1884 SUBSCRIBERS (Sec. G. Vi. RIJHUKN) £851' Shakespeare Scholarship. 1871 HENRY TOLMAN DWIGHT iiOOO Prizes for History and Education. ,„-, ( EDWARD WILSON | 1000 Argus Scholarship in Engineering. '°" 1 LACHLAN MACKINNON; " 1S73 SIR GEORGE FERGUSON BOWEN 10O Prize for English Essay. 1873 JOHN HASTIE .... 10,140 General Endowment 1873 GODFREY HOWITT - 1000 Scholarships in Natural Histon. o 187.1 S1K WILLIAM FOSTER STAWELL ooii Scholarship in Engineering. 4. 187S SIR SAMUEL WILSON 30,000 Erection of Wilson Hall. 1888 .IOHN DIXSON WYSELASKIE - 8400 Scholarships 1884 WILLIAM THOMAS MOLLISON 6000 Scholarships in Modern Languages. 1884 SUBSCRIBERS .... 150 Prize for Mathematics in memory of Prof. Wilson. 1887 WILLIAM CHARLES KERNOT • 2000 Scholarships for Physical and Chemical Research, 1887 FRANCIS ORMOND - 20,000 Professorship of Music. 1800 ROBERT DIXSON 10,837 Scholarships in Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics and Engineering. 1890 SUBSCRIBERS - - - . .V217 Ormond Exhibitions in Music. ISflt JAMES GEORGE BEANEY 3900 Scholarships in Surgery and Pathology. 1894 DAVID KAY r>704 Caroline Kay Scholarships. 1897 SIBSCHIBEKS 7;*»" Research Scholarship in Biology in memory of Sir •fumes MacBain. 1902 ROBERT ALEXANDER WRIGHT 1000 Prizes for Music and for Mechanical Engineering. 1902 WILLIAM CHARLES KERNOT- 1000 Metallurgical Laboratory Equipment, BKSEFA CT10XS (Continued).

1U03 JOHN HENRY MACFARLAND - £100 Metallurgical laboratory Equipment. 1903 GRADUATES' FUND - 406 General Expenses. 1903 TEACHING STAFF ItftO General Expenses. including PROKKSSOR SI'KNUKR nioi PK"PKSHOR GHKUOKV - inn PIIOKKSSOII MASSON - - 1IHI 11103 SUKSL'RIKERS Prize in inemorv of Alexander Sutherland. 1903 GEORGE MuARTHUR Library of 2600 Books. 1904-f. SUBSCRIBERS TO UNIVERSITY FUND President—JANRT LADY CLARRR Treasurer—HRNRV BUTLKR Secretary— CIIARLRH BAOR SI'KCIA I. h'OUSDA TIOSS- C MRS. AUBREY BOWEN • •OOO Equipment of Pathological Museum. HENRY BOURNES HIGGINS - 1000 Scholarship for Study of Poetry. DAVID SYME 3000 Prize for Scientific! Research in Austrutii FREDERICK SHEPPARD GRIMWADE 1000 Prize for Technical Chemical Research. > MR. AND MRS. A. E. T. PAYNE AND 400 Exhibition in Veterinary Science. § MR AND MRS. .1. \\. PAYNE ' O SIR HENRY JOHN WRIXON - SOU Exhibition in Agriculture. MEMBERS OF BAR ASSOCIATION 047 Exhibition in Law. SUBSCRIBERS {Sec... R. J. LARKIMI) Chamber of Commerce Exhibition, and Prizes at insa Commercial Exanri nations DO.\A'l'IO.\S OF 4100 A.MJ UPWARD. ANDREW CARNEGIE 1000 Buildings and Equipment. PROPRIETORS OF "THE ARGUS" 100 NIEL WALTER BLACK - 100 MRS. WALTER BRIDGES 100 JANET LADY CLARKE - 100 SIMON FRASER- 100 SIR SAMUEL GILLOTT - 100 Buildings and Equipment. JOHN GRICE 100 WESLEY R. HALL - 100 ALICE MANIFOLD - loo EDWARD MANIFOLD 100 WILLIAM T. MANIFOLD- 100 VI BENEFACTIONS (Continued). as to DAVID ORME MASSON £100 Buildings and Equipment MEDICAL ASSOCIATION 205 MRS. ALBERT MILLER - 100 MRS. EDWARD MILLER - 100 WALTER BALDWIN SPENCER 100 OEOROE ALEXANDER STEPHEN 100 JOHN TRAILL - 100 WILLIAM WEATHERLY 106 MRS. WILLIAM WEATHERLY 100 OTHER DONATIONS • 1286 1907 MRS. EDITH LANSELL - 1200 George lansell Scholarship in Mining Engineering. 1907 MRS. JESSIE LEGGATT - 1000 Scholarship in Law. 1908 WILLIAM CHARLES KERNOT 200 Research Scholarship In Geology. 1908 SUBSCRIBERS 116 "Equipmen t of Anatomy School- " ol.. H 1908 HERMAN HENRY SCHLAPP 400 Ore-treatment Plant. a 1908 SUBSCRIBERS 171 EC 1909 JAMES STEWART 25,624 Scholarships in and Advancement of Anatomy, J Medicine and Surgery. o 1909 JAMES CUMING • 1,000 Prize for Agricultural Chemistry- ^ 1909 JAMES CUMINO - 1,000 For Veterinary Operating Theatre. o 1909 SUBSCRIBERS 260 Dublin Prize. Z 1910 SUBSCRIBERS 134 Jamieson Prize. J° 1910 OEOROE SWINBURNE. 160 For purchase of Apparatus. 1910 T. EDWARDS - Machinery valued at £206. 1910 N. OUTHRIDQE LTD. Machinery valued at £140. 1910 PEB H. B. SILBERBERO & COY. Machinery valued at £160, donated by F. W. Braun and W. Alnsworth ft Sons. 1911 ALEX. COWAN ft SONS LTD. CROSSLEY BROS. LTD. - 160 Ore-treatment Plant. 1911 NEIL WALTER BLACK 2,065 At disposal ol Faculty of Science. 1911 MRS. M. B. FULTON 060 For Medical Scholarship. 1911 JAMES WILLIAM BARRETT r>00 Department of Anthropology. 1912 WILLIAM HARBISON 2,51X1 Harhison-Iliginbotham Scholarship. MADAME MELBA 1,000 Melba Hall. ORIENT LINE OF ROYAL MAII STE AMERS • Three First-Class Return Passages annually since 1909. 3Umver*Ug of pdbcmrne




MAT IT PLEASE YOUR EXCELLENCY, I have the honour, in accordance with Section 27 of the University Act 1890, to submit to your Excellency the following report of the proceedings of the University during the past year :—

1.—INCREASE OF NUMHERS. The increase in the number of students in the last six years is sliown in the following Tuble. in which students of the Conservatorium of Music are not included. The figures include Research Students, who were taken into account in these tables for the first time in 1908 :— Tiking full Taking Xree" Singllllilfjects. Total' 1906 ... 583 ... 202 ... 785 1907 --• 628 ... 25K 880 1908 ... 666 ... 275 ... 941 1909 ... 743 ... 270 ... 1,013 1910 ... 850 ... 268 ... 1,118 1911 ... 885 ... 244 ... 1,129

2.—STUDENTS ATTENDING LECTURES. The following table shows the number of students attending lectures at the University during the year 1911 (including Evening Lectures) :— .40 628 ANNUAL HKPORT, 1911-1912.

* ! Schools. A i.i ; c u £x

Total - 338 217 100 no 60 244 1129 The number attending Evening Lectures was 81 : the number of women students was 196; the number of Free Students nominated by the Education Department was— For Education, 39 j for Agriculture, 22 j for Mining, 5; for Veterinary Science, 5. 3.—CONSERVATORIUM OF MUSIC. The corresponding figures for the Conservaturiimi of Music are as follows :—

-a Course. Iii is H •s.> St

Degree ot Mus. Bac. 1 — 4 5 Diploma in Music • 24 15 10 49 Other Students - — - 37

Total - - 91 Of these 11 wens men and SO women students. ANNUAL HKPORT, 1911-1912. 629

4.—ANNUAL EXAMINATIONS. The number of candidates for degrees of Bachelor and for Diplomas who presented themselves and who passed their respective Annual Examinations in the'past Academic Year is shown in the following table:— First I Second Third Fourth Year. Year. Year. Year. Totals.

Schools. t •o •8 1 S i 9 S a. ai. £ a. 0. Arts • 34 30 18 17 29 86 70 Education 76 65 47 30 123 95 Science 12 8 11 7 10 8 33 23 Law 34 30 32 26 16 11 90 S2 Dentistry 21 17 20 19 17 16 «7 61 Engineering | 27 22 15 10 9 01 51 Architecture 2 I o Agriculture ' 11 10 _8 1 8 8 1 — 27 26 Music - - j 12 7 12 9 13 9 j - 25 M'eterinarv , 3 8 8 6 5 j 8 29 26

"Fifth Year-Presented 2, Passed 2. The following are the corresponding figures of the Divi­ sional Examinations in the Medical Course on account of the year 1911, and the first following supplementary ex­ amination :— MEDICAL EXAMINATIONS.


1 •d 1 55 s S Oi i V •s c t v. or. £ % i 3. a. X £U at. X « "~ 104 | 56 65 55 65 57 234 lt>7

.40/ 630 ANNUAL REPORT, 1911-1912.

5.—DEGREKS CONFERRED. The number of degrees conferred and diplomas and licenses granted during the year 1911-12, including admis­ sions ad eundem gradum, is given below :— Bachelor of Arts - - - '-31 Bachelor of Science - - -13 Bachelor of Laws - - - - 15 Bachelor of Medicine - - - 57 Bachelor of Surgery - - - 50 Bachelor of Civil Engineering - 10 Bachelor of Mining Engineering - 3 Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering 1 Bachelor of Music - - - . A' Bachelor of Dental Surgery - - 9 Bachelor of Agricultural Science - 1 Bachelor of Veterinary Science - 3 Master of Arts - - - - 17 Master of Science .... 3 Master of Laws .... 3 Master of Surgery 2 Master of Civil Engineering - - 1 Doctor of Science .... 2 Doctor of Medicine - - - - 15 Diploma in Music ... 3 Diploma of Education - - - 33 License in Veterinary Science - 8

6.—PUBLIC EXAMINATIONS. The following table shows the number of candidates who presented themselves for and who passed the Primary Examination in 1912 and the Junior and Senior Public and Commercial Examinations of November, 1911, and the Junior and Senior Public and Junior Commercial of February,. 1912, and the percentage of passes in each case : ANNUAL REPORT, 1911-1912. 631

Examinations. -eg


Primary 170 | 65 38.2 Junior Public InOl : 661 42.3 Junior Commercial 43 | 11 26.5 270-2 Senior Public 331 163 48.8 Senior Commercial Junior Public (February) 476 2SS 60.5 Junior Commercial (February) 12 8 06.6 Senior Public (February) 108 60 01.1

7.—PUBLIC EXAMINATIONS IN MUSIC. The number of candidates who entered for and passed the Examinations in Music conducted by the University Music Examination Board during the year 1911-12 was as follows:— Kntered. Passed. September, 1911 - - 1063 - 1022 May, 1912 - - - 41H - 261

Total 19S1 1283

8.—COUNCIL. Sir John Madden, G.C.M.G., and Dr. J. H. MacFar­ land have been re-elected Chancellor and Vice-Chancellor respectively. Sir Thomas a'Beckett having served on the Council for upwards of 25 years, did not seek re-election on the ex- 632 ANNUAL REPORT, 19111913.

iration of his term of office in May last. Lieut.-Colonel John Monash, B.A., LL.B., M.C.E., was elected to fill the vacancy. Mr. Justice Hood, Mr. Justice Cussen, Dr. John Wil­ liams and Mr. Justice Higgins have been re-elected members of the Council. Professor Masson and Mr. G. A. Syme have been elected to the Council in place, respectively, of Professor Spencer and Dr. D. Grant, resigned. Leave of absence for one month was granted to Mr. Justice Higgins; for ten months to Professor Allen; for six months to Mr. Swinburne; for nine months to Mr. Fink; and for eleven months to Dr. Barrett.

9.-OBITUARY. The Council records with great regret the death of Mr. G. C. Rennie,. M.S., who was a brilliant graduate of the University, and whose interest in the Medical School had been maintained throughout his career, who had assisted in the work of the school in various capacities, including that of Acting Professor of Anatomy.

10.—PROFESSORS. The Government having provided the necessary funds applications for appointment to the newly-constituted Chair of Agriculture were invited in Australasia, and Dr. Thomas Cherry was appointed, and took up his duties on the 1st October last. Professor Gilruth resigned the Chair of Veterinary Pathology and the Directorship of the Veterinary Insti- ture as from the 31st March, in consequence of his appointment as Administrator of the Northern Territory, and received the congratulations of the Council on his appointment. Mr. N. MacDonald, B.V.Sc., was appointed Acting-Professor till the end of the current year. Dr. Kendall being appointed Acting-Director. Since the close of the year covered by this report, Mr. Harold Addison Woodruff, M.R.C.V.S., M.R.C.S., L.R. C.P., at present Professor of Veterinary Medicine at the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons, London, has been appointed to succeed Dr. Gilruth, and is expected to reach Melbourne in February, 1913. ANNUAL ItKPOKT, 1911-1912. 633

Professor Elkington has retired from the Chair of History and Political Economy, after nearly 33 years' service as Professor, this having been preceded by three years' service as a Lecturer. The Conncil has decided that it is desirable to appoint one Professor of History and another of Economics and Sociology, and has placed its proposals before the Government. In the meantime, the following Lecturers have been appointed to carry on the work of the chair:—Miss J. S. W. Webb, M.A., Mr. E. C. W. Kelly, LL.B., and Mr. T. S. Clyne, LL.B. The Chair of English Language nnd Literature having been vacant since the death of the late Professor Morris, and the Council having decided that it was now in a position to fill it, Mr. Robert Strachan Wallace, M.A. Aberdeen, and B.A. Oxford, has been appo'nted. Professor Laurie having retired from the Chair of Mental and Moral Philosophy, Dr. William Ralph Boyce Gibson, M.A., has been appointed to fill the vacancy. Professors Wallace and Gibson both arrived in Mel­ bourne during February last, and took up their duties at the beginning of- the academic year. Professor Spencer has been granted leave of absence for the vear 1912, to enable him to act for the Com­ monwealth Government in the Northern Territory as Special Commissioner and Acting-Protector' of Aborigines, and to. inaugurate a Commonwealth Aboriginal Depart­ ment. His duties were undertaken by Dr. Hall, who was appointed Acting-Professor, and Dr. Sweet, and Miss Bage, M.Sc, was appointed as an additional .Demon­ strator. Professor Allen has been granted leave of absence for 1912, to enable him to visit Europe. His duties are being undertaken by Dr. G. Lamble, who was appointed Acting-Professor, and Dr. R. Fowler.

11.—LECTURERS AND DEMONSTRATORS. Dr. Maudsley was granted leave of absence for four months from July, on the ground of ill-health, his duties being undertaken by Dr. Hiller and Dr. Stawell. Dr. Love was granted leave of absence during the 3rd and 4th terms, on the ground of ill-health, his duties being divided between Professor Lyle, Mr. W. M. Holmes and Mr. E. B. Brown. 634 ANNUAL REPORT, 1911-1912.

Miss R. E. J. White, D.Sc, having received an impor­ tant appointment under the Queensland Government, re­ signed her ofSce of Lecturer and Demonstrator in Botany, and received the congratulations of the Council on her new appointment. The following new appointments of Lecturers and Demonstrators nave been made during the year: — English—Evening Lecturer— Mr. A. T. Strong, M.A. Anatomy—Stewart Lecturer— Dr. W. G. D. Upjohn. Anatomy—Stewart Scholar— Mr. F. B. Martin, M.B., B.S. Physiology—Lecturer and Demonstrator— Mr. A. H. Thwaites, M.Sc. Physiology—University Scholar— Miss Hilda Kincaid, D.Sc. Pathology—Beaney Scholar— Mr. S. J. Campbell, M.B., B.S. Pathology—Honorary Demonstrator— Mr. W. S. Garnctt, M.B. Obstetrics—Demonstrator— Dr. E. A. Spowers. Engineering, Design and Drawing—Lecturer— Mr. W. N. Kernot, B.C.E. Road Construction—Honorary Lecturer— Mr. W. B. MacCormack. Lubrication—Honorary Lecturer— Mr. J. Stuart Crow. Natural Philosophy—Demonstrator— Mr. A. L. Bossiter, M.Sc. Natural Philosophy—Junior Demonstrator— Miss B. Wood, B.Sc. Chemistry—Demonstrator— Miss L. Green, M.Sc. Chemistry—Junior Demonstrators— G. Collie. E. I. Hartung. D. O. Shiels. R. J. Craig. F. N. Bennett. Miss M. Scott. Biology—Junior Demonstrator— Miss O. B. Davies. M.Sc. ANNUAL REPORT, 1911-1912. 635

Botany—Lecturer and Demonstrator— Miss B. Rees. Veterinary Anatomy—Caroline Kay Scholar— Mr. G. C. McLennan. The following new appointment has been made to the Conservatorium Staff: — Singing—Chief and Second Study— Miss Anne Williams. The following new appointments to the stuff of the Australian College of Dentistry have lieen approved— Oral Surgery— Dr. W. A. James. Demonstrator in Anaesthetics— F. S. Parrett. L.D.S., B.D.S. Demonstrator in Dental Mechanics- E. R. Owen, L.D.S. Demonstrators in Crown ond Bridge Work— E. S. Fischer, L D.S. J. D. Surman. Demonstrators in Graduation Fillings— J. K. Clark, L.D.S. W. J. Tuckfield, M.A CD.

12.—THE FACULTIES. The Faculty of Engineering 1ms been enlarged by the appointment of the following additional members: — Mr. J. M. Reid, representing the Surveyors' Board. Messrs. G. Wight, S. Murray, J. H. Fraser and Donald Clark. The Music Examination Board has been strengthened by the addition of the Rev. E. H. Sugden, Dr. W. G. Price and Mr. D. J. Coutts as members.

13.—EXAMINERS. The following examiners and additional examiners have been appointed: — 1. For the Arts Course— Co-Examiner in Greek, Part I., and Latin Part I. Mr. E. W. Cornwall, B.A. 636 ANNUAL REPORT, 1911-1912.

2. For the practical examinations in the subject of Education— Mr. A. Fussell, Mr. M. P. Hansen, Mr. J. McRae, Mr. M. S. Sharman, Mr. L. J. Wrigley. Miss S. E. Mitchell, Miss M. A. Williams. 3. For the Medicine Course— Materia Medica— Dr. F. H. Cole, Dr. T. P. Dunhill. Anatomy— Dr. W. Colin Mackenzie. Assessor for Histology—Mr. Fielder.

Mr. S. V. Sewell. Assessor—Dr. Barrett. Pathology— Dr. R. J. Bull. Therapeutics— Dr. C. Bage. Medicine— Dr. K. Hiller. Clinical Medicine— • Dr. W. B. Boyd. Dr. G. T. Howard, Dr. A. V. M. Anderson, Dr. L. S. Latham, Mr. A. Lowers. Surgery— Mr. G. C. Rennie, Dr. B. Kihington. Clinical Surgery— Mr. G. A. Syme, Dr. R. A. Stirling, Mr. B. Hamilton Russell, Dr. D. Murray Morton. Forensic Medicine— Dr. R. H. Cole. Obstetrics— Dr. Q. Home. 4. For the M.D. Examination— Medicine— Dr. G. E. Rennie (Sydney). Ophthalmologv— Dr. J. W; Barrett. ANNUAL RKPOKT, 1911-1912. 637

Obstetrics— Dr. 6. Home. Diseases of Children— Dr. A. J. Wood, Dr. F. H. Cole. Diseases of the Nervous System— Dr. H. Maudsley, Mr. E. Jones. 5. For the M.S. Examination-^ Surgery— Dr. A. MacCormack Surgical Anatomy— Professor Berry, Mr. G. A. Syme. Surgical Pathology— Dr. B. Kilvington, Dr. B. J. Bull. 6. For Theses for the degree of M.D— Professor Allen, Professor Berry, Professor Lyle, Professor Wilson (Sydney), Profes­ sor Welch (Sydney), Dr. R. J. Bull, Dr. K. Hiller, Mr. C. H. Mollison. Dr. A. J. Wood. Dr. R. R. Stawell, Dr. H. C. Maudsley, Dr. A. V. M. Anderson, Dr. F. J. Clendinning^ Mr. P. D. Bird. Dr. P. Webster, Mr. E. L. Gault.

7. For the Engineering Course— Hydraulic Engineering— Mr. C. E. Oliver, M.C.E. Civil Engineering. Part I.—• Mr. W. R. Bennick, C.E. Civil Engineering, Part II Colonel Monash, M.C.E. Mining and Metallurgy— Mr. Donald Clark. M.C.E., M.M.E. 8. For the Music Course— Pianoforte— Mr. Laver, Mr. Thomson, Mr. Coutts. Organ— Dr. Price, Mr. Coutts. 638 ANNUAL RKPORT, 1011-1912.

Violin— Mr. Zclman, Mr. Gade. Singing— Madame Jansen, Madame Major, Miss Har­ rington. Harmony and Counterpoint-- Dr. Price, Mr. Coutts. 9. For the Dental Course— Chemistry— Professor Masson, Mr. A. W. Craig. Dental Anatomy— Mr. E. B. Nicholls, Mr. J. M. Lewis, Mr. T. F. W, Hall. Anatomy and Dissections- Professor Berry, Dr. J. H. Anderson. Dental Mechanics and Metallurgy— Dr. W. E. Davis, Mr. A. L. Elvins, Mr. T. F. W. Hall. Physiology and Histology— Mr. H. M. Hewlett, Dr. G. Sweet. Practical Metallurgy— Mr. D. Clark, Dr. G. B. Pritchard. Surgery, Pathology and Bacteriology— . Mr. C. H. Mollison, Miss Constance Ellis. Materia Medica and Therapeutics— Dr. J. E. Nihill, Dr. F. H. Cole. Dental Surgery and Pathology— Mr. J. Iliffe, Dr. F. Shultlewortli. Dr. H. H. Ham, Dr. W. E. Davis. Practical Histology-- Rev. W. Fielder, Dr. G. Lamble. Medicine— Dr. J. E. Nihill, Mr. J, T. Murphy. Oral Surgery— Dr. R. A. Stirling, Dr. \V. A. James. Practical Dental Mechanics— Mr. J. Iliffe, Mr. D. McGregor. ANNUAL RBPORT, 1011-1912. 639

Practical Bacteriology — Dr. R. J. Bull, Dr. J. W. Springthorpe. 10. For the Wyselaskie Scholarships— Mathematics— Professor Nanson, Mr. J. H. Michell. English Constitutional History and Political Economy— Professor Elkington, Mr. R. C. Mills. Modern Languages— Professor Wallace, Mr. P. I. Maurice Carton, Mr. W. von Dechend. Classical and Comparative Philology and Logic— Professor Tucker, Mr. W. Kerry, Mr. J. G. Latham. 11. For the Caroline Kay Scholarships— In Veterinary Anatomy— Dr. W. T. Kendall. In Geology— Mr. H. S. Summers. 12. For the Junior Public Examination, 1911— Further additional Examiners— Arithmetic— Miss M. A. Williams. Georgraphy— Mr. J. S. Kitson. History— Mr. F. Shann. Physics— Mr. T. H. Upton. 13. For the Primary Examination, 1912— Botany— Professor Ewart, 1st Examiner in place of Dr. White (resigned). Geometry 1st and Algebra 2nd Examiner— Mr. J. Bee, in place of Dr. Cross (resigned). 640 ANNUAL RKPORT, 19111012.

14. For the Primary Examination, June, 1913:- Subject First Examiner. Second Examiner. Composition and Writing Hr. M. P. Hansen Mr. F. Shann English • Mrs. McKellar Stewar. Mr. I). McLachlan Arithmetic Miss J. T. Flynn Mr. K. F. Russell Geography Mr. T. IV. Bothrovd Mr. H. S. Summers Elem. Physical Science Mr. L. N.Thom Mr. W. R. Jamieson Botany Professor Ewart Miss R. Wood Drawing • Mr. P. M. Carew-Smj th Mr. J. T. Lupson French Mrs. M. Laurie Mrs. McKellar Stewart Mm. Laurie Mr. W.von Dechend German • Mr. E. I). Ulrich Latin Mr. E. W. Cornwall Mr. E. I>. Ulrich Mr. E. W. Cornwall Greek Mrs. Ijtnrie British History - Mr. C. K. Weatherburn Miss I. Marshall Algebra • Mr. Vi. K. Jamieson Mr. W. R. Jamieson Geometry • Mr. C. E. Weatharburn 15. For the Junior and Senior Public and Commercial Examinations, November, 1912, and February, 1913:— Subject First Examiner Second Examiner English Professor Wallace Mrs. .McKellar Stewart Greek Mr. W. Kerry Mr. E. Vt. Cornwall Latin Mr. E. W. Cornwall Mr. W. Kerry French Mr. F. I. Maurice-Carton Miss E. K. Masson German Mrs. E. Wood Mr. W. von Uechend Arithmetic Mr. C. E. Weatherburn Dr. H. Creen Algebra Mr. A. SI. Nesbitt Mr. C. E. Weatherburn Geometry Hr. O. OnnderHen Mr. A. M. Nesbitt Trigonometry Mr. W. Brcmbv Mr. T. Carlton-Sutton History Miss S. E. Mitchell Mr. F. Green Ohemistry Mr. E. S. KichardH Dr. II. Green Botany Professor Ewart Miss B. Rees Drawing Mr. P M. Carew-Sinvth Mr. .1. T. Lupson Bookkeeping Mr. C. L. Hall Mr. A. C. Morley Shorthand Mr. E. B. Loughran Mr. II. E. Wade Typewriting Mr. C. I.. Hewitt Mr A. c. Morlev

Junior Examinations only— Subject First Examiner Second Kxaininer Physics Mr. Vi. M. Holmes Dr. E. F. J. I-ove Geography Mr. H. S. Summers Mr. .!. A. Leach Physiology • Mr. W. Fielder Mr. A. C. H. Kothera Senior Examinations only— Subject First Examiner Second Examiner Physics • Dr. E. F. J. Love Mr. \V. M. Holmes Geography - Professor Skeats Mr. H. S. .Summers Geology ' • Professor Skeats Dr. Ii. If. I'litehard Physiology • Mr. A. C. H. Rothcra Mr. W. Fielder Mechanics - Mr. E. B. Brown Mr. W. M. Holmes ANNUAL REPORT, 1911-1912. 641

Additional Examiners—Junior Examinations— English—Miss K. E. Flynn, Miss H. E. Wallace, Mr. A. Hart, Mr. D. McLachlan, Mr. F. Shann. Latin—Mr. W. F. Ingram. French—Miss E. Derham, Miss M. S. Schollick, Mr. H. K. M. Walker. Arithmetic —Mr. J. Bee, Ur. A. L. Galbraith, Mr. O. Gundersen, Mr. A. Hart. Mr. A. L. Rosslter. Algebra—Ur. J. Bee, Mr. A. Hart, Mr. A. L. Rosslter, Hr. T. Carlton-Sutton. Geometry—Mr. A. L. Galbraith, Mr. T. Haynes-Upton. History-Mr. J. A. Arthur, Mr. F. Shann, Miss H. E. Wallace, Miss J. Webb. Physics—Mr. T. Haynes-Upton. Geography—Mr. T. W. Bothrovd, Mr. N. K. Junner, Mr. M. Morris, Dr. G. B. Pritchard. 14.—PUBLIC EXAMINATIONS. In view of the growth in recent years of the number of candidates entering for the Public Examinations, and the consequent increase in the revenue derived, changes have been made which have the effect—(1) of reducing the fees to be paid by certain candidates, (2) of increas­ ing the amount available for exhibitions at the Senior Public Examination from .£150 to .£320, and (3) of in­ creasing the fees payable to the examiners.

15.—PRIMARY EXAMINATION. On the other band, the support accorded the Primary Examination, which was established in 1906, having steadily declined, the Council has decided that it is de­ sirable to abolish the examination, and is proposing to the Senate the repeal of legislation necessary to carry out this decision.

'" 16.—UNIVERSITY REPRESENTATIVES- The following gentlemen were appointed to represent the University: — Council of Legal Education— Sir Henry Wrixon and Dr. Bride. Council of Public Education— Professor Berry, in place of Professor Spencer (resigned). Council of Australian College of Dentistry and Mel­ bourne Dental Hospital— Mr. C. H. Mollison M.B. 642 ANNUAL REPORT, 19111912.

Council of Working Men's College— Professor Payne. Joint Committee of University and Working Men's College- Rev. E. H. Sugden, Professors Masson, Lyle, Skeats and Payne. Rhodes Scholarship Selection Committee— Professor Lyle. Melbourne Hospital Advisory Board— Dr. J. P. Wilson, in place of Dr. D. Grant. Alfred and Women's Hospital Advisory Committees— Dr. T. F. Bride, in place of Dr. Barrett. Royal Society, 250th Anniversary— Professor Laurie, University of Dublin, 200th Anniversary of its Medical School- Professor Allen. Congress of Applied Chemistry— Mr. W. R. Grimwade.

17.—1851 EXHIBITION SCHOLARSHIP. On the nomination of the University Mr. Glenny Smeal, B.Sc, has been appointed by the Royal Com­ missioners of the 1851 Exhibition to one of their Science Research Scholarships. The Royal Commissioners have informed the Council that for the future they will invite the University annu­ ally instead of biennially to nominate a student for one of these Scholarships.

IS.^RHODES SCHOLAR. The Rhodes Scholarship for 1912 was awarded by the Selection Committee to Mr. Edmund Francis Herring (Trinity College).

19—DAVID SYME PRIZE. The annual prize of ilOO founded in 1905 by the late Mr. David Syme for the best thesis based upon original work in Biology, Chemistry, Geology or Natural Philos- ANNUAL REPORT, 1911-1912. 643 ophy, open to all persons resident in Australia for not less than five years, has been awarded to Mr. C. O. G. Larcombe, for his work on the Geology of Kalgoorlie. 20.—ORIENT FREE PASSAGES. The three first saloon return passages, which are annuallv placed at the disposal of graduates of this University by the generosity of the Managers of the Orient Li'ne of Royal Mail Steamers, have been awarded to Messrs. R. C. Mills, LL.M., M. G. Patten. M.A.. and Glenny Smeal, B.Sc.

21—GOVERNMENT RESEARCH SCHOLARSHIPS. In October, a certain amount of the Grant for Be­ search Sholarsliips having been set free by resignations, grants were made as follows. The grants were for five months, at the rates stated per annum: — L. W. G. Buchner (Anatomy)— The Norma Facialis of Tasmanian and Austra­ lian Alboriginal Crania. (.£100.) L. B. Bull (Veterinary)— Some Pathological Conditions Found in Native Fauna. (.£100.) H. Drew (Chemistry)— Researches on the Oil from a New Species of Eucalypt. (,£30.) C. C. Halkyard (Engineering)— Stresses in Railway Bridges. (.£75.*) E. Morris Miller (Philosophy)— An Interpretation of Kant's Critique of Prac­ tical Reason. (£75.) R. C. Mills (History)— The Exercise of the Prerogative of Dissolution in Australasia. (,£100.) Miss M. Scott (Chemistry)— The Oil of the Sassafras Tree. (,£100.) N. Thomson (Botany)— The Mutual Infectability of Root Tubercle Bacteria on Native and Cultivated Legu- minosae. (£100.) 644 ANNUAL RKPORT, 19111912.

A. H. Thwaites (Veterinary)— Post Anaesthetic Pneumonia. (£120.) 'Including £25 for apparatus. INCREASED GRANTS. Miss G. Pitts (Chemistry)— Certain Reactions of Sulphates. (£25- total, £50.) Miss B. Rees (Botany)— The Ripening of Seeds and Cause of Delayed Germination. (£15—total, £90.) Miss R. Sugden (Chemistry)— The Formation and Properties of Thorium Cynate. (£25—total, £50.) Miss R. E. J. White (Botany)— Bitter Pit in Apples; Revision of Genus Dnnthonia. (£25—total, £125.) „ The Government having continued its annual grant of £2000 for Research Scholarships, the following awards were made in March for thc ensuing 12 months:—- R. C Mills, LL.M.—History (Professor Moore)— The Exercise of the Prerogative of Dissolution in Australasia. (£10(i.) Kenneth T. Henderson, B.A—Philosophy (Professor Gibson)— Some Characteristics of Social Evolution. (£25.) Miss K. A. Lush—Philosophy (Professor Gibson)— The Philosophical Problem of the Connection of Mind and Body. (£25.) E. Morris Miller, M.A.—Philosophy (Professor Gib­ son)— Kant's Critique of Practical Reason. (£75.) J. McKellar Stewart, M.A. (Melb.), D.Phil. (Edin.)— Philosophy (Professor Gibson)— The Philosophy of Human Freedom in Kant, Bergson and Eucken. (£50.) L. W. G. Buchner—Anatomy (Professor Berry)— The Norma Facialis of the Australian and Tasmanian Aboriginal Crania. (£125.) ANNUAL RKPORT, 1911-1912. 645

R. M. Downes, M.D., M.S.—Anatomy—(Professor Berry)— The Bodily Proportion of the Human Trunk. (£50.) Miss Olive B. Davies. M.Sc.—Biology (Acting Professor Hall)— Land and Freshwater Molluscs of Australia. (£100.) Miss Janet W. Raff, M.Sc.—Biology (Acting Professor Hall)— Observations on Australian Animals. (£100.) F. Harper Campbell, M.Sc.—Chemistry (Professor Masson)— Compounds of Gold. (£150). A. Keith Jack—Chemistry (Professor Masson)— Neutral Salt Action. (£25.) R. E. Parry—Chemistry (Professor Masson)— Neutral Salt Action. (£25.) Mrs. A. C. D. Bivett, B.Sc—Chemistry (Professor Masson)— Rates of Hydration of Acid Anhydrides. (£100.) E. I. Rosenblum, B.Sc.—Chemistry (Professor Mas- son)— The Effect of-Neutral Salt Action on the Solu­ bility of Phthalic Acid. (£125.) Miss Ruth Sugden, B.Sc.—Chemistry (Professor Mas- son)— The Preparation of Thorium Cyanate. (£75.) Miss Brenda Sutherland, B.Sc.—Chemistry (Professor Masson)— The Absorption of Phosphorus by Plants. (£100.) A. L. Rossitcr, M.Sc.—Natural Pliilosophy* (Professor Lyle)— Magnetic Properties of Iron at High Tempera­ tures. (£100.) •Glenny Smeal, B.Sc Natural Philosophy (Professor Lyle)— (1) The Psychrometric Formula. (2). Ratio of Elasticities of Gases. (3) A Study of Frictional Forces. (£120.) 646 ANNUAL REPORT, 19111912.

Miss Lilias Jackson, B.Sc—Physiology (Professor Os­ borne)^— (1) Method of Electrical Conductivity Applied to Analysis of Milk. (2) Experiments in Counter Diffusion—i.e.. Diffusion of Two Dissolved Substances in Presence of Third Dissolved Substance. (£125.) Miss Hilda Kincaid, D.Sc.—Physiology (Professor Osborne)— Disorders of Milk Secretion and Their Treat­ ment. (£100.) J. M. West—Bio-Chemistry (Mr. Rothera)— The Deterioration of the Malting Barleys in the Northern Districts of Victoria. (£76.) N. Thomson, B.Agr.,Sc—Botany (Professor Ewart)— The Mutual Infectibility of Root Tubercle Bacteria on Native and Cultivated Legu- minosae. (£100.) V. Nightingall—Botany (Professor Ewart)— The Action of Radio-Activity and Plant Growth. High Oscillatory Currents on Plant Life. (£60.) Jas. Mann—Engineering (Professor Payne)— Australian Timbers. (£160.) T. H. Upton, B.Sc—Engineering (Professor Payne)— The Road-making Properties of Victorian Rocks. (£25.) N. R. Juuner—Geology (Professor Skeats)— The Geology of the Diamond Creek Area. (£25.) M. Morris, B.Sc.—Geology (Professor Skeats)— The Geology of the Dandenong Mountains. (£50.) Lionel B. Bull—Veterinary (Acting Professor Mac Donald— Some Pathological Conditions found in Native Fauna. (£125.) ANNUAL REPORT, 1911-1912. 647

22.—RESEARCH. The total number of graduates and research students (excluding members of the staff) who have been engaged in research in the various departments is 38, distributed as follows:—Anatomy, 2; Biology, 4; Botany, 2; Chemistry, 7; Engineering, "> -, Geology, 3: Natural Philosophy, 2; Law, 2; Physiology, 5; Philosophy, 4; Veterinary Science, 2.

