perry. Barbara Stearns, Busan must be made by Friday with Hoy­ up he la very active. -AH he needs elected their officers al thair mast­ through the final period along claim. Mr. Fallot wlU have a ter­ enjoyed at MHS. ware radio display ato and adver­ To Defend Title - Bock and Buakln'a three act He would bpve learned the Im­ Wood. Richard Haxelton, Mary 83- tisements for ths sale of Christ­ den F. Smith, 3t^ or W, Biyce is for toe boya to aay "Let's go to ing Tuesday night .They nra; CENTRAL ARIZONA UOHT and POWER CO. - long lasting tools you need for doing your work right! ” with forward Bill Boehle. The In- rific repair bill by the time the Ellis Hussey ten Moran, Shirley Taylor, .Jim haa baen scheduled for Friday portant laaata that if yod give up Mains, Gramp" and ha ia ready at mas records; Manchaatar High'* champlim- M d Saturday evenings, Feb. 15 ST4TKMERY Honeywell. Guest speaker WiU be President Edward Horton; vice ^ n a took advantage of thU. roi- pictures ere printed. RogefA 'Margaret Mclntoeh. Gail one thing t(> get another you had short n(>Uce. president Margaret Dnvis Lutaen; Another IntorasUng project ehip swimming team, dtfending and Ifi. Tills year the »nnual AIBMAIL N0TB8 bettor he aura you want the eee- Professor Robert C. Baldwin of CENTRAL ILUNOIS ELECTRIC oild OAS CO. v Mcting 30 points in the laat stanaa Anderaon. Frances PatelU, Janet Mr. and M n. Foreat E. Cohen, aecretary, Herbert SplUer; and while hoMIng Meriden to IS. Completed Uteiy waa a demon­ CCIL title holder, will begin its performance wUI be put on in the LBAOINO BBANDB ond thing meet,' ana that yeu'U the University o t Connecticut, The romantic acene waa sat In' a Sophs. Seniors Bradley ' (two keya), . Barbara i^oae topic will he "Why Do We who have lived In San Francisco treasurer, John B. Girardint Tha The Red find Whlte’a Jayvee class-room. Then It happened! stration of sailing techniques initial eanpaigh o f tha aaaai MHS aixUtorium. for the pubUo. Mntlnua to want R most. CONN. UONT OBd FOWERCO. Bengaton, Fenna Lee naher, Nan­ learned In aaleamanahlp claaMa. 4rMMr Inni Slam Need the CJhurch?” since they were married, have ar­ club offijeera c(mstltute the aoclat rtv« made it a double victory Fri- Bobby Morrison fell right into the cy Foiay, Allison Olmstond, Rich­ against Meriden this Saturday. to help Increase the SAA' fund at It is easier for a cMId to learn rived in EHlngton, Mr. Cohen’s committee for the irear. P H O N E 4148 dny night, taking the opening con- W in in Openers In this demonatraUoa the atudenU MHS. The exMuUve rommlttee of the arms of Mnrean Shea, chlUr and ard Day (two keys, and an hon­ Tha team, led by Captain Jack to take the conaequeneea for hla CONN. POWER COMPANY tapt 40 to S3. It was tha fourth win all. Could thia ba romance or Juat attempted to qaU certain nrticisa Panciera for the second ronaecu- The cast of "A Connecticut own daclalona whan he la young, Nathan Hale Cbmmmiity O nter in six starts for the second string- orable menttoo), Albast Guay and to the claaa. Ona girl Wbught will meet Jan. 17 at 8 p; m. in a boy who lost hla balance? , In tha opening game of tha In- Georgs Paxianos. Uva. year, U depending mainly on Yankee In King Artbur'a Cburt” than for-him to have to learn PITCHIURO O M oad ELECTRIC CO. OpM Daily 7 A. M. fo S P. M.. InefcNllaf ara. 'who,have lost only to Wlnd- aamplas of "Hoodsy” ham to^claaa the performancee of the five re­ Is aJresdy at work learning linea that hard tact after he U grown that building with membm of the ter-claas Baaketball League the Albert Grasaman was elected and paaaad them ouL They ware board of trustees and the organ!- THE ARMY ond NAVY CLUB hdm aiid Brtatol. Mickey McOuIre .That's It for this' week. Good aenlora defeated a hard fighting turning lettermen (Panciera, Ther In preparaUon for the Mg week­ and tha doeiaioas ara really im- •fid Jaas Farrell shared scoring president of Student Council In greatly nppracintad. nnturally. utl(>nal rommlttee o f the O nter HOLYOKE WATER POWER CO. - luck In your exams! junior team by a score of 49-40. u| piaq uouMia apua|ooi|aa « rien. Paaiaaoa, MuUahey and end. Tke stage and buaineaa com- P fflvm LESSONS piirtarit aMB. honors fW tbs locals with nine Cathy Hayaa *83 Another brought starilhg attver, mitteea ara alao on the job aearch- And It la a mistake for parents to d|s(ni8s memberriiipe. The Gaakell lad the seniors tn scoring May. In the fall the membera of and diacuaaed the banefits of the Eekler) to pull them through for exSeuUve committee meeting pointa each while Paul Ryan with 16 tallies, followed by Ehg- lag for propertlea and taking or- .toBany thalf ahUdren the right to KANSAS OAS and lUCTRIC CO. dropped In eight points and Garry ths council elaetad Connie Glen­ Club plan, and another gave a thair Murth eoneecutive CCIL scheduled for Thursday wUl he in­ Defilnrro Benrbea A Mllesteaa land with 14 hoops. ney. vice preaidenti Pat Shlrer, UUe. dera for tickets,. * S0IT U - prafft frapi their own mlatakea. Bogle, seven. demonstration of soap by wadhlng . Anyone wishing to ' obtain a That la Juat one nhaae of "over- corporated In the Jan. 17 m eeti^. Marcoiil and Cyr led |the scor­ aecretary, and Jamea Farrell, (kit a wool sock' In a baala. Ptub- A fine crop o f nndcrelasamen Dick Day ' Vataran canter lea atar, Ab De­ ing power with IS and 10 points, Uckat may do ao by contacting proteetton." And *tover-protec-. The First (Ongregatlonal treasurer. ably the most effective, denuNMUm- which lacludaa Joe JHaleburdo' In *NM 00UN Church membera will have an an­ Marco of tba Buffalo Biaona In tha raapactivaly. The National . Honor BodetY the baclartroka event, Tom Mc­ any. of the following membera of Uon” ia aomethlng all loving par- Tha Provlate bell, latdr known tkm was that employint the ba- the Miaineea eoHunlttea; anta have to guard againat nual meeting Jan. 85 at 7 p. m. in A m a r i^ Hockey Leagus; ranched A weak H i-Y team met an overi' held Its first meeting where they Namara and Don NidioiaoB In tha Coburn and MidcDdbrook, Inc. M the Liberty Beil, cast In 1 tba MO mark tn total pointa.for hla fore and aftar tochiaqBa, in w h M Helen Kronick. Pat Shlrer. Fan- * nouN ' (AH rijriitB f taarvsrt, NBA thr sanctuary. This will be pre­ powering sophomore team being elected Ruth Glbac^ prcaldentr OM studant gave anoaMr n abee- bieaaCstroka and Tom Saaith and don. arrived tat Phlladalphla la longua caraar on Dacambar 30. Ona na Ixs Flaher. Barbara Silver- Barvlce, Inc.) ceded by a pothick supper in the defeated M to 13. BOver led the Ruth Smith, vice president: Jenny ahlne before the cU m , Doug Finglea; freestylera. have INVESTMENT SECURITIES .1783. It crackad during its ' stain. BUnor Hussey. Greta Fra- veMry at 8 p. .ra. a e rk Umla A. EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT o f tht baat MIckhandUng piaymak- aopha with SO potato followed -by Rowxa, aecretary: WlUiam Mnn- Mrs. Wthxm is auhsUtuUiig to t ehown up great In practice and ' It WM rarest and crackad era la hockey hiatory DaMarce had d ^ to . Maureen Shea. Connie MUUO A fifth bridge focently Kingriiury aaid Included in the STARTING AT 8:1S SHARP When tolled at the funeral of Modan. Hare and VoIx with IS, 11 ate. treasurer; Jeatie Lathrop, Harry Bmlth, who Is still in tha win undoubtadly give the much 541 MAIN STREET TELEPHONE 8631 313 goala and 387 aaatata aa of that and 10 taUlaa tn that ordar. » Mlaa Mary Mitodama aampletad betwoei uni and meeting will be a revising o t the 1MN.MAIN ST. MANCHCATen TIA.4«4e AwUea Join Nanhall ti USS. aanlor dlioetar; ,and Janat Btndlay, bospitaL Maded dapth daalred to Cbaeh Snl- by-laws, electioa of offleers. 20 REGULAR GAMES—.1 SPEaALS A lfM Tariectt '88. junior dlNctor. In tba spring Uwy ■snsrdldraa ■» hUMk’n touB. George Bniianoa T’ f Mauraaa Skoa. *81. •r 2-37M >■■■" ' " " ■ H 'i M • \ I .. ' •’.... : ' -■ . •%••*•»••-•'If-'. •-—.. -V

/ VANCHESTES EVENINa HERALD, MANCHESTEk, CONH^ FRIDi^Y, JANUARY 11,1M9 . / y;r .... M A U p a i B S i ^ f VMPWG IgSBALDa lUNCaB8TE». CONN« FBli)AY. JANUABY 11,1981 ___ Are^KniwereS Of Refpect for Yan/ta of luster Bid : a i n s t Thive .GronfM Rcconp- V w 'rork-r-(NBA>—Bank f While Caaey Stengel waa feel­ >rise Orsaabarr i* only ataamlag op a ing hla way last eeasim. he at mend Town AdvertiMtj Pm AIaM# 'fM4--iPtMfft-'-lw RRSm Hmte fielded ons o f tha .Ffaoiq|eet- ttt's^Nm SkbuM r,. j:. j - the TanfcsM win fan apart like clubs in major-league hiatetr. BA^s (]idn E :icpe^ PffdfeytigBt For General Manager^ tha.Dadfsra of 1961 without Jot Ths.Btg Three pttchen—Rasehi. ;6«srgp 8 A Psr 8— !sy (CwttBM t ttmm r s f * Om ) i Om | D ixpnto. ReynoMa and Lnpet and the • After an ttos* yean at talk QaiAtef An aiMouncement o f Maachea* ■maxing Rlxxuto present the only Norm Sktaner aad Oeorga apcat ta tlM ■helter o i the deck* fotataMBt Truauui after Iw one haa proro raapcct for the BeraU Angte Of Opposition Sunday ■bout th* lively hall In beat ter*a need for a general manager' Nsw York Amaricahar b^anixa- age ptoblema. Sella, 'two former eoUege ataia ' ball, an* manufsfturar ' aow %oam. to replace the late OeorgwH. Wad*' paogrsM quit BM^Octobtr with­ Hon than th* Rtnaral m aniipr of The Tankees do It with phano- • f have been signed to peetime out eoaBnaing oomea up with a lively bat... “It w u extremely dangennu to dell la being dreolated in the tha Indian^ who could Epaak from menonx and patchwork. BAKL W. TOST with the Britlah Americana ta ,TVm - feaaiitar nqi ' In _ Experimenting an producUan Holds W in Over Localft n e m «roand—there wa* the d «^ News Lsttec. o f t)Mr intemnthmal axprtence." They have brought tm the moet the Amaricaa luegiu. Bhinear Ameween BeaketbeU Lelunie, Oaa >> o f a taminatad to t wMdi tha City Managers' .^ssodntlon, ac­ A foreign relations Tha Tanka have loat other tre­ spectacular recnilta of the past is-a. former OohnnMa Ualyer- Oetoowfikl and BUI Chnaecka w ill; ^.Visitors' Center gcr of BllpplnK into the eea,” he ts* conductfd lengthy college coaches hope will rt- cording to a letter from that or* mendous stars, hnfl kept right on three campaigns—C o le m a n h i' ■ e p < w « w ■Ity star aad baa alae played to with the (fluheii^a, P a , Acea duc* breakaga, h* triad one Qaikemeii Have Been Mid. the appointmsni Snally with Saratoga ta the A . U Sel­ Sunday aftotnom agalnat thd Subject (vf Story ganiaation to John H. Lappen. 'moving;, although to ba .accurate 1949, Ford In '50 and ICcDou^d VLATOiia^MOO BAUU that was moaUy bamboo. The Very CaUkeiy thm -to-two against confli It must b* reported .that they have and Mantle last trip. ’ nORUNB AMMEPMMUVB la ia a product at Princeton Britlah Amerlcena at we armory.' ImpreMive in ‘ Laii ■ecretnry oir the Board o f Dtree* Than wiU be^a adMollwy bea- thing had ao much "sfictag" Someone uked him If Mrs. Carl' ton. Sparkmaa, who oaes-wras a won Just on* of their 18 peimanU Also up from the farms cam* There: te k aieve underway to where he wee on A U Eaat for­ Oetrawaki, brother of pitcher Joe katlwU game at Ulq eu te armotr take the eatra point out of . the that it waa hard to hit any­ Two St9Pts{ Hope to een radioed from their home In Lappen. authoriaed to do so by defejgat* himself, headM this 1 31. years rarlthout either the im­ Bauer, 'Silvera, Oollina and Mor­ ward two ycara a ga Oetrowakt at the New York thing hut lioffiera with it . . . Woodbridge, N. J., to get off the committee and voted In favor of mortal Baba Ruth or DlMagglo, gan. Piirohased from San Fran­ ea Mata afircet tonight tahan Man- National Profearional ■ Football Tanka ths Board o f Directors, had writ* ehaeter High entertai^ Windham Now attondtag Harvard Law Duck, feliera!. . . . Start Winning Wajri ■hip and save himself. ten to three general managen' aa* Joasup. and tlijs In a war year. cisco wax Woodling, and Oakland leagu e fo r economiy roaaone. Offi­ School, Skinner, and Srila lioth OMfVWita and ChancckA two Carlsen became stem. “ No," he Senator McCarthy (R-Wis) tos- The pcjncipel reaaon for ths sl- got a chunk for Jenaen and Mar­ High V E^idhun. Da tWImaia at cial loegue footbaOe coM $17 each. eoal mlnera from Wilkea-Barro, aociatioiu, fneludlng the Interna* the petfotmenoee ia played with the Hartford H\Jiv Impreaaiva ta itg taat two eut- ■aid, “ and it is very unlikely she tlofial.CIty M anagin’ Aseoctation. tifled before the subcommUte* moat monatonoua eucceaa of the tin. Slick tradea fetched Eddie Lo- It is eetlmeted that approximate­ rtcaacs ta the Baatera League ere Hated up among the top point- arbuld.' Bombers