Volume 2, Issue 11 April/May 2013

Habemus Papam!

Cardinal Bergoglio, S.J is now Francis

Volume 2, Issue 11 Page 2

Thomas Council #2010 FOURTH DEGREE FR.SPILLAR Officers 2012-2013 ASSEMBLY #1822 OFFICERS Grand Knight 2012-2013 SK Terry Silk ...... 304-478-4899 Faithful Navigator Chaplain Patrick C. Kotten ...... 304-866-6243 Fr. Tim Grassi ...... 304-463-4488 Faithful Friar Deputy Grand Knight Fr. Tim Grassi ...... 304-463-4488 Faithful Comptroller SK Buster Fenstermacher ...... 304-478-3853 Terry Silk ...... 304-478-4899 Chancellor Faithful Captain SK Brad Siler ...... 304-478-3814 Fred Sikarski ...... 304-478-3460 Recorder Faithful Admiral Thomas Kucer ...... 304-866-3346 Jerry Flanagan ...... 304-463-4126 Financial Secretary Faithful Purser SK Patrick Kotten ...... 304-866-6243 John Cook ...... 304-463-4342 Treasurer Faithful Pilot Matt Quattro ...... 304-463-4334 “Butch“ DiBacco ...... 304 - 478 - 3937 Lecturer Faithful Scribe Vacant Tom DiBacco ...... 304-478-4108 Advocate Inner Sentinel SK Pat A. Nichols ...... 304-259-5415 Buster Fenstermacher ...... 304 -478-3853 Warden Outer Sentinel SK James B. Nester Sr...... 304-478-4111 David J. Oldaker ...... 304-636-6242 Inside Guard 1 Year Trustee—Pat A. Nichols…………….304-259-5415 SK David Oldaker ...... 304-636-6242 2 Year Trustee — Vincent Ponikvar…………304 - 463-4517 Outside Guard 3 Year Trustee—James B. Nester, Sr.……. 304-478-4111 Greg Knotts ...... 304-478-2719 Trustees 3 Year — SK Jerome “Butch” DiBacco ..... 304-478-3937 2 Year — Gerold Matlick ...... 304-478-3777 1 Year — David Oldaker II ...... 304-637-4203 Benefit Advisor — Mark Wilgenbusch 703-717-3700 The 2010 Corporation Officers Committees President……….. SK John J. Cook Program Director — SK PGK Butch DiBacco-304-478-3937 Vice President…. SK “Butch” DiBacco Secretary……….. SK Patrick C. Kotten Church Director — Treasurer……….. Arthur ”Matt” Quattro Membership Director — SK Brad Siler…...….304-478-3814 Director…………. SK Vincent J. Ponikvar Vocations — SKFN Patrick Kotten ………….304-866-6243 Director …………Todd E. Snyder Director…………..Paul F. Wojkowski Recruitment — Gregory Knotts ……………...304-478-2719 Director …………SK Terence Silk Pro Life & Family Program— Fred & Joanne Sikarskie Public Relations/Newsletter — SK GK Terry Silk

Youth Director — SK DGK Buster Fenstermacher Disclaimer: Any article appearing in this newsletter is Insurance — SK John Cook ………………...304-463-3937 strictly the opinion of the author and does not reflect the views or official position of Thomas Council #2010 or of the

West Virginia Knights of Columbus.