23 BUILDINGS. By the aid of the £2000 granted by the Government the old Museum Building has been converted into the Union House, and some £800 or £900 has been raised from other sources for furnishing the building. Lun­ cheon rooms, reading rooms, committee rooms, common rooms and rooms for games are now provided. The Government further granted £5000 for the exten­ sion of the Chemistry and Physiology (including Bio- Chemistry) departments, and this work is now almost complete. The extension of the Engineering building is now com­ plete, and the equipment of the several laboratories is in an advanced stage. The work of building up the equipment will, however, probably proceed for another two years.

24.—REQUIREMENTS FROM GOVERNMENT. The Council having placed before the Government the urgent need of additional and improved accommodation for the work in Arts and Education, and for the exten­ sion of the Library, the Hon. the Treasurer asked for a statement ot the University's probable requirements for ten years to come. Such a statement was accordingly prepared. The total amount set down for buildings was £105,000, whilst the increased annual expenditure asked for on salaries and maintenance was about £16,000. The Conncil has not yet been informed as to how far the Government is able to go towards meeting these requirements. 648 ANNUAL REPORT, 1911 1912.

25.—UNIVERSITY ACT 1890. The Government has been asked to propose an amend, ment of the University Act 1890, in the following direc­ tions—(1) To admit women to membership of the Senate on the same terms ae men, and to render women eligible to the Council; and (2) to remove a difficulty created by the fact that the Council now appoints the clinical instructors at the recognised general hospitals, and pays them out of the students' clinical fees. The difficulty consists in the fact that the clinical instructors are technically salaried officers, and a large number of mem. bers of the medical profession is thus disqualified for election to the Council.

26.—REGULATIONS. Thc principal alteration in the Statutes is the repeal of the Statute under which the Board of Public Exami­ nations was constituted, and the enactment of a new Statute constituting a Schools Board, with wider powers and higher status than the Board of Public Examina­ tions had. It is the intention that the Council should act through the Schools Hoard, in all matters affecting schools, and particularly in framing regulations for, and in the conduct of, public examinations. Several new regulations have been passed—one pro­ viding for the degree of Doctor of Dental Science; another for the award of the Fulton Scholarship in Ob­ stetrics and Gynaecology; and a third providing for the Australian Diploma of Tropical Medicine in the University of Melboume. Candidates for the diploma will be required, after a preliminary course in Melbourne, to perform a special course at the Institute of Tropical Medicine in Townsville, Queensland. Legislation, identical in its requirements, has also been passed by the University of Sydney. Further consideration has been given to the regula- tion governing the degree of Bachelor of Arts, and an entirely new regulation has been passed by the Council, and is being submitted to thc Senate. The new regula­ tion will abolish individual compulsory subjects, but it arranges subjects in four groups—(1) Language and ANNUAL REPORT, lttll-1912. 649

Literature; (2) History and Political Science; (3) Philoso­ phy and Pure Mathematics; (4) Science; and requires candidates to pass* in at least one language other than English, and in at least one subject from each of the other groups. If passed by the Senate the Council will still be unable to bring the new regulation into force, until it is placed in a position to make some additions to the staff. Thc regulation governing the Diploma of Education has been amended, and now requires students first to complete two years of some degree course, and then to devote a third year exclusively to the subject of Educa­ tion. 27.—CONGRESS OF UNIVERSITIES. A conference of Australian Universities was held in Sydney in September, 1911, preliminary to the Congress of Universities of the Empire, which met in London in July. Those present felt that the local conference was so helpful that they resolved that it was desirable to hold similar conferences triennially. The London Congress was attended on behalf of the Univei'sity by Professor Allen, Dr. Barrett, Mr. Fink and Professor Laurie. It is anticipated that good results will flow from the meeting of the Congress, but full reports of its proceedings arc not yet available.

28.—HOSPITAL TEACHING. The Council has continued the policy adopted some two years ago, and has again, on the application of the members of the several staffs, appointed Clinical Lec­ turers and Tutors and Instructors at the Melbourne, Alfred and St. Vincent's Hospitals, who are paid by the University out of the fund provided by students' clinical fees. In addition, the Faculty of Medicine has recognised the Clinical Instructors at a number of special Hospitals, and in special departments of General Hospitals.

29—PORTRAIT OF CHANCELLOR. A portrait of the Chancellor, Sir John Madden, by Mr. Charles Wheeler, has been presented to the Univer­ sity by the graduates, and hung in the Wilson Hall. 650 ANNUAL REPORT, 1911-1912.

30.—ROYAlL SOCIETif. Professor Lyle has received the honour of election as a Fellow of the Royal Society. The University now has four members of the Society on its staff—those in addi­ tion to Professor Lyle being Professors Masson and Spencer, and Mr. J. H. Michell, Lecturer in Mathe­ matics.

31.—DEPARTMENT OF ANTHROPOLOGY. For some years past Professor Berry has given a good deal of attention to the study of Anthropology, having practically made this study a sub-department of the School of Anatomy; and the work done therein has been favourably noticed elsewhere- Recognising the value of Professor Berry's work, and being impressed with its importance. Dr. J. W. Barrett has presented to the University the sum of £500 to form the nucleus of a fund to provide for an Anthropological Department in the hope that the fund will be built up by contributions from others.

32.—BENEFACTIONS. The Council desires to acknowledge the following dona­ tions in money: — Next of Kin of the late William Harbison.—£2500, to found a Harbison-Eigiubotham Scholar­ ship. Madame Melba.—£1000*4s. Id., being the proceeds of a matinee performance, towards the cost of a Melba Hall at the Conservatorium. Dr. J. W. Barrett.—£500, referred to above. Subscribers.—£102 16s., to provide a memorial to the late Professor E. E. Morris. Messrs. Babcock and Wilcox Ltd.—£100, off cost of a boiler. Dr. W. Colin Mackenzie, £20 16s. 8d., for cases for Anatomy Department. ANNUAL REPORT, 10111912. 651

Professor Payne.—£10 10s., for Melba Hall. Mrs. Robert Reid, £10. Mrs. Robert Harper, £5 5s. And also the following gifts of goods, etc.: — City Council Electric Supply Committee—3 Riley and 2 General Electric secondhand Trans­ formers. Union Electric Co.—Electrical machinery. Messrs. Hartmann and Bi-aun, of Frankfort;— Electrical Machinery. Mr. Edward Miller.—Horse for the Veterinary Institute. Mr. A. T. Danks.—34 volumes of Transactions of the Society of-Engineers. Mr. Ernest Jones.—Four works published between 1722 and 1845, for the Medical School Library. Mr. T. H. Woodruff 80 Photo.-Lithographs of a Locomotive. Mr. W. H.- Hamer, M.I.C.E.—Plans of Auckland Harbour Works.

33.—APPENDICES. The following appendices are attached hereto :— Appendix A.—List of Contributions to Literature and Science. Appendix B.—List of Donations to the Library. Appendix C.—Statement of Accounts for the year 1911. All of which I have the honour to submit for your Excel­ lency's consideration.

I have the honour to be. Your Excellency's most obedient servant,



ARTS. M. Maurice Carton, M.A., L., Officer d'Academic— Le Petit Francais. Monthly. Le Francais Co. Melbourne, 1911-1912.

BIOLOGY. Professor Baldwin Spencer, C.M.G., M.A., F.R.S.— ,1. Across Australia. 2 vols. Macmillan & Co., London. 2. An Introduction. to the Study of Certain Native Tribes of the Northern Territory. Bull, North. Terr., No. 2. T. S. Hall, M.A., D.Sc— 1. The Age of Rocks at Marong and Duuolly. Rec Qeol. Surv. Vict., 3, Part II., pp. 185-188. 2. Reports on Graptolites. Ib., pp. 188-211, 1 plate. T. S. Hall and E. R. Pitt, B.A.— Catalogue of the Natural Science and Technical Periodicals in the Libraries in Melbourne, pp. 1-379. Govt. Printer, Melb. Olive B. Davies, M.Sc— The Anatomy of the Slug Cystopelta pctterdi,. var. purpurea, var. nov. Proc Roy. Soc Victoria, 24 (n.s.), pp. 331-342. 6 pi. Janet W. Raff, M.Sc Protozoa parasitic in the Large Intestine of Aus­ tralian Frogs. Ib., pp. 343-352, 2 pi. RK8KARCH WORK. 653

BOTANY. Professor Ewart, D.Sc, Ph.D., F.L.S.; J. White, D.Sc; B. Bees, and B. Wood, B.Sc— Contributions to the Flora of Australia, No. 18. Proc Roy. Soc. Victoria, vol. XXIV. (new series). Part II., pp. 255-269, with 5 plates, March, 1912. Professor Ewart, B. Rees and B. Wood— Contributions to the Flora ot Australia, No. 17. Proc. Roy. Soc. Vict., vol XXIV. (new series). Part 1., pp. 61-75, with 1 plate, September. 1911.' Professor Ewart— Fruiting of Blackfcllow's Bread (Polyporus Mylittae, Cook). From Proc. Roy. Soc. Vict., vol. XXIV. (new series). Part I., pp. 60-61, Sept., 1911. Professor Ewart— The Absorption of Food Substances and Poisons through Leaves. Jour, of Agric. Victoria, Sept., 1911. Professor Ewart— Bitter Pit and Sensitivity of Apples to Poison. Proc. Roy. Soc. of Vict., vol. XXIV. (new series), Part II.. pp. 367-419, March, 1912.

CHEMISTRY. R. Drew, U.Sc, W. Heber Green, D.Sc, and P. R. H. St. John-- Notes on some Stringybark Eucalypts, including— (a)Occurrence of E. Considcniana in the Lower Yarra District, (b) Chemical Composition of the Oils distilled from some Eucalypts. , Proc. Roy. Soc Vict., 1912, 25 (n.s.). Part I., 176. S. Deakin, B.Sc, and A. C. D. Rivctt, B.A., B.Sc— The Conductivity and Dissociation of Diacetyltartaric Acid. Journ. Chem. Soc, Trans., 1912, 101. 127. A. C. D. Rivett, B.A., B.Sc— The Estimation of Moisture in Butter. Chemical News, 1911, 104, 261. 654 APPENDIX TO REPORT.

GEOLOGY. Professor Skeats, D.Sc. F.G.S.— 1. The Occurrence of Nepheline in Phonolitc Dykes at Omeo. 2. Report on Recent Work on the Alkali Rocks in Victoria. Aust. Ass. for Advancement of Science. Sydney, 1911. Professor Skeats and H. Summers, M.Sc.— The Petrological and Experimental Aspects of the Main Road Problem in Victoria. Victorian In­ stitute of Engineers, October 4th, 1911. H. S. Summers— Preliminary Note on the Alkali Rocks of Dnndas, Victoria. Aust. Ass. for Advancement of Science, Sydney, 1911. F. L. Stillwell, B.Sc— Notes on the Geology of Broadmeadows. Proc. Roy. Soc. Vict., vol. XXIV. (new scries), Part I., September, 1911.

PHYSICS. E. F. J. Love, M.A., D.Sc, F.R.A.S., and G. Smeal, B.Sc— The Psychrometric Formula. Proc. Roy. Soc. Victoria, Vol. XXIV. (N.S.), Pt. II., pp. 201-220, with 1 plate.

LAW. Professor Harrison Moore, B.A., LL.D.—- The Living Wage in thc Australian Arbitration Court., Journal of Comparative Legislation (Loudon), May, 1912.

ANATOMY. Professor Berry, M.D.,Ch.M., F.R.C.S., Edin., F.R.S.E.— The Past History and Future Development of Man. Annual lecture to the Medical Students' So­ ciety, August, 1911. RESEARCH WORK. 655

Professor Berry and A. W. D. Robertson, M.D.— The Place in Nature of the Australian Aboriginal. Proceedings of the 9th Australian Medical Con­ gress. J. H. Anderson, M.D., B.S.— The Sinoventricular Bundle of His. The Anthropometry of the Caucasian Ear. Proceedings of the 9th Australian Medical Congress. B. M. Dowues, M.D., M.S.— The Thymus. Australian Medical Journal. The Anatomical Consideration of the Thymus with regard to Thymic Death, with an account of cases presenting abnormality. Proceedings of the 9th Australian Medical .Congress. The Inter-relationship of some Trunk Measurements and their Relation to Stature. Proceedings of the 9th Australian Medical Congress.

BACTEBIOLOOT. R. J. Bull. M.D., B.S.— Germs Carriers. (Transactions of the Ninth Aus­ tralian Medical Congress.) (The Bacteriology of the Kitchen. (Osboldstone and Co., Melbourne). (a) Report on Melbourne Milk Supply. (b) Investigation as to Origin of Micro-Organlsmi Associated with Summer Diarrhoea of Infants. (Annual Report Melbourne City Council, 1911- 1912.) Muriel K. Davies, M.B., B.S.— Some Clinical and Laboratory Notes on Acne Vul­ garis, Including Bacteriology and Vaccine Theraphy. (Transactions of the Ninth Aus­ tralian Medical Congress.) John K. Adey, M.B., B.S.— The Wassermann Reaction in Epileptic Insanity. (Aust. Med. Jnl., July 27th, 1912.) 656 APPENDIX TO REPORT.

Konrad Hiller, M.D., B.S.— Progress Report of Investigation of Syphilis in the Metropolitan Area of Melbourne. (Trans­ actions of the Ninth Australian Medical Con­ gress.)

PATHOLOGY. Professor H. B. Allen. M.D., LL.D.— Vaccines and Serum Therapy. Proceedings of Aus­ tralian Medical Congress, ninth session, 1911. and Australian Medical Journal, Oct., 1911. Notes on the Pathology of Salpingitis. Australian Medical Journal, Feb. 24th, 1912. Gilbert Lamble, M.D., B.S.— Histological Studies compared with the Wassermann Reaction. Proceedings of Australian Medical Congress, ninth session, 1911. Robert Fowler, M.D., B.S.— Notes on a Fatal Case of Icterus Neonatorum. Aus­ tralian Medical Journal, Oct. 21st, 1911.

ENGINEERING. George Higgins, M.C.E.— Notes on Some Experiments with Models of Built-up Columns, vol. XIII., Aus. Ass. Advt. Science, May, 1912. Notes on a Few Experiments with Gyroplanes and Hydroplanes. Vol. XIII., Aus' Ass. Advt. Science, May, 1912. Outer Ports for Victoria. Presidential, address be­ fore Melb. Univ. Engineering Society, published in the " 'Varsity Engineer," issued June, 1912.

VETEailTAHY. Professor J. A. Gilruth, D.V.Sc, M.R.C.V.S., F.R.S.E A Variety of the Vibrion Septique (Bacillus of Malignant Oedema), Non-pathogenic for Rabbits. Veterinary Journal, vol. LXVII., Ano-., 1911. p. 471. RESEARCH WORK. 657

Pyoemic Hepatitis Affecting Sheep. Veterinary Journal, vol. LXVII., Sept., 1911. p. 541. The "Braxy'"Type of Disease in Australia. Proc. Aust. Assoc. Adv. Sc, vol. XIII.. p. 667. Report on Domesticated Animals in the Northern Territory. Bulletin No. 1, Commonwealth of Australia. Professor Gilruth and L. B. Bull, L.V.Sc— Enteritis, Associated with Infection of the Intestinal Wall by Cyst-forming Protozoa (Ncosporidia), occurring in certain Native Animals (Wallaby, Kangaroo and Wombat). Proc Boy. Soc. Vic, vol. XXIV (ns.), Part II., 1911, p. 432.

Norman McDonald, B.V.Sc.— Machine-drawn versus Hand-drawn Milk. An En­ quiry into the Relative Bacterial Content. Vet­ erinary Journal, vol. LXVIII., Jan., 1912, p. 30, and Proc. Boy. Soc. Vic, vol. XXIV (n.s.), Part II., 1911, p. 420. APPENDIX B. LIST OF DONATIONS TO THE LIBRARIES For the Year Ending 31st July, 1912. GENERAL LIBRARY. . From Governments: — Argentina: Boletin de la Oficina Meteorologica. Australia (Commonwealth): Acts; Bills; Gazette; Journal of Patents; Meteorological Bulletins and Repoits; Meteorological Observations in N.S.Wales; Parliamentary Debates; Parliamentary Papers; Statistical Bulletins; Year-book ; Trade, Oncho­ cerca Gibsoni (Gilruth and Sweet), Zoological Results of Fishing Expedition. Belgium: Rap­ port sur I'enseignement superieur. Canada: Mines and Geological Survey, Bulletins, Memoirs, Reports, Maps. Ceylon: Marine Biology Reports. Fiji: Rocks of Fiji. Finland: Bulletin de la Commission Geologique. Formosa: Icones Plantarum Formos- anarum (Hayata). Great Britain: Geological Sur­ vey, Memoirs and Maps. India: Epigraphies Indica; Geological Survey, Records; Tables of Statutes. Ireland: Fisheries, Scientific Investiga­ tions. Japan: Bulletin of the Earthquake Inves­ tigation Committee. Madras: Fisheries, Bulletin. Maine: Agricultural Experiment Station, Bulletin. New South Wales: Agriculture, Bulletins, Farmers' Handbook, Gazette; Botanist, Revision of the genus Eucalyptus; Fisheries, Commercial Fishing, Names of Fishes; Mines. Annual Report, Coal Resources, Mineral Resorces; Statistician, Register, Year-book New Zealand: Agriculture, Bulletins, Report; Lands, Report; Mines, Geological Survey Bulletin, Labora­ tory Report; Year-book. Queensland: Mines, An­ nual Report, Geological Survey Publications. South Australia: Agriculture, Journal; Astronomer, Meteor, ological Observations, 1906-7; Mines, Reports, Re­ view. Tasmania: Mines, Geological Survey Bulletin, Progress of Mineral Industry, Report. United States: Agriculture, Bulletins, Experiment Station Record; Coast and Geodetic Survey, Arctic Tides DONATIONS TO LIBRARY. 659

(Harris), Effect of Topography on Gravity (Hayford and Bowie), Report; Commerce, Bulletin of the Bureau of Standards; Education, Report; Geolo- ical Survey, Bulletins, Irrigation Reports, Water f upply Papers; Library of Congress Report; Mines, Bulletins; Reclamation Service Maps. Victoria: Acts; Bills; Mines, Annual Report, Geological Sur­ vey Bulletins and Kecords ; Parliamentary Debates ; Parliamentary Papers j Register of Teachers j Year­ book. From the City Council of Prahran: — History of Prahran (Cooper).

Publications of Universities, Colleges, etc.: — In addition to many exchange Calendars, etc.: — Athens: Epistemonike Epeteris. Augustana Col­ lege: Library Publication 7. Barcelona: Annual •Volume. Berlin: Jahrhnndertfeier. California: Agricultural Bulletins. Coimbra: Revista. Colo­ rado: Agricultural College Bulletins. Columbia: Quarterly. Cornell: Islandica 4. George Washing­ ton : Theses. Habana: Revista. Harvard: Contri­ butions from the Physical Laboratory. Illinois: Engineering Bulletins. Jassy: Annates Scienti- fiques. Johns Hopkins: Circulars. K. Ingenieur- Hochschule, Moscow: Annalen. Kazan: Memoirs. Kyoto: Memoirs of the College of Science. Leland Stanford: Matzke Memorial, Studies. Liege: Studies. Michigan: Theses. Missouri: Bulletins, Studies. Pisa: Annali delle Universita Toscane. St. Andrews: Memorial of the 600th anniversary. Sanskrit College, Calcutta: List of Manuscripts. Sydney: Short Description. Tohoku: Science Re­ ports. Tokyo: Journal of the College of Science. Toronto: Studies. Utrecht: Theses.

Memoirs, Transactions, etc., from the following Societies and Institutions: — Agricultural Research Institute, Pusa, India. Am­ erican Academy of Arts and Sciences, Boston. American Historical Association. American Society of Agricultural Engineers. Australian Museum, Sydney. Biological Club, Ohio University. Cambridge 660 APPKN1MX TO REPORT.

Philosophical Society. Cape of Good Hope Observa­ tory. Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching. Carnegie Institution of Washington. Carnegie Trust for thc Universities ot Scotland. Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago. Field Naturalists' Club of Victoria. Greenwich Observa­ tory. Historical Society of Victoria. Imperial Federation League of Australia. Institution of Civil Engineers, London. Instituto Geologico, Mexico. Institute Oswaldo Cruz, Rio Janeiro. Isis Gesell- schaft), Dresden. Linnean Society of N.S. Wales. Manchester Steam Users' Association. Michigan Academy of Science. New Zealand Institute. New­ berry Library, Chicago. Oriental MSS. Library, Madras. Public Library of N.S. Wales. Queens­ land Museum. Rothamsted Agricultural Experi­ ment Station. Royal Anthropological Society of Australasia. Royal Colonial Institute. Royal Dublin Society. Royal Institution. Royal Irish Academy. Royal Societies of Canada, Edinburgh, London, New South Wales, Queensland, South Africa, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria. Royal Swedish Academy of Science. Royal Victorian Institute of Architects. Smithsonian Institution, and U.S. Na­ tional Museum. United Service Institution of Vic­ toria. Zoological Society, Tokyo. From the British Musuem: — Budge: Hieratic Papyri. Catalogue of Jewellery, Greek, Etruscan, Roman. Subject Index of Modern Works. African Freshwater Fishes 2. British Lichens 2. Flora of Jamaica 1. Lepidoptera Phalaenae 10. Handbook of Tsetse Flies. From the Royal Society, London: — Geological Map of Europe; sheets Dl, E5-7, F 5-7. From the Smithsonian Institution: — Harriman Alaska Expedition, vols. 1-5, 8-13. From the University of 'Edinburgh: — Bosanquet: Principles of Individuality. From the University of St. Andrew's: — Ward: Realm of Ends. DONATHlNS TO LIBRARY. 661

From Messrs. Dent and Sons: — Coleridge: Essays and Lectures. Lincoln: Speeches and Letters. From Messrs. Macmillan and Co.: — Aristophanes: Clouds (Starkie). Fowler: English Prose. Marlowe: Dr. Faustus. Wallis: Geography of the World. School books. From Authors, Editors and Translators: — Arctowski, H.: Dynamiquc des anomalies clima- tiques. Balch, T.: International Courts of Arbitra­ tion. Blocksidgc, W.: Poems (4 vols.). Delmer, F. S.: Military Word-book (English and German). Devanagar 3. Guppy, H. B.: Studies in Seeds and Fruits. Hermathcna. Leach, J. A.: Australian Bird Book. Osborn, H. F.: Age of Mammals, Evolution of Mammalian Teeth, Collection of papers on Biology and Palaeontology. Sergeevsky, N. D.: Finland (trans, by V. E. Marsden). Stewart and Satterly: Textbook of Heat. Waddell and Harring­ ton : Addresses to Engineering Students. From the American Society for Testing Materials: — Life and Work of C. B. Dudley. From Dr. Charles Bage: — Two palm leaves inscribed with Vedic Hymns. From A. T. Danks:— Transactions of the Society of Engineers, 1873-1906. 34 vols. From George Higgins, M.C.E.: — Civil Engineering at the Brussels Exposition, 1910-11. Reports of the Ilth and 12th International Navigation Congresses. Kent, Catalogue of Appar­ atus for Measurement of Water. From W. N. Kernot, B.C.E.:-- Williams: Engineering Wonders of the World, 3 vols. From W. G. Piper: — Gerard: Catalogue of Plants (1596-9). Turner: De Re Herbaria (1538). Phillips: New World of Words (1706). Pliny: Historia Mundi (1582). 662 APPENDIX TO rfEPORT.

MEDICAL SCHOOL LIBRARY. (1)—Journals. Albany Medical Annals, vol. 33; Archives de Meci- oine et Fharmacie; Australasian Journal of Pharmacy; Australasian Medical Gazette; Australian Med'cal Jour­ nal: Birmingham Medical Review; Bookseller, The; British Medical Journal (presented by Professor Berry); Canadian Medical Asso. Journal; Cleveland Medical Journal; Dublin Journal of Medical Science; Lancet (presented by Professor Allen); New Orleans Med. and 6urg. Journal; Pacific Medical Journal; Repertoire de Fharmacie; St. Bartholomew Hospt. Journal; Thera­ peutic Gazette; University Correspondent; University of Tokyo, Mitteilungen a.d. Medizi; Fak. der Kaiser; Band, 10; Heft. 1.

(2).—Transactions. American Asso. of Genito-Urinary Surgeons, vol. 6; American Asso. of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, vol. 23; American Dermatological Association; American Laryngological Association, 33rd American Laryn-. Rhino and Otolo. Society, 17th.; American Ophtfaalmo- logical Association; American Surgical Association, vol. 29; American Urological Association, vol. 6; Association of American Physicians, vol. 26; College of Physicians of Philadelphia, vols. 32 and 33; New York Obstetrical Society; Royal Academy of Med. in Ireland, vol. 29; Royal Society of Victoria, vol. 5, pt. I. (from Professor Berry); Sloan Hospt. for Women, 1910-12.

(S) • —Proceedings. Institute ot Chemistry, G.B. and I., parts i., ii., iii.; Massachusetts Medical Society, 1911; Royal Society of Edinburgh, vol. 31 (presented by Professor Berry); Royal Society of Medicine, Eng., vol. 5 (presented by Dr. Roth- well Adam). (.'/).—Reports. Bellevue and Allied Hospitals, Sth and 9th; Bengal Sanitary Commission; Board of Public Health (Melb.), 1908-9-10; Burma—Hospt. and Dispensaries, 1911; Burma—Lunatic Asylums, 1911 Burma—Sanitary Ad- DONATIONS TO LIBRARY. GG3

ministration, 1911; Burma—Vaccination in, 1911-12; Commissioners in Lunacy, Eng. and Wales, 65th; Com­ missioners in Lunacy, Scotland, 54th: Commissioners in Lunacy, Ireland, 60th; Eastern Bengal and Assam—(b) Sanitary Report, (a) Dispensary Returns; Government Medical School, Rangoon, 1911; Harvard University, 1910- 11; Henry Phipps' Institute; King Edward VII. Sana­ torium, 6th; Local Govt. Board (Lond.); Massachusetts Gen. Hospt., vol. 3; Massachusetts Med. Soc, vol. 22, and 6th Report; Massachusetts Hospt. for Consumptives, 6th; Middlesex Hospital Archives, vols. 23, 25; Nairobi Laby. (E. Africa), vol. 1; Navy, Surgeon-Gen. (U.S.A.), 1911; N.S.W. Lunacy Dept., 1910; Koth-amps!ed Experi­ mental Station, 1911; Royal London Oph. Hospt.. vol. 18; Sanitary Com. with Govt, of India. 1910; Sanitary Measures in India, vol. 43; Scientific Memoirs by Officers of the Med. and San. Depts. of the Govt, of India, Nos. 46 to 50; Welcome Phys. Res. Lab., Nos. 126 to 134.

(5).—Vital Statistics. Australian Statistics, Nos. 1-6; Commonwealth of Aus­ tralia—Year-book, No. 5; Commonwealth Bureau ot Statistics; Fiji Government Gazette; Fiji Royal Blue Book, 1910; Queensland Govt. Gazette; Queensland Vital Statistics, 1910; Statistical Abstract of United States, 1910-11; Statistical Register of New South Wales; Statis. tical Register of West Australia, parts 1 to 12; Statis­ tical View of West Australia, 1829-1910; Suicide in . Aust.; Victorian Year-book, 1910-11; Vital Statistics of N.S.W.; Vital Statistics of West Australia, 1911.

(6).—Catalogues. Griffin's Chemical Handicraft, 1912; Harvard Univ., 1911-12; Index Catalogue of Library of Surgeon-General U.S.A., vol. 16; Univ. of Birmingham, Pathological Museum. (7).—Bulletins. Bollettino Sanitario Anno, 5; Commonwealth Bureau, Census, Nos. 1 to 12; Johns Hopkin's Hospitals, vol. 23; Lying-in Hospital, City of N.Y., vol. 8; Northern Terri­ tory, Nos. 1, 2, 3; Office International D'Hygiene Pub­ lique, Tome I., II., III., from Dr. Cumpston; Public 664 APPENDIX TO REPORT.

Health and Marine Hospt. Service Hygienic Lab. 76, 78, 80; Sleeping Sickness Bureau, vol. 4; United States Naval Medical, vol. 6; Yellow Fever Bureau (Liverpool), vol. 1. (S)—Theses. Received from:—Dr. J. H. Anderson-, Dr. J. M. Bax­ ter; Dr. A. O. Bobardt; Dr. K. S. Cross; Dr. J. L. Jona; Dr. G. Lamble; Dr. L. J. C. Mitchell; Dr. J. H. Nattrass; Dr. F. A. Nyulasy; Dr. J. E. Piper; Dr. E. J. Roberts; George Washington Univ.; Univer. of Michigan.

(9).—Calendars and Registers- Dentists' Register—United K., 1912; Harvard Univ., 1910-11; Inst, of Chem., G.B. and I., 1912; Medical Register (U.K.), 1912; Royal College of Surgeons, Eng­ land, 1911; University of Bristol, 1910-11., 1911-12; Uni- versity of Durham, 1911-12: University of Tokyo, 1909- 10. (10).—Books. From the Authors:—Bronardel and Benham, Death and Sudden Death. Lady Butler, 3 Lectures on Unicel- lula Cancri. Dr. J. B. Hurry, Vicious Circles in Disease. Knoll and Co., Pharmaka, 1886-1911. Mr. G. W- Mac­ donald, Historical Papers on Modern Explosives; Merch. E., Prufing der Chemischen Reagenzien auf Reinheit. Sir James Sawyer, Contributions to Practical Medicine; Dr. W. Wale, Bibliography of the Writings of Sir 8. Wilks. From Professor Berry: (1) Atlas der Normalen Histologic der Weiblichen Qechlechteorgane, I., II.; (2) Parsons and Wright, Practical Anatomy, 1., II. Boston State Board of Health, Infantile Paralysis. From California Univ.: Reprints from the Depts. of Anatomy, vol. 4. From Carnegie Inst, of Washington—(1) Feeding Experiments with Isolated Food-Substance (2) Compara­ tive Study ot Temperature Fluctuations in Different Parts of the Human Body; (3) Absorption Spectra of Solutions. From College of Phvsicians, Philadelphia— (1) An Account ot the Coll. of Phys. of Phil.; (2) Some Recently Discovered Letters of William Harvey. From Dr. Cumpston, Winslow's Anatomy. From Director, DONATIONS TO LIBRARY. 665

School of Med., Cairo, Records, vol. i. From Govt. Statist, Vict. Year-book, 1910-11. From Dr. G. T. Howard, Brit. Med. Journal, 10 volumes. From Inst, of Chemistry, G.B., etc., Lectures on" Cement and on Cellu­ lose." From Dr. Ernest Jones—(1) Cox: Amputation of the Thigh; (2) Eustachus: Tabelae Anatomical; (3) Hodgson: Diseases of Arteries; (4) Stanley: Operation of Lithotomy. From Dr. Maudsley, Archives of Neuro­ logy and Psychiatry, vol. 5. From Professor Osborne— (1) Contributions from the State Serum Institute, Copen­ hagen ; (2) Danish Works on Tuberculosis, Bang.; (3) Office International D'Hygiene Publique, Tome 1, 2, 3, 4 (4) Physiologic, Travaux Du Laboratoire de Cr. Bicheb, 2 vols. From Public Library (Melb.), Catalogue of the Nat. Sei. and Tech. Periodicals in Melbourne. From Rockefeller Inst., Acute Poliomyelitis. From Wes­ tern Reserve Univ., Cleveland, Collected Papers from the H. K. Gushing Laby., vol. 1. From Yale University, Collected Papers, 1907-10. GENERAL ACCOUNT-STATEMENT of RECEIPTS and EXPENDITURE forthe Tear , 1911.

1911. RECEIPTS. 1911. EXPENDITURE.- Jan. 1. Dec. 31. To Balance £4,466 6 7 By Salaries £34,240 IS 0 O Dec. 31. Less charged Conserv. a/c £76 0 0 To Government Grant* £21,166 18 4 Music Exam. Brd. a/c 100 0 0 P Fees— 176 0 O lectures .. £16.221 18 4 -» £34,066 16 0 Degrees .. .. 1,496 6 II. House Allowances 631 6 0 Certificates .. 540 19 0 Exhibitions and Scholarships 1,346 0 0 Public Exams. .. 6,338 19 7 Examiners' Fees 1,630 6 8 Primary F.xam. .. 108 111 0 Examination Expenses 980 IS 4 Annual Exam. .1.440 18 6 Examination Papers 481 19 9 "1 117 10 r> Books 789 9 6 Various — Apparatus 2,066 7 7 Hale of Calendar* Dissections 262 15 0 anri Exam. Pa^rx £96 3 1 Furniture 249 10 9 Hastie Interest .1.369 1 3 Cleaning and Incidentals 271 14 0 Sundries .. 49 0 1 Gas and Electric Light 427 9 11 OSS 1,504 10 S Water and Sanitary 141 11 9 Wood and Coal 27 18 4 40,818 14 4 Grounds 88 19 9 Frintinu*—including Calendar .. 362 17 11 Stationery 386 19 6 Stamps—Postage and Duty ... 181 16 6 Advertising 81 18 6 Commencement * .. 21 16 6 Insurances 174 8 7 Repairs 788 3 3 Balance of cost of Sewerage 637 16 3 Balance 5,400 10 10

£51,284 19 9 £51,284 19 9

Examined and found correct. 91A August, 1912. V. H. BRUFORD, Auditor-General. mi. RECEIPTS. 1911. EXPENDITURE. Dec. 81. Jan. 1. £129 6 0 Bv Salaries- To Balance Teaching Stall ..£1,919 15 1 Deo. 81. Secretarial 96 0 0 To Fees- £2,101 13 Attendant 26 0 0 Lectures 12 1 Balance of Director's Entrance Exhibs. £2,113 15 Salary .. 178 10 2 Hire of Music .. 9 14 -£9,214 5 3 £2,128 Exhibitions and Bursaries 218 10 0 Balance 73 Concert and Orchestral Expenses 34 9 0 Music, Hire, Tuning, and Repairs 126 6 11 Gas and Electric Light 4 6 1 Printing 22 7 0 Stationery and Postages 21 III 2 Advertising 22 2 0 Telephone 6 17 8 Insurances 2 7 3 Incidentals .'. 6 13 9 2,678 3 1 Less Transfer from Conserva­ torium Examination Board 362 0 2 £2,326 2 11 £2,326 2 11 £2,826 2 1, Examined and found correct, 9#* August, 1912. F. H. BRUFORD, Auditor-General. CONSERVATORIUM of MUSIC BUILDING ACCOUNT—STATEMENT of RECEIPTS and EXPENDITURE for the Year, 1911. 1911. 1911. Jan. 1. Dec. 31. To Balance £317 1 6 By Amount spent on Building. 1911 £216 13 3 Balance 100 8 3 ' £317 1 6 £317 I 6 Examined and found correct, ilth Anqutt, 1912. F. H. BRUFORD, Auditor-General. MUSIC EXAMINATION BOARD STATEMENT of RECEIPTS and EXPENDITURE .for the Year, 1911.

RECEIPTS. EXPENDITURE. 1911. 1911. Jan. 1. Dec. 31. To Balance £622 » 0 Bv Scholarships .. .. £88 4 0 Pec. 31. Secretarial—Office ..100 0 0 To Fees £1,24(1 (I 9 ., Organising 100 0 0 Interest 7 0 0 Organising Expenses 82 4 2 Royalties and Sales Exam. Papers 141 10 Music 11 4 3 1,391 17 Examiners' Fees and Travelling Expenses 4-21 1*2 2 Examination Expenses.. 58 19 2 Printing .. 125 « '•{ Stationery and Postages 52 0 Advertising 49 12 Sundries 0 5 Editing Fees .. 66 14 £1,146 1 3 Transfer to the Conservntorium of Music Account 352 0 2 £1,498 1 Balance 419 4 C1.917 « £1,917 • 6 9

MEMORANDUM OF SCHOLARSHIPS PROVIDED FROM FUNDS OF THE MUSIC EXAMINATION BOARD. 3 University Conservatorium of Music Scholarships £'29 8 0 each £88 4 0 17 Wind Instrument Bursar! »i 10 10 0 ,, 178 10 0 £266 14 0 9th Avousl, 1912. Examined and found correct, V. II. BlirKORD, Auditor-General. MUSIC EXAMINATIOS BOARD—ISVESTMEST ACCOUNT /or the Year, 1911.

