Ming in Weather the Manchester Soroptimlal Club, in Town for About 35 Years, Mov
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/:. •• c i;' ■' ; ' r ' \ \ . I WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER t, TWENTY-FOXm anrly^glgr iEiygttteg fjgraia A rtnin Daily Net Prew Ran X.. X er tiM Waek Bade* The Waathfv Aag. St, l*M For at D. •. Waatha* The R ^ . Erich Brandt, Mra. with tent. Ashing and other as and other neceaaary gear fdi>sthe)r Oops L«dy! Wrong: Gear Rotary Has Talk sorted gear. vlalUng many state camplng>*c*tlon8. Looking ufb^he Brandt and\hildren, who have ^ n Fair amt warm taalghi. Nat, i About spending theVmonth of Auguaf-at parka from Connecticut to. Maine wordj;svacatlon” 'In Webster 10,630 Hqwlaa found that the deAnItloh Butterfield Redwood. N. Y.. Here's another woman-driver On Camping Joys and Canada. Rain or shine they Mi mkir af Km AndU hittnld, penalhle thnndershowMa ta- will remain miOI Sept..*. The Rev. •torj-: have rolled along the highways jiv e n Is "time of rest, freedom Hale’s Housewares... Chapman Court, No. 10. Order of ^rom work.” But he said ^hat ' N- Barwra at Orealatiaw^. mnrraw- 4lmaranM, will hold ita flrat meet* Gordon I^ K of n e First Lutheran Seems a woman drove down and back roads to many pUces M anche$ter——A City o f Village (^fiarm \ , to Elmer Johnson's -produce "It’s a great life if yoiKjike the Intereat which have proven deAnltlon does not apply in svery kir of the new seaaon Friday at Church, RockvHtJk •>“ respect to camping vacations. A ^ S T A I L E -V- 7:30 p.m. In the Maaonlc Temple. conducting aen icrt at Concordia stand on_Center St., last night j outdoora and pitching ten tlonal aa well asia vacatlop-'treat. or shine," Elwood Howies, m ^ b e r This year In three weplfs of day "However, with tent on hand, you A aoelal hour with refreahmenta Lutheran Church hege, will occupy to buy some groceries. VOL. L X X II, NO. 285 / fClaaaltiad Advarttateg aa Faga 13) Mj^ M E S T E R . CONNm THURSDAY. sfepTE^ER .3, 195.1 the pulpit next Sunda ; of the Manchester Rotary and night work M rjfow les built never have to worry about ‘no (TWENTY PAGES) PRICE FIVE CENTS »111 follow the buslneaa aesaion. She made her purchases, vacancy' signs," he concluded. IRA g TABLE, Siieeial USJS then got back into her car I told membcri at -Utelr meeting his owp trailer tq.'lmuse the tent i night at the Country Club, w-hile with pad and cover set. Mra. William Hooten of Clear- Recent guMta for three days at parked in front of the stand, the home of Mrs. August Kanehl. speaking on camping vacations. frater, Fla., la vUIUng her aiatera, looked Into her rear-view mir- - During -'the past six years the Mri. R. B. Taylor of Green Rd., 36 Woodbridge 8t., were Mr. and ror and prepared to back up. Mrs. Jacob Roth and family of Howies family. Mr. and Mrs. Court Rules hnd Mra. C. T. Anderaon of Prince Then--wham! Nothing but How-lea and their three children, SINK TOPBLRAIN bo ard SUN ton 8t., alao relativea .In' Rock- Allentown, ' Pa. Sunday Mrs. apples, com, peppers, tomatoes, Kanehl received a telephone call has toured most of Nsw England « hfetal. Ridte enameled finish. PW Exchange tllle and Bloomfleld. soda-^p bottles. bananas, lew Velvet Hats from Mrs. Matilda Manning and finger peppers and potatoes all , ' ‘ her . daughter from Studio City, i Toth Move \ Mra. Ruth Spencer,- president of Cailf. Mrs. Manning formerly lived j over the ground. JOHNY MOP X S i ming in Weather the Manchester Soroptimlal Club, in town for about 35 years, mov- . The little woman had put the 1 9 has called a meeting of the execu ing to California IS years ago. car In forw,-ard—not reverse - Disposable toilet mop. E«^a pads 3*e. !/ tive board for tomorrow at 6 p.m. gear, and the automobile had PASTRAMI W^s lUegal at the Red Cross headquarters. 69 Miss Joanne Shaver, daughter of j plunged straight ahead into the C p I penter .... ^ produce stand. Mr.-aiMUMrs..CharleB.F.. Shaves hf.i -i-vr.V.'Kw iM’XWSMNkiUl.iil.MUevwM .. 45c AT^-OAX SUex.8Cup (KlFPEERlAliER - 4 Washington, Sept. 3 OP)— 118 Princeton St., • is one of SO VNnilc unscrambling tbe Districtiudge Alex*noiF A meeting of the exet:utive com Reg. fA.95. With tray and rover. Red or ' ^ ^ 4V.Athe V-lsAiia*>-hour vMmmvInmmeeting vtiwmmalturned Atrmwover am students chosen as counselorj for giant-sized .salad. Johnson was The Communists ’and the Holtzoff today ruled that for mittee of the WSCS of the North the new students at Southern heard, muttering something roster hf Communist prisoners Methodist Church will be held to shout "women . womsa United Natloni^ommand to they aald sUU were in Allied mer Airman Roliert W. Toth morrow evening at 8 o'clock In the Semlnar.v and Junior College, Buena Vista, Va. driver." RERLOU MOTHSPRAY P iniStiS day agreed Jm complete the stockades and demanded they be was illegally removed. t'l church; As the program for the prisoner ea^ange by Sunday. turned over before Sunday. .Korea to face a militai-:/ coming year' will be planned at Another Service By' Onaranteed pratertlon for Ave yeara. X The Board of Christian Educa Presumably, these arc some of coii4*t on a murdier charge. this time, all' members are asked MANCHESTER . The Copimunists at a meeting the tougher Red prisoners, Chi to be present. tion of the Talcottvllle Congrega community hall, Bolton ^Center. of tb* Repatriation Commis Holtzoff ordered Toth, 22, of tional Church will meet tonight at AUTb PARTS nese as well aa North Koreans, One Roof Down and Ooe Bashed In ■Women of Bolton Gi-ange-w-ill pre sion said that if for some rea some of whom led bloody prisoner Pittsburgh, released from Air Trees Fall; 8 o'clock-at the parsonage. pare and serve' the mwl. I 275 Broad Ht. Tel. MI-t-452* Cooler Air, Scandia l>odge No. 23. Order of e BRAKE DRUMS jn they were unable to meet note on Koje leland. The Reds Force custody, Vasa, will resume Its ihonthly Members of tljrXssem bly, and RACK-TO-SCHOOL SUPPLIES the Sunday deadline th e y i ».^ve accused the Aiiiei of holding ReleMe la Hl«yed all women tnt^eated in Joining the . TURNED meetings with a meeting tomorrow- would notify the U .N . Com- »>»ck these prisoner. The Judge, however, stayed hla House Roof night at 8 o'clock In Orange Hall. Gibbous Assembly group, w ill,be weicome to attend ! LUNCH KITS VACUUM lOTTLES — REFILLS The Communists have still to re prdar releasing Toth, to permit the Some Ram > FoUowing the regular meeting a the supper. They shoiiid contact! \m and before noon Saturday. patriate 210 prisoners, including Air Force to carry the case to the meeting of past chairmen will be Meeting Tuesday Mrs. pMward Pagani or Mrs. Al- ^ DISTINCmVE \ Dean Reteaae Htate* 197 Americans, out of tha 4,697 Court of Appeals. held, at which resolutions to be bert Dabrow-ski for re.servations STATIONERY '■'gTrla means the early exchange non-Korean prisoners promised. He refused to remand Toth to Torn Loose presented to the district lodge at before Saturday, Sept. 5. iJs//’." Green Stamps Given With Cash Sale* ) of MaJ. Gen. William Dean, the They also Stltl have 458 South Air. Force custody and Instead In Forecast the annual meeting on Sept. 26 Gibbons A.ssembly, C a t h o 1 tr The program committee, of highe«\ranking Allied captive In Korean prisoner!. However, the -ffx^ a bond of |1,000 for hla What Charter Oak Street, will be reviewed. All members are Ladies of Columbus, will open Its which Mrs. R. Leonard Bull is DAVEY Red handg. He now is at nearby Reds have said more prtebnera release to return to his Pitts By THE AHfSOCIATEO PREAM Kaesong and It la believed ha than promised would be turned burgh home. Toth was ordered to residents described as a urged to attend. 1953-54 season with 8^ ' ' open chairman, has planned many inter-1 OPnCAI, COMP.8NY The first break in the cur meeting anci Autumn supper, Tues I eating activities for the coming' will be the \last prisoner ex- over. Including those captured late remain In custody of the U. S. “freak baby twister” whirled rent siege of sweltering 701 hfain .8t., Manchester ...changed._____ ............... , . day, S ^ t. 15, at 6;3Q. p.m., In-the --------------------------------- ^----------------------------- it :tn the w*r,..______ _______ Marjihal until bond is posted. along the street for from five -weather wax forecast' by the- - Co/orsT The li, N, ComhiMd represkhta- The. Allies have still to return Wllllem A. Kehcie, Jr.,, one of to ten minutes yesterday at iMANCHirnOI COMba live told the. Gon^munlsts he nearly 7.000 North Koreans and an Toth's attorneys, said he hoped to Weather Bureau today a« the Block thought, both sides should con. undisclosed number of Chinese post bond soon. a :30 p. m., lifting the roof off po.ssibility of more localized dude the exchange the same day. Communists. The Communists Ths 22-year-old steel worker, one, house,u , toppling, a large thunderstorms developed in Brown The Command previously 'hgd srf- have charged the Allies were hold who had been honorably dis-I branch onto the tOp of a the eastern half of the nation. nnunced it could wind up Us. ex- ing back 25b Chinese. charged, was arrested In his home! parked car, uprooting at least ensnge by Sunday.