Research 2019 Vol.48: 67–80 ©Carcinological Society of Japan. doi: 10.18353/crustacea.48.0_67 Seaward migration and larval release of the land brevimanus Dana, 1852 (: Coenobitidae) on Iriomote Island, Japan

Taketo Nio, Wataru Doi, Akira Mizutani, Hiroyoshi Kohno

Abstract.̶ The seaward migration and larval release of Coenobita brevimanus Dana, 1852 on a sandy beach of Iriomote Island, Japan, was studied between May and November 2009 and between May and December 2010. Seaward migration and larval release were mainly observed for several days before and after new moons during the period from June to November, and the migration was mainly focused on 0.82 days after the new moon. Around full moons, some crabs were also found, with the highest numbers at 1.34 days after spring tides (semi-lunar rhythms). Almost half of the crabs that appeared on the beach entered seawater, and almost half of the immersed crabs released zoeas or exhibited swinging behavior. Appearance of crabs on the beach and entering seawater occurred only after sunset between 19:00 to 23:10. The peak time of the appearance on the beach was within a certain range each month. Crabs entered seawater at a mean of 2 h after the nighttime high tide. Seaward migration of the crabs showed clear seasonality, and many crabs migrated and entered seawater during the period from July to September, the months with higher temperature (>25°C). This species shows a phenology and rhythm of spawning common to coenobitids on the Ryukyu Islands.

Key words: hatch, reproduction, Ryukyu Islands, spawning, Yaeyama Islands

■ Introduction swash zone, which allows us to directly ob- serve those behaviors, unlike aquatic species, As a taxon, the family Coenobitidae inhabits which release larvae underwater. In addition, the largest terrestrial area of the anomuran ovigerous females of coenobitids migrate at a decapods and has worldwide subtropical and slower walking speed on beaches with poor tropical distribution. They are found on shores, vegetation cover. Therefore, members of this inland areas, coastal forests, rainforests and family are easier to observe than intertidal and arid scrublands of small islands or narrow supratidal brachyurans which can move more coastal strips (Hartnoll, 1988; Greenaway, quickly. 2003). Because their aquatic larvae need saline The general biology and chronobiology of water to hatch (Hamasaki et al., 2018a), ovig- spawning have been well documented in field erous females of coenobitids move to the wa- studies of brachyurans (e.g., Forward, 1987; ter’s edge and release larvae into seawater (Ya- Morgan, 1995; Christy, 2011). In the case of maguchi, 1938; de Wilde, 1973; Imafuku, littoral and supralittoral brachyurans, larval re- 2001; Nakasone, 2001; Nieves-Rivera & Wil- lease generally occurs at night during high tide liams, 2003; Doi et al., 2016, 2018a). Larval on larger amplitude tides on a bi-weekly or release by coenobitid crabs takes place in the monthly cycle of the tidal amplitude (Christy,

Received: 1 Apr 2019. Accepted: 9 July 2019. Published online: 23 Aug 2019. 67 TAKETO NIO ET AL.

2011). The larval release by coenobitids has brevimanus is scarce in the northern part, but been documented with respect to the lunar cy- some local populations of this species are cle but not the tidal amplitude cycle (de Wilde, found in the southern part, the Yaeyama Islands 1973; Nakasone, 2001; Nieve-Rivera & Wil- (Okinawa Prefectural Board of Education, liams, 2003; Sato & Yoseda, 2009; Doi et al., 1987; 2006). In this area, C. brevimanus is the 2016). Spatiotemporal patterns of larval release most terrestrially adapted Coenobita and in- are important parameters that determine the habits inland and coastal forests in lower den- survival and transport of early-stage larvae by sity than its sympatric congener C. cavipes currents (Christy, 2003, Murakami et al., 2014; (Kosuge & Kohno, 2010; Hamasaki et al., Doi et al., 2018b). Moreover, expansion of the 2017). The abundance of C. brevimanus is geographical distribution and metapopulation higher in the area with human settlement network of benthic populations of terrestrial (maintained and abandoned villages) and the decapods including coenobitids is determined adjacent beach (Kosuge & Kohno, 2010; by the transport of aquatic larvae (Anger, Mizutani et al., 2012) than in natural habitats 2006). Therefore, characterizing the dynamics such as on sandy beaches and mangrove estu- of larval release by coenobitids is indispens- aries (Kohno et al., 2012; Fujikawa et al., able for understanding the population structure. 2017). The land hermit crab Coenobita brevimanus The population of C. brevimanus in Amitori Dana, 1852 (Anomura: Coenobitidae) is widely Bay of Iriomote Island in the Yaeyama Islands distributed and a common species throughout (24°24′N, 123°46′E) (Fig. 1) has many crabs of the Indo-Pacific area (Hartnoll, 1988; Vannini large size (Mizutani & Kohno, 2012; Doi et al., & Ferretti, 1997; McLaughlin et al., 2007; 2019). It could serve as a population source to Hamasaki et al., 2015a; Hsu et al., 2018). The other areas in the northern marginal part of the southern islands of the Japanese archipelago range through dispersal during pelagic larval are the extreme northern limit of the biological stages, because larger females can be expected range of this species. In the Ryukyu Islands, C. to have higher fecundity and, thus, release