1911. 1911. Jan, 1. Dec. 31. To Balance - By Balance £!

£200 0 0 £200 0 (I

Examined and found correct, 9th Aninud, 1012. F. H ItRUFORD, Avdilor.Generol.


1911. 1911. Jan. 1. Dee. 31. To Balance £2,584 17 10 By Salaries £3,028 IS 2 Dec. 31. Apparatus, Materials, etc. 1,769 3 4 Government Grunt 4,200 0 0 Fittings for laboratory 1,317 5 6 Transfer from Veterinary Operating Theatre Transfer to Veterinarv F

9th Aiigii'l, 1912. Examined and found correct, F. H. BRUFORD, Auditor-General. VETERINARY FUND INVESTMENT ACtVUNT for the. Year, 1911.

1911. 1911. Dec. 31. Dec. 31. To Transfer from Veterinary Fund Fixed Deposit . £1,016 0 0 , By Balance £1,015 0 £1,015 0 0 £1,016 0 0

Examined and found correct, 0th August, 1912. F. H. BRUFORD, Auditor-General.


1911. 1911. Jan. 1. Dec. 31. To Balance £1,015 0 0 By Transfer to Veterinary Fund £1,015 0 0 £1,015 0 0 £1,016 0 0 Examined and found correct, 9th August, 1912. F. H. BRUFORD, Amlitor-Gentral. BACTERIOLOGICAL PUXD-STATEMEXT of RECEIPTS and EXPENDITURE .for the Year, 1911.

1911. RECEIPTS. 1911. EXPENDITURE Jan. 1. Dec. 31. To Balance £41(1 1 Bv Salaries £1,618 10 8 Deo. 81. Less charged to General Acct. 450 0 0 To Department ol Health .. £597 18 4 £1,163 10 8 Department of Agriculture . 11? 10 0 Apparatus, Materials, etc. 305 1 2 M. & M. Board of Works 220 10 (i Less charged to Genera) Acct. 50 0 0 Melbourne City Council 50 0 II 265 1 ?. Homoeopathic Hospital 15 0 *; Telephone 6 2 6 Melbourne Children's Hospital 40 0 (I Balance 384 18 8 Geelong Hospital 10 0 0 Specimens, Examinations of .. 110 5 6 Wosserman Tests, etc. 167 7 U Domestic Economy Class 60 0 0 Glass In Dairy Bacteriology .. 10 0 0

£1,808 12 11 £1,808 12 II

Examined and found correct. 9th August, 1912. F. H. BRUFORD, Auditor-General.

SPECIAL REPAIRS ACCOUNT-STATEMENT of RECEIPTS and EXPENDITURE for the Year, 1911. 1911. 1911. Jan. 1. Dec. 81. To Balance £2,870 0 0 By Amount spent to date £2,870 0 0 £2,870 V 0 £2,870 0

Examined and found correct, 9(A August, 1912. F H. BRUFORD, Auditor-General. SEWERAGE ACCOUNT—STATEMENT of RECEIPTS ami EXPEXDITURE for the Year, 1911.

1911. 1911. Dec. 81. Jan. 1. To Government Grant .. £112 18 9 By Balance £367 11 1 Transfer from General Account 637 16 3 Dec. 31. Amount spent in 1911. 383 3 11

£760 15 0 £760 16 0

Examined and found correct, 9lh August, 1912. F. H. BRUFORD, Auditor-General.

S 1M


. EXPENDITURE. 1911. 1911. Hue. 31. Jan. 1. To Cash t-23,123 10 10 I Hv Balance £3,324 5 3 Balanci X92 10 4 | Dec. XI. i By Cash 20.691 15 II

••24,010 I i £24,016 1 2

9th August, 1912. Examined and found correct, F. II. BRUFORD, Audtor-General CLIXICAL FEES ACCOUNT -STATEMENT of RECEIPTS and EXPEXDITURE for the Year, 1911.

1911. 1911. Jan. 1. Dec. 31. To Balance £399 9 0 By St. Vincents Hospital Clinical Fees Account £138 11 0 St. Vincents Hospital Entrance Fees Account 168 0 0 Alfred Hospital Clinical Fees Account 92 18 0

£399 9 0 £399 9 0

Examined and found correct, 9lh August, 1912 F. II. BRUFORD, Auditor-General.


1911. 1911. Dec. 31. Dec. 31. To Fee £1,543 17 (I By Salaries £311 2 3 Tutors and Lecturers' Fees 793 16 3 Amount transferred to Apparatus and Contin' gent Accounts 346 0 0 Balance 88 18 6 £1,543 17 0 £1,543 17 0

Examined and found correct, 9th August, 1912. F. H. BRUFORD, Awlitor-Gener I. MELBOURNE HOSPITAL CLINICAL PEES APPARATUS ACCOUNT.

1911. 1911, Dec. 81. Dec. 31. To Amount transferred from Melbourne Hospital By Apparatus £40 8 2 Clinical Fees Acct. •. £146 0 0 Balance 104 11 10 £145 0 II £146 0 0



1911. 1 1911. Dec. 31. ; Dec. 31. To Amount transferred from Melbourne Hospital j Bv Balance £200 0 0 Clinical Fees Acct. .. t200 0 i) j ! £200 n 0 £200 0 0

9th August, 1912. Examined and lound correct, F. H. BRUFORD, Auditor-General. ST. VINCENTS HOSPITAL CLINICAL FEES ACCOUNT.

1911. 1911. Dec. 31. Dec. 31. To Clinical Fees Account . £138 11 u By Apparatus Cictj 12 3 Fees 187 11 0 Salaries 87 1 8 Tutors' and Lecturers' Fees 386 11 6 Balance 94 16 7 £626 2 0 £626 2 II

Examined and found correct. Or* August, 1912. F. II. BRUFORD, Auditor-Gene.ral.


1911. 1911. Dec 31. Dec. 31. To Clinical Fees Account tl68 0 0 By St. Vincent's Hospital .. £168 0 0 Entrance Fees 94 10 0 Balance 94 10 0 £262 10 0 £262 10 0

Examined and found correct, »lh August, 1912 F. H. BRUFORD, Auditor-General. ALFRED HOSPITAL CLINICAL PEES ACCOUNT 1911. 1911. Dec. 31. Dec. SI. To Clinical Fees Account .. £92 18 0 By Apparatus £42 13 3 Fees .. 92 8 0 Salaries 46 16 8 Tutors' and Lecturers' Fees 37 7 6 Balance 69 8 7 £186 6 0 £185 6 U 9(A August, 1012. Examined and found correct, F. H. BRUFORD, Auditor-General.


1911. RECEIPTS. 1911. EXPENDITURE. Jan. 1. Dec. 31. To Balance £11 2 0 By Amount paid to Recreation Grounds Committee Dec. 31. for Maintenance ot Recreation Ground Buildings To Students* Fees Tl);> 14 0 and Sports Clubs ...... £721 15 9 Balance .. 85 0 3

£800 10 0 £806 10 " Examined and found correct, 9th August, 1912. F. H. BRUFORD, Auditor-General. CLUB HOUSE PEES-STATEMENT of RECEIPTS and EXPENDITURE for the Year, 191).

1911. I 1911. Dec. 31. | Dec.31. To Students' Fees £209 18 0 I By Balance

£209 18 0 j

9th August, 1012. Examined and found correct, F H. BRUFORD, Auditor-General.


RECEIPTS. EXPENDITURE. 1911. 1U11. Jan. 1. Dec. 3). To Balance £1,001 0 (i By Scholarships £1,797 17 4 Dec. SI. Apparatus, eU*. 183 1 10 To Government Grant 2,000 0 (> Balance 1,020 1 4

£3,001 0 6 £3,001 0 (i

9th Ainiust, 1912. Kxaniined and found correct, K. H. BRUFORD, Awlilor-Geuerai ORE TREATMENT PLANT FUND—STATEMENT of RECEIPTS and EXPENDITURE for the Year, 1911.

RECEIPTS. EXPENDITURE. 1911. 1911. Jan. 1. Dec. 31. . To Balance .. £1,330 :t 11 By Amount spent on Plant in 1911 £1,940 17 10 Dec. 31. Donations University Funds SOS 9 9 Alex. Cowan & Sons Ltd. 95 0 0 Crossley Bros. Ltd. 56 0 0 Balance 167 4 2 £1,940 17 10 £1,940 17 10

Examined and found correct. 9th August, 1912. F. II. BRUFORD, Auditor-General.


RECEIPTS. EXPENDITURE. 1911. 1911. Jan. 1. Dec. 81. To Balance £440 4 4 By Balance £440 4 4

£446 4 4 £446 4 4

Examined and found correct, 9th August, 1012. F. H. BRUFORD, Avdilor-Qeneral. APPEAL FUND—STATEMENT of RECEIPTS and EXPENDITURE for the Year, 1911.

1911. 1911. Jan. Dec. 81. . To Balance £161 14 2 By Balance £161 14 2

£161 14 2 £161 14 2 Examined and found correct, OCA August, 1912 F. II. BRUFORD, Auditor-General.


1911. 1911. Dec. 31. Jan. 1. To Bequests and Oifts and other additions to Trust By Balance £6, 274 8 7 Funds £5,911 14 3 Deo 31. Sales or Transfers of Investments 200 0 n By Purchases or Transfers of Investments 922 14 6 Interest 4,663 1 5 Scholarahipfl, Prizes and other payments in terms Balance .. 12,866 10 0 of Trust 297 17 10 Incidental Expenses 136 11 6 £23,680 12 5 £23,,63 0 12 6

Examined and found correct, 9th August, 1912. F. H. BRUFORD, Audilor-Generol. TRUST FUNDS-STATEMENT of BALANCES at 'Met December, 1911.

Dec. 31,1911. Fnnd. Investment*. Bank Cr. Bank Dr. Total. Summarg of Investments etc. Anthropological toOO 0 O £500 O (1 Dec. 31, 1011. Argus 1,071 0 (i 8 10 3 1,979 10 Bank Deposits, ete. .. 2,020 10 8 Barry 26 0 Ii 1 1 5 20 1 5;< City of Melb. Debs. .. 8,800 0 (i Beaney—Pathology 2,301 0 n 12 18 11 2,488 1 1 M.&M.B.of W. Debs. £40,230 0 0 „ Surgery ". 2,160 0 0 7 S 0 2,163 8 0 Mortgages .. 39,700 0 0 Block 2,064 17 6 0 0 1 2,004 17 5 Properties 2,930 0 Bowen 110 0 n (I 12 5 116 12 5 W. Aust Gov. Insc. Stock 4,280 0 n Chamb, of Commerce 1,270 0 0 47 12 10 1,323 12 10 Queensland Gov. Deb. 100 0 0n Cuming n o 30 4 1 1,020 4 1 Vict. Gov. Stock .. 54,201 0 0 Dixson 11,670 0 0 542 0 3 12,212 0 3 Vict. Gov. Debs. .. 4,200 0 Dublin 265 0 0 11 16 1 270 16 1 Vict Sav. Bank Debs. 7,500 0 0u Dwight 6,516 O 0 1«2 5 4 5,677 6 4 Loans to Conservatorium Fulton 969 8 9 0 0 1 969 S 8 Students .. 27-3 9 Grimwade 1,100 n II 21 11 4 1,130 11 4 — £170,888 14 5 Harrington 60 0 0 n is n 69 2 0 (.'ash- Hastie 35.780 O 0 16,641 13 :: 19,238 7 0 Dr. Higgins 996 11 3 12 9 1 1,008 0 4 Hastie ac .. t;16,541 12 Howitt .1,066 0 II 17 4 5 3,082 4 6 Cr. :! Jamieson 160 0 0 4 18 2 164 18 2 Tmst a/c £3,417 15 0 Kay 0,145 0 0 III! 2 S 0,261 2 8 Mollison n/c 85 7 (i Kernot 3,389 13 2 40 13 2 3,430 6 4 Sav. Bk.. 1 a/c 411 18 10 Lansell 1,390 0 0 23 IS S 1,418 18 8 ,, „ 2a/c 34 14 2 Leggatt 1,000 0 0 9 6 8 1,099 6 8 ,, „ 3 a/c 107 0 0 MacBain 996 0 0 9 11 9 1,004 11 9 S,«8f> 15 6 12,865 16 Madden 736 0 0 22 18 3 758 IS 3 Mollison 5,850 0 II 86 7 0 5,936 7 0 Morris Memorial .. 107 0 0 107 0 0 Netherlands Ch. Com. 30 0 ft 1 17 HI 31 17 in Ormond Chair 20,445 0 (l 79 5 1 20,306 14 11

Carried tor ward 110,603 10 8 1,780 0 8 16,634 14 6 95,709 5 11 Carried forward .. £168,032 17 8 Trust Funds—Statement of Balances (Continued).

Dec. 31, 11111. Fuml. Investments. Bit nk Cr. Bank Dr. total. Brought forward .. 110,563 10 y 1,760 li S 10,634 14 5 95,709 Ii 11 Brought forward . £168,032 17 8 Ormond Scholarship 6,519 0 n 27 I1 •1 6,576 Ii • : Pavne 5111 II n 14 II •i 624 11 2 Shakespeare 1.49S (l n 20 3 4 1,477 10 8 Special Prizes 18 18 u IS 18 6 Standi 1,290 II II :io i; 1,320 0 5 Stewart 30,439 0 0 :, 0 9 8 30,438 10 4 Sutherland 107 0 II 2 3 o 109 3 2 Svme 3,262 0 0 11 it 3 3,273 3 3 Wilson 141 0 II fi 1 7 146 1 7 Wright 1,085 0 0 52 7 3 1,187 7 3 Wrixon 695 0 (1 23 18 0 718 18 0 Wyselaskie—Classics 1,720 0 0 49 18 11 1,769 18 11 ,, Eng. Con. History 1,960 0 0 39 11 10 1,990 11 10 ,, Maths. 1,965 II 0 42 5 II 1,997 5 6 ,, Mod. Languages 1,874 0 0 55 2 3 1,920 2 3 ,, Nat. Sc. 1,970 0 II 18 15 10 1,988 15 10 ., Pol. Econ. 1,977 0 0 10 4 3 1,993 4 3

£167,595 10 8 £2,187 17 7 £16,065 7 0 £153,128 0 10 Peterson Retiring a/c 648 0 0 10 2 2 658 2 2 Professors' Retiring a/c 2,318 0 n 1,524 8 0 3,842 8 0 James Retiring a/c 300 0 n 42 8 9 342 8 0 Cons, Students' 1.oan l/c 27 3 9 34 14 2 111 17 11

Total . £170,888 14 5 £3,799 10 8 £16,665 7 5 £158,032 17 8 Total £158,032 17 8

Examined and found correct, 9th August. 1912. F. H. BRUFORD, Auditor-General.

LIST OF MEMBEllS OF SENATE. The date affixed is that of the first degree taken in this University.

Names. Degrees. 1901 HIS MAJESTY KINO GEORGE V. (Oxford and Cambridge) LL.D. 1896 ABBOTT, Algernon M.C.E 1892 A'BECKETT, William Gilbert (Cam.) M.A., LL.M 1886 ABRAHAMS. Joseph (Leipslc) M.A. 1910 ADAM, David Stow (Glasgow) MA. 1884 ADAM, George Hothwell Wilson .. . H.D. 1904 ADAMSON, John M.A.. M.B.. B.S. 1886 ADAMSON, Laurence Arthur (Oxford) M.A- 1898 ADENBT, Theodore William U.A. 1882 AGO. Alfred John LL.M. 1911 AIOKIN, George Ellis .... (Cambridge) M.A. 1898 AICKIN, James Lee M.A.. M.Sc: 1880 AITOHISON, Roderick M.A.. MB. B.S 1909 AKBBOTD, Joseph M.A. 1887 ALBISTON, Arthnr Edward M.A. 1898 ALLAN. Edward Buller .. .. (London) M.D. 1876 ALLEN. Harry Brookes M.D.. B.S 1896 ALLEN, Horace William MA. 1885 ALSTON. Arthur • • U.A. 1895 ALSTON. Leonard U.A.. Litt. D 1886 ANDERSON, Alfred Victor Millard .... M.D., B.S 1881 ANDERSON. Eugene Wilton M.D. B.S 1879 ANDERSON. James Caldwell LL.H. 1908 ANDERSON, John Hnbbaok M.D., B.B. 1896 ANDERSON, Thomas Lynewolde .. MS. 1903 ANDREW, Frank Carl Frederic M.D.. B.S 1901 ANDREW, John Chapman .. (Oxford) U.A. 1896 ANDREWS, Arthur Tremayne M.C.E. 1886 ANDREWS, William M.D. B.S 1886 ANGWIN, Stuart Letcher M.A.. U.B. 1877 ANGWIN, Thomas Brltton M.A. 1872 ANN AND. George M.D . B.S. 1889 ARMSTRONG, Edmund La Touche .. M.A. U.B. 1880 ARMSTRONG, Thomas Henry .- .. .. MA - 1905 ARNOLD. Leonard M.A 1897 ARTHUR, George Thomas M.A. 1895 ARTHUR, John Andrew M.A., LL.H. 1888 A8TLEB, Harvey Eustace (St. Andrew's) H.D. 1892 ATCHISON, Samuel M.A. 684 MEMBERS OF SENATE.

1907 ATKINSON, Charles Watson M.A. 1863 ATKINSON. Harry, Lel«h M.D. 1892 AVERY, David M.Sc.

1875 BACKHOUSE. Edward Littlejobn .. .. M.A., LL.B. 1882 BACKHOUSE.' Samuel Burder M.A.. LL.B 1881 BAGE, Charles M.A.. U.D.. B.S. 1904 BALDWIN. Edward Earushaw M.A. 1900 BALDWIN, Joseph Mason M.A.. B.Sc. 1889 BALFOUR. Graham Henty M.A. 1895 BALUEB, Sydney Raeburn M.A.. 1.1. B 1887 BARKER. Walter Herbert U.A. 1895 BARNABY, John .. .. M.A. 1888 BARNARD, Robert James Allmau .. . U.A. 1885 BARNETT, Ernest Judd U.A. 1881 BARRETT. James William M.D.. M.S 1884 BARROWCIX)UGH. Alfred Ernest .. .. M.A.. B.C.E. 1901 BARTON. Right Hon. Edmuud (Sydney) M.A 1888 BA8TOW, Arthur Henry M.A. M.C.E. 1901 BAXTER, James Morehead M.D.. B.S. 1904 BEARD, Walter Francis .. (Cambridge) M.A. 1885 BEARUAU, George U.A. 1907 BEE, James (New Zealand) U.A. 1901 BEHAN, John Clifford Valentine .. .. M.A., LL.B. 1897 BELCHER, Charles Frederic U.A., LL.B. 1875 BENJAMIN, Raphael (London) U.A. 1906 BENNETT, Leslie Ernest MA 1899 BENNETT. William Ernest U.A 1886 BENNIB. Alexander Bruce M.A., M.B., B.S. 1872 BENNIE, Peter Bruce H.A.. M.D.. B.8. 1884 BERRY, Digby Marsh (Oxford) U.A- 1906 BERRY, Richard James Arthur (Edin.) M.D. 1894 BETHEBA8, John Henry U.A. 1896 BEVAN, David John Davies U.A.. LL.B. 1893 BEVAN, Hopkin Llewelyn Wlllett .. .. H.A. 1896 BEVAN. Louis Rhys Orley U.A. 1882 BIRO, Frederic Dongan MB, M.S. 1888 BLACKWELL, William Yeoman . .. U.A. 1899 BI.ANOH, George Ernest .. .. (Oxford) H.A. 1889 BOBAET, Albert H.D.. B.S. 1900 BONNIN, Francis Josiah M.D..B.8- 1884 BOOTH, John M.C.E., B.Sc. 1886 BOTHROYD. Thomas William U.A. MEMBERS OF SENATE. 685

1903 BOTTOHLEY, William Francis Stamp M.D..B.S- 1886 BOWDITCH, William Lamprey (Cam.) U.A. 1894 BOX. Frederick William M.C.E. 1897 BOYD, Hugh (Edinburgh) MD. 1886 BOYD. William Robert U.D., B.S. 1909 BRADLEY, Charles Martin U.A. 1896 BRASSEY, Rt. Hon. Thos., Baron (Ox.) LL.D. 1896 BRAZIER, Amos William U.A. 1908 BRENAN, Andrew Joseph U.D.. B.S. 1892 BRENNAN, Michael Austin B.A., LL.U. 1895 BREWER, Cbarles Alfred U.A. 1873 BRIDE, Thomas Francis LL.D. 1909 BBIGG8, Walter William Victor U.A. 1885 BRISSENDEN, Edwin Uayhew LL.D. 1867 BRODRIBB, Thomas (London) U.A. 1866 BROUBY, Edward Hippius U.A. 1900 BROWN. Charles John U.A. 1902 BROWN. Edward Byam M.Sc. 1909 BROWN, Edwin Tylor M.A. 1882 BROWN, Gilbert Wilson .. (Cambridge) H.A. 1890 BROWN, Hugh Alexander M.A. 1904 BROWNE. Hubert Warner M.A.. LL.M. 1888 BRUNT, William Egbert M.A., LL.B. 1888 BRUSH. Francis Samuel U.O.E. 1882 BRYANT, Herbert William LL.U. 1903 BUCHAN, James William Alexander .. U-A. 1877 BULEY. Arthur Alfred M.A. 1896 BULL, Richard Joseph H.D..B.8. 1892 BUNTINE, Walter Hurray M.A. 1889 BURGESS. Arthur Septimus U.A. 1871 BURKE, Richard George .. .. M.A., LL.B. 1900 BURRIDGE, Herbert William U.A. 1902 BUSH, Hubert Sheppard H.D., B.S. 1905 BUTCHERS. Arthur Gordon M.A. 1869 BUTI/ER, George William Oillam .. .. M.A., LL.B. O 1874 CAMERON, Donald . .. (Edinburgh) M.A. 1884 CAMERON, Donald Allan M.A. 1909 CAMERON, Samuel Sherwen D.V. Sc. 1878 CAMPBELL. Archibald Henry H.A., LL.B. 1888 CAMPBELL, David (Glasgow) U.A. 1898 CAUPBELL, Frederick Alexander U.O.E. 1901 CAMPBELL, Frederick Harper M.Sc. 686 MEMBERS OF SENATE.

1869 CAUPBELL. James Haitland LL.U. 1867 CANTERBURY, Viscount (Manners-But­ ton, Henry Charles) .. (Cambridge) U.A. 1887 CANTOR. Joseph Samnel , M.A., LL.M. 1894 CARTON, Fernand Isidore Uanrice (B. es L. France) M.A. 1886 CHAMPION, Henry Vine U.O.E. 1899 CHAPMAN, Henry George M.D..B.8. 1886 CHAPMAN. Robert William U.A., B.C.E. , 1892 OHENHALL, William Thomas U.D., B.S. 1896 CHEONG,- James U.A. 1889 CHEERY. Thomas M.D.. MS. 1891 CHOMLEY, Arthur Aubrey M.A. 1889 CLARK. Donald U.U.E., B.C.E. 1889 CLARK, Lindesay Colvin H.CE. 1892 CLARKE. Hamilton M.A.. LL.B. 1903 CLARKE, Henry Lowther .. .. (Cam.) U.A. 1869 OLEZY, James U.A. 1892 COGHILU Donald Hurray Robertson .* U.A. 19(15 COHEN, Frank Simeon I.L.M. 1888 COLE, Daniel FenUm M.C.E. 1887 COLE, Prank Hobill U.D., B.8. 1880 COLE, Robert Hodgson .. (M.l>., Durham) U.D.,LUb 1887 COLLINS, Joseph Thomas M.A., LL.4 1907 OOLLOCOTT, Ernest Edgar Vyvyan .. U.A. 1888 COLQUHOUN, Arthur Gideon Hugh .. M.D.. B.S. 1906 COLQUHOUN, James Ferguson M.A. 1890 COLVIN, Baxett David .. (Cambridge) U.A. 1895 CONNELL, John Henry Oustavus . . U.O.E. 1886 CONNOR, Samnel (Royal Univ., Ireland) U.D., B.S. 1885 COOK. Walter Edmund U.O.E. 1886 COOK, William Sym .. LL.H. 1885 COOPER, Edward Augustus .. (Cam.) U.A. 1887 COOPER", Henry Edward .. .. (Dublin) U.A. 1892 COOPER. William U.A. 1908 OORDEB, Henry H.A. 1887 CORR. Ell win James B.A., LL.M. 1879 CORE, Jolm Reford M.A., LL.B. 1885 CORR, William Stewart U.A. 1896 OOUTIE, Barton Uontgomerie M.C.E- 1886 OOWLE, Felix Cecil M.A., LL.B. 1884 CRAIG, Andrew William M.A. 18(2 OBE88WELL, Arthur William H.A. 1899 ORIVBLLI. Marcel Urbain .. (Paris) M.D., B.S. MEMBERS OF SENATE. '687

1905 CROSS, Kenneth Stuart U.Sc, U.B., B.S. 1906 OROTTY, Horace .. M.A. 1876 OBOWTHBB, George Henry U.A., LL.D. 1909 CROWTHER, Henry Arnold U.A. 1893 CROWTHER, Herbert B.A., M.C.E. 1903 CUMMING, Alexander Charles D.Sc. 1908 CUMMINS, James Peter U.A. 1902 CUUPSTON, John Howard Lidgett .... H.D., B.S. 1910 CUNNINGHAM, Edward Sheldon (OIOB.) LL.D. 1861 CURLBWI8. Alfred Olarlbenx U.A. 1908 CUSOADBN. William George Henry .... U.D.. B.8. 1884 CU8SEN. Leo Finn Bernard M.A., LUB.

3D 188S DAISH, William Christian U.D., B.S. 1905 DANE, Paul Greig M.D., B.S. 1908 DANGLOW, Jacob M.A. 1903 DATE, John Edward Tracey U.A. 1893 DAVEY, Edgar Robert M.A..LUB. 1898 DAVIDSON, Arthur Irving U.A. 1910 DAVIES, Henry Uaurioe LUM. 1884 DAVIES. John George M.A. 1906 DAVIES. Leslie Bartlett U.Sc. 1889 DAVIS, Henry Patrick U.A. 1890 DAWSON, Alexander Leith Halkett (U.A.. Aber.) M.A., LUB. 1891 DEANE, Oharles Hasten .. (Edinburgh) M.D. 1903 de ORESPIONY, OonstanUne Trent Champion M.D., B.S. 1900 DK GRUCHY, Henry George LL.M. 1902 DENNIS, Charles Edgar M.D., B.S. 1890 DETHRIDOE, George James B.A., LL.M. 1893 DETV', Joseph M.A. 1864 DICK, Thomas Thomson .. (Edinburgh) M.D. 1870 DICKINSON, Rivers Beachoroft .. .. U.A. 1899 DICKINSON. Sydney Bnshbrook .. .. U.A. 1889 DIXIE, Arthur Willoughby U.O.E. 1906 DIXON, Owen U.A., LUB. 1891 DIXON, William Gray .. .. (Glasgow) U.A. 1910 DODD, Sydney • • D.V.Sc. 1899 DORE, Albert Richard U.A. 1910 DOS8ETOR, Francis Ernest U.A. 1907 DOWNB8, Rupert Hajor U.D..U.B. 1908 DOWNING. Joseph Horace U.Sc. 688 MEMBERS OF SENATE.

1890 DOYLE. Johm Patrick McOabe B.A., LL.H. 1886 DRAKE, Francis John M.A., M.B., B.8. 1872 DUFFY, Prank Gavan M.A., LL.B. 1906 DUGAN. Charles Olinord U.A. 1895 DUGDALE, Lawrence M.A,, LL.M. 1903 DUNHILL, Thomas Peel U.D..B.8- 1886 iKJNKLEY, Henry William M .1, LL.B. 1898 DUNLOP, George Henry M.C.E. 1897 DUNN, Benjamin James M.A., LUU. 1908 DUNN, Ernest Victor M.A. 1880 DYBINO, Carl Potor Wllhelm MA., M.B., B.S

1909 EAGER, Clifden Henry Andrews .. . LL.U. 1910 EDGERTON, James Arthur M.C.E. 1883 EDMONDSON, Francis William B.A.. LL.U. 1898 ELDER, Stanley Ernest M.A., LUB. 1866 ELKINQTON, John Simeon M.A.. LUB. 1890 ELLIOTT, Richard Thomas .. (Oxford) M.A. 1889 EUBLEY, Edward Henry H.D., B.S. 1899 EUBLINO, Sidney Harold Austin .. .. M.A., LL.M. 1884 EVANS, Alfred James H.A., LUB. 1888 EVANS, Isaac Rennison (B.A., Royal Univ. of Ireland) B.A-. LUD 1907 EWART, Alfred James .. .. (London) D.Sc 1890 EWING, Thomas M.C.E. IF 1897 FAIRHALL, Alfred Charles M.A.. LUB. 1909 PAIRUEY, James Poirburn M.D., B.S- J909 PBL8TBAD", James Ceroid Roy M.D., B.S. 1885 FERGUS, Robert Morrison .. (Glasgow) M.A 1902 FERGUSON, Stewart William M.D.. B.S 1889 FETHERSTON, Richard Herbert Joseph (Edinburgh) M.D. 1893 FIDDIAN, James Rowland U.Sc. 1898 FIDDIAN, Samuel U.A. 1873 FINK, Wolfe LUU. 1858 FINN, Peter Thomas U.A. 1907 FINNI8, Horace Percy H.A. 1891 FIRTH, John Arthur Campbell U.A. 1904 PITCHBTT, Frank Shaw LUU. MEMBERS OF SKNATE. 689

1906 FITZGERALD, James Joseph U.A. 1875 FLEETWOOD, Thomas Falkner (Dublin) U.A. 1883 FLETCHER, Arthur Augustus U.D.. B.S 1903 FLETCHER, Hamilton (Oxford) U.A. 1882 FLORANCE. James William M.D., B.S 1902 FOOTE. William James .. U.A. 1878 FOBLONGE, William Perolval LUM. 1904 FORSYTH, Robert Leslie M.D.. B.8. 1909 FOWLER. Robert U.D, B.S- 1885 FOWLER. Thomas Walker U.O.E. 1895 FOWLES. Edwin Westley Howard .. .. H.A.. LUB 1905 POYSTEB, Robert Causton U.A. 1867 FRANCIS, John Patterson Emillius .. U.A. 1890 FRASER, Hugh M.A.. B.O-E 1887 FREEMAN, George Henry U.A., LUB 1903 PBEWIN, John Henry U.A. 1884 FREYER, John Kennedy (Royal Univ. Ireland) U.A. 1893 FRIDAY, William Frederick U.A. 1888 FUSSELL, Alfred U.A. o- 1908 GARDNER, Hark Clayson M.D., B.S- 1894 GARDNER. Walter Everson U.A.. M.Sc. B.C.E 1901 GABON. Edward Ince H.A. 1886 GATES, William Fleming H.A. 1884 GAULT. Edward Leslie H.A., H.B., U.S. 1898 GAY, Robert William H.A.. U.Sc, B.C.E. 1899 OEER, William John U.A. 1893 GIBBS. Frederick Herbert M.A. 1899 GILCHRIST, Archibald Daniel U.A. 1889 GILCHRIST, Eneas Fraser B.A.. U.C.E. 1881 GILLIES. William (Glasgow) U.A. 1909 GILRUTH, John Anderson D.V.80. 1891 OLADUAN, Philip Howard U.A. 1891 GORDON, John U.D. U.S. 1904 GRANT. Alexander Macdonald U.C.E. 1888 GRANT, David (Edinburgh) U.D. 1901 GRANT, Kerr MJSc. 1898 GRANT, Russell Walker M.A. 1900 GRAY, John William M.A. 1879 GREEN, Arthur Vincent (LL.D., Sydney) H.A.. LL.D 1891 GREEN, Benjamin M.A. 1898 GREEN. William Heber D.Sc. 690 MEMBERS OF SENATE.

1900 GREGORY. John Walter .... (London) D.80. 1890 GREY, Francis Isaac U.AU.A.. . B.O.E 1894 CRIBBLE, Robert John U.A. LUB. 1892 GRIFFITHS, John William .. . M.A. 1901 GRIFFITHS. Phillip Lewis .. . M.A. 1889 GROOM, Littleton Ernest M.A. LUM. 1891 GROVE. John William H.A. LUB 1900 GROVES, Wesley Rainstord .. . U.D. B.S. 1884 GUEST, William Campbell .. . M.A. LL.B 1900 GUHUOW, Frank Uoorehouse . M.C.E.

1876 HACKETT, John Winthrop .. (Dublin) U.A. 1895 HAOBNAUEB, Frederick August .. .. M.A. 1894 HALFORD, Arthur Charles Frederick .. M.D., B.S 1886 HALFORD, George James Archibald Billing M.D.. B.S. 1886 HALL, Alfred Smith M.A. 1886 HALL, Thomas Sergeant H.A.. D.Sc. 1905 HAM, Wilbur Lincoln LL.M. 1908 UAULEY. Herbert Russell M.A. 1887 HANCOCK, William H.A. 1898 HANSEN. Uartin Peter M.A., LL.B. 1892 HARBISON, David Thomas M.D., B.8. 1891 HABOREAVE8, William Arthur .. .. M.A.. B.C.E 1868 HARPER, Andrew M.A. 1901 HARRIS, James Frederick U.D., B.S- 1890 HARRIS. John Richards U.D.. B.S. 1887 HAR8E. Walter Thomas B.A.. M.D., B.S. 1887 HART, Alexander James M.A. 1896 HART. Alfred M.A.,U.8c. 1887 HART, John Stephen ...... H.A., B8c. 1890 HART, Thomas Stephen MA.,B.C.E. 1887 HA88ETT, Jeremiah B.A., LUH. 1901 HAWKINS, Herbert Uctcalf H.A. 1901 HAY, Robert U.A. 1903 HAYDON, Jeflery Frederick Meurisse .. M.A. 1878 HAYES, Robert Edward M.A., LUB. 1876 HEADLEY, Walter Balls .. (Cambridge) M.D. 1897 HBALT. Francis Joseph M-A., LL.B. 1894 HEARNE, William Weston M.D., B.8. 1892 HEMMY, Arthur Stanley M.Sc. 1896 HENCHMAN, Heroward Humtry .. .. H.A., LUB. 1898 HENDERSON, Anketell Matthew .. ,. M.C.E. MEMBERS OF SENATE. 691

1888 HENRY, Louis (Wnrsbnrg) UJ>. 1897 HENZELL, Arthur Palmer U.D., B.S- 1886 HEWISON, Joseph Henry U.A.. LUU. 1894 HEWITT, Herbert U.A. 1899 HEWITT. Joseph Henry U.A. 1897 HEYWARD, William Beomont H.D., B.S. 1892 HEYER, Johannes U.A. 1890 HIOKFORD, Frederick Thomas H.A., LL.B. 1888 HIGGINS, George M.C.E. 1874 HIGGINS. Henry Bournes U.A., LL.B. 1900 HILL, John M.A. 1901 HILLBR, Konrad U.D.. B.S. 1886 HODGSON, Thomas Cowley U.C.E. 1896 UOOAN, James Thompson B.A., LL.U. 1895 HOOAN, Joseph Daniel U.A., LUU. 1892 HOGG. Evelyn Granville .... (Dublin) U.A. 1871 HOLLAND, James U.A. 1890 HOLLIDOE, David Henry .. (Adelaide) U.A. 1898 HOLLOW. Herbert Stanley H.A. 1901 HOLUE8, Henry Robert H.A. 1901 HOLMES, Horace Ilea H.D.. B.S. 1905 HOLMES, Walter Morell U.A., B.Sc. 1874 HOLHES, William Tope M.A., LL.B. 1881 HOLROYD, Sir Edward Dnndas (Cam.) U.A. 1868 HOOD, Joseph Henry M.A., LL.B. 1908 HOOPER, John William Dunbar (Durham) U.D. 1883 HORNE, George U.A..U.D., B.8- 1889 HOB8LEY, Sydney M.C.E. 1887 HORWOOD, Edward James M.C.E. 1887 HORWOOD, Joel Henry M.C.E. 1897 HOUSTON, Robert John M.A. 1879 HOWARD, Douglas H.A. 1883 HOWARD, George Thomas B.A., U.D., B.8- 1900 HOWARD, John H.A. 1907 HUBERIOH. Charles Henry (D.C.L. Yale) LL.D. 1902 HUOKELL, Edgar Victor Roy M.D. B.S. 1909 HURLEY, Thomas Ernest Victor .. .. U.D., B.8. 1906 HUTCHINOS, Thomas Stawell U.D., B.S. 1898 HUTCHINSON, William U.C.E- 1891 HUTCHISON, Henry Kerr H.A. 1868 HUTCHISON, William Brown (Glasgow) U.A. 692 MEMBERS OF SENATE.