la that their front office pat and Beb KuiRva. Mlxe, Hopp their Jfiet two etarte, tooight’e ly $80 fqrrtbaUa were bOoted into getters ta the league. Gee etande tagg agalnat Maridan and Wsaver, on Dec, .31, asking for infomation that ■ Jeesup had been afllltateid : ahould he a' humdinger. last aeaaoit; Nassiffs’ Hawks Vehemently Carlsen denied -on the procedure (if eeleeting an with "at feast six" Communist doesn't stand S t^ and Sain were obtained aa bench Dm etande after extra point tries fix, two end BUI atx, four. - Manchestar High aaeks revange rumors that be was trying to bring and insurance. Friday night Goad WUl last eeaaea that ware never n - architect. Letten from the other Marie G. Fsgarty front ofganiaations. gtraeslng this'te.the remarkable A femiUer face wlU to Bill tonight in tha annaiy wlian it the Flying Enterprise to port Just fact that the Bronx'-Mtflt has Just Yaakemi o f Future Irke’e tnrew returned home after (uniad. U my eriUunetie. in im Plaae. late o f the Meriden ProA two. the National Mimicipal However, two of the subcom­ : five game reed trip which ear- home; 14kRlKMle Mead, away: 1 7 ______Remain Unbeaten runs u]) against Windham High at to make money,. League, and the Connecticut City Mr. and Mrs. J. lUymaiid Fog­ mittee. members who' voted begged three conseebUve World Now you hear that Jim McDon­ woraa than it used to he, itineaha Bill has appeared ta Menehaatar SeriM with a ' 78 per cent turn­ ald, the youiig righthander ob­ ■rod V eta week p e r i^ The In- tiiat Netleiul LOegoe taanw' een-. N ew HampoMre ~(denhlel i a ^ r),-hm- ■ereral'^occaBtMS tn N WilUn^tia ta A oen* geraa at ‘It's absolutely not true, ‘fhe Mipiagen’ Association w en also arty of 109 Ridge street announce against Jeaaup—H. Alexander diene were underdoge in a OCtU m raevcrel oceaxtona in tha peat master of .a ship cannot claim over in personnM. tained from the Browns for CUteh- tlrbutod eleea to $d.000 ta eouve-' dwny; 2$ AlC, home . . . WNHC- end.is a steady perfenner. George Naaaiffa’ Hawks by vlrtua at 1:45, Jayvaa .. taama ftnxn the . made public today. These uniu the engagement of their daughtsr, Smith (R., N. J.). and OlUctte (D,. engageeMnt with Meridea Higti, T lr Wiu cany the N&«y- Big Green PhU to the aon of Mr. and Mrs locals have been playing an in­ photographers were allowied on the Thomas WUeoa ing tho entire 1$61 league sched­ Deei'a with Lae Oardtaar alurw* acara into tha Menehaatar Trust me." the skipped said. pier. emerged victorioua, rmly after ita ule. Marcel Jobert of 722 Center street. spired brand of toll. The High toughiMt acrap of the aeaaon. lag the way, moved into a three- .before kratag, 87 to 28. Stavena, Dancy said his feat was really From the head of the pier, Park activities enjoyed a peak ' Word has been received, in town Loa Angeles, Jan. i i _ ( g v - way tie fer aecoad place in the tha llttl* mighty-mlta, gatharad 11 The column, entitled "Spotlight esgers heve good reserve etrength of the death of Thomas Wilson of For 45 Fails Revenge will ba tha goal of the Recalled to the Servicie on SportA’’ tntew the beam on v e ^ easy, although he hadn't stretching about two blocks to ths year In IM l, with attendance fig­ West side Midget Belketball poifita for Ilia night'* worh, ably in Tom Moore. Jim Glenney, Har­ Skating Tonight Los Angelm, Oallf., who formerly . •• ftegular seaann rivalries, ahd (Clarfcemen tonight agalnat Wind­ SHOTS HERE AND THERE Jotort. Phil entened Valley Forge old Carlaon and Bobby JohnaoA planned to do It. munlclpsl hail, thousands of Fal­ ures reaching 117,212, the h ip ­ League with a 83 to 23 win over aBslsfed by, B. Winsler with 8. lived in Manchester. (Continued from Page One) doubtless a few personal feuds aa ham. Several weeka ago ta the Coach Joe ChriatUn'e Valveieity In IMO following Me graduation Windham to led by Frank Rich­ "I didn't think it was possible," mouth residents and visitors stood est point in the four years that Ponttceni’s but night at the West Upton with 10 and Farr with 8 he said. "1 was Just hoping." In orderly rows about five deep. such records have been kept, ac­ At Center Springs He came to this country as a well, will be rekindled tomorrow Thread City the Windham tifeaera of Connecticut hosaholl team wilt Yankee and Cincinnati! from Manchester High. In hto sec­ ardson, lanky cenUr, and Herm trounced the Inrliana, M to 4t. en n 18-game achedule on Sldl Rec. points were high for th* Tellera "I commanded that ship for Carlsen, after greeting hla cording to the Park Depait- young man froin Fprtadown,.^ Ire­ OoaM Guard officials mapped an, when the pick o f .the .natlon.'s .prpT In tha nightcap th* Itafes. toat. ond year Phil advanced to cor­ Calderardo, a good set shooter. mother- and father; -moved- over ment’s report to the general rdSn- area of thbusiuidF of square miles ~ MonelieaUrv ainoe the flret o f S■roh -81 -ogalaat- Army a t'W eet or .made. the. differ- :/Stars... to .„Il(Bport^^ Samei poral and -today bohatai" a ij^bhd Both acdivid weTl te the'Bristoren- three' years-and- made 4A -eross- land, and was eniptoyad at Cheney feaeionela .clash in the second an-, •tim twn ftnanm .ns. Kp- Sport Ill# ” Bullet’iT in, * ’ tall gam*, Ings of the Atlahac," K* Said. ----- and "posed ' for n e w ^ p e r ■ and Bgar, Which was released today. -Park Stipeiintendent Horace Brothers for mimy'yeara a's'i Ibbin and hoped to scan It'an w o r e the Die year, haa been; playing good Point; Five-gwinee are -carded'on lieuienant's rating. Extra-curricu­ ciMinter,- ■ aHlroagh ■ Windham' auf- ~ hiialpro-bowf football game. ball and the club rates a full turn­ the Southern trip: March 31, Army; controlled both boardi and awiah- Dby ag Tied WdUanis; 1 4$ to 27. 'After an even first 1(1 “She was a very well built ship, newsreel' cameramen. He stood Community events showed the Murphey said that there would be fixer, retiring 25 years ago to go early darkness sets In. They allow The contest, which may . be lar activities include the National fered a startling defeat Brtotol safe skating at Center Springs out tonight. The locala naed’ to April 1 and 2, (flurry Point Ma­ ed 20 points, about half on fqiloyr minute* th* Dales began to hit ^ e was an extremely solid ship. among officials, with the Union greatest Increai^ with a total at- to Osllfomla to make hla home for ■ wide margin of error, how­ viewed, by millions of television A R _ Three-.;™ Ayiatom and walked off. with a ifi^point Honor Society. Alexander Hamilton Was rebounding from Ita talttol - ■ I had command of that ship for Jack Mhlnd him on one.aide and tandahea of h0,"f7^,-aa opposed to Pond, this afternoon from .3 to 8 ever, ■ in -search effectivenesa - be­ .:’pher. under the supenislon of BUI An- Hartford and Mrs. Edward Me* Univerirify of Illinois brought the needs to capture rix of the nine re- home; 18 AIC, away; 23 Yale, Schenectady Friday night. On* Dales in the last atansA Whar­ He will gh hack to sea, he .said,.. theTu g .Tumioll. wJip sh sr^ the. cording to the report Last month flyers and numaroua snow squalls Conifecence against the beat of .. Gardiner dunking them ta. the many more athlete* holding com- the academy. With the rifle. Phil drulot; -arrow on Ceirter Springs Grath .ot Jsrsey City, .N, J„ also nickname “OaUf^ng-'Ohoat'’" to; mainlnr games to ’ make " the away; "28 " Maliu ' (donMcheeder).- ’iTiiaaiens may to-called back into weak from ..tomorrow, Jan..20..th* ton who got 10 potatA six of them And It may be aboard another skipper’s fight to save the piyliig alone' 1,720 skaterir^m'ade ulM of ■ometimes reduced visibility to the American Conference in the Drtve^taa turned'the game Into a has w8n 4to-Garey Medal; tlia Na­ the frosen ponds and lakes. was cleared last night at 8 o'clock, son. James B. Wilson of Alton (a) ^ d d y Ydung (b) Sid Luck- grade, a feat no local team >iaa home; May 8 Beaten V, home; 7 the armed aervicea was a queatlon BA'a wilt entertain the Wilkea- ala’ — Bobto " — Knight, |Vi: rq*a th* big Flying Enterprise. The labrandt- Enterprise during the last six days street, clerk at the local post practically nothing. . rout. Bruce Smith collected 12 tional- Champlonahip Medal ta In all activities, spectators out­ 30 mlnutea after the anowfall end­ man (c) .Red Grange (d) Davey accomplished ta six aeaaona. Providence, away; 8 Rhode Island, only Washington and tha Penta­ ^ rre Barons at the armory in man for th* BulfetA which he haa .three stars for Indl- Georgia Drops sen Line, ownerk of the ship, re­ ths 8,711-ton freightar was afloat. office, and several grandchildren. "Unfortunately." a headquarters irien; For the benefit of ths late points for the loaera but could not OsiM (4t» numbered participants, with 68,- ed. Park crew men worked over-, comers, this la no ordinary all-star miieter enough scoring punch gon could answer tow It has the"offlctal B-eriiil. It ...,;-;vrrr.-rr.'-t— 1---JV CtwyA-infieldar-Oarry C4>leman o f -Ha'ven-.OA. J*ii_2a_atriv*d-In-Uia -HeillunA -t—^ -(W»--- A JoringotUv to L ehigh and the Weat »mlngr*peHed--the-Snal-end for4-'Clock-Becomea- - good ■katm g.^-rtlTFInTbraneT- The body wfU be,brought' to yesterday’s tone ainwcine-^ra'dsr (a) Burns of Canada, fb),Mitchell 0 Loian. If Psquet'.r. r* . .a... 3 9-0 4 TS'ToolhSU'piayeta’Trota ~lta' 1^ . — .Carlsen aeemed calm.mi Jte.Jla* aencUoh o f the leagiM-itself.----- 1 0 3 the World (fliampton New' York mall today. The dlimer to always Mnriart}', Ig . Point Plebea with Jotort In a aUr- JUa-ahlpr------—;------noon< and- frorq 6tS0 to 10 in The Manchester for burial, /irrang'e- "bllp"--on--the screen o f 2ne Lib­ o f ISiglahd. Tc) (Taipentier of t Oerdlner. « • I 30 Yankees And outfielder LJoyd Mer- a aeilout. .... « 04 12 because . of . acholaatle ^failureA scribed his ordeal, a solitary bat­ “ If that gale hadn't come up. It iUao haa the emphatic ap- 1 W#bb. rr ...... ring role. Gambliiig Device evening. ments for. which are incomplete. erty ship tbBll eligibUlty last aeaaon. . ' The ^onetoa-n reported contin­ Babe Ruth. the NFX, and with hardly, an ex­ 0 Pontlcrlll. rx ...... I i “Orders have been Issued to tiire ^ames. ’ ...... ~11 i T 27 W. HlllnskI ...... 119 tI4 130 It was a hungry affair for him Dancy credited "the luck of clock at the tavern but was denM troubled area stand a good chance Leek and Sheehan, 35 Poquonock 0 g«m . lx ...... a Ift'U. In making the namea public. uing ^ a v y seas and 40-iiiJJe winds Anawera: I (Grange), 3 ception. he la here. . Many good Capt. Ted Williams recalling him A PaganI . for a while. ' ■ the draw" for his success In her winnings. of getting shot—either by friend ■x-efiue, Windsor. at 5:30 p. m.„ p.g.t. (8:30 p. m„ (Burns), 3 (aat Guard officials said, Rama arid their coach. Joe Styda- 19S0 MERCURY CLUR COUPE Slate T F*rr' ...... 131 II* 9* .339 His book was "The Seaman and E'-ery time we follow one lead, Hold Slvlb Shows aeries resulting from nervous es- was held yesterday aftemoon at’2 survived. month, the and sored by the policemen and fire­ The Marine spokesman skid “on­ contender, to a new resident of B. F. Pts. Korl* ...... 119 104 1 07 334 curity forces acting on the. pre- o'clock at the'- ’Holmes Funeral 1950 FORD CUSTOM ^DOOR SEDAN KHnjftk. rf .. 1 04 Mordaraky ...... 100 . 94 104 29* the Law." ' we 6nd another. their coach. Paul Brown. I man, Will resume ' play Saturday ly three or four” of those tolng/e- Manclreater. O'Brien ia at nrea- MrC«nn^IU rf • "Wpt that In this kind of warfare Home, Rev. Erich Brendt, peatdr. calted aro wall known In the spofta ent oil the refereeing staff of the 1 Al 3 Sports Schedule Things brightened for him after John Dunlap, commissioner of Saigon, Indochina—uPi—Ameri­ VIe'i The Rams xn the National team Orqy. Rndle, heater. Many ether extraa morning at tha Bowers oitd Ver- Griswold. If '; 3 4-9 R Totala ...... T a 1*14 a wreak of lonely battle, when the Internal Revenue, on scandals. can Women In Saigon frequently it is better to shoot flriit arid ask of the Concordia Lutheran Cmurch. Striking Pickets ...... 114 101 104 M9 include the No. 1 quarterback, Bolr Steek N ^ U-4S4. , , , $1445 planck achoola and oloo the East world. ^ l^ate Athfetie Commlaston. Markhain. If , •n 04 0 questions later. officiated, and burial was Jn the li#n*vRntn m 9(t m \yi)ti*ma, who draws $ ,(X> - Brown, r .... 3 l-t Friday. JaA 11 salvage Tug Turmoil, coming close have their own showing of the lat­ 1.11 Waterfleld, not to forget pass Bid* and West Side RecreaUon 100 0 p. Krinjak. n ft Masaa Waadworklng (1> by. put aboard First Mate Ken­ Wepping Cemetery. V. DuhaMn . 