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1978 -- 1980 School Newspaper

Summer 6-9-1978

06-09-1978 (The Journal Champion Volume 1, Issue 3)

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This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Liberty University School Newspaper at Scholars Crossing. It has been accepted for inclusion in 1978 -- 1980 by an authorized administrator of Scholars Crossing. For more information, please contact [email protected]. America Threatened By Creeping Bureaucracy

The greatest threat to the average Amer- system that hires them and protects them, can's liberty does not come from Communistic also censors them. But the fact remains, aggression, crime in the decaying cities or FREEDOM'S GREATEST THREAT bureaucracy cannot censor itself. We have any other external cause. It comes from the a case where federal workers who govern growing internal encroachments of government voters are not responsible to the voters. bureaucrats as they limit the freedom of stitutional, but no one has taken them to unresponsiveness." It would seem that the level. Americans through distribution of rules and court. power of Congress could give direction to But we have bureaucrats formulating and The Journal-Champion is fulfilling its regulations, many times called guidelines. Other guidelines are insulting or silly. any federal agency, but that does not appear distributing regulations that limit the freedom Employees of the federal government, who OSHA issued regulations requiring coat hooks to be the case. of American people. They have a powerful role to crusade for righteousness by printing are paid to administer the government of in bathrooms. Is this employee safety? OSHA "There are approximately 500 legislators position but are not accountable to anyone. an open letter to Senators and Congressmen, our nation, are becoming the governors of printed 15 pages of regulations, in small type, and over 350,000 civil servants in Washing­ The President is powerless, Congress cannot our nation. concerning the safety of ladders. OSHA ton, D. C," a member of the legislature control them, and they are not responsible asking for independent accountability of the The President of the United States lectures distributed 35 pages of rules on the design noted,' 'What can we do against so many?" to the voters. The intent of our constitution the bureacracy, but in frustration admits of "exit" signs. OSHA advised farmers that The root of the problem concerns the Civil was to make those in power accountable to bureaucratic departments of the federal govern­ there is little he can actually do to govern cow dung is slippery and could cause them Service Commission. Federal workers are the voters. ment. We ask that managers and superinten­ those who should work for it. Why? to fall. employed and protected from intervention by The picture is not totally black—a bureaucrat The United States Supreme Court ruled The Durham Morning Herald reports in the political party in power. This is as it should can be fired for murder, assault with a dan­ dents who issue guidelines that are contrary that certain guidelines of the Occupational Family Weekly that one of the reasons be, or a government employee would be gerous weapon or other punishable crimes. to or beyond the limit of existing legislation Safety and Health Administration are un­ members of Congress are quitting is, "In­ susceptible to pressure and corruption that But it is almost impossible to get them fired be reprimanded, fired, fined or imprisoned, constitutional. There are probably other creasing .frustration with the ever-growing would lead to political patronage. We do not for incompetence, dereliction of duty or ex­ especially where they violate the freedom and federal guidelines that should be ruled uncon- bureaucracy of government and its seeming want a Chicago ward system on the national cessive absenteeism. The problem is that the civil rights of Americans.

One million readers? Certainly, the OQC Old-Time Gospel Hour television and (OThe Thomas ^ ' FamilyC radio network has a weekly audience of more than 35 million. The bi-monthly publication, "Faith Aflame," is delivered to more than one million homes. The Journal-Champion has reached a bi­ weekly audience of 25,000 churches and individuals. > One million readers? Without question, the impact of the publications and televi­ journal • champion sion and radio audience of the Old-Time VOL. 1 NO. 3 LYNCHBURG, 24505 25 Cents JUNE9 1978 Gospel Hour is huge and continues to - • for Truth grow.


Dear Senators and Congressmen: and if the President and his staff are punished by rulers. The greatest threat to modern Our liberties are slowly eroding and some of for Watergate, should a bureaucrat get off scot freedom is too much government. And we do us are concerned. Since you are our representa­ free when he formulates a guideline that infr­ not blame the President, legislators or the tion in Washington, we write to you, especially inges upon the freedom of Americans? Courts. We lay the blame upon the thousands when there is proposed legislation that How can this suggestion be enforced? We of civil servants, almost all of them good peo­ threatens the liberties we hold dear. Frankly, have established a Civil Review Board to ple, but people caught up in a system that is we do not see much new legislation to give us assure that police officers who deal with the self-defeating and counter-productive. Federal more liberty.' Most of it deals with further law not take it into their own hands. Just as a bureaucracy has passed the law of diminishing restriction. Review Board protects the freedom of the returns, in that the good they "think" they do We do not agree with all our representatives average man, we propose a Review Board to has brought evil upon the masses. in Washington, but we respect both you and judge the responsibility of the bureaucrat in We propose that the spirit of Americanism your position. You are decent, honest, and the relationship to the guidelines distributed by his makes a man responsible for his decisions and thing we like about you is that you realize the office. This Review Board would not determine actions. We could not begin to examine every source of your authority—the ballot box. A the legality of our laws, only the courts may federal guideline, nor would we want to deal newspaper, like a representative, must be a make such conclusions. But the relationship of with necessary regulations. But, if "big voice of the people or it abnegates its respon­ guidelines to existing laws should be evaluated. brother'' knew there was an independent pro­ sibility. Such a Review Board might be open to the secutor looking over his shoulder, as he looks The- greatest threat to our liberty comes whims of disgruntled citizens, if opened in a over the average American's shoulder, from those who make laws that govern the haphazard manner. We propose a Public perhaps we could put a screeching halt to some voters, yet are not responsible to the voters. Defender be appointed by the President of the of the foolish rules that come out of The faceless bureaucrats who sit in strategy United States and be charged with guarding Washington. meetings and formulate federal guidelines against encroachments on the liberties of every Therefore, we challenge you, our represen­ pinch our pocket books, restrict our work citizen. He would be responsible to hold public tatives, to create such a bill that will protect privileges, govern our spending habits, deter­ hearings and bring formal charges against our freedom. mine the "safety" restrictions of our departmental and divisional managers who Sincerely yours in Christ, businesses and influence the type of homes we have violated our freedoms, either by intent or live in. They control our lives, yet are respon­ through ignorance. sible to no one because civil service has im- Our forefathers left Europe for America Elmer