Any other use of the material contained herein, including distribution of names, telephone numbers, photos, and personal information is unauthorized without the express

written consent of the Grand Knight. Volume 2, Issue 11 Page 3

Our resolution was presented to the convention but GRAND KNIGHTS MESSAGE not accepted in lieu of a similar more comprehen- Brother Knights: sive one presented by the State Council. Rey, As former President Ronald Reagan said, “Freedom is not something to be secured in any These 40 days of Lent have one moment in time. We must struggle to preserve come and gone so quickly. We it every day. And freedom is never more than one are strengthened in our Faith generation away from extinction.” because of our prayers and We must be vigilant! We must let our repre- sacrifices. May the light of the risen Christ be our sentatives know that we will stand firm in support of everlasting joy! our religious freedoms, the right to keep and bear Spring is upon us (say ”yes”), winter dol- arms and all that is granted to us by our Constitu- drums have departed, and the calendar is full. tion. There are many lawsuits currently pending Thanks so much to SK ‘Butch’ DiBacco for all his against the tyranny of the HHS mandates and, efforts chairing the meetings and to everyone else hopefully, supported by our action and prayers, the who ‘got things done’ these past few months while I mandates will overturned. was dealing with health issues. I am blessed to be These attacks against our Christian faith part of such a great group of Knights! and traditions are relentless. They are even local. Please note that our Council meetings are For example, there was move recently to remove back to the 7:00 pm hour on the second Wednes- the Veterans Memorial from in front of the Tucker day of the month alternating between St. Thomas County Courthouse. For some of them whose Center and Our Lady of Marcy; the Fourth Degree names are displayed, who gave their lives for our meetings are back to the third Thursday of the freedom, it is the only memorial to their memory. month at the St. Thomas Center at 7:00 pm. Hope- Thankfully the veterans rallied and the move was fully meeting attendance will improve now that the halted. However, the Memorial is in need of repair. weather is more cooperative. As an aside, please Maybe we, as Knights, can assist the veterans in note that the pot for the “Kettle of Cash” drawing some way. This can be an excellent community for each meeting is now in excess of $100. If you project. Any ideas? attend and your number is drawn YOU could be the We’ll be holding the first of two Big Bucks big winner on April 10. Bingo fundraisers this year on Sunday, May 5, to The Knights of Columbus West Virginia help us get our budgeted income back to the level State Convention for 2013 has been moved from of a few years ago, so we can continue to do and Morgantown to St. Albans because of a conflict improve our charitable work. Let’s all make an ex- with the WVU graduation and will be hosted again tra effort to make this a great success. this year by our Brothers at Archbishop Swint The nominating committee for election of Council #4694, May 17-19. SK Pat Kotten, FN,FS officers for the 2013-2014 fraternal year will be ap- and I will attend representing Thomas Council. If pointed in April. Please consider becoming more any member has a suggestion for any resolutions, active in YOUR council. The Knights of Thomas petitions, recommendations of changes, or am- Council can grow and improve in all our endeavors mendments of the By-laws, please let me know by the closer we work together as a team. Remem- the next meeting on April 10. ber, like “the little engine that could” — “we re the Last year as you may recall we submitted a little Council that can!” resolution in support of our Bishops in resisting all May the Risen Christ fill you with every unjust laws as a duty of our citizenship and an obli- Grace, Blessing and the joy of Hope! gation of our Faith; that we will stand firm in the cause of freedom, in defense of our Church; and Viva Christo Rey, that we are determined to fight under the banner of our Blessed Mother, Mary, against the wickedness Terry Silk that would destroy our “One Nation Under God.” Grand Knight

“Say the Rosary every day to obtain world peace and end to war.” Check out our Parish website for St. Thomas Aquinas and Our Lady of Mercy. www.sttsite.com Our Lady of Fatima 5-13-17 Volume 2, Issue 11 Page 4

