Th. Weather Serving the State Warmer Wa, wUII Ia· University of Iowa c:lUlinc ci""'_ aM raI. ~ Ia&e UIJI Campus and alWru.lI or t.alPl. R .... &oja" ~; lew, M. HIP Iowa City owan ...... " Sf; I.,.., K. 4 Est. 1868 - AP Leased Wire, Wkephoto - Five Cents Iowa City, Iowa, Tuesday. Dec. 1. 1953 - Vol. 97, No. 303 rowne ces ena e Maior Inspects University ROTC Unit ~ Michigan Ex-Governor 3 States File Segregation Briefs (harged WHh WASHINCTON IIP)-Three states-Kinus. South Carolin and • Virlinla-Monday told the supreme court It has no ,rounds on which WI'thhold'ngI IKilled Air Mishap to declare racial serrelation in the nil lion's choots unconstitutional. And the District of Columbia declared It could do nothin, about TTL~ FBI A , BA CREEK, Mich. lIP) - integrating the schools here because concre5 Itself set up )larate cion,I Former Gov. Kim Sigler and three ystems for the area. companions were killed late Mon· Separate briefs filed by the three sl:ltes and the district appar· day In a plane crash. A coroner enlly completed the rroundwork for three days of oral arguments WASHINGTON (A")- The Delli· identified Siller as one of the on the historic searelation case which open before the hi:h tribunal 1ocratic hi'h command cut lOOle victims. Dec. 7. with a new bla t at Atty. Gen. Sigler's private plane, which he The supreme court heard orilinul .r,umen last year on a SC"r- Herbert Brownell Monday nleht was pilolin, hlmself, rammed Into Ie of ca cs by parents ot negro chlldr n in K nsa , South Carolina. even as the senate judltiary corn· either th top ot a !l40-foot tele· Virginia. Delaware and the District or ColumbIa. They have sked mlttce pnpared to InvesU.. te "Ivislon lower or a guy wire up­ the court to decr th t racial s .:regatlon in the chools ,Iolat the chllraes that Brownell nfuhd to parting it. The plane sail d out of 14th amendment. provide PBI aid In a .Denver jur,. control tOT three·quarters of a Such a decision would overrule an 1896 supreme court ruUng tamperln, case. mUe. crashed into a woods and which has permitted stille to maintain rael Jly IIr ,ated chool Clayton Frltchey, deput,y chair· burned. On wlnl as ripped 0 r systems provided eQllal facilities wcre vallable [or n rroes and man of the Democratic National the plane by the Impact. whJt('s. committee, fired a tbree-way bar· The other vic Urns were betleve!t Atty. Gen. Herbert Brown II, asklna the court lalt week to out· ra,e at Brown.lIin a radio broa\:l. to be his secretary. Mr.. Ruth law elfe,atlon, had said it would require the r \'islon ot school jeast accusinll the attorney tenet'l PrentJ ; h r slBter, Mrs. Vir Inia laws In at least 17 states. ot inJecUn, the rBI Into politics Schuyler, 28, and h r husband. - and "pullil\f It out ot c:rime--blllt- Harold,37. The plane cra hed nelT Aurusta, Adlai Hopes Demos :;.!.~.:.';:;;E,::~':~ Iller waa lTounded ID Iowa C'" early In Deeember, 1952 by Kim pot'u; ley weaUter conditions durlnr a W·II B ( · 1. A federal judge', crlUcLsm of fII,ht from Lan In" Mich. to 00. pl_ wllb bl dau~btrr. Ir. I e onstructlve ~e justice department for refw- hlmbUl, Neb. Rleh rd Go etl. "ho BC ompen. In, FBI help In the Denver jury- He ..ltt at that time. "I've been led him OD the fIIfht. I tamperln, ~ue, wblcb later was "u~ down hue III bad weather \ In an In&ervlew b a Dall)' 10' WASHINGTON (A» - Adlai E. successfully prosecuted with the tWice before-I like lhla tOW1l." wan repOrter, 1~ler Id that he Ste,' nson .ald Monday he hopes lovernment issue. aid of treasury .,ents. Wblle poullded In Iowa Cit, bad lIown to "every .. ood lzed Democrats In eon,r I take a .con· Stevenson, the 1952 Democratic 2. A S1. Loula (edenl j\.ldat" Iller at&ended the loeal Rotar)' dty with an aJrl)Ort In the United structlve approach to the Elscn· presidential nominee, told a n wslunan wered appeal to BrowneU for club and we lit, .bop, ta&e, uba, AI lIa and )\Ie leo." howcr administration's program conference he thinks that attack more help from tbe justice !te­ I despite the "provocation" ot Re· like Atty. Gen. Herbert BrowneD partment in 11 ,rand JUry'. jnves· about I,ht miles north of Battle publicans who ral, th Reds-In- launched In the Harry Dcxter U,atlon of labor Union racketeer- Cr ck. White ca will mak two-part)' 11lI. Addition to Union Sigler, silver·haired 59-Y ar·old T T B GO cooperation mor dlttlcult. 3. Statements by HepUblklln 10.11, h .... n Ph ••• ~, 11111 WIlIJ ...... ) one·tim flery prosecutor who ags 0 e .ven 1I0pei Democrat COldtrueUve R prelentatlves Cllte Hoffm.n· ot lIlAJ. l\IARVlN L. BRIOG , (rta-bt) aalslallt In.peeler lueral from tlfth army btadlluarlen, Is rocketed to the lop Or,slale poll- AII"'- W"th t "But I hop that rc,ardless of Mlchi,an and Wlnt Smlth otKal\- hoWll .bakill, bands wtth VI Provon Harvey H. Davis Monda, af&er bel_ Introduced by Col. Authorized by Iowa \ tlea and th ,ov rnor S chair In \.dIrs. OU this provocation the Democrats'as tMt "pressure" was exerted Walter ~welJ, (ccnter) profeaor of mllltar), "'&IIce and tadla at UI. BriJ"p wtll eomple&e h1a 've Coun" "II \1946, h d b n 01) a bu.lncss trip p k" P °t wUl be constructlve in their ap to halt a conareasional inveltl.a- lupectlon of unlnnU" ROTC faclllUes Ioclay. ~ch UIll" III the "U'h ann)' ..-ea recelv.. aD annual EXec Ut I '- Ito Ne Orlea~lJ. He had c~lI hit at I n9 arm. 5 proach to th administration's leg: tion ot Tlcketeerln, In Detroit. viall from an inspector ceDeral reDresenta'lvt, Primary purpote 0' lbe laapec&loD t. io aid eoordl­ . law ol!lce In n arby Lansana only Student. staft and facult)' own. islaUve program," Steven.on ·ald. U.. "r'DIftnIIM' MUon between the anny and UIllveI'lU,.. The Iowa executiv counCIl an hour betore th crash to .say _ The former [llIno i!! governor Frltchcy said be thlnu FBt Monday authorl~ed the state board he wal on hi last lea or the flight cd auto which do not bear 1953 1told newsm n he had di cos d Chjel J. Ed,ar HoOver W8I "dis- ot education to proceed with home in his f? sene r plan. 11154 university parkin, permits this mall r tp somc eJet nt wJth tressctl" at beln, broull\t Into tha 2 Students Attend plans tor the financing and con·1 Th televiSIon tower toppled \W1ll be tailed by campus pollce Senators Ru ell and Geor e 'f:nsatJonal Harry Dexter Whlte struction of the first pha e of the ov r a few minute after lh' crash today. IG or,la Democrats. lind p rk~ "spy" case aa a wltlless belore the last Big N.Y.C. ·Paper, IFe .Confelence addltLon to the Iowa Mcmor1a1 ,.nd Jmuhed through lhe root ot R. J. Phillips, superlnt ndenl man and HIlI.- )\lablml 0 mo- aenate lntern.I.1 security ,ubcom- . Union. the Ir nsmlHer bulldln,. The t~w. of the division ot maintenance and[crats, on a recenl spcakln, trip In mittee• Park Davidson, A3, FalJ'(leld, Bids on the lir.t phase ot th . er, thaI of Battle Creek UHF sta· operation at SUI, saId th t park- thc South. "The Demouats never obce and Bob Linder. A4, Oelw in, re· addition were taken Nov. 19 . Low tlon, WBCK·TV. Is near Augusta, ing permits is ued for previous He . aid he couidn't say at thJ.s broulhl the rBI Into pattll.n -pol_ .liIerald Tri~une; Halts presented SUI', lntertrat rnity bids received totaled $816,693. elaht mUes norlhe~5l of her. school year. will not be recog· tim w he t h r the Democrats illcs" Prltchey IIld "but it waa councU at a two-day underil"adu. ~hlB ~n~l~d:d ~ene~~ c~n~lr~~; Slgle~, D Rep~bUcan, w:-s 'o~- nized. would have an alternalive pro- bro~ghl into poUtlC~ on Nov, 17 NEW YORK (!P) - The Herald ------ate conference which met In Cln. c:~c'IlUoenln~, ' efcc~~eal g fln; tem.' ~~~~~48~~hoe~e heW!~~ ~~te:~ b; Students who own autos and gram to present when the GOP before the Jenner committee. W. 'I'r)bune suspendcd pubtleatlon lishlng and the Times Is closed it perature control Thc totlll cost th tOt It do not display lhe new stickers Ipro,ram Is laid down by President Democrats te,ret It and hope tbe Monday night, leavin, New York won't stay closed long." ',l:innatl, Ohio Friday. ot the addition ~111 be $1255860 G eMPr &en WiIl~ocra I~ ~ver~ol~ wLU be fined '5. A cond offense EL!enhower In the annual Stste FBI can be pulled back out of without a major newspaper fOI' Competller of The TIMes Also present at the meeting, Contracts [Or this wo~k 'wili th ~~t"en i a~s. w 0 III e calls Cor anolh r.5 [Inc lind a ses- of the Union message next Janu- politics." the llrst time in its publishing sponsored by th Notional Inter. probably be let next week sald e 0 ec I nee n. slon at the dean's oWee. ny. But h aid he hopes that Frltchey had laid previously hllto~y. Newsstands throughout The Times and the Herald T.rl- fraternity conference were M. L. Gecr,e L. Horner, superlnte'ndcr1t T" k t S' II W II Faculty and stafl cars park d particularly on foreign polley the that the U.S. attorney for Colo- the city were all but barco bunc compete In the conservahve 'ot plannin, and construction. IC e see lin a reserve lot with an old per. two parties can Slfree. rado, a Democrlt, was fired aft- The city's six other big news- circulation field against the msss Hult, counselor men, and SUI Th fl t h f th ddiU n mit or nonc at all will have a Iklleves Publlc ConflUed er he won the Denver jury.t.m. ot 0 F SUI F I papers alreadY were closed tight circulation liornlng tabloids. tl¥! fraternity adviser Paul Grl.tfith. will ebe r: 1~7 asby 205.~O::t tw~'- or ormo $I fine levied against the own~r l Stevenson said he believe eon- perlng case without FBI help. He by a strike of AFL photo- Dally News and the Mirror. There More than 500 representatives of story structure to be built on thc Approximately 160 ticlcets ror for the fir t ottense, a $2 Cln cern and public confusiQn have conceded Monday nllbt. however. engravers, the first major tleup In was no comment trom the other American and Canadian college south side ot the prescnt building. the an.nual University formal ror the second and a $4 fine the bcen manlIest as a rcsult or that the replacement ml,ht not 'the industry in eight years. papers on the Hcrald Tribune sus- d . It r t T tL I It will Includc a game room 16 dance to be held Friday nlllht In third tlmo. Brownell's prescntation of the have been connected with the case Out or town newspapers were pension-the Post or the Journal. an unwers y ra erlll les par e · llanc bowling alley large 10U~ge , the Iowa Memorial Union were Students may stlll obtain per- i White Cll e. in any way. ill hot demand as more than 5 American. pated in the N.l .C. session. musie room, libra;y and oUiees. sold by Monday afternoon. A mlts at the reglstTar's oWe at no He said he had dl cu sed brieflY AUomeJ DJ.s.