

I havf» not luada a apaaeb tliia yaar, Mtid THEY ATE BANK NOTES. tba tlauarwl, but bava baan vary buay. in A WtlNAN MISKINtl. w <|nfot wmy, at my daak in tba Traaaury OUWN CCMTI.V iVBICNEEnWN dapartnMWt, putti^ in loua bourw, not rWAMKWTMAT A IN MAa THEYUiFKIITIT WAS A CLEAN SWEEP! _ iafraquanlly tabiuft my abnil who wna praaaut. but wbo aaid tbemMuinR womoa. BoOitkeTa mm IN SIGHT ALLOWED TO ESCAPE iaa in u Hald oaa «la.v laat waak, naxt to < la Wklca He Exfresacd HS views on tke that ha waa not in laditiaa, nlth4>nwb Slie wan an vrwentric woman aad brr ClttaoM IkicresM. tba oaa wbara th«- mttia wara {aiaturMi. Bxpanslan PraUeai. found oaaaaion to aiiiila., .1. W. Kitinrr- IWfora mmiuanrinit bia lulM»r lia liiid hia iild wna callad ior, nod ina«b a faw ra- many tmiibten of late have deefd.v wor- attat on tba faiNa. It ao bHp|iaiia*Ht evi< lUaCtKIi THIM WRKK. th** porkat lNM»k li>okt<«l likait. It wna a name wuN Thoni|ieon. Her coiiditiua tractom from irolaR ahead wriUi tMr lienee of ph'nNur)' ami itniieinctiun at work until tin* prow wdiaaw minlit hw rr- aiiinll mnttar of fmamatita wbaii aa«'arad th*' ttmireM. .\t that juncture the tall fViunt.t Clerk Smith ban inMied bnnter'M by tba ownar, who bna no di»ubt mn> war wiirh that mime time aico the Wimn I* viewetl. Tin- injaacUoii waa RraaWd Pinjpee and Steel Ran Way Behind their Tickets ' form and fnmiliar faa«‘ of tienemlO. L. liraoi'eM to the followlu^ aim Minra tlm and now the townakip board and about Huila«t to iiaa tba banka for dafaMtilinK S|miildinK. .^waNtniit S«4vrtnr>' of tba iiMt re|inrt' I). W. IliiiMell, I'ewanio; man family tmik c4im|iaweioii on tier and haranftar. 2(Nt taxfNi.vem, who aiRnMl the nattlion. In This County. —The Former Over . Tnwaur>' dapartiaent at Waehiiiirton Harry M. Vincent. Ovid. Cliaa. Kellwy. IiimI iciven ber u buiiie. ave pre|tared to liicht tiie work aad pmvaat waa xeefi ill tite arowd nod lie wne ut Waroowta. Wm. flnteH, SlietHirdavdIe; 700 Votes in the Rear. IM It Tnn itn lieinK dnat*. if poaaible. Th rypraa onmeerorteil to the iilatfitrm at tba n*Hr Hymn Hanley, Joel Wob-ott, reter Hat- tif the project, which it wae tJiouRui on Talk alaiut tlia Miai-aiiiioal f<*nituxaol of the nton* amid a ioudi ap(4auHe and ; mff, K. S. Itartmni. John Herir, I/ewie A SAD DEATH. the atart by many of the taxpajrm. Cu Ini . W. J. t'lark, u( Ithaca, mv-ntiy i-iUIh for a N|iterh fnmi tib'amwd. Tb** ! Mmwn. Kd. (iarduer, John .V. Wnimtt. KM1>IN«. ttV A V«»ltN4i LIKK IN MMR.\ wtinld not nniciunt to over |Bt,(HMI or ata (•triiiK liruoa tnim a wmmi amp Iteiienil who ie lookiotr merb bettar timn ! Hearw (iardner. HaniM K. (lardaer. Kobert 94,not). Hiruraa now, to aome fl.l.OOb It didn't Mtiiu until \Vaiiii«««Mlav but tla'ailvar man in tbif* i-oiinty fait tin* <*ffarta I ranwHl thi* ymr in hia ttardm. tiratiot wlien lie Mt St. .lohne. wan in (cinm I voire 1 Kouirnw uml Thnmae (Ireen, Ht. Johnw: I.AMT WRKK. and thie amount they propoae to ruafat County .loiimnl. Thin aaa«rN tla* Matdr ami exaaileni wpirite anil miniiiK ae be|I.oaiii F. fireen, Wm. Hreen aoil F. C. aa unjuet and oppreweivt*. Of the whole of tlia Mtiiiiii tlia dny in^ora, nt lanat on tla* ava of tba (•rai'iatliiiK dny. nnd loat llapHln iHMfuitab to nay: "Yaw, ami Wm. had din*et fmni the iwat of (fovaminent ' fireen, I'rin*; l,nteoxo Mitaheil, l*!iiiie; Hcvillo WilMMi died nt tin- home of bin amount it ie pm|Niaed to rabw thair antin* ««iiint,\. lairiaintiva niwl Nanntorinl tb kata In iiinjiiritiaa whiali wara na Srharidrr atr a watrrmHon tbr other bait murii to May that wne interewtioK* 1 Hanry Willianie, Uoyai Miller and .