10*> 9K 107 .114 catching end lUroy Hlfsch; passer 4 A2 1 Burxes* . W . VA. Windham. It Is es'enttal that the trsdltlon- est Parlxfeahlon In this.city called lt» >4 110 1950 MBICURY 4-DOOR SO AN buildings. Last Saturday over 60 plru. each year for making, it tough Newrved seat tickets for - to- Linnwii, la .. 1 High I:3()t? neth Dancy, 27. Bearers were William Geaa Ste­ Gall Brief Truce Norman Van Brocklin and half- on ■ oppoalng American . League Monthtn, la « . A4 • Auxuat . loR no 07 Armory. M a m Wa al role of the Army In these dls- "The Peris of the East.” Kmlrki ...... 92 107 parftcipanU took part ta pracUr* nleht'V.HI'rh-WIndhsm )r»»k«thsll Dnlazl_... aft — uf phen- Hlobikr Arthur Blatrr'” and backa Dan Towler and Tank and inatructlona at the various lo- ptichera' was flsHIhg off the nor)/ game s(\t>-e armory V^fl to on’ MiSDn . a 100 90 190 tresslng times be carefully preserv­ Total! . ToUl!I3LUID ...... 15i l !.]f »g What did they talk abput on usually are displayed at the resi­ Boys^We^Pronr"" Jack Prouty...... Wi 507 514 15W Younger. Lew mileage. Steek No. MT-188...... eatlona da keys when hla call came Wed­ sale at the'bpx office. BIrosa .. 105 IM no 3.31 Herm’.s va. FranMa’s, 7—lUc. ed - that It not be used a* an In­ Stamford, Jan. One Willlani'a lit 8core at half lime.‘ 34-33 Bruaner'a, Glorawtti nt those Jong, eeiie nights? dence of Mrs. Donald Heath, wife atriking Stamford union withdrew Trainer , ...... *0 no 1,10- 31ft Brown's Americans load off .Tomorrow more players arc ex-, nesday. ' Johnson 'S Laurels va. Buck'A 8:30—ItoA "Well, we talked about this strument of tyranny or oppression. of the American minister to Indo­ Bunc» ...... 30 9b 3.1 36ft with quarterback Otto Graham 1949 CHEVROUT ^DOOR SEDAN pccted, and In some cases league, Then, from San Franctoco, came Reservations for reserved seat MaackeMer Trart Kuaday, 2aA IS Qen. Douglas MarArthur. Hornets’ Stings Anniversary Mass ita picket line temporarily today Caron ... press business,” Carlsen repiled. china. The women who attend pay A fifth anniversary masa for 3ft 100 %5 371 halfback Bub Jones ahd end Dante Sleek. Heater. 1SA88 mOea Oae enaei ear. , play will start. Jeraeya will be orders yesterday for Coleman and tickets for 8un2 7 li^kU Hfrik! Dfoaday, 14 /■ tJ.25 admission. This goes to a the repoae of the coul olT the late to attend a meeting Jn the building Mamhatl ...... 9ft lift 84 mo Stock N a NT-Itil. : ...... luiided out to all those Uktag Merriman to get ready. A ll three Leaeue game at the ‘Ormnrv mnaf tlpt/>n,‘ rf ... Phplps ...... tarn. « f IL " — Singapore- (T) Two Chinese Al 10 11.1 (fliefa va. Miller’A 7:15^T; W eil give them a hell of a race fund for French and Vietnamese John A. Vesco will be said at St. being picketed. Arrayed with the Netionala are porL-A four team league win to ar* under ordare to leport for phy­ .he plcVed urr by 2:80. ^Sqx office 9hc». .If .... 1-7 „ -.1 DiSimoQs ...a...... ISl He became even more scared, he boys, 11 and 10, recently were Total! .. a...... 4.53 .533 453 1414 Johnny Lujack, Bobby Layne, ^ b 'LarrhevHu*. nfhcksr ...... a... »3 Collegiatea va. MB'a —Y. In 1052, The Progresalve Party Is ■oldlers wounded in fighting the James' Church tomorrow morning The pickets, membeix of Local 1940 STUDEIAKER CO M M ^D ERl^D i. SEDAN formed at each playing site oa sical' examlnatio'na April 2, and if opens at 1:15. "Si’ 1-1 1 admitted, when the fame of his stung to death here by’ ■ swarm of Hoomschemeyer, Billy Grimes, Farr.- r ...... 04 I Fo* ...... a. 97 Tueaday, JsA IS \ terribly concerned over corruption COmmunIst-led VIetminh forces. at 7t45. ^ 88, Inaurence Agents Internation­ Mareaa. Radie- aad keater. tost year rvlth the'names Ladder- found fit, they face at feast i7 rioush. rg .. Kasn^Y • ...... m heroic stand spread and he real- hornets. Dart's Dairy (ft) George Tallafe^o, John Dottley. 0.1 4 Buck's V*. Pontiac*, 7—R*a In government. - T>. D^M^rrhant ..... ft.5 — 3.1 Iftft Stock N a 488...... T ...... men, Patrolmen, 'Hoaenrmi, and months of service. NHaoa. Ig .. A l 4 ,|zed there might be quite a f\iai They were playing on a clay al, have been atationed outside of Totals' a. Harm’s vs. Legion, 8:30—Rac. - C. B, Baldwin, nalinnal secre­ the building at 1 Atlantic street, Palmar ...... 109 137 10ft .144 Jim Cason, Bulldog Tunrer, Ed (fltilaera being deilgiiated to each I f accepted, they will report 540 51ft ftU 1873 ■bout him ashore. baaketball court In their school Anniversary Maas Duplin ...... 37 — — ft? Spinkle, Leon Hart, Larry Brink, W?*'coU’8 Victory ToUla ...... 17 M9 17 tary of the Progreaalv# Party. \ An anniversary Mass for the re- which hnueea the diatrict offlcea'nf 1950 OLDSMOMLE "91" team in the four leegrisA May 2 for active duty at the Loa ■I-T (Iti When the last moment* of the Hospital Notes yart when the. hornets attacked Ouah ...... lOft 96 100 104 Don Paul, Stan West and others, " Again thla year an all star Alainadas, Calif., Air Base. poee of the aoula of James and Jhe Prudential Insurance Com­ H^Jm ...... 132 ion 99 .131 Sadie, keater. kydiaemtle. black. ,F. Pts. 'Fl.X’tng Enterprise arrlvM, he and them. Minutes later,, they, were Sft^laa ...... — 84 On the American squad will bo league will to formed with one . Willlama, of course, would to. SlevcniCVrf' I do trot pee how Congress can Anne Keating will be held Satur­ pany, 84 Upset of the Yipar Cnleman/rf ...... I-I 11 Dancy jumpAl togethpl* Into the picked up unconscious near the F . . Dc.M^rrhant ...... — 10 4 99 30.1 tho famod Sammy Baugh, Eddio Oae ewaer e a r...... team from each location playing mtoaed moat of all by his club. Justify these high taxes In tJ)j -_PaUenU Today : ...... 107 brsecta' hest, close to the basket* day morning at 6 o'clock at St. Members of Local 1069. Interna­ ShnrU. rf >,...... ■ea and swam hand Ini ..hand lo- Admitted yesterday: Mrs. Marie Prico, Fran Polsfoot. Pete Plhhs, on Friday nights st the Beat Side The latest from the "Splendid Campbell. If V ...... United Stste* to create liilUion- bkU court. . , r James' Church. tional Brotherhood of Electrical Tnt«l»- . .V>9 513 4ft9 1511 New York, Jah.^ 11.—(Ah—A tsrard the Turmoil. They'..clamber- Hennemiln. 32 dottage street; Ru­ l^n Ford. Joe Gerl, Tony Adamlo, 1949 MERCURY CLUl COUPE Rec. This league is expected to Splinter” waa a big queatlon mark Ferneon. If sires in Europe. Both , died In hospital without Workers, who have been on strike Cnrmicr B. WIniler. r fd up a rope ladder a few'Ynlnutea fus Roblnaon.. East . Hartford; at the Electrical Specialty Com­ 104 ftl ... 187 Ken Carpenter, Lou Groxa, Chuck Black. atert play on Jen. 18th with the Whether to try to play any baae- short left hook shot through the Bell, c ...... / i—Sen Milton.Young (It., N. D.l. regaining consciousijess. They had Anniveraary Maas WHcht ftft ft? ft.*) 278 Bodnarik, Bob. Orode, Bill DudIo> later. \ ■ Jamb Hampton, 12.7 Summer pany, had been called to a meeting .Inhimon .. Steek N a NT-181...... flret geito tO/dbe pleyed-et-ep-; baU. Jiafora ba to summoned. sultry air, landed flush on the jaw Bnllanij. c been atung on their head, legs and A sixth anniversary masa for 90^ ft2 182 and others. Anderson, ra Carlsen atepped onto the Irince street; Mrs. Mary Giemmo. 811 In the- law offices of Cumitilncs Morton , lift ft.1 131 .121 proxImetJly g o'clock. Bchedulee "You have to do your duty when He is going to be very snxloue ■rma-and a number of hornets the repoae^of, the soul of the late Cowlra . Last year Brown and Stydahar. of Exxard Charles and ten seconds 5»lck; ra ...... * f Wales pier In. Falmouth today.,. Middle turnpike east; Susan El­ and Lockwood In the akme build­ ftft lift no in 1947 MERCURY 4-DOOR SEDAN will to ennounced leter et ,tto you'r# told," Ted declared at Rock Thsver.-lg I'ndeed to demonstrate that he la were found Imbedded Jn their akin. Catherine Sartor will be said at Darla .. ftft .ftft Iftft as roaches of the finalists In the later, a weeping Jersey Joe Wal­ Itesling sii overaUed black rain- liott, IS Seaman -circle; Mrs. ing. According to union tradition — Stack. echpej* and Rec buUdtags. Harbor, Fto., where tie reiibria 'the P:, l"«l';r. Ig ...... not a warmonger but a peace- 8:30 tomorrow morning at St. regular league race, staged ss Al/oneo. Ig ■ ileiat he. borrowed from one of hU Elsie Swanson. 84 Tanner street; TofaU . . . . - g i 478 50ft 14ft9 Stedi N a D-487. .rff?;;;.v;?r;;/.. aensational victory of the 8coe* at half tim*. JO-IO Trust. - Geoffrey Crowther, editor of the Admitted today: Charlotte Hll- ...... 114 91 ,R8 29.1 Lone rasualty thus far occurred with either Tommy Oonren or haven’t decided whether to report "I Just cannot find worji* lem and the pickets were with­ Chapman ...... 112 9! ^ 201 Greca." Radio aad keater. 37-year-old gladiator, a 5 to 1 un­ llaixi,. 28 Bjiss street. ^ . 'Vhltp ... to 262-pound Hart.. He relnjured John Cferylni. Two new coaches for spring training." • tnough to expreat my gratitude London Economist., on Winston Aiisalfli to Build drawn for the duration of the ...... ft9 — .Ill 200 Steek N a tr-484...... derdog in hla fifth crack at the On Clean Glasses t>a Ro/’h^lh ...... 94 a muscle in his left leg yesterday - heve been added, Fred McCurry, A t first Willlama aaUI he'ri re- to you," he told the cmwd. Churchill. Births yesterday: A daughter lo meeting. Bolin ftft 183 crown, waa chosen today aa the Rooelve* Honnra Mr. and Mri. Norman Chatel,. *5. Knrtco ...... 90 — 130 no and may aee. limited. If any,- ac­ «fho will help et the Bowers rt to j spring training with the Castellani 8 to 5 no 91. 301 tion. 1951^YMOUTH 4-DbOR SEDAN echool, end Nino Biwglni, at the ilpaet of 1651 by sports writera Honor upon honor was thrust Falknor drive; a son to Mr. and Singapore-(A5—Bar ovtnera In On Wetherell St. Byrholakl r .ed Sox. (flriemnn and- Merriman The more I see of other rtoun- 104 93 19ft BWe. 8A 88 milea Oae ewaer car. Verplenck ardtooL BoUi echoole and aportacastera participating in . «pon tha.,sklpper. Lloyds of Lon­ Mrs. Ruaaell Sweet. 36 O'Leary this thirsty ColoAy have been -V- aald they expected to go to train­ the annual . Aaaociated Press year ‘ Favorite Tonight tries, ths more persuaded I he. Last Night *8 Fights Totala ...... 499 4ft4 403 13<4 V IstenarSlare !>■(■« and Rec buUdtnga will to open et 9 don, the liisursnce underwriters, drive. warned to keep their glaasee and Seven $ dwellings will be VIe’a Seda Ska* (tt.r Stock N a N t-IS i...... ing. and report to the Marinea on end poll. come that ths English are a..very 6,000 •aiMMMlty Freaa* <4) o’clodt Seturdey aMwaing.' ttate."“ " ■ — ~--- . — ’ .gave .hlm.A medal. King ..Frederik odd people.-Their virtue* aiv due : Discharged vestefday,; . tyrnajd (ipibl^fs iihiny-c|4*ii... ;.r:' .McK^nca . 173 I.-*-....,, a ... It'waa a-yearof bigiapacta.wUh. built on Wetherell-street by 'An­ ,CV»nk .... Ha'rrTaori. r’f ,.: in i FtTftiOUTH CAMiRIDOE Neiv York, Jan. ii-H >>—Clover" o f Denmark—Carlsen ia a Danlsh- to their \ices and their rices to Pepin. Rockvnie; Mrs: Helen The.Bosird of Licensing Justices B y T h e Afiaoc^iatad P rem • 102 104 89 395 ...... 4 3 in tw o' others ranking close tn the 8 drew. Ansaldl. accnrdliig to build­ -K. flaaton ...... ’33.5. Miilvey. If ...... 1 1 3 Rocky Caatellani to an 8 to 8 fa­ h®ni .Jh*luXl4*.*'|ed Brit o f- a Tvgnlatton rerjutrtng publlr ing permits iaeued today by Build­ gtn’. 138,' St. Paul, knocked out ...... 112 97 93 103 Mrirphj-. rx ., ...... 0,3. 2 Slae.''ste4dk N a NT-I B8. T T. i...... • a a a e ere don't miss th« Turpin’s decision victory oyer mid­ Christensen. 23 EIro street; John ing Inspector David C ip h e r * .. Johnson Temple(o,n. lx . 3. , 1 :.,-X . .Coast/Guard- announced -lak-. phDos^ther.- - ^ . v.v ■, — Ji’lWU mashing nra* Y.rier,- -'Ir, , , !>. ;,v,. O'; dleweight- champloa Rky: Rtotaiii J...... -plMwfor a'fonnal commendation: ,w»ifett*beD«n .T « .t j) o it Traitof. : Th a pennits: New.JWdlord. Maas. — Freddy Total* 19511NBRCURY CLUR COUPE ta London 'and 'the!^ew York knl|J«t.wha» they Park; Mrs. Ruth , Roche: .;and stroctlai^qf Mvqs dwenhtgs wi(h Ml 559 433 MAf ikk . nivw,iri«. in th*‘./9^n tea fOMBdar.:^ jCSn"tfSn7 nM.-he rkepb ;ptetoi«r '■'They' %aVe ""meftj y-''■ .extWided Hajmstaad, m . Bpria«aaid.TMasA. :|Bs!i;TWHb^Aii.:)Hiitor. Dtanta'’:,i^va..li*at:.^thq :,Bii)9o)t!yii dingMer, 12' Wohistr circle. each'cohtatnfaig fOiS? rcmira ahd a outpointed Manuel Batista. . ■raa'« lit - „ ■ nerarea’i ( « ) ^ Dodgers' to the - National League MadtaOh.'