fY1/I")K 5.;LSS' Geoi(Q)mm C§ ::d~-19 (~~;;;::J) ______""_!-\--If_O'r_t _ Bergsstaten Varvsgatan 41 I . JE,. 'GSSTATr:t- F 97232 Luleå I ilnk. 2004 ~02= 2 4 ,

.' ~ IZ-/bC}-6i f: :il ;lIlClllOJII~;nJOttu"' .. ~.CU:l;l...... ' ... 4~G"w...... Angående redovisning av undersökningsarbeten för - . tillstånden "Parkalompolo"i(Gällivar~ochPajala Kommun 2ffO '3 : 5::> , I<;'nwwj,'. Diamant prospekteringsundersökningar ino~arkalompolo området har beståttt av en morän och glacifluvial provtagning bestående av 33 st stora prov. Informationen om proven finns i bilaga 1. i bifogad rapport. Moränproverna insamlades nära "Bulls eye targets" i ned is-riktning. De glacifluvial proven togs oftast där tung­ mineral fraktioner hade iaktagits "typ i rullstensås" eller där älvsediment kunde in­ samlas och var lämpliga får att undersöka ett större "catchment" område..

Den förbehandling av proverna har inneburit framtagning av ett grövre koncentrat vilket utfördes i Sverige, bilaga. 1-8

Sedan ~kickades samtliga prov till Kanada för behandling och granskning och en noggrann analys.Dessutom skickades ett antal moränprov för rcp analys också till Kanada vars resultat kommer att överlämnas inom kort. Det senare för bakgrundsinformation.

Det framgick av resultat från diamantlabbet att inga kimberlitiska indikator mineral påträffades i dessa prov. Allt detta föregick aven omfattande studium vars huvud­ dragframgår av bifogad rapport.

Med väplig hä~sning ~P~~.~&~ MiChael·Br;omley-C

'I l, Bifogas: Rapport "The Parka Diamond Project" January, 2003.

'ICc-p'-' --HU "';Gv:S re-""'r\sk-r+ Wford M'b3+

Fr" 200-:f-1!-/'i

Geoforum Scandinavia AB Registered Telephone Telefax E-Mail Bankgiro Pesiljestigen 18 in S-771 43 LUDVIKA, SWEDEN 556471-6909 +46 240-80780 +46 240-84210 [email protected] 5839-8801 .. nk IIMichael Till: lIMaarit Bredhultll Bromley-Challenorll Kopia:

2004-02-28 12:33

Hej Maarit Komplettering: Ytterligare data som lämnas ang.undersökning vid Parkalompolo Mvh Mike Bromley-Challenor ----- Ursprungligt meddelande ----­ Från: Andrew H. Phillips Till: Michael Bromley-Challenor Skickat: den 28 februari 2004 11: 19 Ämne: Parka Diamond Geochemistry


Here is one thing I did not forget about. Please find attached the Parka Diamond geochemistry, laid Ollt with tlle co-ordinates and sundry other data.

Best wishes, D Andy Phillips GKDS-Parkalompolo-2002-Till_GeocherT T003017728 - Finalized ALS CHEMEX ANALYTICAL RESUL1S FOR PARKALt CLIENT : "TEASSO - Telluride And Associates" Property Owner: Geoforum Scandil # of SAMPLES : 14 DATE RECEIVED : 2003-05-30 PROJECT : "PARKA" CERTIFICATE COMMENTS : .... PO NUMBER: II II

ALS Chemex Analytical Method > TILL Au-ICP21 ME-ICP41 ME-ICP41 ME-ICP41 Sample RT90 RT90 Sample Depth Date Field Sieve Au Ag Al As Number [X-] Easting [Y-] Northing ISoil Horizon Sampied Size * mm ppm ppm 0/0 ppm 02-CP-P012 1 800450 7 524 239 35-95 cm / C 25-09-02 -4 mm 0,002 <0.2 1,76 2 02-CP-P014 1 801 770 7 532 091 70-90 cm / C 18-09-02 -4 mm <0.001 <0.2 1,93 2 02-CP-P015 1 792 230 7 537 413 35-50 cm / B-C 19-09-02 -4 mm <0.001 <0.2 2,52 2 02-CP-P016 1815910 7 510 903 35-70 cm / C 24-09-02 -4 mm <0.001 <0.2 1,83 2 02-CP-P018 1 797 328 7 537 947 25-40 cm / C 21-09-02 -4 mm <0.001 <0.2 2,50 2 02-CP-P019 1 799 126 7 538 060 40-70 cm / C 20-09-02 -4 mm <0.001 <0.2 2,46 <2 02-CP-P020 1 799 241 7 538490 35-55 cm / C 21-09-02 -4 mm <0.001 <0.2 1,66 2 02-CP-P021 1 786 069 7 539 707 30-70 cm / C 23-09-02 -4 mm <0.001 <0.2 2,09 2 02-CP-P025 1 809 082 7 508 388 30-75 cm / C 25-09-02 -4 mm 0,001 <0.2 1,06 2 02-CP-P026 1 791 594 7 534641 50-60 cm / C 19-09-02 -4 mm <0.001 <0.2 2,55 2 02-CP-P027 1 797 699 7 533048 40-50 cm / C 20-09-02 -4 mm <0.001 <0.2 2,22 <2 02-CP-P028 1 797 449 7512191 30-70 cm / C 24-09-02 -4 mm <0.001 <0.2 1,37 <2 02-CP-P029 1 789 063 7532710 30-60 cm / C 22-09-02 -4 mm <0.001 <0.2 0,73 3 02-CP-P031 1 754 238 7 566 196 40-100 cm / C 26-09-02 -10 mm <0.001 <0.2 0,92 <2 * NB: Sieve Characteristics r ---10 mm square aperture PLASTIC sieve I ~~ l~ - 4 mm woven STAINLESS STEEL sieve I~ ......


ME-ICP41 ME-ICP41 ME-ICP41 ME-ICP41 ME-ICP41 ME-ICP41 ME-ICP41 ME-ICP41 ME-ICP41 ME-ICP41 ME-ICP41 ME-ICP41 B Ba Be Bi Ca Cd Ca Cr Cu Fe Ga Hg ppm ppm ppm ppm % ppm ppm ppm ppm 0/0 ppm ppm <10 30 <0.5 <2 0,13 <0.5 6 24 12 1,94 <10 <1 <10 60 <0.5 4 0,12 <0.5 9 35 19 2,44 10 <1 <10 70 0,7 <2 0,10 <0.5 8 28 23 2,44 10 <1 <10 50 0,5 2 0,16 <0.5 8 33 20 3,21 10 <1 <10 100 0,6 <2 0,13 <0.5 10 31 37 2,86 10 <1 <10 90 0,6 <2 0,19 <0.5 11 38 47 2,99 10 <1 <10 50 <0.5 <2 0,35 <0.5 10 30 32 2,42 10 <1 <10 50 0,6 <2 0,14 <0.5 10 32 21 2,63 10 <1 <10 30 <0.5 <2 0,18 <0.5 5 24 10 1,91 <10 <1 <10 50 0,6 <2 0,10 <0.5 10 27 15 2,73 10 <1 <10 40 0,5 3 0,10 <0.5 8 31 16 2,45 10 <1 <10 30 <0.5 2 0,11 <0.5 6 26 10 2,12 <10 <1 <10 30 <0.5 <2 0,39 <0.5 6 23 13 2,03 <10 <1 <10 20 <0.5 <2 0,43 <0.5 5 29 15 2,09 <10 <1 ME-ICP41 ME-ICP41 ME-ICP41 ME-ICP41 ME-ICP41 ME-ICP41 ME-ICP41 ME-ICP41 ME-ICP41 ME-ICP41 ME-ICP41 ME-ICP41 K La Mg Mn Mo Na Ni P Pb S Sb Se ok ppm 0/0 ppm ppm ok ppm ppm ppm 0/0 ppm ppm 0,05 10 0,36 132 <1 0,01 14 740 5 0,01 <2 2 0,16 30 0,54 151 <1 0,01 19 980 8 0,01 <2 3 0,15 70 0,53 182 <1 0,01 14 620 8 <0.01 <2 5 0,06 20 0,40 122 <1 0,01 14 1560 9 0,01 <2 3 0,23 60 0,71 196 <1 0,01 16 1290 7 0,01 <2 5 0,32 70 0,78 250 <1 0,02 21 1300 7 0,01 <2 5 0,19 40 0,60 196 <1 0,02 17 1330 5 0,01 <2 3 0,12 30 0,60 191 <1 0,02 18 770 7 0,01 <2 3 0,04 20 0,28 84 <1 0,01 9 780 5 <0.01 <2 3 0,20 30 0,58 156 <1 0,01 14 910 5 0,01 <2 3 0,08 20 0,43 127 <1 0,01 15 880 6 0,02 <2 3 0,05 10 0,37 106 <1 0,01 11 640 7 0,01 <2 3 0,09 20 0,40 116 <1 0,02 11 1170 4 <0.01 <2 2 0,07 20 0,28 83 <1 0,02 15 1360 4 0,01 <2 2 ME-ICP41 ME-ICP41 ME-ICP41 ME-ICP41 ME-ICP41 ME-ICP41 ME-ICP41 Sr Ti TI U V W Zn ppm 0/0 ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm 8 0,10 <10 <10 36 <10 25 17 0,18 <10 <10 51 <10 29 14 0,20 <10 <10 47 <10 35 12 0,16 <10 <10 61 10 21 14 0,23 <10 <10 60 <10 37 13 0,25 <10 <10 61 <10 45 13 0,16 <10 <10 49 10 31 12 0,18 <10 <10 52 <10 45 9 0,13 <10 <10 40 10 13 8 0,17 <10 <10 47 <10 51 9 0,17 <10 <10 49 <10 26 9 0,14 <10 <10 43 <10 20 13 0,11 <10 <10 41 <10 16 13 0,08 <10 <10 43 10 10 Geofumm (it Confidential

THE PARKA DIAMOND PROJECT Gillivare and Municipalities , Sweden

Geoforum's Current Diamond Exploration Program

A Brief Project Outline


Geoforum Scandinavia AS and Telluride &Associates

January, 2003 A.H. Phillips M. Bromley-Challenor Geoforum's Parka Project Table of Contents

Page Project Overview 1

1. Geographic Factors 1.1 Location 5 1.2 Other Factors 5 2. Generalised Geology 2.1 Quaternary Geology 6 2.2 Basement Geology 6 2.3 Exploration Model 8 2.4 Aeromagnetics 9 3. Previous Work 3.1 Geoforum's Early Work 11 3.2 Work Carried out to Date on the Parka Licence 11 3.3 Licence Timing 13 3.4 Work Required 15 4. Conclusions 15

Figures Page

Figure 1 Parka Diamond Licence Location in Northern Sweden 2 Figure 2 Geoforum Parka Licence Map 3 Figure 3 Alcaston's "Corridor of Hope" 4 Figure 4 Scandinavian Diamond Geology 7 Figure 5 Parka Licence Aeromag Interpretation 10 Figure 6 Parka Licence Sampling 12 Figure 7 Facsimile Parka Licence Sketch 14

Appendix [Sampling Data Tables]

Table 1 Parka Licence Sampling - Field Locations and Sampling Data Table 2 Geoforum Parka Area - 2001 Sampling Data Table 3 Geoforum Parka Area - 2002 Sample Preparation Request Table 4 Geoforum Parka Area - 2002 Pre-Tabling Laboratory Split Data Table 5 Geoforum Parka Area - 2002 Concentrate Split Data Table 6 Geoforum Parka Area - 2002 Concentration Factor Data Table 7 Geoforum Parka Area - All Samples Concentrate Splits Data Table 8 Geoforum Parka Area - Overall Concentration Data

G-eoforUlll Scalldill3.\ria AB Park:a DialllOlld Project THE PARKA DIAMOND PROJECT

Parka Project Overvie\N

Geoforum Scandinavia AB ("Geoforum") has applied for a diamond exploration license covering "1273 km2 in the extreme north of Sweden ("168 0 N), as shown in Figure 1. The licence application is officially named after the village of Parkalompolo ("Parka") which lies in the centre of the licence (Figure 2).

The nearest other diamond exploration licences belong to Alcaston Mining NL ("Alcaston"). Their original, West-northwest trending "Corridor of Hope" licences (Figure 3) date from 2000 and have recently been greatly reduced in size.

Work by Geoforum has included regional structure and local bulls eye targeting. Diamond exploration field work has included the taking of 23 till samples down-ice of bulls eyes, 7 stream samples and 1 esker sample. In addition, 13 co-incident till samples were taken in 2002 for metal exploration purposes.

All diamond exploration samples have been size fractionated and tabled. The concentrate size fractions are -2 to +1.25 mm, -1.25 to +0.8 mm, -0.8 to +0.4 mm and -0.4 mm. Details of these samples are given in the tables in the Appendices.

Field trials, using 30 cm sieves, showed that good concentrates can be produced from the -4 to +2 mm size fraction and this remains to be done on the stored sample size fractions.

The applied-for, diamond exploration licence, once granted, will have three full years (summer) field seasons to run. The licence is likely to be granted in early Spring.

Further field work by Geoforum is suspended at present due to the high cost of laboratory processing. Financing is reqUired to carry out the required mineralogical picking and analysis required to further the project.

G-eoforUlll SC8.11dill8.,ria AB 1 Parlc;l Di;llllOlld Project FIGURE 1 • PARKA DIAMOND LICENCE LOCATION IN NORTHERN SWEDEN


Moscow _

t.. ... POLAND KIn BELARUS­ Warsaw _

Geoforul1l ScandlnaVla AB 2 Parka Dl8.Lllond Project FIGURE 2 - GEOFORUM PARKA LICENCE MAP

Geofm-um Scandinavia AB 3 Parka Diamond Project FIGURE 3 • ALCASTON'S "CORRIDOR OF HOPE" [After 2001 Annual Report]

/ ( 100 KILOMETRES ~ -4. ( "­ ( \ ,.. I...... I I ..... ,,/ J / ...... / t. o ••• • f' "­ I .. • I /." :., • \ , ..,, . . \ .~ .. . ., ", I • ...... I • • ,/ • 0 •t J tI. ,; • ... I KIRUNA, • • J 'It f • I I • ) ( ~ MALMBEROET •

• • JOKKMOKK • •• •


AlCAST0'4 1!IlItIO""TION Ull!NCI!& • •• AI.CASfOlt MMlNETIC ANOMA"IU I"" 2000 • Prlollly Rlnll" • ( III 10 I et­

t ."1'. 2O~1

Geoforum Scandinavia AB 4 Parka Diamond Project 1. Geographic Factors

1.1 Location

The Parka Licence lies in the extreme Northeast of Norrbotten, the northernmost county in Sweden. Distances to various locations, measured from the centre of Parkalompolo Village, are as follows:

• the Finnish Border lies 28 kilometres ("km") to the East, with the closest point to the licence only 14 km away

• Kiruna, the regional centre of the Kiruna Municipality, lies 109 km to the West

• the nearest diamond licence, Alcaston's Pahtajoki Licence (see below), lies 28 km to the Northeast

• Pajala (pronounced "Paella"), the regional centre of the lies 69 km to the South-southeast

• Lannavaara, a centre of Lappish culture, lies 51 km to the Northwest

The majority of the licence falls within the Pajala Municipality, with 35 km 2 lying in the Kiruna Municipality in the Northwestern-most portion of the licence.

1.2 Other Factors


The licence falls within the Swedish Arctic. Fieldwork can readily be carried out between mid-April to late September, though in reality, depending on the type of work, work can probably be carried out all year round due to the excellent infrastructure. Drilling should be able to be undertaken during most of the year, or at the very least during the winter field season in all locations.

Physiography and Drainage

The countryside is undulating, with both impeded drainage and major rivers. Maximum elevation differences within the licence are less than 100 metres ("m"). The majority of the watercourses drain South-westwards to the Lainio River. Other streams drain northwards to the Muonio River, which forms the Swedish/Finnish border.

Infrastructure and Human Activities/Industry

In general, there is good to excellent access in the Parka Licence, with both tarred and gravel roads within 3-5 km of most of the known bulls-eye targets.

G'eoforUlll Scal'ldilla,ria AB 5 Parka Dialllolld Project The property contains two small communities, Parkalompolo in its centre and Kerantojarvi on its south-eastern boundary, as shown in Figure 2.

There are a number of daily flights connecting Pajala with other centres within Sweden. The airport is designated as a regional hub for "Lapland".

The predominant human activities in the area are forestry, both summer and winter tourism and reindeer herding.

Current Licensing Constraints

Attention was paid to reducing potential environmental delays and objections during the laying out of the licence application. Thus, though the small, micro­ environmental Naakakero Nature Reserve lies completely within the southern portion of the licence, it has been excised from it. In addition, the South-eastern licence boundary has been kinked marginally inwards to exclude a "to be proclaimed" nature reserve. The northern licence boundary is formed by the large Pessinki Nature Reserve (see Figure 7 later), which constrains licence expansion.

Another constraint to licence expansion is the requirement for Geoforum not to licence ground within 20 km of Alcaston's Pahtajoki and Hannuvaara Diamond Licences. These diamond licences once belonged to Geoforum, as outlined in Section 3.1 below. Their locations, to the North (Hannuvaara) and Northeast (Pahtajoki) of the Parka Licence Application are shown in Figure 3.

2. Generalised Geology

2.1 Quaternary Geology

Two main glacial transport directions have been previously mapped as coming either from the SW to the NE or from the NW to the SE. To some extent this is corroborated by the topography, drainage and some field measurements. In some cases, two till samples have been taken to cover both directions in areas of uncertainty.

Most of the overburden within the licence area consists of till or occasionally till below a thin horizon of glacifluvium or washed till. Depth to bedrock is considered to be in the range of 0 to 7 meters. The thicker and more complex Veikki till occurs outside the licence area to the South and Southwest (see Figure 6 later).

2.2 Basement Geology

The Parkalompolo licence lies within the Northwest portion of the FennoScandic Craton in an area with +200 km lithosphere thickness, with an interpreted heat 2 flow of less than N40 mW/m • The generalised diamond geology of Northern Scandinavia is shown in Figure 4.

G-eoforUlll SC8.11dill8.\ria AB 6 Park:a DialllOlld Project FIGURE 4 - SCANDINAVIAN DIAMOND GEOLOGY

C) 18' E ct LEGEND ....,.,o ARCTICI OCEAN o ..... o Phanerozoic Sedimentary and Igneous rocks ~ l 8 o Caledonian Orogenic Belt (4S0-3SOMa) CIJ n r.u ::; Transscandinavian Granite-Porphyry Belt: p.. Middle to Upper Proterozoic sedimentary and ..... D ::; felsic volcanogenic rocks (l600-700Ma) r.u Intrusive granitoids (17SO-890Ma) <; ..... Southwest Scandinavian Province: r.u D Proterozoic polymetamorphic belt (l800-900Ma) ~ Upper Svecokarelian metasediments, D volcanogenic rocks and granitic intrusives (2000-1900Ma)

Lower to Middle Svecokarelian mets· D sediments, volcanogenic rocks and granitic intrusives (Lapponian, Iatulian and others) (22QO.I900Ma) Pechenga-\llzuga Belt D Svecokarelian metasediments, volcanogenics "'-I and mafic to ultra-mafic intrusives (22QO.l900Ma) Granulite Belt D Archaen granulite complex (27QO.l900Ma)

Archean Province D Archean granitiod gneiss basement, greenstone belts and late Archean granitoids (27QO.I900Ma) -_ Linear / Undifferentiated Fractures 'U :!= Transcurrent Faults r.u ~ PI • Reported Kimberlite / Alnoite Occurrence r.u t:i..... • Alluvial/Boulder Float Diamond Occurrences r.:. 8 • Hardrock Diamond Occurrences o ::; p.. 'U o..... (&. GeoforUlll Scandinavia AB n r:- SCANDINAVIAN DIAMOND GEOLOGY

Map based01\ Gedogical Survey ofFin1llld, with other dSa sourced ftom the Gcologicsl Committee rL the Karelion Republic and other 8Oun:

Yellurlde & 1hIlIoc:bIIa - 0111OO~ The Parkalompolo Diamond Licence largely covers a stable suite of granitic rocks. Exposure within the Parkalompolo license is scarce, generally occurring along river valleys and gorges, though some areas of thin till were noted during sampling.

Based upon the few occurring outcrops, coupled to the aeromagnetics, most of the licence is interpreted as being underlain by rocks belonging to the Lina granite series and the Haaravaara group, which are dated 1V1,825 Ma. The rocks within the Lina Granite (tv l,780-1,800 Ma ) series consist of potassic Lina Granite and Jyryjoki Granite, in addition to a minor zone of Perthite Monzonite.

The rocks within the Haaravaara group consist of banded gneisses. These rocks are possibly older than 2,000 Ma and should be considered to be part of the basement complex. They are intruded by the Naakakero gabbroic, ring complex

( tv l.77 Ma), 4 km Northeast of Kerantojarvi, in the South-eastern portion of the licence.

2.3 Exploration Model

Geoforum's overall exploration model is a crustal thickness model combined with regional structures and intrusives. It is based on a combination of two well known models, namely:

• Intra-cratonic suturing ("Limpopo Mobile Belt" Type), and

• Block faulting over regional doming ("Arkhangelsk" Type)

Consequently, the targeting factors used have been:

• Enhanced Crustal thickness (shown in Figure 4) • +200 km lithospheric thickness • +45 km depth to Moho Boundary (not shown in Figure 4) • Low crustal heat flow

• Regional Gravity High, coupled to block faulting

• Regional transcurrent structures or "sutures" (see aeromagnetic linears in the accompanying figures). Diamonds have reportedly been found in a kimberlite boulder in the Lannavaara Area, along regional suture strike to the Northwest from the Parka area

• Evidence of high level intrusive activity • Naakakero Gabbroic Ring Complex • Perthitic-monzonitic phase of the Jyryjoki Granitic Intrusives near Kangas

Alcaston appear to have concentrated on a crustal margin suture model, the so­ called "Corridor of Hope".

G-eoforUlll SC8..n.dill8..\ria AB 8 Park:a DialllOlld Project 2.4 Aeromagnetics

The high resolution aeromagnetics are based on interpolated 40 x 40 m values, based on original 200 x 40 m aeromagnetic flight lines. These reveal largely "positive" bulls-eye targets, which occur generally in a moderately magnetic background (Figure 5). Bulls eye targeting has been carried out in conjunction with a geophysicist. Root zone modelling of some selected bulls eyes is currently being carried out.

Structural interpretation shows the major magnetic linears trending North­ westerly, with block faulting is shown by North-easterly trending magnetic linears in Figure 5.

Occasionally circular magnetic features ("1100-400 m diameter) occur in topographic depressions consisting of bog or lakes. So far it is unknown if the known bulls eyes host an EM response.

Both "Positive" and "Negative" aeromagnetic bulls eyes have been sampled.

G-eoforUll1 SC8.11dill8.\Tia AB 9 Park:a Diall1011d ProJect '1

G-EOPORU11: SCANDINAVIA AB ..... u ,9L. o ~ Sketch Plan Showing Location of Bulls' Eyes p.., Relative to Medium Resolution Aeromagnetics "0 ~ o Key: a <;

o .-t z o

Sw a.0::: 0:::w I­ ~ Z <;

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w ~ (.) o z l..:--lo w V (.) (j ::J ®

3.1 Geoforum's Early Work

Geoforum carried out aeromagnetic bulls-eye targeting over a regional 2 gravimetric high in 1999. This led to the taking out of the Pahtajoki ("'76 km ) 2 and Hannuvaara ("'181 km ) diamond licences and their subsequent till sampling. These licences were sold to Alcaston on the 31st July, 2000 and are located in Figure 2).

3.2 Work Carried out to Date on the Parka Licence

Outline of Work Program To Date

Geoforum started work in the Parka area in 2001 with regional and local targeting based on high definition aeromagnetics. Two short end-of-field season sampling programs (2001 and 2002) comprising down-ice of bulls eye, till sampling have been carried out to date in the Parka Licence.

Base sample field data are shown in Table 1 (see Appendices) and resultant concentrate split and concentration data for all samples are given in Tables 7 and 8 in the appendices. All sampling locations are shown in Figure 6 overleaf. They include some samples covering both ice directions in areas where both ice transport directions are known to occur.

Outline of2001 Sampling Data

Eight samples were taken in August 2001 and they, and their concentrate weight fractions are detailed in Table 2 (appended). These samples comprised:

• 6 till samples, down-ice of bulls eye targets. These samples, depending on each sample's field sieving characteristics, weighed between 33 and 74 kgs, averaging 41 kg.

• 1 regional stream (Lainio River) sample. This -2 mm sample weighed 31 kg.

• 1 heavy mineral rich esker sample. This -2 mm sample weighed 7.5 kg.

Tabled heavy mineral concentrate size fractions in 2001 include -2 to +1.25 mm, -1.25 to +0.8 mm, -0.8 to +0.4 mm and -0.4 mm. No other samples were taken. Details of these samples are the "Geoforum Kangos Area - 2001 Sampling Data" sheet.

Outline of2002 Sampling Data

Twenty four samples were taken in September 2002 and their sizing and resultant concentrate splits are summarised in Tables 3 to 6 (appended).

G-eoforUlll SCS-lldills-\ria AB 11 Park~a Diall1011d Project • •• w w / w • o o o • o o 11 o o ~ Power Line> o • c5 o c5 • C'l r-­ 0> , r-­ ••• ...... •

7,540,000 N GBOFORUM SCANDINAVIA AB lfl Sketch Plan Showing the Spatial Distribution of Sampling with Regard to Bulls' Eyes, -J-J U the Parkalompolo Licence, Infrastructure ilJ and Aeromagnetic Linears B :... a.. , '"D Key: Q @ 0 Nature Reserve o / 8 @ 't::\:>Parkalompolo Licence lfl Till Sample <;,j Q <;,j ® Bull's Eye lfl Stream Sample 2>d :... <;,j 0 Probable Bull's Eye lfl Esker Sample a..

'"\ Aeromagnetic Linear Ice Direction • " •• International Boundary ~ Roads

• N •• '1"'4 •• / ~ •• ••

~ o • ® ® -.. / •• •• Area of Veiki Till • / •

• ~ 7,520,000 N • <;,j C) • "> Z ® • <;,j

t" • Q

•• ;C; ~ 1/ /) • Q :i • <;,ju « .... : v:l UJ • •• 8

w o/~ ;j ~

o ® ® o:... z 4-lo w e: ilJ o ® o :::i = ~ < Power Line = ...... ~

,,~® ~ «~ ~ ~ = I 7,510,000 N ® ® ~ CD ~. W I ~

~ / C) ii: J DrZlfted In mZlpJnlQ by Telluride ld liuQCIZIteli 10/~OO! The 2002 field season samples comprise:

• 17 till samples, down-ice of bulls ey"e targets. These samples, depending on each sample's field sieving characteristics, weighed between 48 and 91 kg and averaged 71 kg per sample. Of these samples, one came from the Lannavaara Area and three from Southeast of the Parka Licence.

• 7 stream samples. These -2 mm samples varied between 11 and 45 kg and averaged 30 kg. The stream samples were substantially smaller than the till samples as they represent washed material. Again 1 sample came from the Lannavaara Area and two from the area Southeast of the Parka Licence.

• Additionally, 13 till samples were taken for precious/base metal ICP analysis.

Field trials in 2002 of screen jigging of the -4 to +2 mm material in 30 cm diameter screens showed that acceptable screen concentrates were producible in the field and this larger size fraction was incorporated in later samples by field sieving to -4 mm, rather than 2 mm. Unfortunately, some early 2002 samples were discarded in the field prior to this.

Tabled heavy mineral concentrate size fractions for 2002 include -2 to +1.25 mm, -1.25 to +0.8 mm, -0.8 to +0.4 mm and -0.4 mm. Details of these samples are shown in the accompanying, appended tables (Tables 4 to 6).

The number and type of samples was increased in the 2002 field season, namely an additional -4+2 mm fraction sample for hand jigging and a ~250 gram sample for till geochemistry. Till geochemistry is indicated as gold exploration is being carried out in the Parka area, whilst copper is found in the Lannavaara area.

3.3 Licence Timing

An initial summary application for a diamond exploration licence was made on the 1st of October, 2002. This preliminary application did not take Nature Reserve th boundaries into account and a second application, dated 7 , October, was made. A facsimile of that map is shown in Figure 7 overleaf.

The unusual step of making a preliminary application was due to widespread local interest being shown in Geoforum's work and rumours circulating of diamond exploration activities.

G-eoforUll1 SC2.11dilla\ria AB 13 Park~a Diall1011d Project -- .. ------

(7) ct I GEOFORU11 SCANlJINAVIA AB o,....,., o ~ FIGURE 7 - FACSIMILE PARKA LICENCE SKETCH ~ S CI) [Licence Application submitted 7th October, 2002] n ~ ::> .....P.­ ::> ~ <'­ 7540000 N ~ tp­ lJj UNDERSOKNINGTILLSTAND PARKALOMPOLO KARTBLAD 29L-29M Geoforum Scandinavia AB

... ~ / •

;~ I' 7530000 N . ~, ,

t-U ~ . ~ \~ ~F rt~ Undantaget > I

~ I I~ u,..... ~ \ N ,t 0 RT90 0 O· , I 0 , :=f 0 t 0 /" 0 ,g. 0 0 0 I (jI 0 0 0 n \) < Keranto~ ,...,. 0 0 0 '0(""­ 0'> l~ ,.....,00

~ 00 ~ '0(""- '0(""- J 7 .... 17520000 N 3.4 Work Required

The following work is required:

• Screen jigging of available -4 to +2 mm material collected in 2002 and hand lens examination of the resultant screen concentrates.

• Mineral picking of heavy minerals from selected heavy mineral concentrates.

• Mineralogical examination and chemical analysis of indicator minerals.

• Analysis of till samples taken for [ICP] geochemical purposes.

4. Conclusions

A large number of the bulls eyes of the prospective Parka diamond exploration licence have been down-ice till sampled, together with regional and semi-regional stream and esker sampling.

All -2 mm sample fractions have been tabled and heavy mineral concentrates produced (Table 7). The majority of -4 to +2 mm screen fractions from the 2002 field season's samples still remain to be sieve jigged.

Though minor geophysical modelling is continuing, the project is currently at a standstill pending financing of mineral picking and mineral analysis.


Geoforum Scandinavia AB Tellurides a. Associates Michael Bromley-Challenor Andrew Phillips Persiljestigen 18 22 Froghall Lane SE 77143 Ludvika Walkern, Stevenage Sweden / Sverige Herts SG2 7PH, United Kingdom e-mail: [email protected] e-mail: [email protected] Tel: Int. +46 240 80780 Tel: Int. +44 1438 861654 Fax: Int. +46 240 84210 Fax: Int. +44 1438 861914


G-eoforUlll Scan.din.a\ria AB 15 Parl~a Dial11011d Project APPENDIX



List of Tables:

Table 1 Parka Licence Sampling - Field Locations and Sampling Data

Table 2 Geoforum Parka Area - 2001 Sampling Data

Table 3 Geoforum Parka Area - 2002 Sample Preparation Request

Table 4 Geoforum Parka Area - 2002 Pre-Tabling Laboratory Split Data

Table 5 Geoforum Parka Area - 2002 Concentrate Split Data

Table 6 Geoforum Parka Area - 2002 Concentration Factor Data

Table 7 Geoforum Parka Area - All Samples Concentrate Splits Data

Table 8 Geoforum Parka Area - Overall Concentration Data


Sample Waypoint Sample Easting Northing GPS Sampling Date of No of Field Sample Field Number Number Medium X-East V-North FOMm Comment Sampling Bags Wtkg DepthiHoriz. Sievemm 01-CP-P001 414 Till 1,792,277 7,537,833 n/a Sample eo-ords RT90 27-08-01 3 66 n/a IC -4mm 01-CP-P002 422 Till 1,786,109 7,540,312 nJa Sample eo-ords, adjusted RT90 28-08-01 n/a 64 n/a/C -4mm 01-CP-P003 425 Till 1,786,046 7,534,504 n/a Sample eo-ords, adjusted RT90 28-08-01 n/a 65 n/a/C -4mm 01-CP-POO4 437 Till 1,797,692 7,533,509 n/a Sample co-ords, adjusted RT90 30-08-01 nJa 23 n/a IC nJa 01-CP-P005 445 Till 1,799,795 7,525,007 n/a Possibly 2 till horizons [ferrug layer] 31-08-01 n/a 74 n/a/C -2mm 01-CP-P006 431 Till 1,796,664 7,536,416 nJa Sample co-ords, adjusted RT90 29-08-01 nJa 65 n/a I B-C -10mm 01-WP-441 [esk] 441 Esker 1,791,520 7,509,730 nJa Sample co-ords, adjusted RT90 30-08-01 n/a 7.5 30-50 em IC -2mm 01-CP-P007 [8S] 439 Point bar 1,792,309 7,509,598 n/a Sample eo-ords, adjusted RT90 30-08-01 2 31 nla -2mm 02-CP-P008 487 Till 1,809,874 7,527,461 3.9 17-09-02 3 62 nla I B-C -4mm 02-CP-P009 488 Till 1,797,135 7,521,628 4.6 17-09-02 3 55 nJa/C -10 mm 02-CP-P010 493 Till 1,798,421 7,529,625 3.8 Possibly 2 till horizons [ferrug layer] 18-09-02 3 61 n/a/C -2mm 02-CP-P011 [ss] 538 Gravel 1815096 7,517,408 3.5 -15 kg of -4 +2 mm kept for jigging 27-09-02 1 22 nJa -2mm 02-CP-P012 526 Till 1,800,450 7,524,239 4.1 Possibly 2 till horizons [ferrug layer] 25-09-02 4 83 35-95 em IC -4mm 02-CP-P013 [8S] 492 Gravel bars 1,806,718 7,533,566 4.9 Sieve -4 - +2mm screen concentrate 18-09-02 1 21 nla -2mm 02-CP-P014 494 Till 1,801,770 7,532,091 4.1 18-09-02 2 61 70-90 em IC -4mm 02-CP-P015 497 Till 1,792,230 7,537,413 5.0 19-09-02 3 48 35-50 em I B-C -4mm 02-CP-P016 521 Till 1,815,910 7,510,903 5.2 Kangos East Area 24-09-02 4 84 35-70 em IC -4mm 02-CP-P017 - Not taken - - - Est +2.5 m glaei-f1uvium overburden at site [19-09-02] - - Not taken - 02-CP-P018 506 Till 1,797,328 7,537,947 3.9 21-09-02 4 77 25-40 em IC -4mm 02-CP-P019 503 Till 1,799,126 7,538,060 4.1 20-09-02 4' 72 40-70 em IC -4mm 02-CP-P020 507 Till 1,799,241 7,538,490 3.3 21-09-02 4 71 35-55 em IC -4mm 02-CP-P021 518 Till 1,786,069 7,539,707 3.5 -10 kg of -10 +4 mm retained 23-09-02 4 76 30-70 em IC -4mm 02-CP-P022 [8S] 510 Transverse bar 1,790,500 7,531,337 3.1 -4 +2 mm screen jig concentrate [Weepidote] 22-09-02 2 41 nla -2mm 02-CP-P023 [S8] 522 Gravel bar 1,812,436 7,512,626 6.4 -10 kg of -10 +4 mm kept for jigging 24-09-02 2 40 nJa -2mm 02-CP-P024 [ss) 502 Rock ledge 1,802,867 7,537,463 4.9 Sieve -4 - +2mm screen concentrate 20-09-02 2 30 nla -2mm 02-CP-P025 525 Till 1,809,082 7,508,388 5.1 25-09-02 4 83 30-75 em IC -4mm 02-CP-P026 498 Till 1,791,594 7,534,641 3.3 19-09-02 3 52 50-60 em Ie -4mm 02-CP-P027 501 Till 1,797,699 7,533,048 3.4 20-09-02 4 75 40-50 em IC -4mm 02-CP-P028 523 Till 1,797,449 7,512,191 3.5 Kangos East Area 24-09-02 4 73 30-70 em IC -4mm 02-CP-P029 512 Till 1,789,063 7,532,710 3.2 22-09-02 4 89 30-60 em IC -4mm 02-CP-P030 [ss] 519 Inner bank bar 1,784,181 7,539,557 4.7 -11 kg of -4 +2 mm retained 23-09-02 2 45 nla -2mm 02-CP-P031 531 Till 1,754,238 7,566,196 3.1 -470 m carry-out 26-09-02 4 91 40-100 em I C -10mm 02-CP-P032 [ss] 535 Peaty sand 1,759,332 7,555,702 3.9 -1.5 kg of -4 +2 mm kept for jigging 26-09-02 1 11 nla -2mm Totals '02 > 24 Medium X-East V-North FOMm SamDling Comment Date 72 1,423 DepthiHoriz. Various Notes: 1). [ss] denotes stream sediment sample 2). nla denotes not available or not measured. 3). Some field splits of -4 +2 mm size still to be weighed. TABLE 2 - GEOFORUM PARKA AREA - 2001 SAMPLING DATA

Raw -4+2 Fraction Concentrate Weight [gm] Original Sample No. Way Point Medium Weight kg -2 +1.25 -1.25 +0.8 -0.8 +0.4 -0.4> Sample kg 01-CP-P001 414 till nla 1,095 441 547 4,122 33 01-CP-POO2 422 till nla 33 434 543 3,605 38 01-CP-P003 425 till nla 325 389 678 3,419 40 01-CP-P004 437 till nla 46 341 677 2,761 23 01-CP-P005 445 till nla 174 303 1,485 4,713 74 01-CP-P006 431 till nla 510 487 1,045 3,268 38 01-WP-441 [esk] 441 esker nla 2 10 90 1,519 7.5 01-CP-P007 [ss] 439 point bar nla 621 546 933 254 31 OVERALL Totals Fraction kg 35.416 n/a 2,806 2,951 5,998 23,661 284.5 TILL Only Fraction kg 31.441 nla 2,183 2,395 4,975 21,888 246.0 Note: nla - -4+2 mm Sample fractions not taken in 2001 sampling


2001 OVERALL Concentration Data [Excludes -4 +2 mm Fraction]

Overall Concentrate Fraction: 12.45% Overall Weight Reduction: 87.55% Overall Concentration Factor: 8.03 Usable Cone fractions [-2 +0.4]: 4.13% Usable Weight Reduction: 95.870/0 Usable Concentration Factor: 24.20

2001 TILL Only Concentration Data [Excludes -4 +2 mm Fraction]

Overall Concentrate Fraction: 12.78% Overall Weight Reduction: 87.22% Overall Concentration Factor: 7.82 Usable Cone fractions [-4 +0.4]: 3.88% Usable Weight Reduction: 96.12% Usable Concentration Factor: 25.75 TABLE 3 - GEOFORUM PARKA AREA - 2002 SAMPLE PREPARATION REQUEST

Geoforum Sample Preparation Reauest F G H J Prepare Prepare & Table Size Fractions Shown -4 +2 mm (All fractions and s,)/its to be weighed) Sample Numbers Bags Field kg Field Size Fraction -2 +1.25 -1.25 +0.8 -0.8 +0.4 -0.4> 02-CP-POO8 3 62 -4mm x x x x x 02-CP-POO9 3 55 -10mm x x x x x 02-CP-P010 3 61 -2 mm - x x x x 02-CP-P011 [55] 1 22 -2mm - x x x x 02-CP-P012 4 83 -4mm x x x x x 02-CP-P013 [55] 1 21 -2mm - x x x x 02-CP-P014 2 61 -4mm x x x x x 02-CP-P015 3 48 -4mm x x x x x 02-CP-P016 4 84 -4mm x x x x x 02-CP-P018 4 77 -4mm x x x x x 02-CP-P019 4 72 -4mm x x x x x 02-CP-P020 4 71 -4mm x x x x x 02-CP-P021 4 76 -4mm x x x x x 02-CP-P022 [55] 1 41 -2 mm - x x x x 02-CP-P023 [55] 2 40 -2 mm - x x x x 02-CP-P024 [55] 2 30 -2 mm - x x x x 02-CP-P025 4 83 -4mm x x x x x 02-CP-P026 3 52 -4mm x x x x x 02-CP-P027 4 75 -4mm x x x x x 02-CP-P028 4 73 -4mm x x x x x 02-CP-P029 4 89 -4mm x x x x x 02-CP-P030 [55] 2 45 -2 mm - x x x x 02-CP-P031 4 91 -10mm x x x x x 02-CP-P032 [55] 1 11 -2mm - x x x x 24 Samples 71 1,423 Sizes

Additional Sample Information WORK REQUIREMENT REQUEST Samples - 10 mm 2 1. Weigh all original samples before any preparation Samples -4 mm 14 2. x in column G, prepare, drain and weigh -4 +2 mm fraction Samples -2 mm 8 and retain for collection by Michael Bromley-Challenor 3. Drain & weigh all -2 mm bulk samples before fractioning and tabling Note: [55] denotes washed sediment sample 4. x in columns HIlI J IK, drain and weigh all fractions before tabling whose shown weight has been reduced by 10% 5. Gently dry and weigh all concentrates after tabling fractions Samples in plastic bags on 4 pallets 6. Retain all concentrates for collection by Michael Bromley-Challenor TABLE 4 - GEOFORUM PARKA AREA - 2002 PRE-TABLING LABORATORY SPLIT DATA

Sample -No Field Bags Lab Bags Field kg DryWt kg +4mmkg +2 mm kg -4+2 mm kg Table Wt kg 02-CP-P008 3 3 62 67.8 3.4 11.5 8.1 56.3 02-CP-P009 3 3 55 69.2 9.0 13.4 4.4 55.8 02-CP-P010 3 2 61 61.1 0.0 3.6 3.6 61.1 02-CP-P011 [55] 1 1 22 21.0 0.0 0.0 Pend 21.0 02-CP-P012 4 4 83 87.0 1.4 6.5 5.1 80.5 02-CP-P013 [55] 1 1 21 23.2 0.0 0.0 Pend 23.2 02-CP-P014 2 2 61 71.1 4.2 13.7 9.5 57.4 02-CP-P015 3 3 48 64.1 9.1 14.2 5.1 49.9 02-CP-P016 4 4 84 86.4 2.2 7.4 5.2 79.0 02-CP-P018 4 4 77 76.5 16.9 20.9 4.0 55.6 02-CP-P019 4 4 72 81.0 2.8 6.6 3.8 74.4 02-CP-P020 4 4 71 76.4 7.3 9.9 2.6 66.5 02-CP-P021 4 4 76 85.9 3.0 9.0 6.0 76.9 02-CP-P022 [55] 1 1 41 42.3 0.0 0.0 Pend 42.3 02-CP-P023 [55] 2 2 40 36.0 0.0 0.0 Pend 36.0 02-CP-P024 [55] 2 2 30 31.8 0.0 0.0 Pend 31.8 02-CP-P025 4 4 83 86.1 11.1 15.2 4.1 70.9 02-CP-P026 3 3 52 64.2 4.9 12.3 7.4 51.9 02-CP-P027 4 4 75 79.4 65.1 72.4 7.3 7.0 02-CP-P028 4 4 73 71.5 6.0 11.6 5.6 59.9 02-CP-P029 4 4 89 94.9 20.3 23.9 3.6 71.0 02-CP-P030 [55] 2 2 45 46.9 0.0 0.0 Pend 46.9 02-CP-P031 4 4 91 93.3 1.2 16.6 15.4 76.7 02-CP-P032 [55] 1 1 11 12.7 0.0 0.0 Pend 12.7 Totals 71 70 1,423.0 1,529.8 167.9 268.7 100.8 1,264.7 Note: Pend refers to Stream -4+2 mm sample weights that are outstanding TABLE 5 - GEOFORUM PARKA AREA - 2002 CONCENTRATE SPLIT DATA

Raw-4+2 Fraction Concentrate Weight [gm] Laboratory Sample No. Way Point Medium Weight kg -2 +1.25 -1.25 +0.8 -G.8 +0.4 -0.4> Sample kg 02-CP-P008 487 till 8.1 385 260 1,147 2,636 67.8 02-CP-P009 488 till 4.4 342 135 344 3,253 69.2 02-CP-P010 493 till 3.6 1,598 1,224 724 3,203 61.1 02-CP-P011 538 Gravel Pending 454 533 1,416 1,070 21.0 02-CP-P012 526 till 5.1 865 300 811 4,447 87.0 02-CP-P013 492 Gravel bars Pending 447 361 1,463 1,193 23.2 02-CP-P014 494 till 9.5 463 251 973 3,317 71.1 02-CP-P015 497 till 5.1 1,500 623 970 2,816 64.1 02-CP-P016 521 till 5.2 1,250 622 1,108 4,280 86.4 02-CP-P018 506 till 4.0 1,020 503 1,131 3,065 76.5 02-CP-P019 503 till 3.8 1,120 623 1,485 4,791 81.0 02-CP-P020 507 till 2.6 487 181 479 3,689 76.4 02-CP-P021 518 till 6.0 1,441 577 1,011 4,418 85.9 02-CP-P022 510 Transverse bar Pending 280 51 540 2,629 42.3 02-CP-P023 522 Gravel bar Pending 388 126 473 2,166 36.0 02-CP-P024 502 Rock ledge Pending 224 44 2,267 1,027 31.8 02-CP-P025 525 till 4.1 1,504 810 1,025 3,881 86.1 02-CP-P026 498 till 7.4 615 205 741 2,823 64.2 02-CP-P027 501 till 7.3 1,477 571 1,169 3,078 79.4 02-CP-P028 523 till 5.6 1,111 477 780 3,392 71.5 02-CP-P029 512 till 3.6 865 260 887 3,917 94.9 02-CP-P030 519 Inner bank bar Pending 395 314 2,974 1,341 46.9 02-CP-P031 531 till 15.4 1,001 380 771 4,502 93.3 02-CP-P032 535 Peaty sand Pending 231 72 251 1,075 12.7 OVERALL Totals Fraction kg 125.915 100.8 19,463 9,503 24,940 72,009 1529.8 TILL Only Fraction kg 102.11 100.8 17,044 8,002 15,556 61,508 1,315.9 GRAVEL Only Fraction kg 23.805 0.0 2,419 1,501 9,384 10,501 213.9 Notes: 1) Raw -4+2 mm field samples still to.be jigged. 2) Esker sample excluded from gravel weights. TABLE 6 - GEOFORUM PARKA AREA - 2002 CONCENTRATION FACTOR DATA

2002 OVERALL Concentration Data [Excludes -4 +2 mm Fraction]

Overall Concentrate Fraction: 8.23% Overall Weight Reduction: 91.77% Overall Concentration Factor: 12.15 Usable Cone fractions [-2 +0.4]: 3.52% Usable Weight Reduction: 96.48% Usable Concentration Factor: 28.38

2002 TILL Only Concentration Data [Excludes -4 +2 mm Fraction]

Overall Concentrate Fraction: 7.76% Overall Weight Reduction: 92.24% Overall Concentration Factor: 12.89 Usable Cone fractions [-2 +0.4]: 3.09% Usable Weight Reduction: 96.91% Usable Concentration Factor: 32.41

2002 GRAVEL Only Concentration Data [Excludes -4 +2 mm Fraction]

Overall Concentrate Fraction: 11.13% Overall Weight Reduction: 88.87% Overall Concentration Factor: 8.99 Usable Cone fractions [-2 +0.4): 6.22% Usable Weight Reduction: 93.78% Usable Concentration Factor: 16.08 TABLE 7 ". GEOFORUM PARKA AREA • ALL SAMPLES CONCENTRATE SPLITS DATA

Raw-4+2 Fraction Concentrate Weight [gm] Original Sample No. Way Point Medium Weight kg -2 +1.25 -1.25 +0.8 -0.8 +0.4 -0.4 > sample kg 01-CP-POO1 414 till nla 1,095 441 547 4,122 33.0 01-CP-POO2 422 till nla 33 434 543 3,605 38.0 01-CP-POO3 425 till nla 325 389 678 3,419 40.0 01-CP-P004 437 till nla 46 341 677 2,761 23.0 01-CP-P005 445 till nla 174 303 1,485 4,713 74.0 01-CP-P006 431 till nla 510 487 1,045 3,268 38.0 01-WP-441 [esk] 441 Esker nla 2 10 90 1,519 7.5 01-CP-POO7 [ss] 439 Point bar nla 621 546 933 254 31.0 02-CP-POO8 487 till 8.1 385 260 1,147 2,636 67.8 02-CP-POO9 488 till 4.4 342 135 344 3,253 69.2 02-CP-P010 493 till 3.6 1,598 1,224 724 3,203 61.1 02-CP-P011 538 Gravel Pending 454 533 1,416 1,070 21.0 02-CP-P012 526 till 5.1 865 300 811 4,447 87.0 02-CP-P013 [55] 492 Gravel bars Pending 447 361 1,463 1,193 23.2 02-CP-P014 494 till 9.5 463 251 973 3,317 71.1 02-CP-P015 497 till 5.1 1,500 623 970 2,816 64.1 02-CP-P016 521 till 5.2 1,250 622 1,108 4,280 86.4 02-CP-P018 506 till 4.0 1,020 503 1,131 3,065 76.5 02-CP-P019 503 till 3.8 1,120 623 1,485 4,791 81.0 02-CP-P020 507 till 2.6 487 181 479 3,689 76.4 02-CP-P021 518 till 6.0 1,441 577 1,011 4,418 85.9 02-CP-P022 510 Transverse bar Pending 280 51 540 2,629 42.3 02-CP-P023 522 Gravel bar Pending 388 126 473 2,166 36.0 02-CP-P024 502 Rock ledge Pending 224 44 2,267 1,027 31.8 02-CP-P025 525 till 4.1 1,504 810 1,025 3,881 86.1 02-CP-P026 498 till 7.4 615 205 741 2,823 64.2 02-CP-P027 501 till 7.3 1,477 571 1,169 3,078 79.4 02-CP-P028 523 till 5.6 1,111 477 780 3,392 71.5 02-CP-P029 512 till 3.6 865 260 887 3,917 94.9 02-CP-P030 519 Inner bank bar Pending 395 314 2,974 1,341 46.9 02-CP-P031 531 till 15.4 1,001 380 771 4,502 93.3 02-CP-P032 535 Peaty sand Pending 231 72 251 1,075 12.7 Overall Totals Fraction kg 161.331 Pending 22,269 12,454 30,938 95,670 1,814.3 TILL Only Fraction kg 133.551 Pending 19,227 10,397 20,531 83,396 1,561.9 GRAVEL Only Fraction kg 26.159 Pending 3,040 2,047 10,317 10,755 244.9 Notes: 1) -4+2 mm raw field samples stiU to be jigged. 2) Esker sample excluded from gravel weights. 3) Samples marked "nla" not taken TABLE 8 - GEOFORUM PARKA AREA - OVERALL CONCENTRATION DATA

OVERALL Concentration Data [Excludes -4 +2 mm Fraction]

Overall Concentrate Fraction: 8.89% Overall Weight Reduction: 91.11% Overall Concentration Factor: 11.25 Usable Cone fractions [-2 +0.4]: 3.62°A» Usable Weight Reduction: 96.38% Usable Concentration Factor: 27.63

OVERALL TILL Only Concentration Data [Excludes -4 +2 mm Fraction]

Overall Concentrate Fraction: 8.55% Overall Weight Reduction: 91.45% Overall Concentration Factor: 11.70 Usable Cone fractions [-2 +0.4]: 3.21°A. Usable Weight Reduction: 96.79% Usable Concentration Factor: 31.14

OVERALL GRAVEL Only Concentration Data [Excludes -4 +2 mm Fraction]

Overall Concentrate Fraction: 10.68°A. Overall Weight Reduction: 89.32% Overall Concentration Factor: 9.36 Usable Cone fractions [-2 +0.4]: 6.29% Usable Weight Reduction: 93.71% Usable Concentration Factor: 15.90 Note: Esker sample excluded from Gravel weights