-et million dally newspaper ,readers Suspension of the Herald Tri· The agcnda included: considera- . The addition will be [Inanced maximum 1,000 tickets at $3 per cost. The olflclal deadline was wlth Russell the enotor's pro- The Justice department said tbe scrambled for a shred of published bune brought to nearly 5~ mJl· tion of reorgani18tion of the NJ.C. by student [ees and revenue col- couple w re plaCed on sale at 8 Nov. 1. Permits for faculty and posal that all internal security In· federal attorney was dJ.smlased a. news in New York. lion the circulation affected by scholarship pr0ltram' discussions lectcd from the union cateterla. a.m. Monday at the Union desk. stalf members are available at vestigatlons be turned over to a part o[ the reaular pro,ram to r~· Quit In "mpathy strike of 400 AFL photo-engravers. 'soda tountaln. and other earning.. Woody Herman and his Third Phlllip , office In the Old Dental bipartisan senale-house commIttee place boldovers from the Truman Although not a target of the The walkout Idled some 22,000 ot Improving the operation of In- No tax money will be used. Herd orchestra wlll be the tea· building fDr ali parklng lots except to replace the activities of tJ1ree administration. wage strike, the Herald Tribune newspaper employes, exe1usive of tcriraternlty CouncilS at the cam- Plans call Cor the completion .:>t turcd nl rtalnment tor the semi· those near University hospitals. committees now Involved in that Earlier, Chairman Llinler qt. quit in sympathy with its rivals the handful of photo·engravers. pus level ; cooperation ot collelcl the first phase In time for lhe,tolmal, non·corsage dance from Permits tot' autos to be parked in field. N.D.) announced that his senate ~en as type was being set lor its It was the biggest strike since and fraternities in stamping out start ot the 1955-1956 year. 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. In the main reserve lots near the hospital Slc.venson said he thinks that judiciary committee will bel1n Tuesday mllrnlng editions. the 1945 waikout of newspaper "h U k" t ' d! t Horner said the !It'st phpse' loullIe. Leo Cortlmjglla's orches' ah Id be obtaIned from hospItal any investigation hould be con· bearinas in Denver on Dec. 12 in The ncwspaper, said it sympa- deliverers, but that strike did not e wee ..prac Ices an ra cr· would have 10 be paid {or beforel tra will provide music in the ~ ni ducted In such a wa)' as to pre' conneetlon'wilh the justice depart. lhized with truce efforts of rival halt publication. nlty selectiVity. other addHlons could be planned. Rlvcr room. au 0 I es. vent I usc [or partl an purposes. ment's role in the jury.mtddUn. publishers and would not let it· In ihe current strike, the Her· case, self be used as a lever to force a aId Tribune had been the only US (h Red S bl I d 38 000 POW' , 'Wh I I B I 11,' Lanier IIld Ihe comalittee :!~I~~r:~ttlement on harried com- ::~~ ~~n~ai~~~ea:~e~s ~:r!~ Ii. arges S U Jec e, . S· 0 0 esa e ru a1 y :::':v.': :::~ c:'~d w~l~a~:r; 'fbe Herald Tribune's announce- press run of about 360.000 copies , Republlc.n who was a fraternity mSlt quoted an unidentified strike to 2~ million. But the stream· UNITED NATIONS, N. Y. (/PI- brother of Brownell. leader as saying: lined eight page edition was Henry Cabot Lodge Jr. charged Britain, France, Australia lind ~ ~ "If the Herald Tribune is pub- without advertising. Monday that 38.000 UN soldiers Turkey, all with soldiers in Korea, Alon, with this development. and Korean civilians were victims joined the U.S. In presenting thjs the senate Internal If:curity aub- .------.,------...... ;...... ,~--tlo[ a conscious polley of "whole- resolution. committee under Chalrmln Jen- 'els sale brutality" laid down by world The SpOnsors did not ask tor a ner (H-Ind.) moved to broaden ews rl ' communJsm. He said most of the commlBsion of inveatigation, as· its inquiry Into Bt'owne1l's charI" World N B victims died. suming it would be stopped by tbe of Communist-coddlin, dUrin, the The chic! American delegate Bamboo Curtain. AmeriC'lln rep- Truman admInJ.tnU-ion. A Condensation of Late Developments charged before the general assem- resentaUves also said they were Jenner'. croup, a unit of tbe Ju- '------.....------...: bly that Russian officers headed ~ertaln that the evidence pro· dlciary committee, .ubpoenaed " DETIlOIT (JP) - A famous heart specialist was shot to dealh the command of prison camps in duced by tbe U.S. department of William Ludwil Ullman, i form. 'Monday night by a former mental patient wbo said he "got the North Korea In which thousands defense proved the case beyond eI' treasury offlclal cited in J'8i wren, doctor," police reported. The victim was Dr. Edward D. S~ald- °inht prisonersdOfatWroctaT wuesre ~~.!-? by disLodpute. 'd b b 't' it reports u an aDeled Sbviet '1U7, uman an 0 m~~. ge lal ar arl les comm • to testlIy Wednesd.y. ing, regarded by his colleagues as one of tbe half dozen- top heart Mosl of the assembly delegales ted on prisoners of war in a long Speclllcally, the IUbeomm.lttee surgeons in the nation. Spalding was shot in the back at close range sat in shocked ilence as the chief death march northward from Py- winu to ftnd out why Ullman wiI just outside Detroit's Professional building, where dozens of docto American delegate opened the de· ongyang "suggest either sadism on permitted to remain in his trod· . bate on the question of atrocities a maSS scale or, what is more IIke- sury job for mon than Ie molllUia • •• which the United States raised a ly, vengeful hatred and brutality after the FBI .dviaed the 1'rWIWl CINCINNATI (JP) _ A former boss of Nathan Gregory Sliver. month ago. re.su1t~ng from the enemy's indoc- admlnlstr.tlon that he mftbt be • . .. PrePOlf:l RelOlution l"rtnatlon of his forees. apy ma5ter saId the White House instructed ~Im to ~ecp Sil~ermaster o~ Lodge Introduced a resolution Cu'l ..aore Faet. __•______the job 50 he could be watched, tile Cincinnati Enqutrer reporteo proposing that the assembly: "Nor can we Ignore \bese facls: N--..Iid P____ I- Monday night. Lt. Gen. Edmund B. Cregory, war assets admlnistra- 1. Express "Ils grave concem "That the Iellding men of the wwu ... _ ..... tor In early 1948, gave the information Monday. Silverroaster, named at repOrts and informalion that North KofCJIn regime and the " al a sP)' by confessed Soviet courier Elizabeth Bentley, was ehle1 North Korean and Chinese Com- North Konan . arm! were for the HwrVE RAD A DOZD ~. .. munlst forces have in a large most part Soviet clllzens: 8PONSU AND 'l'BiI'&& I'IILL economist of WAA at the time. He denied the charge. number of ln$tan~s, employed "That the Nortb Karean Political CALLlNOo!" • • • I inhuman practices against the he. Security Police carried out many Tbat'. whit lbe peraonnel .....- PANMUNJOM (JP)-The United Nations command said Monda) roie soldlers of forees under the of the mass murders; aler at Moore Bril'doeaa For. It wants to start explanations today to 328 South Korean prlsonell United Nations command in Ko· "Tbat Soviet officers were at the South Rlve~e drive, reported ot war listed by the Reds as refusing repatriation. The Allies did nof rea and against the civilian popu· top of the command structure alter runninc a CLASSIFIED I!tllnediateJy ask lor the start of explanations to the 22 American! laUon of Korea;" over the prison camps in North DISPLAY NJ in The nAlLY, ,0- • 2. Condemn "the commission by Korea." WAN. Moore'. needed penooDel and I Briton held in the same camp by neutral Indian guards. " 3ny governments or authorities of Tbe U.S. reported earlier that in ita art department. CaDI .tatt­ sJlokesman said interviews with thOle non·Koreans would start it murder, mutilation, torture, and nearly 30,000 soldiers and civilians ed comln, in the ftnIt IDGI1I1Da the about 11 days. other atrocity aels uainst cap- were killed. Lad,e raised the fig· _d appeared ill The DAILY lO­ • •• lured military personnel or clviUan urI.' in his speech to approvimate1.y , lAP W ...... ) WAN and kept on eoml~ ) PUIS (A')-What the French pres~ called "lively emotion" pre- oopulation, as a violation of rules 38,000. He explalned that the lar,· RELATIVES .um FRIENDS ..... b, bMIes .f ..... 0' Ute 1M ,..Uk.. ~ the U.S. ~ Let 'the DAlLY lOW lOin ~ned in Paris and Saigon Indochina Monday In the wake of Mos. in international law and beaie ~ firure incillded estimates ot 81"1 were killed br nlt_tloD. wben tile c-ald-letl North It...... anQ , ...... Utem .... eaYes. your pel'lODDel problema quickly . ' .' . , ltandards of conduct and morality deaths In the death marches and baeqroand, thea _led 011 u.e eainDO!!. 80ene Is out.lde· UaaJa.... It-. The defe.. ~par1. and inexpeqivel:y. "w-trained Vletmmh leader Ho Chi Mlllh s reported .declaration 01 ]nd as affronting human rights pnson camps in North Korea ment releued this aDd other atrocity pl~rea III Oeteber. Monda" at Ute UN lUCRI uaemItI, .. .p}ace yOur "Help Wanted" ael iD \llillingness to negotiate an armistice In the Indochina war. But no and dl,mty and worth of the bu· 1which had not been included in the New V..... tbe U.S. aecalltd Ute c-munlst "'... '.r ,....,.. a&roe'" 11leJI .. these and for ferd· The DAlLY IOWAN CLASSt· ~sitive official response was forthcomjn¥ trom either capital. man person." rearlier report. bly heldln, back World War JI .risoaen. FIEDS,

I • • 'Pan %-TRE DAILY 10WA.~-lowa City. la,-Tues., Dee. 1. 19S! t • REACHES AND SCREAM lowars Daio/ Iowan GENERAl NOTICES ' .. The GENEaAL NOTICES Ihoula be deposited with the cib ed.I~qr of 14Conferl ------~--~--~~--~~~ ' The Daily Iowan III the newsroom in the Communications Center. TUESDAY, DECEMBER I, 1953 NoUees must be submittrd by 2 p.m. the day prececJjn~ tlrst pub· , Ucatloa: tbey wUl NOT be accepted by phone, and mu t be TYl'ED 'Concentratinl ------,------Published "mlI7 ""-Pt Sun"''' _d .... Mme.." dye. •• aU ..r"" er LEGIBLY WRITfEN aad SIGNED, by a responsible perlon, h:ms of organl! Mondy an.. ",&1 bGII... ,.. b7 s-.., ""en •• ..... •• HC':rtlten It .....-rle. ""bIIalUoht. tnc: .. 1:1 rowa Ave .. Iowa "7 • • .• • r~. o.U7 I.~. dr-e.laU•• . ( hool and teal CIt,., I:l\ lere4 ... _d cIaao .....tae..t.. .. "e rH.' .t 01. APPLICATIONS FOR PANA'lb Gordon Hall Thursday, Dec. 3, .. position Bnd sp ~ ,:INlO maller""a. at the __ at Iowa _ _l1.ta .. J .... DAILY IOWAN aDITOlllAL Y all •• _,. D."...... TAP .. cea director and business manag- at 8 p.m. in the senate chamber, lUll!« \lie act lit - aI .... L. II ..... b.. 4 LA. ~ 1.1 .... EdItor _.. __ ...... ~te P~teJ"lOn nual Conferenci 'h '.Im. ,...... U \IIr•• r~ S.lar•• y: ..... N II Mana,Inc EdItor . " Verdls Flddelke er and entry b1anks for Paniltea Old Capitol. The talk will be spon­ I tration and ,.. ClIl' £dllor ~~ Bark.. n ...... Ne,,'. EdItot• ..... Katharine Hlrrla script tor the 1954 production ar~ so red by the United World Fed· this r,norning at EER 0,. TIn: ASSoeJATED PRDS I ___~------.---- • .• _ •. .". and Slirah Adami The Auodate.l - la eoUUed .... Call 4191 " ...... ,• .oJ.. I, •• Ie now available at the office of era lists and the Iowa City League !ton in the SUI d..-vely to the """ for repUllUeatloo SpOru EdItor .. . . Tree! Thomas sludent atfalrs in University hall. of Women Voters. . .. all the wa' "".... prinlecl jq thU ...... ae ...... 