P.O. Box 188, Makawao, Maui, HI 96768 Office Phone: (808)572‐7229 Emergency Phone: (808) 573‐1373

May 2017 E‐mail: [email protected] Website: makawaohongwanji.org Resident Minister: Reverend William Masuda

MAKAWAO HONGWANJI MISSION Non-Profit Organization P. O. BOX 188 U.S. Postage Makawao, HI.—96768 PAID PERMIT NO. 6

Return Service Requested Makawao, HI 96768

Makawao Hongwanji


Sunday, May 7th Sunday, May 14th, 9:00 a.m. GOTEN‐E SERVIICE PARENTS’ DAY SERVICE Refreshments: Peonies CHILDREN SCHOOL

Sunday, May 21st, 9:00 a.m. Sunday, May 28th, 9:00 a.m. NO SERVICE FAMILY SERVICE FUJIMATSURI CELEBRATION Refreshments: Gardenias AT WAILUKU HONGWANJI

FUJIMATSURI Fuji is Wisteria. Fuji Matsuri, is the Wisteria Fesval. It is a special service for honoring the birthday (May 21) of Shinran Shonin. This service is also known as Gotan‐E. Living with Shinran Shonin

May is the month we observe Shinran Shonin’s birth. His life and spiritual jour- ney occurring some 800 years ago gave rise to a life of deep faith in the work- ings of Amida Buddha’s great wisdom and compassion. He shared his life of faith with kindness, compassion, and understanding with those seekers in search of a true and real life of meaning and emancipation. Over the many centuries since Shinran Shonin’s time countless seekers of the dharma have encountered and awakened to the true nature of their life, illumined by the compassion- ate light of Amida Buddha’s penetrating dharma- truth. Such an awakening deeply clarifies the reality of our human condition and at the same time opens our heart and mind to the workings of Amida Buddha’s true and real life. One such seeker of Shinran Shonin’s path is a priest and teacher, Ito Kozen Sensei. Here, I’d like to share my translation of two of his reflections that illuminate our human reality in the light of the Dharma. The first reflection is entitled, Human Mind: Although we cannot really see into another person’s mind, I often think of people’s mind as being en- cased in a hard shell. Inside the shell are countless, terrifying karmically induced evils and defile- ments. They are difficult to detect because of the hardness of the shell. In this sense, no matter how much pride we may have in our listening and understanding of , our listening and under- standing may in fact be quite shallow and superficial. Our busy, crowded mind and its hard casing make it very difficult for the Dharma to penetrate and enter our mind. For this reason, when the pow- er of the Buddha’s wisdom and compassion through the Nembutsu penetrates and crushes the hard shell of our ego-self, its impact on us is like being hit by an exploding dynamite! The next reflection: Buddha’s Enemy in the Heart of an Ordinary Person. An ordinary person is often steeped in his foolish false pride and arrogance. He acts as if he lives totally independent of others, and even acting independent of Buddha’s wisdom and compassion. Residing, however, within this air of self-assurance lies an enemy of Buddha. Words and concepts relating to painful sufferings he creates do not seem to touch or faze him. He acts as if he is above it all. Even when he pays a little attention to the dharma-teachings, a haughty and smug attitude is of- ten displayed. A doubting heart prevails within. It is sad and sorrowful that such an awesome enemy of Buddha lies in the heart and mind of ordinary people such as you and me! For the foolish and ignorant who are ever sinking in birth-and-death…it is not the attainment of the unexcelled, incomparable fruit of enlightenment that is difficult; the genuine difficulty is realizing true and real faith (shinjin).– Shinran Shonin Palms together in Gassho, Rev. William Masuda May,2017


2 IN MEMORIAM Makawao Hongwanji Mission extends its deepest sympathy to families that have recently lost a loved one: Family of the Late Mrs. Kiyoko Tomita (95) who passed away on March 26, 2017. Family of the Late Mr. Yukio Matsui (90) who passed away on March 17, 2017.