.'Bqttirti’' ’OiiWIeh.’'’ ' ■ Srf his wife and two children by their delaylna tactics from refusi bathroom. 131 5V#rrer : Uu«v. rf ...... 3 3 « Like Ww. Stock N a r-487...... *2 T »5 Discharged today: Richard Law- Nev: Bedford, . (Main regular ...... ’ I'l? inn loi .Its pennant . Tha alMTp-shooting Teanack, kis side and pra.ved to Ood dur­ ing to (Uscuss prisoner exchanae rence, 18 Bliss street; Ann Biishey. Public Recoi^g 8 B.reert .» /.....-...... iij »a Ku ing his two week fight to bring the bout on Jersey Joe Walcott-Jackle O'Riley TfenfSehel. e I j. f itir teicou i cosM oTOuraN cu n cou rt A total of 215 ballots were crut N. J., middleweight, called ta as a altogether In discussing It with­ 670 North Main street: Shirley Furhr ..; ...... » p »S S19 Kuhimsnn. rx ...... 1’ ' I 3 sub for Paddy Toung, wlUpped th* damaged vessel Into port. i. I Burke exhibition card)...... isr.-iiT <» jja KInrman, la ...... o 1 1 in the poll and 58 voters named out any conclualvenesa. Ambrose. 28 Middle turnpike Smith ...... _I*n 119 119 3sa s Warraalee Deeds Jersey Jo*'s victory as the No. 1 Bayonne Bomber in thatr first The sea finally claimed his ship. Bria. Oen. William Nuckola. west: Mrs.'Eleanor Crockett. 61 RCA Marks 50th New York (Sunnyside Garden) ’ ear. Stock N a O-SSS...... $1795 I t did not down the fighting sklp- ‘ Grover Ivan Mitchell and Har­ -Ralph ’T ig er" Jonea. 150, Ynh- Totala ., T'lsls ...... - ...... B 10 jj W N H C - T V upset, 'niere were 52 first place meeting two yeaik age and thlnka 1447 DffSdll^ftEDAN , UN spokesman In Korea. Drive A: Mra Violet YankowakI Score at half'ttnie is-lo Vic's. votes for Turpin's triumph and aa he'* a cinch to do it again. Toung fsr. riet Ann Mitchell to Scientific Re­ keis, N. y., and Bobby Uoyd. C H A N N f t ft and daughter, 245 Center street: frigeration Oompairy. Inc.l, prop­ Radio Anniversary Mapaaro 1949 MERCURY S ^ T SEDAN man.v cast for the Giants. On a auffered an aye Injury a taraek or 1f47 CHBVftbLEY TOW N SEDAN . "What are. you going to do after Roland Wilson. South Windsor: 145iq, New York, drew, 8. Phllllpp : Maarkealer Msdfs I34( Mereea Redto ead heater. ■n this, captain?" a reporter Carryiiia toothbrushes around erty. In rear of 638 Ihirker streeL Anfleraon ::::::::::: IS !SJ liJ V4 I D P . M . . Iraala of three points for a first so ago and CastalUni waa brought Mrs. Gertrude Baker. Tuckahoe. Philadelphia — George Benton...... ill no m 9M B. r. Ptp. Steeh tta. $7—28R $ 1 4 9 5 1f4ft HUDSON 4-DOOft •sked. ouaht to be Just as acceptable aa William J. Leone and FioriJd. New York—t ^ —The chairman 164, Philadelphia, outpointed Hollv ...... in* lai -iM .959 .Moalor. rf ...... 0 3 place nomination, two for a sec­ in aa a replacemenL carrying combs. lipstick and N. Y.; Catherlne-ftobb, 168 Center Zwick Lnril. rf ...... «. ond, and'on* for a third, Walcott Rocky to going to find Durando 1950 DODOE MEADOWMtOOK 4-DOOR "I'm gonna keep going to sea," street. Leone to Sal\*atore A. Bucclno and of the Radio Corporation of Amer- Mims, 156e, David Sanroff, recently saluted Spokane. Wash.--Bobby Woods. Totala , ...... SS2 .544 "siw i»ii rind-ll. If ...... 4 1 9 S f f r H t M A T THUS H I T O M 1950 DffSOTO CUSTOM 4-DOOR / Carlsen came ashore' at thi* - Dean Harry Lynns of the Vernon street. Hair, c ...... a ... 8 0 ft Mereea. Radie and heetorrftne ewner ear. pin and 259 for the Gianta. 3Vhat he was two jraara ago. Evan the 50th anniversary of the first 128, Spokane, stopped Marlin Ed­ Raver. X- ...... y»mlsh fishing town from the tug Medical College of Virginia. DonaM M. Marshall and Sheila wards. 128, Seattle, 8. ... 4 3 10 Stock N a E-427...... *. $ 1 5 9 5 The list of top upsets with then Castellani waa decked for 1950 DODOE CORONET 4-DOOR SEDAN radio signal sent acroes the Atlan­ Brnnetf. Is ...... 1 1 Vhlch tried for six days to get his About Town R. MaraKall to Robert W. Brodeur tic by sending the - letter "S” V. i polnta based on three for a first eight in the third round to n pow­ 1950 lU IC R R IV iaU SUPER 2-DOOR •torm • battered, heeled • over It takes two to make a deal. If and Ethel B. Brodeur, property at Totals ...... ii ~4 1910 CHEVROUT CLUl COUPE place vote, ■ two for aecohd and erful right. Rocky got up and pack­ 38 Pheipe road. around the world at a gathering V, R. Clroa Sweep j Sports ItLirror 3ft 194ft DnSOTO C LU l COUPE ftvighter Into port and then had there were no busineeemea willing of radio executivea in the Waldorf- NIrkal'a rt m » tat ktoek. Haator. Lew mllaege. one for third (first place vptaa in ed Durando'a ayes'out after that The baked bean ham supper Cheerful Hoiitea. Inc., to Francis Ttilly. rf ...... 3 1 7 parenthesesI; to pluck him from the Atlantic to pay for .apenal favors, then which the Men's Club or the North Astoria Hotel. London—(N B A ) — The United Hahn. If ...... Steek N a N T - lil...... •aaaaaaea . .. $ 1 4 9 5 with a flashing left liand Jab. 1941 PLYMOUTH 4-DOOR SEDAN 8. Fisher and Violet H-i-Fiaher. Today A Year Ago—The NCAA 3 1 S Walcott over (fliarlaa (58i . .. 296 Th* boxer 3ra the- puncher gen­ lust before she sank. certainly public officials would Methodist Church, was to' have Statea In 1648 became . the first Vlitn-r. e ...... *•... 3 3 K M o t o n l a T V 194R PACRARD CLUl SEDAN > not be tempted into wrong doing. property on Eaatfield street. He pressed a series of three re4mmmended a ban on live TV of Hnlmea, rx ...... 1 0 3 Turpin over Robinson (62) -.. 262 erally providra a good altow and Hero’s Welrome ■trvsd tomorrow eventngjraabeen “dits” on a telegraph key. . The nation 'in hlatory to sweep all games. Belble. (a ...... --D. A. HUlcy, preeldent of Marriage Ueeaee ** «... 3 1 5 ALL AROVE CARS HAVS THE FAMOUS ''ED" Ctont* winning pennant (52i . 258 thto sltould to no excaption. Tha . jTTie fishing folk of Oornwall, ^ttponad imUl Saturday evening. signals were heard over a loud­ Olympic mcir’a swimming and dlv. Five Years Ago—Eddie Welsh Xnl*i* •xjv* 1«,«>j A*A_ll 5- -37 ftr f X e U I D V f O U E M U f t l D S O M N , Ibg ■ gsAsrationa have imown U. 9. dUuTtber of Commerce; ■William Michael Haberera. MlchlgaB State over Notre 10 p.m. re.a.t.) tout’ will be broad­ Mancheater, and Norma Louise speaker the luncheon gathering tag avisnta—ta the Wembley pool, 880->-ard run in fta men and reeperted and feared ouulde London . i Score at half time. 10.13 Nkbola. ~ SULLIVAN S A fi RUY USED CAR W ARRANTY ★ IROUMMHI MRP0RM4MCV Dame ( 8) ...... 48 cast to -ABC and Telecast ’by 7(BC; Wytus. Hanover, Mane. less -than one-eighth of a secdiid w lu igtiu of Columbua gaiiiea at Bbuthera Meth(idtot over I s might, gave bindm a conqueror's We Imposed on the teaching pro- B(MIB METALa<|HUA8HBO ^ Brooklyn in 1:57.2. iM e waiter John GIgnec, Hartfoird. 4at*r—after they had trawled Oellege Haakelhall Notre Dame (5) ...... 30i Fra BsahatiMlI A t A Otaaaa f cation a grand and glorified Waahlagtea. W T I — *. No Mare Na. 18 T e n Years A go—Ted BUenwood i t IMSTAHT "tJUmtr 7UMN0 i A t the top of the-steps were liis and Barbara Ann Stockman, Man- aroiuid the world. Marciano over Louts (5i ,... 23 day nnrsery. They are not numlng The gavenuneat taday ordered a ' cheater. . captured the Eastern Statea speed Chicago Loytria 08, 8L John'i » o ^ a i^ father. Mr. pjid Mrs. scholarly instltutlona Sanroff also exchawed gtpet- East Lansing, Mich.— (N B A )— Indiana over Ohio State (St 22 NBA ■harp ewthaek la aae s f amiala RulUlag Permit •hating title, awee^ng alt four (Brooklyn). 64. , Texas Tech over Texas aUrtln Otrlsw, who flm r from -^^-l^gate Darden, Jr, president ings by radio-telephone, with Mar-, All-America Don Ooleman’a No. races, at Saratoga Springs. Boston W. Fort Wayne 84. for heme baUdlag aad afamist To G; Walter Snow, alterations chess Marta Cristina Marconi, Duke 74. N YU T2. Christian (4) ...... ,... 21 ~saA to greet their hero wm of V. of Virgthia,...... on AnMAmerican IS has been retired, the firat time ORIARTY’ > Syracuae JIO. N*w JTork 88. OKN EYENIIfIS MHflL I •0 typsa af rivtiiaa oaaatnMttaa and additions to a dwsUtag at 120 widow o f the wlrtleM tavntor, Tears A g o - Mac Smith Seton Hall 60, (Teightaa 44. •tonford winning PX7.C. FB I It lookad U)w ha and.his ship high schools. hrgtaiiiag Apttt L a MlcbJigaa-BUte athleta haa been woa the $7,500 Open golf tourna- 4S1 MiMIe Taraplkg East TtL S-11S4 Walnut strMt, 8150. and her daughlch. . < as honored. Penn State 01, Syfaeuxe 57, UUe (5)-; 21 Hoehay A t A Otaawa DtSOTO uiri PLYMOUTH CAB8 Vifl meiit at Lara Ajigelea, firing a 281. ' WlUiamx 68, ChompUla 48. Vanderbilt jever Kentucky ta SEC BKB (2) 18 Natiaael Laagaa 241 NORTH MAIN ET. MANCHESTER k iP J Mauraaa CotmoUy, toanto (2) »18 Detroit 8, New YoS ». » w , ' , V i-' n j-k-K-'..<^*iiia5r.fSW^ r-.MT.'.r *■ ' '■■•• • ' •' - rTiNiAi^ ?>./ V-^''

lUNCBi^m Evim M & i a a m i ^ l i b ^ ^ > U T j( H » W A Y BY J.B .W ILLIA IIi O O B B 0 ABB 1M 6 H O U S E

13 f l K r B i i r MilliiHIB Tt4e ffA N BLO M MUST MAKE ROOM FOR RANGB BmAMn aag pot bumsri OONTACr a R. U BeBbol «t A m u e n v E v«ra ffWW GOT YMAP - \ VUDSFT/w MOU'TiM claoMd. sarviead aad repaired. fllaotronlaa lo r infOrmnHon em^ « A W P I W ILLlM ANTtO—HuotUng, popu­ boBM With thraa badtoaa<,rbailt A m a .v B u to to t Zodf 1962 TRADE-IN ARRIVALS Joaeph Soaiia. Phoaa 3-0167. earning training and Job oppor- 3-073L T»^AWYBOPypDiMT% I VBRV,|j0aia.7OU The oOvar tialaff'a< a i lar aaock hor with duitea rortpaa about five yaara nawly paibitad. I nrror yatluys lomg ’ /iunitlao m BadtOr ^ Etaetron- living room 11% x 38 wHh H A |4U5 06t 1360 Studahakar Champiaa 4-Dr. TOUR Knapp ahoa oaloamaa, RBUABUD and Btaiad» M dr dd- ARBC W A«l% "k£dfad^ia' and.Masons In “ boar hast to do’* jcs> AT. P u t naesoNAuirx iS a s r e Whaaavar ona lynM iw lea. Tstoviatoa. Otn Hartford toehidod. Fine opportunity for tia ra dining room 13% * 14, oak HOLOtiOGA How miMli is MUr _ A D V t . —Radio and baatar, ovordrtva. tact W. r SulUmM. 60 M ou 7^:6318, or drop In at 30 AHpa " part or fun " ...... qgf -4Mais»" rABlgebtadniSiiaa,. VBdffaaHy tert It ht^ otaaat, Raic|nrlUa.PlMM SS^'SallB FSSiSt-'- 'E v r enopit. c m h xuAffoui a with, teiacn throuj^ut CuSnot kffclu -^ D Brr.fioinBt o feo ^ H 0*tlbW;"Onwi. '" • -- an, fun eoaerata etilnr, hrawntar C O M T ^ f vlaeae .that Ws tanraar twA m 1606 sWtohakar Chomplim 3-Dr. 8-5364. ohd outolda E a n tta r. 3-J6U o r 4673. whan. aha anU rahbita • a i A . M . t o 4 t M P . l L —Radio and hantar, ovardrlva. WAIMR raU TA — SItgaltai (oil), eoppar tubing. Lat 9| k 100, Tha official court hnnoa leiko- AiHEB AND RubMsb U t M t u le faster than any ottar oa ------tank and 88-gaL oU dnuu. $18. RaaaonaSly prknd at 1344601 6 M alW atar haa ona Jeka that ha pouk «a 1343 Studahakar L m A Cniloar 4* Call Norman r . Plarea C an 1-40641^ f 4f f S a fe n Bnehatve with Walton W . Cbn|it, U fe o k s oonr GLoewG ifM B Dr— Radio and. M otor, over* M o r t g ig M M ia iit fe ttxart mspRy eou^ta white thay a n aignlng Mr Doctor—TottVa hoon a irittF Sanitary ' RRafuoa afu oi 4 t Realtor, Hartford 8-7884, Ena- It A N S a M ~ a marriaga lieonat. v rOK CLA88VIEP ADVT. SHvo. Manckaatar. TaL 3-0383. TK>OIh*nr 3368^ e s p e c i a l l y FOR YOU ... nlnga Manohaatar 8100. . U la s M e h < lid attiemain. In fa eM a ^ M w r . ^ lO A X U U A a tfti Jokaatar—Young man, do,yon NS M A M «B Srrt and " B B L U r 1961 J l l 4 1 know why mnrriaa man Uva long­ MON. IH BU FSL 1347 StudahakW SUrUght Cham­ nmnettGibsqT ioN; oia moatgai^ far our who are Jitoking for . a . moat at- tlon that puUod you through, pion—Heater, .ovardiive. WANTBD--: fl5d.. -SWViC9s> ...... I-LAiekB""-'" THE ORANVILLi- opportunity- _ “Ya^/teava~tO' hondla this ekUd Shun not |ha rtnggto— fhanlt:^ 30 Oakland’ fctreet ■ __ ^lBtia-iii.fbB 8i l t 2 S airtat. BdHdd. Bhooa BUCKBY VIMN very carefully. Hcmember, you'n Mandwoter 3-3468 Guaranteed erork. OfBea 6387; ^ n e r u R B s 5 HATTUCKCO. ByLAHKlaOHABD ■tu God'a g tttT ^ L o a r — I M O T t waiKt ctmtalh- ippliaa. Free pickup and delivery and SMOKER with a aenslUva. hlgh- B a Stro ng ! In f aum of money and valuable WOMlM^Bgm Bumay. Plaoaaat, 18 LaSalla Road Priced At Only | 18,400 / (((ll.K I.J,, irvice. Friendly Typewriter COLLIB PuppMs A.RC., beauti­ l^ TlfMWfUWjl /» 1NI tH k m o u m m m m ntUa atlnkar.” Say net, "Tha doyc o n evU. YVho'a papare. finder return to ISS Eld* 1387 DODGE sedan. Radio, heat­ full ok port Umo aalghborliood Tan Yhia M Alhart’a way to eala- W est H artfo rd —T e l. ah' t o b la m a r i S ervice, 1308 Mala atr^ Beat W rlU Box U, Horald. fully marked, nice Umperament. b n ta 'th a 'N ew Taar-;-Ramsmbar rldjtc etreet. er, good tlree, price | 75. Oall/i Hartford. TM. 0-0784. Eveninga Mancheater I CHARLES LESPERENCB AM OS . . WB/ IOOSTL . One buatnaaa man wa know aayi And fold tha hands .and aeqclaaos 3-8130 before' 6, o r $736 a fte r y SuBoat View Kcnaala, 506 K aaney whan you trads with uo, you’re w n u M i t l m o K M iirT iM It’a hard for him to docldo whathor — 3DR stitching, also ^rl street. none^ 76. 