\liei Bircnte. Mr. umi Mm. J. WilMoii. nmr by direct itiwiitdiip tax. •lay In* bad nnwrya*! niurr Sefit<*mbrr, He |Mtid a iriowinir tribute to l*r»«idetit Hill. Wacfiowta. Chae. Miller. South afile Itapidv. Saturday morniuK. Nnv- The bill Hb-ii by .attorney II. J. I'attar- ^ra.it n Mirpii«' to tin* Uapiibli<-nna na tin* Sihar man \VI»ar»* tin* iiMunliara of Uia and .IniiiHN raobauirhton baa u ahrrry McKinb-y and miid that when the hie- ilib*y. WilliM F. l,eHrli. Iklniiiwter: Huaiie rialn-r a. of tyfibcad fci-cr. Arvi I 2tt Mio, who hue the anwe, tinewtioan Ua- lory of thix admiaetmtinn eame to Im- HalMnek and HnrriMoii flavenw, Henry. iiitinir pnmdiy to tm* in full lihMim. Srv»«ml farmara in yearn. He bad been attendiuK M'hool at juriadictiaii of th*- tmmreiaaioaer. tb«' virinity of Maple Ua|Hd« have liaaii written tin- witMlom that In- had die- ItiR Hapblit for abiiitiiin proudly to tin* Htmraa Salunlny moritmt; when h«- c«»mm«*iM'nd inmed to do in tbia cuae, bnIdioR that huriiiK liemorrbnitee anti paaeiMl away in it ie a form of internal improvement, til.'i Tm o >1 ora auo Ih-ban'll alid into otiliv with l»nl a lilt la aiakly majority of libnut an Iniur. Mowl of bin lib- wae which enn lie dom* only by tbeainte. |t .‘IT f-iit iiiii>o|a«| hiiiiaalf with tha thoii;;ht that a miaa wna aa mioil aa a mila H|ient in Clinton i-onnty with the excein ie inaiiitnineil that thie attempt to tax t inn of a few moil tint in (Ibio. lb- bad tin- pro|ierty boldem who haupen to live FIGURES WERE UNEXPECTED. THE MAJORITIES. enjoyed irotnl liealtli until nltout two in the vicinity of tlie creek ia unlawful. vi-arM uRo when he •aiffen-tl an attack of The (vlitiou alao aeta up the Haim that The Ki-pnbli< an loinmitii-*-inMiMieil tlmt they w en*-nn* of rarryiiiR iheroiiiity apitembiretiM. lb- won ctinvcrtetl thret- the drain art inila to provide for joat .veam UK" <>"<1 '*^**** iiieiiilier tif the I'omiamaatioii to own«-ra of land taken b\ .YtHi iimjoiiti. iiltlnoiuh it ixii- .idmittiil by lendinir nn-mlM-i» df tin- |Hirt\ ihiit j. Metbodint cbiin-li in Maple UapitlM anti for laiblb* ua*-. Mime of tin-eaiidi « iii« fiin> pi« piii'«-*l. «alh-il foi •'UMi mt«f» inon-than tin-Silvt-r h ! ami willinu to itn to hie rewnrti. He when- tin- ViiH oum |ihaaee of t?ie tpieatioii ■ vt \\, ie exi-*-* l•'«^ iiiiiMtcr. blit iln iiioMi .iiiiuiiiin- iim iiiIh-i waM Hot liMikiiiu: for I witM |ove«i ainl ^•-M|»ecttM| by all who an- iniiiif tfiM-iineetl. Ae the proinmnl j knew him. The fnneml McrvictM* were tiiwoaliip tax i-atchee every pn»ia*rty .*! ' -.in b laiitl'lidf ii.'IN I nrr*-«l 1. Wm. M. Smith, Clerk - - - j t*«l li,\ a hirtre walcheil with Rrent inten-et. The con- j ettnetiure*- tif irieiitiM to tbt-ir reMtinR|ilaee tractom hav*- n>taiae«| \ttnmey K. H ■ In fi'i-i . ;«.«.-Illloll whn li •■l•^■^ r^lo| Ciiijm.- m St .lohiiM. jn^t lM-foit* • Byron V. Soule, Reg^ister of Deeds j ill lb«- .S,u*|e i-emetery. Tin* Ivrenvt-tl Lyon, mid Fe<|ewu A' YViilhndRi* will ap- .-i.' in-n. » a-;iii inh-.v <>i ill* l•••■liln; In 11 ainl tbroiiRhont tin- t tniiity Tln *io\.i; I family have tin* Mym|Milhy of a laru*- |>enr for tin- Commieaioiier and r .ii w hoir im Ituhl w.im iiimh- by eiiln i |iiiit\ iitnl who prol*ahly n-pn-** nt*. .1 HK l< Wll.I.I.NO TO ri.K.IMKi .Silk-, Velvete, etc., at .VoHI.I HfnXKTT ’e :>iir .ii'Uiir- vot. Thin Ik n« mn«h liehiinl In- ticket thi-,M-arae In-not aln-.ni two S. R. Smith, ProsecutingAttorney 342 ‘.tTKO.SM OT Hin Ol'I-Tt-tL I OnIvr l.ehlult Valle> ('«mI M-iir- auo III Ihiiirham towii-hif) ahnn- In- riiii 7 ."> \ot< — iM-hiinl the tiek< l .iinl at John llicK'a SroNK. Tm. .\kw - tleMin— to i-all the nllt-fitnin in .irh '• |M>oi ,1 -how iim III < *vid towii-liip .skiiiiierK .SjitiiiK, the only pan- ily*- Qeo. H. flarshalI, Commissioner 511 of ilM fnentlM to I he matter tif lemil ativer* New mn — ill tln-ir phice if tln-v lireak in OVID’S LOYALTY TO SOULE. tiMinit. If vtai have any ftndaitt notnxM* I Mve year- .'-old by , . ' Tun Mkiw a .ntii .i.k Co . • iieot tin- ln•lle•■al>|e featnn*K of the voiein tin-eoniity wne the niaumllen-tit mn to Ih-pnblieinti, yon will Older a irreat Fred Everett, Commissioner - llarwwin* In IIwm OoudB .% h Iti-ei-tei ."-onh mmie in In- home town t»\id votern ur»- well known for favtiroii thi- |Mi|M-r, if ytiu will kiinlly *at .baix H h kk . •«irlovalt> to men w ho I oiin- fnnn tln-ir t*wn town .uni-land h> tln-m n-vard* a-k .Iiid(r«-Merrill to hrioK tIn-mtoTm. j Tin- Famoue .'-•-wiiiR .Machim* ttil ae ket .Nkxi K otH*-'- for publH-atitm. lb- im |M*r- )....