Th. Weather Serving the State Warmer Wa, wUII Ia· University of Iowa c:lUlinc ci""'_ aM raI. ~ Ia&e UIJI Campus and alWru.lI or t.alPl. R .... &oja" ~; lew, M. HIP Iowa City owan ......" Sf; I.,.., K. 4 Est. 1868 - AP Leased Wire, Wkephoto - Five Cents Iowa City, Iowa, Tuesday. Dec. 1. 1953 - Vol. 97, No. 303 rowne ces ena e Maior Inspects University ROTC Unit ~ Michigan Ex-Governor 3 States File Segregation Briefs (harged WHh WASHINCTON IIP)-Three states-Kinus. South Carolin and • Virlinla-Monday told the supreme court It has no ,rounds on which WI'thhold'ngI IKilled Air Mishap to declare racial serrelation in the nil lion's choots unconstitutional. And the District of Columbia declared It could do nothin, about TTL~ FBI A , BA CREEK, Mich. lIP) - integrating the schools here because concre5 Itself set up )larate cion,I Former Gov. Kim Sigler and three ystems for the area. companions were killed late Mon· Separate briefs filed by the three sl:ltes and the district appar· day In a plane crash. A coroner enlly completed the rroundwork for three days of oral arguments WASHINGTON (A")- The Delli· identified Siller as one of the on the historic searelation case which open before the hi:h tribunal 1ocratic hi'h command cut lOOle victims. Dec. 7. with a new bla t at Atty. Gen. Sigler's private plane, which he The supreme court heard orilinul .r,umen last year on a SC"r- Herbert Brownell Monday nleht was pilolin, hlmself, rammed Into Ie of ca cs by parents ot negro chlldr n in K nsa , South Carolina. even as the senate judltiary corn· either th top ot a !l40-foot tele· Virginia. Delaware and the District or ColumbIa. They have sked mlttce pnpared to InvesU.. te "Ivislon lower or a guy wire up­ the court to decr th t racial s .:regatlon in the chools ,Iolat the chllraes that Brownell nfuhd to parting it. The plane sail d out of 14th amendment. provide PBI aid In a .Denver jur,. control tOT three·quarters of a Such a decision would overrule an 1896 supreme court ruUng tamperln, case. mUe. crashed into a woods and which has permitted stille to maintain rael Jly IIr ,ated chool Clayton Frltchey, deput,y chair· burned. On wlnl as ripped 0 r systems provided eQllal facilities wcre vallable [or n rroes and man of the Democratic National the plane by the Impact. whJt('s. committee, fired a tbree-way bar· The other vic Urns were betleve!t Atty. Gen. Herbert Brown II, asklna the court lalt week to out· ra,e at Brown.lIin a radio broa\:l. to be his secretary. Mr.. Ruth law elfe,atlon, had said it would require the r \'islon ot school jeast accusinll the attorney tenet'l PrentJ ; h r slBter, Mrs. Vir Inia laws In at least 17 states. ot inJecUn, the rBI Into politics Schuyler, 28, and h r husband. - and "pullil\f It out ot c:rime--blllt- Harold,37. The plane cra hed nelT Aurusta, Adlai Hopes Demos :;.!.~.:.';:;;E,::~':~ Iller waa lTounded ID Iowa C'" early In Deeember, 1952 by Kim pot'u; ley weaUter conditions durlnr a W·II B ( · 1. A federal judge', crlUcLsm of fII,ht from Lan In" Mich. to 00. pl_ wllb bl dau~btrr. Ir. I e onstructlve ~e justice department for refw- hlmbUl, Neb. Rleh rd Go etl. "ho BC ompen. In, FBI help In the Denver jury- He ..ltt at that time. "I've been led him OD the fIIfht. I tamperln, ~ue, wblcb later was "u~ down hue III bad weather \ In an In&ervlew b a Dall)' 10' WASHINGTON (A» - Adlai E. successfully prosecuted with the tWice before-I like lhla tOW1l." wan repOrter, 1~ler Id that he Ste,' nson .ald Monday he hopes lovernment issue. aid of treasury .,ents. Wblle poullded In Iowa Cit, bad lIown to "every .. ood lzed Democrats In eon,r I take a .con· Stevenson, the 1952 Democratic 2. A S1. Loula (edenl j\.ldat" Iller at&ended the loeal Rotar)' dty with an aJrl)Ort In the United structlve approach to the Elscn· presidential nominee, told a n wslunan wered appeal to BrowneU for club and we lit Chri.bn., .bop, ta&e, uba, AI lIa and )\Ie leo." howcr administration's program conference he thinks that attack more help from tbe justice !te­ I despite the "provocation" ot Re· like Atty. Gen. Herbert BrowneD partment in 11 ,rand JUry'. jnves· about I,ht miles north of Battle publicans who ral, th Reds-In- launched In the Harry Dcxter U,atlon of labor Union racketeer- Cr ck. White ca will mak two-part)' 11lI. Addition to Union Sigler, silver·haired 59-Y ar·old T T B GO cooperation mor dlttlcult. 3. Statements by HepUblklln 10.11, h .... n Ph ••• ~, 11111 WIlIJ ....... ) one·tim flery prosecutor who ags 0 e .ven 1I0pei Democrat COldtrueUve R prelentatlves Cllte Hoffm.n· ot lIlAJ. l\IARVlN L. BRIOG , (rta-bt) aalslallt In.peeler lueral from tlfth army btadlluarlen, Is rocketed to the lop Or,slale poll- AII"'- W"th t "But I hop that rc,ardless of Mlchi,an and Wlnt Smlth otKal\- hoWll .bakill, bands wtth VI Provon Harvey H. Davis Monda, af&er bel_ Introduced by Col. Authorized by Iowa \ tlea and th ,ov rnor S chair In \.dIrs. OU this provocation the Democrats'as tMt "pressure" was exerted Walter ~welJ, (ccnter) profeaor of mllltar), "'&IIce and tadla at UI. BriJ"p wtll eomple&e h1a 've Coun" "II \1946, h d b n 01) a bu.lncss trip p k" P °t wUl be constructlve in their ap to halt a conareasional inveltl.a- lupectlon of unlnnU" ROTC faclllUes Ioclay. ~ch UIll" III the "U'h ann)' ..-ea recelv.. aD annual EXec Ut I '- Ito Ne Orlea~lJ. He had c~lI hit at I n9 arm. 5 proach to th administration's leg: tion ot Tlcketeerln, In Detroit. viall from an inspector ceDeral reDresenta'lvt, Primary purpote 0' lbe laapec&loD t. io aid eoordl­ . law ol!lce In n arby Lansana only Student. staft and facult)' own. islaUve program," Steven.on ·ald. U.. "r'DIftnIIM' MUon between the anny and UIllveI'lU,.. The Iowa executiv counCIl an hour betore th crash to .say _ The former [llIno i!! governor Frltchcy said be thlnu FBt Monday authorl~ed the state board he wal on hi last lea or the flight cd auto which do not bear 1953 1told newsm n he had di cos d Chjel J. Ed,ar HoOver W8I "dis- ot education to proceed with home in his f?ur.pa sene r plan. 11154 university parkin, permits this mall r tp somc eJet nt wJth tressctl" at beln, broull\t Into tha 2 Students Attend plans tor the financing and con·1 Th televiSIon tower toppled \W1ll be tailed by campus pollce Senators Ru ell and Geor e 'f:nsatJonal Harry Dexter Whlte struction of the first pha e of the ov r a few minute after lh' crash today. IG or,la Democrats. lind p rk~ "spy" case aa a wltlless belore the last Big N.Y.C. ·Paper, IFe .Confelence addltLon to the Iowa Mcmor1a1 ,.nd Jmuhed through lhe root ot R. J. Phillips, superlnt ndenl man and HIlI.- )\lablml 0 mo- aenate lntern.I.1 security ,ubcom- . Union. the Ir nsmlHer bulldln,. The t~w. of the division ot maintenance and[crats, on a recenl spcakln, trip In mittee• Park Davidson, A3, FalJ'(leld, Bids on the lir.t phase ot th . er, thaI of Battle Creek UHF sta· operation at SUI, saId th t park- thc South. "The Demouats never obce and Bob Linder. A4, Oelw in, re· addition were taken Nov. 19 . Low tlon, WBCK·TV. Is near Augusta, ing permits is ued for previous He . aid he couidn't say at thJ.s broulhl the rBI Into pattll.n -pol_ .liIerald Tri~une; Halts presented SUI', lntertrat rnity bids received totaled $816,693. elaht mUes norlhe~5l of her. school year. will not be recog· tim w he t h r the Democrats illcs" Prltchey IIld "but it waa councU at a two-day underil"adu. ~hlB ~n~l~d:d ~ene~~ c~n~lr~~; Slgle~, D Rep~bUcan, w:-s 'o~- nized. would have an alternalive pro- bro~ghl into poUtlC~ on Nov, 17 NEW YORK (!P) - The Herald ------------- ate conference which met In Cln. c:~c'IlUoenln~, ' efcc~~eal g fln; tem.' ~~~~~48~~hoe~e heW!~~ ~~te:~ b; Students who own autos and gram to present when the GOP before the Jenner committee. W. 'I'r)bune suspendcd pubtleatlon lishlng and the Times Is closed it perature control Thc totlll cost th tOt It do not display lhe new stickers Ipro,ram Is laid down by President Democrats te,ret It and hope tbe Monday night, leavin, New York won't stay closed long." ',l:innatl, Ohio Friday. ot the addition ~111 be $1255860 G eMPr &en WiIl~ocra I~ ~ver~ol~ wLU be fined '5. A cond offense EL!enhower In the annual Stste FBI can be pulled back out of without a major newspaper fOI' Competller of The TIMes Also present at the meeting, Contracts [Or this wo~k 'wili th ~~t"en i a~s. w 0 III e calls Cor anolh r.5 [Inc lind a ses- of the Union message next Janu- politics." the llrst time in its publishing sponsored by th Notional Inter. probably be let next week sald e 0 ec I nee n.
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