BABY BOTTLE FUNDRAISER KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS STATE The Baby Bottle Fundraiser for Pregnan- FREE THROW CONTEST cy Care Centers sponsored by the Knights of Columbus in several of the area churches was During February the annual Free-Throw very successful. Over $2,500 has already been Contest was held in Tucker County. At Davis- Thomas Elementary & Middle School there were 45 collected. The project began on January 20, participants and at Tucker Valley Elementary Mid- Respect Life Sunday, and continued for a dle School there were 90 for a total of 135, making month. it the largest number of contestants to date. All re- ceived certificates of appreciation from Thomas Council #2010. FOOD PANTRY DRIVE On March 3rd ten students traveled to Wes- A reminder to all Knights — we are hop- ton to participate at the state level in the free-throw ing to provide over 500 pounds of food to the contest. One boy and one girl represented each food pantry in Davis and the food pantry in age level for 10, 11, 12,13 and 14 year olds: Myles Parsons. Donations of food or money to buy Paugh, Kallie Johnson, Easton Snyder, Candy food is welcome any time. Please contact Fred Cross, Bren Cromer, Alijah Plum, Luke Poling, Kiley Sikarskie with your monetary donations and Simmons, John Kincaid and Ellizabeth Nichols. Our contestants did a great job. leave all other food at the back of the church.

Congratulations to Kiley Simons who won DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY — APRIL 7TH first place in her age group and also to Kallie John- son, Easton Snyder, Candy Cross and Elizabeth There will be a pot luck dinner in the Social Nichols who were second place winners in their re- Hall at Our Lady of Mercy after the 11:00 am Mass. spective age groups.

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament will be Special thanks to SK Fred Sikarskie for from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm followed by Benediction chairing this project and to all his noble “assistants,” and the Chaplet of Divine Mercy namely Fr. Tim, and Brothers Tom DiBacco, Matt Quattro, Gerold Matlick, and Joe Siler for making this a successful event. Great job.

(Front L to R)Easton Snyder (11), Myles Paugh (10), (Back) Luke Kiley Simmons (1st place-13); Elizabeth Nichols (2nd place-14); Poling (13), Josh Kincaid (14), Elizabeth Nichols (14), Kiley Simons Candy Cross (2nd place-11) Easton Snyder (2nd place-11); Kallie (13), Aliyah Plum (12), Candy Cross (11), Kallie Johnson (absent) (10 Johnson (absent) (2nd place-10) Volume 2, Issue 11 Page 5

transition we can ever imagine by consecrating Dear Brother Knights: Russia to Her Immaculate Heart in union with all the bishops of the world as requested by Our Lady of Fatima. Let us join our prayers as men of God to Doesn’t it feel like beg our Lord to give our new Holy Father the grace transition is the word of the of wisdom and courage to fulfill the promises of our day these days? We are about Lady of Fatima and bring about the transition back to to make the transition from the Season of Lent to a Christian society and the peace that we all desire the Easter Season. Through the Lenten Season and yearn for! we have striven to die to ourselves with Christ so In Corde Jesu et Mariae, as to make the transition to rise with Christ through the Easter Season and beyond. We are Fr. Grassi in the midst of transition from Winter to Spring (I hope!). And if this is all not enough transition, we can also notice the rather shocking transition within the Church with the resignation of Pope BIG BUCKS BINGO Benedict XVI. This is an experience that is 600 years outside of our view. As a result of his res- Mark you calendars for Sunday, ignation, we also have experienced the transition May 5th at the St. Thomas Center. to our 266th pope, Francis. All of this transition takes place in the midst of the continuous transi- Doors will open at 1:00 pm and games tion of our society from a Christian society to one start promptly at 3:00 pm. that is less and less Christian; a society that is becoming more and more immoral, more and Only 100 tickets will be available more hedonistic. at $30.00 each; advance sales are Personally, we hope that our Lenten prac- encouraged! tices have guided us to be stronger men of God; stronger Knights for our Blessed Lord. We hope Let’s all pitch in to make this a that our Easter Resurrection will be lasting and successful fundraiser. will stand the test of time to endure living in a society that is becoming more and more de- praved while not falling to the ways of the society. It is hard not to feel a sense of helplessness Prayer for the Canonization of when we look at our world. However, that is Venerable Servant of God merely a secular viewpoint, as though Heaven Father Michael J. McGivney has left us on our own. But, all of this transition that I just mentioned gives us the indication that God, our Father, protector of the poor we are not helpless; we have not been left alone. and defender of the widow and orphan, We must have faith that the Holy Spirit is alive in you called your priest, Father Michael the midst of all this transition; from Lent to Easter; J. McGivney, to be an apostle of Chris- from dying to rising; from one Pope resigning to tian family life and to lead the young to the generous another being elected. As Knights for God, we service of their neighbor. Through the example of his must not stop praying; we must hold fast to sup- life and virtue may we follow your Son, Jesus Christ, porting our new Holy Father, , hav- more closely, fulfilling this commandment of charity and building up his Body which is the Church. Let the ing faith that the Holy Spirit will guide him with all inspiration of your servant prompt us to greater confi- the wisdom that he needs to lead the Church in dence in your love so that we may continue his work of the direction of peace for our lives and our world. caring for the needy and the outcast. We humbly ask Our Lady of Fatima gave us the plan for that you glorify your servant Father McGivney on earth success. With our prayers, perhaps Pope Francis according to the design of your holy will. Through his will be the Pope who brings about the solution to all intercession, grant the favor I now present (here make our problems and will bring about the greatest your request). Through Christ Our Lord. Amen.

