Fact box: Timber harvesting Fact box: Continuous-cover forestry

■ Most timber is cut and processed using a purpose-built Continuous-cover forestry is an alternative to clear felling areas harvesting machine. of the forest. Some of its benefits are that: ■ Each machine can cut and process up to 120 tonnes of ■ Timber harvesting is less visually intrusive compared with wood per day. TRAILS traditional methods. WALKING ■ Timber products include pulp for papermaking, fencing ■ It provides continuous tree cover. materials and construction-grade timber. WHICH TRAIL IS FOR YOU? ■ It provides soil stability and reduces soil erosion. ■ Timber harvesting provides income to enable future forest We recommend that visitors take a map from the visitor centre management and also supports local industry (machinery ■ It offers a variety of habitats for wildlife. before setting out into the forest, and that suitable footwear operators, timber hauliers and sawmills). ■ It could be a tool to help forests to resist climate change. should be worn, as the trails have rough, uneven surfaces. ■ The wildlife benefits include deadwood left to provide RESERVOIR TRAIL – 4 km/2.5 miles insect habitats and clear fells providing a perfect breeding This short walk takes you through the eastern end of the forest. After ground for many species of bird, including the rare nightjar. a gentle climb up the main forest road, you turn through an area of mature spruce trees and out onto the edge of Pendinas Reservoir. Please be aware that this tranquil reservoir provides drinking water to the surrounding area and is very cold, so please stay out! On a clear day, you will have excellent views towards Moel Famau and the surrounding countryside. A descent through Larch Bank brings you back to the visitor Fact box: Nightjar centre and café. You may see… dragonflies hovering above the wildlife ponds. ■ It is a rare summer migrant from Africa. w 97 w You may hear… the screech of a jay as he flies from treetop to treetop. ■ Clear fells are ideal breeding habitats. w 22 97 w Can you spot… common lizards basking on the open heathland by ■ They are superbly camouflaged for protection against 22 the reservoir? predators. w BLACK GROUSE TRAIL – 3.5 km/2 miles ■ They are active at dawn and dusk, and feed on insects w 17 97 w w This walk takes you through part of the upland spruce plantation and moths. 17 22 and out on the contrasting landscape of the moors. From the bird hide, you have extensive views over Mountain and the ■ The males’ courtship display includes aerial acrobatics and Ruabon site of special scientific interest. Part of the moor is managed a churring song of over 1900 notes per minute. w specifically for the conservation of black grouse. Why not book a walk 17 with the RSPB to watch the magnificent black grouse lekking, which is when the male grouse show their magnificent tail feather displays to the hens (females). The final part of the walk takes you around the tranquil Pendinas Reservoir before dropping down to the visitor centre and café. Reservoir Safety You may see… the steely grey silhouette of a male hen harrier swooping over the moor. Please help us to keep you safe and You may hear… the lekking of the male black grouse on the reservoir water as clean as possible Ruabon moor. by following a few simple rules: Can you spot… a speckled wood butterfly weaving its way along ■ No swimming – Swimming at Pendinas is the grassy edge of the forest road? very dangerous, the water gets very cold, FOREST TRAIL – 5 km/3 miles there are underwater obstacles and an This is a tour through the different forest habitats at Coed Llandegla. undercurrent is present which can change Fact box: Pendinas Reservoir First, you are in the upland spruce plantation, which is a mixture of without notice. Going into the water also mature tall spruce and open areas known as clear fells. These areas are increases the risk of water contamination. ■ Dee Valley Water, a partner at Coed Llandegla with UPM not left open for long and are soon replanted with conifers to provide ■ Keep animals out of the water – Tilhill and Oneplanet Adventure, owns the reservoir and its a sustainable timber crop for future generations. We also plant some broadleaved trees to create long-term wildlife corridors. The route Animals can contaminate the water and it surrounding path. then passes along the heather rides. These are areas of open heathland can also be dangerous for them. ■ Dee Valley Water plc provides drinking water to a population within the forest that are managed for wildlife. You then descend to ■ No littering or fouling – Please take home of over 260,000 in North East around and Larch Bank. This part of the forest is managed as continuous-cover all your rubbish and help us keep the forest West Cheshire around Chester. Pendinas Reservoir can hold forest. You will not see any clear fells here: only well-thinned mature 283 million litres of water, which is enough to supply a town the trees among small groups of younger mixed species, which will one day and reservoir as clean and tidy as possible become the overstorey. The trail finishes at the visitor centre and café. and reduce the risk of water pollution. size of Wrexham for about 35 days. Pendinas and two smaller, You may see… pipistrelle bats darting along the forest edge on a ■ No fires – Fire poses a significant risk to local reservoirs collect water from the surrounding hills, which is summer’s evening. you and the environment so please do not then treated at the nearby Pendinas Water Treatment Works to You may hear… the distinctive call of a chiffchaff singing in light fires. remove all impurities, before the water is supplied to customers! the conifers. ■ Please keep to the paths provided ■ The reservoir is fed by a leete – a Victorian-built channel that was Can you spot… five different tree species on Larch Bank? – Thousands of walkers and cyclists cut through the forest to bring water from the surrounding hills. MOORLAND VIEW TRAIL – 11 km/7 miles enjoy Coed Llandegla each year but this w ■ The water’s edge provides a good breeding habitat for the This 2½-hour walk follows the start of the Llandegla Forest trail by can cause significant damage to the 65 common sandpiper. climbing to the spruce plantation and then continues to the western embankments that contain the reservoir if end of the forest. You will see spruce trees of all ages from newly people do not keep to the paths provided. w planted to mature and ready for felling. This cycle of clear felling By keeping to the paths provided, you help 65 and replanting provides a perfect habitat for one of our more elusive w Fact box: Black grouse summer visitors: the nightjar. After crossing Offa’s Dyke footpath, you ensure the safety of the structures and 65 head to the edge of the Ruabon SSSI. Part of this moorland is within allow its continued use in the future while ■ the forest boundary and is managed for black grouse. Thin strips are also reducing disturbance to wildlife. Through the partnership work at Coed Llandegla, cut in the moorland vegetation to provide fresh buds and shoots for the UPM Tilhill and the RSPB have halted the decline in grouse to feed on. The trail continues through areas of thinned spruce black grouse on Ruabon Moor. trees. The thinning allows more light to reach the forest floor which ■ There are fewer than 6500 mating males left in UK. encourages ground flora to flourish and provide a food source for many insects and birds. The walk rejoins the Llandegla Forest Trail and ends ■ 50% of the Welsh lekking population can be found on at the visitor centre and café – a perfect place to rest and enjoy some of Llandegla and Ruabon moor. the renowned homecooked food. ■ Males have an impressive mating display known as lekking. You may see… flocks of crossbills feeding on larch and spruce cones in the treetops. ■ Parts of the forest are actively managed in partnership with You may hear… churring male nightjars trying to attract a mate. the RSPB for the conservation of black grouse. Please see Can you spot… the UK’s smallest bird, the goldcrest, darting among the www.blackgrouse.info/recovery/wales.htm. spruce trees? WWW.COEDLLANDEGLA.COM