21 St. John Street ______m m m i m m a s — —oh, ahamq!/^ L o s t —P an Terrier, fe ^ e , white CABIN ET MAKZNO, reOnlah and doing hiialneaa with a Mg, reliahia EAST HARTFORD, Cape 46W)pc90lll to haa a BepubUcaaRepubUcan and go to tha stand up> • apanx p o t e out n t , and hrsvcly, with black epote. Anewere to 13SQ PORD Cuatom 4-door, miocallaneoua work and an r t ^ h ackad by 41 yean of honest Cod, fun ahad ir, large lot, P h o n e 8620 repair furniture. Oomicea made to rienced atuffer waatod for rxsssmr SlPM oco houaa—or ha a Democrat and ui Oed'gdama. "Beauty.” Tel. 3*06t l or 3-B008 ceonoriea 1343 Praxcr grille, order. Phone 3-3538. John Hahn. flne location., 13,800. Made- M lhiteh .buUd them . Ba Strongr SOO. Phone 3-8080. ----- 1 two montha. K a-rair Cloth Pdnltiy aaJ 8 b p b H6s ~ 4 3 line Smith, ir. 3-1643 o r BT. JOHN Btreat—Raduead. Full tO ST—Small white kitten, Mon' /Toy Oo., HIMIard a tr^ SHOWN BY APPOlNTMraiT six rooms apd bath, 8 and S, oil I t matton not how im g la - CARPENTER Will frmina your W HITE ROCK pullets, Ava months ONLY DtmiNO DAT OR EVE 4673. ^ M Futlaa In a dalljraiy room at tha 1 tranehad tha wrong. day in vicinity of North. End 1343 PONTIAC Stroamllne^ four, unOntahod upstairs room* Raa/ Btaam beat, larga pordh. gangs, ton Lylng-fn Hoopital Apcil , door deluxe, Hydramattc/ Radio BOOKKEEPER for Hartford old. 83.25 each. CaU 8798 a fte r f o r APPOINTMENT PHONE 38 Hew hard tha hotUo goes, too day Pindar call 3-4344. sonable. Phona 3-4391. / 4 p. m. SUBURBAF^Brand new two bed­ ameslte drive.*ExoalteiR location. 1081, at exactly 13:36 a. m., Mra how lo a f; and heater, white wall Urea. A oalea organisation. Parmanent HARTFORD 6-0888 room ranu. Knotty pine kitchen, Quick occupancy. Priced to call. t t O o S S r * position, ability and adequate . AFTER 7 P. M. 46-4660 M H c a lt Jennie Mirotta Sur gave birth to Fhiat net—ight on! Tnmnircw low mileaga car, in perfect con­ LINOLEUM Ramnanta 80c tile bat^ oil heat, large lot. Suburban Realty Oa., Itehitera, a aon in the aoma room when aha oemaa too oqng. AimOBlICCBIMltS dition, 81,438. Call C^entry 7< yard. Asphalt tile, wall covs/lng. axperienca to handle complete sat Qnly .tIMOO. Barbara Woods 3702. 541 Main atreet 8318. .nf.bookf, .Salary.. commenourato' A rtidcii for Sals 45 waa bom April 36. 1636 at exactly —hlattWo OavcBpcrt Bflbeoto. jn rw STORE' hdure at Muneon'e ■■7428, ...... Dene by TSliaUa; wril-tctoed A —t —Bi-^E—R —T— s / 13:33 a . m. to ability. Reply in own handwrit­ n o u h t a ;PARK—New. Excellent NEW! Two or Ttareei-Bedreem candy Kitchen are fiSO to 3 men. All Jobe guarantees Hall POLAROID Land camera, ax- 43 >UIyn 8 t. Hartford —Andrew D. Oolaart New Toefc Hiadaight ahows you how n aUa- 1380 PONTIAC Chle^n alx aedah Linoleum Oo., 86 Oottaga'atreet, ing outing full partieulan and Opan Thura. Evaa. *TU t P. M. 6- r M s atin i g le , 4 flnlahed, 3 un- Homeo. Hpllln Brothera Phona C ity . weakdaye, 10 to 3 Sundaya. coups, deluxe modM, fu lly equip­ background. Writs P. O. Box poBUre meter and carrying caoa, taka look! from tha roar. Phone 3-4033, evenings/6166 d r equal to new, for complete flnlahed. Owner transferred. 3-9331. ped. Beautiful ^laek Anlah. 1131, Hartford. $88 WE BUY and sell good used furni­ Shown by appointment Phone CHRISTOPHER Robin Nuraery 6100. QutAt., Phona 3 -0834. __ BOOTS AND HEH BUDDIES CARNIVAL " B Y D r a f r i echool haa winter term openln* Baleli Ponliae, M ueheatar' Fhoha ture, eomMnhtieu-. ranges," gaa '6378; ■;... - ...... O FF CENTER street: 6-6 d u p l« r Abidafely'Sfm BY EDGAKHAHTIN SIDE GLANCES BY GALBRAITH 7 - . SATURDAY WORK for high Two-car garage; OO heat In- • for child to 3 yaara old. Call 3 4548 ANTIQUES RcAnlahed Rapalrlu PAIR of Girl's ahoa akataa. Sloe rangaa and haatara. Jodaa Fural- -W SM tl school seniors, t)rping and tura Btora. 8d Oak. Phona |-104L BOLTON terior needs redecoratJrtT. Im­ tAorra-v w \x 1 MNOto 3-lON. Mm D. L. Ballard, Tt done on any fumItUM Tiemamlt 7, 88: Girl's bieyela, 830. T a l. u k ' 2 0 % DOWN/ON ANY CAR South Main atiV t Phone clerical work in Hartford. Ap­ . mediate occupancy, 814,800, E x ­ -WAWl VM>« too. n .Y o o , i Lakewood Circle, South. 183 ply Box S, Herald. 6375 0 LISTED BELOW— 8648. Charming six room single clusive with Maddoefc and oMi. oisw ottn^ Hte*W M : ■ f t ' BEAUTIFUL Crocheted Afghan. BiSeliliifrT sad Tooli 52 deVoB, Realtors. Hartford 2-0385. jikirc NOOto . I'-1 LEARN -to drive a car. aafely, A l l RECENT TRADES W AITRESS Wanted. SUady work, with two car garage, stone quickly and |ffleleatly. Tou One Hudson Seal fur coat. Bias fireplacer oi) burner, brass Evenings Hartford 82-0123, 88- XIAMtetoNtWto*. ON NEW , DODGE and good pay. Apply in person. Tba 36-40. Ona Herringbone strips SNOWPLOWS for trucks 'and 1481, 8-0189, 3-9070, 83-4848. may get an Immedlata appoint- Hoaschokl' SenrietB'— T e a Room, 888 Main street pluM infl^,.insulated, lot. 208* ■ ment by ealling Mancbeeiar Auto PLI^UTHCABS —-Offowi'- '18*A' wqqJ. coat with, datachable fur garden tractors.. Balactloa caasant 1 ** O rlvins Academy, .Phone 3r40l 7. lin in g . SUM 88-40. One RCA- mixers, garden tractors, /sqUlp- X 840*, on m ain roa40 ' Chevrolet______4-;Dr.—Black, 8398. replaced. yMarloWa Little Mending BAKER'S Helper wanted. No ex­ 3390 a n e r 6 p. m. 1383>83 ChevroletChav ■ • Coupe " — HInck Shop. E v e n in g s 6938 o r 2-4278 BDCC^LLENT Building lota with perience necessary. Very good LARGE SWISS MUSIC BOX— all Ultlllties In double A. B and WANTED—Rida to Aircraft frOm 8338. USED WOOD storm windows Lika new. With balls. BaauUful Cooper HiH etreet: t -to A :80. FLAT FINISH Holland nrindow. salary. Apply 14 Depot Square, Home Listings Wanted A xonei. Phone 6378. img ChevrciTet Mnafer Deluxe 2- o r c a ll 6198 an ytim e;---- and Kreen;, good condition and tone, orehaatra aoaortmanL. Ran- Phone 8108. / Dr.—Black—819.1. shades mads to moaauro. AU good p rice. C a li 3-0346. N ath aonable. Telephone 3887. MANCHESTtR — New 6 room 1938 Plymouth 3-Dr. — Green, metaf Venetian blinds at a now COUNTERMAN Wanted to work Sales, 31 Bilyue Road. ganiaon colonial modem through­ COME ON' A My houOa and I trice. Keyo made wKUa you NEW, USED, ranUla RetNla, BUILDING LOTS for sale. L. A L L E Y O F F TVonUt CoBiiaff Up win give you lota of thinga, bui Wack-^3 1 8 0 . n ig hts, 8 p. m. to 12. Apply Deci'a out tile bath and lavatory, pic­ Bartholomew. Phone 2-O A l. 1987 Dodge 4-Dr. — Black — 8100. M arleW n Drlva-In, Center street. atringa, mutM, stands, acees- ture book window, hot water oil don't come until yoii have mall THERE.THMPB WHMTB -MMW rvEflO r r* SKILSAW for sale. Brand Boriaa. Re]>airlag. CartiAed In­ heat nice view, good location, BUILDINQ LOT, 78’ X 200* a t the LAYlfP RCAOVIDBITE ed your gift in''the March SOLIM ENE, Inc. O LD , r e l i a b l e Arm has open­ new. CaU 2-0669. struction. Music for aU oceeslona. beat of construction, full price AN lOCAf LOOKI C Dim aa. / \ Green. Wm. Kanehl, Contractor ACHUNKOumoe GETOINNyOUT Dodge-PIymoiilh Cara Roofinf—Sidinr '1 6 ing for local salesman. Twelve Ward Krause, 87 W a ln u t 5386 116,800. Call Ellaworth Mitten, DINNV EVERY T1HC EXCELLEN T Opportunity to ac- and Builder. Phone 7778. OFTNEr ‘ i m MART Helen- and ______J^ l'?^..‘Drucka montha steady income. No off oca- agent. Mancheater 0030. ______^PbciAUZB -ln rooAng and -aonarNo-deltveTtea.-no eoPaettona; quire-used-Reynolda- PrinUolgn "What a/delicioue luncheoit I 634 Center St7 Phone IIOX or 5l62 machine. Very good condition, Bafe Place To Buy Used Cara siding. Highest Qtiallty ma­ no Investments. Bualness booked W ssrinc Appsrcl—F b i b 57 Snbarbui For Sslo 75 had at the Club Chianti for only terials. Workmanship guaran­ 8180; sold hew $800. Inquire Bur­ MANCHESTER 3Sc. Helen, why not And out for from two to eight months in ad­ PRACTICALLY New brown cara­ teed. A. A. Dion, Inc., 399 Autum n vance of shipment to customers to n 's VERNON—On the hill. Brand new youtdelf and paaa tha^ word 1940 PORD POUR-DOOR SEDAN street. Phone 4860. cal fur coat, oixa. 16. Reaaooable. Wa are atarting to build four . listing, the kind' ao ■many want, on open account. No material T a l. 2-2848. •W’ —1150. . Phone 3-0841. ahorUge. Tangible merchandise. ROYAL AND Smith-Corona port­ raoms’. plus two. unfinished, brick and ao hard to find. Eight acres, - GUARANTEED RoOAng ahd roof able and standard typewriters. front homes on large lota. Porch, THE PROSPECT tor Would Ilka to interview men with practically new hoire, five rooms, 1383 CHEVROLET engine ntrta. repairing. Gutters and conduc­ All makes of adding machines full cellar, plastered walla, fire­ hath, flrat floor, expansion up, young chDdraa. dargarten, tors. Coughlin . experience in direct to hqma Bell­ W s B t* 6--T<> B s y 58 tranamiaaion. radio, radiator. 7707 ing or desire to leant. Pay very sold or rented. Rapalra on aU place, open atalrcaae. hot water full ceilai, hot water heat, cl^ . lOndergartctt. ly- through Raaaoiiable. Phona 3-1406. makes. Marlow.’a. oil heat, fully insulated. ..garage. Prlday. Tranaporta fum lah* liberal, no blank weeka. Write, W ANTED—Madiutt aiaad ■wund-' water-- Two-car garage. -Near - Walker, Box 203, Newark, New robe trunk. In good condition. bus. 815,000. Walton W. Grant, ad. Mre Lola iyi d irecto r. I^W PRICES. 1047 Chevrolet R tw fin g 16-A LIV E.B A IT, ahinera for ice Ash­ We also have listed a five room Phono 4367. / tudor, 8738. 1346 Plymou^ tudor. Y o rk . ing. 30 Frankliii atieet, Rock­ Phone 3901. ranch type, full cellar, oil hot Realtor, Hartford 3-7884 eve­ nings Manchester 3160, or FYank 86WI. 1941 Pontiac aedati. 8880. COUOIIUN ROOFS stay on in v ille . 5-4170. water heat, full insulation, plaster­ left ■ BALLAKDS D rl^ School. Man* WANTED.— Full or Part Time WANTED—Plano in good condi- ed walla, tils bath, fireplace in Pln ney 3877. A ll guaranteed. Raiy te/m». Cttle any kind of storm! For guaran­ _ Day Drivers. Apply City Cab, Uon. Reasonable. Call 2-4230 ■I T " n v cheater'a oldeet TOoueanda of ac Motors. teed rouAng call COughlin. Man­ B O LTO N — BuUdlng Btona- and momtnga. living room and basement, Youngs­ eident free Inemetlon houm 83 Purnell Place. Aagatone. Bolton Notch Quarry. town kitchen, lot 90’ x 160’. C ity CHRIS W ELKIN , Planeteer Here She Is Again BY HUBS ^^yiNTERBOTHAM l^»l^•la^&x 4a B i^ > _ chester 7707. Wanted—Real Eatate 77 Hundrada of utiaSad atudenta'. 1343 CHEVROLET a^Un, nicely MEiCHANic WANTED — Dodge Phone 2-0617. Stanley Patnode. water and sewerage. . Por appointment telephone 3* reAnlehed. Good running, looks ROOFING, SperlaUxing In repair­ and Plymouth dealer haa opening TABLE SAW with motor and 3F,LUNO TOUR proportyt **AN tMg eewemment grafU Hain*k yau btllar ratura 3348. like later model. Oo^ tranipor- ing roofs of all kinds. Atio new New two atory Colonial, down- for flrat class mechanic. Good Electric DriU. Tel. 2-1506. atairs lavatory, full bath up. Fire­ Whether it ba a lot, houaa or Hwat dgara tha paapla an veur mall roula gtvt you for tatlon, very reaiybnable coat. roofs. Gutter work, dilmneya working conditions and top Diamonds—Wateht bustneaa in town or country, you Douglaa Motora. 3^ Main atrecL WANTED- -Used fumitura. Liv­ place, thermopane picture window, Chriitmaar ‘ BDGSBUNNT •I' cleaned, repaired. 36 years' ex­ wages with chance for advance­ Jewehy 48 large living room, three large bed­ will gat prompt and parsoaal Mlaa for Sals perience. Free estimates. Call ing Bobm, bedroom, kitchen o r FUNNY BUSINESS SELECTED Used jc»Tt at Clarke ment. See Joe Lawton, Service rooms, ample closet space, nice lo­ aervica by caiUna Ellaworth M IL BY HEHSI^IIEHGER 1343 CHSyltOLBT Club coupe, . Howley. Manchester 8361. Manager. Solimene, Inc., 634 Cen­ LEONARD W. YOST. Jawalar, ra­ entire households. Let us make cation. Price $ , . ten. agent-Phona 86* 0. FFB TUNA LEFT THE Motor Sales, 301 Broad etreet. il paira, adjuata watches expertly. 