Volume Ix. Washington City, Dc, November 9,1879. Number 37
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VOLUME IX. WASHINGTON CITY, D. C., NOVEMBER 9,1879. NUMBER 37. THE CAPITAL, the Republicans for another, the Democrats polled the " stronger Government," we shall never have it. We enough as to Its parts. The peculiarity of the French Champion's orew who were saved were brought to majority. This smashes the slate of the Solid North. must, therefore, Invariably build a new Volunteer schools Is that they Inculcate these punctilio and teach this city about noon. They lett shortly after 1 o'clock PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY Army from the ground up whenever we need one. this system of oourtesy as the beginning of military It Informs stalwart gentlemeD, like Mr. Blaine and for New York on the Bound Brook railroad. THE CAPITAL PUBLISHING COMPANY, This requires time, and entails cost utterly out of culture, Instead of reserving them for the finishing Mr. Conkling, that, whatever may be the narrow keeping with the exigencies of mod eta warfare. touob, as do the English and American schools. In I.ateat Election Returns—Potter Sure of 037 D street, Washington, I>. c, prejudices and blind passions that dominate provin- The Item of cost, however, excessive as it is, must this sense Colonel Roberts Is undoubtedly the readiest Ills Election. NEW YonK, November 8.—Clarkson N. Potter, Dem- DONN PIATT, . EDITOK. cial communities, like Iowa and Ohio, the cosmopoli- still be rated secondary to the item of rapidity in mo- and most apt, If not tbe profoundest and most learned, bilization. For example, suppose the United States military lawyer In this country. His schooling at St. ocratic candidate for lieutenant governor, has returns TKBMS: Per year, (Including postage,) six tan Stateand metropolitan city of New York do not 83.50; were to full suddenly into complications with some Cyr, with his subsequent servioe In a Hussar regiment, at bis office from all but flitaen towns. He claims that months, $1.50; three months, 75 cents—in advance. recognize in the South an enemy of the country, and fir3t-ratc power, to meet which a force of two hundred and on the staff of one of MacMahon's divisions In he has a majority of over 3,000 over Hoskins. Single copies, 5 cents. do not propose to follow the lead of provincial politi- thousand troops of all arms would be required. Well, Lombard}-, formed a curriculum of martial education, ALBAMY, N. Y., November 8 —The Evening Journal' CLUBS: Ten cople^to one address, (20 in advanoe, under the old conditions of mobilization—that is to during wbat has been elsewhere described as "tho has the following: "The tables to-day embrace such, with one copy free. Twenty copies ts one address, «35 cians in a mythical crusade. say, facilities of communication, transport and sup- period of tho most perfect army of the most warlike full and authentic returns from all doubttVil parts o( in advance, with one copy free. A little cool reasoning would have taught them all ply—we should have at least three months, and maybe nation at the most splendid epoch of its power"— the State there can be little iurther variations from this before. The mercantile community of New York six, in which to prepare our army of volunteers. But that Is to say, the Imperial army of France between them, and they warrant claim of praotlcally complete fl^*Our journal has been founded upon does not favor Mr. Blaine's new war of sections, be- under modern conditions we should not have as many the beginning of the Crimean war and the end of tbe victory on lieutenant governor. The contest is so close the ever-successful ground-work of fair play cause war is not good for commerce. The tax-paying weeks. Now it is well known to military men, as in- Italian campaign. It is sot possible for such attain- the olfiolal canvass may be needed to decide It Our ta- deed it ought to be apparent to any one, that the facil- ments to fail of recognition', even in this country. ble, putting figures at the worst for our side, gives a and decent dealing. That principle has community does not favor John Sherman's scheme made rns the factor of steady and persistent ities for raising, equipping and drilling troops have nominal majority of only 73 to Potter, but differences of absolute centralization, because, as Mr. William If able-bodied lying, well persevered in, could alter antagonism to monopolies, who would Rus- by no means increased in proportion to the facilities In reports from tbree or four counties may wipe out E. Dodge remarked, the wealth of New York does not for mobilizing and handling troops already raised, destiny, Mr. Charles E. Smith, " Editor of the Albany this narrow margin and elect Hoskins. Wo give the sianize America if they could, and in their Evening Journal," would defeat our friend Potter by want to be placed at the mercy of the poverty of Ne- equipped and drilled. It takes as long to teach troops highest Democratic figures In Kings county, though blind folly, born of brief authority, issue the rudiments of their art now as ever it did. But telegrapb, by something like 400,000 majority—only some reports make them thousands better for us. braska In national tax-levying. their ukase at their will and own sour pleas- whereas in former wars we .could find time to do these give him time. My own impression Is that Charles Whatever the result may be on lieutenant governor,, ure. The Radical statesmen have simply overdone the things while our enemy wa.s crossing the ooean in sail E. Smith is trying a cheap dodge to advertise his ob- it is now practically certain that Carr, for secretary of scure lobby organ at the expense of those who are The Associated Press has this week at- " Solid" business. Having nothing else to talk about, vessels, or approaching our frontier by foot-marches, State; Wadswortb, for comptroller; Wendell, for treas- foolish enough to pay good money for his worthless urer, and Ward, for attorney general, are eleoted by tempted this jumping-jack business, and thoy have talked the "Solid" business Into a delir- we should now be able to do Uttle more than set our recruiting machinery at work before tbe for, coming " specials.!' • ' majorities ranging from 2,000 to 7,000. The Republi- informs tas that it has doubted the rates of ium, and conservative minds are beginning to take by steamer or by rail, would be at our doors. cans table puts Cornell's majority at 43,432. telegraphic news and information. This, the alarm. Considering the lights and the landmarks The recommendations of General Benet, so far as 1 LATEST BY TELEGRAPH. without doubt, is due to a petty spite and of our time, there has never been a more atrocious am able to interpret them, look simply to the estab- A False Rumor—Conkllng All Right. NEW YOBK, November 8.—There have been grave monarchical anger, caused by ' our free- crime wreaked against human civilization than the lishment in peace of a national mllltla to answer all [By National Associated Press.] the purposes of United States Volunteers In an emer- rumors regarding the health of Senator Conkllng. It speaking of the monopoly of the telegraph. attempt ot the Radical leaders to set the people of ono Terrible Collision at Sea. They may double with more acutenessthan gency; avoiding the faults of the State militia sys- NEW YOBK, November 8.—A private dlapatoh just was announced, and correctly, that he had been ill at section at the throats of the people of another. It is Utioa. To day It was rumored that he was dead. a fox for all that we care. Their attempt at tem on tbe one hand, and the inordinate costliness of received conveys the shocking Intelligence that the really pitiful—or would be if it were not so hateful— the United States Volunteer system on the other; in Few placed any confidence in the report, but it extortion is lost upon us. We drop them steamship Champion, running between New York to see a group of men who have grown gray in power fact, obtaining all the defensive strength of a regular and Charleston, S. C., has been sunk off the capes, traveled like wild fire. Tne rumors were set at rest and dismiss them. army of 200,000 men without incurring any of the po. this evening by the fact that the Senator and Post- prancing about the land in an unhonored old age, having had a collision with another vessol. It Is re- Other arrangements have been made, and Utlcal dangers of such an organization In the ordinary ported that thirty-two peitons were drowned and master James were seen together down town. At the we promise our readers the fullest and striving to rekindle the civil war from whose wreck form. twenty-five saved. The details are expected momen- Republican headquarters, in tho Fifth Avenue Hotel, there was considerable anger about the rumor. " It's latest national and international telegraphic they first snatched ill-got fortune. The General estimates the cost of such an establish- tarily. an outrageous oanard," exclaimed General Arthur news. Newspapers do not live by the con- To this frantic crusade the Empire State has called ment at about $4,000,000 a year for any considerable The steamship Champion sailed from here late on period, averaging one year with another. The ex Thursday night. She bad on board fifty-eight per- when asked about It.