> Ilf piirty When Crank laiiiipin-re wa» on the iN-uMK raiie tn for tin- Samuel A. Cliff, Coroner \v*4i (IH all kinde of machine ne«*|l*Maad ** the\ aan-him a-einl oft ol w Ilieh In wa-proud Hni Mr Smile im-tin-ban- fi-cfly wiiliiiR to pltom them in thin |ui|N*r reimirn may Ih-found at my ntom. You wh<-n he i- tink**l to i|t> m«i, in fuel, Ih> in will Im- th*' winner ti.v biiyioR th**neRnode '.a, 0! i 111 luon majoriii limii In- tiek»-t Wm. T. Davies, Coroner - - - ae wed ae SewioR Mnchinen, Carriagm, alxvayn Rlatl in tiiiM matter, an in othem, WiiRoiie, (Sc., of A. H. llALonM. STEEL OVER 700 VOTES BEHIND. j ttt fonnaler tin- wiHhett ofhin*-onntitiiente. He«l 1 atliieallN t'nrerCK Ml .lohn lllelui. 'i.-!had li'lM.ini'-i oil iliiilon loiinti for la- ebM-iioii in-would In - Eddy, Surveyor - - - [Ill i-oiirm- reath-n* of thin |»aper wniiltl Charles l.tuli*-' \Vnip|H-rH in print. |iermle-. I’l**an*- n*- ll.v roti Ifoale.v t:i;iiiii»-i li- n- iH ilnriiii: t Ie-eiimp.uun, m ftn l even U-fon* lln'etiitennivi-iilion. la hie a*'W iiuartcrK, opiMteil*-the old in<-mlH*r thin ntand, biiye live (Niiiltry every week iia\ le(.;;i:il V••I eii T tiiwii-liip ill tin l••llllt.^ ii|>|H>are on |>Hiri'two in thie j4 j Al Weplr Kn|*l*t- in th*'y**ir nnd iMiyn the liiRhent market pri**-. Ie*! it le- known •-verywhen- that Monday iur IiI wen evidently a buny the old Hrni of Foerrh A Hanie,\ hae loos on** III Ma|*le |{HpidM, Mavn th** lb*t|iat<*h, Him*- lM*-n •liefoilv**! and thnt I am iloioR ,\ ICural Mail llrlltrr) woiiDI Ih-l»eiii-r iippn-*-mt*-*l “Vflernll SKASoX IS (il'EN. jiiduiiiR from III** liiiRRir*., waRODM, hay biiein***M «m tin- op|H»Mil*' Mid*' of thentmet Al.MdST HALF A t'K.NTI'llV Iln-iMiiy w** \v«-r*- mit pn-imti-d" naid SIH'I l,l> NOT IIWK ON \n ex|n*nnn-nt in riinti mail iie]iv*-ry ih rak*M, Imix *w. ImrivlM and «ilh*-r artich— from th*-otil Mtiiml. Hintis IUni .ft. lieintr iimde by Marylainl iiini*-r tln-ili I In-<*eii*Tiil. "w-heii war wa- timill.v de- KII.I.IM. lIKKH. .1.MI lfl’NTt;ll'> 11.. to** iiiim*-naiM to m«*ntioii. that wen* TIIINKN V K M»T W % >T iiirrwi KN tiik MvirriM* *11 •-lanMi wc wer*- without artiiv. wilinmt n-f-tion ol th*' |Mi-iai de|iartmeiit whicli hmnd ntacio*l ii|M»n the mam ntmet* hik I ,*b»m«« rimhI IttirRiiiiiH in Tow*-ii. luid cfiiriiiiiu, witlioiit tinitM and willniiil lin- lit-; 1111 iiFitrx. -TIII.KT I I IK. ma\ hnv*> an im|N>rtatil iM-arintr on a TUtI IIIIIITIIKIt'* ill front of biiMiii*-eM|»lareM Tm— Merwr Which ttreiirre*! In Ihr pine*' all aniiy iii tin- rt**fd. Itiitth«*n- ail**' of haviiiR lieen vinit**! by l*alm*'r tlll.rlallt* ivtMl l.lnolroMi H|MaiMihility cniin-amitln- ll•lmlnlMtratnltl liiiiitem may Im* la-Rally niiol in tie- ntale Snnn* w*«*ke tiRo llnri' .t|>|M-an'4| tiii to Ih* Htt*-*l «iiit ami tlrawn ov*'r a nmte . ll**M«e nt N llrreithMvh Kerittrr Cox ’m fainoUM Imuio ol Hrowiii* — Many a' .loH\ lllCKe. riinmnK thronich eev*-rai Hiiiall vilhiireM fn<* ’d it. ThaiikH to a iMitmith' coiiRr*-**e, III MirhiRaii ImRaii Timanlny and tietore who aw*ik*'to Hml their Rate or vehicl*- Mnmlw) KtriilwR. III*' molltli cloHee MomethiliR lik** l.tNNI ■»Ttide in your j'ii|ier -nrinii. I flunk hy ami •-oiiin-i'iitiR with a milniad at «-ach * r*-Rar»ll****e iif |»arty. ^.Mi.imhi.immi wa- miMNiiR w*M*- iiiHim*! ttili*'juMl a liti •• Ho you km>w that ,voii «*an buy Ciider* • leer ami lo hiiiilem will have lieen ,\n laf cn-tid tfin.* in nieonce to a **inl of tin- circuit. The ilnver actn aim* | ptac**i III tin- bamlM ol I In- |*r* —nl**iit to aiiRry. but wlieii it wan fouml that they w**ar, HbinkctK timl lltMticry rimmI and l»aR<**l. iNilv .'l.ritNi ifeer and 1J hunt- oe iMiatmnetcr. mail«*ollerior ami tlietriie If |{olH-ri T*-an-,of fireenbueli. tlioiiRlit *'X|mnil lie In* •leenn**! adviHHhl*-. Th** wem nim|*ly the vietimn of a Hnllow**'ii clH*ip III .Nohi .k H i iiviirrr'n. • treet fair in St. .loliiie. I thoiutlii at em wen* kili**l in lie- Ciifier I’eninHiiln iitor, and Hdie etam|ie aad immey or- i In- iM-in-lil II vieioii or an .ip|*iuition .Sim Hitiintioii wae promptly