Volume 2, Issue 11 Page 6 Happy Birthday Calendar of Events To those who were born February, March, April, May and June, may your birthdays be blessed!! April 5— First Friday — Thomas 5pm Raymond Lambruno February 2 April 6 — First Saturday — Parsons 9 am Dan Ingram February 5 Warren E. Moore February 13 April 7 — Divine Mercy Sunday—Pot Luck Dinner Fr. Timothy Grassi February 26 April 8 — The Annunciation of our Lord Rudolph J. Flanagan February 27 April 10 — Council Mtg.-7pm Parsons Kevin Donelan February 28 Jerry Flanagan March 15 April 16 — Feast of St. Bernadette of Lourdes David J. Oldaker March 15 April 18 — Fourth Degree Mts.—7 pm—Thomas Buster Fenstermacher March 16 Jerome V. DiBacco III March 23 May 3 — First Friday—5pm—Thomas Nicholas Mansuetto March 24 Mary 4 — First Saturday—9 am-Parsons Thomas Kucer March 30 Jason R. George April 5 May 5 — Big Bucks Bingo — Thomas Center Vincent J. Ponikvar April 5 May 8 — Council Mtg.—7pm —Thomas Thomas A. Gutshall April 7 May 9 — The Ascension of Our Lord —Holy Day Michael Supak April 11 Matthew McDowell May 3 May 13 — First Apparition of Our Lady of Fatima David J. Oldaker II May 7 May 16 — Fourth Degree Mtg. — 7 pm — Thomas James B. Ricottilli June 1 Fredric Sikarski June 14 May 17-19 — K of C State Convention-St. Albans, WV Mark Windland June 16 May 19 — Pentecost Sunday Thomas C. Stein June 17 May 26 — The Most Holy Trinity Todd E. Snyder June 18 James P. Nichols June 27 May 31 — The Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary June 1 — First Saturday — 9am—-Parsons June 2 — Feast of Corpus Christi June 5 — Council Mtg.— 7pm– Parsons June 7 — First Friday — 5pm —Thomas June 7 — The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus June 8 — The Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin “A government bureau is the nearest thing we’ll ever Mary see to eternal life on this earth.” — Ronald Reagan June 13 — 2nd Apparition of Our Lady of Fatima June 16 — Confirmation — St. Thomas Prayer for Vocations June 16 — Fathers Day Heavenly Father, bless your Church with an June 20 — Fourth Degree Mtg. — 7 pm — Thomas abundance of holy and zealous priests, deacons, brothers, and sisters. Give those you have called ATTENTION Fourth Degree Members: to the married state and those you have chosen to live as single persons in the world, the special Please note (now that winter is over & spring has graces that their lives require. Form us all in the arrived), our meetings have returned to the third likeness of your Son so that in Him, with Him and Thursday of the month. Our next meeting will be through Him, we may love you more deeply and Thursday, April 18, 2013 at 7:00 pm at the St. serve you more faithfully, always and every- Thomas Center. See you there! where. With Mary we ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. Vocations Committee