Towns muned them from political patronage, as it because of the abuses of power in government Editor should be. Graduates listen to Wilkerson, watch presentation. We have a legitimate gripe because we are ruled without our vote and we are taxed without representation. Our President criticizes the bureaucracy, but a lecture from the leader won't change things. Our Supreme Court had to rule that 61 Graduate From Lynchburg Christian certain guidelines from the Occupational Safe­ ty and Health Administration were un­ They've made it! The Founder's Award was the first on the to David Pack and Brenda Treadway. portance of winning. God, he said, wants constitutional. That victory is microscopic in At 7 p.m. Sunday, June 4, 61 members of program to be presented. It is given each year Miss Treadway also received the Senior nothing less than a total committment to vic­ view of the total bureaucratic onslaught. While die seventh graduating class of Lynchburg in honor of Dr. Falwell and is the highest Athletic Award along with Rodney Kane. tory. the average man wins one battle, bureaucrats Christian Academy received their long awaited award a student may receive. With it comes a The Student Council Leadership Award Dr. Falwell mentioned the political leader­ gain another 100 victories because they can diplomas. full one-year scholarship to Liberty Baptist Col­ went to Steve Dunn and Brenda Treadway. ship of Sir Winston Churchill and the athletic formulate more guidelines than we can oppose. Like most graduations, theirs was an emo­ lege. The Vista Suburban Women's Club Award leadership of Vince Lombardi, an outstanding Have you representatives noticed that at tional service, and well-attended as parents and The qualifications for this award are based for the student with outstanding Christian ser­ football coach who was committed to victory. most hearings there are usually more govern­ relatives, special guests and friends gathered in upon leadership ability, loyalty to school, vice went to Brenda Treadway. With this He told the students that their committment ment employees ready to testify than private die main sanctuary of Thomas Road Baptist character, student potential the student's con­ award came a check for $150 towards her to Christ is a life-death commitment with God citizens? They have lawyers, authorities and Church. tribution to his community and school and his education. to be the best they can be in whatever they money to fund research reports. The citizen is Young men in red regalia and young ladies spiritual qualities. The Sam K. Pate Associates Scholarship pursue vocationally. He encouraged them to overwhelmed by the bureaucracy. in white carrying red silk roses paraded the This award was presented by LCA board went to Mark Brooks, an outstanding longtime build upon their dreams for the generations to aisles to "Pomp and Circumstance". member Sam Pate to Maxey Wilkerson and student of LCA. He will receive a one year full follow and to stand by their committments. THE PROPOSAL As they stood proudly in their place, 16 Linda Kennon. scholarship to LCA. Before ending the formal address, Dr. We propose that Congress pass a bill making students held die additional distinction of Another honorable award presented each After die awarding of diplomas, and special Falwell gave an invitation. the departmental supervisor or division head "honor" graduate. year is the Loyalty Award, presented to the music by the LCA choir's New World Singers, Marshals for graduation were Class of 1979 responsible for the guidelines that are for­ For its guest speaker, the class elected its young man and young woman who show die Dr. Falwell challenged the class of '78 to com­ president Jerry Watson and Class of 1980 mulated within his department. Should a founder and chancellor, Dr. Jerry Falwell. most loyalty to their school. This award went mit themselves to victory, emphasizing the im- president Carolyn Malenick. guideline be determined to exceed or go con­ The first address, however, was presented by Of those graduating, the following were trary to existing laws or the Constitution of the salutatorian Jonathan Mark Diller who honor graduates: Jana Lynn Brewer, Rhonda United States, the manager or supervisor acknowledged his class as the fulfillment of Dr. Yvonne Corwin, Jonathan Mark Diller, Susan would be subject to reprimand, dismissal, fine Falwell's dream for their Christian education. Lynn Dungan, Michelle Louanne Guillermin, or imprisonment, according to the severity of He also cited his class as die fulfillment of a Debora Ann Harvey, Debra Lee Humphrey, the offence. dream of each parent, and he challenged his Linda Juanita Kennon, Philip William Kinley, If a Congressman goes to jail for Koreagate classmates to never forget dieir responsibility David William Pack, Danny Haywood as the fulfillment of those dreams. Scruggs, Donna Lynn Smith, Steven A. Co salutatorian Linda Juanita Kennon Snyder, Nancy Joan Terris, Ammy Ann discussed a Biblical principle which teaches Wellman, James Maxey Wilkerson. INSIDE INFO | that knowledge comes from learning, but Also receiving diplomas were Terri Lynn wisdom comes from God. She challenged her Arnold, Paul L. Ayers III, Bruce Allyn Bell Page 2. We believe in the church. class to seek wisdom along with knowledge. Jr., Robert Scotten Bonheim, Melody Lynn Editorial by Elmer Towns. After a performance by the LCA choir of Bowers, Mark Wayne Brooks, Virginia Rae Page 3. Update column expanded, "Create In Me A Clean Heart, Oh God," Chilcote, Rachel Pauline Clark, Barry Dale with items about people and places. Amy Ann Wellman and James Maxey Wilker­ Clarkson, Cheryl Ann Counts, Harold Page 4. Immune deficient baby has son each presented a valedictory address. In Thomas Crouch Jr., Valerie Shea Darden, "butterfly" hope. Read Brenda Easterl- her address, Miss Wellman encouraged the Mary Elizabeth Dillard, Stephen Eldridge ing's story. class to continue building upon Christian Dunn, Mark Thomas Giles, Gordon Andrew Page 5. Rick and Rosemary, ideals which have been taught at LCA. Greer, Charles Steven Grimm, Vickie Lea songwriters and performers at Thomas In his address, Mr. Wilkerson suggested Hedding, Sandra Jean Hefley. Road. Joshua 1:8 as the road to success for each Rodney Douglas Kane, Gerald Lee Killian Page 6. The faithful Godsey's 22 years member of the class. "This book of the law Jr., Michael Jon Kinchen, Loraine Ann of service to church and community. shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou Langley, Anna Lee Malenick, Victoria Louise Also TRBC couple plan marriage after shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou McAllister, Janie Ellen McKelvey, Leanne gift. Stories by Brenda Easterling. mayest observe to do according to all that is Marie Moore, Rebecca Lee Morrison, Dwayne Page 7. "Ideal" usher is also ideal written therein: for then thou shalt make thy Stuart Pittsenbarger, Bot T. Powell, Robert F. businessman. Story by Brenda Easterl­ way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good Pyle, Lisa Jo Rader, Theresa Marie Rohleder, ing. O'Gorman's ministry to mentally success," he read. Nigel P. Sandrof, Michael Joseph Schmitt, retarded. Story by Bob Harris. LCA president Dr. A. Pierre Guillermin William C. Scott, Dike K. Shellman, B. Mark Page 10. Sports. LCA honors 158 presented the special awards and had the addi­ Sherfy, Alan Lee Squier, Melanie Renee athletes. tional priviledge afterwords of handing his Tomlin, Thomas W. Tomlinson, Brenda Mae Page 12. Lamarr Mooneyham and his daughter, Michelle Louanne, her diploma. Treadway, Carol Elizabeth Trent, Karen growing ministry. Procession started seventh graduation, photos show the diplomas, grads. Michelle, in turn, kissed her father. Elizabeth Wood and Jeanne Marie Yeatts. ! 2 JOURNAL-CHAMPION mm>>&>M*&wmim&& TRBC CONGREGATION TRBI C DEACONS