1906 INGRAU. William Findlay U.A. 1882 IRVINE, William Hill U.A., LUU. 1884 IRVING, Edward Hamilton .. (Oxford) U.A. 1909 IRWIN, Stewart Watson LUU. 1910 IRWIN. William Henry U.A. 1880 ISAACS, Isaac Alfred LL.M.

1868 JACKSON, James (London) M.D. 1897 JAUES, William Arthur M.B,U.S. 1879 JAMIESON. James MA. 1878 JAMIESON, James (Glasgow) M.D. 1905 JAMIESON, William Boyd (Edinburgh) M.A. 1888 JENKINS. Daniel Edward M.A. 1888 JENNINGS. John Charles M.A. 1891 JOHNSON, Frederick Miller .. (Edin.) U.D. 1876 JOHNSTON. William Edward M.A., LL.B. 1867 JOHNSTONE, John M.A. 1894 JOLLEY, Edward Francis George .. .. M.A.. LUU. 1891 JOLLIFFE, Charles Easton .. (Cam.) LL.H. 1904 JONES, Henry Oywnne MA. 1889 JONES, Hugh M.A. 1909 JONES, Isaac M.D, B.S. 1891 JONES, Nathaniel (Oxford) M.A. 1884 JOSKE, Alexander Sydney M.D..B8 1887 JULIUS, Churchill (Oxford) M.A.

ZEC 1883 KEARNEY. Elfric I^eofwin (Cambridge) MA. 1898 KEENE. Edward Horatio Douglas .. MA. 1888 KEEP. Ernest Edward (Oxford) U.A. 1884 KELLAWAY, Alfred Charles MA. 1884 KELSO. Edgar William M.A. 1909 KENDALL, William Tyson D.V.Sc. 1893 KENNEDY, David M.A., LUB. 1907 KENNEDY, John H.D..B.8. 1888 KENNY, Thomas Irwin M.A., LL.B. 1895 KERMODE, George U.C.E. 1890 KERR, James UoOonnell MA, LL.B. 1899 KERR, Richard Alexander H.A. MEMBERS OF SENATE. 693

1899 KERR, Thomas Butler (Dublin) U.D. 1905 KIDD, Leslie Stuart M.D., B.S. 1868 KILMORBY. Earl of (Needham, Francis Charles) (Oxford) U.A 1898 KILVINGTON, Basil H.D., U.S. 1908 KINO, Charles Edgar M.D., B.S. 1902 KITCHEN, George Ambrose M.A. 1894 KNIGHT, Glen Alburn M.D., B.S. 1907 KNOWLB8, George Shaw M.A.. LUM.

1903 LADE. Frank M.A. 1909 LAING, John Albert M.C.E. 1888 LAING, John William (Oxford) U.A. 1900 LAUBERT, Thomas Edwin Llewellyn .. U.D., U.S. 1908 LAMBLE, Gilbert M.D.B.S. 1886 LANQFOBD. William H.A., B.C.E. 1899 LANGLEY, Henry Thomas U.A. 1896 LARKIN, Uichael Oormack U.A. LUB. 1897 LATHAM, John Greig M.A., LUB. 1900 LATHAM, Leslie Scott BA.. M.D.. B.S. 1886 LAURIE, Henry (St. Andrew's) LUD. 1897 LAURIE, Henry M.D.. B.S. 1901 LAURIE. William Spalding U.D..B.8. 1868 LAWRENCE, Octavius Vernon M.D.. B.S 1895 LAWSON, Richard M.A. 1907 LAWTON. John Thomas M.A. 1904 LEACH. John Albert H.Sc 1888 LEARMONTH, Percy U.C.E 1890 LEOK. Robert U.A. 1906 LE OOUTEUR, Philip Ridgeway .. .. HA. 1897 LEE. John Robert U.D..B.8. 1876 LEEPER, Alexander (Dublin) U.A. 1902 LEOGE, Herbert Sutherland M.A. 1874 LEON, Samuel LUM. 1899 LESLIE, Ernest Thomas U.A. 1897 LEVINSON, Bertram Arthur H.A. LUB 1891 LEVY, David Cohen M.A. 1900 LEWIS, Ernest James M.A., U.Sc. 1888 LEWIS, James Bannatyne U.O.E. 1906 LEWIS, Neil Elliott (Oxford) U.A. 1909 LIDWILU Hark Cowley H.D.. B.S. 1909 LILLIE8. George Leonard U.D-, B.S. 24* 694 MEMBERS OF SENATE.

1897 LINDON. Leonard Harford .... (Cam.) U.A. 1904 LITTLEJOHN, William Still .. (Aber.) U.A. 1887 LIVINGSTONE, James U.A. 1900 LIVINGSTONE, William Ramsay (Ox.) U.A. 1903 LLOYD, Henry Cairns (Edin.) U.D. 1895 LOOKWOOD, Frederick Bingham .. .. U.A. 1887 LONG, Charles Richard U.A. 1899 LONG, George Merrick U.A. 1887 LONGUORE, William James U.A. 1909 LOBMEH, Arthur U.A. 1873 LOU6HRBY. Andrew B.A., LL.U. 1876 LOUOHRBY, Bernard M.A., M.B, B.8., M.CB. 1889 LOVE, Ernest Frederick John (U.A., Cam.) M.A., D.So. 1895 LOW, Vernon Forster Stanley .. .. B.O.B., H.U.B. 1900 LOWE. Charles John U.A.. LUB. 1883 LUCAS, Arthur Henry Shakespeare (Ox-) U.A. 1890 LYLE, Thomas Ranken .. .. (Dublin) U.A. 1885 LYNCH, Arthur Alfred U.A. 1894 LYNCH, Francis Joseph U.A.

. IM: 1876 McARTHUR. Alexander H.A.. LL.D. 18% HACARTNEY, Ross Kenneth B.O.E., M.M.B. 1889 MoAULAY, Alexander .... (Cambridge) M.A. 1906 MacCALLUM, Unngo William (Glasgow) U.A. 1894 McCAY, Adam Calms U.A. 1895 UcOAY, James Whiteside M.A.. LUM. 18% HoOLELLAND, David John U.C.E. 1899 McOLELLAND. William Caldwell .. .. MA., M.D, B.S. 1908 UcOORUIOK, John Thomas U.Sc. 1901 MACDONALD, .Eneas H.A. 1889 McDONALD, Alexander .. (Edinburgh) M.A. 1901 MacDONALD, George Mann (St. An.) U.A. 1893 MacDONAUD, George William U.Sc. 1895 HcDONALD, John U.A. 1898 MacDONALD, John Donald M.A., LL.B. 1899 MacDONALD, John George LUH. 1888 McDOUGALL, Dugal Gordon M.A., LL.D. 1893 MacFARLAN, James U.A-, LUB. 1881 UacFABLAND, John Henry .. (Cam) U.A. 1898 UcOBE, John Henry (Roy. Unl. Ireland) U.D. MEMBERS OF SENATE. 695

1898 McGILLIVEAY, Harold Irving U.A. 1901 McGREGOR, Thomas William .. (Glas.) U.A. 1880 MoINBBNEY. Thomas Patrick U.A., LUD. 1879 MoINTYBE, Alexander Grant .. (Oam.) U.A. 1906 MACKAY. Charles Vincent H.D., B.S. 1901 UAOKAY, John Hilton U.O.E. 1911 UAOKAT, Hnrdooh Nlsh LL.M. 1880 McKAY. Robert M.A. 1892 MACKEDDIE, John Pnllarton B.A., U.D., B.8 1883 UoKENNA, Jeremiah (Queen's Univ., Ireland) U.D. 1898 UAOKENZIE, William Colin M.D, B.8. 1887 MAOKEY, John Emanuel U.A-. LUB. 1906 McUAEEN, Charles Inglle U.D-.B.8. 1891 UoLAREN. James M.A. 1888 UoLAREN, Samuel Gilfillan .. (Edin.) U.A. 1895 McLEAN, Robert M.A. 1907 MAOLURE, Alfred Fay M.D.. B.S. 1907 MoMAHON. John Joseph H.D.. B.S. 1909 MoNAB,, Francis Alexander Dingwall.. LL.U. 1907 MacPHERSON, Jeffrey M.A., LL.B. 1910 McQUEEN, Ewen Neil U.A. 1891 McQUEEN, Neil U.O.E. 1892 UoRAE, James U.A. 1867 UAORAE. John (Bdln.) U.A. 1898 HooROBEBTS, Andrew Hamilton .. U.A. 1887 UACULLY, Alexander (Dublin) U.A. 1906 UcWHAE, Douglas Hurray M.D, B.S. 1893 MADDEN, Frank Cole M.D. B.S. 1864 MADDEN, Sir John B.A.. LL.D. 1879 MADDEN, Wyndham Uonson .. (Oam.) H.A. 1904 MAHONY. Daniel James U.Sc 1900 UAJOR, James Pen-ins H.D., B.S. 1893 MANCHESTER, Ernest James Theodore U.C.E. 1894 MANN, Frederick Wollaston U.A,LUU. 1883 HARDEN, John M.A.. LUB. 1886 HARRIOTT, John Thomas .. (Oiessen) M.A. 1901 MAR8DEN, Charles Edward M.D., B.S. 1901 MARSHALL. Alexander .. (Glasgow) U.A. 1907 MAB8HALU William Douglas H.A. 1897 MARTIN, Charles James .... (London) D.Sc. 1886 MARTYN, John M.A. 1886 MASSON. David Orme .. (Edinburgh) M.A, D.Sc. 1908 MASSON, James Irvine Orme .'. .. .. U.Sc 1904 MASTERS, Frederick George .. (Oam) U.A- 696 UEMBERS OF SENATE.

1870 MASTERS, Joseph U.A. 1884 MATHEW, JOHN M.A. 1906 MATHISON, Gordon Clunes McKay .... U.D..B-8. 1891 MAUDSLEY, Henry Carr .... (London) U.D. 1909 MiAXTED. Spencer Edward U.A. 1886 MAY, John .. M.A. 1904 MEAD, George James U.A. 18% UEIKLEJOHN, John (Glasgow) H.A. 1883 MELVILLE, William Henry M.A., LUM. 1887 MBRRIN, Arthur Hogg M.C.E. 1889 MEWTON, William Birkin M.A. 1880 MEYER, Felix Henry U.D, B.S. 1904 MEYER, Frank Edward M.A. 1895 MICHELL, Anthony George Maldon .. U.O.E. 1884 MICHELU John Henry M.A. 1905 MILLER, Edmund Morris H.A. 18% MILLER. Lionel Pindon M.A., LL.U. 1909 UILLIOAN. Edward Thomas Campbell M.D, B.S. 1909 MILLS. Richard Charles LL.M. 1884 UITOHELL, Edward Fancourt .. (Cam.) M.A..LLB. 1886 MOLLOY. Charley Henry M.D., B.S- 1891 MONASH, John B.A.. LT..B., MCE. 1901 MONTGOMERY. Henry Hutchison (Cambridge) M.A. 1882 MOORE, William M.D., M.S. 1907 MOORHOUSE, William Edmund M.A. 1880 MOORS, Elphinstone MacUahon .. .. M.A. 1883 MORRIS, Arthur M.A. 1902 MORRIS, Luther M.D, B.8. 1909 UORRIS. Richard Samuel M.Sc. 1911 MORRISON, Reginald Herbert (Edinburgh) M.D. 1885 MORRISON. William (Glasgow) M.D. 1891 MORROW, William Alexander M.A, LUB. 1892 MORTON, David Murray M.D., B.S. 1902 MORTON. Hugh Gilbert Stuart M.A. 1877 MOSES, Moses M.A.. LUB. 1899 MULOAHY, John Herbert Joseph .. .. M.A.. LUB. B.S. 1886 MURDOCH. Patrick John .. (Aberdeen) M.A. 1895 MURDOCH, Walter Logle Forbes .. .. M.A. 1899 MURPHY, John Thomas M.D., B.S. 1885 MURPHY, Thomos M.A, M.D.. M.S. 1901 MURRAY, Robert (Aberdeen) M.A. 1891 HURRAY, Lee Lathrop M.C.E. MEMBERS OF SENATE. 697

IT 1898 NAIRN. 'Robert M.A. 1876 NANSON, Edward John .. (Oambridge) U.A. 1898 NATTBA88, John Hodgson M.D.. B-S. 1900 NAYLOR. Henry Darnley (Oambridge) M.A. 1868 NEIGHBOUR, George Henry U.A.. LUB. 1909 NEWTON, Hibbert Alan Stephen ... M.D., M.8. 1881 NIOHOL8, Alfred Oanova LL.M 1909 NICHOLLS. John Ernest M.A. 1888 NICHOLSON. John (Edinburgh) M.D. 1895 NICOL, William Jonathan M.C.E. 1906 NIHILU John Edward .... (Durham) H.D. 1888 NOALU Alfred John U.O.E. 1888 NOBRI8, William Perrin M.D.. B.S. 1906 NORTHCOTE. Henry StaOord (Rt. Hon. Lord) (Oxford) M.A. 1885 NYULASY. Francis Armand H.D. B.S.

O 1891 O'BRIEN. John William .... (Dublin) M.A. 1902 O'BRIEN, Richard Alfred U.D., B.S. 1899 O'CONNELL, James Horatio U.A.. B.Sc 1889 O'CONNOR. Nicholas Lawrence' LL.M. 1893 OFFICER, David HcUaster M.D, B.S. 1893 OFFICER, Ernest M.A. 1836 O'HAJCA, John Bernard M.A. 1888 OLDHAM, Arthur Eggleston .. (Cam.) M.A. 1907 OLDHAM, Edward Percy M.D.. B.S. 1894 OLIPHANT, James Glen .. (Edinburgh) M.A. 1893 OLIVER, Calder Edkins M.C.E. 1895 OSBORN, Andrew Rule M.A. 1889 OSBORNE, John Henry .. .. M.A, LL.U. 1904 OSBORNE. William Alexander (Tubingen) D.Sc. 1886 OSTERMEYER, William U.A.. M.D-.B.B. 1906 O'SULLIVAN, Edward Francis (Roy. Univ., Ireland) M.D. 1890 OUTHWAITE, Edward Walter M.A. 1899 OWEN, Arthur Geoflrey M.D., B.S. 1882 OWEN, Frederick James H.D., B.S. 1892 OXER, Frederick Ernest H.A. 698 MEMBERS OF SENATE.

1892 PAB8T, Joseph Charles M.D, B.S. 1882 PALMER, Thomas M.A., LL.B. 1889 PARK, William M.A. 1865 PATBRSON, Alexander Stuart M.D. 1892 PATON. Frank Hume Lyall (Glasgow) M.A. 1909 PATTEN, Murray Gladstone U.A. 1904 PATTERSON, Sydney Wentworth .. .. M.D., B.S. 1887 PAUL, William H.A., LUU. 1899 PELLOW. Edward U.C.E. 1906 PERRY, Charles Elliott .. .. (Oxford) U.A. 1902 PETERS, Owen Herbert M.D., B.S. 1868 PETRIE, Donald (Aberdeen) U.A. 1890 PHILLIPS, Morris Uondle H.A. 1898 PITT, Thomas Keyran U.A. 1893 PLANTE. Curtis Crowther (H.A., NZ.) M.A., LL.B. 1892 PLAYER, Charles Richard M.D, B.S. 1894 POOLE, Thomas Slaney M.A, l.Ll). 1883 POTTER, Richard Harry M.A. 1909 POTTHR. William Lockyer M.D.. B.S. 1874 POULTON, Benjamin M.D., B.S. 1886 POWBR, Thomas Francis LL.M. 1894 POYNTON, Edward M.A. 1886 PRENDEEOAST, James Joseph (Roy. Univ. Ireland) U.D. 1908 PBITOHAHD, George Baxter D.Sc. 1882 PRITOHARD. William Charles U.A. 1899 PDTNAH, Philip Timothy M.D.. B.8.

Q, 1877 QUICK, Sir John LL.D.

1891 RADCLIPF, Edward Aqullla M.A. 1893 RAU8AY, John M.B, M.S. 1910 REAKB8, Charles John D.V.Sc. 1884 REED. Benjamin (Oambridge) H.A. 1908 REID. Robert George (Durham) M.D. 1883 RENDALL, Charles Henry .. (Oxford) H.A. 1891 RBNNIOK, Edward Croker M.C.E MEMBERS OF SENATE. 699

1878 RENNICK, Francis Henry U.A. 1906 RENNIB, Edward Henry .... (London) DSu. 1881 RENTOUL, John Lawrence (Quean's Univ., Ireland) M.A. 1905 RICHARDS, Edwin Stuart MJo. , 1907 RICHARDS, Henry Ooselli M.Sc 1898 RICHARDS. John Kildahl (Edinburgh) U.D. 1912 RICHARDSON, Arnold Edwin Victor (Adelaide) M.A. 1897 RICHARDSON, Charles Herbert M.A. 1892 RICHARDSON, Joseph Richard M.C.E. 1886 RIOKARBY, Frederick Hislop H.A.. LUB 1905 RIDLEY, Sidney Frederick U.D..B.S. 1897 RITZ, Hermann Balthacor U.A. 1888 ROBERTS, Arthur Olendower U.A. 1912 ROBERTS, Edward John U.D. 1903 ROBERTSON, Allen William David .. M.D., B.8 1891 ROBERTSON. Horace Patrick U.O.E. 1881 ROBERTSON, James Lang U.A. 1877 ROBERTSON, John U.A. 1899 ROBERTSON, Robert H.A. 1883 ROBERTSON. Robert Hope U.A. 1884 ROBINSON, Thomas Greeham Durnford U.A. 1892 ROBSON, Edgar Ilifl U.A. 1888 ROBSON, Ernest Ilifl .... (Oambridge) H.A. 1899 HOLLAND. Francis William U.A. 1886 ROSEBT, Thomas (Sydney) LL.D. 1901 ROSBNHAIN, Walter D. Sc, B.C.E. 1894 ROSS, Alfred Ernest Jones M.A. 1901 ROSS, David (Aberdeen) M.A. 1909 ROSSITER, Arthur Lyle M.Sc 1899 ROSSITER. Frederick Daglish .. . .. H.A. 1882 ROWAN, Thomas (Sydney) M.D. B.8 1895 RUDD. Arthur William M.A. LUB 1885 RUDDLE, Reginald George U.D., B.S. 1895 RYLAH, Walter Robert H.A.. LUM.

1894 SADLIER. William Charles U.A. 1902 3ALKELD, William Llewellyn Davies B.A., LL.M. 1891 SALTER, Charles Neeld H.A. 1898 SANDERSON, Arthur Clark U.A. 1894 SANDERSON, William Alexander .. M.A.. LUM. 1908 8ANGBTBR, William Clifford M.D., B.S. 700 MEMBERS OF SENATE.

1888 8ARVAA8. Johan B.A., U.C.E. 1903 8AWER8. John Buchanan U.A, LUB. 1891 SAWRBY. Ernest Edward Robert .. .. M.D.B.S. 1899 8AXTON, John Thomas M.A. 1908 80HOLE8, Frank Victor Gordon .. .. U.D.. B.S. 1891 SOHUTT, Williom John M.A., LL.U. 1900 SCOTT, Robert (Glasgow) U.D. 1887 8EDQEFIELD, Walter John M.A.. Litt. D 1867 8EMPLE, William Henry (Edinburgh) U.D. 1894 SERGEANT, Frederick .. (Oambridge) U.A. 1905 SBWELL, Sidney Valentine U.D., B.S. 1908 SHANN, Frank H.A. 1898 8HARHAN, Matthew Stanton U.A.. M.Sc 1907 SHAW, Charles Gordon M.D.. B.S. 1887 SHAW, John Henry M A. LUM. 1910 8HELTON, Harry Corbett I.eo LL.M. 1870 SHEW, Prank -.. M.A. 1900 SHIELDS. Clive M.A. MB. B.S. 1897 SHIELDS. Douglas Andrew M.D.. B.S. 1882 aHIELS, William LL.M. 1899 SHORNEY, Herbert Frank M.D. B.S 1904 SHORT. Robert Edgecumbe M.D.. B.S. 1891 8HUTEB, Richard Ernest M.D.. B.S. 1906 SILBERBERG, Montenore David .. .. M.D.. B.S. 1897 SINCLAIR, Thomas Walker U.D., B.S. 1905 SKEATS. Ernest Willington .. (London) D.Sc. 1901 SKENE. Alexander (Edinburgh) M.A. 1890 SMITH, Bernhard Alexander M.C.E- 1871 SMITH, Charles (London) M.D. 1900 SMITH, Eustace Lyndon M.C.E. 1902 SMITH. Frederick Dudley M.O-E. 1895 SMITH, John Macpherson M.A., LUB- 1898 SMITH, Julian Augustus Romaine .. .. M.D., B.S. 1889 SMITH. Richard Ernest M.A. 1885 SMITH, Robert Neil M.A.. B.C.E. 1881 SMITH, Thomas Jollie M.A. 1905 SMYTH. John (New Zealand) M.A. 1894 SNODOBA88, Evelyn M.A. 1902 8PENOE, John David M.C.E. 1889 BPENOBR, Walter Baldwin (Oxford) U.A. 1877 SPICBE, Edward Olarke M.A. 1898 8POWEB8. Edward Augustus M.D., B.S. 1906 SPRING, James Francis M.D,B.8 1877 SPRINGTHORPE, John William .. .. M.A.. M.D..B8. 1899 SPROULE. Walter St. George M.A., LUB. MEMBERS OF SENATE. 701

1910 STAPLBY, Walter D.V.SC. 1887 8TAWELU Richard Rawdoq .... U.D., B.S. 1893 STEANE, William Percy M.CB. 1898 STEELE, Bertram Dillon D.Sc. 1890 STEELE, William Huey U.A. 1882 STEPHEN. Reginald U.A. 1907 STEPHENS, Carl Vivian H.I>„ B.8. 1899 STEPHENS, Henry Douglas U.D., U.S. 1888 STEPHENSON, Arthur Robert (London) U.A. 1892 STEPHENSON, Stuart (Oxford) U.A. 1881 STEWART, Alexander .. .. (Glasgow) U.A. 1897 STEWART, Harold John U.A. 1896 STEWART, Hector Joseph M.C-E. 1906 STIRLING. Edward Oharles .. (Oam.) U.D. 1877 STIRLING, Robert Andrew H.D., B.S. 1886 STREETON, Charles Henry U.A. 1874 STRONG, Herbert Augustus .. (Oxford) M.A. 1906 STUART, Thomas Peter Anderson (Edinburgh) H.D. 1887 SUGDEN, Edward Holdsworth (B.A., B.Sc, London) U.A., B.So. 1905 8UUUERS. Herbert St. John M.Sc. 1869 SUMMONS. Samuel U.A., LUB. 1901 SUMMONS, Samuel William Henry M.D. B.S. 1903 SUMMONS, Walter Ernest U.D., B.S. 1888 SUTHERLAND. Alexander Charles . M.A., U.C.E. 1906 SUHERLAND, Ian MacKensie .. .. M.CE. 1886 SUTHERLAND. James U.A. 1887 SUTHERLAND, John M.A. 1903 SUTHERLAND, Roderick Tate .. M.D. 1879 SUTHERLAND, William H.A. 1902 SUTTON. Harvey M.D.. B.S. 1898 SUTTON, Hedloy John M.A. 1887 SYDE8, Edward John U.A., LUB. 1881 SYME. George Adlington M.B.. U.S.

T 1866 TAIT, George H.A. 1901 TAIT. Thomas (Glasgow) H.A. 1903 TAIT, William H.A. 1905 TANSWELL. Thomas Uorrin U.A. 1888 TATE, Frank U.A. 1901 TENNYSON, Hallam (Lord) .... (Com.) Litt. D. 702 MEMBERS OF SENATE.

1883 THATCHER, Grlfflthes Wheeler .. .. U.A. 1907 THIELE, Edmund Oswald U.Sc. 1897 THOiM. Gordon William M.O.B. 1907 THOUAS, Frederick WUliam HJ. 1897 THOUAS, Herbert Sebastian MA., LL.B 1876 THOUAS, Thomas Eggleaton U.A. 1864 THOMPSON. John Helming M.A. 1893 THOMPSON, Stephen Percy M.A., LUM. 1885 THOMSON, George Alexander U.A. 1911 THOMSON, Hedley Barry .. (Edinburgh) M.D. 1878 THOMSON, John Rae Mensies M.D., B.S. 1901 THOMSON, Robert (Aberdeen) M.A. 1877 THORNTON, Samnel (Oxford) M.A. 1903 THBOSSEL, Arthur Graham M.A. 1910 THWAITES, Alexander Hopkins M.Sc., B.V.Sc. 1889 TISDALL, Herbert Walter Leyster .... M.A., M.C.E. 1895 TOOHEY. Thomas Joseph B.A., LL.M. 1867 TOPP, Charles Alfred M.A., LUB. 1907 TBINOA, Alfred John M.D., B.S. 1892 TUBBS, Henry Arnold (Oxford) U.A. 1886 TUCKER, Thomas George (Oambridge; U.A. 1904 TURNBULL, Henry Hume U.D., B.S. 1900 TURNBULL, John LL.M. 1875 TURNER, Sydney Charles B.A.. LL.M. 1865 TURNER. William (Edinburgh) H.D. 1890 TY88EN, Joelah U.A.

TJ 1902 ULRICH, Edward Darling U.A. 1909 UPJOHN, William George Dismore M.D., B.S. 1910 UPTON, Thomas Haynos M.Sc. 1899 UTHWATT, Augustus Andrewes M.A.. LL.B.

1890 VAN DEB WALL. Charles William (Cambridge! M.A. 1909 VINES, Ernest Harold M.A. 1901 VOGLEB, William John M.A. MEMBERS OF SENATE. 703

1893 WALKER. Henry Kennedy McGill .... M.A. 1900 WALL, Maximilian Eugen .. (Munich) U.D. 1867 WALLACE, William Campbell .. (Aber.) U.A. 1904 WALPOLE, George Stanley D.Sc. 1891 WARD. William Carey (Oxford) H.A. 1877 WARE. Samnel H.A. 1884 WASLEY, Joslah Stephen B.A., LL.M. 1871 WATSON. George Bolleston .. (Dublin) H.A. 1882 WAY, Arthur Sanders (London) U.A. 1901 WAY, Rt. Hon. Sir Samuel James (Oxford and Oambridge) LL.D. 1912 WEATHBRBUBN, Charles Ernest (Sydney) U.A. 1904 WEBSTER, Percy Samuel .. (Durham) U.D. 1880 WEIQALU Theyre a'Beckett LL.U. 1895 WEIHEN, Albert Wallace H.A., H.D.. B.8. 1889 WELOHUAN, Robert Samuel M.A. 1862 WHEELER, Robert (Dublin) U.A. 1899 WHITE. Alfred Edward Rowden .. .. U.D., B.S. 1907 WHITE, Edward Rowden M.D., B.S. 1900 WHITE, Edward John Bernard U.A. 1891 WHITLEY. William Thomas (LL.H., Oambridge) LL.D. 1885 WIGHT, Gerald H.OE. 1883 WIGHT, Neville M.A. 1892 WILKIN. Frederick John M.A. 1905 WILKINSON, Harold Launcelott .. .. H.OE. 1886 WILKINSON, John Francis U.D, B.S. 1888 WILKINSON, William Oamac (I/ondon) U.D. 1889 WILLIAHS, Alfred Henry M.A. 1901 WILLIAHS, Charles Emmanuel .. .. M.D., B.S. 1888 WILLIAHS. Cyril Oower Voss M.OE. 1876 WILLIAMS. John (Edinburgh) U.D. 1888 WILLIAHS. William Henry H.A., LL.B. 1906 WILLIAMS, William Henry .... (Oam.) M.A. 1886 WILLIAUSON, John HcUullen Bombie U.A., LL.U. 1880 WILLIS. Thomas Rupert Henry .. .. M.D, B.S. 1890 WLL8MOEE, Norman Thomas Hortimer D.Sc. 1886 WILSON, Ambrose John .. .. (Oxford) U.A- 1888 WILSON, George U.A. 1901 WILSON, Hugh Campbell M.A., M.B., B.8 1878 WILSON, James H.A., LUB. 704 MEMUEHS OF SENATE.

1876 WILSON, John Purves U.A.. LL.D. 1908 WILSON, William M.A. 1907 WILSON, William Edgar M.D.. B.8. 1887 WOINARSKI, Gaslmlr Julius Zichy .. U.A., LUU. 1884 WOLLASTON, Harry Newton Phillips .. LL.D. 1886 WOOD. Arthur Jeflreys U.D., B.S. 1900 WOOD. George U.A. 1885 WOOD. William Atkinson U.D., U.S. 1900 WOODFULU Alfred Holmes LL.U. 1882 WOODWARD, Frederick William Uorris H.A. 1901 WOODS, William Oleaver .. .. (Edin.) U.D. 1894 WRIGHT, Charles Panton Farie .. .. M.OE. 1894 WRIOLEY, Leslie James U.A. 1866 WRIXON, Sir Henry John .... (Dublin) U.A. 1883 WYNNE, Edwin Percy LL.U.

1899 YULE, Alexander U.A. 1895 YULE, John Bandison M.A . M.D. B.S.


Names. _^_ Degrees 1911 ABBOTT, William Norman M.B,B.S. J895 A'BEOKETT, Ada Mary (nee Lambert) M.Sc 1890 A'BEOKETT, Thomas Archibald B.A. 1891 ABEBNETHY, James H.B.. B.S 1904 ABBAU8, Fanny B.A. 1906 ACLAND, Robert John LL.B- 1893 ACTON, Frederick Charles U.B. 1912 ADAUS. Agnes Alice B.A. 1904 ADAUS, Thomas Lament LL.B. 1904 ADAUSON, Amy Gertrude Elisabeth .. U.A. 1912 ADBNBY, Alexander William B.V.Sc. 1909 ADEY, John Kellermonn M.B., B.S. 1910 AHEBN, Edward Dennis H.B., B.S. 1883 AITCHISON, Alexander Smith U.B. B.S. 1895 AITKEN. William Lewis U.B.. B.S. 1912 ALBON, Olive HUB. Bac. 1905 ALEXANDER, Katharine Logan .. .. U.A. 1886 ALEXANDER. Lilian Helen M.A.. M.B., B.S. 1912 ALLAN. James Stephen Macdonald .. U.B., B.S. 1901 ALLAN. Leslie Stuart U.B., B.S. 1882 ALLEN, Arthur Wigram B.A. 1909 ALLEN, Joseph Hollins B.A. 1889 ALLEN. Uabel Flnlay U.A 1897 ALLESTBB, Edwin Uarston M.B. 18% ALLPOET, Evett Gordon .. .. (Cam.) B.A. 1910 ALMOND, William Thomas BA. 1893 ALSOP, Charles James M.B. 1883 ALTHANN, Charles August M.B., B.S- 1885 AME88, James M.B..B.8- 1911 AMIBT. William Albert B.A. 1908 AUPT, Gustav Adolph B.Sc. 1890 ANDERSON, Frank Oyril B.A. 1911 ANDERSON, George Grantham M.B., B.S. 1906 ANDERSON, James Robert Valentine .. B.U.E. TOG GRADUATES NOT MEMBERS OF SENATE.

1891 ANDERSON, Joshua Thos- Noble (Roy. Un. Ire.) B.A. 1893 ANDERSON. Robert Hodgson M.B., B.S. 1882 ANDREWS, Charles Leonard B.A., LL.B. 1871 ANDREWS, Thomas Richards .. .. B.A., LL.B. 1911 ANDREWS, William Algernon M.B.. B.S. 1899 APPLETON, Ethel Sarah B.A. 1882 APPLETON, Frederick Charles B.A. 1911 AiROHER, Francis Henry Joseph .. .. B.A. 1890 ABOYLE, Stanley Seymour W.B., B.S. 1910 ABMITAGE. Richard William B.Sc. 1891 ARMSTRONG, George U.B., B.S. 1892 ARMSTRONG, George William M.B.. B.S. 1910 ARUNDELL, Patrick B.A. 1889 ASHWOBTH, Louis Naish •• B.A., MB. B 8. 1892 A8TLBY, Arthur B.A. 1911 ATKINS, Charles Norman M.B.. B.S. 1910 ATKINSON, George M.B, B.S. 1890 ATKINSON, Llewelyn B.A., LUB. 1900 AURIOHT, Johannes Friedrlcb Theodor U.B., B.S. 1895 AVERY, Gertrude Elisabeth (nee Hall) U.A. 1906 AVERY, John Goodall M.B., B.S.

IB 1881 BACKHOUSE, John Burder U.B..B.S. 1901 BACKHOUSE, Thomas LUB. 1898 BADGER, William Alfred B.A. 1905 BAGE. Anna Frederica M.Sc. 1910 BAGE. Edward Frederic Robert .. .. B.C.E. 1911 BAGE, Ethel Mary B.A. 1911 BAOSTBR, Lancelot Salisbury B.Sc. 1901 BAILEY. Annie Isabel (nee Bullivant) BA. 1908 BAILEY. Guy Brooke M.B. 1896 BAIRD, Adam B.C.E. 1883 BAIRD. John Chalmers B.A. MB, B 8. 1912 BAKER, George Ashton B.C.E. 1910 BAKER, Henry Howard Acworth . . .. LL.B. 1906 BAKER. Mary .. .. M.A. 1900 BALDWIN, Mary Alice M.A. 1902 BALDWIN. Mary U.B., B.S. 1892 BALFOUR, Lewis John B.A., H.B , B-8- 1910 BALL, Hilda Nenna Pickering B.Sc. 1887 BANFIELD. Samuel Blackmore .. .. B.A. GRADUATES NOT MEMBERS OF SENATE. 707

1906 BARBER, Alice Uary (nee UcLean) .. U.B., B.S. 1898 BABBBR, John Andrew B.A. 1884 BARBER, Lydia Amelia (nee Harris).. B.A. 1908 BARKER, Gilbert William U.B., B.S. 1895 BARKER, Henry James Thomas .. .. B.A. 1908 BARKLEY, Ernest B.M.E. 18% BARNARD, Dora M.A. 1900 BARNARD, James Fox M.B., B.S. 1907 BARRATT, Norman Wilson LL.B. 1892 BARRETT, Edgar Alfred M.B.. B.S. 1901 BARRETT, Edith Helen H.B., B.B. 1889 BARRETT, John Edward U.B., B.S. 1906 BARTBL, August Karl B.C.E. 1887 HARTLEY, Joseph Francis U.B., B.S. 1910 BARTRAM, Roy Douglas B.A. 1887 BATH. Alexander John B.A. 1891 BATTYB, James Sykes B.A., LUB. 1882 BAYLE8. William James B.A.. LUB. 1899 BEAMISH, William Abraham B.C.E. 1910 BEARD, Amy Elisabeth B.A. 1911 BBEOK, Edith Helena B.A. 1889 BEGG, William B.A. 1908 BEISOHEB, Albert Ludwlg B.D.Sc. 1909 BELL, Arthur Francis H.B., B.S. 1887 BELL, George Lawalnk U.B., B.S. 1908 BELU James Burleigh U.B., B-8. 18% BELL, James Leslie B.C.E. 1902 BELL. Richard, Percy B.C.E. 1910 BENNETT, Donald H.B., B.B. 1904 BENNETT. Florence Penelope ' M.A. 1898 BENNETT. Harold Vincent M.B., B.S. 1901 BENNETT, James M.B., B.S. 1905 BENNETT, Hargaret Emily ' BA. 1%7 BENSON, George Frits B.C.E. 1897 BERNADOU, Uary Louise H.A. 1889 BEVAN, Llewelyn David .. ..(London) LL.B. 1908 BEVAN, Sibyl Caridwen M.B., B.S. 1910 BIENVENU, Reginald Onerin B.A. 1911 BIGNELL, Francis Lawrence U.B., B.8. 1884 BIRCH. Lewis John H.B., B.S. 1911 BIRD, Dougan H.B., B.8. 1885 BIRD, Edwin Jeflery U.B. 1884 BIRD, William Joshua .. U.B., B.S. 1904 BISHOP. Albert Edward Kemp .. .. MB. B.8 1901 BLACK, George Murray B.C.E. 4» 708 GRADUATES NOT MEMBERS OF SENATE.

