
Title: Experimentation with Mint LXDE, April 01, 2012

Purpose: To rapidly deploy current OS onto:

(1) Old computers like year 1999 IBM Think Pad 600X, P3, 500 MHz, and max 512 RAM

(2) Apple Intel from 2006 to present

(3) Apple Power PC (PPC), 1998 – 2005. This was not achieved in this experiment.


(1) Software I used: LXDE, Image for Linux, Bootit NG (all on 3 X 700 MB CD blanks) (2) Hardware: Pentium Duo MB, 1.5 GB RAM, 16GB flash drive, HDDs of 20, 30, 40, 60, 80, 160 and 320 GB sizes (3) Services: Internet access: Ethernet and Wireless


(1) Downloaded and burned to CD, Image for Linux , http://www.terabyteunlimited.com/image‐for‐linux.htm (2) Downloaded and burned to CD, BootitNG from: http://www.terabyteunlimited.com/bootit‐next‐ generation.htm. Bootit Bare Metal is the more recent version of Bootit NG: http://www.softpedia.com/get/System/Boot‐Manager‐Disk/BootIt‐Next‐Generation.shtml (3) I Downloaded and burned to CD, : Linux Mint LXDE, http://www.linuxmint.com/edition.php?id=60 (4) Installed Linux Mint LXDE on the hard disks as follows: 16 GB flash drive: Linux = 6 GB, swap = 3 GB, remainder = NTFS data partition 20 GB HDD: Linux = 6 GB, swap = 3 GB, remainder = NTFS data partition 30 GB HDD: Linux = 9 GB, swap = 5 GB, remainder = NTFS data partition 40 GB HDD: Linux = 12 GB, swap = 6 GB, remainder = NTFS data partition 60 GB HDD: Linux = 18 GB, swap = 9 GB, remainder = NTFS data partition 80 GB HDD: Linux = 24 GB, swap = 12 GB, remainder = NTFS data partition 160 GB HDD: Linux = 48 GB, swap = 24 GB, remainder = NTFS data partition 320 GB HDD: Linux = 96 GB, swap = 48 GB, remainder = NTFS data partition (5) I used BootitNG to deploy a NTFS data partition (I use for images of Windows) to the remaining free space. (6) In terminal I told Linux Mint 9 LXDE to auto mount the NTFS data partition sudo fdisk ‐l id user1 sudo su echo "/dev/sda3 /media/My_Data ntfs defaults,umask=0022,uid=1000,gid=1000 0 0" >> /etc/fstab sudo reboot (7) Moved documents, downloads, , pictures and videos folders to My_Data on data partition. I created a folder called My_Desktop and ISO in My_Data on data partition. (8) I told Firefox to NOT remember history and set default download path, Home/User/Desktop. Told Firefox not to check for updates. Set homepage to http://google.ca Added bookmark toolbars for: http://www.citytv.com/toronto/citynews, http://www.mto.gov.on.ca/english/traveller/transit.shtml, http://www.meetup.com/, http://kijiji.ca, http://express.paltalk.com/, http://www.facebook.com/, https://login.yahoo.com/config/login_verify2?&.src=ym, http://www.linkedin.com/

(9) In terminal I installed generic lucid drivers for wireless network adapters: sudo apt‐get install linux‐backports‐modules‐wireless‐lucid‐generic sudo apt‐get update (10) Installed PCMCIA utilities Sudo apt‐get install pcmciautils (11) I refreshed the package manager and marked for online update including the recommended and suggested software for the following: Adobe flash plugin 11, Acrobat reader, Acidrip, Efax, Gufw, Gparted, , Gnome‐device‐manager, Gnome‐ system‐monitor, K9 copy and Ripoff, upgraded libdvdcss2 (12) I researched a video editor for Linux and found Openshot and installed it from Firefox at: http://community.linuxmint.com/software/view/openshot (13) In terminal I installed Blender which functions with Openshot: sudo add‐apt‐repository ppa:.developers/ppa sudo apt‐get update sudo apt‐get install Openshot blender (14) I researched and found Damnvid for downloading YouTube video and/or converting them to MP3 I installed Damnvid in terminal as follows: sudo add‐apt‐repository ppa:damnvid/ppa sudo apt‐get update sudo apt‐get install Damnvid (15) I updated and configured Damnvid to download MP3 to data partition (from converted YouTube video). (16) I researched and found Banshee for synching and installed it in terminal: sudo add‐apt‐repository ppa:banshee‐team/ppa sudo apt‐get update sudo apt‐get install banshee (17) Installed OpenOffice Light from a tar ball, OOoLight_1.0_100922_LinuxIntel_install_deb.tar.gz, obtained from http://download.ooolight.org/en as follows: mkdir /home/user1/tarsrc/ Using file manager, I copied file, OOoLight_1.0_100922_LinuxIntel_install_deb.tar.gz to tarsrc folder cd ./tarsrc tar ‐zxvf OOoLight_1.0_100922_LinuxIntel_install_deb.tar.gz ls cd ./en‐US/DEBS sudo dpkg ‐i *.deb Finished installation by double‐clicking on extracted file in /home/user1/Tar_Src/en‐US/DEBS/desktop‐ integration called OoLight‐debian‐menus_1.0‐10_all.deb (18) Deleted ./tarsrc (19) Emptied recycle bin (20) Installed Skype 2.2 from file, skype‐ubuntu_2.2.0.35‐1_i386.deb, at: http://hotfile.com/dl/121097168/6fb8e59/skype‐ubuntu_2.2.0.35‐1_i386.deb.html Doubled clicked on the Skype file and Skype installed automatically (21) Organized shortcuts to programs into a folder called stuff. Stuff folder was copied to desktop and home folder. (22) I deleted the bookmarks of the file manager and added a bookmark for Stuff, My_Data and My_Desktop. (23) I told Transmission to download to /media/My_Data/Downloads, Ripoff to rip audio tracks to /media/My_Data/music, Blender and K9 copy to rip DVD tracks to /media/My_Data/Videos, ISO to ~/ISO. (24) I told Update Manager to ignore updates (25) In Terminal I setup Gufw as follows: sudo su # obtain server's IP address SERVERIP=`hostname ‐‐all‐ip‐addresses | cut ‐‐fields 1 ‐‐delimiter " "`

# disable firewall sudo ufw disable

# reset all firewall rules sudo ufw reset

# set default rules: deny all incoming traffic, allow all outgoing traffic sudo ufw default deny incoming sudo ufw default allow outgoing

# open port for SSH sudo ufw allow ssh

# open port for Webmin sudo ufw allow webmin

# open ports for Samba file sharing sudo ufw allow from to $SERVERIP app Samba sudo ufw allow to from $SERVERIP app Samba

# open ports for Transmission‐Daemon sudo ufw allow 9091 sudo ufw allow 20500:20599/tcp sudo ufw allow 20500:20599/udp

# open port for MySQL # open ports for Lighttpd sudo ufw allow proto tcp from to any port 3306 # sudo ufw allow “Lighttpd Full”

# open port for network time protocol (ntpd) sudo ufw allow ntp

# enable firewall sudo ufw enable

# list all firewall rules sudo ufw status verbose (26) Used Image for Linux to create image of entire hard disk into 1 file of type, tbi, and 1.5 GB in size. The Linux file system consumed less than 3.5 GB. Created LM9LXDE_16F, LM9LXDE_20, LM9LXDE_30, LM9LXDE_40, LM9LXDE_80, and LM9LXDE_160, LM9LXDE_320.tbi Results:

(1) The images deployed with lightning speed, a mere 2 minutes to restore to target HDD and under 5 minutes to create and validate an image. Linux detects and installs hardware so amazingly fast! (2) On MacBook Pro 2006, Intel Celeron dual core 2 GHz I had to comment out reference to My_Data in etc/fstab to achieve boot on2006 MacBook pro. Source: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MactelSupportTeam/AppleiSight?action=show&redirect=AppleiSight To install isight webcam on MacBook pro 2006: Download AppleUSBVideoSupport firmware from http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/332246/AppleUSBVideoSupport sudo apt‐get install isight‐firmware‐tools su ‐c "ift‐extract ‐‐apple‐driver AppleUSBVideoSupport" Power off then turn on the computer. Worked with but webcam failed to work with Skype Everything else worked fine. See http://drpcdr.ca/frank_intel_franken_tosh/frank_intel_franken_tosh.html I also deployed my Linux image on an IBM Think Pad 600X, P3, 500 MHz, 512 RAM, on a HP Omni book 6000, P3 800 MHz, 512 RAM and it played YouTube video by Ethernet flawlessly! I used BootitNG to paste an image of the Linux partition onto the NTFS data partition as a file called Backup1.img This will be used to rescue Linux in the future! Removal of Bootit NG CD from the slot loading CDROM was accomplished by aggressively pressing and releasing the eject button immediately followed by pressing and releasing the space bar. This was repeated in quick alternating fashion. Finally the CD ejected. H O L Y! (3) Using Gimp, I took some screen shots before I created My_Desktop folder and bookmark. Check it out: http://drpcdr.ca/pics/Data_Partition.jpg, http://drpcdr.ca/pics/User_Home.jpg, http://drpcdr.ca/pics/User_Home_Stuff.jpg, http://drpcdr.ca/pics/User_Home_Stuff_CD_DVD_Burn.jpg http://drpcdr.ca/pics/User_Home_Stuff_DownLoaders.jpg, http://drpcdr.ca/pics/User_Home_Stuff_Chat.jpg http://drpcdr.ca/pics/User_Home_Stuff_Graphics.jpg, http://drpcdr.ca/pics/User_Home_Stuff_Office.jpg, http://drpcdr.ca/pics/User_Home_Stuff_Players.jpg, http://drpcdr.ca/pics/User_Home_Stuff_Tools.jpg (4) I don't believe in updating browsers especially online. Linux Mint 9 LXDE has Firefox 3.6. I should have included the already installed, Xchat, into /User/Home/Stuff/Chat.


(1) Linux Mint 9 LXDE runs and deploys amazingly quickly on old PC hardware and onto Intel based Macs! (2) It is 100 percent compatible with , based on Lubuntu! (3) Linux requires hacking to get things working, especially printers and webcams (4) Useful commands for deployment include: lspci, lsusb, lspcmcia, hardinfo, lshw ‐C network. (5) I have decided to NOT bother creating dual boot images of Linux and Windows. This would spoil the beauty of my fast, light and nimble Linux images! (6) Where Linux is concerned, I am a baby just learning to crawl. There is so much more to learn, especially how to get Skype working with webcam and how to install network and standalone printers. (7) I need to create images for power PC Macs (1998 – 2005). I need help with this...Any offers? Please call me, Christopher Charles, AKA DrPCDr at 647 453 3327.