EDITORIAL BOARD OF DtRKTOXS BOARD OF DIRECTORS BOARD OF DIRECTORS laemc OTOHIMC LMIHC We Believe in the Church CHIIF FINANCIAL FXICUTIVl *mmmr**Tivi OFUCi* PASTOR MWTAKT AOWTANT When people think of the name "Baptist," many dif­ If church and college are one, then like the rudder of ferent ideas come to mind. When it comes to the Baptists a ship, the pulpit gives direction to both. When the pastor themselves, they represent about every theological stripe speaks against ecumenical evangelism on Sunday, a college CHILMtNt comJh OUTPOUCH UNION IAWOT MiniOMPAITON lUMd SOULWINNINQ put MINItTPV possible. All Baptists are different and we quickly add that student will not misunderstand the position in class on PAtTOM MtTOft PAITOP. we do not agree with many Baptists in many ways. We HOw I- II r- IIMM Monday. HUnji oppose theological liberals who use the name Baptist and GR (TOMMM L_ f I »— H.MrtM We disagree with so-called Christian colleges that do PUBLICATIONS YOUTH PATTO*. CHUUCH PLANTING CHIIItTIANttllVtCE tA*MTANCf VltlTATION PAtTOP. MINISTRY we praise God for those who believe and practice the •.PM not require local church attendance of its faculty and staff. «**-> t.T—m fundamentals. I-DRM 1-lCMh There are hundreds who omit this necessity. It is a shame J. Tut —I There does seem to be one unifying characteristic about when a graduate comes home and does not tithe, attend 0. TWMt New Testament Baptists, however. They practice the prayer meeting or the Sunday evening service. Is his PAITONIfTAPP doctrine of the church. Christian education useless if he does not put it to work? promised to bless the church when He predicted, The advantages of church-college relationships are "I will build my church." He noted that when the church many. This leads us to observe that there were no Christian CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICII! tmCUTIVl AMtTTANT PPOtMNT LIMftTY lAPTUT SCHOOL! AOIKNIITflATIVf AMltTANT did its job, even the gates of Hell could not withstand it. colleges founded in the New Testament. Disciples were Jesus promised that even in the smallest assembly, where trained personally by Jesus. Later, their education involved only two or three are gathered in His name, He would church planting with Paul and other leaders. Therefore, r*=n i a i be in the midst. What's more, the church is called "His we think the training of disciples, which is a college goal, D r=^ LIC | . LttM_ :=zi C-S body" and uniquely identified with Jesus Christ, the Head. is best accomplished in a church environment. We some­ No other earthly organization enjoys such divine privileges. times have said that a Christian college is the graduate school of a church. Since the church is important to Christ, it is important We have other organizations in our church. The Old- WHY CONGRESSMEN ARE QUITTING to us at Thomas Road. As believers, we enter the church Time Gospel Hour is seen weekly over 327 television through baptism by immersion, whereby we are publicly stations and heard daily over 450 radio stations and is identified with Christ in His death, burial and resurrec­ organized with a separate Board of Directors. The growing tion. We fellowship with other churches of like funda­ financial strength of the TV, radio and college is found Educator Terms Bureaucracy Frustrating mental doctrine by receiving their members into our in their identification with a New Testament church. fellowship by a letter of recommendation. Although legally controlled by three separate non-profit corporations, the fountainhead is the Thomas Road Baptist (EDITOR'S NOTE: This is an interview con­ minded, brilliant, life-long civil servants at bay? They can­ Church. ducted by Elmer L. Towns, Journal-Champion not. Besides Bible study, prayer and soul-winning, we believe The college and schools are bright and visionary. One editor, with Al Janney, president of the American Towns: What do you suggest is the solution? church attendance is mandatory for a proper walk with day there will be 50,000 students in these schools. From Association of Christian Schools.) Janney: Yes, I have a strong suggestion. I think we have Christ. A Christian grows in faith as he assembles with these will go forth young men who will establish 5,000 to do away with civil service and get some kind of a system other Christians to hear the "preached word," to study Towns: You testify before many of the House and super-aggressive churches. Their aim will be to capture Senate committees in Washington, D. C. What is your by which the people who work in our government are sub­ the "taught word" and to fellowship through singing this nation for God. But the college will never do it alone, ject to our elected officials. The elected officials no longer and testimony. Also, another important strength of Chris­ general opinion of our legislatures? without money. The Old-Time Gospel Hour owns the land Janney: I would say that the Senators and Represen­ run the country. The President cannot stop things when tian fellowship is evident when we place ourselves under and buildings of the college and raises the money. The he wants it stopped. He is really not the Executive, he is the weekly discipline of Scripture. tatives in Washington are gentlemen. They are intelligent naive observer might think that radio and T.V. are the and idealogically motivated. They have their philosophy of simply trying to do what he can. And the Senate cannot do powers behind the throne. Not so! The Old-Time Gospel life and government; I don't agree with all of them. But it, they try. The Congressman cannot do it, they try. I'll Finally, giving money to God out of the motives of Hour is nothing more than the televised worship service they all treat us with respect. not give you the Senator's name, but I asked him to give of our church. And that's the finalkey . If the congregation love and obedience is important church doctrine. We Towns: What is your first impression of our Congress, as me some assistance in a particular branch of the govern­ felt the college was drifting, it could withdraw T.V. sup­ ment. He said, "This government is like a run-away agree with Dr. Jerry Falwell that every person ought to port. Then the funds would dry up. So everything comes far as their difficulties are concerned? tithe to his church and if his church is not worthy of finan­ Janney: I think we are seeing some things that are unfor­ engine. Everyone who is on the train is safe as long as it back to the church and God has promised to bless the stays on the track. It is going down the hill and picking up cial sacrifice, then that person ought to join a church that church. tunate. We have young men in the House of Represen­ is. tatives that are in despair. This year there will be around Momentum. The brakes are gone and I believe there is no God is the source of blessing to our ministry, and Dr. 30 members of the House that will refuse to run again. way we are going to slow this thing down until it crashes at Jerry Falwell is the human vehicle God has used to build They are giving up in discouragement and simply going the bottom." We are Baptists and believe that Baptists are closer to this work. The question is often raised, "What will hap­ back home. There is one Congressman from Pennsylvania Towns: What is the crash? the true New Testament church than any other group. pen when Jerry Falwell dies?" We believe that just as that announced in May that he is not going to run again. Janney: The crash is a complete economic disaster But we find that even Baptists do not agree in all expressions Joshua followed Moses, so God has a leader for the min­ He has been in Congress for eight years and says it is futile. because of inflation. Our money is going to be worthless. I of church government and practice. As we read Scripture, istry. The boards of both Liberty Baptist Schools and The There seems to be no way we can stop the political parties believe the cause is that the American people are not par­ we find God was not explicit in all aspects of local church Old-Time Gospel Hour