May & June 2017 Memorial Anniversaries (Please call Temple Office to schedule your service ‐ 572‐7229)

1st Year Memorial Service 2016 1st Year Memorial Service 2016 May 11 Goro Fujikawa June 10 Tadashi Gohara May 21 Haruko Goshi

3rd Year Memorial Service 2015 3rd Year Memorial Service 2015 May 12 Sachiye Gohara June 18 Yoshie Omori Okuni June 30 Frederick Kiyoshi Fujimoto

7th Year Memorial Service 2011 7th Year Memorial Service 2011 May 01 Clayton Shigeo Sato June 03 Tamao Otani May 23 Komei Uyehara June 26 Tom Tanizaki

13th Year Memorial Service 2005 13th Year Memorial Service 2005 May 28 Yoshie Hedani Terao June 01 Misao Honda June 24 Tokio Okimoto

17th Year Memorial Service 2001 17th Year Memorial Service 2001 May ‐ None June 14 Noboru Nakanishi June 14 Yoshimori Nomura

25th Year Memorial Service 1993 25th Year Memorial Service 1993 May ‐ None June 05 Tsugie Otani

33rd Year Memorial Service 1985 33rd Year Memorial Service 1985 May ‐ None June 01 Masaru Tsunozaki

50th Year Memorial Service 1968 50th Year Memorial Service 1968 May 15 Tomohiko Carl Yosemori June ‐ None

3 Donations - Makawao Hongwanji Mission can operate only because of the generous donations from many, many peo- ple. All donations are humbly received with sincere gratitude and appreciation. IF YOU DO NOT WISH TO HAVE YOUR DONATION PRINTED IN THE NEWSLETTER OR IF YOU WISH TO HAVE YOUR DONATION LISTED AS ANONYMOUS, PLEASE INDICATE SO BY ATTACHING A NOTE TO YOUR CONTRIBUTION. Thank You!

With grateful appreciation...Contributions March 17, 2017 to April 17, 2017

DONATIONS: Obon donation - Amy Yamamoto In memory of Ray Yamamura - Richard and Amy Blue In memory of Nihei and Kura Uyeki - Peggy Nack In memory of Misao and Kazuo Tamura - Merle and Lorna Beghtel In memory of Narue Nitahara - Laura Asato and family In memory of Masayo Doi - Milton Doi, Dennis Doi and family, Leslie Doi and family, Barbara Doi, Emi Hashi In memory of Emiko and Yoshimori Nomura - Family of Nomura In memory of Kay Yoshioka - Robert and Iwa Yoshioka In memory of Key Keiko Watanabe - Ronald and Rene Matsunaga In memory of Kay Keiko Watanabe - Robert Oishi Anonymous

OFUSE: In memory of Gladys Ushijima - Gail and Ronald Hamai 3rd year memorial service for Yoshiko Okamura - Family of Yoshiko Okamura 17th year memorial service for Tadashi Fukushima - Family of Tadashi Fukushima In memory of Tadashi Fukushima - Dennis and Kathleen Fukushima, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Randall, Anonymous 7th year memorial service for Laura Taketa - Family of Laura Taketa Nokotsu service for Yukio Matsui - Family of Yukio Matsui 1st year memorial service for Shizuko Kawabe - Family of Shizuko Kawabe 33rd year memorial service for Chiso Kametani - Family of Chiso Kametani Inurnment for Gladys Ushijima - Family of Gladys Ushijima 49 day Service of Gladys Ushijima– Family of Gladys Ushijima In memory of Gladys Ushijima - Helen Ohigashi In urnment of Kiyoko Tomita - Family of Kiyoko Tomita

110TH ANNIVERSARY: Maui Distributors, Shigeru and Carol Karakawa, Carol Yamamura, Pearl Yamamoto, DeCoite Trucking

NOKOTSUDO: Yvonne Kishi, Leonard Tomita, Lynn Nakamura Tengan, Anonymous

NEWSLETTER: Kenneth and Betsy Nishida, Anonymous

RECYCLING: Thank you to members and friends for recycling - $56.00


What are the three most important quesons in life? 1. When is the most important me? 2. Who is the most important person? 3. What is the most important thing to do?