and manfully joke, they controlirti their iMueMotm nml he lime that I did not Iteln-veit would lant eennon. but with to** mnrki*l im- *b-m III tin Maryland exiwriment, how* ; met. nnd an armv of ‘JIHI. imhi m«*n wne clmerfnlly w*nit forth in nearrli of tbe Take Tour watch refaunuR to •lay •*v*-iiiiitt wlien In* n*lunn**l Inime pnivf-ment in lai'ineeH ami the more untrilaiteto the moral welfan of tin- evei tin* mail ie not *WiveTe*| to'aeb rnieed, •*pii|i|md and plnimd in tin* Helil, minwiiiR nrtictee. rememherioRhow, when .ALi.wov ’n. fr**m church. In* wae *'Xi iie*-il .'ienteil at Rcomil iiee ol nirokeie*i*i|Mtwtler and flat* ommumty to have one lieid, and I am hone*-, blit to Inixea iilacetl alonff tln*{ in 0 lew w**'ke ready lor n*-live H*-rvlc**. they w-*w** yontiR, they had |>iay**i the Huy your doake .ind Ctifim at hi- flreiade wae hie only livinR brotln*r, The navy, whirli wnv •M-fitter»*l. wae tmiectorv riHe** in in naie to allow fur an name prankn j .iiw etinviin-vxl more than ever that wi­ rout**. Snell a plan pr**l made, anti euch a eyeteni will I'liilip Tmo', to whom Ih* l•H*l«' rimmI. mohilitrd anil put in trim to meet tin* nd le-et K**t alonu without one, eiuce •fiemy. .\t the iNnriniiinR of tln-wnrit JndR*'Ctirbett, of Travrme City wa*» the Mwrriaae Linemen. Allla<*n ‘« tine awartrr otTNale, the ncf*i.iinte iind«aihl* Rovwn- Hmt victim. ot the (irand Knidde Camirnl of runti rommiinity ie Riven any eort of The foHnwiiiR marriage lireaeee have j 9:f.(Mi Pickle Caoter $1 .K). C.it, I rralife that tliat wae iibiRtown. ' **P^' ‘*I t'»t*d fa«*illtiea. never eeeii in nil the loilR int«'nm. The ment tocaptniwthe I'hiliiipinee It wne Will Wore In Alfowfo, been graated during the (lant week by I 94 (Ml C-ake Haoket 9H tMi. family wiih *>n*'e*-oniiioeedof eix bmthem *jit known that off in the I’nciHc Miniwher*- .V letter from a metiilmr of th*-.‘ilat M. County (Terk Wm. M. Smith: Herri INeii ••nt then tin- princii^al ie th*- earn**. It an*l on*' eieter, latt lliey have all iwee*>*| 9n.(M) 9U.2r*. AmiMitan i)wartet C'wwrrn. .'i|Milii hnd It fleet nnd liewey wae rent Y*. 1., ntattw that Col. (iardner returned Dnte .Nnem Van 91 (Ml Chiid’n Cup 7rN*. wwM wore** flier** liecauwe of tin* InrRe *-on* j away enve thtw* two old Rentletaen. ninl to Hnd that Heet, and iiietnM't**i to ilee- .^TvRnlhinM *>f men nod women. If m»t It le nnnouumi that the .\in|>hi«m from .Ytlanta. (la. where b** had lieeti to Niiv. :t—I.. w liHnn. imwiti...... Al 9fi.(Ni Hake INeh 9H.7r>. tjaartet, namatctl by the Mbwww Aline thelaeeiinR wiui fnaiRht with a HimmI of tniy it when In* lound IP. He eailed for le lect a location for hin men, nnd be­ Jnetlme Mlibntin. HeWItt...... 40 For thifiv day*, all of November. lekinR t«ei much, I wialt you would in* i •ai-li memoriee im i>niy thom* win* have and Kmmn Mnithouec, I* K. Walbworth Maiiila. nnd everyom- kimwe the eetia*'!. lieved they would Im eettinl in their new* .\oT. 4—Im M. linmn. iMIve...... J9 «er* the followimr nnent th** Carnival iimierRone bimilar ••xnerien<'ee «an appre- Tmmm Mnrrtm. Kfopn ...... XI and Hewitt 11. Hunt will Rtveaconnert Tht- Mtam anti nt ripen wen- Imintetl on •-amp tbin week. < >. (\ Holialer aad nev. Fin*' Hmiet (bwnin very cheap in bfaa ivhKh I found in the MichiRnn Trade*.- tiate, 'nte bmtber Philip wae leim at N’aiv. 4—Wlltfom J. M«mm. Kennx ...... JA and <*>lom at N*HII.K Hl‘H!—Aaaani Mrbmetler, ItUev...... 3n Tin rtimtval thie rear wav n iIHmimMui . . Hoebeetcr. ., where lie obtained -avMi Ut erervf.Ne vav^i tk**er wh«t rtirerrlly j ehare of th*- pmHte will he dwvoteil tt» liefiemi, that thm will never Im alow*-. •tineidern very ndvantaReoue to the non- Mlaair l.aerht. WmipbnIU ...... 17 Te Cwm a OeM iw Owe Day. a rimmI (duention in law. In Iho I, In* ..ev4lr«e*l It* rkaou-ter, tbr itiar* — whirk' the church buiidinR faa«l. Furrhawem of Th*- afemocratic juirty will from prenent r hn Nov. —t'farlee Mri'nvaRei. Hewwnl...... 34 ;ir*iRte«1 !