Fourth Degree, K of C. Fr. 4th Degree Winter Social Spillar Assembly #1822 On Sunday, January 20th, Fr. Spillar As- Dear Brother Knights: sembly #1822 held its annual min-winter dinner in the Social Hall at Our Lady of Mercy in Parsons. The Fr. F.A. Spillar Assembly SK Tom DiBacco, our chef of the day, prepared a 1822 kicked off the new year with a delicious meal of Penne pasta and meatballs with social and dinner at Our Lady of Mercy social hall on January 20, 2013. An garden salad and Italian bread. Fr. Tim, our Faith- excellent dinner of pasta and meatballs ful Friar, prepared and served most delicate and prepared by Sir Knight Tom DiBacco tasty homemade Italian cream putts — ever! A and a delicious, calorie free, cream puff dessert by Fr. great time was had by all. Tim topped off the meal. While several Sir Knights took credit for the meal we can't forget the wives who really deserve a lot of credit for their part in making the dinner a success!

By now many of the New Year's resolutions that were made may have fallen by the wayside, but we have the opportunity with the Lenten Season to renew those resolutions or even make some new faith filled resolutions. Hopefully, our Lenten resolutions will help us to prepare ourselves for the salvation promised by Our Lord with His death and resurrection. Our Faithful Friar, Fr. Tim, has asked all Brother and Sir Knights to attend Stations of the Cross at least once during this Lenten Season. I pray that each of you will be able to fulfill our Faithful Friar's request.

Our Catholic community was taken by surprise when our Holy Father announced his resignation from Faithful Navigator, Pat Kotten presenting SK Tom DiBacco his Fourth the Papacy effective at the end of February. This sets Degree Honorary membership card in recognition of more than 32 in motion a conclave to elect a new Pope to fill the va- years of service. cant See of St. Peter. The College of Cardinals have a solemn and sacred duty to select a new Pope to lead the following Pope Benedict XVI's res- ignation. A Novena for the Conclave to Elect our Next Pope is included in the weekly bulletin. The Supreme Council has also asked all Knights to pray for the Church during the Papal transition and conclave. It is very important that we pray that the conclave selects a Pope that is right to lead the Catholic Church at this critical time.

May the joy of the Easter Season be with each of you and remain for the remainder of the Church year.

Patrick A. Kotten Faithful Navigator

Friar Tim serving the pasta.

Volume 2, Issue 11 Page 8


The Thomas Crew: Pat Kotten, Rocky Spencer, John Cook and Matt Quattro

The Master Fish Fryers, David Oldaker and Greg Knotts

The Parsons Crew: Fred Sikarski, Greg Knotts, Brian Ricottilli, Master Chef Butch DiBacco,Gerold Matlick, Buck Helmick, Tom DiBacco, Brad Siler and Jerry DiBacco. (Not in picture: Mike Ledden and Terry Silk) Two great servers, Emily and Rebecca Siler

“[O]ur time is now. If we carry the day and turn the time, we can hope that as long as men speak of freedom and those who have protected it, they will remember us, and they will say, ‘here were the brave and here their place of honor.”’ “No...weapon in the arsenals of the world is so formidable as the will and moral courage of free men and women.” “There are no easy answers but there are simple answers. We must have the courage to do what is morally right.” — Ronald Reagan

K of C Thomas Council #2010 5233 Dry Fork Road Hendricks, WV 26271


Heavenly Father and God of mercy, we no longer look for Jesus among the dead, for He is alive and has become the Lord of life. from the waters of death you raise us with Him and renew your gift of life within us. Increase in our minds and hearts the risen life we share with Christ and help us to grow as your people toward the fullness of eternal life with you. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen