Transportation Security Administration, DHS § 1580.203

that is part of the general railroad sys- (e) Each passenger railroad carrier tem of transportation, including heavy and rail transit system required to rail transit, transit, auto- have an RSC must ensure that at least mated guideway, , inclined one RSC: plane, funicular, and systems. (1) Serves as the primary contact for intelligence information and security- § 1580.201 Rail security coordinator. related activities and communications (a) Applicability. This section applies with TSA. Any individual designated to: as an RSC may perform other duties in (1) Each passenger railroad carrier, addition to those described in this sec- including each carrier operating light tion. rail or heavy rail transit service on (2) Is available to TSA on a 24-hours track that is part of the general rail- a day, 7 days a week basis. road system of transportation, each (3) Coordinate security practices and carrier operating or providing intercity procedures with appropriate law en- passenger service or commuter or forcement and emergency response other short-haul railroad passenger agencies. service in a metropolitan or suburban area (as described by 49 U.S.C. 20102), § 1580.203 Reporting significant secu- and each public authority operating rity concerns. passenger train service. (a) Applicability. This section applies (2) Each passenger railroad carrier to: hosting an operation described in para- (1) Each passenger railroad carrier, graph (a)(1) of this section. including each carrier operating light (3) Each operator of a rail transit rail or heavy rail transit service on system that is not operating on track track that is part of the general rail- that is part of the general railroad sys- road system of transportation, each tem of transportation, including heavy carrier operating or providing intercity rail transit, light rail transit, auto- passenger train service or commuter or mated guideway, cable car, inclined other short-haul railroad passenger plane, funicular, and monorail systems. service in a metropolitan or suburban (4) Each operator of private cars, in- area (as described by 49 U.S.C. 20102), cluding business/office cars and circus and each public authority operating , on or connected to the general passenger train service. railroad system of transportation, (2) Each passenger railroad carrier when notified by TSA, in writing, that hosting an operation described in para- a security threat exists concerning graph (a)(1) of this section. that operation. (3) Each tourist, scenic, historic, and (5) Each tourist, scenic, historic, or excursion rail operator, whether oper- excursion operations, whether on or off ating on or off the general railroad sys- the general railroad system of trans- tem of transportation. portation, when notified by TSA, in (4) Each operator of private cars, in- writing, that a security threat exists cluding business/office cars and circus concerning that operation. trains, on or connected to the general (b) Each person described in para- railroad system of transportation. graph (a) of this section must designate (5) Each operator of a rail transit and use a primary and at least one al- system that is not operating on track ternate RSC. that is part of the general railroad sys- (c) The RSC and alternate(s) must be tem of transportation, including heavy appointed at the corporate level. rail transit, light rail transit, auto- (d) Each passenger railroad carrier mated guideway, cable car, inclined and rail transit system required to plane, funicular, and monorail systems. have an RSC must provide to TSA the (b) Each person described in para- names, titles, phone number(s), and e- graph (a) of this section must imme- mail address(es) of the RSCs, and alter- diately report potential threats and nate RSCs, and must notify TSA with- significant security concerns to DHS in 7 calendar days when any of this in- by telephoning the Freedom Center at formation changes. 1–866–615–5150.


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