*> tbr «,nealaa til tbr walrv f treat, but will hare an opfM'rtnnity of latt in thnt |Nmitton they are iMiniMi to Imcame-tbe camp of the Jint wae not eive law pmetke, lunoUR the lieet i-laee Imttn Halleatla* KIKr...... 33 to cam. ‘iSc. Th*- geauiae baa I,. R. Q. ibr raa«t wbtrb wim ratee*1 hr tbr ueaal ehowinR their nt»pret-iatinn of th** Ret in th*- way of th*- Rrent train of clean, but bemnee tht* roRiment wae in nivUnutv 'i on each tablet. Tax it* 9 lUKoa lacvMt fmwi Markiaall. Ttn* atrert |ienwtra tfnariei. The .\mphioae have willinRiy mothm advancemetit and b**nin off the the mar of t wt> other rpRimeate and m- Max Vfoali* a* AwNw MleO*. wrrr vtllr la r.iar«inO*ii **>*1 iHMtrlv hamtlrt abwietctl in other *witertaininentb Ue- yearn of itRc. he le liwnrty and etnaiR, track. M’ith th*- Philippiime in )nm nad •re tke wMetjr iwirrrtler*! Itowrr nartulr. tin memher, Xorrmlier tW. their vile make lloaem in whieh oAovan nai^m on Satnrday at black two tripe to the national capitol, where hold of th*' Imar and did not dan* to let an- fdareil wHI he farniahe*| for liviuR WMtaaa.U> r««an»rtetaK tttfaH) laittee aa«l he bad important caeee Iwforvthe I'nited Moa. if. W'. Hoi .ton V *k n tbe aawary. inR to do with them, in mv opiaion. we toani. ‘The St. Johan hoyn am all thin ■ervaav nrfirvfl i«i hv tber aawiv tor Monday .Novemlier *JS anti no break will are RVHbR to krefi them. We areRiNiiR For Rood RTVOfln, Rood efvlen aatl low llrMttwimlie<1 kiwArr tbe miter i>t •*faa'' to nee that the leaipic over there havi* a nrom or two over in the comer, but tht*v Riiaranteeil for A yearn, to lie bail oaly wkteb wtn travr a laaltav atata f*a tbr tmirwl I lalwrence KaRan. of StertinR, III., waei Rovemment that will iimtect them, ium I A tywfoli llfive. am ntill liNikinR for it. The rain |ire- at Tnk MaartvrniAc fVi ba rartrr *4 tbr rttv I taken into ruatody hy Hepaty Sheriff that will mean to the rent

WESTPHALIA. 51 Tony l«nrbar waa borne Handay. Frank Fr. Seboanitb, of Defroft. baa acnfu The foHowhig table contains the lonateH in ibb* villaip*, altar baiac abeani ayaar, ineanwhUa imartMaic io Uatruft. THE Mra. (lirbitfaa Sabaellar, a raepeetad vole in detail from the sixteen town-' old lady of tbieplaca, waabariad Kouday. 1*1 real id wae tba inotbar of Mm. ships in Clinton county. ^ Haorpa. Mirbaal Arana and Mie* leaballa Fiona TK BKOLENCE or snup OF ns ware mamait at St. Mary’a, Tumday RHCKET CLINTON COUNTY. moruiuic at eipbt o’doak, by Kav. Falbtr ui due not only to the oriifinallty and Harwiic. kioMdiclty uf the uambinatlon, bat alao ORAL. Hav. Fatbar llarwip announerd laat to Um care and ekill with which it ie Sunday, tba r«miiotc of Biobop Foley on twannfnctnred by acientifle pmimumit A anoir atorm ia io pniip’naaaa the tirwt Snnday in llaomubar, to iwimin- ! ! knowm to the CALironaiA Fio Hynui* thia. iotar aonllrmatioo. SlgWB 85 £i5ug 5iliii?t ■M ■« “""H CtK only, and we wiah tu impreae upon Mr. Borne ie brmkinp tba pupila' bandw all the importauue uf parchaeinx the STORE. Cluu>. Mtoy moTMl to Knwiar laat wrwk whari' <*xp>takiuff lloutiebinK. — ♦4 ______Wa undaratanH that Wm. Hhm.rar baa ^ •4et—auH -dMofi b—ist one in avuidinff the wnrtlilcas chanji'e we have made in this time. Our parrhaatni fruni Mr. Merrill hia lilan* ua imltatkme manufactured byutherpar- Wm ara anp^yiap e|4andid fall wanthar. the ataU* road. ’.M •ojf tka. The hiffh etandinx oil tlie Cali - stock was small at that time, but today From tba louka of tbinica. about arar.r> John Frannd hae ttniebadbie laat threeb- '3 SBgfiWMSsajwIjMtf VOBXtA Flo Sthup Co. with the medl- ioff job. 1i sffir.sg55ag9.r1B5 jgg' A M I oaa wbu ImmI a nabt to rote.exemaadhia onl profeaeiun. and tlie ealisfaclioa our store is packed from top to bottom with /^ouds fimuf^iaa Turaday. Smith A f'ritae bare floiebad tbaciatam which the genuine Symp of Figs has lor Wro. Bohr. ' 1 -qjeto uoues w II. K. (krforieb nud family laara tba laat JP .•—Bw.aiaa.ty — _ Jt?yrtw.»!!tsi...... - given to millioas of families, makes that arc to sell, and at prices in reach of all. We of tbia araak lor Nilaa, Mirb., whara they Wm. Stump threebad bia wlirat and lnep—K soiieev 5 the name of the (’ompony a guaranty aspart to make tbair tatura bntna. note last waak. jr..w»«we>t4W ~—"Sa of the exeellenue of its remedy. It is have received nearly one car lot of goods this week Htafia ara haiaK takaii lo atop work on Ixme ara romiap in faat nt tba eaw mill •teUNta |be| far io advance uf all other laxatives, feba IbMJ t 'raak (Htrb. .\n in)aualicHi baa —avideooi* for a blp boom. as it acts un the kidneys, liver sad and still more coming. We received a fine line of aejeeiw 'H awteuf baan aanrad on tba dttrbara who took tb** Safaool <'uminanraru* J l*i|»m«oa-M.e«r!S markat prieae. JSI —wa-MOwM_ ' 5 crib at (lilbart (imaKar'a, unotliar at CAUFORIUA PIG STRUP CO. Mr. Philip Fibaie, formarfy ol thie Til-; -»l _____ W_____ =______— Howard I'opa'a, a naw ban honaa at lafp*. boe atcnrrd a |ioettioa in a Omod SAM MMAurmnSb cm. Hum* pretty 4 ptec* irtaan eeta la xrwn Mea'n working Mblrtn IV to 4Sc. ^ WaJIara lluKKrtt’a and a wraid ahad at Iteitida fumitarv factory. ■MTCnTfUAC. K«. M>sr TOMB. K. V. I boee we nell at Mr. Tbe grten aad Men'n OveralD. doaMn front 4H to SOr. Jnd Ballard.Mr. HiiiCKatt iaalaotraat- leetU'V t. dance laat Tbnreday araoiait at tbe Son- =^gg5g5SSttK§iir:5^4l Kaaey Cblaa L'spn nad Haurem 5 to to 4»r. 2 Paarl Hammond ia afiandiug tba wank taw—Fandal weddinp. 50r. IMaaer Palin 4 lo 20r. X wilb ralativaa in Hrranbnan. - - •■•IM v»*UOH Frank Thoma hae ratnmad from Rnina . •♦••hSowvv ' .wrLOPeww ---- Cbtaa Bread aad Milk Heta Sfi to (Mir. Ualvaalaad Palto 18. 10 aad ISr. ▼ The ladHw* aid Mieiaty maata with Mni City, , wbar« ha bae bean vieitioK | iMqnquMtll U*U«»H| = Aa /ELLS- UalTaalaad B'anb Tuba 87. 55. aad ^ ladlvldual Hsgar aadt'reaai lOtuSOr John Jarob tbm waak Thuraday. hie eietar the float weak. I -BjeAalyi Frail Platen All Ktylen 5 to tfbr. A5r. ^ Floyd Tabar of Hiuitbam. riaitad with Thai-ontrart for hanlioff wood to tba: (.arge Cake Platne eery pretty 20 to ralatirw* liara «»aa «lay laat waak. I'liurrh and twljecant liuiidin|p« wne let | Both Tubular and StM*. B*anh Batardn t A to ?2r. Bav. Haynolda auppliad tba pulpit at loet Wadnaedoy tnomiap to ibi* lowaat Perorated loimpn, MV to H4. tlraalir B'anb Btiwln 11 to tSr. bidder. Uraalte Paddlag Paan 5 lo ISr. tbe llaptial rburcb on Snuday ImI. njn5S55B55«g9«-.'ll5Sji£ '■ “efjg Tile made and. re­ Kitrbrn HMe l-ampn a***. Tba Hraball wae eonndad laet Thuraday Y ery prett.v water Mete 20 t«* TVr. Oraalte Htrw Kettbw V to MV. Mrw. Kitliart Millar and duuKhtant ofHt. Uraalte lUeh Paan 2V. 85 aad 48r. JobiiH, H|iant Sunday with raiatiraw bare. avaninicat H:8ti. The bra aae at Tony paired by Kimball Mtandard ('ake Plate ISr. Koetar'e, havinfretartad in a oloeat; lioe- SjMaaya v>y«W5r V •• W — .«»»«SSL I*' Oraaxe Ill-lien Itir. UraalV Chambern 25c. A iiuinliar from liaraa'tand*^liiHurtirtaa avar the bn' wuh «*xiiuiriiMh«il liafot^* the „ , --Mnuuil iMUqiqAlV I Fralt Olebee of all dearriptloii lOr. W«* nveived. thin week, nome A iMrty at Jobn Slifttar'a in Kilay. on laat w wwa* - • U a Love, successor TtSWXrc (rum New York and we "dafmrttnant” could do juetira to it. I -leomai UaN|tuV|~ We carry a fall line ol Rml Mpreadn, Wadua«Mf«y eraniuir. Tba orvaaiun waa Fanry Toweln. Tkiweilag*. Lare twn trnthinlly aa.v *e have the in honor of .Mra. Siifltar’M birthday and Wa liaar that l*r. Watlay will laaTannr |_r;|______»* ■ - —•* ___ to F. C. Younjf. Tillwpa to lonoii'in noma oihar I'ommnn- (^rtaian. Baity Qa>ltn. Very Pretty lest aitd Cheapest Tinware in town. ^ ahat ivminilati tbain of tliair tilth wad* ilandketrbkdn. Both l.adlM' aad B'enell Tfn Pan-, per dm. 45r. diuK nniiivaTMiry. .\fiar MUpiiar wiu* ity. Mr. Watlay haa mode a hoet of Address C. L. Kimball, ii=yHrt5g5559ainHg?Im|iany, praaaoia|aare Cake Ttan 5r for him ii liiK Hm* of itatnutaac. ><.»«» CO II — •••• — 4Ar. tleatn ’ Underwear, per salt MM t«» 79r Tea Ketll n IOiu47r. LEBANON. •iefoie^ tetanfi Covereti Brraal HaHern 84 to 40c. FOWLER. loMlIen ’ Underwear, per nalt M5toVOc. Wm. itarkbauean baa u new ataai wind i [HE IRBOII ROAD .\nd others too numerous to mention. l5iSi55=sa5.2«ji« «»^o K*«-H.H m mill. Mm. John Mnnkai ieon thaeick Bet. j I Mre. Cbria Haidar ie racovarioK altar a B. Thornton afiant Wcdiieeduy in St. 5i55g555s5559syHli5?t5 ’^'’** ” ' lonp lllnaea. Jolioe. ffortbern , Ohio and , Call and see us and get our prices and match Miaa .Nina M'ati-tar, of .Mnph* Bafiida. •Mm. .\yi*r on.i Mm. Ocoboc apent Tuea- all Sonthern Points. ; us if you can. waa in ledmnon Sunday. day in St. Johna. •eq *!» »n|an| | ewjDMDSgbMM WW ewwe am m w OIrwt Cosswtlose St IIwommi Joertlan mmc I Mra. .Ii-eeic Haytiaa haa baan rieitiuK Miea Minnie Willyoiinfc wae a plaaeanl Maqueiii.M Iisrsad with I). U. H. A M. K y Trslsa. ! Yours for Trade, bar fiaraute. .Mr. and Mra. C. .Vnihoiiy. Ciller in town Tuaa«lav. •M »”*»»» Hi rrime T*Mlklc>. j Jaa. Finlay ai d Will Barkhauean atnrt Mm Bnlilwin ie vieitinx her eieter. Mm. (MMMHU>a|4 •9c leoWwt NoTve iber.ini. IIMI.Y. i today lor Wiacouaiu, axiirrtiuK to wirrk I*r. Buaa of I.Hka (itbmaa. •:4 ooae( ,a’'= UftlMO NUKTH—Lv. UenuMl. | io tba wiMMht thara. z5 I*r iliiea o( Mapb* Biiiiide. wae in town •M.»a *j| -.4 4U A. M..______OiMl...... UiSO P. M : THE RACKET, Mra. W. J. I'atim and her dauRhlar, the latter fiart oi laat weak. a sgHBBBilSBBBsvHutBii ,or KMe, A«bl#y, Itbers, Mt. LaoD. AIsm i Mra. .liM. Baudolph huva ipina to .\aw St •« am ww ■jaojw^v HIHavtl;?? Ut. I*lv —sBt. cfsrr. t’edlllsf eed Frankfort | Miaa Miniiia (Miiitf of Uilay, ie the xuael w ^wetAew4«U«w UOlMfl MflUTH—Lv. Ilarwwd. York, to viail U few Waaka umoUK rain- of her aieli** , Mra ('haa. Dana. iT; W. H. HALL, Proprietor. tivaa. B .-H.aM3.Mt4 — •luejH jatoivnii. 3 =■ «isa A. M...... mmI...... uisn p. m i Mm. Sharinaii of Fenton, ia vieitiiiK For H owHI. Asn Arta.r, Milan, Toledo ano | 'Mio-tltiidoy r- : Mr. and Mm. Haranca StiMldani itiid her dnuxhtcr. Mm .Yrchic Parka. allHonibern Folatn, iillla ilauiihtar atiamlaii tin* carnival in --.4 'fSe«>r ? ; ' H.HK.NNKTT.Ii. I*. A. Toledo.<»blo j .Mr and Mm. Thornton viaitad Mr. and (Iran Bapida and viaiiail frianda in and ooimv ji ?« if* naar tha city. .Mra. M. Sutton of Batixal. Sunday. S Hr:rs5Bs5i:57 »H2l4H.ny I'lYWiVi’i’iYtfiWi’iWJjWij'iYi'MnOrirr'W^^^^^^^ ...... iM.iiiiiiiuiiiti Mf.ii -u tmumiiniiitiiniiiiiiniimiiiHtmiiMf Mra. .McLiuth and two dauffhtara, of Mm. (KiilaM* o( l*]aeax, ie vieilinx her dnuxhtar. Mm Win. (yam.thapaatwi*ek, DaWiit, anil .Mr. and Mia. Uuiloliih ^ nv**k» ‘»u» (ioatia HUii ilHuahtar, Blanch, of St. Miea l.uella Bliaa haa 101*11 viaitinp Mr Q ,4<.*-.Mf 4»^<,. » H •evtui.w Johna. apaiit SuinlH.V at II. S. Holinaa', and Mra. Pnttcraoii durioK the {atat a-M-MOtHH ______■«»I|v.*'.)ui|ori..j tba iHiiiaa baiuw aieiam of .Mr. and Mm. w»i*k. Iluiniaa. raa|a^-li»'aly. .Mr and Mra. Kml Mayer afmnt •Sunday wiili .Mr. and .Mm.(‘haa..'<<*hu**iderwindol ; .'ll. Jolllla. i BINGHAM. •‘•inp 't "*mnt laat Krax-r holla.* lM*tweeii Fowler ami St ' Friday in (leoaao. Johna. (ilail In \veh*ome them liace ill t l*h.iM. TrHiH'hail wna aide to la* out our inniat. 8 M4»Si,.t4 3.^M .- «»M~cM-* **' ’t^MI fenmey},^— Tua-day altar an illii*-a* .Itliiiea Bilirua ami <'iiuxilter Mfialit i* II-m~m*.m.4 -______•niw V weilPM • - 6^0 Bola'rt J. Siiitnr, of i■^llton. tiraliol Thii'allay and Friday with \lr and Mm iiiuiiiY, mllail in Binirhani Munduy and liatnilloii of (liive Mra IlMinillon haa , Tu—day. her arm bnikcn near tin* aliouhper. SS Br:S* 5r:i|£5iT5H.*-!=?n’ '.f •<•»« Will. P. liuirna le vrry aick at thie writiiiK. Ilia many friaiiila wiahhima (!. (iruler waa in St. .lohna Monday. ’= r.56555iti5ffyYvU 5Sii5 a|a-a«|> rtco\>ry. Krm—I driller a|a*iit Momliy in Ionia .\iulrcw ('ariantcr and aiaiar. Mra. deo lliiitiinoml ia the new lairtcr at laa-kwiHai, of (ila. afianl Satnrdnv wilti tin* llefMil Mm. .SHiilonl, rataliiiiiK hoiiia Suiidiiy •A-m-mcmh -______•J-M.M rw-MI if Mra K. L. KiMina a|a*nt ti fiart of laat ao ti iiilcriMMtii. w«i*k ill St .lohna. K. .'