have made committments to from seeing who can create the biggest give away program. ticipating in government. They think that the way to exer­ operation. Why? Because the church must be expressed elect as their leader, chancellor and president the next They are destroying our way of life. They are simply in­ cise freedom is to go to the polls and vote. That's not the by God's people in every age and culture no matter how pastor of Thomas Road Baptist Church. Dr. Falwell terested in playing to the crowd instead of being statesmen. way America was set up. difficult the task. And if God drew the details too fine on keeps an up-dated list of names that he feels could qualify It is also very sad that we have seen some men in the The only way for America to continue to operate is to as the next pastor. Machinery is ready for the pulpit com­ the blueprint for His church, every Christian who didn't Senate who have done the same thing. They give up their have a spiritual revival where people realize we govern find himself in an assembly that was an exact duplicate of mittee to swing into immediate action. They would consult ourselves under God. The government must not provide the suggestions and the change in leadership would go seat in the Senate because they feel that they can not han­ the original would consider himself either slighted, sinful dle it. for us, the government must protect us while we provide or unfulfilled. according to well-thought-out plans. And God will bless for ourselves. The government is trying to do too much for these plans because He blesses the church. Towns: Why are Congressmen and Senators frustrated in their attempt to do their job? us through bureaucracy. The time will come, and it inevitably must, when all Janney: Our government is so big until it is almost un­ Towns: Do you see other major problems in our govern­ We have said all of these things about the church to the leaders of Thomas Road Bpatist Church will be buried ment? say this about organizations. A Christian college should manageable by our elected officials. We have a fourth seg­ and their disciples will carry on after them. We prepare ment of government that is not in the Constitution, the Janney: I think the executive, legislative and judicial grow out of a local church or churches and receive its as best we can for such a crisis, but we are never really branches of the government are too equal. Congress is try­ direction therefrom. Liberty Baptist College receives its bureaucracy. The people do not realize how powerful it is. ready when it comes. Anytime a bill comes up, the government has more lob­ ing to be equal to the President in duties and authority. heart beat from the Thomas Road Baptist Church. Since So what can we expect of death and the future? The Congress should not run the government. We have a God has promised to bless a church, Liberty Baptist College byists than anyone else. The government has more expert tide will continue to run and women will continue in attorneys than anyone else. The government has more ex­ responsibility to the President to run foreign affairs. But is under God's blessing. We agree with the Scriptural childbirth. After we have done the best we can, we leave Congress with over 500 people is trying to run it. Congress proximity of colleges and churches, whether it is one pert people to lobby to get more tax money, or to get more some of ourselves in our children. If we have been soul- regulations, rules than the citizens can cope with. Govern­ and the President and the Supreme Court are all trying to church and one college such as Liberty Baptist College winners, we leave Christians to take our place. If we spend do each others job. or many New Testament churches giving birth to a college ment bureaucrats want more of the society to govern.. In our lives building institutions, let us be leery. The church that great nameless bureaucracy that we have in Towns: What would you like to see in our government? such as Baptist Bible College, Springfield, Mo., and the is the only organization that has the promised blessing of other Baptist Bible Fellowship Colleges. Washington, they have 350,000 voices. How does 535 Janney: I think the whole system of government should God. If we leave the schools and The Old-Time Gospel men in Congress, (House of Representatives) and 100 operate according to the Constitution. The president is the Hour in the hands of the local church, we will do well. Senators stand a chance to be able to keep 350,000 keen chief-executive officer. The Supreme Court is to pass on We wonder why colleges drift into dead orthodoxy, the legality of our actions. The House of Representatives is where the letter killeth. If the faculty and students were supposed to pass our laws, especially in matters of taxation. under a soul-winning church, they would fill buses, teach The Senate is involved in passing laws, especially treaties Sunday School and win souls at the altar. A heart warmed and foreign affairs. I would personally like to go back to a in revival fires, plus the active scholarly pursuit of the Letters To The Editor system where the Senate represents the states and the Word of God keeps a college family in the will of God. House of Representatives represents the people. That way Hence, a college remains true to its founding purpose. we would have a better check-and-balance, as far as our foreign affairs is concerned. That was the original concept standard and a very interesting of our founding fathers. We wonder why other Christian colleges drift into li­ Dear Editor: in my life to hear the pastor we will perhaps have a great revival Thank you {or letting me have format for future issues. speak from the Word of God and in our church. Towns: Could you suggest any strategy that could con­ beralism and die spiritually. If the college faculty and stu­ a copy of Thomas Road's new Congratulations again! We are admit that if there are problems Respectfully, trol bureaucracy? dents were under an obligation to good local churches, they paper. Every page explodes with certainly praying for you as you in Thomas Road Baptist Church, William F.Sheehan Janney: Yes, I believe the way we can control would keep their spiritual bearings. We notice when a wonderful news about so many of continue to carry on this very he takes the responsibility. As we 1203 Grove Rd. bureaucracy is by doing away with the kind of government my friends. For sure, it is a news­ important part of the ministry. all know, 'the Word of God says Lynchburg, Va. 24502 we have in our cities, m cities, voters elect commissioners college becomes financially self-sufficient and turns away Sincerely yours, that the pastors are to be our from the theology of the church that gave it birth, its paper that will always stand for the and a mayor, then they hire a city manager to run the city. truth. A. Pierre Guillermin examples in godliness and purity, Critics say they don't want politicians to manage our city spiritual days are numbered. The Journal Champion indicates President etc. I have never heard a sermon exactly that. I know the Thomas Liberty Baptist Schools preached on that text and perhaps See Janney Page 5 Road family well and what a won­ someday we will. Dear Editor: derful group it is and has been all No Second Class Citizens of these years. We rejoice that Dr. Jerry Falwell Congratulations to the editor Dear Editor: As the Chairman of the Division has secured the gifted, well-trained journal • champion writer, our good friend, Dr. Elmer A body never grows in only one aspect at a time; its for his usual quality of writing. How many of you received the of Prayer of the Thomas Road Please enter my subscription for letter from Pastor Falwell dated Baptist Church, I am interested L. Towns, to be editor of a new Thomas Road Baptist Church unity presupposes inter- dependence in expansion. The the Journal Champion. I must have December 23, 1977? I was greatly in encouraging people to arise early bi-weekly newspaper, The Thomas Publisher same is true with adversity. When you have a toothache, it. thrilled by the fact that he says in in the morning as our master, the Road Family Journal-Champion. Sincerely, that letter, "As a matter of fact Lord Jesus Christ did himself, Dr. Towns has done great work the whole body hurts. The Thomas Road Baptist Church in inspiring, judging and pub­ Elmer L. Towns is one body, and when Charles Hughes was injured, we Temple R. North I feel that my ministry in the and urged others to do in the Word Senior Vice President future will primarily be one ol of God. The spending of time in licizing great Sunday schools and Editor all suffered. When Liberty Home Bible Institute prospers, Fidelity American Bank prayer." And on another page reading the Word and in intimate authored several good books on' we all rejoice. Chestnut Hill Branch in that same letter our pastor prayer with the Lord certainly such subjects. He helped in the P. O. Box 1111, Lynchburg, VA. 24505 Just as every part of the body has a primary function says, "But, far more than your changes the whole day, and we in establishment of Liberty Baptist financial help, I need your prayer the Division of Prayer are looking College and then later served in the regarding its necessary purpose, so Thomas Road Baptist support." for men, the heads of homes, early days of the Baptist University Church has no second class citizens. We need every person especially in the Thomas of America in Atlanta. Now he Dear Editor: These two quotes from Dr. Fal- Road Baptist Church, who will, in order to function at our best with the talents given us I was pleased to receive a copy well's letter can only mean that The JOURNAL CHAMPION is published Bi­ under the guidance of the Holy by God. The students, fresh with Bible knowledge and of your new newspaper and hope the greatest thing in his tremen­ Spirit, determine to do this very weekly and application to mail at second-class postage you will accept my congratulations dously busy life is the time spent is in a most important position as scholarship must give respect to the charter members who thing. rates is pending at Lynchburg, Va. 24505. have faithfully carried on the work all these years. The for this promising publication. It alone with God in prayer and in •ditor for Dr. Jerry Falwell of will provide information about the the study of the Word of God. I the bi-weekly newspaper, The Lynchburg families who have been raised in the Hill City Thomas Road Ministries' broaden­ am thankful to have a pastor who Journal Champion. It is most must share their pastor with those who are here on a ing activities to both members of has these priorities because we I have noticed from the Old attractively styled, twelve news four-year pilgrimage. The Thomas Road Baptist Church the Thomas Road Church family all know that our pastor has many Testament that whatever the leaders and varied responsibilities, all of Purposes is all of us. and its many friends in Lynchburg did, the people always seemed to paper pages. The articles on "Gnus and outside. which are perhaps not known to Some cannot sing well enough to be on television and any one of us, but are between follow the leaders; and in that Roots America Stands," on the With best wishes for your con­ others are known only to God for their faithful donation himself and the Lord. respect it seems that our leader is homosexual problem; the editorial, 1. To champion the cause of righteousness, calling this tinued success, I am our example in reading the Word "We are Fundamentalists"; the nation back to the principles of truth, equity and of the "widow's mite." Let us recognize the strengths Sincerely yours, Prayer does not need proof, it interview with Dr. Al Janney on of God and in prayer. So we have of all. Some college students will get the best seats down Joseph F. Freeman, UI needs practice! the Christian schools, all sum up decency that are based on the Word of God. front; let us applaud their zeal. Some of the old-timers Mayor 1 also heard our pastor speak no excuse for not following the 2. To tie together the Thomas Road Baptist Church City of Lynchburg from the pulpit on two different leader. It is my contention that family by publicizing events, trends and personalities are involved in Lynchburg life; they will not be present occasions and make the statement every employee of the Thomas to a strong, vigorous stand, beau­ that if there is any problem in the tifully portrayed. We believe this so that together they can carry out their God-given for every function at the church whether sponsored by Road Baptist Church and its min­ the college, church or another organization. No one can Thomas Road Baptist Church, it publication may prove to be one purposes. is his fault because he is the leader istries is a leader and is accountable of the most influential in america 3. To encourage aggressive evangelism among all Chris­ physically do everything. before God as a leader. If all of Dear Editor: and the pastor. 1 have been saved very soon. Congratulations Dr. Thomas Road Baptist Church is bigger than any of us. us who are in the ministries will tians and churches both in our nation and around I want to congratulate you on the 45 years and 1 had never heard a Towns and Dr. Falwell. the world. It is as big as the world and the Great Commission. But first issue of The Journal Chamion. pastor make that type of remark take the burden upon ourselves 1 know a little of all of the work before. Most of the time pastors 4. To communicate the fundamentals of the faith and the church must always be a Lynchburg church where under the guidance of the Holy In Jesus' name, yours that certainly must have gone into blame the congregation, the women's defend from all attacks. every member is important. We are not like the airlines- Spirit of God in doing these things, John R. Rice publishing this first issue. 1 think club, the deacons or the trustees, 1 believe that the people of God Editor, Sword of the Lord 5. To rally all bible-believing Christians to the cause of no one travels second-class. Everyone is first-class at you and your staff have done a etc. for problems of the church; in the church will follow and that Murfreesboro, TN. Christ. Thomas Road. fantastic job of setting a very high but it was certainly an experience 101IRNAL CHAMPION .^. ,^_ Brazilian TV Films Sunday Morning Service,Says Dr. Falwell Among Top Yes, you do hear "circus" music coming from a bus parked in your neighborhood on Saturday mornings! This Dr. Jerry Falwell and is on Thomas Road Baptist Falwell pointed out diat any "puppet ministry on wheels" is a successful new method Thomas Road Baptist Church, the journalist said serious effort to reach die of inviting children to ride our TRBC buses to church. Church were the focus of the that religion was a topic of world with the good news of visiting cameras of Brazil extreme interest in his Jesus the Christ was indeed Whose zoo? Kenny O'Gorman, visiting King's Sunday morning, June 4. homeland where 98 per cent "big business." He said Dominion with the 8th graders, proved he is a clever kid Orlando Moreira and of the population is Roman that God has given the mass bv capturing twelve stuffed animals to bring home. Paulo Zero, photo- Catholic. media, involving com­ journalists for die privately- This interest recendy has munication and transporta­ As of May 12, 1978 there are 863 staff members owned Globo Television been directed toward the tion, as the vital tools needed at Thomas Road Baptist Church, Old-Time Gospel Hour Network of Brazil, filmed growth of ministries which to impliment the Great and Liberty Baptist Schools. parts of the morning wor­ have tended to center Commission. ship service in die main around individual men in Further, he declared that Lynchburg city schools have praised The Light Company sanctuary, an interview widi contrast to the ministry ef­ our Lord's Commission was of Thomas Road Baptist Church youth department for Dr. Falwell and various forts of organizations and in­ not optional but rather an an excellent program presented at Sandusky Middle School operations in the mail room stitutions. imperative that has no alter­ April 28. Positive comments from staff and students are of die Old Time Gospel native, .therefore, no price still coming in, Principal Gilliam Cobbs said. Hour. Placing Dr. Falwell would be too great to fulfill among four of America's His command. Moreira said that die most influential and suc­ Emphasizing his personal TRBC gave special love offerings to Don Reynolds, footage would become part Joe and Ann Hale, Ed Vickers and Rick Sirico. cessful preachers, Moreira committment to evangelize of a "60 minute'' type news felt that Dr. Falwell and his the globe by every available LBC Seminary graduate Reynolds pastors a church program that would be in Denton, Md. where members are doing the work them­ church would be an essential means including television, broadcast in two segments part of an accurate presenta­ Dr. Falwell disclosed his in­ selves to construct an education building. He received during June to 20 million LCA junior/senior high principal Glen Schultz (right) displays 1978 diplomas $668. tion of super aggressive, tention to have the Old viewers in Brazil. evangelistic efforts under to honor graduates (left to right) Jonathan Diller, salutatorian; Amy The Hales received $2,150 to pay for their flight to Time Gospel Hour aired* in Wellman, valedictorian; Linda Kennon, salutatorian; and Maxey Wilkerson, Responding to the ques­ singular leadership. Brazil within the next 12 South Korea along with personal and household equip­ tion why Brazil's attention valedictorian. ment. They will be involved at Seoul in youth work with During the interview, Dr. months. Dr. Billy Kim. To help pay his summer tour expenses with Sports Ambassadors (a division of Overseas Crusades) the church Senior Saints gave Vickers $814. The tour's purpose is to use basket­ ball as a drawing card to spread the Gospel in Australia, In Lifetime Trip New Guinea and parts of Indonesia. Fall Openings for WEEKEND BIBLE/ Sirico received $1,875 for his move to Adelaide, Aus­ Niagara Falls is usually tralia where he will work with Prospect Baptist Church. visited by honeymoon The Journal Cham­ SUNDAY SCHOOL CONFERENCE couples but senior saints of pion expresses thanks in your church On Sunday, May 28, Thomas Road Baptist Church Thomas Road Baptist to advertisers and en­ Kenneth Chapman, Assoc. Dean, Bible teacher, donated $1241.70 to Gideons International for the Church recendy returned Thomas Road Bible Institute courages readers to Mrs. Marie Chapman, Institute teacher, author distribution of Bibles worldwide. from a trip to the Falls and and workshop leader Canada, calling it "the trip patronize these Richard Sanders, one of the original 153 students at of a lifetime." businesses. Address Route 5, Box 170, Amherst, Va. 24521 Liberty Baptist College in 1971 and former news director or call 946-7929 for WWOD AM & FM in Lynchburg, Virginia, has been The trip included promoted to the position of operations manager. General sightseeing, tract distribu­ tion, witnessing and visiting manager Wayne Campbell made the announcement Friday, Custom built for you and May 19th. another senior citizen group in Beamsville, Ontario. your family by Lynchburg's one-stop swim cantor, Many Thomas Roaders report that good friends Don A POOL MR. AND MRS. TOM THOMPSON BLUI RIDGf POOL CO. Norman and music evangelist Mac Evans when singing They also visited Her- Any size-any shape- together Sunday favored each other enough to be mistaken Tom Thompson and his tian Service and grading shey's Chocolate World, and of your own. installatlon Is usually for brothers. They are Christian "brothers," and they wife Janice are returning to their efforts. Also, he has die Corning Glass Com­ comploto in 7 working may look alike, and their harmonizing is good, but they Life Action as of July 24, worked to coordinate the pany. Ice was still 15 to 20 days. Think about it. don't sound alike! 1978 as Team Direc­ Super Conference. On the feet thick at Niagara Falls SPEEDQ^" You'ro keeping your family tor/Pastor. pastor's staff of the church, and die tour boat, the Maid "The Choice of" Champions" togothor, happy-while Mrs. Joyce Wipf, associate professor in speech at Liberty Tom has been an assistant he counseled and filled in of die Mist was unable to adding to thoir health Baptist College, underwent internal surgery, May 26, Christian Service Director of teaching some classes at carry the senior saints to die SWIMWEAR and your property at Virginia Baptist Hospital. Surgery was successful, Liberty Baptist College LBC. falls. valuo. And, wo don't according to her husband Dr. Amos Wipf, Chairman, working under Bill Paul and Tom and Janice will make Beautiful Pool & Gordon stop thora. Pool toys, Division of Natural Science. Dr. Sumner Wemp. their home in Buchanan, chemicals A supplies Mich. Janice was production One of the highlights of are always on hand. Dr. and Mrs. Wipf have been with Liberty Baptist College die trip was a covered dish Statuary, Too. for six years, joining me staff in 1972. Thompson's main manager of "Biola Today," Wrought Iron Swings — Wo feature FINKEL responsibility has been their monthly newspaper in dinner and service sponsored OUTDOOR FURNITURE assigning students to Chris­ La Mirada, Ca. by the Young at Heart Patio Accessories — Chalso (a fantastic selection) Need a car? Ask for one! Mrs. Mildred Cook and daugh­ senior group of Calvary ter Patti prayed for a car, and on Memorial Day they won Lounges — Wo Have It All. at reasonable prlcos Gospel Church, Beamsville, — Also - and now ... a 1977 Cheverlet Vega from WWOD radio station lottery. Ontario, Canada. Congratulations! 40 Percent LCA We Carry The Amazing CUSTOM BUILT Approximately 30 TRBC nursery workers attended the Uk* lr Loup h? Nursery Visitation Workshop which was held on Saturday, PATIOS To Attend LBC Radio » Nr - -i* Team HYDRO SPA May 27th at 9:00 a.m. The guest speaker, Dr. Harold Results of a survey taken of the 1977-78 to your specifications Willmington, spoke on "How to Study the Bible". PAT «. HARRY COVERT Come See For Yourself I graduating class at Lynchburg Christian "YouJ ourr Familramiiy cnionoinmenEntertainmenti vvniConfew r Academy show that almost 40 percent of the Mondoy ih'ough Fridoy Those of you who had the privilege of being in "Junior graduates plan to continue further training at WtGM 1370 1:1$ Q.m. 4:40 p.m. Liberty Baptist College. Church" on Sunday morning, May 28th, heard 11-year- WIRC I0S0: 4:40 p.m. old Jonathan Falwell present his first sermon, "What Among these is Debora Harvey who has ^PVBLUPOOE LRIDG CO. E ji^ Jesus Thinks of People". been selected to travel with LBC Singers her 10612 Tlmbarlaka Rd. (Noar Hi* lako), lynthbura. — Phona 239-467S first year. LBC baseball scholarship winners Barry Don't be left out! L.C.A.'s enrollment for the '78'79 Clarkson and Maxey Wilkerson along with school year has already increased 20% from this year's scholarship winner Mark Brooks will enroll at figures! So, don't wait, go by the Academy Office and LBC this fall. register by June 15th. Donna Smith will be participating in (Paul SPiano & Organ SMITE, the Student Missionary Intern Train­ ing for Evangelism program. Word comes down from Bruce Braun's office to perk up Michelle Guillermin, who performed the IS NOW THE PROUD HOME OF THE FAMOUS your ears for mis announcement: TRBC has a new sound graduation ceremony so she could graduate system in the main sanctuary! with her class, has already earned a year of credit at LBC. From the voice of a little child came a mighty prayer Among the reasons these students listed for on Sunday, May 28 at TRBC. Five-year-old Bill Rice choosing LBC were its familiarity, Christian led the congregation in prayer just before Dr. Falwell's training, athletic programs and the overall sermon from Psalm 43- Bill is the son of Mr. and Mrs. educational quality. 