16 300 radio, heater, tutone green, fiill T e l. 2-2012. /■ ter street. * you an offei. Tha Woodshed. ------price 8448! Worth much more. Reasonable prices. Open daily. Phona 3-3184. Four rooms’ first floor, ona room LIST- W ITH an artiva oonearn for oSSSm/ A - L r t . Douglaa Motora, 388 M ain. 1380 CHEVROLET P 6rdor sedan. Hestingt—Planbing 17 b o d y a n d f e n d e r r e p a i r Thursday evenings. 129 Spruce completed second floor, one room rellabla ebnrtaoua oarvloa. Frao ♦ .P fiA C K / Radio, 81.298. Compara MAN WANTED. We have a Street. Phone 3-4887. unfinished. Full shed donper, hot appralaa) arrtviag at aatictaetory EFFICIEN T Plumbing and heat­ R o o b m Withoot Board ■V-: 1383 CHEVROLET. Radio, heater. thla car and price anywhere. Im- very good proposition for the .59 water oil heat, fireplace, plasten^ aalllng prtca to yra Tha Allan Good W ""*hg condition. good ing. Plugged drains machine right ' man: top . wages plus walla and many other features too, poasibla to duplicate. Douglaa cleaned. Phone 6497. TWO FURNISHED rooms • for Realty Go.' Phocia Manrheatar Urea, raced to aell. Balch-Ponti* Motors. 888 M ain. monthly bonus. If interested In Fuel and Petd 46-A numerous to mention. 8106. making big money, see Joe Law- rant, private home, quiet neigh­ ae, Mancheater. Phone 3*4848. PLUMBING and heating, apeclol- borhood. 39 Holl street. -B E P QR E -YOU ■ B uy a—uaed-car : Ssryice Solim ene. CHAJftLES LESEEREN CE- ----CONSIDBRlNa EHOADKI---- "txtng tir'TepairsrTiW(S9ilffil."cbp-' FIREPLACE aifd FURNACE 1350 BtnCK Special aedanette. tee Oorman Motor Sales. Buick Inc., Dodge and Plymouth Deal- ATTRACTIVELY Fumlehed room 3620 . YOUR PROPERTY? Del^e model. DynaSow. PuUy Sales and Service, 388 Main per water piping, new construc­ era, 634 Center street. Wood fo r Bale. . Phone 2-0811. Without obligation to you, wa tion. Time paj’ments arranged. for rent. Light housekeeping fa- equipped. Low mileage. BiUch ■treet. Phona 3-4871. Open eve­ clUtiea available. Near Mata will appraise or make you a cash Pw tiac, Mancheater. Phone 3* nings. Edwan: Johnson. Phone 6979 or WANTED—First Clash TV S o v ­ S A V E m o n e y now. A ll seasoned MOVE RIGHT In — Everything offer Mr property. Baa ua boMra 3044. iet Man. Must ba experieoecd. hardwood for 6 replace, stove or street and bus service. Young buyer dealres. Six roonu, two un. 48^8. ______couple prefecced. OaU 167 Maple you aell. PRISCILLA’S POP What Eyerjr Wa 1947 _C H E V R 0 LIT fleatmasUr Benson's TV, 718 Main street. furnace, reduced to 816 dellver- flnlahed. Priced right. Call 8509. OTALTEBIIBER C a ll . stree t. Phona 6278 1386 CHEVROLET two*door tudor. radio, heater. See Douglas PLUMBING and heatlAg. Fora- 8588 • ed.. Only SO cords lefL Cut. any. BRAE-BURN RBALTT V49U LOOK CUTE WHEN aedan. Engine Job laet year. last, not Arst. after you've shop­ aces, oil burners and boilers. length. Tel. 7881. MANCHESTER NtXJW efAtol^ VOUR Earl VanCamp. Tel. 8244. AT THE CBNTER^™CIean, com­ Good_running condition. Flione ped all over. Douglaa Motors. 333 F O R 19,800 FOR QUIcnC RESULTS In aelllng IN CiWfMiNO OISARR/^'-. WANTED—DISH WASHER—Ap. SEASONBID Hardwood for furn­ fortable room in quiet borne. 30 your property call Suburban 8636. M ain. Wadsworth atraat N O W a o s v CHEEKS AMtVBK Wff OUfiHto PLUMP f NQ Alterations. New ply Center Restaurant.. ace. stove and fireplace, or any Four room compact home In Realty Oo., Realtors, 841 S lain EVEN ROSIER! work. Repair and water piping. LPfto/*K 'KJVQT A N07f1 «4 0 « } 3S0 CHEVROLET PORDER, desired lengths Call 8301 eve­ ROOMS FDR Rent. Gentlemen good condition, handy to bus, stores street Call 8218. powerglida tranemlaalon. Manchester 8836. SALESMAN to sell ■ direct to nings. 1980 3to Accessories— Tires 6 mothers. The nitionally adver­ ptefeired. 17 Spruee etreet Phone an^sehool. o il heat, automatic hot Chevrolet Pleetline, deluxe tudor. 3-2434. x^ er, storm windows and screens, WANTED -lour proparty to sell Both have radloe, heatere, below THjrtEE ITSED 7:60 x 15 _ tira a QUALITY Plumbing and eaves tised BaBee-Tenda safaty chair .Reliable ouyere waiting with trough work. Call fOr free eati- for babies. - Excellent percentage Gfirden— Farm— Dairy immediate occupancy. A^roxi- kcompetltlon. Douglaa Motora. |Ubta for jecspplng. Phone 2- SINGLE ROOM next to bath, iste ly $2,300 rash required. cash. Finaneea arranged. Wa ‘ M ain. mate. Thomas Dajvkina 3-9669. assures siibstsntlal Income. Ex­ Products SO need 4-8-6-7 room emglsa and 5 clusive territory. Training pro­ private entrance. Near Chcac:ps. Other Matings avai.lable from 0 x11 3317 o r 388 Charter Oak. 88,800 up. tamiiy bouoax. Howard R. Hoot 1341\ CHEVROLET Maater De* JANUART Specials Spark plugs, vided. Leads furnished., car nec- a p p l e s ! Special this week. inga Phone 8-1107. LuxoS-Door.. Price 1378. Phone A.C., Autollta. CSiamplona. S8c Movinir—Tniekiiir— •aeary. dealer for thla . territory Greenings, McIntosh. Wine. Sapi 3*3617 ikftor 13 p. m. * each, diract acting shocks, 88,50 S to ra g e 20 has tiknsferred to Florida Jan. amj., Romes. Phone >8116,' or call Business LDcatioBB ALICE CLAMPET.. a t 829 West Center atreet,~j A 8,000-ix|uare-mile desert of M obil o il 380 qukrt,.. fuel 1. For on Interview write, F o r R e B t ' ~ R e a lt o r NO-iiONkr dbwn on pre-war puUlpo 40% diacount, tire chains MANCHESTER PACKAGE Deliv­ froxen sand has.been diacovared I * BaBee-Tenda Sates, Box ' 690 - 843 Main Street “ care at Clar,ke Motor Saleo, 801 80% diacount. tiros 600 x 16, ery. Local light trucking and New Britain, Conn., or phone 8- EXCELENT Office space on the ArcUc Ocean coast of Alas­ HouschoM Goods avall- Broad atreet.\. Aral line $18.98; Chevrolet car­ package delivery. Refrigerators, 2000. 51 able for professional i A pply P h o n e 2-4643 o r 2-0880 k a . - buretor, Rooheotera 810.90 ex- wAshers and ftova motring a Burton’s, 841 M ain atr ■ •■•REaffaf . specialty. Phone 3-0783. • CABINET TYPE eoal and wood, E V E R V C A R chang^^ This Is only a sample of SHIPPING aerk wanted. Also and gas range, also three-burner CAPTAIN EASY FoHower Felhmed BY LESLIE TURNER .opening for young man for gen­ MX i N s t r e e t near ikst Office, p la a t o r RECONDITIONED THE thv savings to bs hsd on sutomo- THE AUSTIN A. CHAMBERS Perfection oil rtove. Both like BROWN-BEAUm WAY live parts, Phone 2-9406. 812 eral factory work. Apply ' Man­ new; Reasonable. Phone 3M 7. store for rent offic for rent, Nunmwain.F)DirBf iTHaOAl ThWVnonivoiiE *r Co., local and long distance mov­ chester. Modes. Pine street. AT YOUR SERVICE . . . fouoiaita atc0Qu6M! r —1 Oakland street one to nine room eul i available. fKOtABLV KETURNilgl wwf lOnMOOUT.,. i TOONERVILLE FO L^ fr e c k le s AND His FRIENDS BY BL C. BL0 6 SEB .Guaranteed Satlafactlon ing, packing, crating and ptorAge, 470 |(aln etreet/ nqulre M ixica BUTteutolO 3IWCHB0U7I , BT FONTAINE POK Service to alt parts of tba U: 8. FOB FARAMOVNT 8-TRACK and PBRMALUM SETBACK MO OMRTAKE TM! ‘ " W A N T E D T W fM 7M(B» TO RSaCN Th wrtftflinriKW W D t : - *-6 PAkuiR O IL heater, two years ooari Mnp - S « F » n o . .. 1381 Chryalcr New Torkcr..4-O r.— BBsiacss Scniccs Offered 13 and Canada. CaU 8167. Hartford old. 830. c a ll 8212...... NtoNWM UKOIWO TNEQUU*. PTMMBnflOWM BVEkr <3ptoK V)teBC"*EcA'V43Rti.R'5 WIFE DISCOVERS Juat like new. Haa V *8 engine 6-1423. -ALUMINUM WINDOWS DllcaMIN6 ABOUT tAtuJS rr.O M M P / MAN TO WORK lEPQRg— OKOM! i i f f THE-ART CAMMMAB NE HAP HUNS Up IM THE PARN ■ BUSM eiS/LAsr NiGur we 3UV New car warranty. bookkeeping Sci^lce. Pedtr- S i x - A N TlQ l^ curly maple chairs, f o r B e n t 66 ALSO THE JIFFY WOOD COMBINATION WINDOWS al income and.state tkx returns HE REAUV iMPsasseo "1380 Dodge 3*Dr. Sedan — Radio IN GAS STATION ured as occaiiioiial or dlal^ tra M U E O M B ! ME ~ RIGMT HERE/ -■ heater;, neat' oovem -Jutt'-illW' preBawd. Roaaoftahie .rates;, p a R flJ R g ..... „21 .morn' ehalra,' Phone' 3-9378,^; " „ CPUIMMA-MATIC I .i VENEnAN^ . - new . . . . ------. phone 3- l8a7. • ______j ' single. 18 . mUssL .^.^FRAMaESSc DAINTING and paparhSnglSg fbom M an "er. QaU >8$$, ■'-:.--|UNDr ' ' - > ■1343-Chryaler--‘’'-wlHdW'r'-‘''diOr.— dbnv by aom nkfld 'Son: OSH 8083 w a p k in ff . M O g P lT ^ wM>iLa h a l«» TEU B V W tO N -’ ifeHfrce^'-Oa'tt for sale or for rent. Itatea rea- ■SCREENS'"'"'"- AND SHADES Beautiful jna'roon finlah.' Radio, Molleria Radio T. V. Btrvlce, 313 a fte r 5. S e e V * n f o r in t e r i heater.. Excellent condition. Bpnable. Keith Flimiture Oo. Main street. v ie w Phone 4183. 1347 Dodge Deluxe 3-Dr.—Radio, heater. Loaded with oxtrai. Dark PLDOR PROBLEMS solved arith PAIfJTlN a, Paperhanglng. No Job VAN’S reproeeatatlve, wife lOBERT J. DOGURT rSSr* too am all. c a ll - . USED DE LUXE MObEL SPIN- chUd urgently need small green. ■jnoleumj asphalt tilt counter. 3 0736 SERVICE STATION DRY WASHER — In excellent Btpett^orkmanshlp. free catl- bent, fumiahad or unfurn- 1346 Plymouth Special Deluxe. INTERIOR AND Ebcterlor paint­ 427 Hartford Road condition. 8100.. W a tkin s B ro th ­ Call Hartfqid 8-3167 or Dr.—Jet black. Radio, heater. Sates. Open evenings. Jones Fur- ers,. 988 Main street iture. Oak street Phone 2-1041. ing. paperhanging, ceilings re- M a n c h e s te r N( 4-3468. 1346 DeSoto Cuatom Club Coupe- finlshcd. Fully Insurad. Ihcpert ARISTO BILT Unpainted Book- Radio, heater. Motor completely W ILL CLEAR your land and do work. Wall paper books. Edward DAIRY PLANT WORKER—Flve- cSsee. Chests, Hutch Cabinets, w A n t ED — 4 or 8 room rent .by BUILDING A NEW BOMB V I C n j j i . Empty Cagi^ BY M ICHAEL O’M A L L E Y m’erhauled. . tree cutting. Hava my own chain R Price, Phone 3-IOOS. day. week, good pay. good work­ Youth Chairs, Kitchen Sets, also young veteran and wife. Can ing conditions. Apply In person good used furniture. Hie Wood­ 7773 s Jte r 6 p. m. ’ eoSETmi 1341 Chevrolet Maater Deluxe 3- saw . C a ll I a Bartholomew. REQUIRim R SEPTIC TMR fVSTEIt NOUMTTMBPUF' Dr.—Heater. Excellent condition. 3-0811. PAINTING, PapefkanglnL . ceil­ to Mr.' Piilton, J. A. Bergren shed, 11 Main Street ings whitened, floors sanded and Dairy Farm, 1100 Bumsida ave­ 833 REW ARD for urgently nead- f k w s i t t 1340 Plymouth Deluxe 4-D r.—R a ­ NFIW G. E. Stnitolinsr -range. dio. heater. 1348 new motor. POWER BURNERS and Range refinlshed. Genera' carpenter nue, East Hartford. ad four or flVs room unfurnish­ ON A MaiUNMBT BRO'.'IIEBB* Buniera ei^rUy cleaned, and work. For free estimates caU G. Used once In hiking contest re- ed reaaonabla rent by young •EPTIO TANK BTBTIM 1336 Bulck Special 3*D r— E x c e l­ ROUTE SALESMAN for diy taUe a t 8389.35, wiU aaU for couple and son. Write Boat F, lent condition, i, aarviced. Let us aervica and re­ Flckett Mancheater 6363. > pair your washing machlna or re­ cleaning knd laundry. Good op­ 8300. C a ll 2-1308. H erald . EECAUSE <2> frigerator Metro Scrvleo. 3-0888. PA PERHANQING and painting. portunity for the right man. Ap­ ( 1) Byatam anainaarad and to- CLEARANCE’SALE—Sava up to intGEN TLY Naadad o r room BROW N-BEAUPRE. Inc. Phone Walter R Cbokaon. Man­ ply In person. Maple Dry aeaners —4 8 a ltite d by , and Launderers, 73 M apla 40C}. Automatic Toastera, $13.78; rent by young eoupte with 8% N> Bliitn SL Phm 7131 COMPLR 7GE Kepaira by Stuart R chester 3-1614.1 Automatic Perks, to M. : yon a Joh THAT _ s r f W olestr OA WiAthg maqhtnca. Btreet. ----- — "— ------84,36 6 38 year dkT sauiRM . c a t Hath- W E iiiarahiy prtmi. INDOOR And outdoor painting. Electric Q rills,'8.ia .38; Com bina­ cheater 3-3166. 1 IJJI .POr|pAC aix cylinder vacuum &'tanara. motora. email tion Waffle Orilli^ 813.36: G E . eaa hffard' tii_____ * JSf?®' *»dlo. heater, applioacaa. Free piek-up and de­ Paperhanging, free estiniatea. (8) Ton got Dm haaaM • lo n r ‘ 3348. Check thla car for value. Wallpaper books available. Call Female, 33 and Westinghouse ■■ Irons, - $7.33;. DESPERATELY Need 8 o r / 4 liv e ry . A-1 repair, oalaa 180 Travel Irons, 88.35; C lo cks, 38% . yonr aervtea piam M Ekceltent condiUea. Deugiaa Main. PhoM'aW « A l 3-4296. SUuatktiM W anted^ ropm aparlntent not flurnlohad, rIadIraiHy at n 16% M otora. 388 M ain. off; Barometers, 28% off; Vacuum in Manchaatar.. Rtiiabte couple, t^ a n a rs . 839.36 and up; Light­ no chUdraa. Being evicted. Good Waterproafing af weight Rotary Sewiqg Machinea, rafareaea. - Gall 2-1718 (M an- 833.35 and op; Bad Lamp Radioo, ebostar) batwooa 8:80 and 8:00, 621.98; ifahogany Radio-Phono, 893.98; FM-AM Radios, $39.38. K ra h ’s, 867 Main street four blocks north of Post Offico. ''p-\ Tt^ff " -e '’' -*rcrj A A'}t JftiiaKjiimiv r/77.