^tiufoni and'^ilaa an I (hair wivaa Mr ami Mr-, f'lioa. F. Meyggt85 gBBg£3BgnigBB No. l« A. (» fl W. |»|JWfP| Near (ha little town of Wonda Comam. figHgugligSBawilgiggi ■fWt •■nni to COLB’S HOT BLAST for coal, about aix milm from Ionia. r*^idaa B. 1. ea atetti' Plareon. \ farmer by ormiaitioii. niMi ';SigvB¥SgiBg*;£g:BggB . the heater that is revolutionizing lUia all hard workieir tiBrm i I tfn* mdl na REAl. ESTATE TRANSFERS omun.T liae found the burdana tba tiaek moat the Soft Coal burning stoves of aneHOW K RV HK4l|aTbRa4kl!L.R*a RKC- hear no iiabi burden to tarry. Few 2 s«itB55SgEgttKtfH5r«HI OMIM THie WnUH. paofila wbo navar live on a lerin afqira- •newfl •aoeeofVN the country. .Also GOLB’SORIG­ emta what It inaaaa to follow the plow B|5liSguiiHSKt2!ISiKgSH Imum -F I'reaamen. hy edmtiilatmtor. | fmw) ennriec to ann eat, Ini I if the fiub- lo Kilwerd I,. Ilonline. * Hot Mwk INAL AIR TIGHT HEATER FOR ilc in imnarni don’t know bow haril aurb iwiuiwl kuad tm gs 326Higi5I:nffSgBgg3b a |f because of the absolutely air lieed that tba tired faaiiiipa moetiv al- Wilbur F. I'hereh end wife to leeete Sf r.5f»’"55sRE59itf!!g?i;;v *^-^'*»'*^ “ ** waya ewan* from tirad kninave, and that INIcwherr. lend iwi aw K of aw K emt ; tight construction. The quick­ w k4 td ae >4 of aw H tif aiwUon W. the iittfa woadar-workare. Ihiae’a Kid­ RlnetMun isn m ney Pille, would ripht the wronvbroiiirhl Jobn Q. Henrdtet end wife to Mury ness with which a house can be on by over-work, Ufa wtmld lie aaaiar lor AilcbUd I’liormen. w ly of nw .4 of y r.HEBnugggS9gs8S5g5r ‘^<-•e-nlSc Mm. Baud what Mr. Piareoa eaya aaaciimi .fl. Weiart«arn 4 me m > healed, the great economy of fuel. ahnat hie axpariino-; J«aw»pb Fi'rry at el. t4t Jobn II. Illeak “I eotlradwnan I eWa.eafl IlflaUorrheeeart* al el.. iM *4 ne M of eaetfnn le. Via­ «r ^«?Sg|gHg8|S8gggS •ntmu -emi M* iMaetlwe eu44eat.v. aarly le tiw tell o tor. Jm which pay for the stove each season, and the medium price of^ the stoves, ijh! ■pnbaw eb el br my nrfbbore, ead mm It eweir. let : end w H of ka I, end e waa Ibe Aoet tliwe I raqetrrd -wrb e prrwem- fb ft of lot a. Moek I, V’lltaua of tlew. I eeo«e-ted e btd Me ■AoubnCilue. VlUem* of llewiu. ' iiBIBSBBBBIMafHBal THE ST.JOHNS NEWS. THURSlJAV AFTERNOON. NOVEMBER 10. 1898. Busin litMi Dikbctory -.. MABVELOl'S C1IKE5 irAOLWIMU, N<»MT«>M * IMNILIMO -BY— Condensed News. tUi I pyr NaUoMi BMk, FREE! FREE! FREE! »BWA M WALMUMiB, AttorMy Or. W. C. Walker (>••• o v«r (V»r««r Dr«ii At«*r» IIJ. H. NMimOM.Attowy •< LiAW, Mkni of the notx dxfUHct Keystoax Na« laA TW EaiMst PbjaMaa aad Htirfcaon, ol ^ tlonal hank, has ratumad to PklIndxH pkla aftxr an atamare of aavan yaor* Rand ricNally & Co’s ■. B. Pmmm. ?. K Pbmun . A.J.B albwui WEETS BISTORT. nBBMlNH » MALUtriM, AtU>nM7«Bt Datrolt. MMi.. forawHj of Smm York, and a half, and aurrendxrad hlmoxlf to mmI HoUcttor* la rmi m- will laake tka followiac Rofttitar hla bundsman, William II. Wanamakxr, roa v*jraaM(«aa«t am—y lt*a — a arhti—axar turnadaiNVfWNJ niVhim over to th* ITnitad kla# tlUaa, pay tasaa. aaaeala paaalo a .Moatklr VWta. New UniverAal Atlas of the World. aad laaAa eallaatloaa. All »*—*g — N«wt from All Ports of tho Orost Hiat— marshal —aiaally aad aararataly attaadad U». <»«aa Frank O. Foster, requialtiun clerk In at— oatdair'a rtAoa atorr at No. 11 <^a»oa Worid. aaaaaa, Ht. Juhaa. MlaAtaaa. the United Htatea quartermoater's de- |ti at Jefreraunvllle. Ind.. tommllted The Rbqis Ahnc Cost $50,000il0 and Three Years' Time to Prodice. IMIV J. WOMUMUrr, JaaUaa ol Um BAPPEXIXOM raiBKLT NARRATED. kuirlde by ahoutlns hlmaelf. Paaca. Uafafal atiaatloa i^vaa to aU RaaMaeiloaa. OBci orar Alllaoa a Jawalary Arthur Humuth ot Hloumlnston. Ills., This Atlaa contains entirely new iVlaiiB of every State of the United Mura____ All Um I—I Nawa Oaaaaralaa th* Faain , asctl tl, blew out hla bralna mr the re> States and of every country of the world. LVtlN. Attoraay at Laar.lM. Wygatlallnay wlUi Xpala. IFai nW Kvaata i au?t of ileapondenry. Whlali A*a of Unanral lalaraai. UUaa* j Ijktryer Char.eo <»fful commuted aui* i ride at Omaha bec-auae of lunx'ion* B. iMttTH. Attorary at l.aar. Hi. JoAaa tam. t'rlayan aad Uthar aahANInl|..iMRKICA> WAR ECHO: prevented by a waiter and Detective Illations, etc. _ aau. Voral UiMtlr aa