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Duke University Begins Second Naval Semester Navy Activates 395 100 Civilians Enter Duke this week moved into its second semester under the Naval V-12 program as 395 V-12 students began their active naval careers here, replacing approximately 400 trainees (Dye 2>ukgjk (ftfrtjcrnkte who rseceived "shipping orders" at the end ol last term. One hundred civilian freshmen were alsio On hand for the opening of the new term, joining some 80 per cent of the V-12 recruits who also are new to college life. Much of traditional freshms Fortieth Year - No. 5 Duke University, Durham, N"C. Friday, November 5, 1943 WSAB Adopts Two •'s opening. YMCA lead- New Dance Policies LISI hssiid early to assist Duchesses Of The Year tation of civilian fresh- Glee CluK Ball Tops o arrived October 29 for WSAB adopted two principles of placement and phys- of policy with respect to fu ture Duke dances this yens'. Mouday, immediately began to Social Week; Sadie First, in all coming dances land in tine for supplies. men will dress semi-formally, Registration, beginning Mon- although coeds will dres form, lay, continued throughout the ally or informally as the occa- Hawkins Ball Next truction began Wednesdssiy. ReafHrming its previous de Freshman Advisory Council Annual Glee Club dance, first social event of the new wung into action Wednesday semester, will take place tomorrow night in the Women's cision, the council stated that for the duration men will not night, establishing contacts with Gym, Charlie Blanchard, WSAB chairman, announced yes buy corsages for their dates. terday. ricntation plans include At ti of East Campus open ced for the YMCA's "ss^a- FAC Distributes die Hawkins" Ball, scheduled for Fund Drive mailable to freshmen to next Saturday night. day and tomorrow. For the first time the Glee Open House Bids Extra-curricular activities be Club dance will be semi-formal, On Campus gan to hum again, and the influx in keeping with the new WSAB To 4*0 New Frosh of freshmen gave promise that , Although Nets $11000 sagging campus activities might the will r With the arrival of more thai pep up to pre-Navy levels. Stu 400 V-12 freshmen this weeh dress, the eoeds sis Campus War Fund Drive dent Isssilisrs evidenced hope that the Freshman Advisory Counci November freshmen might par leaders today were highly en ticipate more widely in campus thusiastic over results in the two-week campaign which Faculty and old students, fresh saw Duke's $11,568 total play from week-Jong vacations, by a prominent part in the suc week's end shad buckled down to cess of the Durham Com The FAC, under the regular grind of classroom : president Dick schedules. munity War Chest. rgani: Freshmen \ The Duke goal of $8700 was (ally i . Duke'; plete list of new f: surpassed by more than $2800, compiling the list of while the downtown campaign The cream of Duke's licauly ITISIJ (sstsiivis), tll'sstssrl iss si I'simpus-wii ire candidates for Chanticleer beauty queen. The 1914 ported last Monday. yearbook queen will be announced at the Fall Coed Ball November 24 New freshmen an netted $165,000, only $5000 over el Greenwell, Jane Sherrill, Gwyn Barnwell, Peggy First row, left to right: Carolyn King, Dot Myland, Ann Fountain of the FAC will be the only per ie, Dottie Groome, Til Paty; third row, Catty Dillon, Otto; second rows jean Crowell, Eleanor Brooks, Kappy Goode, Charli sons admitted to the open hous Dr. Alan K. Months ig, and Liz Prather. I'essy liaison, Beth Holcombe, Mary Nelson Freels, Mary Rrad!ey,Sara es next Sunday, from 9 to 10:30. die Hawkins Race skit during ming freshmen intermission. Dress for the dance 'ill be Si, uiUior will be strictly Informal. Campus Elects 1943-44 Beauty Queens i attend t ) differs Ike Carpenter, openh bis distributed today italics will r Identity of the eampus [ tiie Duke Professional schools' faculty day afternoon in front of thi beauty queen, who will be se Ambassadors a few years ago, and staff: $2884. (The hospital Qualifying Examination for A-12, V-12 Dope Shop. Scotty Cowan Will will bring his newly-formed and med school donated $2155.- lected from the coeds pictur 68 Seniors Entertainment has been let band to the dance. 25 of this total.) ed above, will be revealed at up to the women and will pro Set for Tuesday; Watson In Charge the annual fall Coed Ball, to Return To Duke Tickets for the Ball will go on bably consist of dsancing, sing Colleges: $4383.50. be held this year on Novem sale Tuesday in the Dope-Shop. Qualifying Army pay. Graduate ing, games, and refreshments Civilian students: $1138.80. ber 24. For Religious Week They will sell for $1.25, which A-12 and Navy V-12 programs The purpose of the Navy ] (Women students: $743.75; un includes the usual defense stamp. will be given Tuesday, Novem gram is to provide officers will be on hand at each hon si T. B. "Scotty" Cowan will Twenty coeds and two nurse; At intermission the holder of the dergraduate men: $114.05; di ber 8. at 8:00 AM in 118 Chem the Navy, Marine Corps, October 25 to help supervise the evening's again be the principal speaker winning lottery ticket will re- vinity students: $281). istry bus tiling. Dr. K. B. Watsson Coast Guard, Courses are c ranked highest in a recent all- during the forthcoming Religious Army Finance School: $1500. for the following types of ofl campus poll. Judges who will The members of the council Emphasis Week, which will be The Finance School's check was eendidates: Deck officer, M make the filial selection will b£ will attend a FAC banquet one conducted throughout the week presented early in the drive. exssimlnaUr>n rn>un at G;4S AM. cai Corps, General Engineering, announced in next week': week from Tuesday, November of November 28 to December 3. Russian Singers V-12 and A-12 Medical units for preliminary ss p Civil Engineering, Construction CHRONICLE. Chanticleer edltoi time accelerated program 16, at Harvey's Cafeteria. An as The popular and witty Scoteh- reported $93 and $143 respec pllration blanks must tie in Dr. Corps, Engineer Sps Henry Nicholson will present tht sessment of $2 per member was Monday, Oct. 25. voted at a recent FAC meeting. tively—a one hundred per cent Watsons, hands before the ex- ology, Supply Corps, and Chap beauty queen sometime during Women students, headed by during last year's discussions. To Appear Here sionation. amisi.-slioii. and may bis obtained lain Corps. the Ball, for which Captain Clay The two dollars will include ex Dr. Cowan will initiate the Mary Louise Merritt, penses for the banquet and other V-12 undergraduate unit and fn.isi tm office in 110 Page. The test will be t has granted one o'clock permls- eleventh annual Religious Em FAC activities of the semester. On November 15 staff: $1438.87. Thesre will not be another test long and is divided i phasis Week with an address at Ten of twenty beauty queens the first time. Other marshals A special gifts division head until April. at the Sunday morning chapel Serge Jaroff will conduct the will appear in the Chanticleer; were Kathleen Bssmber, Thalia service. Throughout the week he original Don Cossack chorus, ed by University Secretary Having lak^n the test, a stu Bell, Dorothy Chorpening, Ge Alumni On Hand dent is not obligated to enter their identity will remain secrei will make eleven main appear- world famous Russian Male sing Charles E, Jordan reported a to until publication date of th. neva Eldridge, Anne Hillman, His principal addri ers, in Page Auditorium Mon tal of $5445, bringing yearbook. assistant chief marshal, Emily For Moscow Parley day night, November IS in the . • indica r, the third sec- •A the c on osi Dates for ticket sales to coeds Jane Howard, Ruth Kansteiner, third concert in Duke's winter .unity's LSls-iijISliD for the Army or the Anne Lineberger, Barbara jane Present at the Moscow diplo- Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thurs Mayhew, Mary Ann Morrison, day evenings from 6:45 to 7:30. -•:;Id s.s Duke graduates, George V. Al Special music for these services ives throughout the nation will The purpose of the Army Spe Martha Nicholson, Betsy Hankin, An old favorite at Duke in for ;o classes, Dottie Watkins, len, '24, and Henry E. Thomas, has been arrsanged by J. Foster mer years, the Cossacks have • divided among national and cialized Training Program is to Cam Rickert, Peggy Schroder, ternational war relief organi- provide technicians and special Each student will be notifis^l chairman of Social Standards Dorothy Sugg, Marilyn Wasson, •31. Barnes. In addition to the chapel been brought back several times siitts?e which sponsors the Erin Woodall and Carolyi Allen was Chanticleer editor choir, both the men's and wom to sing in the annual concert ists for the Army. They will be by approximately December 20 as to whether or not he has semi-annual balls, stated. Young. and Thomas was the student who en's glee clubs will sing. series. In addition to their chor Decision on a band to play for local Charitable organis der military discipline, and on qualisEied. initiated the gold sash-swallowing Each noon, Monday through al singing, the thirty-two ^s- Jolin W. Carr III, editor of fad of 1930 at Duke. Friday, Dr. Cowan will speak hi saeks pcrfosrm difficult Russian week. In keeping with a recent the CHRONICLE, and Stephen C.