1910 BLACK, James Jamieson M.B., B.B. , 1912 BLACK, Jonathan Percy Moss M.B., B.S. 1906 BLACKBURN, Hauricc HcOrae B.A., LUB. 1897 BLACKBURNE, George Hugh Spencer U.B, B.S. 1904 BLAUBAUH, Athol M.B., B.S. 1906 BLAUBAUH, Hubert U.B., B.S. 1909 BLAUBAUH. Otto B.D.Sc. 1902 BLOMFIELD, Alfred Leslie B.C.E. 1889 BLOMFIELD, Charles Edwin B.C.E. 1887 BLOMFIELD, Herbert Harsh B.A. 1910 BLOOU, Solomon LL.B. 1903 BONA, Evan Gwynne LL.B. 1901 BONA. Percy Arthur M.B., B.S. 1904 BOOTH, Edmund Holloway M.B, B.S. 1893 BOOTH. Mary (Sydney) B.A. 1891 BOTHROYD. John James B.A. 1907 BOURKE, Hugh Stanislaus M.B.. B.S. 1910 BOWDEN, Henry Herbert B.A. 1908 BOWEN. Clarence Edward LL.B. 1906 BOWMAN, Amos Walter M.B., B.S. 1909 BOWMAN, Ellen B.A. 1909 BOWMAN, Vernon I*opold M.B, B.S 1892 BOX, John M.B.. B.S. 1904 BOX. Matthew Henry M.B..B.S. 1890 BOYD, Thomas Hugh M.B., B.S. 1897 BOYD, William B.C.E. 1884 BOYE8. William Isaac B.A., MB., B.8. 1897 BOYS, Robert Douglass B.A. 1889 BBACEWELL, Walter Hansford .. .. M.B, B.8. 1909 BRADSHAW, Frank Meeten' B.D.Sc 1892 BRAY. Emest .. B.C.E. 1898 BRAZIER. Charlton George B.A. 1909 BRENNAN, Anita Teresa LL.B. 1909 BRENNAN. Edward Thomas M.B.. B.S. 1901 BRENNAN, Frank LUB. 1904 BRENNAN, John Patrick B.C.E. 1900 BRENNAN, Thomas Cornelius LL.B. 1903 BRETT, Percy Gore M.B., B.S. 1898 BROCKET. William LL.B. 1862 BROMBY, Christopher BA. 1900 BROMBY, Wilfrid B.Sc. B.C.E. 1892 BROOKES, Herbert Robinson B.C.E. 1898 BROPHY, John Joseph (B.A., Roy. Univ. Ireland) B.A., LL.B. 1898 BROUOHTON, George Edward LL.B. GRADUATES NOT MEMBERS OF SENATE. 709 1894 BROWN, Alfred Austin U.B. 1893 BROWN. Austin Graham BA., LUB. 1910 BROWN, Clifton Plessay B.A. 1902 BBOWN. Edgar Jabex M.B,B.S. 1909 BROWN, Gilbert Twentymau B. Uech. E. 1892 BROWN. Ralph Charles U.B., B.S. 1892 BBOWN. Thomas William U.B., B.S. 1905 BBOWN, William Oillbee U.B., B.S. 1911 BROWNING, Henty de Courcy U.B., B.S. 1910 BEOWNKIJj, Walter Freeman H.B., B.S- 1881 BROWNLESS. Anthony Colling .. .. M.B., B.S- 1895 BRUCE, Charles William MB 1895 BUCHANAN. Aelfreda Hilda (nee Gamble) M.B., B.S. 1910 BUCHANAN, Duncan M.B.B.S. 1908 BUCHANAN, Qwynneth Vaughau .. .. U.Sc. 1876 BUOKLAND, John Vansittart B.A. 1900 BUCKLEY. Edward William U.B, B.S. 1910 BUCKLEY, Sydney Leonard B.A. 1865 BULL, George (Oam.) U.B. 1911 BULU Hilda Wager B.Sc. 1907 BUULEID, William Henry BA. 1895 BULLIVANT. Hugh Edward B.A.. LL.B. 1898 BULLOW, Jane Elisabeth BA. 1881 BUNNY, Arthur George Benedictus .. LL.B. 189) BUNTINE, Robert Andrew MB, B.S. 1909 BURFORD, Albert Arthur Mus.Bac. 1900 BURKE, Gertrude Lucie U.A. 1912 BURNS. Francis John UB., B.S. 1909 BURSTON, Alfred William Charles . B.CE. 1910 BURSTON. Samnel Roy U.B, B.8. 1876 BURTON, Joseph Grindy B.A. 1888 BUTOHABT. John Elder B.A. 1905 BUTLEB. Edward Villers B.A. 1898 BUTLEB, Frederick Stanley M.B 1910 BUTLEB, Harry Nairn M.B., B.S- 1910 BUZZARD. Gertrude Clcmes U.B., B.S. 1908 BYE, Thomas Joseph B.C.E- 1880 BYRNE. George Robert LL.B. O 1899 CADE, David Duncan M.B., B.S 1900 CAFFIN. Uelbourne Shrivalle B.A- 1903 CAHILL, Arthur James U.B., B.S. 45A 710 GRADUATES NOT MEMBERS OF SENATE.

1908 CAHILL, Henry James U.B., B.S. 1903 CAIN, Robert Oobbold LL.B- 1911 OAIiOUTT, Lucy B.Sc. 1901 OALDEB, James Beimel LL.B- 1901 CALHOUN, James U.B., B.S. 1876 CALLAN, John Bartholomew B.A., LL.B. 1908 CALLANDER, Robert Scott M.B., B.S. 1910 CAMERON, Ewen Carlisle LUB. 1908 CAMERON, Maud Martha M.A. 1902 CAMM, Thomas Oarlyle Lelchardt .. MB., B.S. 1908 OAHPBBLU Agnes Uarlon M.A. 1903 CAUPBELU Archibald Brown MB., B.S. 1857 CAMPBELL, Colin (Oxford) BA. 1911 CAMPBELL, Oolin M.B., B.S. 18711 CAUPBELU Oolin Hamilton '.. LUB. 1897 CAMPBELL, Donald Albert H.B., B.S. 1911 CAMPBELL, James Lewis Haltland .. LL.B. 1909 CAMPBELL, John Charles M.B., B.S. 18% CAMPBELL, Richard Adderley B.A. 1912 OAUPBBUU Robert Burns Grinning .. B.D.Sc. 1907 CAMPBELL. Sarah Maud U.B., B.8. 1910 CAUPBELL, Sydney James MB..B.S. 1907 CANTOR, Morris Emanuel Lamen .. .. LL.B. 1909 CANTOR. Stanley Jacob M.B., B.S. 1905 OAPELB. Timothy William Joseph .. LL.B. 1910 CARROLL, William John Smyth (Sydney) B.A. 1908 CARSE. Franc Samuel LL.B. 1911 CARSON, Martha Elspeth B.A. 1901 CARSON, Thomas John Knox B.A. 1867 CARTER, Francis John Charsley (Ox.) B.A. 1907 CATABINIOH, John U.B, B.S. 1899 CATFOBD, Harold Robert H.B.. B.S. 1910 GAVE, Uylles Wyamams MB., B.S. 1893 CE RUTTY, William Morphott .. .. B.C.E. 1902 CHAMBERS, Herbert Ernest LL.B. 1912 CHAMBERS, Roy William MB., B.S. 1891 CHAMPION, Edward H.B., B.S. 1894 CHANTER, Arthur Mus. Bac. 1897 CHAPLIN, William Watkin Winne ... MB. 1897 CHAPPLB, Frederic John MB., B.S. 1884 CHASE. Arthur Pelham B.A. 1875 CHATER, Richard Britten B.A. 1895 CHENHALL, Alfred Nicholas M.B, B.S. 1912 OHBNOWETH. Richard Wilmore .. .. B.A. GRADUATES NOT MEMBERS OF SENATE. 711 1910 CHENOWITH, Thomas Oswald MB., B.S. 1910 OHBRRY, Charles Oummlns B.V.Sc 1889 CHERRY, Edith Sarah (nee Gladman) MA. 1883 OHE8NEY. Charles Alfred (Queen's Univ. Ire.) B.C.E. 1907 OHIBNSIDE, James Iver Uclver .. .. MB.. B.S. 1902 0HIRN8IDE. Thomas LUB. 1888 OHOMLEY, Charles Henry BA., LL.B 1890 OHOULEY, Henry Bawdon Francis .. BA., LL.B. 1891 OHOULEY, Violet Ida M.A. 1909 CHRISTIANSEN. Wllhelm B.A. 18% CHRISTIE, Charles M.B., B.S. 1892 OLANOHY, Bridget Adeline '.. B.A. 1912 OLABK, Wendell Inglis MB., B.S. 1908 CLARKE. Cyril Lowthor H.B.. B.S. 1904 CLARKE, Ethel Stone St. John .. .. B.A. 1900 CLARKE, John Lea LL.B. 1897 CLARKE, John Woolner B.A., LL.B. 1889 CLARKE, William John Turner (Ox.) B.A. 1889 OLEHES. Edith Emma B.A. 1911 CLENDINNEN, Leslie Jack UB., B.S. 1909 OLUOA8, Elisabeth Emily M.B., B.8 1903 CLUCAB. Herbert Joseph B.C.E. 1884 CLUTTERBUOK. Alfred Charles Ernest B.A. 1910 CLYNE, Thomas Stuart LUB. 1906 COAKLEY, Thomas Henry B.C.E. 1883 COOK8HOTT, Harold Hurray LL.B. 1876 COFFEY. William Henry (B.A., Dublin) B.A.', LL.B. 1910 COHEN, Basil Walker U.B.. B.S. 1894 COHEN. Henry Isaac • • B.A., LUB. 1912 OOHN, Alexander Samnel B.D.Sc. 1886 COLE, Francis MB, B.S. 1882 COLE. Henry Samuel LL.B. 1911 COLLINS, William Michael Gerald B.A. 1909 COLQUHOUN. Keith Oemmell M.B., B.S. 1892 CONNELL. Egbert John M.B., B.S. 1899 CONNELU Lucy Mary BA. 1890 CONNELL, Haud M.A. 1894 CONNELLY. Arthur Waldo .. M.B., B.S. 1910 CONNOB, John Leslie B.M.B 1910 OONRIOK, Horatio Victor Patrick .. MB.. B.S. 1898 CONSIDINE, William Desmond . .. LUB. 1905 COOK, Alexander M.B., B.S. 1866 COOK, Charles Henry Herbert B.A., LL.B. 1912 COOK, William Reddish LL.B. 712 GRADUATES NOT BIKMBRRS OF SENATE.

1901 COOKE, James Douglas M.B., B.S. 1 !))'.• COOKE, Reginald Uaokentie B.Sc. 1900 COOKE, Thomas Fleming B.A. 1898 COOPER, Claude Tidswell M.B.. B.S. 1901 COPAS, Theodora Emilie Johanna .. M.A. 1867 COPELAND, Samuel B.A. 1903 COPLAND, Maurice Osrlc B.M.E. 1877 CORBETT, Thomas Francis LL.B. 1910 OORDNER, Edward Rae MB, B.8. 1909 CORONER, Henry . M.B, B.S. 1899 CORKILL, Henry Robert I.L.H. 1896 CORMICK, John. Phillips B.A., I.IB. 1892 CORK, Sarah Alice M.A. 1911 COSTBLLOB, Michael Joseph MB.. B.S. 1893 COURTNEY, Richard Edmond B.A., I.LB. 1880 COUTIE, John Thomas Copeland .. .. B.A. 1881 COUTIE, William Henry M.B., B.S. 1894 COUTTS. Agnes B.A. 1895 COUTTS. David John Mus. Bac. 1892 COUTTS, John BA. 1903 COVENTRY, Cameron Hilda (Adelaide) M.Sc. 1892 COWEN, Alfred M.B. B.S. 1911 COWEN. Joseph Ivan MB., B.S. 1908 COX. Frank Elton M.B, B.S. 1896 COX. Jane Cromwell ., B.A. 1898 CRAIG, Edith Isabel B.A. 1910 CRAIG, James Chambers M.B, B.S. 1887 CRAIG. Walter Joseph .... MB. B.S. 1895 CRAIG. Walter Lennox B.C.E. 1909 CRAWCOUR, Esther BA. 1873 CRAWFORD, Edward Arthur B.A. 1911 CRAWFORD, John Hamilton MB. B.8. 1911 CRAWFORD. Victor Gordon B.M.E. 1901 CRELLIN. Bertram U.B., B.S. 1869 CKOMPTON, William (Sydney) B.A. 1908 CROOKE, Arthur Albert MB., BS. 1864 CROOKE, Robert (Dublin) B.A. 1911 OROOKSTON, Robert Melville MB.. B.S. 1909 CROOM, Smart Patrick M.B.. B.8. 1882 CROSBIE, William Barry LUB. 1886 CROSS. John BA. 1891 CROUCH, Charles Stanton B.A., LL.B. 1893 CROUCH, Herbert Casely B.C.E. 1910 CROWE. Valentine Francis M.B., B8. 1892 CROWLEY, Cornelius George B.A. M.B., B.S. GRADUATES NOT MEMBERS OF SENATE. 719

1890 CROWLEY. John Henry Joseph U.B, B.S. 1904 CROWTHER, George O'Dell B.A., LUB. 1911 OHOWTHBR, Gilbert Russell B.A. 1884 CROWTHER, John Russell B.A. 1910 OROWTHBR. William Edward Lodewyll Hamilton U.B., B.S. 1901 CUUUINS, Richard Howard LaBarte .. B.Sc. 1894 CUNNING, Joseph U.B.. B.S- 1908 CUNNINGHAM, Francis William .. ..B.A. 1893 CURRIE. Henry Alan B.C.E. 1888 OU8SEN, Gerald Eugene H.B., B.S- 1892 CUTTER, Charles Christopher B.A., LL.B.

33 1895 DALE, William Kellynack U.B. 1912 DALY, Lionel Bralm H.B..B.8. 1889 DAUUAN, George William M.B...B.8- 1909 DANIEL, Charles John MB.. B.S. 1908 DANIEL!,, Hilda Young BA. 1906 DANIELL, Mabel Alice Grey. U.A. 1905 DABBY. George Robert M.B, B.S. 1912 DARBY, Leonard M.B..B.8. 1901 DAVEY. Eva Frances Elisabeth .. .. B.A. 1906 DAVID, Tannatt William Bdgworth (Ox.) B.A. 1911 DAVIES, Cyril Walter LL.B. 1911 DAVIES, George Forest LUB. 1906 DAVIDSON, Helen Irene B.A. 1876 DAVIDSON, Raleigh Gilbert LL.B. 1895 DAVIES, Alfred Ebeneser B.A. LL.B. 1906 DAVIES. Dorothy Annie • . M.Sc 1894 DAVIES. Edwin Zerubabel M.B, B.S. 1903 DAVIES. Francis Lethieullier U.B, B.S 1899 DAVIES, John Hurray B.A. 1890 DAVIES, Leslie U.B., B.S. 1908 DAVIES, Margaret Sandeman M.A. 1909 DAVIES. Maurice Charles M.B. B.S. 1906 DAVIES. Muriel Kate U.Sc. 1910 DAVIES, Olive Blanche M.Sc. 1886 DAVIES. Thomas .. B.A. 1880 DAVIES, Walter .. .. LUB. 1902 DAVIES, Wilfrid Norman U.B.. B.S. 1892 DAVIES. William Edward M.B., B.S. 714 GRADUATES NOT MEMBERS OF SENATE.

1891 DAVINB, Mllo B.A.. LL.B. 1872 DAVIS, Alfred .. B.A. 1908 DAVIS, John Reginald M.B., B.S. 1892 DAVIS, William M.B. 1893 DAY, Louisa McPherson H.A. 1907 DEAKIN. Stella B.Sc. 18% DEANE, Edward Wilkinson M.B., B.S. 1886 DECK. Henry O'Brien U.B. B.S. 1908 DBEBLE, Arthur Vivian .. B.A. 1904 DE OABI8, Uary Clementina M.D, B.S. 1903 DEOENHARDT, Albert H.B.. B.S. 1898 DELMBE, Harold Charles B.A. 1911 DENBHT, •William John M.B.. B.S. 1902 DENNIS. Charles Edgar U.B..B.S. 1895 DENNIS, George Ernest U.B.. B.S. 1899 DER A VIN, Arthur Francis .. .. •• .. U.B., B.S. 1891 DE BAVIN, Ernest Alfred U.B.. B.S. 1907 DERAVIN, Garnet Wesley U.B., B.S. 1887 DERAVIN, Hugh Alexander U.B., B.S. 1903 DERAVIN, Walter Eugene H.B.. B.S. 1903 DERHAU. Enid H.A. 1896 DERHAU, Francis Reginald B.A.. LL.B. 1892 DESAILLT. Julian Gilbert M.B., B.S. 1906 DEVINE, Hugh Berchmans U.B.. B.S. 1882 DICKSON, Frederick William LUB. 1879 DILLON, Edward Emmet .. B.A, LL.B. 1880 DIXON, Joseph William LL.B. 1907 DIXSON. Irene Craig U.A. 1886 DOBBIE, John Alexander B.A. 1911 DOBSON, Arthur Frank Stanley LL.B. 1897 DOCKER, Wyatt Bristow H.B., B.S. 1897 DOCKBBY, Luke James B.C.E. 1894 DODDS. William Bruce B.C.E. 1907 DODGSON. Hand M.B., B.S. 1894 DOMBBALN. Ernest Arthur U.B.. B.S. 1905 DONALDSON. Robert Johnstone . .. B.C.E. 18% DONALDSON, William Henry U.B. 1909 DONOVAN, Gustave Thomas B.l>.Sc. 1908 DOOLEY, William Henry B.A. 1905 DOUOHARTY, Isabel Elisabeth . .. B.A. 1903 DOUGLAS. Oampbell George LUB. 1897 DOUGLAS, Francis John U.B., B.S. 1911 DOUGLAS, Robert Oliver H.B.. B.S. 1906 DOW, Edmund Burnett B.U.E. 1912 DOW. John B.U.E. GRADUATES NOT MEMBERS OF 8ENATB. 715

'893 DOWLING, Patrick Paul M.B. 1904 DOWNEY, Michael Henry H.B..B.S- 1907 DOWNING, Harold David .. M.B..B8. 1904 DOYLE, Maurice Thomas LUB. 1890 DREW, Joseph Milton D*Amer M.B..BS. 1911 DREW, Royston B.Sc. 1901 DREW, Thomas Mitchell M.B, B 8 1880 DUFFY, Charles Cashel Gavan LUB. 1910 DUFFY, Desmond McMahon Gavan .. RA., LL.B 1911 DUFFY, Frank Brendan Gavan LUB. 1907 DUUARESQ, Frances Kate Harguerite M.A , B.S.' 1905 DUNCAN, Hugh Rennie M.B., B.S 1899 DUNLOP, John Wightman B.C.E- 18% DUNN, Bessie Maud (nee Phipps) .. B.A. 1898 DUNN, Edward Perchard B.Sc 1909 DUNN, Henry Francis B.A. 1910 DUNN, John Herbert B.Sc. 1912 DUNSTAN. Ambrose Bedley MB., B.S. 1908 DYASON, Edward Clarence Evelyn .. B.Sc. B.M.E.

E 1912 BADIE, Clive Uensies MB., B.S. 1882 BADIE. James .. M.B., B.S. 1886 EAOLE80N. James B.A.. LL.B. 1907 EASTAUGH, Edith Beatrice H.A. 1880 EASTWOOD. Francis Hudson U.B., B.S. 1897 EAVES, Ethel Uary Vanghan (nee Cowan) M.B.. B.S. 1908 EB8WORTU. Richard Henry U.B., B.S. 1912 BDMEADE8. Thomas Boy U.B., B.S. 1907 EDWARDS, Edward B.U.E. 1907 EGGLE8TON. William Houlton .. .. B.D.Sc. 1908 ELCOATE. Robert Leslie Gough .. .. M.B.,B8- 1906 ELLIOTT, Harold Edward LUB. 1898 ELLIS. Constance M.D-, B.S. 1897 ELVINS, Henry Francis Herbert .. .. M.B., B-S- 1901 ELVINS. Hortense Rita (nee Conncil).. M.Sc. 1910 EMBELTON, David Moore U.B., B.S. 1882 EMBLING. Herbert Augustus U.B., B.S. 1900 ENGLAND. Egbert Francis Scott .. .. LUB. 1901 BBREY. William B.A. 1907 EVA, Cyril Herbert Vyvyan B.A. 1897 EVANS. Harold Maund M.B.. B-8. 716 GRADUATES NOT .MEMBERS OF SF.NATF.

1887 EVANS. John Herbert H.B., B8. 1910 EWBR8, Peroival Francis B.A. 1892 EYRES, Sarah Constance U.A.

IF 1904 FANKHAU8ER. Herbert William .. .. M.B..B8. 1911 FAROIE, Arthur James UcKensie .. .. M.B., B.S. 1887 FABLOW, George Robert B.A., I.L.B. 1891 FARMER, Paul Ward MB., B.S. 1%1 FEABNLEY. Warren James MB, B.S. 1908 FEATONBY. Henry Newark MB, B.8. 1898 FEILOHENFBLD. Edward M.B., B.S. 1908 FEILCHENFELD. Otto Albert MB,B.8. 1877 FERGUSON, Daniel LL.B. 1903 FERGUSON. Wiley Drummond MB., B.S. 1908 FERRIS, Frederick Allan M.B, B.8. 1897 FFROST, Albert Ernest .. MB, B.8. 1909 FIELDER. Laura Oouldsmlth B.A. 1907 FINK. Gordon LL.B. 1884 FINLAY80N. John Marshall li.B. 1912 FISHER, Winifred Annie B.A. 1876 FITOHBTT, William Henry B;A. 1888 FLANAGAN, Patrick James MB.. B.S. 1903 FLEMING, Charles William Henry .. U.B. 1901 FLETCHER, Elisabeth Eleanor (nee Weld) MB.. B.S. 1896 FLETCHER. Harlan Elisabeth Diggle .. MB,B.8. 1907 FLORANCE, Ellen Elisabeth (nee Henry) MB., B.S. 1908 FLORANCE. Paul Lewis U.B..B.8. 1891 PLYNN, John .. (Boy. Univ. Ireland) M.B. 1912 PLYNN, Julia Teresa B.A. 1912 POGARTY, Joseph Patrick MB.. B.S. . 1897 FORBES, Catharine Ellen Uary .. .. B.A. 1909 FOBDYGE, William Cleveland B.A. 1901 FORGE, Herbert Christopher I.L.B 1878 FORLONO, Robert Roohfort B.A. 1900 FOBUBY, Heury Harper MB, B.8. 1901 FOR8HAW, William Joseph H.B., B.S- 1895 FORSTER, Arthur Edward Blacken . U.B., B.8. 1906 FORSTER. Karl B.A. 1899 FORSTER. John B.A. 1895 FORSYTH, William Alexander U.B., B.S- 1904 POSTER, Bryan U.B, B.8. GRADUATES NOT' MEMBERS OF SENATE. 71 i

1911 POSTER, Francis Henry B.C.E. 1906 FOSTE'R. George Williams U.B., B.S. 1898. FOWLER, Herbert Thomas B.A. 1889 FOX, John Raymond U.B. 1885 FOX, Laura Uary (nee Uoerlin) .. .. U.A. 1889 FOX, Uelbourne George Griffin B.A., LUB. 1912 FOXOROFT. Albert Broadhenit B.A. 1905 FOXTON. Harold Vernon U.B, B.S. 1897 FRANCIS. Harry Vivian B.C.E. 1912 FRANKLIN, Uarle Naomi B.A. 1906 FRASER. Alexander Clow B.A. 1911 FRASER. Douglas Martin LUB. 1898 FRASER. Mary Isabella MA. 1898 FRASER. Sarah Jane M.A. 1911 FRASER. Simon B.M.E. 1885 FRASER. William B.A. 1911 FRASBR. William Angus MB. B.8. 1910 FREWIN, Ernest Cooper B.A. . 1881 FRIEDMAN. Henry H.B..B.8.

1911 GALBRAITH, Alan Love B.C.E. 1899 GALBRAITH. Charles Strong B.C.E. 1912 GAMBLE. John Frederick B.A. 18% GARDINER. James Uorlson M.B, B.S. 1895 GARDINER. John Peden .. B.C.E. 1910 GABNETT, Wade Shenton M.B.. B.S. 1900 GAUNT, Clive Herbert LL.B. 1893 QAWNE. Frederick John U.B. 1898 OEAOH, Frank Herbert LL.B. 1912 GEORGE. Thomas Edwin H.B.. B.S. 1906 GERRARD. Norman James M.B., B.S. 1900 OHILOTTI. Angelina H.A. 1908 GIBBONS, Anna Agnes (Roy. Univ. Ire.) B.A. 1903 GIBSON. Arthur Horace H.B.. B.S. 1901 GILBERT. Henry HJ., B.S. 1911 GILBERT, Noela B.A. 1910 GILBERT, William James Garfield . MB.. B.S. 1900 GIIiOHRIST, Sarah Elisabeth (nee Topp) M.A. 1912 GILL, Frank Llewellyn M.B., B.S. 1909 OILU Harry Samuel Bramley B.A. 1906 GILL,'Hubert Baldwin H.B., B.S. 1900 GILLESPIE, Leslie Thomson M.B,B.S. 718 GRADUATES NOT-MEMUERS OF SENATE.

1897 GLEESON. Edmond Francis Gerald ... B.C.E. 1887 GLEESON, Edmund Joseph B.A., U.B., B.S 1910 QLOWREY, Uary M.B, B.S. 1893 OODDARD, Margaret Mabel B.A. 18% GODFREY, Herbert Cecil B.A., LL.B. 1911 GOLDSTEIN, Alexander MB, B.S. 1907 GOLLER, Alfred Ernest B.A. 190U GOOD, Ethel M.B., B.S. 1007 GOOD, Robert Norman Scott M.B., B.S. 1893 GOODE, Christina Love M.B.. BS. 1897 QODDY, Arthur B.C.E. 1892 ORABHAU, Arthur Edward B.A. 1891 GRAHAM, Austin Douglas B.A. 1892 GRAHAM, Charles Sydney B.C.E. 1895 GRAHAM. Edward Alfred M.B..B.S. 1902 GRAHAU, Herbert levers LL.B. 1880 QRANO, Theodore George LL.B 1910 GRANT, Alexander McGregor U.B., B.S. 1893 GRANT, Charles James B.C.E. 1893 GRANT, William B.C.E. 1894 GRAY. Colin H.B..BS. 1907 GRAY, Fannie Blanche U.D.Sc. 1907 GRAY, Herbert John U.B., B.S. 1912 GRAY, James Taylor BO.E. 1907 GRAY, Joseph Alexander B.Sc. 1896 GREEN. Arthur William B.A. 1911 ORBBN, Augustus Ian M.B., B.S. 1910 GREEN, Frederick John B.A. 1903 GREEN, Frederick William M.B., B 8. 1911 GREEN, Harry Franklyn M.B., B.8. 1908 GREEN. Leila Ada H.Sc. 1901 GREEN. Richard Arthur B.A. 1901 GREEN, Stanley Dntton • • LL.B. 1895 GREEN, Thomas Ernest M.B.,BS. 1910 'GREEN, William Bertram Lloyd B.V.Sc. 1868 GREENE, George Henry B.A. 1911 GREENHAU. David Peter M.B.. B.S. 1909 OREEN8HIELD8, Hilda Adella M.B., BS. 1906 GREER. Claude M.B..B8. 1889 GBEOBBSON. William Jens U.B., BS. 1901 GREGORY, John Stephen B.C.E. 1901 GREGORY, Robert Henry LL.B. 1904 GREY. Minola Janet U.A. 1912 ORBIG. Ernest Howard B.M.E. 1903 GREIG. Grata Flos Matilda B.A.. LUB. GRADUATES NOT MEMBERS OF SENATE. 719

1895 GREIG, Jane Stocks M.B., B.8. 1895 GREIG, Janet Lindsay U.B., B.S. 1911 GREIG, Stella Pida LUB. 1884 OBBNFELL, Sydney B.A., LL.B. 1871 GRICE, John B.A., LL.B. 1905 GRIFFITHS. Ada Isabella Valentine .. U.B., B.S. 1861 GRIFFITHS, James (Dublin) B.A. 1901 GRIUWADB, Wilfrid Russell B.Sc 1903 ORINDROD, William Campbell U.B.. B.S. 1910 GROSS, Rachel Henrietta ..' U.B., B.S. 1902 GROVE. Frederick Thomas B.A. 1911 GBUTZNER. Frederick William H.B., B.S. 1900 GUBBINS, Francis Roche LL.B. 1876 GULLETT, Philip Alexander LL.B. 1912 GUNDER8EN, Gunnar B.8o. 1912 GUNDERSBN. Sara Elisabeth B.Sc. 1908 OUNSON, William Norman B.A. 1889 OUTHEIL, Emil M.B.. B.S. 1910 OWILLIU, Arthur Edward B.A.

IET 1879 HACKETT, James Thompson B.A. 18% UAGENAUEB, Oustave Alfred M.B., B.S. 1912 HA1LB8, Helen B.A. 1912 HA1N, Reginald Edric LUB. 1898 HAIN8. George Myer M.B., B.S. 1877 HALEY, Frank M.B., B.S. 1876 HALEY, George M.B., B.S. 1885 HALPEY, John Carr BA., LL.B. 1911 HALKYABD, Charles Cyril B.C.E. 1886 HALKYABD, Charles Samuel B.A. 1888 HALL, Arthur David B.A 1895 HALLEY, Ida Gertrude Margaret .. . M.B..B.S. 1897 HAMILTON, Charles .. .. LL.B. 1905 HAMILTON, Edward James LL.B. 1902 HAMILTON. Henry Talbot M.B., B.S. 1906 HAMILTON, Boblna B.A. 1885 HAMILTON, William B.A. 1911 HANLIN, John Francis Yeldham . .. B.A. 1898 HANSFORD, Alfred Howard B.A., LL.B. 1880 HARBISON, James Alexander B.A. 1882 HARBISON. John Wesley M.B., B.S. 1888 HARCOURT, James Richmond B.A. 720 GRADUATES NOT MEMBERS UF SENATE.

1904 HARCOURT. Olive H.B., B.S. 1905 HARDIE, Andrew Oswald B.A. 1900 HARDIE, Elsie Denham B.A. 1882 HARDY, Charles Henry William .. .. MB, B.S. 1905 HARKER, Alfred Edwin M.B.. B.S. 1897 HABKNES8, Andrew B.C.E. 1893 UARLIN, Mabel Gertrude M.A. 1901 HARPER, George Craig M.B.. B.S. 1909 HARPER, Oresley Tatlock LL.B. 1908 HARPER, Harold William LL.B. 1880 HARRIS. Henry Louis M.B., B.S 1906 HARRY, Arthur Hartley . (Adeloide) B.A. 1912 HARTRIDGE. Oliver Keith M.B.. B.S. 1890 HARVEY. John Thomas .. (Edinburgh) M.B. 1881 HARVEY. Richard Richards M.B, B.S. 1907 HARVEY. William Wyatt B.C.E. 1898 HABWOOD, Marion Fleming H.A. 1908 HAWKINS. Ethel Hay H.B., B.S. 1894 HAWKINS, Somuel Helville B.C.E. 1887 HAYBALL, Alfred Harry BA., LL.B. 1911 HAYDON. Claude Meuriose ' Mus.Bac. 1907 HAYES, Frederick James Borley .. .. BA.. I.L.B. 1887 HAYES, Horace Frederick U.B, B.S. 1910 HAYES, Reginald Howarth LL.B. 1911 HAYBS, Thomas Francis M.B., B.S. 1904 HEALY, Robert Oartly U.B., B.S. 1888 HEARD, Charles de Wolfe .. (McGill) U.B, 1898 HEATH, Henry John LL.B. 1903 HEDDERWICK, Bruce Pitcairn .. .. LL.B. 1906 HEDDERWICK. Doretta Mary B.A. 1904 HEDEN, Ernest Charles Burgess (Syd.) B.M.E. 1911 HBFFBRNAN, Edward Bonaventnre .. M.B, B.S. 1911 HBM9LEY, James Cameron M.B..B.S. 1883 HENDERSON, Arthur Vincent M.B, B.S. 1891 HENDERSON, John Leslie M.B., B.S. 1911 HENDERSON. Kenneth Thome B.A. 1906 HENDERSON, Uary Anketell U.B.. B.S. 1911 HENDERSON. Neil Raonl U.B., B.S. 1901 HENDERSON, William B.A. 1874 HEPBURN, Thomas Robert B.A-, LUB. 1902 HEBLITZ. Hermann U.B., B.S 1896 HBBHAN, Hyman B.C.E. 18% HERRING, Mllllcent Bell B.A. 1888 HEWITSON, WIHlom B.A. 1905 HEWLETT, Herbert Uannsell M.B., B.S- GRADUATES NOT MEMBERS OF SENATE. 721

1897 HICK, Ernest Henry B.A, LUB. 1909 HIGGINS. Janet Gertrude H.A. 1890 UILU Arthur Machen M.B., B.S. 1881 HILL, Charles Herbert BA., U.B., B.S. 1891 HILL, Samuel B.A. 1901 HILL. William Henry Freer BC.E. 1899 HINES. Elisabeth Josephine Winifred.. M.A. 1911 HOADLEY. Charles Archibald B.Sc. 1898 HOCKING, Joseph B.A. 1892 HOCKING. Richard Eva B.A 1881 HOCTOR, William Henry De Burgh .. M.B. 1908 HODGES, Edward Norman LL.B. 1870 HODGES, Henry Edward Agincourt .. B.A. 1899 UODQKINSON, Claude Fulton M.B., B.S. 1909 HODGSON, Robert Perclval U.B., B.8. 1887 HODGSON. Thomas H.B., B.S. 1894 HOOAN. John Edward B.A., LUB. 1909 HOOOART, William Ross B.A- 1885 H01X5EOPT, Edgar .. .. (B.A., Cam.) B.A, M.B., B.S. 1888 HOLDEN, Albert Thomas B.A. 1897 HOLDEN, Patrick John LL.B. 1905 HOLLOW, Victor Sydney LL.B. 1899 HOLLOW, Joseph Thomas M.B. B.S. 1909 HOLMES, Arthur Richard B.A. 1912 HOLMES, Kenneth Woodfull BOB. 1909 HOLMES, Margaret U.A 1908 HOLMES. Mervyn John H.B.. B.S 1892 HOLROYD, Spencer Edward B.A..LL.B. 1910 HONMAN, Carl Sidney B.U.E. 1891 HOOPER, Selina Rutherford B.A. 1906 HOPE, George Bancroft B.U.E- 1890 HOPE. William Waugh U.B, B.S. 1889 HOPKINS. Alfred Nicholas .. (Adelaide) B.A. 1891 HORAN, John Francis B.A. 1902 HOBDERN. Arthur B.C.E. 1910 HOBDERN, Harriet May B.A. 1909 HORGAN, John Patrick U.B-, B.S. 1898 HORN. David B.A. 1891 HOBNE, Robert Alexander U.B. 1893 HORSFALU Alfred Herbert U.B. B.8. 1898 HORSFALU Ernest Richard B.C.E. 1895 HORSFALL, Leonard Arthur B.A., LL.B. 1902 HORSFALL. William Nichols M.B., B.8. 1909 HOSKINO, Richard .. .. (Oambridge) B.A. 1907 HOUSTON, Alexander Sommerville .. B.A. 722 GRADUATES NOT MEUBEBS OF SENATE.

1909 HOUSTON. Jane Selkirk B.A. 1911 HOWARD, Uary Wilson B.A. 1902 HOWDEN, Reginald M.B., B.8. 1904 UOWBLU Marguerita (nee Booth) .... B.A. 1894 HOWISON, William Archibald LL.B. 1888 HOWITT, Godfrey M.B, B.S. 18% HUDSPETH, Wilfrid Hugh B.A. 1912 HUGHES, Albert Henry Aloyslus .. .. M.B..B.8. 1887 HUGHES, Ernest Selwyn B.A. 1891 HUGHES, Frederick William B.A. 1893 HUGHES, Wilfrid Kent .. .. (London) M.B. 1889 HUOH8TON, Robert Wilson U.B, B.S. 1893 HUOH8TON, William John B.A. 1903 HUUE, Alice Uaud B.A. 1899 HUNT. Uinnie Isabella .. B.A. 1899 HUNT, Sidney B.A. 1895 HURST. John Daniel U.B. 1888 HUSBAND, Powys Jasper B.A., LUB. 1906 HUTCHINGS, Uargaret (nee Jamieson) U.B., B.S. 1908 HUTCHISON, Harry Stuart LL.B. 1909 HUTTON, Florence Mary B.Sc. 1912 HYETT, Alon Newoombe LL.B.

I 1898 ICK, Edwin Theophilus Jesse M.B, B.S. 1899 INGHAM. James Herbert M.B, B.S. 1899 ING LIS. Tracy Russell M.B, B.S. 1911 IRVINE, Arthur John B.A. 1904 IRVING, Harold Alfred Oardale .. .. M.B, B.S.

cr 1912 JACK, Andrew Keith B.Sc. 1887 JACKSON, Alfred Henrlok (Victoria Un.) B.Sc 1881 JACKSON, Ernest Sandford M.B,B.S. 1W8 JAOKSON, Herbert Alfred B.C.E. 1893 JACKSON, James Kennedy U.B. 1911 JAOKSON, LHlas Charlotte B.Sc 1909 JACOBS. Uorris U.B., B.S. 1893 JACOBS. Philip Acland B.A.. LL.B. 1903 JAKINS, George Frederick B.C.E. 1906 JAHE8, Eric Lisle B.C.E. GRADUATES NOT MEMBERS OF SENATE. 723

1888 JAMBS, William Howard U.B. 1905 JAMIESON, Douglas Dunbar U.B., B.S. 1899 JAUIESON, Jane Hood • • U.A- 1894 JAUIESON, Stanley Oonmebee U.B,B.S. 1908 JENKINSON, Herbert Gordon B.C.E. 1887 JERUYN, Frederick David M.B,B.S. 1889 JERMYN. Walter Herbert H.B., B.S. 1898 JOBSON, Jeanle U.A. 1900 JOBSON, Nancy H.A. 1904 JOBL. Benjamin H.B., B.S. 1897 JOEL, Simon M.B., B.S. 1912 JOHNS. William Carter B.A. 1911 JOHNSON, Alan Syme M.B., B.8. 1894 JOHNSON, Alfred William B.C.E. 1893 JOHNSON. Arthur Livingstone B.C.E. 1897 JOHNSON, Edward Angas U.B,B.S. 1910 JOHNSON, George Edward B.A. 1873 JOHNSON, John U.B. 1911 JONA, Jacob M.B., B.S. 1911 JONA, Judah Leon M.B., B.S. 1910 JONES, John Clark B.A. 1894 JONES, John Samnel B.A., LL.B. 1890 JONES, Robert Henry M.B., B.S. 1905 JONES, Samnel Percy B.C.E. 1899 JOSEPH, Henry Gabriel LL.B. 1912 JOSKE, Enid B_A. 1882 JOSKE, Emest Onser LL.B. 1911 JOSKE, Lorna •• B.Sc. 1889 JOYCE, Alfred Fleming H.B., B.S. 1890 JOYCE, Caleb U.B.. B.S. 1907 JOYNT, Oswald H.B., B.S. 1895 JUTTNEB, Prank Julius Edward .. .. H.B., B.S.

IK 1910 KBANE, Francis Esmond U.B., B.S. 1903 KEANE, John Thomas LL.B. 1898 KEENAN. Francis Joseph B.A., LL.B. 1878 KEILY, John Nicholas Joseph (Queen's Univ. Irel.) B.A* 1911 KELLAWAY, Charles Halliley U.B.. B.S. 1911 KELLAWAY, Gwendoline Jane B.A. 1899 KELLY, Daniel .. H.B., B.S. 1867 KELLY, Edmond (Dublin) U.B. 724 GRADUATES NOT MEMBERS OF SENATE.

1910 KELLY, Edwin Clarence Whiteman .. LL.B. 1908 KELLY. Frederick Lome B.D.Sc. 1891 KELLY. Hubert McCormack B.A., LL.B. 1902 KELLY. James Patrick H.B., B.S. 1892 KELLY, Matthew Francis M.B.. B.S. 1910 KELLY, Olof Nicholson B.A. 1902 KELLY, William Byton M.B, B.S. 1874 KELLY, William Trench Olinord .. .. B.A. 1898 KBL8ALU Arthur St. John B.A. 1876 KEUUIS. Arthur B.A. 1897 KEUP. Charles Herbert B.C.E. 1902 KEUP, Walter LL.B. 1910 KENDALU Elverene Park B.C.E- 1911 KENDALL. Ernest Arthur B.V.Sc. 1903 KENDALL. Hilda Winifred B.A. 1896 KENNEDY, James Charles U.B, B.S. 1889 KENNEDY, Johanna Elisabeth B.A. 1888 KENNEDY, Thomas John Moore .. .. U.B, B.S. 1876 KENNISON, John Alexander U.B. 1885 KENNY, Augustus Leo U.B, B.S. 1893 KENNY. Thomas James William .. .. U.B, B.S. 1884 KENT. Charles George M.B., B.S. 1904 KEB. Thomas Campbell U.B., BS- 1894 KERNOT, Wilfrid Noyce B.C.E- 1896 KERR, John Beatty B.A. 1912 KERR, Richard Alexander B.Sc. 1900 KIDDLE, John Beocham LUB. 1886 KILPATRICK, William U.B.,B8. 1908 KINCAID, Hilda Estelle D.Sc 1878 KINO, John Riddoch B.A 1903 KITCHEN, Ethel Uary (nee HcKinley) U.A. 1891 KITCHEN, John James U.B.. B.S. 1905 KNEE, Arthur Wilton B.C.E. 1906 KNEEN, Edgar Albert B.C.E. 1890 KNIGHT, Percy Norwood .. (Adelaide) BA. 1904 KNOX, Robert George B.A. 1910 KRONE, Berthold Henry Charles .. .. B.A. 1908 KYLE. Rose Hartley Hue. Bac.

1895 I.AINO, Annie Sutherland MA. 1909 LA LOB, Peter Anthony Richard .. .. M.B, B.S. 1885 LANE, Charles Timon H.B.BS. 1902 LANE. Roland Hasten M.B-. B.S. GRADUATES NOT MEMBERS OF SENATE. 725 1890 LANG, Matthew U.B..B8. 1900 LANG, Patrick Henry M.B., B.8. 1908 LANGFOBD. Florence Victoria U.A. 1889 LAN0LAND8, Francis Henry U.B.,BS. 1909 LANGLEY. Arthur Theodore M.B., B.8. 1905 LANGLEY. Arthur Wellesley Homan .. U.B..B.S. 1905 LANGLEY, Francis Emest M.B,BS. 1905 LANOUORE, Percy Vance (Edinburgh) M.B., B.8. 1886 LANGTON, Bennet B.A.. LUB. 1903 LATUAU, Eleanor Uary (nee Tobin) .. B.A. 1901 LATHAU, Ida Harriette May (nee Wilson) MA. 1906 LAURIE, Andrew St. George Wilson .. LUB. 1903 LAURIE, Minnie Mabel Honica (nee Uevingham-Root) U.A. 1908 LA VAEAOK, Alice Uuriel MB., B.S. 1883 LAVENDER. Bella (nee Querin) .... M.A. 1908 LAWRENCE. George Douglas LUB. 18% LEADBEATBR, James George B.A., LUB. 1911 LEE. HARRIE BERTIE M.B., B.S. 1890 LEE. Henry Malcolm B.A., LUB. 1860 LEE, Richard (London) B.A. 1906 LEB. Violet Jane M.A. 1910 LEITOH, John Black B.V.Sc. 1900 LEITCH, Oliver MB., B.S. 1904 LEEPER. Adeline Theodora Allen .. B.A. 1907 LEEPER, Alexander Wigram Allen .. B.A. 1909 LEEPER, Reginald Wildig Allen .. .. BA. 1904 LEOGE. Frank Robert M.B., B.8. 1895 LEITOH, Emily Bertha (nee Main) M.B-, B.S. 1901 LEMON, Ferguson Augustus M.B., B.8. 1910 LEMON, Eobert Dillon U.B, BS. 1909 LENNON, Brian William B.U.E. 1905 LEON. John Howard M.B.. B.S. 1911 LE SOUEF, Ernest Albert BV.Sc. 1908 LF. SOUEF, Sebert Gordon B.U.E. 1895 LETCHER. Herbert Richard U.B.. B8. 1910 LEVI, Bnperf Nathaniel LL.B. 1898 LEVY, Ernest Charles LUB. 1878 LEWELLIN, Augustus John Richard .. M.B., B.S. 1904 LBWEB8. Beatrice Mary B.A. 1889 LEWEB8. Richardson Wakefield .. .. U.B., B.S 1880 LBWERS, Thomas Ross U.B., B.8. 1884 LEWERB, William Charles B.A., LUB. 1875 LEWIS, Alexander Thomas LL.B. 40A 726 GRADUATES NOT MEMBERS OF SENATE.

1897 LEWIS, Edith Louise BA. 1901 LEWIS, Eliot Tremearne B.C.E. 1910 LEWIS, Jack Charles B.V.Sc. 1900 LEWIS, James Brook M.B., BS- 1893 LEY, -George Joseph M.B. 1907 LEY, Mark Aloysius M.B., B.S. 1887 LIDDLE, Percy Herbert M.B.. BS- 1906 LIMBEOCK, Lilian Mary M.A. 1903 LIND, William Alexander Teao U.B., BS. 1912 L1NDON, James Hemery B-O.E. 1903 LINDSAY. Samuel James B.C.E. 1884 LINEHAN, Uichael Joseph BA. 1891 LINES, David Henry Edward M.B., B.S. 1910 LING, Lilian B.A. 1895 LINK, Joseph Selby '. B.C.E. 1868 LI8SIGNOU Eugene Adolphe (France) B.A. 1896 LISTER, Harold M.B. 1906 LITTLE, Millicent Beatrice M.A. 1892 LITTLEWOOD, Prank Emest MB., B.8. 1883 LIVINGSTONE, Robert .. BA. 1889 LLOYD, Uary (nee Roberts) B.A. 1909 IOOKHABT, Margaret Daphne M.A. 1912 LOOKHART, Norman Edmund B.D.Sc. 1892 LONG, William John MB, B.S. 1907 IOONEY, Prank Harold U.B., B.S. 1886 LOOSLI, Robert James MB., B.S. 1911 LORIHER. George Norman M.B., B.S. 1903 LOTHIAN, Elisabeth Inglis M.A. 1897 LOUGHNAN, James Eobert M.B., B.S. 1904 LOUGHEAN, Henry Gerald ...... M.B., B.S. 1912 LOUGHEAN, Lome. Rose Uus. Bao. 1906 LOUOHREY, George Ernest B.A,, LL.B. 1910 LOUGHBBY, James Charles B-A. 1896 LOVE. Archibald Albert U.B. 1907 LOVE. Joseph M.B., B.S. 1896 LOWE, Robert Ernest B.C.E. 1898 LOWE, William .. M.B., B.S. 1896 LOWBY, John Charles BA. 1888 LUKIN, Catherine Alicia (nee Rennick) U.A. 1910 I.UM8DEN. William Joshua B.L'.Sc. 1906 LYALL, David Hurray BA. 1896 LYELU Charles B.OE. 1903 LYNCH. Maurice Edmund H.B., B.S. 18% LYNCH. Percival Blake Ridley B.A.. LUB. 189S LYONS. Martin Uoylan M.B., B.S. GRADUATES NOT MEMBERS OF SENATE. 727

2A. 1903 UcARTHUR. Arthur Norman U.B.. B.S. 1912 UoABTUUB, George Alexander Douglas M.B., B.S. 1882 HoABTUUB, William Gilbert Stewart.. LUB. 1891 HACARTNEY. Edward Hnssey Burgh.. B. A., B.C.E. 1879 HACARTNEY. William Donnelly .. .. LUB. 18% UacBAIN, Smith B.A. 18% HoBURNBY, Mona Uargaret HUB. Bac. 1888 UcOARTHY, Charles Louis H.B., B.S. 1908 HcOAY. Walton Heywood B.OE- 1905 UoOONACHIE, Edith Madeline U.A. 1910 HcORINDLE. Haul Morell M.A. 1901 MoOULLY. John B.A. 1912 UoOUTOHBON, Alan Bothwell H.B., B.S. 18% HcDONALD, Annie U.A. 1905 MACDONALD, Archibald U.B., B.S- 1901 MacDONALD, Ethel Uary Cumming .. B.A. 1891 MacDONALD, Isobel Janet M.A. 1899 McDONALD, James Edward Fancourt.. U.B., B.S. 1877 MACDONALD, James Middleton B.A. 1902 McDONALD, Leslie John B.A. 1874 MACDONALD. Middleton Balbimie .. B.A. 1910 MAODONALD, Norman B.V.Sc. ItOO MacDONALD, Olive May (nee Williams) B.A. 1909 HcDONALD, Sydney Fancourt H.B., B.S. 1893 UACDONNELU Adam John Pettigrew B.A. 1876 MoDONNELL, John Louis B.A. 1903 UacDOUGALL, John Patrick B.A. 18% UcDOUOALU Percy Raymond B.A. 1904 UoBWEN. Hugh Gordon B.OE. 1907 HAOPABLAN, Ian Robert LL.B. 1880 MACFARLANE, Archibald Martin .... U.B., B.S- 1871 UACPAELANE, John Hortou B.A. 1874 UACFARLANE, William Holdsworth .. U.B,B.S. 1887 HAOGILLIOUDDY, Daniel Florance .. U.B., B.S- 1891 HACGILLIVRAY, William David Kerr H.B., B.S- 1897 HoGO-WAN, Arthur Gerald U.B., B.S- 1895 UACGOWAN, Ernest Thorburn . M.B., B.8- 1881 UocOWIBE, William Walter .... U.B., B.8- 1909 HcINTOSH. John Herbert Oarlyle B.A. 1897 MACKAY, Ada Marion U.A. 1909 McKAY. Arthur Adrian U.B.. B.S- 1888 UACKAY. Edward Alan MB.. B.S 728 GRADUATES NOT MEMBERS OF SENATE.

1882 UACKAT, Francis Hugh LUB. 1912 MoINTOSH, Ronald Dingwall B.A. 1890 MCKAY, John Gilbert U.B., B.S. 1897 MACKENZIE. Andrew Bardie U.B. 1897 MACKENZIE, Catharine B.A. 1893 MACKENZIE, Donald HcBae B.C.E. 1891 McKENZIE. John BA. 1901 MACKENZIE. John Forbes Cock .. .. U.B., B.S. 1896 MACKENZIE. Murdoch M.B.. B.8. 1891 MACKENZIE, Sara (nee Dixon) M.A. 1904 MACKIE, David William Hartnell .. H.B., B.S. 1891 HoKIE, Uary Alice Ethel (nee Doyle) . B.A. 1875 UcKINLEY, Henry B.A. 1892 MACKINNON, Kenneth John .. (Oam.) BA. 1887 HAOKNIQHT, Conway Montgomery . M.B, BS. 1909 McLAREN, Marjory Bruce B.Sc. 1903 McLAREN. Uary Lily U.A. 1897 UoLAREN, Samuel Bruce B.A. 1911 UoLAREN, William Waller U.B..B.8. 1906 UoLAY. Robert Galloway M.B, BS. 1901 McLEAN, Donald M.B, B 8. 1904 McLEAN, Douglas B.C.E- 1901 McLEAN, Ethel Margaret H.A. 1900 McLEAN, John Barr U.B., B.S. 18% MACLEAN. Roland U.B., B.S. 1901 McLEAN, Thomas Alexander U.B., B.S. 1910 MoLORLNAK, Margaret Harkness .. .. M.B., B.S. 1882 McMEEKIN, Samuel B.A. 1906 MoNAB, Colin LL.B. 1904 McNAB, Duncan Donald .. .. B.OE 1871 MAONAHABA, Melbourne John .. .. B.A. 18% UcNAUGHTON, Josephine U.A. 1909 UoNEIL. Frederick Douglas B.OE. 1889 UoOWAN, John B.A. 1897 UcPHBE. Robert George MB. B 8. 1908 McQUEEN, Malcolm B.A. 1907 UAORAE, Frederick John Learmonth B.A. 1909 UcSHANE. Oletus M.B., B,8. 1898 McSWEBNEY, Michael Stanislaus .. .. U.B.. B.S. 1904 McSWINEY, Paul LL.B. 1889 McWILLIAMS. George Frederick .. .. U.B., B.8. 1906 MADDEN, Guy Boss LL.B. 1887 MAOILU Martin H.B., B.S. 1879 MAGUIRE. James Richard B.A,, LUB. 1909 MAIDMENT, Frank Enabling B.CE- GRADUATES NOT MEMBEllS OF SENATE. 729

1883 MAILER, Melrose M.B., B.S. 1911 MAIN, Alexander Russell B.A. 1884 MAIN. Harry Findlay H.B..B.8. 1901 HAKIN, Frank Humphrey U.B..B.S. 1910 MALCOLM. Robert Allan Gordon .. .. MB.. B.S. 1906 MALONBY, Jeremiah James U.B..B.S- 1911 HANGAN, William Bernard B.A. 1889 MANLY, Richard Augustus Aloysius .. U.B.,B.S. 1866 HANN, Thomas B.A..LUB. 1909 HANNE8. Philip B.A. 1908 MAPLE8TONE, Philip Alan U.B., B.8. 1895 MAEK8, William (London) B.A. 1908 UAR8HALL, Crawford Olelland .. .. U.B..B.S. 1900 HABSHALU James LL.B. 1879 MARSHALL, John Horn B.A. 1889 MARTBLU Horatio Percy H.B..B.8. 1891 HABTELU, Uargaret (nee Whyte) .... U.B..B.8. 18% UARTIN, Edward Patrick B.C.E. B.M.E. 1909 UARTIN, Frank Beanchamp M.B..B.8. 1909 MARTIN, Fred. Russell Beanchamp .. LUB. 1884 MARTIN, Herbert Sumner B.A., LUB. 1897 MASTERS, Francis Hedley M.B..B.8. 1899 MASTERS. William Edward B.A , LUB. 1911 MATBNBON, Philip M.B., B.S. 1889 MATHEWS, Robert Hnmphrys B.A. 1899 MATTHEWS, John Thomas B.A , M.B., B.S. 1%9 MATTINGLBT; Percy Frank Cuthbert . BD.Sc. 1902 MAXWELL, Charles M.B., B.8 1890 UAXWELU George Arnot B.A-, LL.B. 1897 HEAD, Gertrude Ella M.B., B.S. 1887 MEAGHER, John Sheehy B.A. LL.B. 1912 HEAOHEB, Leo Garden LL.B. 1894 MEARES, Robert Chancellor B.A.. LL.B. 1896 MEEK, Robert Augustus U.B. 1910 MELVILLE, Theodora B.A. 1911 MELVIN, John B.C.E. 1904 MENDELSOHN, David M.B., B.S. 1889 MENDELSOHN, Lewis (Ijondon) B.A. 1892 MEEPIELD, Uiriam Sarah B.A. 1887 MERRILLBE8, James Frederick .. .. H.B..BS. 1866 UETOALFE, George B.A. 1889 MIOHIB, John M.B..B8. 1909 UILuuER, Albert Guy •• .. M.B., BS. 1860 MILLER, John B.A. 1887 MILLER, Joseph John M.B..B8. 730 GRADUATES NOT MEMBERS OF SENATE.

1901 MILLER, Lindsay Stevens M.B., BS. 1900 MILLER, Norman Albert LL.B. 1882 MILLER, William Francis U.B..B.8. 18% MILLIARD, Harriett Ellen B.A. 1868 MILLIE. Alexander B.A. 1903 UINOGUE, John Patrick LL.B. 1879 UITCHELU Henry St. John .. (Oxford) B.A. 1911 UITCHELU Hugh William Fancourt .. M.B., B>.8. 1909 MITCHELL, Leonard John Cole U.B.. B.S. 1908 UITCHELU Percival Harris (Adelaide) BA. 1891 MOLESWOETH, Robert Arthur BA, 1903 MOLINE, Arthur Howard Pritchard .. B.C.E- 1884 MOLLISON. Crawford Henry M.B., BS. 1895 UOLLOY. Arthur Irvine B.A. 1883 MONTGOMERY. John Park M.B., BS. 1898 MONTGOMERY. Christina Smith .. .. U.A. 1910 HOODIE. Charles George Gordon .... M.B., B.S- 18% MOORE, Alexander Henderson B.A. 1897 MOORE, Alfred John James B.C.E- 1911 MOORE. Malcolm Stewart B.C.E.. B.U.E 1910 MOORE, Margaret B.Sc. 1908 MORGAN, Arthur William U.B., BS. 1911 HORGAN, John Wyndham U.B. B.8. 1896 MORLEY. Alban Cyril B.A.. LLB- 1901 UORREB, Elsie Frances U.A. 1903 UORRIS, Arthur Edward M.B., B 8. 1897 MORRIS. Charles Jepson B.C.E. 1903 MOEBI8. Ethel Ida (nee Rcmfry) .... M.B., U.S., M.Sc. 1903 MORRIS. John Newman M.B., B 8. 1911 MORRIS, Morris B.Sc. 1900 UORRIS, William Perry French .. .. B.A. 1893 MORRISON,- Arthur Robertson B.OE. 1897 MORRISON. Donald Clive B.A., LL.B. 1911 MOERI68ET, Olivet Elma B.A. 1892 MORTON, James Charles M.B., BS. 1908 MORTON. Reginald Lonsdale U.B., BS. 1895 HORTON, William Alexander U.B., BS. 1902 MOSS. Matthew Kasner U.B., BS. 1887 MOSS. William Joseph Alleine M.B.. B.S. 1879 MOULE. William Henry LL.B. 1887 MOYNAN, Joseph (Queen's Univ. Ire.) B.OE. 1899 MUIR, John Clark M.B., B.8. 1889 MULLEB, Charles Albert M.B.,BS. 1894 MULLEB, Oscar Rudolph Percy U.B.. BS. 1910 UUNRO, David Dunlop B.A. GRADUATES NOT MEMBERS OF SENATE. 731

1895 HUNT. George Alfred B.A. 1912 MUNTZ, Alexander Jamison B.C.E. 1894 UUNTZ. Edward James B.OE- 1892 MURDOCH, David M.B., B8. 1898 MURDOCH, Thomas B.CE. 1889 UURPHY, James Katnpna B.A., LL.B, 1884 UURPHY, William Patrick M.B., BS. 1901 HURRAY, Russell Mervyn B.CE. 1882 MYERS. Isidore B.A. nsr 1907 NANCE, Winifred Margaret B.Sc. 1908 NANKIVELL, Arthur Youl M.B., BS. 1884 NANKIVELL, Hugh Calvert LL.B. 1905 NAYLOR. Mabel Gertrude Button (nee Orntohfleld) M.B., B 8. 1906 NEIGHBOUR, Arthur George Lloyd .. B.OE. 1911 NELSON, Edith Alice B.A. 1907 NELSON, William Horner U.B.. B.S. 1906 NESBITT, Hortimer Durnford M.B, B.S. 1899 NBTHEBCOTE, Amy Julia .. M.A. 1904 NEVILL, William Frederick B.C.E. 1904 NEWELL, John Adrian U.B.. B.S. 1885 NEWHAM, Arthur (Cam.) B.A. 1885 NEWHAU, Daniel Courtney B.A. 1910 HEWING, Sydney John U.B., B.S. 1883 NEWING, Thomas Henry B.A. 1880 NEWMAN, Fossey James M.B., B.S. 1894 NEWMAN, Francis Alexander U.B., B.S. 1911 NICHOLAS, James Joachim M.B..B.8. 1891 NIOHOLLS, George Gray M.B. 1912 NIOHOLLS, Mary Alice Jessie H.U.Sc. 1900 NICOL, Elsie Ruth U.A. 1887 NICHOLS, Emily Geraldine (nee Edeson) U.A. 1908 NIUUO, William Hogarth Robertson .. B.C.E. 1901 NISH, James Alexander David U.B., B.S. 1897 NISH, Samuel George B.C.E. 1894 NOLAN, Henry B.A., LUB. 1909 NOLAN. Vincent Patrick LL.B. 1910 NOONAN, Thomas Patrick H.B., B.S. 1905 NOONB, Teresa Agnes U.A. 1912 NORRIS, John Drummond B.Sc. 1899 NOWLAN, Daniel Aloysius B.C.E. 1891 NYE. Edward B.A. 732 GRADUATKS NOT MEMBERS OF SRNATB.

O 1910 O'BRIEN, Edmund Alfred B.A. 1908 O'BRIEN. John Aloysius M.B. B.S. 1897 O'CONNELU Daniel Joseph Patrick .. B.C.E. 1902 O'CONNOR, William Laurence M.B.. B.S. 1910 O'DAT. Gerald Patrick U.B., B.8. 1884 O'DONNELU Nicholas Uichael U.B. 1891 O'DOWD, Bernard Patrick B.A.. LUB. 1892 OFFICER. Charles Graham Weir .. .. B.Sc. 1897 OFFIOER, Edward Albert MB , B.8. 1912 OFFICER, Prank Keith LUB. 1891 OFFIOER. Henry Suetonius B.A., LL.B. 1882 OFFICER, William LL.B. 1909 OOILVIE, Thomas Alexander LUB. 1892 O'HABA. Elisabeth Alice Uaude .. .. M.B,B.8. 1902 OHLBON, Ada (nee Bayer) B.A. 1906 O'LBABY, Ralph Daniel M.B , B.8. 1903 OLIVER, Charles Joseph M.B,B.8. 1906 OPIE, Archelans James U.B. 1898 ORCHARD. William Henry U.B..B.S. 1889 ORUE, George Alington Cave .. (Oam.) B.A. 1892 O'ROURKE, Frederick William B.A. 1897 ORR, Vivian Bernard M.B., B.S. 1894 ORR, William Francis U.B- B.8. 1894 OSBORNE, Ernest Charles .. .. (Cam.) LL.B. 1911 OSBORNE. George Alfred B.A. 1909 O'SULLIVAN, Richard Francis M.B , B.S. 1883 OVEREND, Ernest Knight U.B. 1900 OVEREND, Harold Acheson B.A.

1912 PALMER, Henry Hersee . B.A. 1884 PARDEY, James Mclmery M.B.B-8. 1906 PAREB, John Ignatius M.B , B.S. 1911 PARES. Philip Aloysius '. M.B, B.S. 1897 PARK, Alexander .. (Roy. Uni. Ire.) U.B. 1907 PARK. Charles Leslie U.B,B.S. 1910 PARKER, George Edward B.A. 1909 PARKER, Gordon Nelson B.C.E. 1897 PARKER, Uargaret Alice (nee Bartrop) B.A. GRADUATES NOT MEMBERS OF SENATE. 733

1902 PARKER, Phillip a Uorley B.C.E. 1910 PARKIN, Leslie Clarence B.A. 1900 PARRAMORE, George William B.A., U.B., B.S. 1911 PARRAUORE, William Arthur B.D.Sc. 1912 PABRETT. George Alfred James .. .. B.D.Sc. 1910 PABRETT, Frederick Stanley B.D.Sc. 1886 PARRY, Albert Alexander U.B.. B.8. 1912 PARRY, Reginald Esra B.Sc. 1901 PATEBSON, John Edward B.A. 1906 PATON, Gordon Andrew M.B..B.S. 1889 PATTERSON, Samnel (Queen's Univ. Ire.) B.A 1912 PATRICK. James Finlay MB.. B.S. 1893 PEART, John Joseph B.A. 1876 PENNEFATHEB, Richard William .... B.A., LLB. 1894 PERCIVAL, Wilfred Emest Holtiendorfl B.A. 1897 PERU Uathias Htchal M.B . B.S. 1910 PEBRIN, Kate (Tasmania) U.A. 1909 PERRINS, Reginald Bishop M.B., B.S. 18% PBEET, Charles M.B.. B.8. 1868 PERRY, Charles Llndley B.A 1906 PEEEY, George Leslie MB 1901 PETERSON, Franklin Sievewright (Ox.) Mus.Bac. 1904 PHILLIPS. Marion B.A- 1907 PHILLIPS. Samnel Henry M.B.. B.S. 1897 PHILPOTT, Albert John William .. .. M.B., B.S 1908 PHIPP8, Kathleen Elisabeth B.A. 1901 PIOKEN, Samnel (Tasmania) B.A- 1911 PLDGEON, Brian Francis LUB. 1888 PIOOTT, Louis James FitsGerald .. .. LL.B. 1891 PINNI6EB, William Wilkinson Boothroyd M.B. 1908 PINNOOK, Dudley Denham U.B., B.S. 1910 FIFEB, James Ernest M.B., B.S. 1912 PIBANI, Carl Simeon B.Sc. 1888 PITCHER, Joslah George LLB. 1910 PITT, Emest Roland B.A. 1910 PITTS, Grace Elaine B.Sc. 1911 PLACE, Francis Evelyn B.v.a. 1907 PLANTE, Thomas Halkett B.Sc. 1897 PLUUUBR, Violet Hay MB .B.S 1908 PON8POBD, Frank William Augustus . H.B., B.S. 1906 POPE. Mary Eleanor (nee Edelsten) .. M.B,B.S. 1909 POUND, James Robert B.Sc. 1912 POWELL, Arthur Hunter U.B., B.S. 734 GRADUATES NOT MEMBERS OF SENATE. 1898 PEAAOST, George Daniel U.B-.B.S. 1887 PEAAOST, Lionel Francis M.B..B.8. 1908 PRATT, Agnes Gertrude Loodye .. .. U.A. 1904 PBESTON, Anne Eiila LUB. 1907 PBIOE. Walter Thomas B.A. 1891 PBINOLB. Lilian Jane Wilson B.A. 1892 PULLAB. William Hurray .." B.C.E. 1886 PYNB, Charles Henry LUB.

1891 QUAYLE, Edwin Thomas B.A. 1904 QUICK, Balcombe M.B..B.8. 1889 QUILTEE, John M.B.

IR/ 1909 EAFF, Janet Watson U.Sc. 1904 BAIL, John Andrew Angwin M.B,B.S. 1908 BAIL, Wilton Henry Francis U.B..B.8. 18% RALEIGH, Hubert William (BA, Cam.) B.A.. LLB. 1918 BAMSAY, James Morrison LUB. 1898 RAMSDEN, Samuel Henry .... (Oxford) B.A. 1897 RANDELU Allan Elliott H.B.. B.S. 1884 RANNABD, David Alfred LUB. 1882 RATTEN, Arthur .. B.A. 1911 BATZ, Martin William M.B., B.S. 1897 READ, George Somerset B.C.E. 18% BEAD, Stanley James Docker U.B., B.S. 1891 READE, Maud (nee Higinbotham) .. .. B.A. 1911 REEVE, Jessie B.A. 1894 BEEVES,- Anna (nee Higgins) U.A. 1908 EEID. Christina Hamilton H.B..B.S. 1911 REID, James Mansfield B.C.E. 1901 REID, John Cecil B.C.E. 1896 REID, Stanley Spencer B.A. • 1912 REID, William Bremner B.D.Sc. 1912 BBMFRY, Maurice Austin B.C.E. 1906 REMINGTON, Catherine Jane U.A. 1%5 RENTOUL, Annie Rattray B.A. 1908 RICHARD. Evan B.C.E. 1910 RICHARDS, Benjamin Robert U.B., B.S. GRADUATES NOT MEMBERS OF SENATE. 735

1909 RICHARDS. James LUB. 1912 RICHARDSON, Arnold Edwin Victor (Adelaide) B.8c. 1909 RICHARDSON, Aubrey B.A. 1912 RICHARDSON, George Henry B.A. 1912 BIDDBLL, Consell Oarre B.Sc 1899 BIDDELL, James M.B., B.S. 1905 RIDLEY, Sidney Frederick M.B.. B.S. 1%1 RIGBY, Ernest Horatio U.B., B.S. 1889 RIGBY, George Owen M.B., B.S. 1891 RIGBY. William Henry MB- 1896 RILEY, Alfred B.A. 1894 RITCHIE, Robert Henry M.B., B.S. 1906 RIVETT, Albert Oherbury David .. .. B.Sc. 1904 RIVETT, Eleanor Harriett M.A. 1890 ROBB, Alexander Francis Maldon ... H.A., LL.R. 1912 BOBBINS. Ethel Lucy B.A. 1887 ROBERTS. James Baylee B.A., LLB. 1893 ROBERTS. Llewellyn William H.B.. B.S. 1910 EOBEET8, Thomas . . M.B., B.S. 1909 BOBEBTBON, Alexander John B.Sc. 1904 ROBERTSON, Andrew Stuart U.B., B.S. 1901 EOBEBTSON, Annie Susan U.6.. B.S. 1885 ROBERTSON, Duncan Strnau (B.A., Dublin) B.A., LLB. 1M6 EOBERTSON, Ernest U.B., B.S. 1882 EOBEBTSON, Home James B.A. 1907 ROBERTSON, Jean Gray B.A. 1912 ROBERTSON, Uargaret Helen. Urquhart U.B., B.S. 1909 ROBERTSON. Robert Affleck U.B.. B.S. 1882 ROBERTSON, Williom H.B., B.S, 1911 ROBERTSON, William Apperley Norton B.V.Sc. 1892 ROBINS, William Uosette B.A. 1905 ROBINSON. Alice Louise B.A. 1884 ROBINSON. Frederic Gordon B.A. 1895 ROBINSON. Geo. Augustine Aloysius (Roy. Un. Ire.) B.A. 1885 ROBINSON, Llewellyn Farrant Samuel B.A., LUB. 1909 ROBINSON, Matthew Edward H.B., B8 1871 ROCHE, Alfred Frederick William ... B.A. 1911 ROCHE, Cedric Watson Gray U.B., B.S. 1912 ROCHE, Gertrude Uary B.A. 1900 ROCHE, James Edward Miles B.A. 1891 EOOKETT, Patrick Joseph Aloysius .. U.B., B.8. 1894 ROOKETT, Richard Napoleon Francis .. M.B., B.S. 736 GRADUATES NOT UEUBERS OF SENATE. 1903 RODWAY, Frederick Arthur H.B.. BS. 1886 ROGERS. William Warrington LL.B. 1910 ROOERSON, Henry U.B., B.S. 1887 BOHS, Annie U.A. 1910 HOLLAND, Robert Uontelth LLB. 1910 BOLLASON, Oeoflrey MalUn B.Sc. 1906 ROSE. Walter John B.U.E- 1911 ROSENBERG, David M.B., B.S. 1911 EOSENBLUM, Edward Ivan B.Sc. 1897 EOSENFIELD, Eenben Laman U.B., B8- 1892 BOSENHAIN, Flora B.A. W01 EOSENTHAL, Jacob H.B.. B.S. 1909 BOSS, Cecil Napier B.M.E. 1898 BOSS, George Percy B.C.E. 1912 EOSS-SODEN, Harry LUB. 1903 BOSS. Thomas Gordon U.B., B.S. 1911 BOSS, Trevor Wilson B.U.E. 1885 BOSS, William Chisbolm M.B., B.S. 1908 ROWAN, Christopher Paul U.B., B.S. 1911 ROWAN, Francis Joseph Hamilton .... LL.B. 1910 ROWAN, James Ignatius U.B.. B.S. 1911 ROWAN, John Stanislaus Reginald .... LLB. 1902 ROWB, George B.A. 1893 HOWE, John Charles B.A. 1905 BOWE, Marjorie Williatt U.A. 1893 BOWED, Augustine Bithray B.C.E. 18% BUDALL, Charles Soot B.C.E. 1888 BUDALU James Ferdinand U.B..B.S. 1901 BUNDLE. George Arnold LL.B. 1897 BUPP, Herman Montague Rucker .. .. B.A. 1887 RUSSELL. Charles Donald U.B., B.S. 1907 RUSSELL, Frank Arthur LL.B. 1899 EU8SBLU Herbert Henry Ernest .. .. M.B., B.B. 1906 EUSSELL, Kenneth B.D.Sc. 1906 BUSSELU Leslie Frederick LL.B. 1903 EUSSELL, Hay Victoria B.A. 1877 EUSSELL. Robert Frederick B.A. 1907 BUTTER, Hubert B.C.E. 1907 BUTTER, John Hemphill U.B., B.S. 1879 RYAN, Charles Bnodgrass (Edinburgh) U.B. 1884 RYAN, Edward U.B., B.8. 1888 RYAN, Martin Joseph M.B.. B.S. 1886 RYAN. Thomas Francis U.B., B.S. 18% RYAN. Thomas Joseph B.A., LUB. 1881 EYAN. Timothy Bernard U.B., B.S. 1909 EYAN, William Bernard MB.,B.S. GRADUATES NOT MEMBERS OF SENATE. 737

S 18% SABBLBERO. Oharles Joseph U.B., B.S. 18% SADLER. James Thomas B.A. 18% 8ALTEB, Alexander George M.B., B.S. 1909 SALTEE, Algernon. Claude Herbert .. U.B., B.S. 1883 SALTEE, Arthur Edward M.B., B.S. 1909 SALTS, Richard U.B, B.S. 1880 SAMSON, Henry Augustus U.B, B.S. 1899 SANDEB8, William Monckton M.B, B.8. 1909 SANDERSON, Francis Howard B.A. 1909 SANDIFOED. Norman William West .. LL.B. 1889 SAUNDERS, John Harry M.B, B.S. 1910 SAWEBS, William Oampbell U.B., B.S. 1883 SAWYER, Osbert William LL.B. 1903 80HUETZEB. Ellen Hay B.A. 1908 SCHOOLING, Robert Andrew LL.B. 1904 SCHUTZE, Harrie Leslie Hugo U.B, B.S. 1881. SCOTT, Andrew B.A. 1877 SCOTT. Oharles Henry U.B., B.S. 1868 SCOTT, James B.A. 18% SCOTT, John Daniel King U.B., B.S. 1889 SCOTT. John Uelby U.B., B.S. 1909 SCOTT, Uargaret Emellte BJ8c. 1912 SCOTT, Thomas Farrar B.A. 1907 SEABBY, Claude Henry B.A. 1879 SEARLL, Oharles Thomas LL.B. 1910 SEBLENUEYEB, Adolph Henry M.B., B.8. 1911 8ELWOOD, James Lee .. H.B., B.S. 1906 SEHPLE, John U.B., B.8. 1882 SERJEANT, Thomas Wilson .. B.A. 1879 SERJEANT, Percy Pye LUB. 1907 SERPELL,'Katharine Emily (nee Friend) B.A. 1902 SEWBLL, Alice Haude (nee Cunning) U.A. 1892 SEXTON, Hannah Uary Ellen U.B, B.S. 1900 SEYUOUB, Henry James .. .. B.C.E. 1907 SEYMOUB, Percy Ambrose B.A. 1911 8HANKLY, Norman John LUB. 1904 SHANN. Edward Owen Oiblin B.A. 1910 SHAW, Garnet Eric B.A. 1901 SHAW. Helen M.B., B.S. 18% 8HBEHAN, James Edward B.A. 1895 SHELLEW, Charles Francis Henry .. B.A. 1907 8HELTON, John Grantley Vincent .. U.B,B.S. 738 GRADUATES NOT MEMBERS OF SENATE.