1 Don Rice of Norman , III. Other reasons were "to get used to college before transfering out of town," and the live at Dan Lindsey will coach Varsity Wrestling at LCA home convenience, conviction and Christian IWURLlIZEK* this fall. It is a new sport for the academy and Lindsey is atmosphere. "The Music People Since 1856" working out schedule details for the matches. Some compared LBC to other schools and ranked it me "best," others chose if for youdi Sine. 1SS6, th. prld* Wurllu.r hat plac.d In traftimonthlp hat b..n .quoll.d only by th. prld. mllllent of Evangelist Jerry Johnston and singer Mark Fox of the work training and away to get a better job. The own.rt hav* tok«n In th* parformanca and andurlng baauty of that* Inttrumantt. students said they know LBC is God's will for Jerry Falwell Evangelistic Assoication are touring America 1 this summer preaching and singing the Gospel of Christ. them and that it fits into their future plans. They plan to visit 100 churches before September. During Come In Now and See The a recent service at Calvary Chapel, Thomasville, N. C, over 100 persons walked the aisle for salvation and special prayer. QUALITY WURLITZER PIANOS ft ORGANS Start planning now for die Nov. 13-22 Holy Land tour— Wm. F. Sheehan which will include Gospel messages and briefings from Dr. Falwell, Dr. B. R. Lakin and Dr. R. O. Woodworth ATTORNEYATLAW of Baptist Bible College, Mo. Anita Bryant, Don Norman and the Chorale will furnish special music throughout die BORN AGAIN SPECIAL PRICES tour. Another highlight of the trip will include two exciting days in Switzerland. "1 will be on vacation until further notice." OH ALL Dr. B. R. Lakin held a revival at alliance Baptist Temple, Alliance, Ohio, May 7-12. There was an average atten­ dance of 235 during the week with 700 present on Sun­ THE-TEE-SHIRf-SHACK , WURLITZER PIANOS & ORGANS day morning. According to Pastor Lawrence Oney there Pittman Mini-Mall were 27 recorded decisions and many others who came forward for prayer and redidication of themselves to reach­ I THE WEEK OF MAY 29 JUNE 10 ing their lost loved ones. Qualities from 1 doz. to 1000 doz. Suffering mainly from severe exhaustion, Dr. B. R. Lakin recently spent 7 days in a Louisa, Kentucky, We specialize in silk-screening TEE shirts, bumper hospital. Upon leaving the hospital, he went home to stickers, buttons for all types of organizations, church, (Paul (Piano & Organ Titusville, Fla. for a brief rest. But he couldn't be kept civic, business, clubs. down for long! Our beloved Dr. Lakin is busy again doing what he loves best, travelling around the country Call anytime 804 847 5619 ujg lor Earl Denny I 3025 FORT AVENUE 239-4907 preaching. JOURNAL CHAMPION Haiti 'MIRACLE' BABY JENEY FORDYCE Dr. Bill Rice Dies, Busy Beloved Evangelist For Staff Infant Must Be 'Sick' William Henry Rice, After 11 exciting days in more commonly known as Haiti, 22 LBC young people Dr. Bill Rice of the Bill To Build Immunities and five SMITE have Jeney Ann Fordyce is an Rice Ranch in Murfreesboro, returned from a mission field Tn., died in his sleep, Mon­ immune deficient child. To exposure campaign where her common viruses present day, May 28. they ministered to the Ha- Born in Texas on Aug. serious problems, and she tian people and listened to must become sick in order 25, 1912, he was a son of lectures from missionaries. the late Will and Dolus to build immunities against Rice. Most of his early them. years were spent on a ranch Among those returning in Texas. He attended Deca- are Debra Carney, Debbie Jeney's parents, Walter" teur Baptist College in Curwin, Natalie Farnsler, MISS JODY MITCHELL and Anita Fordyce, moved Decateur, Texas, and grad­ Irene Lange, Doris Mc- to TRBC from Pittsburgh, uated from Moody Bible Caskill, Debbie Richey, Beth Jody Mitchell, Pa. three years ago for Walter Institute, Chicago, 111. in Shumaker, Debbie Webb, to enroll in youth ministries 1941. Marie Achilles, Doug at LBC. Her sister Sarah He moved to Wheaton, Barclay, Howard burk, Ed Kanagy Beth, now nine-years-old, 111., upon graduation, travelled Cooley, Charles Hanna, tim Mr. and Mrs. Bill Mitchell was the Fordyces* first Jeney Ann Fordyce, "butterfly child" with mother. extensively as an evangelist of Anderson, Indiana an­ ' •miracle" child. Lawler, Rick Lange, Mark "Jeney's resistance to she'll be better in the Spr­ and became affiliated with DR. BILL RICE Stryker, Don Thomas, Den­ nounce the engagement of "cocoon" of sickness and, "We were told we could infection is delayed and, ing. Maybe she will be like a the "Sword of the Lord." nis Melvin, John McCraw, their daughter, Jody Lorraine, like a butterfly, be loosed In 1953, he moved to Mur­ father's work. to Kenneth Eldon Kanagy, never have children because consequently, she is subject butterfly and fly away from to flyint o sunshine and good Charlie Smith, Craig I don't ovulate. So, when to viral and bacterial in­ her illness'." freesboro, Tn. where he Dr. Bill Rice is survived Bolduck, and Rick Rogers. son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul C. health. carved the Bill Rice Ranch by his wife, Mrs. Cathy Kanagy of Mt. Gilead, Ohio. Sarah was born it was a fections. As these type of In the Spring Jeney was children grow older, they Duke University literally out of the rocks Rice; two daughters, Mrs. Miss Mitchell graduated miracle and I did not expect worse, but the "butterfly another miracle," Mrs. For­ grow stronger and more idea" and Jer. 29:11 gave Medical Center Report and trees. Betty Ann Cabbage and Mrs. Coordinator for all from Indiana Christian Aca­ A deaf ministry was im­ Kaye Fitzgerald; three sons, dyce said. resistant," Dr. Houcks said. the Fordyces hope. Mrs. SMITE Hatian projects demy in Anderson, Indiana, Fordyce has used the butter­ mediately begun on the Bill Rice HI, Pete Rice and and attended Liberty Baptist Upon moving to Lynch­ Since the age of six months After examining Jeney, Doug Achilles was in charge burg, however, Mrs. Fordyce when "common" baby fly to witness to and en­ camp and conference ground Ronnie Rice; one sister, Mrs. of the group. He was College. She is presently em­ Duke University im­ which now ministers to Ruth Martin; and one discovered her pregnancy colds could no longer be courage other mothers who munology specialist Dr. assisted by Miss Carolyn ployed by Liberty Baptist considered common, Jeney have sick children. A grow­ over 1,000 deaf annually. brother, Dr. John R. Rice, College. and took it as a gift from Rebecca Buckley reports Wemp and Miss Jan Rowe. God for their obedience to has been ill almost continual­ ing hobby of hers is that of Last summer, approximately editor of "Sword of the SMITE pilots Tim Vaughan Mr. Kanagy graduated that she shows no signs of 900 "hearing" individuals Lord." Him to enter youth minis­ ly. She has been hospitalized handcrafting butterflies to and Gary Swafford, and from Highland High School give people along with the any major immune deficien­ per week came to the Ranch Hundreds of people who tries. "We have taken on four occasions with var­ cy. Achilles son also went. in Chester'tUe, Ohio. He is Jeney's illness as an oppor­ ious viral infections and has message of encouragement for Bible study and training. loved Dr. Bill Rice and his a senior fit Liberty Baptist from Jeremiah. Once when During the winter months, ministry came to the funeral tunity to be drawn closer been to the doctor 15 times College working on a major together as a family. It has this year compared to a Jeney was in the hospital, Dr. Rice continued to be service which was held in Biology. Dr. Buckley's assistant, also helped me in keeping total of 67 timeslas t year. Mrs. Fordyce sent a butter­ Dr. Dennis Owenby said im­ involved in revival work. Thursday afternoon, June 1, The wedding has been fly with an unsigned note