Fig. 1. Location of the study area. A, location of Iriomote Island and Amitori (inset, arrow); B, aerial photograph of the study site near the buildings of the Okinawa Regional Research Center, Tokai University (ORRC, the abandoned village of Amitori) (Image source: Geospatial Information Authority of Japan). Areas enclosed by solid lines and covered by crosshatching indicate sampling sites on the beach during 2009 and 2010, respectively.

68 Crustacean Research 48 SEAWARD MIGRATION AND LARVAL RELEASE OF COENOBITA BREVIMANUS more larvae. To consider conservation of the near-threatened C. brevimanus in this area (Ministry of the Environment, Japan, 2019) with fragmented distribution, it is necessary to elucidate the dynamics of recruitment and the transition from sea to land of juveniles through pelagic larval stages. The aim of this investigation was to analyze the temporal changes in seaward migration and spawning in an effort to understand the repro- ductive biology of C. brevimanus and to deter- mine the role of the local Amitori population as a source of the larvae. Field surveys were con- ducted at different times under different tidal conditions on a sandy beach of Iriomote Island. Fig. 2. Monthly changes in mean±standard deviation (–) of air temperature recorded near the study site at Amitori Branch, Okinawa Regional Research Center, Tokai University on ■ Materials and Methods Iriomote Island during 2009 and 2010.

Study site The study area, Amitori Bay, an inlet measur- ing 2.3 km wide and 3.5 km long, is on the northwestern coast of Iriomote Island (24°24′ N, 123°46′E) in the Yeayama Islands (Fig. 1). On the western coast of this bay, Amitori Vil- lage, which was inhabited by a maximum of 200 people between the 17th century and 1971, is situated. In the areas around this village, many large-sized C. brevimanus greater than 20 mm in palm width that that were utilize the shells of edible gastropods such as the silver- mouthed turban Turbo argyrostomus that were discarded by former residents (Doi et al., 2019). Some individuals of C. brevimanus have been documented to migrate to the beach in front of the village and release larvae, but Fig. 3. Temporal changes in the monthly precipitation descriptions of the larval release are brief and (mm) recorded at a meteorological station (24°25.6′N, 123°45.9′E) on Iriomote Island during 2009 (black bars) cover limited periods of observation (Mizutani and 2010 (gray bars). Data were obtained from the Japan & Kohno, 2012; Murakami et al., 2014; Nio et Meteorological Agency website ( al., 2014). gmd/risk/obsdl/index.php). Sampling was conducted on an area of sandy beach near Amitori (hereinafter referred to as intervals using Thermochron SL (KN Labora- Amitori Beach) with a length of 300 m (Fig. tories, Inc.) (Fig. 2). Monthly precipitation on 1B). The monthly mean air temperature at Iriomote Island ranged from 71 to 419 mm in Amitori ranged from 18.2 to 28.8°C in 2009 2009 and 40 to 500 mm in 2010 (Fig. 3), as re- and 18.9 to 29.1°C in 2010, recorded at 10-min corded on a meteorological station (24°25.6′N,

Crustacean Research 48 69 TAKETO NIO ET AL.