' -1 l i l - y V i.- 1liwj:'*V/.iew«»«^rM''et^^-"Vt-*;<:*' I t L ■a ■• - A. M > ■ ^ 1^ 1*^ yaTl - . B^^- - • ~C ni(ir m t F r ii ; OkMovn toF-qito . AlIQIjl luW ll .bnainaan trip to ■eebba From th a n ha .arill peanan4 . to 18SIM8I aC tL- A nlM M iF W i p l »^^4iMT*tor IS, v iK W S h , wm mMt- Mon» rWaahIhgtee-. D- C . to fea pnaant -Red-wtil not ke «p« At A ircraft Premeted to fe*qd*n were Bor- whan hia father, Obarlaa M. ' tha AateV, Begia hy tha Maaieaa Waddell mod: EmU Lida, MAveor 2=40# tills .week,.JNslBBtRS’ amhaaMiMr for nehleyamaifa' in mediately, the new offtea dhto mad: JeaiuH SmiUC M imr; | 2 f * lUv. Out and Mn. Hciccnam Maaico ‘a few yaaifa ago. Mra. ItoiCatraat, aad Anthooy Brewer, arU kaap *'mcii hoyat (or r^ itli” sehedoto will he f A m. to A Inchtdkd in List An­ M m n d u B t e r ' A C ity o f Vtttogo Upham will loara by- ptona Mon- p. m., Mondays through Frl- '888 Kaaoey atreet. from T to > tlda ortninr hi tha day morning and will alao ha- a n o u n c e bj^ Gwinn HANOTAGS aoetaatlan room at Uia paraonasa, days; closed Saturdays aad Hongu tfnd Fim I guent at tha Meaican -Embaaay Simdays. However, the M-hour REGULAR $2A | TOL. LXXI. NO. 87 •) MANCHESTER, CX>NNm aATURDAY, JANUARY lA IMt 4T Spmea atraait Tha.pro(pym wilt at tha emmony that aftarnoon. .-V (TEN PA6B87 raiCB flYR (»t(3S ndix ia pliif p eaf and oUiar gamaa, duty’of the Red Oraaa atatt for Eleven Manchester reaidenta are ! LAND StfRVlYING Oil Ditfribufers «rafU and a s a n a ^ good tlma. emargancy-.taiephene calls will among 47 OHmcctlcut employee Haadhage ih faillo, plastic . calf aad aueda finish fabric.. Tap The .Gleanere’ Oaeup of fhe 'not be affeiTed by the 'dhaAga’ 'reqentiy ptutootod at PraU.- A South Methediet Chureh will hold hendto, over tha ahouldaT:aad.box atylaa.JOolDr nkU greqSi brown,, i 333 MAIN ST. ■ a.- -J-H. office hours. Wpitney AJtoraft, William P. IL s D m navy, tan. - ' . Ralan Oandaoii Lodge, No. M. ita monthly maatlng at tha church Oqrinn. gcnaigi manager, an- Kidnaped Ikdaai FoiyAd OaugMara of SeoUa, win hold lU Monda.y avanlag at 7:18 inataad of I MMMI I U N Sen»Beuton V' ' . "•" ...... noimeed today. ' 1— taonthly meeting tonight at 7 :M at 7;<5, in order .to attend the Gaa Andrew L. Rteker c^MO Spring - Beddb M In tha Maaonle Itemple company demonatratlen to be held Mystic Review, No. 3, Wonian’a 16 E 1 W NBW CBOP o r TOVNB atreet nae been- prqmotod to.ebief PUTS TAX at 8 o'clock. Benefit Aaabclation. will scat Its liiapector, bniKh pianto; Levon ■P P lai Reelecfion , ‘ Manohaatcr Lqdga No. 73. A.F. new officers, Tuesday eveniag, Parmaklan,. of It ArVtaM pbme »12P8 CHICKENS and AJd.. will hold a apeclal com­ The Cyp C3uh of the Center Jan. IS, at 8 o'clock. Stota Field haa been tHTomoted to anpertatend- munication a t tha Maaonle Temple Church will meet Sunday evening Director Mrs. Grans M. Beat wiU ent, ami'aami-prodttciibn machin­ ★ ' V, tonight a t 7:10, for tha piirpoae of at 8:30 with the Second Oongre- be fn charge, esaiated ^ Ciptite ing; an4 Ronald T. HteeUnd of l l i LUNCHIONS A g g ressio n Is CIO A im •onductlng a Maaonle funeral for gationel Oiurch youth group at Cglore Whits and the WBA guards. Walnut, atraee haa baCa ptoinoted 4Dc 4Bi< Rr: the late Lotting Cavarly. The the Center Church.-William Bene­ Au officers and guard! ^ ns-: to euphrviaor. exporlmiatol bi> $ i,5 0 New Gauge ^ Sheer ■ r - l aervice will be held at S o'eloek at dict and Dr. Sylvia Hetfrick will quested to wear their floor Ifngth apeetton plamdhg. A CHATTERROX Dadvery to , • T^a^a, Ju i. i2-^fP>—The New EUveii, Jin . i2 -> -^ tte Holmm Vtineral Home. apeak to the two groupa end the white dresaes. A aoeial time will Promoted to general forem^ Priday Bvanmga iHcturc, “Human Growth,” wriU be follow, with refreehmenta served RRSTAURAMT United Nations adopted to­ —^The reelection of U. 8. a u MAOf • • * day, over bitter Russian op­ Seiuitor WillUm Benton (D) ./^ :■% ' TIM" bhat a l. "Oramerey Ghoat” ahpwn.. by Mrs. Ruth Staples, Mra. Mar­ NYLOm tiOSIERY wlU reheana tonight at 8 o'clock tha jobnsen and Mra. M lidi^ ‘Tad- . . . ■■■--,■ a position,'a plan degigned -TO n "pomtcil objective No; 1 ' diMT"7^****>*i* fhiem of .....Group C of the Center Church .ford- ______...... ,• . in new flattorlRg ahadeiv FuU-faahlooed dark mame to msdium H, A. FRINK meet the threat, of lo r Igbor and -other libeitd win hold an open meetiag . Tues­ ■ipiBii^nra Br and long lengtha. * :pr- ___ j___ z.______r.lMdMT tha Center Church, TaL anywhere in the forces in th e State of Con­ day evening at 8 o'clock In the Movies will be shown at ths ALSCO ALUMINUM through collective action. The necticut,” the State CIO pres­ Robbins Room. There win be Community T tonight starting at OlUwfi Greets Churchill Duplicate bridge will be played moviea and a talk by Mra. Doro­ 7 o’clock. Shorts, cartoons and vote was 51 to 5, with three ident declared here today. tonight at 8 o’clock at linker thy Cronan of the Newington Hoe- enmedisa inilUble for younger Hr* <— Aatn*— Ufs Sinnn SdMb Dtsm absentions. In Ms annual report, prepared Hall. All new pla.vara are wel- pitol for Crippled Oiildren, who p a ir tlM rmoluUon enacta Uie baalc for the convention of the State children wilj be shown, the ahow « BmaldtoM^lt^l^^ a i m JHNnWMd , 'tome to participate In thaae week- will speak on the work done there. to laet about an hobr. 4I.OO prindplea of a unity-for-peaca d O Industrial Union council, Red Protest ^^oumamenia. ' AU Center Chureh groupa are in­ r r OoniMBdiNMi Snsh raaolution introduced by Secretary President Mitchell Sviridoff lauded To U. S. for vited and Mra. Ford Crosby of 283 «ni;'DM«s & ts r : of Stota Dean Acheaon. Benton for what he caUed his Q d.\Jam ae Oakea hai returned Spencer street, leader of Group C, It further atreagthena the veto- “courageous fight against the to Fort Rragg. N. C., after apend- aaka that the leaders^ tha other Onaadlato DsBvcry aa Waad S i: tC Grcda Stsaipa Gives WHh Cdih Sslag irto UN General Aaaembly . in filth of McCarthyism, and hi* O n D P A i^ R ed P o licy big a STNtay furlough with hla groupa call her as to The number Per Pna Ibfamiatlaa mtoting threaU to peace, aiKP aa staunch and effective support of . parenta. Mr. and Mra. Frank eapacting to attend. ■ CaS ^ Roiean outbreak, when the Mr. aad Mia. Eugene Calhihaa, a( Maakato, Mlaa., kaM their aU progretoive and liberal legtsla- Wsghinaton, Jan. 12— Oakea of 81 Hawthorne atreet. i / Security Council finda Itablf hamr lS-4toy-aM aaa. alter aeBea Saaad the latent to the New Utoa Miam, Uon.” By EDDY 6ILM0RK CpI. Oakea li atatloned at Fort' Speakers at the meetito of tha Fenonal Btrimg by the big-power veto, ■paitiaiat ef Mr. and Mia. Leaaard StoielA Mw Behelds were atreet Benton, flniehtng out the unex­ —The United SUtee hH Bragg With tl la 82nd Air. Borne Manchester Republlcen -Women-'e _ IlMidMilir uaed- afKwt (requmOy by tha So-^ M ler. fa w tM a g . . Ttoi Jatosi$.fead hem take* jfiem the aHb the day pired portion, of Um term of. Sena-, bluntly rejected A second Rus.r Moscow, Jgn. 12—-,.-Mrs/. John Togr ____ _wlHiX.al»teP.tLoBfc.______-nnnsn Winston -totng-f rom close 1 ' Mrs. Charles Colt aad Mra. Rtnry Bloctai Bed Move film and stoly lights to hla 13-day ■’ASa~remember. Tbo, lfiil thU' American governmanL "Ottaws,--Janr year ia a national and state elec­ Help End VlettHM Churchlir arrahaoR today to telT Commonwealth dij^iiinats the' United SfaUd. v. : ’ 7 O m t i i l JLWen Weir. The resolution la an outgrowth duel with the sea aboard hla ill- 4 Hours Theee reports say British work­ co n o N And part w o o len s of Russia's attem pts to Eave an fated freighter, which sank 37 tion year. Six Onngreumetl, one The original protest contended Britain and the United States yrgently heed to pull their J H n e t^ r Senator and the etate legislature a 100 million dollar appropriation, ers and a large section of U(e in- irnmedtoU top-diwwar : Security miles out to tha AtlgnUc Thurs­ policies closer toSOther in the strategic Middle aqd Far E i^ . tolUgaatoia admire the , council meeting give tha Korean day. . . aro At stake,. If you examine the Ra wss'axiwetaa to'ttoaaa wtait he*'—— — '■ ' iMf T i----- In Suez voting records in the latest issue (Coatinnsd on Pairs VtM) t o ^ lUld w duiailhe to B4 $Q50 ^ armiatice negotiators a helping Watoa Another iMUp of the Vanguard (state CIO news­ calls “the overriding Importance’’| ^ friendly with tor. hand. The version adopted was a He canle back to Falmouth to­ ismailia, Egypt, Jan. 13—i/P>— paper), you. will dnd a 100 per of toia at a luncheon meeting with , | J^ m illito ta k |^ |f|V |& Th*. Russians ar* constantly^ 1 8 western substitute for the Soviet day from an un^scloeed' hideout high CommliMlonera of AustraUa. 1 V s W l ll 1 U U I O ■uggeating both nationa Mould A baavygua hatUa between troo^ cent record of good votes in Cta- not. It. omits any reference to tho where -ho -rested to make an of­ giesa by SaiMtorB Benton and Me^ New-'Bealand; India, Pakistan mid! r n - . • -www- - r - \ ww — w profft. from A long term ttm tt If you have a hoait or N im V tow m Korean war. ficial report to shipping agehta on of thy Br^iah'Coldstream Ouarto Nehru — South Africa. , |d|-Kl4M *K K(Rafi agraamant between Britain aad Mahon and Oongreesmen McGuire The luncheon was set up mainly' A S A v V lA V cottafc lliat scadfa Tha regional aecurity raaolution the loss of tha nytog Enterprise and Egyptian guerillas broke out and Rlblcoff, according to the CIO to* Soviet Union. was submitted to the assembly by In the worst North Atlantic hur­ to allow (ttiurchlll to brief (tom- fMJntiiiir. paperifif or aiid this mondag near the TbI El yardstick of correct voles on key In Cochin 17* 8h ftWK f in Sif a n# 9 MUgmimHg ta ^ 9 5 11 of the 15 members of the Col­ ricane in half a century. KSbir railway ataUon to the Suet issues. Vote monwcalth repreaentotives on the! Quoting largely from the Amer­ clraning, inside or out for lective Measures committee. Now, he said, he wants only two Cknal SHie, the British reported. "The 1051 record of the 10 Dem- resulta of hla four-day conference In Indo - China ican presA th* Rusalana have bath WOKTHY SIRVICt this 8|irinB . . • MID LENGTH SHORTS things—to get back to hla wife with President 'Truman in Wash-1 ■ . ■ ■ • Pl9ft9$rjrU fg^»U itk G M b s FlgliUag, tUII underway four Red - Dominated Party reporting ChurchlU. and Fatvign • W sytojr PtiM 99 CirSm JIM* (OaatiBMd aa Page Five) and two daughters in Woodbridge, hours after It began, opened after ington earlier this. week. j Washington, Jan. 13.—OP)—TTm Secrataiy Anthony Bdan toavaUed 142 Em I Cnriter St. • ANKLE LENGTH DRAWERS N. J., “and then get another Bhlp." (Coattoned oa Page Six) • Flgyleg fa k tin e i ciidkg M* one Osmeron Highlander area be­ Makes Big Gains _in Churchill, chipper despite his 77; mmury chiefe of Um major Pad- to the United Stota* tor thto* rea- Mnncheattr^ ~ j • ffaysan* LMng* GMIgs Hans Isbrandtsen, head of tha lieved MHed and three others years, arrived by Ualii from New | n^ttona have completed conatd- ■ona. CMUiUSNOW ^'^AU COnON OR 2S% WOOL labrandtsen Lines which owned urere believed injured by an ex- South Indian State York yesterday to begin a 3^ day eration' of specific measures to 1. To work out a common pol­ so you will be sure of a Debris Found the Flying Enterprise, already haa plosion of a mine on the railway Dirksen Blasts visit ^ th Csnsdlsn Prinie Minis­ head off a threatened Chinese Red icy toward the Soviet Union. definite date. said Carlsen will get a new com­ track. The British troops were New DeUit. India, Jan. 13.—(dl ter Louis St. Laurent and other top invasion of Indo-China. 3. To agree on how to proceed AD M tiaeed for tUN'Mver-klefMM safo mand. I members of a mins searching —The Congreas party of Prime Canadians. What these stepe are for meet­ In the Arab-Aaiian bait from the In Ship Hunt Isbrandtsen collected Insurance party. Truman Claims Minister Nehru lost majority con- He epent moat of yesterday nap­ ing the growing Red Ihreat to Near East td 'tha Far,East. FOOD SALE totalling $800,000 yesterday from Egyptian guerrilla fighters had trol of the legislature in the south ping and resting at the residence aoutheaat Asia is vailed In deep 3. To reach agreement on a M Ut-ITM American Marine Insurera. Tha tried to blow up a British Army Indian stota of ’Travancora-Cochin of aoi*ernor General Viscount Alex­ ■ecrecy—but they are said to be European am y (which th* United AT'' GfcHOlISESSON Air, Sea Searchers in rest of the $1 ,200,000 insurance on supply train In the freight yards today. The (tommunist-domtoated ander, his official host. firm. Statea approvM but which Brit­ Na Job Too SaoV . C . « T — ^ ■"Til""' the ship was reported held by Brit­ at the giant supply base, a Brit­ Tells State (;OP Pro^ UniM Front of Laftlsta made big Greets Templar ' Gen. Omar Bradley, the U. 8. ain haa declined to Join.) ^^J.W.HALE STOIti " or Too Big! • Pacific Pusjh Search ish Anns. ish spokesman said toiUal reports gatos. During the day, Churchill' con­ chief who presided over the mili­ A Ts after Britain’s poney to­ W E GIVE GREEN STAMPS Isbrandtsen said it would cost perity of Nation Built Election results gava tha Con­ ferred with Gen. Sir Gerald Temp- tary m eeting urged the conferees y«uH «« !>iiy wewiinq said the train's'engineer was also ward C^ommunlst China an d it Sn».,JtM.12. 