1910 "SHBLTON, Percy Gerald M.B..B.8. 1908 8HEEWIN, John Arthur Hopkins .. .. H.B., B.S. 1904 SHIELDS, John Warburton H.B., B.S. 1897 SHIELDS, Oswald Olive Graeme .. .. M.B.. B.8. 1910 8HIBLS, Norman Lyndhurst B.U.E. 1912 SHOET, Beatrice Laura B.A. 1911 SHOET, Francis John U.B.,B.S. 1909 8HUGG, Edward Henry UcLean B.A. 1877 SIDES. Eichard MB. 1911 8ILBEEUANN, Colman H.B., B.S. 1911 SILBBRMANN. Isaac Judah M.B., B.S. 1909 SIM. Hedley George B.A. 1902 SIMPSON, Eleanor Lilian BA. 1912 SIMPSON, Hannah Harvey B.A. 1905 SIUS, Florence Isabella Emerson .. .. B.A. 1896 SIUS, Oharles Frederick B.C.E. 1866 SINGLETON, Harshall B.A., LL.B. 1901 SKENE, John McKellar B.C.E- 1900 8KEWES, Samuel Grenville H.B.. B.S. 1876 SKINNER, Alan LUB. 1911 SKINNER, Amy Gertrude Hand B.A. 1912 SLADE, Amy Rhoda B.A. 1906 SLADE, Francis William B.A. 1880 SI.ADEN, Douglas Brooke Wheelton (Oxford) B.A., LUB. 1904 SLEEMAN, Benjamin H.B., B.S. 1899 SLEEMAN, George Francis MB., B.S. 1891 SLEEMAN, James Henry M.B., B.S. 1908 SLEEMAN, Launcelot Osbert M.B..B.S. 1907 SMART. Charles Pyne B.C.E. 1911 8MBAU Glenny B.Sc. 1911 SUITH, Christian Jollie Brynliild Ochiltree LL.B. 1907 SMITH. Fergus Voss B.M.E. 1904 SMITH. George Oliver B.U.E. 1884 SMITH, Robert William LL.B. 1892 SUITH. Sarah Selina B.A. 1871 SUITH, William (London) U.B. 1909 SUITH, William Kennedy B.A. 1898 SMITH, William Purves B.C.E. 1874 8UYTH, John Thomas B.A. 1888 SUYTHE, Oarlyle Greenwood BA. 1901 SNOW, Prances H.B., B.S. 1890 SOILLEUX. Garnet H.B., B.S. 1900 SONNBNBBBG, Emilie U.A. GRADUATES NOT MEMBERS OF SENATE. 739

1909 SOUTH. Arthur Eustace MB. 1897 SOUTH, Harold M.B, B.S. 1910 SOUTHEY, William George U.B..B.8. 1884 SPALDING, John James BA. 1911 8PA.RGO. Ernest U.B., B.S. 1908 SPEIR3. Norman Lennox U.B., B.S. 1893 8PENCE. Herbert H.B. 1910 SPRING. Edward Ernest Joseph .. .. H.B., B.S. 1903 SPRING, John Patrick H.B., B.S. 18% SPRING, William Ambrose U.B., B.S. 1910 8PRODLE, George Hoore B.A. 1911 SPROULE. Theodora Hay B.A. 1897 STANLEY. Henry Biddell M.B., B.S. 1900 STARLING, Benjamin Alfred B.C.E. 1883 STEEL, John UB.. B.S. 1893 STEEL, William Hart B.A. 1905 STEELE, Harold George B.A. 1907 STEELE, James Alexander Mus.Bac. 1909 STEPHEN, Kenneth Travers LL.B. 1898 STEPHEN, Uary Elisabeth (nee Morris) U.A. 1899 STEPHENS, Elsie Grace U.A. 1910 STEPHENSON, Dorothy'.. (Tasmania) B.A. 1909 STERLING, John Harold B.A. 1897 STEWART. Percy Bloomfleld MB.. BS. 1906 STEWART, John McKellar B.A. 1906 STEWART, Uargaret Grace Stuart (nee Bothroyd) B.A. 1901 3TILLWELU Effle .. U.B, B.S. 1%1 8TILLWELL. Florence U.Sc 1911 STTLLWELL, Frank Leslie BJBo. 1912 8TILLWELL, Olive Henrietta B.A. 1897 STOKES, Nellie Henrietta Owen (nee Wilcox) B.A. 1893 STONE. Emily Uary Page H.B..B.S. 1912 STONE. Francis William H.B.. B.S. T-4891 STONE. Grace Clara •• U.B., BS. 1910 STOEEY, Elsdon B.D.Sc. 1897 STOTHEE8. Nelly B.A. 1892 8TRAHAN. Edward Alfred H.B. 1911 8TRAHAN. Frank BJL 1900 8TRAHAN, Septimus George U.B-, B.S. 1874 STRETCH, John Francis B.A., LL.B. 1894 STRETTLE, William Stratford B.C.E. 1893 STRONG. Robert Henry U.B., B.S. 1902 STUOKEY. Frances Helen (nee Camp­ bell) H.A. 47 740 GRADUATES NOT MEMBKKS OF SENATE.

1911 SUGDEN, Buth B.Sc. 1887 SUMMERS, Joseph (Oxford) Mus.Bac. 1912 SUMMONS, Ethel Elisabeth Victoria .. B.Sc. 1907 SUMMONS, Viva St. George (nee Sproule) M.B . B.S. 1911 8UTOIJ.PPE. Ernest Weston M.B.. B.S, 1880 SUTHERLAND, Alexander M.B., B.S. 1903 SUTHERLAND, Bertram Uilne M.B. B.S. 1908 SUTHERLAND. Brenda .. B.Sc. 1911 SUTHERLAND, Dallas LUB. 1899 SUTHERLAND, Katharine Margaret Edwards B.A 18% SUTTON, Annie B.A. 1887 SUTTON, Charles Stanford MB, B.S. 1893 SUTTON. Ernest Robinson M.B. B.S. 1904 SUTTON, George MB. B.8 1%9 SUTTON, Theodore Carlton B.Se. 1909 SWAN. Ernest Ashby B.A. 1910 SWEET, Elisabeth Uary MB, B.S. 18% SWEET, Georgina D.Sc. 1896 SWEET. William Sidney B.Sc . B.C.E. 1907 8WEETNAU, Herbert William MB, B.8. 1912 SWINDLBY, Alice Margaret B.A. 1882 8YME, Herbert John LL.B. 1906 SYME, Marion Elisabeth M.A.

T 1912 TAIT, Alan Taylor B.A. 1900 TAIT, Catharine Munro B.A. 1911 TAIT. John Thomson M.B.. B.S. 1872 TAIT, Lithgow B.A- 1899 TAIT. Mary Ethel B.A. 1912 TALBOT, Norman Oharles M.B.. B.S. 1912 TAYLOR. Alexander Peter B.CE. 1880 TAYLOR, Arthur Bertram B.A. 1908 TAYLOR, Gladys Adeline U.A.. LL.B 1897 TAYLOR, Godfrey Unwin M.B., B.S. 1%0 TAYLOR, James Boyne B.A. 1%1 TAYLOR. John Stewart B.A. 1%5 TAYLOR, Marion Grandison M.A. 1901 TEAQUE, Harold Oscar M.B., B.S. 1906 TENDALL, Alethea Oollls (New Zealand) U.A 1910 THOM, Leslie Niven B.Sc. GRADUATES NOT MEMBERS OF SENATE. 741

1899 THOH, Sarah (nee Anderson) U.A. 1910 THOMAS. Elsie Lillian M.B., B.S. 18% THOMAS, Frederick Uiohael H.B., B.S. 1900 THOUAS, John B.A- 1907 THOUAS, Lewis B-A- 1W9 THOMPSON. Bryce John B.D.Sc. 1M8 THOHPSON, Charles George M.B., B.8. 1898 THOHPSON, James H.B., B.S. 1900 THOMSON, Agnes Deborah BA 1896 THOMSON, John William B.A- 1911 THOMSON, Norman Francis Joseph B.Agr.8c. 1884 THOMSON, Peter BA- 1898 THOBN, Frances Elisabeth Uary (nee Remington) B.A- 1M7 THOBNE, Albert Bli BA- 1887 THWAITES, Johnstone Simon H.B. 1893 THYNNE, Alexander William BA 1858 THYNNE, Robert B.A- 18% TINDALE, Edward B.C.E. 1907 TIPPING. Frank H.B., B.S. 1904 TIPPING. Martha Bergin U.A. 1903 TtSDALU Alice Constance Uuriel .. .. U.A. 1900 TI8DALL, Henry Frederick B.OE. 1911 TOLHUB8T, Ella White B.A. 1907 TOPP, Bnth Eleanor U.A. 1876 TOWERS, Arthur Wellesley B.A. 1904 TOWNSEND, Leonard Slxar B.A. 1888 TBAILU John Cuthbert BA., B.C.E. 1901 TBEOEAB, William George Herbert .. U.B., B.S. 1901 TBIADO. Antonio Joseph James .. .. U.B., B.S. 1879 TBOOD. Charles John MB., B.S. 1911 TUCKER, Adelaide Thelma B.A. 1903 TUOKEE, Cecil Finn M.B. 1908 TUOKEE, Kate Agnes B.A. 1897 TULLOCH. Sylvester Stephen Oregorie B.C.E. 1909 TULLOH, Alexander B.A. 1897 TULLOH, Colin Alexander B.C.E. 1906 TULLOH, William Edward" .. .. . M.B., B.S. 1904 TUOMY, Clare Dorothea B.A. 18% TUBNBULL, Edmund George B.C.E. 1904 TUENEE, William Charles Blanchley. MB.. B.S. 18% TURNER, Gilbert Ramsay Cumming .. B.CE. 1911 TYMM8. Athol Stanley Hortimer .. .. U.B., B.S. 1894 TYMM8. Herbert George '.. M.B., B.S. 1910 TTRIE, Edwin M.B, B.S.


XT 1878 ULBEIOK, John Charles Frederick .... B.A. 1909 ULRICH. Hermiene Friederica M.A. 1911 UTBER, Prank Leslie MB., B.S. "V 1894 VALE, Grace M.B., B.S. 1884 VANOE, Noel Crawford Atterbnry • • • • M.B., B.S. 1894 VANOE. William Booker MB.. BS. 1884 VASEY, George Brinsden B.A.. LL.B. 1881 VAUGHAN, Alfred Purdue U.B., B.S. 1912 VERDON, Lucy B.Sc. 18% VIRTUE, Florence Emily B.A. 1906 VOGLEB, Henry Hale U.B.. B.S. 1895 VON HAAST, Heinrich Ferdinand (N.Z.) LL.B.

1900 WALKER, George Harold LL.B. 1912 WALKU4.TE, Cyril John .. B.A. 1901 WALLACE, Helen Eveline B.A. 1906 WALLACE, Patrick John B.A. 18% WALLEN, George B.A. 1894 WALSH, Alfred Ernest U.B., B.S. 1%0 WALSH, Gerald U.B., B.S. 1902 WAL8UE, Denis Byrne H.B., B.S. 18% WARD, Edith Uary B.A. 1%7 WARD. John U.B., B.S. 1903 WARDEN, Abigail Brown U.A. 1904 WABNE. Edith Uelora B.A. 1885 WAEBEN, Arthur Joseph B.A. 1912 WARREN, John Henry B.A. 1895 WASSELL. James Lake B.A., LL.B. 1911 WATKIN8, Arthur Hoorhonse U.B., B.S. 1%1 WATKIN8, Uary Annie' B.A. 1911 WATSON, Charles Gilbert Harriott .... B.A. 1911 WATSON. Lindsay George Herbert (Sydney) B.A. 1911 WATTS, Frederick Elmore B.A. 1891 WAT80N-LI8TEB, Annie (nee Lister).. B.A. 1906 WAWN, Boyle Newton M.B., B.S. 1%8 WAY, Inman .. M.B., B.S. GRADUATES NOT MEMBERS OP SENATE. 743

1894 WEBB, Arthur Bridges U.B., B.S. 1888 WEBB, Francis Edward U.B., B.S. 1889 WEBB, James Ramsay U.B.. B.8. 1902 WEBB, Jessie Stobo Watson U.A. 1867 WEBB, Thomas Prout B.A. 1898 WEBSTER. Oharles Franklin Garcia .. B.Sc, MB, B.S. 1912 WBB8THR, Leslie Oyril B.DSc. 1899 WEBSTBB, Edgar Ernest U.B., B.S. 191) WEBSTER, Reginald U.B.. B.S. 1903 WEBSTBB, Lilian Alice Harbison .. .. M.A. 1907 WEDD, Evelyn Uabel U.A. 1%5 WEIGALL, Albert U.B., B.S. 1892 WBIGALU Gerald Carl U.B., B.S. 1885 WEIGALL, Reginald Edward U.B. 1M2 WBIE, Albert Antlifl U.B., B.S. 1906 WBIE, Laura U.B., B.S. 1879 WELOHUAN, John Arthur Cromwell .. U.B., B.S- 1871 WEST, John Dobbyn (Queen's Unl. Ire.) B.A. 1870 WEST, William Henry B.A. 1889 WE8TAOOTT. John Bayley B.A. 1867 WE8TBY. Edmund Wright .. .. (Cam.) LL.B. 1911 WESTON, Edward Alexander B.V.Sc. 1906 WETTENHALL, Roland Ravenscroft . U.B.. B.S. 1910 WHITE, Augustus Branstone B.V.Sc. 18% WHITE, Douglas Oakley M.B, B.S. 18% WHITE, George Vincent U.B., B.S. 1887 WHITE, Helen Frances Uary .... U.A. 1889 WHITE, James Purves ' M.B. 1904 WHITE, Rose Ethel Janet D.Sc. 1903 WHITEHEAD, Louis Hurray B.CE. 18% WHITEHEAD. Trlxle Geraldine B.A. 1911 WHITPOBD, Raymond Stanley U.B., B.S. 1888 WHITTY, Harold Palmer .. .. (Cam) B.A. 1888 WHYTE, Elisabeth M.A. 1895 WHYTE, Ellen M.A. 1909 WIOKEN8. George Henry M.B., B.S. 1884 WIGHT, John Oam M.B., B.S. 1911 WILCOCK, Arthur B.A. 1873 WILKIE. David William Balfour .. U.B. 1901 WILKINSON, Annie Jean (nee Simpson) B.Sc. 1886 WILKINSON, Arthur Uackeuiie . M.B. W05 WILKINSON, Isabella M.B., B.S. 18% WILKINSON, Thomas B.A., LL.B. 1910 WILKINSON, William Stanley B.D.Sc. 1894 WILK8, Joseph B.OE. 744 GRADUATKS NOT MEMBERS OF SENATE.

1904 WILLIAHS. Adela H.B.. B.8. 1900 WILLIAHS. Amy Roberta .. M.A. 1910 WILLIAHS, Olive Uorrice LL.B. 1882 WILLIAHS, Emest Thurston B.A. 1891 WILLIAHS. Hartley Eyre B.A., LL.B. 1911 WILLIAMS. Henry James U.B., B.S. 1908 WILLIAHS. Haldwyn Leslie U.B.. B.S. 1897 WILLIAHS, Susie Jane . • B.A. 1900 WILLIAHS, William B.A. 18% WILLIAHS. William Ernest MB.. B.S. 1898 WILLIAMSON, William John LL.B. 1911 WILLIS. Jack Rupert Law M.B., B.S. 1893 WILSHORE, Leonora Jessie (nee Little) M.8c. 1907 WILSON, Alfred Rosooe B.A. 1911 WII^SON, Arthur Hltohell M.B., B.S. 1899 WILSON, Oharles Ernest Cameron .. M.B., B.S. 18% WILSON. Oharles William B.A. 1900 WILSON, Egbert James B.CE. 18% WILSON, Eustace Edmund LL.B. 1889 WILSON. Louisa Alice H.A. 1899 WILSON. Mabel Aileen MA. 1908 WIISON, Mary Dnnstan .. .. (Sydney) M.A. 1901 WILSON. Matthew B.A. 1894 WILSON, Mercy Jane M.B., B.S. 1%6 WILSON, Norman Leslie Galloway .. B.A., MB., BS. 1910 WILSON. Reginald Charles .". B.Sc 1892 WILSON, Thomas Alexander M.B., B.S. 18% WINOATE. Hamilton More . (Glasgow) B.Sc. 18% WINGROVE, Bessie .. M.A. 1900 WINGROVE, Robert Lindsay B.A., LL.B. 1897 WINNBKE, Henry Christian B.A., LL.B 1908 WINTEBBOTHAM, Lindsey Page . .. M.B., B.S. 1902 WITHEB8. Violet Muriel B.A. 1899 WITHINOTON. Robert Charles M.B.. B.8. 1883 WOINAB8KI, Oustave Henry Stephen. Zichy M.B., B.S. 1879 WOINARSKI. Stanislaus Emil Antony Zichy M.B., B.S. 1892 WOINARSKI. Victor Joseph Emanuel Zichy M.B.. B.S. 1910 WOOD, Bertha B.Sc. 1904 WOOD, Oaetalie (nee Ooblyn) . B.A. 1874 WOOD, Oharles B.A. 1904 WOOD, Francis Aldersley M.B., B.S. 1912 WOOD, Harry Vasey M.B., B.S. GRADUATES NOT MEMBKKS OF SENATE. 745

1887 WOOD. John James O'Hara B.A. 1905 WOODROFFG, Leonard Charles Hale .. B.C.E. 1910 WOOLLARD, Herbert Henry H.B., B.S. 1884 WRIGHT, David B.A., LL.B. 1893 WRIGHT, William B.A., LL.B.

Y 1897 YELLAND. Alfred Charles William . M.B.. B.S. 1906 YOUNG, Andrew Stewart H.B.. B.S. 1898 YOUNG, Gerald William B.C.E. 1890 YOUNG, Julia Hannah U.A. 1895 YOUNG. William Henry B.C.E. 1910 YUILLE, Alan Neil M.B.. B.S. 1909 YULE. John Smythe M.B., B.S. 746 GRADUATES NOT MEMBERS OF SENATE.

List of Civil Engineers. ASKEW, David Christopher 1882 BARKER, William 1873 BENNIB. John 1874 BBOWN, William 1880 CHASE, Lloyd Heber 1882 CORNISH, Alfred 1877 FITZHEBBEBT, Edward 1882 FBASEE, James Hamilton Ibbu HADLEY, Arthur Capel 1881 HUTCHINSON, Jeremiah 1873 JOHNSTONE, James 1873 KING, Herbert Alexander 1881 LYNCH, Arthur Alfred 1885 McKENZIE, George 1883 MOKBAY, Thomas 1883 PARRY, Edward William 1884 PAUL, Arthur William Leake 1879 BENNICK, William Robert 1884 SHAW, Ebeneser .. 1887 SIUS, William 1889 TYEES, Alexander Uackensie 1885 WALKER, William 1883 WILSON, David Uoflot 1881

List of Persons who have obtained the Diploma of Musical Associate. BELU Christina 1907 BLAUBAUH, Ueta 1898 BOEHHE, Emily Amanda 1899 BOWLBY, Uary 1894 BBAITHWAITE, Annie Louisa 1912 BBOCK, Grace Hope 1906 BEOWNE, Constance May 1897 BBUOHE, Minnie Dorothea 1900 BYENE, Catherine Creily Alice 1%5 OAPLES, Agnes 1910 OAETON, Alice Mourice 1899 OHAPPEL. Josephine . . 1%7 CHRISTOPHER, Elsie Vaughan 1905 GRADUATES NOT MEMBERS OF SENATE. 747

CLUT8AH, Fred 1896 COCKS, Annie Edith 1898 COLLINS, Florence Ellen (nee Towl) 1897 CONNELL, Jeannie 1898 DAEKE, Frances Kildahl 1911 DONOVAN, Adelaide 1900 ELVINS, Harold Stanley 1899 FOETUNE. Agnes Isabella 1910 PEANOI8. Winifred 1*06 GILCHHI8T, Elisabeth Mary 1896 OABLICK, Uarion Isobel (nee Skinner) 1908 GEAY. Euby Constance 1899 HANSON, Elsie Huriel 1906 HAELIN. Enid Uargaret %. 1899 HABTEIOK. Laura Elisabeth 1906 HBLEY, Beryl 1909 HBNEY, Eleanor Uary 1%7 KASPAR, Katharine Janet Allen (nee Leeper) .. .. 1904 KENNEDY, Annie 1%6 KNOX, Isabel 1908 LANOFORD, Rose 1910 ULLBY, Constance Louise 1906 IONG, Uabel Linda 1899 LOUGHEAN, Laura Hose 1909 LUSH. Mabel Mary Hailes 1905 LYHANE, Lily 1905 MACDONALD, Uargaret (nee Sugden) 1900 UAONEIU Ella Waverley 1908 UAPLE8TONB, Doris Ethel 1906 MASON. Elisabeth Amy Brookes 1912 McKINLEY, Elisabeth Jennie 1906 NIGHTINGALE, Amy Lirum 1906 NOTT, Jessie Watson (nee Elliott) 1898 PEARD, Edith Fleetwood 1905 PROUT, Ettie Louisa 1906 RAFF, Edith 1910 RITCHIE, Jean Isabel 1W7 ROSS. Ethel Isabel 1908 ROWAN, Hay Cicely 1907 SEWARD, Irene Victoria 1905 9ISS0N8. Madge 1912 SMITH, Amy Matilda 1900 SMITH. Harold Oinclair 1900 STERLING. Ida Gray .. 19J0 WHITLEY, Elisobeth Viney 1900 748 GRADUATES NOT MEMBERS OF SENATE.

WILCOX, Emma Nodin 1908 WINOPIELD, Emmie 1904 YOUNG, Jessie Stewart 1899

List of Persons who have obtained the Diploma of Education. ADAMS, Agnes Alice 1912 ADAMS, Alfred Ernest 1906 AHERN, Eugene Kevin 1910 AKBROYD, Joseph 1907 ALMOND, William Thomas • .. 1910 ANOHBN, John Oscar 1909 BAKER, Mary 1M9 BARKHAN, Frances 1909 BABTELS, Margaret Hary Joseph 1911 BARTHOLD, Elsa Evelyn 1911 BAYFOBD, John Airy 1%8 BENDELAOK, Gertrude Leonard 1909 BENNETT, Herbert Percival 1%7 BIENVENU. Reginald Qnerin 1907 BRADCY, Oharles Uartln 1906 BRENNAN, Clare 1910 BRIGGS, Arnold Archibald Fltiroy 1910 BROKENSHIBE. Alice 1910 BBOWN, Jean Gladys 1912 BULLBID, William Henry 1909 BYRNE, Henry William 1907 OALLANAN. Eileen Elisabeth 1908 CAMERON, Maud Martha .. 1911 CAMPBELL, Agnes Marion 1910 CARSON, Martha Elspeth 1911 OBOWTHBE, Henry Arnold 1911 DAFF, Charles Griffith Swallow 1910 DAVIES, Margaret Sandeman 1910 DEAKIN. Stella .. .. 1908 DBBNBY. Dulcle Vlda 1911 DIOK, Norman Paterson 1911 DICKINSON, Thomas Edgerton 1912 DUNN, Ernest Victor 1911 DUNN, Henry Francis 1%9 FABRBLU Winifred Imelda 1911 GRADUATES NOT MEMBERS OE SENATE. 749

PLINN, Janet 1912 FLYNN, Kate Elisabeth 1907 FORBES. Catherine Ellen Uary 1908 PORDYCE, William Cleveland 1%7 FORSTER. Catherine Hary 1911 FOWLER. Madge 1911 GALLAGHER. Edward 1911 GILL, Harry Samuel Bramley 1908 OODING, Janies Emanuel 1912 GRIFFITHS, John Leslie Irwin 1911 GUY, William 1912 GWILLIM. Arthur Edward 1909 HAILE8. Helen 1912 HARRIS. William John 1911 HAU8BK, Arthur James 1912 HAYWAED, William Isaac 1911 HOLMES, Arthur Elchard 1907 HOLMES. Margaret 1911 HOWARD, Mary Wilson 1912 HUTTON, Mary 1911 IRVINE, Arthur John 1907 IRWIN. William Henry 1910 JAMES, Albert Victor George •• •• 1909 JAPP, Hermann Asmus 1911 JONES. Paul 1912 KELLAWAY, Gwendoline Jane 1911 KNIGHT. Andrew Thomas 1910 LANDFOED, Florence Victoria 1911 LBE, Violet Jane 1912 LOOKHABT, Uargaret Daphne 1911 McOOWAN. Jeannie ™12 McORINDLE, Basel Morell 1912 McKAY. Mary Hilda 1%9 McLAOHLAN, Dugald 1906 UcRAB, James 1%6 UATOBJES, Alice Lllion 1910 O'BRIEN. Edmund Alfred 1911 OSBORNE, George Alfred 1909 PARKER, George Edward 1%7 PBRRIN. Kate 1911 PHILLIPS, Gilbert Edgar 1912 PORTER. George Alfred 1912 PRIOE. Ethel Ernestine 1911 RANKIN, Donald Hamilton 1910 ROWBLL, Joseph Addison 1912 750 GRADUATES NOT MEMBERS OF SENATE.

RUSSELL, Aubrey William 1%8 RYAN, William Owen 1907 SOARPP, Charles Thompson 1911 SCOTT, Thomas Farrar 1909 SHANN, Prank 1912 SIMPSON, Hannah Harvey 1910 8PROULB, Theodora May 1912 STEELING, Edith Jane 1912 STEPHENS, Rotha Uary 1912 STUART, Thomas Henry 1911 8WEETHAN. Sarah Kate 1911 THOUAS, Frederick William 1907 TOLHUR8T, Ella White 1912 TOWNSEND, Edward Henry 1909 TBEYVAUD, Frank Alfred 1%7 TUEEI, Edna 1911 VIAL, Stanley Browning 1908 VINES, Ernest Harold 1912 WALLACE, George Gilbert 1907 WATERS, Olive Guilfoyle 1907 WATSON, Alberta Olive 1910 WELSH, Alexander Car) 1912 WILCOCK, Arthur 1%9 WILKINSON, Dorothy Irene 1912 WILSON, Uary Dunstan 1W8 WINGROVE, Bessie 1907 WITH1NOTON, Ernest Edward 1910

List of Persons who have obtained the Diploma of Public Health. GREIG, Jane Stocks 1910 JOHNSTON, John 1909 SUMMONS, Samnel William Henry 1911 SUMMONS. Walter Ernest i%8 THOMSON, John Rae Mensies 1909

List of Persons who have obtained the Diploma of Analytical Chemistry. McCORMIOK, John Thomas 1910 GRADUATES NOT MEMBERS OF SENATE. 751

List of Persons who have obtained the License in Veterinary Science.

ANDREW, Chorles Edward 1910 BULL, Lionel Hartley 1911 HE8LOP, George Gordon 1911 HOEE, Reginald Mitchell 1911 GRANT, Ross 1910 JOHNSTONE, Robert Nairn 1909 JONES. Frederick Murray 1911 LEWIS, Jock Charles .. .. 1909 LUKEY, Edgar Jabex 1911 MACINDOE, Robert Hall Forman 1911 UANCHESTER, Lewis Lelburne 1910 UATSON, Thomas Rhodes 1909 UcLENNAN. George Cameron 1909 UEYER8, Charles Norman 1909 UOUNTJOY. Stanley Allin 1912 PENROSE, Joseph Sanders 1912 PHILP, Robert Oharles Tasman 1911 ROBERTSON. Prank George 1910 SHEBHAN, James Barry 1912 8PENCE, Eoderick Uaodonald 1912 TALBOT, Robert John de Courcy 1911 WOOD, Elwes Frederick Browning 1912 752 EXAMINATION RESULTS, 1*11 1012.


1911 TO 1912.





CLASSICAL PHILOLOGY. Not awarded. HISTORY. (The Dwight Final Honour Prize.) Ethel Lucy Bobbins (Queen's) LOGIC AND PHILOSOPHY. (The Hastie Scholarship.) Katie Anna Lush (Ormond) > „ , Alan Taylor Tait (Ormond) j ^l0111-

MODERN LANGUAGES AND LITKRATUKK. Olive Henrietta Stillwell (Ormond)

MATHEMATICS. (The Dixson Final Honour Scholarship.) Victor Charles Bennie (Ormond)

NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. (The Dixson Final Honour Scholarship.) Edith Alice Nelson (Ormond) SCHOLARSHIPS AND PRIZES. 753

CHEMISTRY. (The Dixson Final Honour Scholarship.) Reginald Ezra Parry (Ormond) ) v , Ruth Sugden (Queen's) > aquai.


FOURTH YEAR LAWS. Norman John Shankly (Queen's)

•MEDICINE. MEDICINE AND OBSTETRICS. Robert Melville Crookstou (Ormond)


OBSTETRICS AND GYNECOLOGY-. < :lmi'les Halliley Kellaway \ „ . Reginald Webster (Queen's) ) 1!•(lua,•

FORENSIC MEDICINE PRIZE. Robert Melville Cnxkston (Ormond)

THE JAMIESON PRIZE. Charles Halliley Kellaway


CIVIL ENGINEERING. Thomas Huyues Upton (Ormond)

MINING ENGINEERING. (The Dixson Final Honour Scholarship) Alexander Dudley Mackay (Trinity) 704 EXAMINATION RESULTS, 191M912.



MATHKMATICS. Victor Charles Bennie (Ormond)


Ethel Lucv Bobbins (Queen's) } v . Oiwell De" Ruyter Foenander (Ormond) ) ^l""'-

POLITICAL ECONOMY. Ethel Lucy Bobbins (Queen's) "( „ , Orwell De Ruyter Foenander (Ormond) i ^(l"»i-

MODERN TIANGUAGES. Olive Henrietta Still well (Ormond)




DIXSON BESEARCH SCHOLARSHIP IN CHEMISTRY. Reginald Ezra Parry (Ormond) > .-, i Ruth Sugden (Queen's) j |,j(lUHl'



THE DAVID SYME RESEARCH PRIZE. Charles Oswald George Larcombe

THE RHODES SCHOLARSHIP. Edmund Francis Herring (Trinity)



THE DUBLIN PRIZE. John McKellar Stewart (Ormond) 756 EXAMINATION RESULTS, 1911-1912.




FIFTH YEAR MEDICINE. MEDICINE (including Clinical Medicine). First Class. Robert Melville Crookston (Ormond). Charles Halliley Kellaway. Reginald Webster (Queen's). Cedric Watson Gray Roche. Arthur Mitchell Wilson. John Thomson Tait (Ormond). Jacob Jona (Trinity). "William John Denehy. Second Class. Bobert Oliver Douglas (Ormond). Raymund Stanley Whitford. James Joachim Nicholas. Alexander Goldstein. Arthur James McKenzie Fargie. William Walter McLaren. Harry Franklyn Green. Jack Rupert Law Willis. Harrie Bertie Lee. Third Class. Ernest Weston Sutcliffe. Denby de Courcey Browning (Queen's). David Peter Green ham (Queen's). George Grantham Anderson (Trinity). Joseph Ivan Connor (Ormond). CLASS LISTS. 757

Ernest Spargo (Queen's). Henry James Williams. Frederick William Grutzner (Queen's). James Cameron Hemaley. Frank Llewellyn Gill (Trinity) Leonard Darby (Trinity). Alan Syme Johnson (Ormond).

SURGERY (including Clinical Surgery). First Class. Charles Halliley Kellaway. Arthur James McKenzie Fargie. Alexander Goldstein.

Second Class. Robert Melville Crookston (Ormond). Cedric Watson Gray Roche. Reginald Webster (Queen's). Ernest Spargo (Queen's). George Grantham Anderson (Trinity).' Arthur Mitchell Wilson. William John Denehy. Robert Oliver Douglas (Ormond): Henry James Williams. James Joachim Nicholas. John Thomson Tait (Ormond). Raymund Stanley Whitford. Frank Llewellyn Gill (Trinity) Joseph Ivan Connor (Ormond). James Cameron Hemsley. William Walter McLaren. Frederick William Grutzner (Queen's). David Peter Greenham (Queen's). Augustus Ian Green (Ormond).

Third Class. Harrie Bertie Lee. Denby de Courcey Browning (Queen's). Harry Franklyn Green. 758 EXAMINATION RESULTS, 1911-1912.


Charles Halliley Kellaway. ^v , Reginald Webster (Queen's) > iiclual' Second Class. David Peter Greenham (Queeu's). Jacob Jona (Trinity). James Joachim Nicholas. Harrie Bertie Lee. Robert Melville Crookston (Ormond). Alexander Goldstein. John Thomson Tait (Ormond). Frederick William Grutzner (Queen's). William John Denehy. William Walter McLaren. Ernest Spargo (Queen's). Raymuud Stanley Whitford. Arthur James McKenzie Fargie. Arthur Mitchell Wilson. Cedric Watson Gray Roche.

Third Class. James Ivan Connor (Ormond). Ernest Weston Sutcliffe. Augustus Ian Green (Ormond). Robert Oliver Douglas (Ormond). Henry James Williams. Alan Syme Johnson (Ormond). James Cameron Hemsley. Denby de Courcey Browning (Queen's). George Grantham Anderson (Trinity). Frank Llewellyn Gill (Trinity) -Leonard Darby (Trinity). Jack Rupert Law Willis. Harry Franklyn Green. CLASS LISTS. 759



CLASSICAL PHILOLOGY. First Class. None. Second Class. None. Third Class. Enid Joske (Trinity). Arthur Deans (Ormond). Beatrice Laura Short (Ormond). Ada Pearl Secomb (Queen's), Amy Bhoda Slade (Trinity). HISTOBY. First Class. Ethel Lucy Robbins (Queen's). Second Class. Mary Hntton. Winifred Annie Fisher (Queen's) Third Class. Catherine Mary Forster. Ruth Mary Glancy (Trinity). Katharine Norman Crawford (Trinity).