Now is the most important me. The most important person is the person in front of you. And what is the most important thing to do? To Care!

At first, the guys where planning on cooking breakfast on Mother’s Day to show how much we care and appreciate our temple ladies. Not that the guys cannot cook, it was decided earlier that the Dharma School Children will be catering food for bunch aer our Sunday Dharma Family Service. Thus, no one need to cook. Please join us for service and brunch on Sunday, May 14th and show kind‐ ness to our parents and grandparents.

On Sunday, May 30th, a Town Hall Meeng is scheduled immediately following our Family Ser‐ vice. The purpose of this meeng is to inform our temple members as to what your council board members are currently discussing.

1. Who will be our next residence minister aer Rev. Will Masuda’s contract is up next year February? 2. Developing the vacant (peach lot) property with rental unit s.

Please come and be informed of what’s happening at your temple. We would like to hear your opin‐ ions and voice your concerns.

Embracing Change, Floyd

WEEKLY CHANTING: Join us at Makawao Hongwanji for chanting On Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at 8:30 a.m. inside our Temple. Dharma discussions and sharing to follow.

SANGHA TOWN HALL MEETING When: May 28, 2017 Where: Makawao Hongwanji Time: Immediately following Sunday Dharma Family Service. Purpose: To provide informaon on what MHM Council is discussing. 1) Who will be our next resident minister in 2018. 2) Development of peach tree lot.

Please join us. We would appreciate your opinions.


Haru ga kita, Haru ga kita, Doko ni kita? Yama ni kita, Sato ni kita… Spring is here and the preschoolers and staff en‐ joyed a wonderful spring break with family and friends. Spring is a me to enjoy the beauty of the islands as the flowers bloom and the whales play in our ocean.

When we returned from our break, our friend Capt. Mark from Storybook Theatre presented his large inflatable dolpin to the preschoolers. He explained how we can help our sea animals by caring for our land and sea. We gathered inside the dolphin and imagined what it would be like to take a journey around the island of Maui with a dolpin. The children swayed and smiled as the cool air filled the belly of the dolphin. We can’t wait for another journey next year with Capt.


“Would anyone like a doughnut? May I have a dough‐ nut? Please, Mr. Panda.”

The Dharma School children listened to and enjoyed a read‐aloud book entled Please, Mr. Panda by Steve An‐ thony. In this book, Mr. Panda asked a penguin, a skunk and a whale if they wanted doughnuts. Unfortunately, they forgot “please” and “thank you”. Only the lemur remembered these important words and received the doughnuts. The children learned that we should always speak kindly and truthfully which is Right Speech of the Eighold Path that guides us in our daily living. The chil‐ dren made their own pandas holding a doughnut and enjoyed real doughnuts aer saying their please and thank you.

Our next Dharma School experience will be on May 14th.

6 SHARING CORNER… The following arcle is shared by Ewa Yoshioka, an avid reader of “Tsukizuki no kotoba”.

Shakyamuni is our loving father and Amida, our compassionate mother.

(Notes on ‘Essenals of Faith Alone’) In the Tannisho (A Record in Lament of Divergences) it is recordered that Yuien had inquired to Shinran Shonin that although he is able to say the Nembutsu, it is all right that he does not have any desire to go to the Pure Land quickly nor feels any joy arising in his heart. In response, Shinran answered that he, too, has had the same quesons and thoughts. We senent beings, no maer where we may go, live in the world of delusion, and because of this, both Shakyamuni Buddha and Amida Buddha ulize various compassionate means to guide us to enlightenment. In this way, we come to take in the Buddha, allowing the working of the Buddha to transform our hearts into the one that entrusts to Amida.