0' ...... 11 ••-. Soclety Editor ..... JOhnllnt' &tubl JYmnasium...... per .. wd .. all AP De... .t •• _ ••• e.e.l~ 'e 'I'~. 0.11, I ...... ust. News EdItor ...... Ja.1o: Burro..... Both will be due Dec . .3 a! 5 p.m . Tbe morning .....ttbft. !'~~.a'!"-~:!~~~ Ia u.. C ...... I. Ant. City Edltor .. . phil O'Connor ... Aut. Sports Editor Howard G...,enw.ld BILLY MITCUELL SQUAD· tQ observatiOn! 10...... ChId PhotOllapher .. Bill Wllltsmson "FAMILY NI'!'ES"- Members ron will meet Tuesday, Dec. 1, at Sut.crlpUon rotH - by cam"r In Iowa Wirephoto Technician Jay fly tune • "&raP'5 In the I A1TDIT BU.IAD Cit,.. 25 ffnll weekI), or " per year In ot the student body and of the 7:30 p.m. in the quonset south of tary and junlol adyen".; a1x monUu. $t.tS; three DAILY IOWAN ADV llTI INC T F .. or Busln Mana,er ClulTl.. GOt'ldner stalt ar.1 faculty are Invited to Quadrangle. The drill team \ ill high paint will C1'IlcULATIONI maoUli. IZ.IIl. B), maU In 10...... " per )'ear: all< lIIonUU. .s: three mQl\tIu, It. t. BU.llneu Mer. Jamn SommrrvUle bring their spouses and families~) be formed at the meeting aDd the sPoken French A : all othu maU .ubscrlptfolU. '10.00 Clau Wed Man_ler tax Nebel s CcrU 1-2151 u , ••••••1 ...... '" Pt'r 70r: la months, .s.IO; thret D.\.ILY 10WAS CIRCIJLATIOS' TAP .. the field house for recreational first practice will be held" imme· ~eventh grade ,.. 1hUt> I_a. 1:. .... JI(U •• • It, mon thl, A.tS. ClrculaUon Mill'. Ro"'-rt Cronk swJmminc and family·type sport dlat~ly following tbe meetin!i. All tlieal customs 01 activities on the second and fourth interested in participating· nre In Old Caplt( wednesday evenings of each urged to attend. In the aftern()( month from 7:1~ to 9:15: G,reene and F HOURS FOK MAm LIBRARY SUI YOUNG DEMOCRATS bpth 01 t he co Interpreting Monday.Friday - 8:30 a.m. -12 will meet Thursday, Dec. 3, in will review rei Lf midnigbt. iroom l21A, Schaeffel' hall at 7:30 and spelling Ii . Saturday - 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m. p.m. The majo~ busine. s will be L.a n,er!lk. the News Sunday - 2 p.m.-l2 midnight. a report on *he Young Democratic principal, • ,.' - Nationa 1 convention held in St. Ili lion. TUESDAY, DECEMBER I, 1953 VOL. XXIX. NO. 303 ~y J. M. ROBER18 lR. mE YWCA BABYSITTING Paul. Minn., and a discussi9n en· Anal,..11 1 • tmIVEISITY CALENDAR lCems are ,eheduled A_lated Pre.. service has ol[lclally begun. Par- titled "The effect of the pre~ent t FollowJng a New. Allalnt I ents wishing to hire a babysitter farm policy on IOwa farmers." AlI . , la tbe Presldeat', oftlce, Old Capitol ( break, can call the YWCA office in thC' interested students are welcome. Iowa ME'm~.rl.1 \Yedaeedly, Dec. Z tre. OUicial in Washing. Union on weeRdays. rooms wil! 3:10 p.m.-SUI Chamber ot statemen\.~ I ALL l\IASTER l\IASON EN· l\londay, Dee. 7 ton and London indicate there is ot .grammar • Cilmmerce, Pra!. Franklin R. tHE UNIVERSITY COOPERA· rolled in the university arC' in· Top, sur, speaker, hou.e chamber, 2:00 p:m. - sur Newcomers no longer much question about lower. tive Baby Sittln, league book will vited to an organizational meet­ , buque O. C. club ChrIstmas tea, lown Union. whether a four-power conference ~ in charge of Mrs. William ing of TI·est1eboard. This will ·be. t"" -) pr~ide at 4:10 p.m.-Meeting of graduate 8:00 p,m. - Piny, "Noah," Thea- on Germany will be held and that Lucht, telephone 11-2858 from Nov. held In the library of the Masonic wblle L. L. • college faculty, senate chamber, tre. Allind talks at Bnrmuda' will c n- 23 to Dec. 7. Members may call Temple Friday, Dec. 4, from 7 ,*0 Des Moines · a C Tuesday, Dee. 8 ~ " " Mrs. Lucht for Sitters;' anyone in. 8 p.m. '8' p,m.-Unlversity Symphony 8:00 p.m. - Play, "Noah," Thea- ter primarily around w~at kind of will chair the terested in' joining the league may Svealcer • Orchestra Concert, Lounge, Iowa tre. a fl'ont they will put uR. • call Mrs. Lucht for information. INTERNATIONAL CLUB WILt ot ~enate ft .. "_..... l • Union. Wednesday, Dee. 9 The United Stairs still feels the hold its annual Christmas party I 8, wll! Thursday, Dee. 3 8:00 p m. - University lecture, CENTRAL PARTY COMMIT. on Friday, Dee, 1L, at 7:45 p.m. j11 '30 Phl'llpplnn RUssian switch ifom intransigence 7. ~ of CU'"''.''''''' p.m.-University C I u b Gen. Cll7los RomlJlo, .. .. . tee presents "Holiday Inn," annual the parlors of the Congregational ... Col De sert Porty, Iowa Union. Islands, America's Slake in the to llegotlBhon IS entIrely a taclt- winter formal, Friday, Dec. 4, church. Election of officers, a big 8:00 p.m.-PI y, "Noah," Thea- Far East," lounge, Iowa Union. cal matler, desifTled to Int r!ere from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. at the Union, variety-show program ond danc­ ~ tre, 8:00 p.m.-Play, "Noah." Thea- with European deten, e plnn ra· .. It will be serm-lormal and non- ing will be held. Everyone is in­ 8:00 p.m.-United World Fed· tre. ther than to reach IIQ nccoJ'd. corsage. The Woody Herman or. vited. " erJl11sts lecture, Gordon Hall, Thursday. Dec. 10 But after a couple of da.l'5 in chestra will play in the main "Hllte Campaign Agolnst the UN 12:30 p.m. - University club loun,e and Leo Cortimiglla will be- DELTA RIlO CHAPTER OF lind Our Schools," senate cham. luncheon, Iowa Union. which there weTe s·ignS ot an in the River room. Tickets on sale Phi Alpha Theta will meet 'l'hms· • bel', O.C. 8:M p.m.-Piny, "Noah." Thea- American desire to rurther pin ot the Union desk for $3 'per cou- doy, Dec. 10 at 8 p.m. in confer­ Friday, Dee.. tre. down Russian intentidn before "l\11Ist be itl law.' pIe. ('nee room 1 of the Iowa Mcnlorlol 8:00 p.m. - Piny, "Noah," Thea· Friday, Dec. 11 Dgt·ccing to the meeting, Secretary 1-----"- ______Union. The program will be n trC? 5:00 p.m. & 8:00 p.m.-Student f t h THE IOWA STUDENT CRAP. general discussion on the prob­ 9:00 p.m. - Winter Formal, Art Guild Film Series, "Bright 0 Sta e Jo n Foster Dulles indio A Ple'a for Statecraft- ter of the SOCiety for the Advance. lems of teaching history, giVIng Centrol Porty committee, Iowa Victory" and "Pacific 231," Sham. cated a s~ift tow.ard the Anglo· ment ot Management will hold its both studen t and facu Ity view· • Union. baugh Lecture room, Library. French VIew, whIch was to get Initial organizational meeting of pOints. All members arc urged to the year at 7 p.m., Dec. 1, in room attend. A business meoting .will • Saturday, Dee. 5 8:00 p.m.-Play, "Noah." Thea· ah~ad with a mcetinl as the best H d D f. · 'S··f f L·b t 21., University hall. Students in [011 ow. ' ; • 8":00 'p.m. - PIIlY, "Noah," Thea- tre. test. Dulles Comnuw/s an e Ines ~"'", 0 ' ,er y any field of management are urged --.- ' .: (For IDlorm.tleD rel'ardlnl" dates be,oDd this scbedule, "We approach a possibl meel- .., r ~ to attend to help complete plans NEWMAN CLUB INVITES' IT ) - rlServa\\eDs hI. ,be orne!) of \he 'Pres'."', Old Cap\tol). ing wi~ the repr~entntiv s of the Editor's Note: Many "'medean I for the 1953-54 year. ~::~~~~n t~o~~e~~i~~ciS i;I!~:e~~ · t . . I Sovi t l!nion," said . Dulles at a have found an an wer to hYsteria undismayed :md unlntlmidated in· l.t1't-st and then rebuke. Answer not WRA BASKETBALL C L U Bing the topic. "The Virgin Birth congressIOnal commltt hearmg and l\IcCarthylBm In this plea tor qulry. belore thou hast heard; interrupt will start Tuesday, Dec. 1. Meet- in the Gospels," 8 p.m. Thursday, e d I 0 r I a on another malter. . open mln~.and tree discussion tak~ Non.Conformlty Is a Mark not In the midst of speeeh." ings wlll be held 'from 4:10 to 5 Dec. 3. at the Catholic Stud~nl • Anthony Eden WAS tell In " par- en from The ~p(rU of Liberty. r believe that that community is Those words were wrillen p.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays duro center. Refreshmentsl The ACiministration Hits Segregation- lliament. that Britain b lieves, on pal/er~, and Addre es of Lear~ed l alreadY in process of dissolution nearly 2,000 years ago; they came Ing December, January and Feb. • the baSIS' of Information alreadY Hand, Collected by Irvin&" DIIII· where each man begins to eye his out of an expetlence already long, ruary at the W-<>men's gym. All PRD. FRENCH READING EX· The liberal, ~tl\tesmanlike position tak(,11 bv the l1dminislra. o~talned from the U.S., that "It ard (Alfred A. Knopf, 1953). neighbor as a possible enemy, and I' fined in the fires of passion womert stUdents arc welcome. amination will be given Thursday . . . '. IWIll now be po sible to arrunge a where non·confurmlly with lhe ac- and contlict: they arc the prc;xiuct Jan. 21. from 3 to 5 p.m., in roon hOll on thl' public school cgregallon cilse , whIch are. to be ~1I" meeting . . ." Just a. In SCience we cannot ad- ccpt~d creed, political ~s well as o~ a wisdom bought by ales of APPLIO~TlONS FOR , THE 221A, .Schaeffer hall. Only. th~ ( :JUed beCore the ~lIpreme court next month, deserves high praL~c There were reports in Wo~hing- vance ex~ept as we take over what religiOUS. h a mark of dlsafteelipn; bItter trial: and bY' that wls<\Dm. UW!" orIentation counCIL. are who sIgn th,e sheel. pos ~ cd ou.t Id{ and upport. ton that President Eisenhow rand vteJ.!1herlt, 0 In ~tot~cr t no-G,n.- III r ol'lbodoxy -dIok r~om atone- haH wi!! be !1I'V'etl~, who aVfl11t1ble at the UWA desk In the \'oo~ 3(\1, Sl:.haetter.hall. T .• ...... Dulles, ngreeing on this point with ('ration can safely start at scratch. ot dissent; wher~ faith in the boast ourselves to be Ihe apostles o(fice ot student affairs. The date day, Jao. 19, will be admHtea- to Their posItion hould be the poslhon of all CItIzen. who pro. tFra]lce and Britain at Bermuda, The subject mlltter of science is eventual supremacy ot reason has of a taith in eventual triumph ot when these applications are due the examinati(Jn. Next examl1l8- less Cbristianity and/or do not believe that human rights ~hollid would pI'esent a simuJ, eous reo recorded observation ot the ex- b~come so timid that we dare not wisdol'(l. • • has been extended to Mond.ay, tiOn at the of the seeond be apportioned to IT) n on the ba i of th amOunt of pigmen- quest that France go ad witb ltcmal world: the subject matter of e)'lter our convictions in the open Quotes On WI_tom Nov. ao, at 5 p.m. s ~ester. , "il ti . tb' k' ratification of the E carl De- statecraft is the soul of man, lists, to win or lose. Lislen also to these as ancient --- n on 111 Clr s ms. Lense Community wit waiting and of that too there are records Such fears as these are a solvent W(Jrds that tell of thl! excellence DR. R. H. DALlTZ, CORNELL A"Ll'llA KAl'PA DE"L'rA.. WILl. III l\ 18S-page legal brief filed with the court last week by either for the organization of the -the records r am talkini about whleh can eat out the cement that of wisdom: "There Is In her a spir- (mlverslty, will speak on "Heavy hold a funcheon at noon Th(.lrs- tbe justice department, the administration held, in short, that four-power conferenc or its reo today. . . . binds the stones together; thcy It of quick understanding, holy, Mesons," at the department of day, Dec. 3, in th~ Spanish room = tn h d h h' 1 h d I' suits. The Imagtnatlon can be purged may in the end subject us to II alone in kind, manifold, subtU, physics colloquium Monday, Nov. of the D and L grll1. All membel'l' ~ '. e s~pre~l1e court • a . t e aut ontyan( t e ut to out ow seg· Tribune RepOrts and the judgment ripene~ only by d spotism os evil as an¥ that we freely moving, clear in utterance, 39, at 4:10 p.m. in room 301, Phy- of tbe sociology colloquium arc in- - ::J'('gati:u nation schools. Th NY'" H ld T 'b n\1 awareness ot the slow, hesitant, ad; and they can be allayed unpolluted distinct uoharmed sics building vJted. m th e ew or" era r1 une . I . ' , , • • he brief stnted that th "primary and p rvasivc pmpo .. carried a report in this connec- wayward. cour of human l~re'.1 s ,o y in so tar as we refuse to pro- lovln: what Is good, keen, un· f h '.' S I I' failures, Its successes, but ItS In. ceed on suspicion, and trust one hIndered, beneflcient. loving to- "BllIGRT VICTORY," WITH [PI COPAL STUDENTS: A o t e Fourtel'nth amendment was to seC\lre full eqtmllty before tlon that the U . ., to t v.e th Idomilable will to endure, another until we have tanatble ard m'an steadfast sure Ire Arthur Kennedy and Deggy Dow, regular Wednesday night open ". ., . French government sOl'(lethlOg to . ,.. w , ., e "I I IIe I nw f or color d perso\lS and to aboltsh all lcgal (hstinctlOlls work on with recaleltrant m m- ~ cannol but think lh~t we ?' grou.nd for m!.sglv~ng. The mutual fro~ care, all·powerful, all-sur· and Arthur Hoenegger's short, house will be held, Wednesday, ~ based on mce or color ... it is within Ih judicial pow r to direct bel'S of parliament 0 Id give as- IhlS ~eneratlon arc politically. 10 con(ldence on whLch all else de~ veYlOg, and. penetratJn~ through "Pacific 231," will be presented Dec. 2, at 8 in the Parish house. :; h I' f 'II b ff' . ., . '. . th t A'· tr espeCIal ne d of such educailon. pends can be maintained only by all spirits that are qulcjt ot undqr,.. by the Student Art guild Friday, 220 E. College st. All students aod sue re Ie as Wl e e l'ctlve nnd Jllst III el11111nating eX Ishl1g sumnces a . me(iClln oops Our nation is mbarked upon a an ol}en mind and a bravo reliance standing pu e most subUl Dec. II. There wlll be two shows, friends are welcome. d h " wo\!.ld remain In Europe to bal- • < , r, ... segregate sc 001 systems. nnco th e s treogl 'h c t II rearmcd venturet hoas yet unproved; we haveI upon n· e discussion . "And if a man longeth even for aL 5 and 8 p.m., in the Shambaugh Taking cognizanoe of possible "popular antagollism" us n West Germany. ~e our pes upon a eo~mun ty Rlch& to 1I0ne & Race much experience, she knoweth tbe auditorium, main llbrnry. Admis. . .. • 1n which men . hall be given un- [ do not MY that these will SUf- jthlng 01 old, and dlvineth the sion: 50 cents. rl'Sult of too rapId a rev rsnl of mgraul d patterns of thought The recent Fr~~b nn Pre- checked control of their own lives. fice ; who knows but we may be things to come; she uoderstandeUJ _ . __,. Mabie To Preside %. :mel act jon the J\lstice department mad the sf,n ible ug'o'estioll ~ler JOIs.ePh hLamel,~ 1'- ·EDC £01'- lnvalled from WUhln on a slope which leads down to subtilties at speeche~ and Inter- paOF. EUGENE LUDL'lJS WILL elgn po ley owever -,; to sma II Th t 1\ . . '1 ' t . Y tbat a orie-year transition periocl and posSibl a further «reason· ho e that..-r~tification' · ... Id be ob- da dcofmmun . y .IS In[ ~el'l, 1 IS aboriginal savagery. But of this J pretations ot dark sayings; she give a lecture to members of the At New York City " . p . .... Im'a e rom WIthin, t IS thTeat- 1am sure: if we are to escape we tore eth signs and wonders and Student Art guild on "Frame able e~tenSIOI1, Qe granted by the . uprcme court for tl1 ord rly lained now, even I t Russians eMd trom without; it faces a test lmust not yield a toot upon'de- th is [ d tI' I M ki Jt F 'd D A t 7'30 • I" . f . had not revived die-, hope;; in h' h ·t f '1 t Th sues 0 sea ons an meso a ng, fI ay, ec.~. a . t' IInmahon 0 segregatlOll. F th th ,,' t W I,C I may ~I 0 pas. e manding 0 fair field and an honest determined therE:fore to take her p.m. in room 18 Art building. Speech Meeting • - hI " . . k" . rance at e SOy rt' gn y sur· ehOIC~ is ours whether If we hear t II ld "~I . I b I . . ' : I T e ae mJllIstratlOll JS to be commended for ta IIlg a posltl\'e render and the re ment of th ' of P 'h lI .t race 0 a eas. . ame no 0 ore unto me and to hv~ WIth me, "WHO'S SABOTAGING TO"" Prof. E. C. Mabie of, the SUI • , e pIpes un, we s a Ii am· thou has exammed' understand knowing that she is one who would .,. • position on segregation. Obviously, the expedient and poUtienl Germany might so chow be ped~ like a frightened flock, ror- ' . d th hts' UN?" dd" b G d H speech and dramatic arts depart· t ., avoided . 11 h f' gIve me goo oug .01' coun- an a r<:ss y or on all approach would have been to remain neutrul rrnd "void antagon. . ., ' get~lng a t osc P:o esslons on DIE. sel, and encourage me in cares and national aut h 0 r i t y on fl'ing~ ments will preside, over the izing 50uthem politicians. Th~ European [orelgn mmisters whIch ,,:,e have claImed to rest OC ors nglneers griefs . . . # groups and native political move'.. "Experiment\11 Aesthetics of the . . m et~ng. at The fIagu I 10\lnd l o~r ~hcy. ,ood knows, there IS' "FOr she knoweth a\1 thin~ and ments, will be given to a joint Theatre" meeting, which is one For, alre~dr' the w~ds of outhem advOC t' h Id t G the Hotel Statler in New Yotk . .. . . unified army the opportunity to tTaitors will escape detection than The UnUed Statcs Civil Service an a u ie e peop e rl, ,- reserva Ion S ou con act eorge city. ( • Byrnes Will add hIS VOIce to the chorus of preJudIce. claIm that It would be premature spread abroad a spl~it of general commission recently announced eOUSLy" and shal~, be worthy of my Doty, x3359, or Mrs. Robert Ed- John We ~hink that these whit~ slIprl'macist politicialls ar lagging to ratlly the army before they can suspicion and distrust, which ac· examinations (or medical officer Father 5 throne. berg, 6132. 'nstr t B. ~~li~fY'al~~ ' ~~~n~~~~~ behind rather than l eadin~ the citjzens of the South. Sooller or' see how it will be controlled. cepts rumor and gO sip in place of a~~ highway engJneer trainee po· "THE HATE CAM P A I G N ~onv~~tf~~ as an adviser or later, our !iOutbern frietl~ will repudiate leaders who are SltlOns.. . . 3 SUI Personne' l Against the UN and Our Schools" mathematical statistics, for thc • L'l f" bo h '11 . I b' . d' f h • The medical !flcer examma- will be tile topic of a discussion· committee devoted to "Reports Illcapnl1le 0 rlsmg a ve tel Oglca, Itter preJu Lces 0 t c ts Chiang Kai-Shek tions may be taken to till rotating To Attend A._etmg fof Theatre Audience Reaction." past. intern, psychiatric resident, and f.W.UiJ He will explain the methods of At any rate, we take off our hats to the administration for ne~rologlc resi~ent .position~ at st. At Ames D- L ft{ W"UI PDOGRAM research ~nd the res.ults obtained , . • . _ . Ellzabeth hospItal tn Washington, - P7. _J r, by SUI In developIng obJectlve tbe-broadmmded, poslhve leadership they are exertmg on the e· D.C. Salaries range from $2,800 to Prot. Walter Stetgleman of the CILENDAR measurements of experimental grcgatioD problem. S4,2~0. SUI school of journalism; Mer· It ~eslhetics .caudiel1ce. reaction) ar Applicants lor intern positions aid Wrolstad, journallsm instruc- the theatre. .• • . must be fourth· year students in tor, and Loren Hickerson, alumnJ T.fsdIY. 0 ... I. I~:\~ SUl is one of the leadcrs in approved medical ~ehools. To secretary, will represent the unl· ::~ ~:!~In' Chapel the field of . de,veloping instru- qualify lor the resident positions, verslty at the annual joint confer- ' :30 Relf.lous Groups o( America menls whic!h record audience 1'('- applicants must be graduates of an ence of district VIII of the Ameri- ' :20 Itllch.n Conc.rt nction to plays, accordin g to approved medical scbool with an can College Public Relations as. I:~ ::::"" Fe~lure Ellery. . . &lween M.D. degree and must have com- sociation and district VI of the 10:15 The Book.h.lI Other topics t9 be discussed . AI . C '1 ~O'45 00M1 Women ... • pleted a [ull year's internship. AmencaD umn! ounCl, a1 11;00 The DIIlJlnt Lands on Mabie's part of the program The maximum age limit is 35 Ames, Dec. 6 to 9. il:15 8U'1n, Serenade are: "Experimental . Procedur s • Chiari. Kai=shek and PTeaident Syngman Rbee of South Korea ' I ... 11:30 From the Editor" Desk . years. Applications may be ob- Wrolsta d wli preside over ..... e 11:45 rowa State Medical SocIety In the Fjne Arts" by Dr. Harold holq talks. After toasting General MacArthur, plans were laid for tained from the Civil Service Com- first joint ses~lon of the alumni 11 :5' Prayer (or Peace Seashore of the PsycHologic;]1 onClllerin, North ~orea, China ' and Russia - with all bands to be mission, Washington, 25, D.C. and public relations delegates Dec. ~=~~m . RSmble. Corporation in New York, "In- back home by Cbr~stm.s. :n: To qualify lor the ltighway en· 7. HickerSQIl will preside Over the 12 :45 Sln,ln. American. , vestigations of Audience for Ro- glneer trainee !)Ositions whicb pay panel discuosJon on "Alumni at. 11 ,.: 00 Musical Chat, . ' dio Md Television" by Queen Elizabeth II and th~ Duke of, Edinburgh wish that tM 55 Let Science Tell ,Us 'A: * * salaries from $3,175 to $3,.10, ap- flces" Dec. 8. 2:10 Lei', Sin, ~han of Kansa Stat.e coll~g~, sun would set dn the British empire-they could use a ,ood night's plicants must pass a written test, Other speakers include Owen Air 'Report of the Instrucllonal Film " rfl!!t durin, Ihelr extended world tour. . :;~ g;'~·ce~v~:I~ !~nt~~ and must bave completed apprO- Saddler, general ina1lBBt!r and 3:IIIY Radio Child Study Club Researcb" ?y Edward McCoy of • priate college study or expec(l to vice-prc$ldent KMTV Omaba 3:15 Guest Star Pennsylvania State colle~e, and Ecanthropu!! Dawson.ii* , known* a!! the Piltdown.* Man to l1is complete their study not later than Neb.: James A. HUto,,: president ~;: ~=ade In Blue " lnstrument~lIon" by T. A. Ken· .friends, is found to' have the jawbone of an oranlutaq, Colonel lic,; Sept. 30 , 1954. Progressive experi- of Iowa State eolla"e,' H. H. 4:00 Iowa Unlon Radio Hour ny, ~sterhng-Angus company, .. Cosmic, and other Anglopliobes, now have proof to back up their as­ • 4'30 Tea Time Su t N J ences in civil engineering may nlso Brooks, president, Cae college, Ceo ' ;00 CIilldren·. Hour mml, . . sertIons that the En.lish a~ ju~t a bl, bunch of apes. be necessary tor jobs paying $3,410 dar Rapids, and Georae Ylltea, n~ :;:;.~ ------. * ~ . * a year. The maximum age limit, ebief photo&rapher, Des Moines B:OO Dinner Hour PROF. McCLOY 1'~ Sl'EAK A five-foot statue is erected 111 "relbur" Germany to honor a waived for persons entitled to Register and TrIbune. 8:511 New, .. due~ tb'\t saved c!itl!ens' lives by squawkin, thrOugh the • town be­ , . 7:00 Memorable Voices and Events Prot. C. H. McCloy of the men's veterlln preference. Is 35 years. Approximatelx 200 men and wo° 7:30 Wa,.. of Mankind physical educati()n department will ~ "lore a iu"rprise air atla~ durin, World War n. Reportedly the duck SOUTH KOIlE~ISJ,DENT SyAPQali lUaee (lett, ove~at) ApplillllfioDS for these positio~ men In alumni or pUblic relations , ~:I~y~I~~~~cj speak on "Talking 'rurke.y" at the ~~Il the warnfni before tlie air raid sirens. Why should we{ w ..... bell.. Ch,.. Na&iouU,i. Genera.... lmo f;hlaq KaI.lbek f: will be ac;cepted by the BOard of work at CQUeBe.s ' and universities .;30 Behind the Radllnes nOOn luncheon meetIng t ElY of ~~ri~ billions for a radar network and air raid warning systems 11 at Talpeb, Formou, 'wbere Rhee new In U.S. ar~ Gea. Bohn E. Civil Service Examiners until Fet:l. coverin, a seven state area will 1:40 Nliw. _"",we can duck It? . Hull', c:oastellatlon. It II beUeved allee', vIsit may resaU In aD tbe Kiwanis club at the :Jetferson 9, 1954. attend the tbree-day meetin" I:;:: ~ro~ O~J#"If'ht. hotel. . DGP anU·Commanlst dele.... ~" I

I \ ' THE D (LV lOW N-Jo... Cit,. la_T1IH.. Dee. 4,lowa's School Leaders Open Pofice Seele Cfues Drama Guild· Music Study Club ISymphony- Tickets ... After 2 Weekend Top Musical To Feature Songs House Sreak-ins ·Available at Union Conference Today al SUI TO CBOO E QCl:E. .... H h By Guest Soprano Police are im'esUgatint two A queen to nign over the Town ere Tonig t . , Tickets tor the University or- t t· g thi b A fonner Iowa C.lty resident. ch-tra ..... rtorman~ at 8 p.m, Concen ra m s year on pro - weekend break-Ins in Iowa City Men-To\\'n Women "Snowball" fr, Onabelle Ellett ot Rh'er Wed~ ---"a"'v- ar6 a'v~allable toda\' lems ot organizing the junior high ment ot the program of the north- one which resulted in Wmiam formal dinner-dance will ~ Ti.eklt areed' ill.aKiv~Mble fKa0rtth~ ~ ~ . ~hooL and teaching English com- ern Iowa city. ..' mU,lca rom Y. . e e. Forest, m., will be the featured al the IO\\:a Memori I Union desk. position and spelling, the 38th an- Maban, T. PrHlde Fultz, AI, Des fOlDe.. bem'IChOSen at a meetm, of the Town to ~ presented 10night at 8;30 in soprano soloist on the proaram at The . concert. under the dir«- I nual Conference on School Admin- French wlll speak again at the ,rObbed ot $3. lIen's association at 6 p.m. today the l\'er A. Op t d auditorIum in thefusic Study club tea at 2 p.m. lion of Prot. Philip Greeley Clap». istraUon and Supe~islon opens Wednesday luncheon in the River Fultz laid police Sunday that in the Blue room of the D and L I~wa Cily high school by th today in the university clubrooms will ~ h Id In the Union. It is this morning at 8:30 With reglstra- room of the Union. Ihis lime on someone broke into his apartment Grill. Ticket.s for the dinner-dane«! CIVIC Drama guild of New Yor . in the Iowa femorial Union. The the secona of the J953-1954 sea- Hon in the SUI elementary school "The Improvement ot Secondary t 72 t The appe rane«! ot the road HURRY son JYn'Ulasium. Education in the United States." ~he mOo N. Dubuque st. and OOk , to be held Dec. 11. can be pur- .how, which features a professlon- lea is the c1llb's annual Chrlstmul . The morning will be given over Dean Bruce E, Mahan at 1ne SUI ney. \Cha.ed at the meetlOlI or at the I ca,t and mUlc by Cole Porter, guest tea. The program includes "Prelude to observations ot learning pro- extension division will preside. An intruder entered ?n apart- oHice of stud nt aLlairs. All town i being ponsored by the low Mrs. Ellett i a guest in the to At't 1. ·Lohengrin·... by Richard GET YOUR ., ",aIM In the University elemen- Related educational associations ment at 19 S. Riverside drive men are asked to attend the meet- City Optimis club. home ot Prof. and Mrs. John A. Wa&l'\cr; "Schena from ''', .,Mid- fllry and junior high schools. One will take advantage of the conter- a~out 1 p.m. Sunday but was ing Ticket agents at '''helStonc's Eldrldle. 112 S. Governor 1. Mr. sum mer - NI,hts Dream, by TICKETS hlah Point will be a fourth grade ence dates for brief meetin" of frl,htened away when he saw a . Drug store :;aid Mondav night that Ellett was formerly a member of FeUz Mendelssohn-B a I' tho I d v. spoken French clal!. another a their own. Mond~y evenlnr lhe woman sleeping there.. , th Y were "pretty weil old out." the SUI engineering fat'ulty. land "~ymphOny No. 5 in C sharp seventh grade disc~sslon o~ mu- state's junior high school prlnci- The 3?8rtment i occupied ~Y \nVE • CLUB TO MEET . but still had seats left in all price I nthers foatured on the program minor', by Gustav M.ahler .. slcal customs ot Lah~ America. pals will meet in the Iowa Center Mrs. AVIS Ta!tey but ~lie«! :!iald ! Psi Omeg Wive' club will meet brackets-SJ.83, 2 .•• and 3.OS. include Claude Carlson. viola' William Go\\' r IS a I t nt In Old Capitol, begInning at 1:30 for Continuation S. ludy under the a Mi Hill was sleepmc at thelat 8 p.m. tod y a the Psi Omega "Kiss Ie Kate" depicts the Bal- .0\0; Herald Stark. tenor solo; and conductor and Robert Elredce is N'OW:, In the a [ternoon. Prof. Harry A. leadership ot their president, H. time at the break-in and awoke eha ter house. Followln the reg- timore opening of a revival ot tuart Canin. \101in solo. Mrs ' l pe~nnel director and librarian. Greene and Prof. Ernest Horn. Ray Miller. Ft. Dodge. Ito find a man in the apartment. p , g Shake peare's "Tamin, of the H raId Stark and Mrs. Ether ;:;=-=-=---.:==-----======1 bpth ~f the college ot edueatlon, The Iowa Association of Ele- He fled out the back door when ular bu,me m:etlng'd trh fre h- Shrew." It alternates betwt'en Thoman Sip~L will accompany We Will Gladly FOR will review re811arch on grammar t Pri I I ill t be saw her ments Will be sened an e eve- Elizabethan jest and modern 0- them. . men ary nc pa s w mee to-' n' I III b nt I 'i a bridge and spelling-Instruction. RoberJ, W. day trom 10:30 to 11 :20 In TOom A sharp instrument Wa! insert- 10 w ~ spe p a) n. . phistication. Members of the odal commlt- W, & lta.nger~k, Des Moines elementary 322 of the University hllh school ed In the door lock to gain en- Hoste es \\ 1lIinciude 1rs. Helen- Some of thl' songs In the pro- tee include Mrs, Clark Caldwell. ran pnnclpal. will chair' the presen- under the leadership of their pres- trance, police said. jane Webster, Mrs. Carla GlaUly. duction are "So In Lo\'e," "Wun- Mrs. M. C. Boyer, Mrs. 1.. A, r !!.IUon. Ident, Elvira Peterson, Mason City, The man was de cribed a about Mrs. Belly Scheckle and Mr . Do- derbar," and "Alwa~'s 'J;rue to You Howell, Mrs. Roy KoUl. Mrs. E. B. m I A~I "'" To Continue Iowa faculty members make up six feet tall, about 40 years of lores Denner. In My Fa.hion." The book was lKurtz, Mrs. C. B. L ~n, Mrs. E. • I • • Followmg a mid-afternoon cof- the planning committee for the age. brown hair and wearlnrr a Iwritlen by Bella and Samuel L. Titu and .~rs . .Joseph Wayner. al. t break, discussion ses Ions In 38th annual conference. They in- grey coat and light colored trous- TO HAVE CaBI TMA PARTY Spewack. The committee 1 10 charge ot the your .:. c::.. lo~a :Memorial Union conference elude Deans E. T. Peterson and ers~ The Sludent Nurses orllaniza- Morris Dicker. 436 Grant. is arrangements tor the tea. R1 :~ ~ . rooms will continue the analysis Bruce E Mahan and Professors An th t t i th tion will hold a Chri tma p rty a n r I chairman of the OPt. lmLst Mrs. Hugo Sip~1 i In char e \) ~ ~f,.- h d f • 0 er apar men n e same. . I bitt d W'lli B f h Itt A I t ome-mo • o. grammar and spelling in tbe Dan H Cooper. John E. McAdam, b u i1dln 1 t ed b .t tOD/lht at 8 In the River room or c u comm ee an I am y- 0 t e program comm ee. . - lo~er grad~s . Louis LeCocq. D~- Herbe~t F. Spitzer and 1.. A. Van Is not ~n:;n ~( S;n~~::':-f is ~~s I_ the Iowa Memorial Union. Santa Ington, 113 Varsity Hel&bts, IS tlc- In, her are Mr . Robert Caldwell, CANDIES buque cUfflculum director. Will Dyke. I Claus will be portrayed by a lac- k t chairman. . Mrs. R. B. Wylie and Mrs. Cath- Auo from the Iowa Tbeatre t:-- .j Pl'C!lide at the grammar session Allhough the conference is or- ng. ulty member whos name is bein, arine Mullin, ",~Ile ~. L. Woodruff, B.urlington, ganized prlma/lly lor supervisors. kept s cret until the part·, Re- I - - ••- ---=:::::;;;:;:::;:---- Des ~oll'\e~ county supermtendent, prlmt,ipals and superintendents oC M ." U L I freshm nts wlli bc . rVl'd. Joan II T ( I . 0 Will chair the spelling discussion. schoals, the planninl committee I I er rges oca Nelson. N2. Peoria, 1II .. is in charlc Fre. Book on Arthritis . Speaker of the evening, in the invites classroom leachers, par- M t I W d of the party. Committee members eon~~e chamber of Old Capitol atent! and other interested persons en a ar include Sharon Holt, NI. Cedar And Rheumatism 8, w111 be WlII French, professor to attend. Prot. Wilbur R. Ml\ler, director Rapids; Kay Henning, N3 , Decor- How to avoid crlpplln&, d~rormilit 01 ' education at Teachers eollege. ah; Bctty Getting. N4, Sanborn. An amazing newly IlIllor I'd 44- Columbia unlver Ity. AuthOr of Science Professor or the SUI psycho~athlc hospital, and Joan Leehey, N2, Independ- pal{ book entitled "Rheuma!' mOO • several books on high school pro- $ald Monday evemng that low. cncc will be nt free to anyone who , grams. Frcnch wlll speak on "A Gains New Post City.needs a section in a len rai l • will write for It. Sound Philosophv for Junior High hospital to treat minor mental dis- It r v als why dru and m di- School Educatio';." Prot. H. Vernon Price ot SUI's orders such as depressions. FR TER ITY IIA 01 NER rine giv only temporary relief Wednesday morning in Old Cap- mathematics and astron0!l'y de- Ml\ler was one of four men on I Slgmu D Ita PI honorary Span- lind fall to l'emO\'e th c u. . or! OF itol again the anticipated 200 Iowa partment was elected president of a panel which dl eussed juvenil ish frat rnlty h Id a • paah('tli the troubl('; 'xplain. a spec IIzeu COLLIER '-S 64 ™ schoolmcn and other interested the Ccntral Association ot Science and adul mental health problems dinner nnd busln . s me ling Mon- non- urglcal, non-ml'dJcal treat­ • .. participants will examine junior and ~athematlcs Teachers at t~ c before 18 spectators In the Junior day evenLng nt the home or Prof. ment which hus prOVl'n SUCCe5:<- ALL·AMERICA·! bJgh school programs, particularly groups 53d annual convention 10 high .chool auditorium. land Mr, E. W. tHnl:o, 1302 MlI~- lui for the past 35 years. those of Waterloo, Wilmette, III., ~hiC~go tr~d~y I a~ld ~~urd~~. District Judge Hnrold D. Evans catln ave. Prof. Ringo is a mt'm- You incur no obligation In send­ and Kalamazoo, Mich. Ralph Aus- b;ev OU5 0 b e eC ~~ ce IllS told how the court ' and p ychla- her or the romance Jangu Res de- ing for thl~ Instructive book. It Annual f termlller, Waterloo curriculum dj- t1o~~s abo~r~m o~r df"ecto~; ar~:Cs~; trist cooperate in Insanity cases. ptlartmchnt. Brdad Blurnds. A4, Musca- may be the mean,; of ~avinl you W ho made it? Which section placed the mo t men? I1d Winter Formal ret;tor, 'will describe the develop- ye s Th t th I County WeHare Director Kenneth ne, s ow co or!' . ('8 on d y ar. of untold mls rl'. Write to­ Who ia the player of the year? -;------za~~~ is ~/~~~~: the e ;::~fn; W. Price and Merlin Taber, coun- ~poke on GlIotcmllla wht're he d,DY to The B n Clinic, D pt. 1428" You'll §et the aMWers when you 8et the new wue of Pre.ented ay YW' CA Schedules of science and mathematics from ty child welfare worker, described spent the Pllit • urn mer. ].xcel lor Spring.• MI. ourl. ColJier a and ll'Ieet the 1in t of all the All·Americas the elementary grades through the various types ot mcn lIy ill jjiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii_iiiiii!iiiiii;;'~iioiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii_iiiiiiiiiiiiii_iiiiii __oiiiiiiiiii_.;;;;;;;;; .. 1 - uleeted by the Coaches CENTRAL PARTY d 'of 5 Lectures college levels. Individuals their offices encounter. A. odation. 2 Aboul 1,500 science and math- The moderator. Prof. W. W. COMMITT~E 0';' Baha'; Faith emalics teachers from mostly the M(1rrls, assistant dean ot student ANNOUNCING A CONTEST Don't mi .. thill authoritative lut word on a great midwestern states constitute the affairs In the coilege of medicine. ,ridjron .ealOn, in The second In a serIes of fh'e membershIp of the organization, cited lh.e .necd tor child develop- $7.95 Lamp Given Away Dec. 24! talks on thc Baha'i World Faith h . '1 h ment cllmcs In th state. 3-way JI, ht ,It. II, N.w • by Mrs. Robert Lee Morrctt of C .st Drlv. Sf, I 5 y ------includln, a sou nl,ht lI,hl. Chicago will be given tonight at $5 000 of 1954 Goal ICE SKATING Bra finl h - ,uaraott d tarn! h proof DON'T MISS . ~:Hi in the YWCA conference I ..fhe 1954 Community Chest has STOP IN TODAY and ENTER THE CONTESTI room of the Iowa Memorial Union. collegted 75 l)cr c: nt or S27,724 of I Collier's The topic of the talk will be its $32681 goal for the ]OWI\ City Melrose Lake DEC. 11 ISSUE ON NEWSSTANDS NOW THESE TWO "Tbe Age ot Maturity." larea. ' \Vatch For OpenJIll lOLA'S GIFT and HOBBY SHOP The series will con~lnue at the Funds are stili being solicited Phone 8-S94& same hour and locatIon through AJUlouneemen t Frlda~ Su~~b ~Il be '7he by v~un~~w~~rs in o~~tol~~~~~~~~ __~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ___~~~ ~~~~_~~~~~_~~~-~--~~----~-- GREAT BANDS New Model of the Universe" Wed. raise the $5,000 necded to feoch I nesday, "The Geneological Unity the quota. of the Prophets" Thursllay 'and The breakdown of the five dl­ e "The BeaUtiful Baha'l Gardens visions of the drive sh~ws that SUI on Mt. Carmel" Friday. was the only one which has met Readings from "The Amazlnll' Its deadline. A total ot $9,176 has YOUNG AMERICA GOES New Keys to the Book at Revela- been raised. WOODY., .Ion" will precede the talks each Lon.- T-r-.-.- R-.-.-:-d-.-n-t. night. The readings will be at 7 ••• in the YWCA conference room. Donat. $224 to SUI The series opened Monday with In memory ot the late Law- HERMAN a talk entitled "Man's Greatest renee HaU, three Lone Tree resl. Discovery." dents and a local society have do- eN L and his . nated $224.50 to SUI. Po IIce Join Hunt To be used for cancer rescarc!! · at' the request ot the donors, thc THIRD To Fin d Woman lund include contributions from Julia E. McCollister, Ernest Prlz • .Iowa City police have been ask- ler, the TTT society ot Lone Tree. HERD ed to help locate Lucille Mason, and Erma Hall Reise. One of America'. from since her departure, relatlves l- :======::; FOR THE STRAIGHT YEAR told local police. ""N Fin" ' . land. The woman has not been hearlf Cucap Coliere of 38, of Comas. WlISh., who Is sup­ CHESTERFIELD posed to have come to Iowa City from Mt, Vernon last week ~o 'OPTOMETRY Main Lounge seek employment. IS THE LARGEST SELLING CIGARETTE IN AMERICA'S COLLEGES •• , Memorial Union CORRECTION by a 1953 survey audit of actual sales in In a story of Nov. 28 concern­ ing gifts and grants recently ac­ more than 800 colJege co-ops and campus Cepted for the University. refer­ stores from coast to coast. Yes, for the ence was made in the third para­ _... . , LEO ,raph to a gift of S4,670 in secur­ RECIST'RATIOff FEB. I fifth straight year Chesterfield is the ities "from the cstate of the late stucl_ta are JY~.ted ~ college favorite. D r. A n n a Bartsch-Dunne of Iiaul -..i,- by tIM U. S. CORTIMIGLIA Wu hington, D . C." D ...r ..... t of D.I...... d The reference to "the late" i~ SalKtift Senoio. . CHESTERFIELD IS THE ONLY and his band in error, and we are glad to report Eseen.nt clinical fuitit_ crGARETTE EVER TO GIVE YOU PROOF that Dr. Bartsch-Dunne Ls very f Athletie­ in the much alive. The income from the , t".DaraUtor" _ ta...... OF HIGHEST QUALITY-LOW NICOTINE Bartsch Medical Schola rship en­ CHICACO COLLECE OF River Room dowment fund will be used to OPTOMETRY - provide scholarships for WOmen, Change to Chester field today ~ get preferably from Burlington, who smoking pleasure all the wayl enter the Iowa college ot medi­ cine, as our stOry of Nov. 28 said. I S 00 Only 1,000 Tickets Sl001-~AS PHOTO SPECIAL 1 Will Be Sold and WINDSOR HOlE PORTRAIT STUDIO They Are Going . FASTI ONE ENLARGED PORTRAIT ONLY , ONLY Get YOlln NOW at The UNION DESK 11.00 · WITH' THIS AD 11.00 for "Holiday InnH .q~ 'S.H Value . Rer. U.H VaI.e TAKEN IN 'YOUR HOME FRIDAY CHOICE OF Pllqo'S - FAST SnVICE , CHILDREN'S PHOTOS A SPECIALTY DEC. 4 company, Phone 2872 for Appointment TODAY 9 p.m.-l ADDITIONAL PIINTS MAY .. OIDRID III DESIUD Semi..fomMll AUO X-MAS CAIDS AND PHOTO CALENDARS. '100 PHOTC) X-MAS C~IDS $JOO ------.... _.-......

, • -O'Connor and His Veteran· More on Insh.Gam. - Humanitie Ha\V~s Drill Theatrics Still Debated ... Scuffle ~ . Lloneup Is UncerfaOln .' The Iowa-Notre* * Dame* football outspoken* in resentrnent* * ot Irish By SUI ./ controversy which upset even the tactlcs." A scienti~t A · 0 viewed some o G 5 mot conservative of the conserva-l Another piece In 'The New York ~ For Was hIOlton ame HI Igen berg I A / . - . merlcan live midwesterners, continued to Times called the garne the "day's between the sei to brew across the nation during biggest eyebrow-raiser. The de- ,.. • manities and nc The 22-iame Iowa basketball ' the past week. bate will be endless regarding the sions were due i I 1,- H 'k Ch derstanding ane = season opens here Saturday "All the furor was 3roused, of propriety of Notre Dame in W., NeelS aw eye osen weakness." agall1llt Wa ingtoe Univ_erslty of I son am course. because. as one writer acl1iev~ng t~ose t~v~ touc?downs. Prof. George ; St. Louis and a battle IS on for said "Twice in the game in whletT The Insb feigned Injuries III order Sionce Enloch IOn '40 an SUI lectul : starting posltloru. w pla1 to a 14-14 tic, to the cloGk in both instances. Jow~ ed ~top either scientific N t - yea s heN! bas the otre If'ame players fortuitously ThIS stratagem has been employed 01 · H d non-scil!ntific 51 Uneup been so J erry Hilgenberg wlJl fly tOI came down with the vaJ:lors. This by every teatn since football wa.s SO-C~II~ ~:~Yteam~ ymplc ea,· 1 • by science "lea. uncertam at a period so close to New York city Thursday to be according to the rules. causes the ihvented. _usage' makes It Comm~n incomplete vie the opening game. coach Bucley honored as one of the aU-Ameri- , clock to be stopped. Each time. acceptable even If It can never be B dOt is head of the C O'Connor believes. run age u can football selections by Look otre Dame utilized the saved tully condoneQ". However, No~re ment. The Hawkeyes. with' three let- I magazine. seconds to f ." pame still able to capitalize core \\-~s ··It is true," t termen trom last season's squad, The Wllton Junction senior was Newspaper clippings (lnd let- on ~ach ,reP:leve, a len-handed scientists are a have a group of about 11 other WASHINGTON fA") - Avery named on the 22-man squad by ters to the sports desk flowed in testll'l1:0ny to Its great~ess. So per- ets and teehni Players who want to break into the B rundage T"tlnd Monday as pres- Grsntland Rice and the Football t dil . during the week and haps !t ra t es a grudgmg bow "or~ Id 7U S 01 I I Writers' Association of America. s ea y . 'th escaplDg defeat." of goals and va lineup. Most df them are sopho- ent of the .• ymp c assoc a- He is the tirst Hawkeye to receive sent the Iowan scurrymg to e Ar h W d f th Ch' ago Tri- .. that some hun mores and most of them are tall (jon, after serving 25 years in the all-American honors since Mike IVorgue to read accounts o( the c ar 0 _e IC ou t of touch . and promising_ post. Kenneth L. (Tug) Wilson, th t'll never be over for bune. wrote an _entire column de- , literary scholar Big Ten co missioner was el ct Enich who made the New York gtamech Ia g id ! n fendlllg the Irtsh and any team Current Team Better m, - News team In 1940. s aun OW3 r a s. whlc'" can show suc... in"enuity. concerned wiU . ed to succeed him. I d 1 Cb S '-d. " .. continued. O'Connor think. that thl:! cur- , The Look aU-Amer can squa S 01'811 allKe Ul'feS.., "It (such tactiCS) becomes a mat- : rent squad has the edge over that Brundage t?~ a news confe~- will be Clown to New York In a One tan, who signed himself tel' of controversy only when it There

~~~ AND . FORMAL TIME FOR · YOU' ,• ~~~~ !~rmer or:v~~r diver A~i~ is eligia~~r~~r~ble to :\~~com- ~elDavid G~r Joh:r~~~t~::.nson-Rice. Formal" for } , NOW the ~~ • ~ pete provided he is registered with John Lattner-Notre Dame. ~ -AFTER SIX TUXEDOS- ~ the A.A.U. J ackie Parker-Mississippi State. by Rudofher A FIRST TIME ~ ~ ....-, /~ ~ ~ Take a •• excl.sive at DAVIS CLEANEIS! The new single ~ ~ Break!. .. breasted tuxedo, lightweight for ~ An/WI.... ~ . .: your comfort. Full Formal I. from your studies ~ ~ IIn.d satin shawl ....~be. . ~ Stop in at collars. .Regulars, . shorts and longl. Lubin's four.ltain

Wheth.~ for. 0 ' 0 • ~ ' • · '1 . CoHee Selection Complete of 1 ~ WITH OLD· FASHIONED 1 PENETROL PENETRATES and ° Formal Wear Accessories DRYClEANING ONLY I THOROUGHLY REMOVES DIRT • SURFACE pun IS REMOVED ' FROM EVERY SINGLE FlaRE Afternoon Coffee w. Invite You To Open A Charge Account , I ~ PENETROL'S "'hOroug" huf 9.nflS YOU will be com!ortable smart in an Arter Six lightweight tuxedo of lOO'Jo o;':th, Evening Meal action ',avu yow 9tlr,"~nfs wil:lr wool for year around wear. Fully lined ~ I a cash",ere,s",oofll ";";$h Dlid and with a satin shawl collar. Get your's . now so you will be ready fOt: the formal ~' c I'afl~r fll/In · ~ye,. .rfo,., pauflJl, season. - Male 1.= ' D Your fountain Lu"!,n s rug headquarters 1 S, Dubuque DAVIS ~ BREMERS 1" E. wClllif...... ~ 'IItIJ""* ...", ..., ~ ...... ~ J24 E. Walhlnllton 218 E. Wosh-ngton - . - - etta~C1J ' . '. I • ·---·1, 1 , ' • I l.--...-~,.. _ _ _ THE DAILY rOWA.~-Iewa Cit,., Ja_ Tu ., Dee. 1, 1953-P.,." Humanities, Science 'Ele hant Head Enters Pia 2 Cent Increase Wednesday Trial ----~--~~~' ----- ~ In Bread Prices 'Motor Vehicle License A.pp/eb~ Acld,e~es : Set for 4 Mi nors S.oux C.ty DentIsts "" Scuffle Reviewed Hits Retail Stores · T d On Beer Charge Sa Ies T0 Begln 0 aYI Dr. Ralph C Appleby. a mem- • 1 ber of the department ot restora- - ••• ., l ot Irish By SUI Scientist A two c nt h~ke in br e~d price ' Four )ouths aU under 21 yean Automobile Ind other ,'eh c.le th ' d nti tr\" in th SUI colle e of A scientist Mondav night J made Il~ell lelt In Iowa City fon- of ace ha\'c been charged with reg1 tration for 1954 \\ III begm requ I their count ' tre . urers t. d' • k t h S C'ty viewed some 01 the antagonism. New York da~·. Retail grocerS were complying nsummg beer on a pubhc high- at 8 a.m. today In th Johnson forward registration record be- enllstry. po 0 t ~ 10UX j the "day's between the sci€'n"(>" ""tI t hp " " _ with t be new I d in the cost 01 co u n t y courthou oUice Llf lore seeking renewals. dental soc!el: Monday. " manities and noted that the "ten. T he de­ lh'ing, a commer ial b r ea d \ '~v af~er he~g picked up by ~- count)· Ireasurer Lumir \Ii'. Jan Car owners hit,'e until Feb. I Appleby discussed "A Mandi- sions were due pan I._ to m ,~~ .• - I ing the nse t derstanding and partly to human Jumped from 20 to 22 cents a loaf. l ie~l'r ~rldayin thelT. nlghl po and. Ion found. wllh issu Needw tlhiceis year,Pllb u t c\'iJIar o~?tna~.. ~.~. 19M, to relister. with. penallie'"• !>ular Impr ion Tecbnic. for Dis- • }n weakness." , be ._"... -... ~ The principa l bakerie involved will ~\'e two small aluminum be(inrunc at that urne. For 195. placeable T ' e." He d~ussed Ihe Prof. George W. Martin told in Ih r i. e are Butlernut Bakery. The four are Arthur A. Cano. tab bearing th black numbers hill-year registrations may belp oblems inyoh'ed in such cases an SUI lecturr audil.. , e that Colonial Baking Co., and Peters n John R. Whalen, James M. Hogan, "54." The t.ab. are to be allached porcha ed only for commercial and p ~en t ed colored Wm oul- either scientific studies alone or 1 non-scientific studies unsupported D""'n" Co. all ulli\'ersity freshmen from Iowa to the present plates which will vehicles It the fee elC~s 570. . \' t h ' ed E C II h 303 be used for one more Xl' r. Otherwise the tull regi tratlon hning the en ue ec mque u. • by science "lead to a warped and 0<...... Although retail - tores through- City, and James . a a an, Commercial vehicles will r~- Imust be purcha ed. a t the SUI d en I a I coegeII t or HweS(', ~ .~ I i~compl"te view of life." Martin is head of the SUI botany depart­ out 10\\ Cit w re or ported sell- E. B nton st. celv new plates. Full year plate difficult prostheUc problems. ment. Ing at Ihe new price, local ind - TiJghway patrolman J. L. Smith ill be white on black, the rever ~ , GE M ~ GET PO T , His mm. ju I recently complet- "It is true," he said. "that some pendent . hop - have not round the you ted in c r of this year'S pia . H lC-year Prof. John C. G rher ot SUI S ed j Ihe first of aries o[ filtru scientists arc ob essed with gadg­ \\. 1 plates will be. yello on bllck. En Ii h depart\"ent has been . s . ' ets and techniques. losing Sigh! / th Ir pn Owners Ire reque ted to bring named (irst \'i e-pt sident of the on alt phs ot dentistry, now be- C II ..... t. ~ f' ..-Icd One local independent 1953 registration cerlillcat 5 with National Councll of Teachers of in, produced by the colle, of of goals and values. It is also true THE ELEPIIANT' n~ , \D which FrankUn cbula. A2, . laJcom, I 1card of the price raise fonday. th m to speed up th r 1 tratlon Enlll$h. Gerber r f'lved hi new tll'nH tTy in l'OOpt'ration ""ith the • that some humanists-historians, left, holds Is .dmlr~d by Ellen Got'll. A l. lIan be ler: Bill n. proocs. Person \ hose cars arl' po t at a meeUnc of the NCTE in bureau ot audio-visual instruction out or touch with realities anel l A3. Fairfield. lUld Glenn Buell. A4 . tinton, dUJ'ln" II. pause in. re- , literary 5cholars lind n,"orc_~r n hearsaIs of "Noab." II play wbleh ",UI b~ presented by ( ' nl 'ersltr registered in other counOe houl La Angel recently. lot SUI. concerned with trivialities," be theatre ber lnoln, Thursday. chultz "ortra:; the elephallt In the continued. pIa whlcb is ba ed on tbe B iblical lor:; or Noa b' ordeal eat There are "only a few really re ervallons tor the play m y be made between 9 a.m. and 4:30 the price Increase llrst. Followin said.great men"Let inus any admit generation," that both he ______p.m. this week at the t~atre ticket ofnce, room_ I A. 8ehaelfu hall e announcement in Des Moi nes , scientists and humani~ts are hu- 310ux City baker! , made. n Iden- man beings, many of them ra'her Peterson To Talk Ledurer from England leal increa e ov r the 'f'eekend. commonplace in their thinking I DisculSeS Mathematics The bike WIlB then passed from an? outlook." . At Press Meeting the major comm rcW bakers to Who can weigh the relative Visiting lecturer on the SUI '.he retail e rO<'jr. and. now to Ihe I value t::> mankjn~ ot a gr~at poe~ I Prot. Wilbur Peterson. head 'If campus Monday was Pro!. R A. ::onsum r. According to the maj~r I and ?~, notable dls~ov~ry 10 medl- lmedia manallementand the bureau Dalitz, lectuter In math e~Bucal lJakerie which bellan th~ raise. It I- ______.:.-. _ ___..!.. _~ ______...... :"'_ ------., ....a cine. he asked. It IS enough L?, of media service in the SUI school physics at the Unlver Ity of .vas nec .. ary because of mcreD ed -...... ,,.....,....,...,...,..c~~:-~:_=_::_::~.;..... I n ... knc IV that we may have both. 01 journalism, will address the Birmingham. Birmingham, Eng- Clour Dod operational costs. WANT AD RATES I I ~ Autos For Sale _ Used Baby SI" lng Riders Wanted C '1 A 28th annual convention and clinic land. - -- FOR S.\LE _ 1131 PlYMouth ~.n ]l'. 1CIIIII TOt>H1:R ROBIN Nurwry SdIooI. OU net pproves of the Texas High School Press Dalltz, who was located a t Cor· End Tonlte One da, ..____ Ie per word dlo. h.Atn. Runt w~lJ . ,rs. Phon~ I.I~ 10 W. Horr""n. Phone '.J182. 40U eve- P - A I- • as~ociation . Friday at the Texas nell universJly. Hhaca, N. Y.. Glen Ford , •. Tec.hnleolor T hree da, ... _.•. l!c per word o[~r 8 p.rn. _nl_"_' _ _ ~_ ...... _ _ _ __--:-~ erm" pp Ication Slate College fur Women. Denton, during the past academic year. 'MAN FROM TH E ALAMO' Ive dan .~ .. _. . 15c per \\or4 ' WANT : Ne.., wr III and junk•. ph;;;; JI\CIt and .TILL ~y IICHOOL. DIal F H k N Tex. gave a lecture cntllled " Heavy TeD da~ •.. _ ...... 1Oe per \\ or el '_~"I . _1-_3IIO~....,' _-,-:--____:--_-=-=- Miscellaneous For Sale cr aw s est As "headline" speaker, Peter- Mesons" Monday afternoon. ~ Que font.b ...... 39c per WON IN BIJlC'K t-er mor , J h I In peonon.., . hlboo'" -IlIn, 131 S: 0ubu1jue. . :JANt) knllI...• ., n)11t~n. mad. 10 orctn. free pot. a in" i~ the city council chamber~ . school yea'rboo'k Bdvi ers. ... ___1_.... •.. I per i~erlfoTJ ...... 88c per nc: T in __ _ __ ._ _ __ ..:...Ph:::o::,n..:.e...::...,;.I:.:,. :..:..;.. ___....,..._~ ___ be any .. Starting WEDNESDAYI ren insmlvns per month. I h yp 9 B~~~, J~te~P<'I\Jn. - kl((hfn work FOI\ AU:: il iacI! Walnuta. 1Se peck. time .." The class B permit was granted Startl TO DAY " Ends per lnserlion ...... 8Oc per nc l'YPlNO 1I:K Dial'.. . . to Mrs. Regina C. Michel. wife of - Monday" nsertlons dl>ring monlh - . WANTED .1 oncel Ian or wo",an to ______Leahy th H ks Nest owner D )RI1~' olle . J 'P'" 1m hi Ie'vlc CUilorneri [or I mout. n.Uonatll) .. .. Michel.e awMr s. Michel had previous-, <, Iter In . ertlon .. _. ... 70c per lncb NOTARY"n' lJumtubl,t'. . lIOln .... nllow., "' SI.'""" rap B nIlk• . • dven ...... --- W.u.-Inl ~ftroclucla bu In ellYbr or J ly made application rol' D new TH E BRIGHTEST STARS 11.1" ...... ", ...... ,. I . build I;',. DI I 28~ ~= ~;~~;,.. :::!:i..~IY . 'Ia~'" Im'~ . beer P el'ml't but withdrew it last on the Musical Horizon 1'b. DallT to .... 11 ..1,,_ Olll.. J ~RI\t. and lh II t.\' Pln,. ' . 3171 eve' llat.I)'. No fn . WrIte J Jf Wal. ______-_ week in order to give the maller In a Brilliant Happiness HIli SPICfACU ••• ADVINTUIII Ba.... III Eut BaU 0- nlnp ~Int at.. D· 53, Win ...... Minn. tRUNk . AU IO carrier. Pbone 1..0715. d more consi C Good " MW, mol l1l8I .. eration .~.~ Ca II 4191 TYPlNG, '·24 . • Who Doe. It UPllIGHT Hoovu SWHJ)U. al ~hm~n The city counci I revok!'d thc I"pln • . ';"PIlrltn .... 1 wIth p,lv.t. MEN and WOMEN: SINGLE room [or Itud~nt. l13li E. D- v.n· I_ ;;;;;:;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;:;:;:;;;;:;:;:;;;;:~ ~ bllth 182 ~ P<'r monlll. UtlUIiea lumllbad. pori It. ILJl:.... ______~;.;.i ______REIC HS We need r Pf ntlltlve In your Ro,,'-1.S - , .t.auato .Iud.nla. Pbon. locale to h I" fill out an organ in· UH, luggage - Trunks LIon tor business surveys, delin­ Pants - Sheep.Lined Cools Pri ate I ~mch eo n s I LA~O.E. -""Om 10. D•• n. 1::10 I qu('nl occount lIstinlU. pons, and :ln d 17 .a. '" 2_. In., l'hon~ • ! Iectrlc Heaters public opinIons . . . Ideal part-t1me IDHA I SJlo"in,'II: =- I OR worlC . , . Choose your own houl'S. Dinner Me~ tin g s SllRlING HAYDut'NAHCY OLSON LOAN " .. YOU]' n ar st tel phon may be ROSEMARY CLOONEY RENT-A-TRUCK Iyour plae of business fOI' sUFeys PLUS - COLOR CARTOO;- I not requirIng tne signa"res of GOOD ------FOOD "Heir Bear" NVlA MARl4 NIDGlffil· I.uitz • those interviewed ... Send $1 [or GOOD ----- SERVICE LATE NEWS HERTZ Drlve-Ur SYSTEM Iadministrative Iluaranl e tee, ap- RADIO SENSIBLE ---- PRICES - 1co HIT.. .] I ell plication blank, questlonnalfe, plan ENGLERT - FRIDAY LICENSED ot operation, and all details on MANDARIN how you may manlllle II survey.· Gory COOPER· kriaf1l STANW1CK MAHER BROS. group for us ... GARDEN STATE PINE ROOM at REICH'S and NATIONAL SURVEYS. P.O. Phone 9695 IBox 83, Cedar Grov , New Jersey. - DIAL 3585 - ':{£.Jiilf:j;ni,j nWfflll Candid Microphone • •• • • ••••• II • REMEMBER ~ STARTS TODAY AT THE OAPlrOl

1ST IOWA CITY SHOWING • NO ADVANCE IN PRICES "'MELBA' IS 'THE GREAT CARUSO' OF 1953! ' PATRICE MUNSEL IS Your Best Bet in Selling To The Universifl . -Lovella Parsons BUT TERRIFIC!" - Market Is The Daily Iowan Classifieds! The Dazzling Darling of a Fabulous Eral MELBA •.. And /.J~- Her Glorious Voicel MELBA ... and The Men in Her Lifel It's Easy Too - - . 7 - 1%-1 A Magnificent Musical S!l8dacle ! , rnn , )., Q n",n.r~ TSI~I (" ATL 1.... Oll.D a;.:an & at"U\tD. '~~eAL~ 4191 ,...... --­ ". . . poor fenow in the next b~Gck dropped from over­ /' -, A LUSH exertion-hardly worth the nsk for a. measly baU· buck .. ." .. ·WE'tl DC) lHE REST / ..., ~~ ; TECHNICOLORFUL .: . ,j ) STORY THRILLINGLY PORTRAYED! •


Color '. :By . Technicolor I...... ~·:rmm M~lba Melba

• •

/' ,.," . , - . - . ••k it~;1h;~-cAMfR1f'5H 0 P -01 ......

• .. , • C' •• 1 : :. •

124 EAST : COLt.EGE STREET .. '.I< • L5 RERUT ABLE .LfI: jOREIGN and DOMESTIC PHOTO SUP'Pt/ES ~ .., • ...... a • ' ! LOOK AT THESE FAMOUS NAMES - "Ampro - Amlterg - Ansco - Argus - I." and How." - Bolsey - BarneH JaH. - Compco - Castle - Cooks - DuPont -:- Eastman - Exada-Exa - f. It - Graflex - General Elecfric - H.lI""d,-:- 'hllqr't - . " .' Land Polaroid - LinhoH -, -- H.wmad. - Horwood - Nikor - Radiant - Rollelcord - Rolleiflex Sawy.,.­ J . St. reo Realist - Simmon - Strobo Research - T. D. C. - Vicfor.Voi,t'ander - Weston ~ Wirgin -Wollensak -1: ", • ...... ' • • alld many. mallY ot~ers. J . • Kodak DUAFLEX n Camera With Kodet un. THE It'. el.y to make ,ood anap. !I.·fLh twa .mllrt argus 75 I cam...... 'fhe bir, hooded n:tlrx flndet .•it Automatic th, top shQwI lhe picture SUb, ject brlJhl Mil clear. Shulter t. lynC;hronlud ,fOI' 8M or 8"f CAMERA . n.. h ·Iamps. ~n. I. (lxed·toCtIA. NeraUve. are tl~ x 21~, 12 per GIFT BOX ~ ot blacll·and·whlte Kodak 820 Film. or Kodacolor 820 FUm. ~~~~::b; ~eded Kodalt DUatlel[ II ~ra "lib Kodet Lena . : ...•. ... ,U.JI' K'O"." ...... n'l Fla.bolder ...... 4.U Ileclak J'Ield Ca.. for Kodak Ouaml[ Oameral ...... J.II • TIC ;M~300~ flas~ ~ictures S62 51 WI. IIlKtlClMo...... . • )Ot,,,",, ".",N"I,II--. 01 H' Alli()M~TICAIU , up,ion.' b.iII;IMf .... ,".'K,., ..I,.,...... Iftllcht4 'Of pe,Io ....,. II tk. "ic,1 Co.t'" ,. If,.' ...... , ... It 1.liIlif •• '0<11"., _ .... ~"'. TOe ..,., .... O,n,." ..d SlIKt"'" Kodak I)UAFLEX n Camera with Kodar f/8 u •• lilrnU,I.I· to camera above but With theee ..dded fe .. lUre.: Len , i. "Culel"' for bl1rhter picture. even on dull days. frocu ..," to j1- feet I ! for "close.up• .', Expo.ure (Ulde gives len. openlnr' tor, dlfCerent Itn's th lift with ~jnl I I it toMa .. __ pictun,: t I IighUn~ . And It .peelal device prel'enta "double expoaul'et ... fOOd K,",ak Ouaflu n C•• r& Wllb Koctar f/S Leu ...... tl!.It I 1 , "'", uI,ra t. III I ~ : Brownie HAWKEYE Came~ -tIM populU Ar~ 71i-with (Rolleifle"; 111Si,. ' JI'\AML 1) H_UN, FIMh Model ~ . Fure-~ndow vilwAader Here', .. cam«a with I eom­ EuiMt camera to load, to use. !.. I ...... bination oC featurel any p~,. No red window. Trallllportitilm. ,~ ...... f ••"llctln' I we .. ,'.I~,.I . New~~t ot the BroWnie Cforo.raa, l\OW In that leta y.ou - the picture •• e»eka ebu~ter. H,p" .ffl.I •• , .\00...... I 0. I... .\00 ..... -. I -111\ ... 1111._ lIuh model. Shutler I. Iynohronlledi fOIl .ull!tly .. ".".'J1 taka it ..• rapher "ould want: automatically. MI •• I... "'. loll'" ....."'.. I _1111 ",,"- wl'~ _ I .... -..- ~ AMullll perfect picturee, ill blllck .,Iot ~lt_ to...... I .hl .. ,.11.,·_1.. - . I ::l ',~ , "lt. 81'. No. ~ or 111'· lamp. tor il\dOOl' ~IlP' with S;.:... ~ticalI oebro- Fut Ciotar C:3.6 coated. 01' bec:a1Wl ..ory Ha'. o;.>u.lle , ,,...... 'u aIId white color you ...... CoOIIII S- In.' hit, ,- 1111 "'• • (ee,1II I ,.,ho!lW ~ ..~ acc~ F~l)older. vl~'" Y!" color-corteet.ed leDl; ..,u-c.n­ _ the ~.,e in lu'l piduJ'e me ._",... , .... 10 ..... S' 113.' , ..,11- "'" I '...... , .... fillder emooth-,cUon abutter rel"lIe; fllll4' ftiMtI Plu,·in,8u\I uDit-bult. ,,\1.,1 ,.... I.~ ",,,I, I '" ~"k.1 ...... 1 •• ""eI, I ..., .... . trolled .hutter meobaoial with " ore you eboot. FiD ..t lena aDd foeu, 'len8. Nei~tlv.. are 214 x 2'4.i... ta p'r '. ';"'bt~-&m-I.. thn ct.r- utter. 'II"" "UCflO ." •• , • ~h lei, _ ...- ..'...... ,N7'" ( . roll 01 bllck·arld·whlte Kodak' 820 ... , ll\IA Of ' ryiDa etae-'verytbioa DMded epeed, up to 1/ 300 eec:ood; -rn· Mil. (...... 114." • ...... • '. • ,. '. Kodacolor 820 Film, FlDe gltl for YOU'hfiler.. tor pict.un-takiJl( ill oolor chrooiMd lIuh uoit­ .m,y ...._11 ... '000•• .,...",. coupled ranjduder to aIIUR III CALCIUn ...... Iln_, ------...... tlre"le .,.a",kere Ouaera, ~h &IOJleJ •..•. , •..•.... n, of b14 ,.a04."hital Co.. plete '." , .. • " • ••4 7'1." • 1_.. $1"" "ojMo;" c .. lt ~ ... .,."~ I "I. l ..tI, . .. K04a1I,)} Flflboltler "'Ith FIullpard •.•...... ••• . • .. .. . I _harp-(OCUI picturei! s.e tIM 12".. •. _ Itt. JI/. " •• ~".I 1 c~.,., . Ut. ... ",(c.,U ",,".'en•• _1... / ~~~t FIeld C.1e tor Jll'Owllle Haw"~ 'CI O'-a ...... • UIJ .:i*kQ.-oolv flUI) ver&l~ Ar,u. C3 .,.y. With one simple ilitiac JOII C:I" .... . u .....' lJ ...... ,' ... . 'I perfect color 01' b!ack'lfId1"hlIt 1l1li ...u.II ...... D.. "bo ..... 11' ....14 , • , ...... ' " • ". ,,,4 21f. ·· 6 '''41 .. . Tw l_ ,",.. ft ...... lIicturH - and n.vtr I ._ttd ,Ictvr •. t 'I. " .... v.1 , ... " .., . . ~ , .,...... WII' J " \1/~ _' KC)dak roUBl8T D C~e;.u , The Stcrtl's in thl 80lSty Slt.o.Mtt~, ." .... • ...... " .... Smllrlly .tyled, compact folding camei:ll' In t SET THE SLIDE ••• MN MllaEofIHD choice ot two len."and •• hutt~ corttbjti;'tloo'. AND SHOOT ••• that's Both camer.. 1nture maid dl~' · am mlnurn con.t~ucUbn, an eye·jell.l ql>lIcal Stt.()·Ma\lc cllcull!" for )'\III - ••1 .. KodasUde Merit Projector tinder, t1aah .ynchronilatlon for lUI' . m.lic.\ly. The only ~mtr. '11th Ut.o. fluh I .. mp., and .. Imooth IhutU!t Producea nne acreen tmllg" It M.t ie is the 80lley "22, wit~ fU , tbe folding Cront. Ttle model with minimum cost. Includell projection Lt!JIa ~I. \!I'om 8 teet to Infinity. Model With Ko,rem PIt'/; lVlrcta 186 ..... Telephoto Leu 44~.·' por carner... , no meo· Here you will find the" and mahy need plenty ot Flash ". States will n lUSTER VIEWERS '!.OO here - Zela carner.... J:x. other 8mm. a,nd 16mm. amlraa Chl'latn1a. ahootlnl. We ' ., Franee ralffi • . 1.~9." .... 1 KASTIIR :: .. Voi"Uander Balden ttl Wlr See theae enlargers and man Including- lhe new BELl. & -'_ in th tid ;'':'::A:IElen,I'&l1II Chrolon ...... , 1.... addition tile ~L8 S~ e , e • other. AI well al all darkroom HOWELL Smm. Ko"le cameri ....ea e wo ea Inr French reqII! .. ~ If PureIaaIecI Toptlaer •••• ,.".,' ~ •• , . OUI' '_1\1...... Ge ..en 5lxoD ••• I ••••••••• and olherl. at slol'e. Ifol' only •...... ••...... and Sylvania. --..ect ·that . ..: 8l U.s. troop • t ~ RETAIL"'AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLIES' SINel r.t5 . t _ • ..

\ i , r