123°45.9′E) on Iriomote Island and available Statistical analysis on the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) To determine whether intervals of seaward- website ( migration/larval release for C. brevimanus are obsdl/index.php). Astronomical tide level data correlated with lunar (29.5 days) or semi-lunar for the study site was obtained from the JMA (14.8 days) cycles or with the size of the spring website ( tides, circular plots of the timing of reproduc- tide/suisan/). tion with phases of the moon and with the spring-neap tidal cycles (14.8-day cycles of the Field observations difference in height between high and low tides From May to November 2009, a single re- taken over a day) were used (Collin et al. searcher walked and searched for crabs along a 2017). The number of crawling/releasing crabs 300 m long stretch of shoreline with sandy encountered on each date was plotted against beach in Amitori (Fig. 1B) every 2 h from sun- dates (degrees) with the new moon or the set to 6 am the next morning on a couple of spring tides as 0°. Circular summary statistics days before and after the new moon and full (mean and resultant length) were calculated, moon and during other lunar periods (95 days and uniformity was tested against the null hy- in total). The times and locations where crabs pothesis that the larva-releasing circular data were found were recorded, and the anterior and were distributed in a uniform pattern with un- whole parts of crabs were photographed in or- known or a specified mean direction by Ray- der to identify individuals to the species level. leigh’s test using the circular package (Agosti- From May to December 2010, two research- nelli & Lund, 2017) in R, version 3.4.1 (R core ers conducted field surveys to observe crabs team, 2018). migrating on a 180-m long stretch of the beach (Fig. 1B). They patrolled on the artificial revet- ■ Results ment neighboring the beach from sunset until 0:00 for a couple of days before and after the Seasonal changes in number of migrating new moon and full moon and during other lu- crabs nar periods (98 days in total). These survey A total of 1546 C. brevimanus were observed hours were selected because most crabs mi- migrating to the sandy beach during the 2 years grated to the beach near the revetment between of research. The migration occurred between sunset and midnight in the 2009 survey. Some 10 May and 21 October in 2009 (n=639) and behavioral patterns by individual crabs on the between 13 May and 7 November in 2010 (n= beach were occasionally observed on the 907) (Fig. 4). The beginning of the main mi- beach. Before crabs walked back to dune gration season was July, but the season ended plants, the anterior and whole parts of crabs in September in 2009 and October in 2010. were photographed for species identification. Only one individual was found during the 5 The times at which crabs appeared on the survey days in November 2010. There were no beach and entered the sea were recorded on se- migrating crabs on the 7 and 4 survey days in lected days in new moon periods. The weather November 2009 and December 2010, respec- conditions during the observations in the 2010 tively. The monthly number of seaward migrat- survey were relatively constant. The air tem- ing crabs increased drastically from July, perature ranged from 25.7 to 33.0°C (Fig. S1), peaked in August and/or September, and then and wind velocity ranged from 0.6–7.1 m/s decreased abruptly in October or November. (Fig. S2). It rained a little (<1.0 mm/h) for 2 The tidal amplitude range (tidal level at night- and 3 h on only two days (8 and 9 September). time high tide to succeeding low tide) was


Fig. 4. Temporal changes in the number of crawling individuals of Coenobita brevimanus on Amitori Beach of Iriomote Island, Japan between May and October 2009 (A) and 2010 (B). The solid gray lines indicate maximum tidal amplitude. Open and filled circles indicate the full moon and new moon, respectively. greater in the new moon period than in the full (n=47 days). In the spring tide around the full moon period for both years (Fig. 5). moon phase, 0 to 18 crabs were found in 2009 (n=35 days), and 0 to 10 crabs were found in Synchronization of seaward migration 2010 (n=36 days). In the neap tides, 0 to 19 The daily number of seaward migrating crabs crabs were found in 2009 (n=48 days), and 0 varied with the tidal phase and lunar age (Fig. to 7 crabs were found in 2010 (n=13 days). 6). In the spring tide around the new moon Differences in seaward migration across the phase, 0 to 68 crabs were found in 2009 (n= lunar and the semi-lunar cycles significantly 39 days), and 0 to 84 crabs were found in 2010 differed from a uniform distribution for both

Crustacean Research 48 71 TAKETO NIO ET AL.

Fig. 5. Boxplot of the tidal amplitudes (cm) of the study Fig. 6. Boxplot with dot plot of the daily number of crawling site on Amitori Beach of Iriomote Island, Japan within 5 days individuals of Coenobita brevimanus on Amitori Beach of on the new moon and full moon periods between May and Iriomote Island, Japan relative to the tidal amplitude cycle October 2009 (A) and 2010 (B). The black bars indicate the (spring or neap tides) and lunar cycle (full moon, F or new medians, the boxes 25% and 75% quartiles, the whiskers 5% moon, N) between May and October 2009 (A) and 2010 (B). and 95% quartiles. The different letters indicate significant The black bars indicate the medians, the boxes 25% and 75% difference among the lunar phases and years. Multiple quartiles, the whiskers 5% and 95% quartiles. comparisons of means were performed using Tukey’s honestly significant difference test. Data were obtained from the Japan Meteorological Agency website ( swinging back and forth, but zoeas were not kaiyou/db/tide/suisan/). confirmed by naked eye observation (n=66). (3) Immersing: crabs immersed themselves ful- lunar cycle and tidal amplitude cycle (Fig. 7, ly in seawater, but larvae and swinging were Table 1). From the values of mean degree, the not confirmed by naked eye observation (n= migration occurred 0.82 days after the new 208). (4) Crawling: crabs crawled on the beach moon and 1.34 days after the spring tide. Con- and returned to vegetation farther back on the centrations of seaward migration (mean resul- beach without entering seawater (n=499). tant length) were similar for both the lunar cy- cle and the semi-lunar cycle. Timing of females appearing on the beach and entering seawater Behavior on sandy beach Appearance on the beach and entering sea- In 2010, the behavior of crabs on the beach water occurred only after sunset, and the time was divided into four patterns: (1) Larvae re- range was 19:00–23:10 h (Fig. 8). The peak leasing: crabs walked towards the sea and time of appearance on the beach was within a stopped when incoming waves reached them or certain range each month, except for in Sep- they were fully immersed in seawater (< tember, and it was not necessarily synchro- 50 cm depth). When waves washed and sub- nized to the nighttime high tide. The range of merged the crabs, their bodies swung back and peak appearance time was 20:00–20:30 h in forth. Emerging zoeae from the shell aperture July, 20:30–21:00 in August, and 19:00–21:30 h were observed by naked eye (n=134). (2) Im- in October. In September, of the 5 days on mersing and swinging: immersed crabs were which seaward migration was observed, the


Fig. 7. Circular plots of the daily number of crawling individuals of Coenobita brevimanus on Amitori Beach of Iriomote Island, Japan relative to the lunar cycle (A) and tidal amplitude cycle (B). Angles around the circumference of the circle in (A) represent the lunar cycle in days, with 0° representing the day of the new moon and 180° representing approximately the day of the full moon. The angles in (B) represent the tidal amplitude cycle in days, with 0° representing the day of the maximum amplitude tide. The arrow in each plot represents the average timing of reproductive events on each time scale. The length of the arrow is scaled to the descriptive statistic R (resultant vector length), a measure of synchrony of events (the more synchronous the events, the longer the arrow).

Table 1. Circular summary statistics for seaward migration tober), the timing of the appearance was signif- of Coenobita brevimanus on Iriomote Island, Japan. icantly focused to a specific time and the mean Mean direction (days) resultant length had a high value (>0.94). Estimate 95% CI MRL p Many crabs entered seawater after the night- time high tide (Fig. 8), and some days showed Lunar cycle 0.82 0.63–1.02 0.612 <0.001 Tidal amplitude cycle 1.34 1.21–1.47 0.632 <0.001 no clear peak in the time of entering into the sea. The mean time shifted slightly (10– CI, confidence interval; MRL, mean resultant length; p, 20 min/day) from earlier to later on most days, Rayleigh test for uniformity except for July (Table 2B). The mean time of immersion was within 2 h after high tide. Ex- peak time was not clearly observed on the first cept for the day a few crabs appeared (6 Sep- two days. The peak time was 21:30–22:00 on 8 tember), the time of immersion was signifi- September, and on the following 2 days, it was cantly focused to a specific time, and the mean shifted earlier to 19:20 h. A single peak or sev- resultant length was high (>0.96). eral consecutive peaks were observed most days. The mean time showed a similar trend as ■ Discussion peak time, and the values were within a certain range each month, with later times in August Seaward migration of C. brevimanus showed and earlier times in October (Table 2A). Except clear seasonality, and many crabs migrated and for the day when a few crabs appeared (5 Oc- entered into seawater in July to September

Crustacean Research 48 73 TAKETO NIO ET AL.

Fig. 8. Time of day and the number of individuals of Coenobita brevimanus appeared on the beach and entered the sea in Amitori Beach on Iriomote Island, Japan during the new moon periods between July and October 2010. The solid gray lines indicate the tide level. The time of sunset is 19:37 on 10–14 July, 19:22–25 on 8–12 August, 18:55–59 on 6–10 September, 18:24–27 on 7–10 October 2010. The days no crabs entered the sea (5 and 6 October) are not shown (Table 2). The tide level was obtained from the Japan Meteorological Agency website ( when seawater temperature and monthly pre- September is the reproductive season for other cipitation were higher (>25°C and >200 or coenobitid crabs on Yeayama Islands (Sato & 100 mm), but only a few crabs were found on Yoseda, 2008, 2013; Doi et al., 2016, 2018a). the beach in months with lower temperature Seaward migration was not observed when the and precipitation (May, June and November). air temperature was lower than 15°C, which is This pattern was similar to the seasonal chang- the temperature at which C. brevimanus ceases es in the number of crabs observed by field to be active (McMahon & Burggren, 1981). survey on Ishigaki Island (Kosuge & Kohno, Nocturnal coenobitid crabs migrate to the 2010) and Taiwan (Hsu et al., 2018). The peak shore for reproduction, ingesting water, and period of seaward migration between July and foraging during the night (Harnoll, 1988;


Table 2. Circular summary statistics of migration of Coenobita brevimanus at Amitori Beach during the new moon periods in 2010.

(A) Appeared on the beach (B) Entered into the sea Sun Nighttime Date Mean time Mean time set high tide n Estimate 95% CI MRL p n Estimate 95% CI MRL p

Jul. 10 19 : 35 19:05 47 20:30 20:20–20:43 0.984 <0.001 25 21:07 20:47–21:30 0.97 <0.001 11 19 : 35 19:44 31 20:23 20:15–20:33 0.993 <0.001 12 21:01 20:45–21:21 0.991 <0.001 12* 19 : 35 20:22 39 20:14 20:09–20:27 0.993 <0.001 29 20:50 20:38–21:02 0.991 <0.001 13 19 : 35 21:00 20 20:12 20:01–20:25 0.992 <0.001 13 20:58 20:44–21:14 0.993 <0.001 14 19 : 35 21:38 12 20:14 19:57–20:40 0.985 <0.001 9 21:25 21:07–21:40 0.994 <0.001 Aug. 8 19 : 23 18:47 16 21:20 21:01–21:43 0.982 <0.001 3 20:26 20:10–20:40 0.999 0.0339 9 19 : 22 19:20 26 21:00 20:48–21:13 0.991 <0.001 19 20:47 20:37–20:58 0.994 <0.001 10* 19 : 22 19:54 34 21:06 20:51–21:21 0.984 <0.001 12 21:02 20:41–21:21 0.989 <0.001 11 19 : 21 20:27 38 21:42 21:22–22:00 0.968 <0.001 19 21:34 21:06–22:01 0.969 <0.001 12 19 : 20 21:01 21 21:30 21:13–21:47 0.983 <0.001 8 21:25 21:06–21:37 0.995 <0.001 Sep. 6 18 : 57 18:15 12 20:30 20:12–20:47 0.991 <0.001 1 20:00 NA 1.000 0.512 7 18 : 56 18:45 44 20:03 20:33–21:07 0.972 <0.001 20 20:21 20:10–20:31 0.995 <0.001 8* 18 : 55 19:17 83 21:01 20:52–21:10 0.983 <0.001 57 20:56 20:45–21:07 0.984 <0.001 9 18 : 54 19:49 78 20:33 20:19–20:53 0.947 <0.001 17 20:18 20:08–20:28 0.996 <0.001 10 18 : 53 20:21 45 20:11 19:55–20:28 0.972 <0.001 19 20:24 20:08–20:44 0.984 <0.001 Oct. 5 18 : 27 17:33 2 19:00 NA 1.000 0.1372 0 NA NA NA NA 6 18 : 26 18:05 5 19:07 19:00–19:15 0.999 0.0011 0 NA NA NA NA 7* 18 : 25 18:37 20 19:31 19:19–19:45 0.992 <0.001 7 19:22 19:08–19:37 0.997 <0.001 8 18 : 24 19:10 29 19:24 19:18–19:40 0.991 <0.001 10 19:28 19:16–19:40 0.996 <0.001 9 18 : 23 19:43 47 19:57 19:45–20:02 0.991 <0.001 20 19:56 19:45–20:08 0.993 <0.001 10 18 : 22 20:17 33 19:57 19:46–20:07 0.991 <0.001 14 20:10 19:53–20:30 0.988 <0.001

*, new moon; CI, confidence interval; MRL, mean resultant length; n, number of crabs; NA, not applicable; p, Rayleigh test for uniformity

Greenaway, 2003). Almost half of C. brevima- migrated to coastal breeding sites for future nus that entered into seawater were confirmed mating opportunities within the reproductive to release zoeas or to exhibit swinging behavior season. Therefore, the crabs showing crawling for spawning. In the same season, larval release but not immersion may be males that migrated of C. brevimanus was observed at the study for mating with post-spawning females. site (Mizutani & Kohno, 2012; Nio et al., Tsuru et al. (2018) described diel migration 2014). The purpose of the seaward migration of C. brevimanus between inland and coastal and entering into seawater for most of the im- forests during the daytime and the seashore at mersed crabs was probably for releasing larvae. nighttime, and they assumed that the reasons Based on the temperature during the main re- for the migration were reproduction and drink- productive season (Fig. 2), the incubation peri- ing seawater because juveniles were also found od of C. brevimanus is estimated to be about 1 on the seashore. However, the osmotic concen- month (Hamasaki et al., 2016). Therefore, the tration of serum of C. brevimanus was an aver- annual number of spawnings per individual is age of 80.3%, demonstrating that C. brevima- theoretically at most three, but this should be nus does not depend on the sea for a source of confirmed by mark-recapture experiments. water (Gross, 1964). Unlike beach dwelling Populations of Coenobita that live inland mi- coenobitids, C. brevimanus can distinguish the grate to coastal breeding sites where mating is odor of fresh water from that of seawater, and believed to take place (Greenaway, 2003). Sato they intake only freshwater (Vannini & Ferretti, & Yoseda (2013) observed that male B. latro 1997; Greenaway, 2003). Inland-dwelling C.

Crustacean Research 48 75 TAKETO NIO ET AL. compressus were very active at night in the in- full moon period than in the new moon period, tertidal zone patrolling the moist sand in search (Skov et al., 2005). In coenobitid crabs, the of food (Herreid & Full, 1986), while the for- zeitgeber of their reproduction is still unknown, aging range for beach-living Coenobita, where and experimental studies are needed to deter- food and water are co-located, is relatively mine what environmental cues may synchro- small (Greenaway, 2003). Inland-dwelling C. nize larval release. brevimanus may also travel extensively, occur- Unlike the timing of the crabs entering sea- ring in both coastal forests and along the sea- water, the timing of the appearance on the shore to search for food during the nighttime; beach did not coincide well with high tide but thus, numerous individuals were found through showed several peaks. Earlier and later peaks nighttime field surveys in inland areas (Kosuge of appearance may correspond with females re- & Kohno, 2010; Mizutani et al., 2012; Doi et leasing zoeae and males mating with females al., 2019) and shores (Fujikawa et al., 2017; after spawning, respectively. The sexual differ- present study). Future studies should include ences in timing for migration were observed confirmation of sex, presence/absence of em- for the Christmas Island red crab (Adamczews- bryos and spermatophore, and salinity of the ka & Morris, 2001) with the timing of immer- store of water in the shells of crabs that are sion coinciding well with the nighttime high found on the beach in order to further clarify tide. Larval release by C. brevimanus occurred aspects of seaward migration. in intertidal or subtidal areas near the swash The number of crabs crawling on the beach zone and in most cases, larval release occurred was much larger in the new moon period with immediately after entering seawater (Nio et al., higher tidal amplitude than during the full 2014). While C. cavipes release larvae during moon with lower tidal amplitude and in other both flood and ebb tides (Doi et al., 2018a), lunar phases. Although seaward migrations seawater immersion, i.e., larval release by C. were found even in the full moon period, they brevimanus almost always occurs during ebb were highly synchronized to both the new tide with the peak and daily changes in mean moon (lunar cycle) and the spring tide (semi- time of immersion being within 2 h after the lunar cycle). Timing of reproductive activities high tide. in intertidal and supratidal brachyuran crabs The adaptive significance of larval hatching has been well studied (Forward, 1987; Morgan, occurring at night during high tide on larger- 1995; Christy 2003, 2011), and findings sug- amplitude tides is believed to be that by mov- gest that the most common pattern is for larval ing quickly to the ocean at night, larvae may hatching to occur at night during high tide on escape visual detection by planktivorous fishes larger-amplitude tides on a bi-weekly or that are especially abundant in shallow waters monthly cycle of tidal amplitude (Christy, (Christy, 2003). Thus, it may be related to spe- 2011). Unlike previous studies of larval release cies-level differences in life cycle adaptations; of coenobitids on Iriomote Island (Doi et al., i.e., an export vs. retention strategy of larvae 2016, 2018a), tidal amplitudes of the new (Anger, 2001). The larvae of C. brevimanus moon period were higher than those of the full and C. cavipes show smaller growth incre- moon period during this study. If tidal cues are ments, but size of hatching larvae and pelagic more important than lunar cycle in entraining duration of larvae are larger and shorter, re- the reproductive rhythm of this species, the spectively, for C. brevimanus, and smaller and rhythm of seaward migration may change longer, respectively, for C. cavipes (Hamasaki when the tidal amplitude is the same extent in et al., 2015b). At the present study site, the nu- both the new and full moon or higher in the merical simulation using a biophysical model

76 Crustacean Research 48 SEAWARD MIGRATION AND LARVAL RELEASE OF COENOBITA BREVIMANUS showed that about 10% of the larvae of C. tide. This species shows a phenology and brevimanus were retained near the spawning rhythm of spawning that is common in coeno- site after completion of the larval stage (Mu- bitids of the Ryukyu Islands (Imafuku, 2001; rakami et al., 2014). C. brevimanus with its Nakasone, 2001; Sato & Yoseda, 2008, 2009; shorter pelagic larval period may promote lar- Doi et al., 2016, 2018a). The results of this val retention near the source population and study are valuable for understanding the popu- strict constraint of the timing of spawning lation dynamics and structure as well as pro- compared to the export strategy of C. cavipes. moting conservation and management of the In addition to body size differences, different near-threatened C. brevimanus in this area spination of zoeae between C. brevimanus and along with previous findings from studies us- other Coenobita (Hamasaki et al., 2014; Kohno ing numerical simulation of larval dispersal et al., 2014) may explain the different larval (Murakami et al., 2014; Doi et al., 2018b), survival strategies against predation (Morgan spatiotemporal patterns of recruitment (Hama- & Christy, 1997) among coenobitids. saki et al., 2018) and genetic population net- The zoeal duration of C. brevimanus is 13 to work analysis with a sensitive genetic marker 22 days, and megalopae migrate onto land by (Hamasaki et al., 2015a). around 16 to 18 days after metamorphosis at about 28°C in rearing experiments (Hamasaki ■ Acknowledgements et al., 2014, 2015b; Kohno et al., 2014). There- fore, the larval dispersal duration of C. brevim- We would like to thank Ken Sakihara (Tokai anus is probably 4 to 5 weeks during which University) for his assistance with the field sur- more juveniles are expected to be recruited to vey. This study was supported in part by a the coasts in September and October, which is Grant for Study and Education of the Okinawa about 1 month after the larval releases. Hama- Regional Research Center, Tokai University. saki et al., (2018b) investigated the species composition of early juveniles of coenobitids ■ Literate Cited in beaches and river mouth sites on Ishigaki Is- land from late August and to the middle of Adamczewska, A. M., & Morris, S., 2001. Ecolo- September. Of a total of 576 early juveniles of gy and behavior of Gecarcoidea natalis, the five Coenobita species collected, C. brevima- Christmas Island Red Crab, during the annu- nus accounted for only 0.7%. In order to deter- al breeding migration. The Biological Bulle- mine the recruitment of the present species, tin, 200: 305–320. sampling should be performed in autumn at Agostinelli, C. & Lund, U., 2017. R package ‘cir- sites near the habitat of adults, such as under cular’: Circular Statistics (version 0.4–93). logs in the rainforest, in piles of coconut debris Available online at https://r-forge.r-project. (Gross, 1964), at the shore side of dark coastal org/projects/circular/ Anger, K., 2001. The Biology of Decapod Crus- forest floor, even in daytime (Okinawa Prefec- tacean Larvae. Crustacean Issues Vol. 14. tural Board of Education, 1987), in limestone 419 pp. A. A. Balkema, Rotterdam. crevices and under the roots of banyan trees Anger, K., 2006. Contributions of larval biology (Fujikawa et al., 2017). to crustacean research: a review. Inverte- Seaward migration of C. brevimanus showed brate Reproduction & Development, 49: three peaks annually, corresponding to the new 175–205. moon periods in July to September. Timing of Christy, J. H., 2003. Reproductive timing and lar- entering seawater, i.e., larval release, coincided val dispersal of intertidal crabs: the predator well with the new moon and nighttime high

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