There is an old saying that goes, “A lost soul is beyond redempon.” (A person who has no link to the Buddha Dharma cannot become liberated from the cycle of birth‐and‐death.) in other words, this means that for persons who have no connecon to the Buddha Dharma or opportunity to hear it, there is no way to save them. However, that concept has no relevance to Shinran’s teaching. The reason for this, Shinran explains, is that the Buddha is always providing opportunies to senent beings to encounter the Buddha Dharma, even to those who have had no connecon with the Dharma unl now and to those persons who try to flee, running around in the world of delusion. Through various methods, the Buddha is constantly working to awaken us and accept the heart and mind that entrusts to the Buddha which is bestowed to us. Thus, Shinran shows us that Shakyamuni is our loving father and Amida is our compas‐ sionate mother to indicate that the Buddha’s limitless working is for saving beings who have had no con‐ necon or opportunity to encounter the Buddha Dharma.

In regard to compassion in the path of Sages compared with the Pure Land Way, there is no doubt that the compassion of those who follow the Path of Sages is superb and wonderful, but unfortunately, sen‐ ent beings are unable to aain that sort of perfect compassion. That is why, on the other hand, Shinran urges us ordinary persons who are filled with bonno to accept the compassionate working of the Buddha’s Pure Land, which itself is complete and great compassion.

(Excerpt from the Hongwanji Shuppansha publicaon Tsukizuki no kotoba. Translaon by Gene Sekiya.)

Understanding Shin Buddhism (Jodo Shinshu Buddhism) By: Sharon Nagoshi, Chairperson of Buddhist Educaon

Are you a newcomer to our temple or one who needs a refresher of our basic teachings and understanding of Shin buddism? Rev. Will Masuda, resi‐ dent minister of our Makawao Hongwanji Temple, will conduct an interac‐ ve talk and discussion on the following Sunday service.

May 14th: How is today’s popularity of “” related to Buddhism and Shin Buddhism?

Please join us to share your thoughts and quesons. During these discus‐ sion mes, the children will be parcipang in their own Dharma lessons in the Temple Social Hall. Temple service begins at 9:00 a.m. 7

Honpa Hongwanji Mission of HEADQUARTERS UPDATE

1727 Highway, Honolulu, Hawaii 96813 Phone: (808) 522-9200 Fax: (808) 522-9209


Confirmaon Ceremony, or “Kikyoshiki”, is a solemn ceremony performed before Amida Buddha and Shinran Shonin to officially confirm your entry into the Path of the Nembutsu. Parcipants will affirm their reverence toward the Three Treasures of the Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha. “Buddha” is not simply in reference to Shakyamuni, but refers more importantly to Amida Buddha, the Buddha of Immeasura‐ ble Wisdom and Boundless Compassion. “Dharma” is the teaching of Amida’s Compassionate working to embrace all beings without any discriminaon. “Sangha” refers to the community of people who have entrusted themselves to Amida Buddha and its Nembutsu teaching. By parcipang in the Confirmaon Ceremony, you will receive a Dharma Buddhist Name (Homyo). These names are in the form of “Shaku” and two Buddhist terms which follow. The word “Shaku” means “disciple of Shakyamuni” and signifies that the person has joined the followers of the teachings of Shakyamuni Buddha, a community that transcends race or naonality. His Eminence Gomonshu Kojun Ohtani, the Head Priest and the Spiritual Leader of the Jodo Shinshu Hongwanji‐ha Organizaon, will be officiang the Confirmaon Ceremony at the following three loca‐ ons. Honpa Hongwanji Hilo Betsuin (398 Kilauea Ave., Hilo) Tuesday, September 5, 2017, 5:30pm

Wailuku Hongwanji Mission (1828 Vineyard Street, Wailuku) Wednesday, September 6, 2017, 5:30pm

Honpa Hongwanji Hawaii Betsuin (1727 Pali Highway, Honolulu) Sunday, September 10, 2017, 2:00pm

Please note that the Confirmaon Ceremony is open to anyone throughout the State. There is no mini‐ mum or maximum age limit however the individual must be able to parcipate in the ceremony at the temple. We sincerely hope that you will take this wonderful opportunity and parcipate in the Confirma‐ on Ceremony. hp://hongwanjihawaii.com/blog/2017/04/10/confirmaon‐ceremonies‐0917/. Please contact your resident minister for applicaon instrucon. Applicaon deadline is June 30, 2017.



Old Business: 110th Anniversary: Report on file. Commiee will report back on costs of front driveway using geo‐cells or asphalt. Long Range Ad Hoc: Report on file. Fumigaon Dana & Scout House: Set for May 1 & 2. Michael Nakagawa in charge of preparaon. Sangha Town Meeng: May 28 (tentave) right aer service. Two main subjects to discuss: New min‐ ister in 2018 and peach tree lot proposal. Will post in newsleer or flyers. Pauwela Memorial Bell: Glen Coryell followed up with last month’s discussion. His idea is to keep bell here at Makawao and set up a commiee to develop a plan for the bell placement. New Business: Peach Tree Lot: Report submied by Clyde Hamai. The Long Range Ad Hoc commiee stated that development of the Peach Tree lot is a project to be pursued. Minister’s Report: Gomonshu’s visit to Maui: September 6 arrive on Maui with Kikyoshiki confirmaon service at Wailu ku Hongwanji Mission. Visit to Makawao will be on September 7 in the morning followed by lunch at Mama’s Fish House. Soon aer he will leave for Oahu. Nembutsu seminar: Reverend Haneda arrive Friday, November 10 (maybe have a social gathering), Saturday November 11 is seminar, Sunday November 12 Reverend Haneda will be speaker. Buddhist Study center and Maui Hongwanji Council will be supporng this seminar. Affiliate Organizaons: Preschool: May 27 graduaon. Summer school enrollment is full. Tuion increase starng August. Project Dana: June 11 will be Service followed by luncheon. Commiee Reports: Repair & Maintenance: Report submied. Membership: ‐Welcome commiee brochure is available. Gail Hamai made an insert form for interested persons to complete. Included will be name/contact informaon, if they are interested in receiving news‐ leer, temple acvies, etc. ‐For 2016 membership is 153 paid members. Properes: Report submied. Other Business: Reverend Will and Kiyo Masuda will honor their remaining contract. Will leave next year. Reverend Masuda would like to work with temple in obtaining a temporary minister unl a permanent one is found. Announcements: Obon dance pracce: At Kahului Community Center will be April 14 (Saturday) 7:00 p.m. Makawao obon dance pracce is June 7 & 8 (Wednesdays) at 7:00 p.m. May 14th will be Parent’s Day service. Dharma school will be coordinang luncheon/brunch for all.

(Full Council Minutes plus reports can be obtained at Temple Office.)

9 Makawao Hongwanji Senior Lunch Program/Project Dana By: Glenna

We would like to thank all the people who generously donated money, me, medical supplies and toiletries. The busy ladies started pung first‐aid kits together in March during our lunch program and we finished aer Sunday Service. On Good Friday my Mother and I went to Keo‐ lahou Congregaonal Hawaiian Church and helped pass them out through their food pantry. The clients were so happy to see the bright packages that wrapped the first aid kits. Keolahou Church distributes groceries and toiletries to an average of 50‐100 families per week in Kihei for over 15 years. I volunteer with SPCA and we provide dog and cat food weekly and we have been handing out clothing and bedding that is le over from our 2 garage sales. Our next Senior Luncheon will be on Thursday May 25 at 9:30. We welcome any new members, young or old, to come help us with our ongoing projects, talk story and join us for lunch. Alison and Alice keep us updated with MEO updates and community events. No RSVP necessary, just bring your smiles and good stories.

MHM OBON DANCE PRACTICES Obon season is here! Refresh or learn the Obon dances. There will be one new dance for 2017 to be learned. Pracces will be held on June 7th (Wednesday) and June 8th (Thursday) at 7:00 p.m. in Makawao Hongwanji’s Social Hall. Makawao Hongwanji’s Obon will be held on July 21st and July 22.

10 2017 Obon Schedule

June 3 Lahaina Shingon Mission 6:30 pm 7:30 pm 661‐0466 682 Luakini St., Lahaina [email protected] June 10 Puunene Mission 6:30 pm 7:30 pm 871‐4831 9 Ani Street, Kahului [email protected] June 16 Wailuku Jodo Mission 6:30 pm 7:30 pm 244‐0066 67 Central Ave., Wailuku [email protected] June 17 Wailuku Shingon Mission 6:30 pm 8:00 pm 244‐3800 1939 North Street, Wailuku

July 1 Lahaina Jodo Mission 6:30 pm 8:00 pm 661‐4304 12 Ala Moana St., Lahaina [email protected] July 7 July 8 Mantokuji Mission of Paia 6:00 pm 7:30 pm 579‐8051 253 Hana Hwy, Paia [email protected] July 14 July 15 Kahului Hongwanji Mission 6:30 pm 8:00 pm 871‐4732 291 S. Puunene Ave., Kahului Kahului‐[email protected] July 21 July 22 Makawao Hongwanji Mission 6:30 pm 8:00 pm 572‐7229 1074 Makawao Ave., Makawao [email protected] July 28 July 29 Kahului Jodo Mission 6:30 pm 7:30 pm 871‐4911 325 Laau St., Kahului [email protected]

August 4 August 5 Wailuku Hongwanji Mission 6:45 pm 8:00 pm 244‐0406 1828 Vineyard St., Wailuku [email protected] August 11 August 12 Lahaina Hongwanji Mission 6:00 pm 7:30 pm 661‐0640 551 Wainee St., Lahaina [email protected] August 26 Kula Shofukuji Mission 6:30 pm 7:30 pm 661‐0466 113 Puanani Pl, Kula [email protected]

1. If I had to summarize the enrety of most people’s lives in a few words, it would be endless resistance to what is. As we resist, we are in constant moon trying to adjust, and yet we sll remain unhappy about what is. If I had to summarize the enrely of an enlightened person’s life in a few words, it would be complete acceptance of what is. As we accept what is, our minds are relaxed and composed while the world changes rapidly around us.

2. When you lower yourself, the world elevates you. When you elevate yourself, the world lowers you. When you arrive at the peak of enlightenment, you will understand: Your peak is the same height as your neighbor’s. At the peak, you see everyone’s holiness.

3. For spiritual praconers, relaonships are the final test. Even if you have awakened to your enlight‐ ened nature, there is sll further to go in your spiritual journey if you’re not living harmoniously with others.

From The Things You Can See Only When You Slow Down: How to Be Calm and Mindful in a Fast‐Paced World, 2012 by Hae‐ min Sunim. English translaon 2017 by Chi‐Young Kim and Haemin Sunim. Reprinted with permission of Penguin Books. Cour‐ tesy Yang Hongsoo/Sponsored by anquealive.com.

11 HAMATSURI 2017 by Karen Ishizu And, now…presenng the song, “Day Oh,” gatha style, here are the marvelous Makawao Hongwanji singers... Yes, ladies and gentlemen, Makawao Hongwanji was represented well during the entertainment poron of the Hanamaturi program. Members and friends shared their voices on stage and invited the audience to par‐ cipate. It sounded fabulous from the stage area. It was great fun. The Maui Hanamatsuri Associaon held a commemoraon of historic Buddha’s birthday on April 2, 2017. On this day audiences from Central area celebrated with families and friends at the Velma McWayne Santos Community Center. It was a wonderful Sunday filled with tradion, joy and laughter. Hanamatsuri, a fesval of flowers, is the day we celebrate Shakkyamuni Buddha’s birthday. A hanamido adorned with greenery and beauful flowers represent Garden. Placed in the middle of the garden is a statue of baby Buddha poinng simultaneously heavenward and earthward. Parcipants poured sweet tea over the statue. According to legend, warm and cool sweet water fell from heaven to bathe the baby Buddha. The morning started with Rev. William Masuda officiang the Hanamatsuri Service assisted by Rev. Shinkai Murakami (WHM), Rev Richard Tennes (KHM), and Rev. John Hara (Wailuku and Kahului Jodo Mission). Acvies filled the day with entertainment, games, lunch and lucky name drawing. There were lots of cheering, good conversaon and fellowship. Makawao Hongwanji would like to extend our thanks to Boy Scout Troop 18 for supporng this event. Besides seng up and cleaning up, they were instrumental in making our senior parcipants feel independent. Many commented the help received by the scouts made lunchme even more enjoyable. There were lots of smiling faces going their way. Thank you, Troop 18. You are our Stars!

Thank you everyone who joined the celebraon to make this Hanamatsuri a successful one; Rev. Will Masuda, Lois Nishikawa, Carol Yamamura, Pearl Yamamoto, Di‐ ane Kosaka, Clyde & Gail Hamai, Cliff & Ruth Tokumaru, Sharon Nagoshi, Alison Nakagawa, Karen Ishizu, “Day Oh” Singers, and all others who helped MHM do their best. We could not have done it without YOU!

In Gassho, Hanamatsuri Commiee

12 THE THERMOMETER IS RISING!!! Thanks to your generous donations, 70% of our goal has been met! But we still need more help! A donation letter and brochure will be sent to you in the mail shortly. Please share them with family and friends. The repair and repaving of the main driveway, the major improvement for of our 110th Celebra- tion project, has already been completed! In addition, new chair racks for the hall and temple have already been purchased. We hope the long-overdue painting and repairs to the social hall can be scheduled to take place in a few months after fumigation of the buildings are completed. In addition, plans for a new driveway from the entrance gate to the front of the temple with some paved parking stalls are in the works. This can commence once the capital campaign funds are realized. As we work together to keep our temple a beautiful and safe place to listen to the Buddha Dharma, it is our hope that more people will be able to hear the teaching of the Nem- butsu. Makawao Hongwanji’s 110th Anniversary theme is …“Keeping the Heart of the Buddha Dharma.” Makawao Hongwanji… 1907 – 2017. Help Makawao Hongwanji Buddhist Temple keep alive the heart of the Buddha Dharma by working together to keep Buddhism viable in our community. By act- ing through Kindness, Peace, Compassion, and Generous Giving, our efforts to maintain our temple and provide service for those who wish to follow the Shinshu path, can continue for a peaceful world.

Our goal is to raise $110,000 for our 110th Anniversary Celebration. To quote Bishop Eric Matsumoto at the 2016 Giseikai Conference, “The Dharma will always survive because of its universal truth. But an organization can only survive as long as we have the commitment of the people.” MAHALO for your assistance!

(Please Cut off Here and return with your donation) ------ALOHA! If you can help… We are accepting donations now through October, 2017. Donations may be made in one or two-time contributions or in pledges which must be completed by October, 2017. Please fill out this form to start your giving and to help us with planning for this anniversary. Send Checks to Makawao Hongwanji - Anniversary Committee P.O. Box 188, Makawao, Hi, 96768. NAME______$110,000 ADDRESS: ______PHONE: ______CELL______EMAIL:______PLEASE CHECK ALL THAT APPLY

___I am making a contribution of $______$77,000 ___I would like to donate securities to be used as my contribution. Please contact me Phone: ______Email ______I do not wish to have my name published. In Gassho, 110th Anniversary Committee HELP US REACH OUR GOAL!!! 13 May – June 2017 Sun Mon Tu e Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 8:30 am 2 8:30 am 3 8:30 am 4 8:30 am 5 8:30 am 6 8:30 am Chanting Fitness Prog Chanting Fitness Prog Chanting Nokotsudo Cleaning 2:45/3:30 pm “Kula” Japanese School 8:30 am 2:45/3:30 pm 6:00 to 8:45 pm Fitness Prog Japanese Sch Judo

7 9:00 am 8 8:30 am 9 8:30 am 10 8:30 am 11 8:30 am 12 8:30 am 13 8:30 am Gotan-E Chanting Fitness Prog Chanting Fitness Prog Chanting Clean-up Service 8:30 am ~ 2:45/3:30 pm “Kula” Japanese Sch 6:00 to 8:45 pm 8:30 am 2:45/3:30 pm 12:00 noon 6:00 to 8:45 pm Fitness Prog Judo Japanese Sch Sewing Class Judo

14 9:00 am 15 8:30 am 16 8:30 am 17 8:30 am 18 8:30 am 19 8:30 am 20 8:30 am Parent’s Chanting Fitness Prog Chanting Fitness Prog Chanting Nokotsudo Cleaning Day Service 2:45/3:30 pm “Kula” Children”s Japanese Sch 6:00 to 8:45 pm 2:45/3:30 pm 7:00 pm 8:30 am Dharma School 6:00 to 8:45 pm Judo Fitness Prog Japanese Sch Council Mtg. Judo

21 9:00 am 22 8:30 am 23 8:30 am 24 8:30 am 25 8:30 am 26 8:30 am 27 8:30 am Fujimatsuri Chanting Fitness Prog Chanting Fitness Prog Chanting Clean-up Celebretion 2:45/3:30 pm “Kula” Japanese Sch (Wailuku 6:00 to 8:45 pm 8:30 am 2:45/3:30 pm 6:00 to 8:45 pm Fitness Prog Hongwanji) Judo Japanese Sch Judo

28 9:00 am 29 *Office 30 8:30 am 31 8:30 am Family Service Closed Fitness Prog Chanting ↑ 11:00 am Memorial Day 5/25 Sangha Town 2:45/3:30 pm 9:30 am ~ Mtg. 6:00 to 8:45 pm Japanese Sch 12:00 noon Judo Senior Program

Sun Mon Tu e Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 8:30 am 2 8:30 am 3 8:00 am Fitness Prog Chanting Nokotsudo Cleaning “Pukalani” 8:30 am 6:00 to 8:45 pm Fitness Prog Judo

4 9:00 am 5 8:30 am 6 8:30 am 7 8:30 am 8 8:30 am 9 8:30 am 10 8:00 am Baccalaureate Chanting Fitness Prog Chanting Fitness Prog Chanting Clean-up Service “Pukalani” & 6:00 to 8:45 pm 8:30 am 7:00 pm Fitness Prog Children’s Judo Obon Practice 6:00 to 8:45 pm Dharma School Judo

11 9:00 am 12 *Office 13 8:30 am 14 8:30 am 15 8:30 am 16 8:30 am 17 8:00 am Project Dana Closed Fitness Prog Chanting Fitness Prog Chanting Nokotsudo Cleaning Service Kamehameha Day 8:30 am 8:30 am ~ 12:00 Senior Program “Pukalani” & 6:00 to 8:45 pm ~ 12:00 noon Judo 6:00 to 8:45 pm 8:30 am Lunch Sewing Class Judo Fitness Prog

18 9:00 am 19 8:30 am 20 8:30 am 21 8:30 am 22 8:30 am 23 8:30 am 24 8:30 am Family Service Chanting Fitness Prog Chanting Fitness Prog Chanting Clean-up “Pukalani” 6:00 to 8:45 pm 6:00 to 8:45 pm 8:30 am Judo Fitness Prog Judo

25 9:00 am 26 8:30 am 27 8:30 am 28 8:30 am 29 8:30 am 30 8:30 am Family Service Chanting Fitness Prog Chanting Fitness Prog Chanting

6:00 to 8:45 pm 6:00 to 8:45 pm Judo Judo 14