LOGIC AND PHILOSOPHY. First Class. Katie Anna Lush (Ormond') „ , Alan Taylor Tait (Ormond) > b1lm'' Kenneth Thome Henderson (Trinity). Albert Broadbent Foxcroft. r60 EXAMINATOIN RESULTS, 1911-1911

Second Class. Noela Gilbert (Trinity). Samuel Arthur Gordon Adamson (Queen's).

Third Class. Stanley Herbert Dorm an (Ormond). Paul Jones. Arthur Wilcock.

MODERN LANGUAGES AND LITERATURE. First Class. None. Second Class. Olive Henrietta Stillwell (Ormond).

MATHEMATICS. First Class. Victor Charles Benhie (Ormond).

NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. First Class. Edith Alice Nelson (Ormond).

CHEMISTRY. First Class. None.

Second Class. None.

Third Class. Reginald Ezra Parry (Ormond)) ., , Ruth Sugden (Queen's) , t'

GEOLOGY, PALAEONTOLOGY AND MINERALOGY. ' First Class. None. Second Class. Norman Rose Junner. LAWS. First Class. None. Second Class. Norman John Shankly (Queen's). Frank Keith Officer (Ormond). Thiril Class. Arthur Frank Stanley Dobson (Trinity).

FOURTH YEAR CIVIL ENGINEERING. First Class. Thomas Uayncs Upton (Ormond). Edward Andrew Hepburn. • Second Class. Alexander Peter Taylor. Eric Dclbridge Shaw.

FOURTH YEAR MINING ENGINEERING. First Class. None. Second Class. Alexander Dudley Muckiiy (Trinity). 762 EXAMINATION RESULTS, 19101911.




ENGLISH LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE AND BRITISH HISTORY. First Class." (In Order of Merit.) Neil Leslie Campbell. Allan George Barnard Fisher. Ellen Mary Kent Hughes } „ , Hilda Marion Robinson i •"•a""- Thomas Percy Byrnes ~\ Alexander Paul Sutherland [ Equal. Thomas Patrick Tighe ) Second Class. (In Order of Merit.) John Brian Gavan Duffy} Isabella Mary Sutton [ Equal. James Augustus Wall ) Alice Elaine Cook \ Peter McCalium ( Equal. Daisy Elizabeth Searbj ) Maurice James Andrew Brady ~\ William Anselm Collopy • ' ip i Walter Ebsworth / *.quai. Alexander David McClure J William Ellis Cox \„ . Louisa Devereux Oldmeadow) '•"•I1""- Catherine Evelyn Fitzgerald \ Mary Louisa Lane | Ethel Thorpe McComas '.- „ Leila Aileen Milligan 1 aqual. Dudley Loyd Roberts j SENIOR PUHLIC. 763

Third Class. (In Alphabetical Order.i Gladys Elsie Bailey. Eileen Beryl Bald. Amy Beatrice Dickinson. Walter Hubert Downing. Gladys Field. Patrick Macfarlan Hamilton. Percy Ernest Joske. Robert Gordon Menzies. Herbert Howell Roberts. Hugh Chisholm Ross. Dorothy Scantlebury. Arthur Ferdinand Yencken.

GREEK AND LATIN. First Class. None. Second Class. (Ini''Order of Merit.) Neil Harcourt MacNeil. . John Paterson Adam. } Eoual Eric Thomas Asche. ) ' Alice Newsom Bage. > v , Colin Richmond Campbell. ) *-

FRENCH AND GERMAN. First. Class. (In Order of Merit.) Arnold Cornelius Adena. Lillian Mary Foley. Frieda Victoria Barfus. 764 EXAMINATION RESULTS, 1911-1912.

Second Class. (In Order of Merit.) Margaret Roth.. Dorothy Jean Hamilton. Mollie Josephine Cardiff. Olga Maude Parker. Third Class. (In Alphabetical Order.) Ruth Selina Willis. Eliza Christina McDonogh. Mary Zacharin.

ALGEBRA, GEOMETRY iND TRIGONOMETRY. First Class. (In Order of Merit.) John Benjamin Oswald Hosking. John Sydney Green. ) w„,.„i Frank William Foster Waitt { *'qluu' William John Buckland. Second Class. (In Order of Merit.) Frank Marsh McCutchan. Isabel Mary Flinn. Frederick Thomas Kerr. Third Class. (In Alphabetical Order.) Philip Nicholas. Mervyn Athol Stewart.

PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY. First Class. (In Order of Merit.) Euan Ironside Littleiohn ) .. , Mervyn Athol Stewart } *•«!"»' John Sydney Green. SENIOR PUBLIC. 765

Second Class. (In Order of Merit.) William Alexander John Bucklaud. Frank Marsh McCutchan. John Robert Swan Cochrane ~\ Ralph Harry Crisp C Kqual Arthur Poole Lawrence \ • Philip Nicholas ) Frederick Thomas Kerr. Edwin Fullartoii Borrie \ e „ r Norman Victor Sydney Knibbs ) **IUM Third Class. (In Alphabetical Order.) David Henry Bodycomb. Frank Maldon Coflocott. Leonard Bell Cox. Henry Rupert Hawkins. Algernon George Rowley Lilford. Kenneth Claud Purnell. Eric Loudon- Simonson. James Murdock White.

AiNATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY AND BOTANY. First Class None. Second Class. (In Order of Merit.) Isabel Clifton Cookaon. Agnes Donaldson } v \ Ellen Mary Kent Hughes ) *,ql"11 Jessie Marion Elder.

GEOGRAPHY AND GEOLOGY. First Class. (In Order of Merit.) Robert Bruce Liston. Denis Anthony O'Donnell. 766 EXAMINATION RESULTS,. 1911-1912.

Second Class. Hai-ald Grevt- Strom. Third Class. (In Alphabetical Order.) Catherine Evelyn Fitzgerald. Leslie William Phillips. Sydney Mayo Power. Ernest Ralph Smith. DRAWING. First Class. • None. Second Class. (In Order of Merit.) Leslie Norman Matheson. Norman Kennett Buckman. Janet Isabelle Whyte. John James Buchanan. Ronald James Ferguson. Emilie Eulalie Ferry.

Third Class. (In Alphabetical Order.) Reginald Major Lawrence Cutter. John Foster Gear. Dorothy May Hambly. Elsie Doris Kelsall. Clarence Thorburn.

ELEMENTARY. MECHANICS. First Class. Frank Marsh McCutchan.

Second Class. (In Order of Merit.) John Sydney Green. Gerald Vincent Rush. DEGREES CONFERRED, 1911-12. 767

John Benjamin Oswald Hosking. Frank William Foster Waitt. Edwin. Fullarton Borrie. Third Class. (In Alphabetical Order.) William Alexander John Buckland. Frederick Thomas Kerr. Philip Nicholas. Eric Loudon Simonson. Mervyn Athol Stewart. James Mtirdock White. EXHIBITIONS. ENGLISH AND HISTORY. Neil Leslie Campbell.

GREEK AND LATIN. Neil Harcourt MacNeil FRENCH AND GERMAN. Arnold Cornelius Adena. ALGEBRA, GEOMETRY, TRIGONOMETRY AND ELEMENTARY MECHANICS. John Benjamin Oswald Hosking. PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY. £ nan Ironside Littlejohn * „ , Mlervye n Athol Stewart > ^qlm' ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY AND BOTANY Isabel Clifton Cookson. GEOGRAPHY AND GEOLOGY. Robert Bruce Liston. PRIZES. UNIVERSITY FRENCH CLUBS PRIZE. Arnold Cornelius Adena. 768 DEGREES CONFERRED, 1911-12.


23BD DECEMBER, 1911.

BACHELOR OF ARTS. Carson, Martha Elspeth Crowther, Gilbert Russell Hanlin, John Francis Yeldham Henderson, Kenneth Thome Mangan, William Bernard Osborne, George Alfred Wilcock, Arthur

BACHELOR OF SCIENCE. 7B. absentia. Kerr, Richard Alexander

BACHELOR OF LAWS. Campbell, James Lewis Maitland Davies, Cyril Walter Davies, George Forest . Dobson, Arthur Frank Stanley Eraser, Douglas Martin Shunkly, Norman John In absentio. Pidgeon, Brian Francis

BACHELOR OF MEDICINE. Anderson, George Grantham Andrews, William Algernon Browning, Denby de Courcy Campbell, Colin . Connor, Joseph Ivan Costelloe, Michael Joseph Crawford, John Hamilton Crookston, Robert Melville Dcnehy,. William John Douglas, Robert Oliver DEGREES CONFERRED, 1911-12. 769

Fargie, Arthur James McKenzie Green, Augustus Ian Green, Harry Franklyn Grutzner, Frederick William Hemsley, James Cameron Johnson, Alan Syme Jona, Jacob Kellaway, Charles Halliley Lee, Harrie Bertie McLaren, William Walter Mitchell, Hugh William Fancourt Morgan, John Wyndbam Nicholas, James Joachim Roche, Cedric Watson Gray Spargo, Ernest Sutcnffe, Ernest Weston Tait, John Thomson Utber, Frank Leslie Webster, Reginald Whitford, Raym und Stanley Williams, Henry James Willis, Jack Rupert Law Wilson, Arthur Mitchell

7n absentia. Gill, Frank Llewellyn Goldstein, Alexander Greenham, David Peter

BACHELOR OF SURGERY. Anderson, George Grantham Andrews, William Algernon Browning, Denby de Courcy Campbell, Colin Connor, Joseph Ivan Costelloe, Michael Joseph Crawford, John Hamilton Crooketon, Robert Melville. Denehy, William John Douglas, Robert Oliver Fargic, Arthur Janice McKenzie Green, Augustus Ian Green, Harry Franklyn 70 DEGREES CONFERRED, 1911-H.

Grutzner, Frederick William Hemsley, James Cameron Johnson, Alan Syme Jona, Jacob Kellaway, Charles Halliley Lee, Harrie Bertie McLaren, William Walter Mitchell, Hugh William Fancourt Morgan, John Wyndham Nicholas, James Joachim Roche, Cedric Watson Gray Spargo, Ernest Sutcliffc, Ernest Weston Tait, John Thomson TJtber, Frank Leslie Whitford, Raymund Stanley Williams, Henry James Willis, Jack Rupert Law Wilsoii, Arthur Mitchell

In absent iii. Goldstein, Alexander Greenham, David Peter

BACHELOR OF CIVIL ENGINEERING. Halkyard, Charles Cyril In absentia. Foster, Francis Henry

BACHELOR OF MINING ENGINEERINCi. In absentia, Crawford, Victor Gordon

BACHELOR OF MUSIC. Haydon, Claude Meurisse


BACHELOR OF VETERINARY SCIENCE . In absentia. Place, Francis Evelyn.

BACHELOR OF DENTAL SURGERY; In absentia. Parramore, William Arthur. MASTER OF ARTS. Alexander, Katharine Logan Dunn, Ernest Victor Finnis, Horace Percy In absentia. Max ted, Spencer Edward

MASTER OF LAWS. Shelton, Harry Corbett Leo DOCTOR OF MEDICINE. Lamble, Gilbert In absentid. Downes, Rupert Major DIPLOMA OF EDUCATION. Debney, Dulcie Vida Dick, Norman Paterson Fowler, Madge Griffiths, John Leslie Irwin Harris, William John Japp, Hermann Asm us O'Brien, Edmund Alfred Price, Ethel Ernestine Scarff, Charles Thompson LICENSE IN VETERINARY SCIENCE. Jones, Frederick Murray Lukey, Edgar Jabez Talbot, Robert John de Courcey 772 DEGREES CONFERRED, 1911-12

1ST APRIL, 1912. BACHELOR OF ARTS. Scott, Thomas Farrar Warren, John Henry

BACHELOR OF SCIENCE. Norris, John Drummond

BACHELOR OF LAWS. Cook, William Reddish Duffy, Desmond McMahon Gavan Hain, Reginald Edric Officer, Frank Keith Ramsay, James Morrison 7-n absent id. Ross-Soden, Harry BACHELOR OF MEDICINE. Chambers, Roy William Darby, Leonard

BACHELOR OF SURGERY. Chambers, Rov William Darby, Leonard



BACHELOR OF VETERINARY SCIENCE. Adeney, Alexander William Thwaites, Alexander Hopkins DEGREES CONFERRED, 1911-12. 773

LICENSE IN VETERINARY SCIENCE. Mountjoy, Stanley Allen Penrose, Joseph Sanders Sheehan, James Barry Spence, Roderick Macdonald

DIPLOMA OF EDUCATION. Guy, William Rowel 1, Joseph Addison Stephens, Rotha Mary


2(>TH APRIL, 1912.

BACHELOR OF ARTS. Adams, Agnes Alice Fisher, Winifred Annie Flynn, Julia Teresa Franklin,' Marie Naomi Huilcs, Helen Joske, Enid Robbins, Ethel Lucy Roche, Gertrude Mary Short, Beatrice Laura Simpson, Hannah Harvey Slade, Amy Rhoda Stillwell, Olive Henrietta Swindley, Alice Margaret •Chenoweth, Richard Willmore Foxcroft, Albert Broadbent Gamble, John Frederick Johns, William Carter Palmer, Henry Hersee Richardson, George Henry Tait, Alan Taylor 774 DEGREES CONFERRED, 1911-12.

In absentid Walklatc, Cyril John

BACHELOR OF SCIENCE. Gundersen, Sara Elisabeth Nelson, Edith Alice Summons, Ethel Elizabeth Victoria Verdon, Lucy . Cooke, Reginald Mackenzie Gundersen, Gunner Jack, Andrew Keith Parry, Reginald Ezra Riddell, Consctt Carre Ad eundem qradum, Richardson, Arnold Edwin Victor (Adelaide)

BACHELOR OF LAWS. Hyett, Alan Newcombe Meagher, Leo Garden BACHELOR OF SUBGEBY. In absentid. Gill, Frank Llewellyn

BACHELOB OF CIVIL ENGINEERING. Holmes, Kenneth Wroodfull Rcmfry, Maurice Austin Taylor, Alexander Peter In absentid. Gray, James Taylor Lindon, James Hemery Muntz, Alexander Jamison

BACHELOR OF MINING ENGINEERING. 7n absentia. Dow, John Greig, Ernest Howard DEGREES CONFERRED, 191112. 775


BACHELOR OP MUSIC. Albon, Olive Loughran, Lorn a Rose

BACHELOR OF DENTAL SCIENCE. Nicholls, Mary Alice Jessie Campbell, Robert Burns Cuming Cohn, Alexander Samuel Parrett, George Alfred James Reid, William Bremner Webster, Leslie Cyril Wood, Harry Vasey

MASTER OP ARTS. i Dnmaresq, Frances Kate Margeurite Higgins, Janet Gertrude McCrindle, Hazel Morell Taylor, Gladys Adeline Akeroyd, Joseph Dossetor, Francis Ernest Knowles, George Shaw McQueen, Ewen Neil Shann, Frank Vines, Ernest Harold Ad eundem (/radum. Richardson, Arnold Edwin Victor (Adelaide) Weatherburn, Oharles Ernest (Sydney)

MASTER OF SCIENCE. Davies, Olive Branche Thwaites, Alexander Hopkins Upton, Thomas Haynes

MASTER OF LAWS. Eager, Clif den Henry Andrews Mackay, Murdoch Nish T76 DEGREES CONFERRED, 191112.

DOCTOR OF SCIENCE. Kincaid, Hilda Estellc In absentid. Wralpolc, George Stanley

DOCTOR OF MEDICINE. Fairlcy, James Fairburn Fowler, Robert Gardner, Mark Clayson Hurley, Thomas Ernest Victor Jones, Isaac Milligan, Edward Thomas Campbell Potter, William Lockyer Scholes, Frank Victor Gordon Upjohn, William George Dismore , In absentid. Lillies, George Leonard Roberts, Edward John

MASTER OF SURGERY. Downes, Rupert Major Newton, Hibbert Alan Stephen


DIPLOMA OF EDUCATION. Adams, Agues Alice Brown, Jean Gladys Dickinson. Thomas Egerton Flinn, Jnnet Goding, James Emanuel Hailes, Helen Hauser, Arthur James Howard, Mary Wilson Jones, Paul Lee, Violet Jane McCowan, Jeannie DEGREES CONFERRED, 191112. Ill

McCrindle, Hazel Morell Phillips, Gilbert Edgar Porter, George Alfred Shann, Prank Sproule, Theodora May Sterling, Edith Jane Tolhurst, Ella White Vines, Ernest Harold Welsh, Alexander Carl

DIPLOMA IN MUSIC. Mason, Elizabeth Amy Brookes Sissons, Madge LICENSE IN VETERINARY SCIENCE. Wood, Elwes Frederick Frowning

10TH JUNE, 1912. BACHELOR OP ARTS. 7n absentia. Mcintosh, Ronald Dingwall BACHELOR OF SCIENCE. 7n absentia. Pirani, Carl Simoon BACHELOR OF MEDICINE. Allan, James Stephen Macdonald Black, Jonathan Percy Moss Burns, Francis John Clark, Wendell Inglis Daly, Lionel Braim Dunstan, Ambrose Hedley Eadie, Clive Menzies Edmeades, Thomas Roy Fogarty, Joseph Patrick George, Thomas Edwin Hiirtridgc, Oliver Keith Hughes, Albert Henry Aloysius McArthur, George Alexander Douglas McCutcheon, Alan Bothwcll Patrick, James Finloy 778 DEGREES CONFERRED, 1981-12

Powell, Arthur Hunter Robertson, Margaret Helen Urquhart Stone, Francis William Talbot, Norman Charles BACHELOR OF SURGERY. Allan, James Stephen Macdonald Black, Jonathan Percy Moss Bums, Francis John Clark, Wendell Inglis Daly, Lionel Braim Dunstan, Ambrose Hedley Eadie, Clive Menzies -•' Edmeadee, Thomas Boy Fogarty, Joseph Patrick George, Thomas Edwin Hartridge, Oliver Keith. Hughes, Albert Henry Aloysius McArthur, George Alexander Douglas McCutoheon, Alan Bothwell Patrick, James Finlay Powell, Arthur Hunter Robertson, Margaret Helen Urquhart Stone, Francis William •• Talbot, Norman Charles BACHELOR 0P CIVIL ENGINEERING. In absentid. Baker, George Ashton MASTBIR OF ARTS. Irwin, William Henry DIPLOMA OF EDUCATION. Wilkinson, Dorothy Irene DOCTOR OP MEDICINE. Felstead, James Gerald Roy- Ridley, Sidney Frederick


SITTING AND ADJOURNMENT OF THE SENATE. 1. The Senate shall meet at the University or at some central place in the city. 2. The Senate shall meet for two Sessions in each year in the months of June and October commencing on the third Tuesday in each of these months or if any such Tuesday be a public holiday upon the day following. 3. The hoar of meeting of the Senate shall be half-past four o'clock but the afternoon sitting shall terminate at half-past six and an evening sitting shall begin at half- past seven. No fresh business shall be called on after ten o'clock. 4. Until the Session be closed the Senate shall meet from day to day but oh the close of Friday's sitting the Senate shall stand adjourned until the following Tuesday afternoon. 6. The Warden may at any time convene a special meeting of the Senate. 6. Upon the requisition of twenty members of the Senate setting forth the objects for which they desire the meeting to be convened the Warden shall convene a special meeting of the Senate within fourteen days and not less than seven days from the date of thc receipt by him of such requisition. 7. The Senate may adjourn any meeting or debate to a future sitting. 8. A Register of the addresses of Members of the Senate as supplied from time to time by Members shall be kept by the Registrar. 9. Notice of the opening of every Session and of the business to be brought on at its opening shall be given by circular posted or delivered fourteen clear days Itefore each Session and notice of every special meeting and of the business to be brought on thereat shall be given by circular posted or delivered seven clear days before such meeting to the address of every Member which is on the Register. 10. The Warden shall take the chair as soon after the hour of meeting aa twenty Members are present. 780 STANDING ORDERS OF THE SENATE.

11. If, after the expiration of half-an-hour there he not twenty Members present the sitting shall lapse and the business of the Session or of the Special Meeting as the case may be shall be postponed till the following day at half-past four or if the following day be Satur­ day till the following Tuesday at half-past four. . 12. If the Warden arrive after the chair is taken the Chairman shall vacate the chair. 13. If it shall appear on thc report of a division by thc tellers or on the attention of the Warden being called to the fact that twenty Members be not present the Warden shall declare the sitting at an end and the debate shall stand adjourned. Provided that if half-an-hour have not elapsed from the time prescribed for the beginning of the sitting and twenty members arc again present before the expiration of thc half-hour thc sitting shall be resumed. 14. AVhen a sitting is ended from want of a quorum the business under discussion and any other business not disposed of shall be called on at thc next sitting and shall take precedence of all other business. 15. The Registrar shall under the direction of the Warden record in a book the Votes and Proceedings of the Senate on the model of the Votes and Proceedings of Parliament. 16. The Session or special meeting shall close when all the business is disposed of or when two or more con secutive sittings having lapsed for want of a quorum the Warden declares the Session or Special Meeting ended. NOTICES, MOTIONS AND QUESTIONS. 17. The Registrar shall prepare a Notice Paper of the business of every day of the Session and of every special meeting. 18. The Registrar shall place on the Sessional Notice Paper all Notices of .Motion received not less than twenty - one days before the first day of Session. 19. The order of business on each day of the Session shall be—1. Reading for confirmation of the votes and proceedings of the previous day. 2. Notices of Motion. 3. Business on the Notice Paper which shall be called on in the order in which it stands thereon unless the Senate direct otherwise. 20. Every Notice of Motion shall bo in writing and shall be signed by two members and no motion shall be spoken to or debated on the day on which notice of it is given. STANDING ORDERS OP THE SENATE. 781

21. The order of procedure ou a proposed new Statute or Regulation shall be—1. Reception of the Statute or Regula­ tion by the Senate. 2. Committal to a Committee of the whole Senate or to a Select Committee. 3. Adoption of the Statute or Regulation by the Senate as amended by the Committee. 22. But if it is not desired to make amendments in the Statute or Regulation it may be adopted without reference to a Committee nnd any proposed Statute or Regulation may be recommitted. The question that a proposed Statute or Regulation be now received may not be amended. The question that a proposed Statute or Regulation be com­ mitted to a Committee of the whole Senate or to a Select Connpitteo,may be,amended by the substitution of Select Committee for Committee of the whole Senate and vice versd but not otherwise. The question that a proposed Statute or Regulation be now adopted by the Senate may be amended in order that it may be committed or recommitted but not otherwise. All amendments in a proposed Statute or Regulation shall be relevant to the subject matter thereof. 23. No Member shall make any motion initiating a subject for discussion except in pursuance of notice duly inserted on the Notice Paper for that day. 24. A motion may be amended by the mover with leave of the Senate. 25. When a motion has been made and seconded the question shall then be proposed to the Senate by the Warden. 2(1. Any motion not seconded shall not be further discussed und no entry thereof shall be made on the Votes and Proceedings. 27. A Member who has made a motion may withdraw the same by leave of the Senate such leave being granted without jmy negative voice. 28. A question may be superseded— (1) By the motion " That the Senate do now adjourn." (2) By a motion " That the Senate proceed to the next business." (3) By the previous question viz. "That the question be now put" being proposed and negatived. 782 STANDING ORDERS OF THE SENATE.

29. If the previous question be resolved in the affirmative the original question shall be put forthwith without further amendment or debate. 30. A motion for " proceeding to the next business " and also for " the previous question " may be superseded by the adjournment of the Senate. 31. The debate upon a question may be interrupted— (1) By words of heat between members. (2) By a question of order. (3) By a motion for reading any official document relevant to the question. 32. The Senate may order a complicated question to be divided. 33. So soon as a debate upon a question shall be concluded thc Warden shall put the question to the Senate and if the same should not be heard shall again state it to the Senate. 34. A question being put shall be resolved in the affirma­ tive or the negative by the majority of voices " Aye " or " No." 85. The Warden shall state whether in his opinion the "Ayes" or the "Noes" have it and unless his opinion be acquiesced in by the minority thc question shall be deter­ mined by a division. 36. No motion shall be placed on the notice paper or question be proposed which the Warden shall rule to be the same in substance as any which daring the same meeting has been resolved in the affirmative or the negative.

AMENDMENTS. 37. Any member proposing an amendment shall deliver the same in writing to the Warden. 38. A question having been proposed may be amended by leaving out certain words in order to insert or add other •words or by inserting or adding words. 39. An amendment proposed but not seconded shall not be entertained by the Senate or entered on the Votes. 40. When a proposed amendment is to leave out certain "words the Warden shall pat a question " That the words proposed to be left out stand port of thc question " which shall be resolved by thc Senate in the affirmative or the negative as the case may bo. STANDING ORDERS OF THE SENATE. 783

41. When the proposed amendment is to leave out certain words in order to insert or add other words the Warden shall put a question "That the words proposed to be left out stand part of the question " which if resolved in the affirma­ tive will dispose of the amendment but if in the negative and there is no motion before the Senate for amending the proposed amendment another question shall be put " That the words of the amendment be inserted or added instead thereof " which shall be resolved in the affirmative or the negative as the case may be. 42. When the proposed amendment is to insert or add certain words the Warden shall put a question " That such words be inserted or added " which shall be resolved in the affirmative or the negative as thc case may be. 43. No amendment shall be proposed in any part of a question after a later part has been amended or after an amendment on a later part has been proposed unless the proposed amendment has by leave of the Senate been with­ drawn. 44. No amendment shall be proposed in any words which the Senate has resolved shall stand part of a question or shall be inserted in or added to a question except the addition of other words thereto. 45. A proposed amendment may by leave of the Senate be amended or withdrawn by the mover. 46. Amendments may be proposed to a proposed amend­ ment as if such proposed amendment were an original question. 47. When amendments have been made the main ques­ tion ns amended shall be put. 48. When amendments have been proposed but not made the question shall be put as originally proposed. DEBATE. 49. Every member desiring to speak shall rise in his place and address himself to the Warden. 60. While the Senate is dividing Members can speak only to a point of order and by permission of the Warden. 61. No Member may speak to any question after the same has been put by the Warden and the voices have been- given in the alTuia'.ivo and the negative thereon. 784 STANDING ORDERS OF THE SENATE.

52. When two or more Members rise to speak the Warden shall call upon the Member who first rose in his place. 53. A motion may be made that any Member who has risen " be now heard " or " do now speak." 54. By the indulgence of the Senate a Member may explain matters of a personal nature although there be no question before the Senate' but such matters may not be debated. 65. No member may speak twice to the same question before the Senate except in explanation or reply. 66. A Member who has spoken to a question may again be heard to explain himself in regard to some material part of his speech but shall not introduce any new matter. 57. A reply shall be allowed to a Member who has made a substantive motion to the Senate but not to any Member who has moved an amendment. 58. Any Member may rise to speak " to order " provided that if the Warden after a point of order has been raised state that it has been sufficiently discussed he may forthwith declare his ruling thereon. 69. No'Member shall use offensive or unbecoming words in reference to any Member of the Senate. 60. When any Member shall object to words used in debate and shall desire them to be taken down the Warden if it bo the pleasure of the Senate shall direct the Registrar to take them down accordingly. 61. Every such objection shall be taken at the time when such words are used and not after any other Member has spoken. 62. Any Member having used objectionable words und not explaining or retracting the same or offering apologies for thc use thereof to the satisfaction of the Senate shall be censured or otherwise dealt with as the Senate may think fit and any Member called to order shall sit down unless permitted to explain. 63. Order shall be maintained in the Senate by the Warden. 64. Whenever the Warden rises during a debate any Member then speaking or offering to speak shall sit down and the Senate shall be silent so that the W'arden may be heard without interruption. STANDING ORDERS OF THE SENATE. 785

65. If the Warden desires to.take part in a debate he shall vacate the chair for the. time and another Chairman shall bo appointed. DIVISIONS. 66. No Member shall be entitled to vote in any division unless he be present when the question is put. 67. Every Member present when a division is taken must vote. 68. When a division is called for thc Warden shall direct the " Ayes" to the right and the " Noes " to the left and shall appoint two tellers for each party. 69. The vote of the Warden shall be taken before the other votes without his being required to leave the chair. 70. In case there should not be two tollers for one of the parties the Warden shall forthwith declare the resolution of the Senate. 71. An entry of the lists of divisions in the Senate shall be made by the Registrar in the Votes and Proceedings. 72. tn case of confusion or error concerning the numbers reported unless the same can be otherwise corrected the Senate will proceed to another division. 73. If the numbers have been inaccurately reported to the Senate the Senate on being afterwards informed thereof will order the Votes and Proceedings to be corrected. 74. In case of an equality of votes the Warden shall give a casting vote and any reasons stated by him shall be entered in the Votes and Proceedings. 75. No member shall be entitled to vote upon any ques­ tion in which he has a direct pecuniary interest and the vote of any Member so interested shall be disallowed.

COMMITTEES. 76. In committee of the whole the Warden shall preside and subject to the provisions hereinafter contained the same quorum mode of deciding. questions und order in debute shall be observed as in the Senate itself. 77. In committee Meniljers may speak more than once to the same question. 786 STANDING ORDERS OF THE SENATE.

78. A Committee of the whole Senate will be appointed by resolution " That the Senate do cow resolve itself into a Committee " or " That a proposed Statute or Regulation be now committed to a committee of the whole Senate." 79. A motion made in committee need not be seconded and no motion for the previous question can be made in committee. 80. A Committee of the whole may at any time report progress and upon such report the Senate shall be declared resumed. 81. When the business called on is a proposal which has been partly considered in committee of the whole the Warden shall declare the Senate in committee without question put. 82. When all matters referred to a Committee of the whole have been considered thc Warden on motion made and carried " That the Senate do now resume " shall declare the Senate resumed. 83. The quorum and convener of every select committee sliall be named in the motion appointing the committee and its report shall be signed by the chairman and may. be delivered to the Warden whether or not the Senate be then sitting nnd may be printed and placed on a Notice Paper without an order of the Senate. H4. Subject to the direction of the Senate the procedure in Select Committees shall conform tb the procedure in Committee of the whole Senate or as near thereto as may be possible.

ELECTIONS. 85. The office of Warden shall become vacant annually on.the first day of June. 86. The Warden shall hold office until his successor is elected. 87. In all Elections by the Senate the Registrar shall act as Returning Officer. 88. Not more than nine weeks before the occurrence through effluxion of time or upon the occurrence through any other cause of any vacancy in the office of Warden or in the Council of the University the Returning Officer STANDING ORDERS OF THE SENATE. 787 shall forthwith issue a circular to thc Members of the Senate whose addresses are on the Register stating the occurrence of such vacancy and that he will receive nominations of Candidates which may be duly sent to him on or before a day not less than fourtc n days from thc date of such circular. 89. Nominations of qualified persons shall be made by two members of the Senate and shall contain thc written consent of the Candidate to his nomination. 90. The Returning Officer shall hold an Election within forty-nine days and not less than forty-two days from the latest day for receiving Nominations. 91. If one Candidate only be nominated the Returning Officer shall publish his name on the Board at the Uni­ versity and shall extend the time allowed for receiving nominations seven days beyond thc date first fixed. If no further nominations are received the Returning Officer shall declare the Candidate duly elected. 92. If more than one Candidate be nominated votes shall be given by Voting Papers only. 93. Within seven days after thc latest day of Nomina­ tion the Returning Officer shall post to each member of the Senate whose address is on the Register a Voting Paper a Form of Declaration and three envelopes one envelope to be marked " Voting Paper" a second to be marked " Declaration " and the third to be ad­ dressed "The Returning Officer, University, Melbourne." 94. Every Voting Paper shall contain the names of the Candidates for Election and shall be marked by the Returning Officer and no Voting Paper or Declaration other than that officially issued as aforesaid shall be accepted provided that in any case any Voting Paper or Declaration has been lost or destroyed a Duplicate shall be supplied on written application to the Registrar. 95. Every Voting Paper shall be in the form following or to the like effect that is to say: —

DIBECTIONS. The Voter shall write the figure 1 opposite the name of the Candidate who stands First in his order of pre­ ference the figure 2 opposite the name of the Candidate who stands Second in his order of preference on. 788 STANDING ORDERS OF THE SENATE.


Numeriml (Names to be Inserted in thc Alphalietical Order Orrltr of Voter's uf Surnames). Preference.

No sii/nature is to l>e written on this Voting Paper. 96. Every Declaration shall be in the form following or to the like effect that is to say; I'D the Return ina Officer uf the Senate of the ,.' I the undersigned declare that I am a member of the Senate of the University of Melbourne und at the election of Warden (or of a Mem­ ber or Members of the Council to fill the vacancy or vacancies caused or to be caused by [here insert the cause] as the case may be) which is to take place at o'clock on the day of 19 do hereby vote in the manner shown in the accompanying Voting Paper. Signature of Member- Vote 97. Each member of the Senate shall post to or deliver at thc office of the Registrar his Voting Paper and his Declaration each enclosed in a separate and distinctive envelope. These envelopes shall h,itli be enclosed in a third or outer envelope which shall be addressed to the Returning Officer. STANDING ORDERS OF THE SENATE. 789

98. All such envelopes addressed to thc Returning Officer shall remain unopened until the close of the Poll. The Returning Officer shall then in each case open the outer envelope and also the envelope containing the Declaration of each voter. If the Declaratiou be duly signed thc Returning Officer shall place in a Ballot Box provided for the purpose the accompanying envelope containing the Voting Paper. . When all the Declara­ tions have been examined the Returning Officer shall mix the envelopes containing thc A oting Papers open the same and ascertain the result of thc Election. 99. Each Candidate shall be entitled to nominate a Scrutineer to assist the Returning Officer. 100. Neither the Returning Officer nor any Scrutineer shall in any way whatever directly or indirectly divulge or disclose or aid in divulging or disclosing for what candidate or in what manner any Member of the Senate voted at any election. 101. Except as aforesaid no Member shall before or after voting transfer or part with his Voting Paper or Declaration to or permit it to be used by any other person. 102. No Voting Paper shall be used at any election unless it be received by the Returning Officer not later than the hour fixed for the Election which shall be stated on the Declaration. 103. The Voter shall indicate the order of his pre­ ference hy numbering the names of the Candidates con­ secutively commencing with the number 1 and any Voting Paper on which more than one name is left un­ numbered shall not be used in the election. When one name only is left unnumbered the Returning Officer shall insert the number omitted. 104. If on the report of the Registrar or of a Scruti­ neer the Warden be of opinion that any Voting Paper is substantially defective such Voting Paper shall not be used in the election. . 105. If there be more than one vacancy to he filled at any Election the vacancies shall be filled separately in the order of their occurrence and as each vacancy is filled the name of the successful Candidate shall be deemed to have been erased from each Voting Paper 790 STANDING ORDERS OF THE SENATE. and the names which remain to have been re-numbered with the figures 1, 2, 3, 4, etc., according to the order ih which they stand in the voter's order of preference. 106. One or more scrutinies shall be made by the Registrar and Scrutineers each of the latter being the representative of qne Candidate according to the follow­ ing rules:— I. Thc first scrutiny shall be made in thc follow­ ing manner: (a) The figure written opposite the name of any Candidate on any Voting Paper shall be deemed to represent so many votes against the said Cand date. (b) The number obtained by dividing the total number of votes by the number of Candi­ dates shall be thc average for the scrutiny. (c) Every Candidate whose sum total is not less than the average shall be rejected. II. Any subsequent scrutiny shall be made in the same manner as the first scrutiny provided that the names of all Candidates rejected at any preceding scrutiny shall be deemed to have been erased from each Voting Paper and the names which remain to have been re­ numbered with the figures 1, 2, 3, 4, etc., ac­ cording to the order in which they stand in the voter's order of preference. III. When upon any scrutiny all thc Candidates but one have been rejected that one shall be declared elected. IV. If upon any scrutiny all the Candidates have the same number of votes recorded against them the Warden shall by a casting vote reject one of thc in. V. If upon the first scrutiny it is found that any Candidate has an absolute majority of the total number of first votes polled he shall be declared elected. STANDING ORDERS OF THE SENATE. 791

107. The Warden shall subject to the provisions herein contained determine conclusively all questions. of detail concerning the Election. 108. In all cases not herein provided for the rules and usages of Parliament shall be followed so far as they may be applicable.

INTERPRETATION. 109. Wherever the word " Warden" is used in these Standing Orders it shall mean " The Warden or in Miis absence the Chairman " unless the contrary is obvious from the context.

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Title: University of Melbourne Calendar 1913

Date: 1913

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