10A. M., For 45 from Vessel more than five milliotidollara to Injured by explosives 'tot' off un­ On Young Men’s Blood gress party 44 aeato, the leftwing ler, Vice Chief of the Imperial Gen­ to such strict aecracy thair one. neoeaaary, to break off British (•ikton-KOoe tfftlt y«w (•vtoto build another Flying Khterprtse. der the train. ' United Front 30. SocialisU 11. eral staff, who arrived somewhat day Seasion yesterday closed with diplomatic relattona with Mao ____Rpoasored By The _ _ Seattle; Jan~127=^"^T>=«p'nTed splinter groups sOd indepeniiimis, myaterioiiiJy - from-London;— ------nettoep- a commiintqiM-nor-. OOUIEN Rl’fj: CI.LB Hartford," Jaii. 12—bPi^-Sehatbr 22. A British government official in ment from the participanU. . . to* obliqua-lin* by the finding of debris and float­ (Coatiaaed m Pngt x) (Canttaned on Pago Six) Everett M. Dirksen (R-HI.) Ukes 5. To ~aliinlnata differan'cea in ,-nr TALCOTTVnXE . Nehru had made a special pre­ London said Templer was to be Basic Uaderatandlng their policies toward Iran, Egypt cliamw you'll ilw 00 io 810 ing cargo, air and aeq searcherq issue with' President Truman and election swing in TlAvancora* offered the Job of High Commis­ ' But the military leaders are uiemiaq ond fool comferioblo la leaders of his administration when and other countries ' HOMI MADI POOD pointad today toward a smaller Cochin in ah attempt to offset toe sioner in Malaya as part of a de­ known to informt^ official quar­ In all Ua reports, tha Ibiasian they speak of prosperity, as he opposition threat. It ia doubtful termined effort to Crush Oimmu- ters to have reached baalc under­ AND PASTRY oil Joy Itoq. CD-O-L' md area aoutheaat of the spot where said Mr. Truman did In his State agency. Tsar, haa listed the work­ fashion news this Spring , , rofrotking lot.worm jumlooc doyo the freighter Pennsylvania and.Ua whether the (tongreaa party or the nist-led rebels who have been bat­ standing on acme recommenda­ Allies Los 16 P lan es of-tlM.Union meseagc; Lsfttata Witt be abla'' to term a tling British troops there since tions. Only toeif political auptri- ing outof acommon Britiah-Amer'^ om Iho ony lurplieo bodieo ood 4S-man crew last were heard from “That prosperity is built on the lean policy toward the Soviet Wednesday. ' coalition government and new IMS. ora can tranalato these into aiMCI- rolooiod ptoof fullnow. Thii blood of young men,” deotarod alectioiM may have to be Called. .'C^hurchill and his aides main­ fic meaauree called tor by Preai- Union as the first of these prob­ The floating material, sighted by Dirksen last night to;*#, audience lems. , WRINKLE-RESISTANT OEMliTASSE cerd-pipor h both aircraft and surface vessels, In W eek . The state haa ona of India’s big­ tained a tight silence about (hie, deht Truman and British Prime wondorfully crooiO-rooii*oi«f, |(um v e r K o rea of 700 Connecticut Republicans. gest Christian populations, includ­ however. One uaually well-in­ Minister Churchill In their talks Hia Ruaaiana bellev* serial'^ was found In a region 24 to 34 •That’s the thing they brag ing nearly two million Roman dlfferencea have developed totwean qcoon or Imowo Willi wkito. miles south and southeast of the formed British diplomat said the here this week. ■bout. Shame on them." Catholics out of a total popuIaUon Prime Mlniater appeared to be The communique iaauad after Britain and the Unltod..8t«t«_^ln I4'A fw W j. last known poaitlon of the disabled ' Seoul, Korea, Jan. 13. v^|dao were not imiihediately Dirksen spoke at a $100.a-plate ship. The Reds knocked down three' availal of eight million. the past .two years thay see 'OW fund-raising dinner which netted > National luid provtoclal elections (OMthmed on P ag/ Five) (OoattsMd M Page Five) nothing that ia going to ease thair. ^ It included a hatch cover, lumber Sabre Jets in air combat, aad- Bed Statement ■bout $7O,0OO for the party In the and' plates, boxes, drums and an blasted 13 other United Nations Meanwkile, United Nations cbm- began In the Himalayan foothills At any rat*. CTiurchill has no' coming campaign. \ areas in October and will continue been renounced for calling o*: oil slick. The material was seen planes out of the North. Korean HMnd true*, negqtiators asked the His attack on the Truman ad­ Just before dark yesterday from skies with ground fire'in thy week district'by district through Janu­ Preaident Truman and tha Rua- $1098 Oommunists\^ain . fo r a clear ministration brought frequent ary. Intoan (tomihunista won the Canadian weather ship Stone- ended Friday. It was the coetliest bursts of applause. atana are' probably saying to them- Prints statement of O ^ r present stand on their flret seat to the federal par­ selveA. "Well, let's wait and sae town and from^a cruising Coast mven-day period for UN Air construction o r North Korean air Attacks gessup Public for Taft or Ike, Guard plane. Forces since the war began. liament in Travancore-Oochin what ia going to happen, tor those flelds during an \armljrtlee — and Dirksen named Ambaasador-st- ■tote. ' It resulted in Immediate-change The U. S. Fifth -Air Fbres said again they got \no aatlsfaetoi^ Large Philip Jessup among admin­ two cannot get along forever.’* Gitton and Washable of plans, cutting down the search UN 'Jets shot down 12 Russian- reply. \ Actually the Opnf**** pe^y hz* isveaUa, the, Ruatian goverii- .that are ivearable anywheret made MIO-lSs and damaged 14 in istration figures he amid should be area from the 10,800 square miles But some observers felt the UN removed from office, but asserted Mundt ‘Survey’ Shows opvered yeiterday to a 60 by 60 aerial battle in the same period., ^ — nothing could be done "until we (Oeattaned an Pag* Plva) (OMIiaaed an Page Five) Playtex . . . largeel-eellinf girdlet at their Rayon Dresses nine (3,600 square miles) 'area to­ Red planes have not yet ventured; 'o»m«nd might now willing to # within range of UN ground fire. a«ttl« for less thsn a Ip ^al ban get rid of that man from Missouri regular prices . . . (be w tU ft biggest gtrd/e im!m;s day. becauw he says he's going to keep Washington. Jan. 12.—■»*’« F A i m i S l at theae never-before safe prieec.^ to 20 and 14i t to 24V^. • gion at d aybi^. dividing the sec­ nique said UN ground forces raid­ "I don't want toe people who his pers6hal~'”grasa roots "survey" BlaaMn hl'maelf aaid la it Sunday by tor Into three sections-. They are ed Communist positions along the Cm.ttone-0.Pa,. ihdieptes the public wants. either he i^a entering the April 8 nii- Da l/xite l weatem and centnl fropta- Satur- brought ua tp this evil sUte,’’ said News Tidbits • Now ypu can be aafa $»%»98 to sweep tbe-ai«a for three hours. DirfiaeA “Any political i>arty that Senator T aft (R., Ohio), or Gen'. noii). primary and migiit do th* ' ^ For no otlier girdles at any price have |iven yoit suel^ -then.--giva-.way. -to ~Uva -.other day> Li|i)t to mbdeipto ehgai^ Dwight PJ: Eisenhower .the next fbr tha yeir ahedd edth a ments'reiuHed. the cbmmiiniqtM has been- guilty'of that- kind of ' CbM frwa AP Wins " astoft. to , wiacpnaln*.. , . , froto tlw AP W iM a eemLiaation el siimnMi-witK-freeidom, of ranlrol-with-comfort. pianto. Daybreak begins In the re­ record has ho moral Justificatioii Preindent. - '■ Kefanver Slay Bon hill coal bin. . . and pay for ^ FAT PpajUNlT^' gion about Sam. p.s.t. (noon, ■aid. French General “But the American people have The l^S-pUne lorn was Ja r above for survival and should be booted On the Democratic ttito, toera Jt in n u ll monthly Install- No elLar girdles are {gcliJened of figure-sleeking latek witbont :...aJi.L)______...... ______out." ■ — . -not 'made up their minds between were new Indicatlona Senator Ke- . Six ahips already are cruising In 'toe'fecehUy'wtokly average -■ of ■ “«C5.ii’j(ini»n 'I....I* Army and Marines calUng 53Jt00 Bo^ and Ike/’ Mundt said,., adding URGES A-WBAPON8 BAN, naanto.' Our ik^gat. Plan ig.,^ The approaching election la draftees to February' and 38,600 (auver (D., Tehn.) wUl aaak hia .--.R.-feMBi •F-lun.*?. Sry« .mi 'th a t’ -regloa^dn-* Aha .'wtde^seaid. ktoWt i.O $9 IM. pMtofe ■t-<,«tMllengiiig' -contaatv, bAla.not c(»niniU«d..touy PireaiT party**-' nbifwfftation, iilthddgh’*IM ....Baala,' 3aA....13-riD Bneata^w to inm'-'ojo-oMdiitokuv- -. and gntondflre. TIM weekly aver- In' M afeb^':f;dM -irai^ «lt 'tor dential aspirant "There is no defr Aadrel Y. Vlehtoiby prepeeed - oeareh. __ ' 'mmi^■gV JU06VmlnamM -- 1^*14^''“ABVE ffMHR ■ ygtog ConiMJ^i^ to ii^ yoto obaT fiivTW auii ' Whndbr fti!, i m clibddiwg- « :fOp£ii6eam- -BeMMar' to j gehn aiy aiM A hatowtovatoRAttf" 'talto''ti*iiw“ ','.''':~*;i=:'.. about toven pianM loet, an Air lire for M a ^ . . . ’Twenty hlore Mundt based hla belief on what went. youc bin la ftUad now .... areather were seen as major help WaSl^ngton. Japanese .war criminals strvtog 10 isyon jersey prints. Each pattern an ex> to the task 'of flhdtog the crew­ Force spokeaman skid.- ’Three )>otontla] rivals for the ha said were careful soundings to ' There were Kefauve.r. develop­ cMtisal. 00 'ftfonritt ■•r. I this pahdaaa way. . . with. men who took to their lifeboats Leaaea Increaaiag to 30 year sentcncaa arderad pa­ mad* among rank and file voters 1 ments In nttnois, -Ohio and New energy. IM* was an atteaagt ■ elusive print made of expensive rayon JOYCE HlIBRng ■ Senatorial nomination were' on Hampshire. In each state, indi­ Old Company’a Lahigh pro- Wednesday evening to 35 degree Loaeee have been gradually in- hand. They are William Purtell, roled Jan. 33 from Sugamo nrhion. while delivering a aeries of speech-1 to meet weetem retoeaki to ■»• ertoatog since to* ground war 4 6 Poughkaepsie, NT T., family, ea in the Southwest and Middle cations were, strong tost dele­ eepi A ban on tto bamSa wttto mium anthracite—trade­ Jersey. A smart buy at any price. Stop $S.9( to $ 12.R slowed down and United Nations including a four-month-old IKifant, Weat to recent weeks. gates pledged to him would be en­ (Oeattooed e« Pago FWa) (Conttoned Pag* Hve) narrowly mioa eertona tojniy when ant eantrala. v.; ^ . marked for your protection offen^'e action was shifted to the ^ ‘Tve come tock convinced that tered in primaries. in today, they’re sure-to go fast. Air l^rce. burning brakes set thrir car on Preaident Truman ia not going to Probably the most emphatic with red buU'eaye diece. I t fire on Route 44 at Avon. HUNT CAE TIUEF lottow/ Cail ua MI(h iuid Sabree tangled brief­ n in /’ Mundt aaid. “He haa lost the Kefauver tovelopment waa a defi­ Uxtt* Sentiment Grows ly several times Saturmy morn­ Discover Boy, ft, Peter P. Serwanski, WlUlmantic South, and he can't win without nite statement by Herbert L. Orange, ihn. 18.—(Nt—Aa on- •ftir All! information. (|l ing. Fifth Air Force said no Red builder, ia convicted-to federal toe South. 1 don't think he wailta teaaeMIe thief Bed toto the DEMITASSE.. Lockwood, co-chairman of the Illi­ w ieia here alter an 88 aaile na* 'Tapestry" border-print shirtwaist planes were damaged.. There waa court in Hartford on diarge of to end his career as a badly de­ nois Kefauver-tor-Praaident club, On Delay of UMT no announcenient of UnlM Na­ Uses Marijuana giving the Veterans’ Admtoiatra- feated candidate.’’ hmw chaw alatof to* WUbnr that Kefauver “will ' seek .. the CrsM Parkway enriy today a ^ dres8 with cap sleeves. Soft skirt boasts tions loeeee. if . any, to th* short Uon falqe information about the Only Favorltr 8om) nomination.” He aaid the Sena­ $S.9e to $12ys Washington, Jan, ilHrVPh-Two sharp fights that laytod up to 10 ■ale ef a bonao to a veteran..BMi- Regarding two other announced waa aOB at luge attar an 'N ew York, Jan. 12—(SV^rThe tor had told him . by talc phone ■tght aeareh al tfie area hy atoto unpressad front pleats, patent belt mambera of the ' Hqi|A Armed minutes. discovery of a marijuana-smoking ard C. Lee, his attorneys and Republican candidates Governor that be is "elated a ^ was v .■>1 nj'. Scrvicaa-oomnilttee toAsy reported F ar East Air Forces, to iU eight-year-old boy has led to the DemocraUc party leaders in New Warren of California and. optimistic of carrying tolnois. Aqiin. gray or pink in sizes 12-RO. * atrong Cbiigressional' sentiment weakly eummary Saturday, gave disclosure of youthful gangs of Haven are expected to decide to­ Harold Btasaen. president of the In New Tork, Kefauver htoMelf O ne^ece drewies, coat styles tor putting off Universal MlUtary thaae figures of Oommunist Jet dope addicts suppli^ police say, day whether to appeal the denial University of Pennsylvania and FOOD PRICES UP • tBfViM «S •# Hw H h m . waa silent aa to his plans but an­ e' • t„- or button to waist. Straight or Training (UMT). loeses eince the war began: . by_a IB-year-old peddler.. of hla pcUUon to be declared N*w termer (Governor of MinneeoUr nounced he would aea Preaidant dan. . U. hearings Tuesday on a’pUn to bo- atroyed aad 335 damaged. Figures piUd tor treatment as an habitaat Japan may aoa* sign treaty ol “I don't think either one is a y what the purpose of lila can I tor llM wash a o M Jam, - gin the program quickly. for Red aircraft of all types wen smoker of marijuana cigarettes, fiiendttdp with NattanaSat Chta*. front-nmning candidate. Tliey now at toe White Rouae was, but it atall toad petoaa cBaaht#- Q.L WILLIS Rep. Durham- (D-N. C.) and 330' deatny ed. 100 probably waa the fii-qt of at least a doxen Kyodo naora agency aaya . . . Di- ■ra in the favorite son claaa.’’ , waa understood it rvlatod to "po­ amt fratoDaa. U •* Segond Floor • Prica (D-ni.) said- they believed strojred and 300 daatoged. & youimtors rounded up by police to iioctora. of Connecticut Education Btasaen supporters announced litical mattora." S ir K Grcgn Staaipn meat Oongreasmen felt that UMT Air Force said toe flguree ware the Rwix atoee Tueatey. Aaaociation'ask Gov. Lodge for n in St. Paul,* Minn., last night that Itoanhower boosters, led by im s o n - Aould not begin until after the subject to re-valuatioa and Capt. Peter ’Farranova of Um pemantoge. toeiaass to auary tor a slate of delegates pieced to New Hampahlre's Gov. Sham an OHABOEB mVRRBlOlf I , lie . Given With Cash Sales draft ends. change. nareoUck aquad diacloaed yester­ Btatoa’ 18,000 employee. him will enter the primary elec­ Adama, got the gsaeral’a campaign torito,:’hlA 1>—CD—The I itMJWHALCcA Ho said the feeUng is that 80- Aa Air FMco aouree aaid 433 day that tha eight-year-old told of A 23-yearrOld beUbop with a wife tion in Mtonaanta, March iS. 1 IM .». w. tin ^ :^ m 4Uep, officiaUy uBdar way by fUtog ■'ff. lecUva Service, whjeh doe# not ex- U. 8. combat piaass have been his addiction when questioned and two ehlldrra to support assy Warren E- Burger of St. Paul, tries Hated as "favorable” to him l*« tire under the preaent Idw until lost Bliice the start of the war. De Lattre about continued truancy from beeansa 8fit Nagi* t* enter Vaf- vice-chairman of the Staaacn-for- to ttoUr atoto’e primaiy; rune 1866, U enUrely adequate. Figuraa were .not immediately Tnaslgtor. ' to eklef School ' ’• ventty ef Tmmmmam . . . 14. Gan. President committee, aaid tha Attorney Wesley Powell, an ad­ ■tot C88l»; Ocmgrisa approved the principle available on warptana lomea of Um the n e a d A widespread Inveatigation then Oiiiga B. gfratiaysi. dl, wW re- namas of 28 dejefajea would to mitted Elaenhower oppaaaat, hint- U. S. Navy, U. 8. Marteaa, or Al­ d M to PI gaiL 11. tke Pteaeh tii* Jan. 31 after i years aarviea. ,filed Tuaeday. , : - . n ' i an piagn R vo) .(€ lied air units. Figmas on V. B. Jat News Aganiy « an Pag* Plva) Air Force Bn|l Btaaaan’a faaclurs in Naw « r=-F8B.M)

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