He also wrote two nationally at the John R. Rice Taber­ my priorities straight as a Once when Jeney was mune deficiencies are rare A young man made planned for July 8, 1978, mother," said Mrs. Fordyce hospitalized, Mrs. Fordyce to another distressed mother circulated papers, "The nacle on the Ranch. The application to be a river- at Grace Baptist Church in disorders, occuring in only who is secretary to Thomas discovered something she whom she did not know. one in 2,000 births. He said Branding Iron" and "The body is temporarily entombed boat captain. He was Anderson, Indiana. Road Bible Institute Dean The baby later died but the Ranch Hand." His son, Bill at the Rose Lawn Cemetary calls the "butterfly idea" any immune deficient child asked, H. L. Willmington. which helped her realize she mother, Mrs. Cindy Rice HI, has co-directed in Murfreesboro. However, "Do you know where New Arrival is worth noting in medical Immune body functions was not going to lose Jeney. Knight of TRBC located Mrs. journals and would be these ministries for the past it will be moved to the Bill the rocks are located?" Mr. and Mrs. Steve Peters Fordyce to thank her for two years and plans to con­ Rice Ranch as soon as the normally fight viruses that She quoted Jeremiah 29:11, beneficial to immunology "No." announce the birth of an "For I know the thoughts what the butterfly came to tinue with each aspect of his ranch cemetary is completed. are breathed in; but without researchers. "Do you know where eight pound, seven ounce these functions a person that I think toward you, mean to her. the logs and stumps daughter, Suzanne Lynette, breathing these same germs saith the Lord, thoughts of Jeney is fortunate in that "When the World Health are?" born 10:25 p.m. Friday, becomes ill. Neo-natologist peace, and not of evil, to she can live outside a sterile Organization Council met in Six Months Ahead "No." June 2. Mr. Peters stayed in Peter Houcks, who specializes give you an expected end.'' encasement such as that 1972 and classified 20 types "Why do you think the delivery room as wife in newborn disorders, is "Jeney is fearfully and shown on a recent television of immune deficiencies, that you can be a river boat Susan delivered the baby Jeney's pediatrician. He wonderfully made, and her broadcast and later discussed was just the beginning," JUNE captain when you don't through the Lamaze Method said he sees perhaps two end is good. My husband on "Good Morning, Amer­ Owenby said. 19-23 Volleyball Clinic with Parti Rizzo know where the danger of prepared childbirth. babies a year whom he sus­ gave me a butterfly which is ica." Research on immune 26-30 Volleyball Clinic with Patti Rizzo is?" Steve works with the LBC pects are immune deficient God's most visible symbol deficiency continues and Each of these types has JULY "Because I know Singers while Susan worked and estimates one in 1,000 of new life. Thinking about there is hope that Jeney and multiple sub-types, and each 17-21 LBC Instrumental Music Clinic with where the channel is with MTST prior to the babies born each year are Jeney, I quoted that verse others with her problem of these feature various many excellent guest instructors. located." birth of the baby. immune deficient. and said, 'The doctor says will some dav be free of thp disorders he concluded. AUGUST 7-11 Vacation Bible School (Age 3 through 6th grade) THE CARPET DOCTOR 7-11,14-15 SMITE Training 25 Classes begin for LBC, LBS, TRBI. PRESENTS Tired of Renting? 28 Classes begin for LCA. DISCOUNT CARPET CLEANING SEPTEMBER FEATURING . . . 9 LBC Football Home vs. Mars Hill • LOWER PRICES 10-13 Annual Bible Conference with Dr. Harold Willmington, Guest lecturers include Drs. • SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Henry Morris, Duane Gish, and Donald • MULTIPLE METHODS Consider this . . . Campbell. • SOIL-BARRIER 12 Second Annual TRBI Alumni Day. • SANITIZATION Today's housing market is characterized by rising construction 15 LBC Sacred Concert Series featuring Eternity, WE MAKE HOUSE CALLS a vocal/instrumental ensemble. 16 LBC Football Home vs. Katawba. SPECIALIST IN FURNITURE CLEANING costs and interest rates. These two factors working together have OCTOBER Living Room and Hall Regular $29.95 I Merrill Womack sings in both church ser­ NOW $19.50 made home ownership difficult, if not impossible. We at FORD- vices. Additional Rooms $10.95 6-7 King's Players Drama GARBEE feel we have a solution to this problem: 6-8 Senior Saints Weekend with Norm Hedding COMMERCIAL AND RESIDENTIAL 7 LBC Football Home vs. Hampden-Sydney SATISFIED CUSTOMERS: 1315 LBC Homecoming/Parents' Weekend FAMILY MUSIC CENTRE 14 LBC Football Home vs. Bridgewater FIRST COLONY LIFE "THE EATON" (Various models to choose from) (Homecoming) PUBLIC FINANCE 14 Praise Festival (Musical) 20 LBC Sacred Concert Series featuring QUAD SHOP Renaissance, a vocal trio. SEVEN HEX PHOTO 22-26 Super Conference. Seven great conferences in DR. STICKLE one. One of the highlights of the year. . . . AND MANY MORE . . . 28 LBC Football Home vs. Lenoir-Rhyne. CALL FOR FREE DIAGNOSIS: 28 Old Testament Bible Seminar, Part I, with Dr. Harold Willmington. 847-4663 NOVEMBER or 2-5 LBC College for a weekend, with social and 847-6547 sports events. 1370 Rivermont Ave. 4 Football Home vs. Ferrum. Lynchburg, Va. Behind Fort Hill Village, only minutes from TRBC and LBC campus. 4 O. T. Seminar, Part II. '& II LBC Sacred Concert Series featuring Robert m Hale and Dean Wilder. We have planned ahead and have arranged financing which we feel is very favorable. ARMSTRONG ELECTRIC COMPANY Typical case (if you qualify) Price $35,000.00 Commercial & Industrial Down payment $ 1,000.00 Loan balance $34,000.00—financed for 30 years Maintenance contracts. Jobs of at 7% (at print time) any size. State registered Payment—P & I $ 226.21 for work anywhere in state Real Estate Tax Escrow $ 30.00 Service any day, all hours Ins. Escrow $ 8.00 Total $ 264.21

Phone: 847-8631 For Information on "Long Meadows' Contact: JOHN ARMSTRONG P.O. Box 1171 President Lynchburg, Va. 24505 FORD-GARBEE & CO., INC. John L. Swann 528-4040 JOURNAL CHAMPION 5 Janney Says Government Frustrates Congressmen RICK AND ROSEMARY: Continued from Page 2 Thomas Road is develop­ stitute and graduated two ing its own song writer in years later. After graduating because they can become corrupt. 1 submit that having a Rick Wilhelm, who has Songwriters, bureaucracy that is not answerable to voters is more cor­ from the Institute, Rick rupting of liberty, than to have a certain amount of political composed some of the music enrolled in the college and corruption and graft. sung by Don Norman, Mark is majoring in Christian Lowry and Patty Rizzo. He Ministries. and his wife, Rosemary, not Performers Before his conversion, Towns: What about the local level? only go out and sing gospel Rick and Rosemary had not Soul-winners from the concerts, but are committed church regularly, Sunday composed secular music. Janney: I think we must have men and women of high Franklin Freewill Baptist to composing warm Chris­ morning and evening, and But Rick noticed that after principle involved in government at a local level. It is a Church began visiting the tian music that touches the prayer meeting. They stayed salvation he often gave his shame that men and women who run for the school board young Wilhelm family. in the church for mree years, often are elected by three to five percent of the voters. Men heart, the music of Thomas testimony. So they began Rick and Rosemary heard teaching Sunday School and and women in the state offices oftentime have 300,000 Road Baptist Church. putting together words and the gospel. Several others ministering in music. They people in a district but actually are elected with 9,000 or melody about Christ. The from the church came to grew spiritually in this little 12,000 people. Rick and Rosemary Wilhelm Wilhelms have recorded two Rick grew up in Williams- visit. Rick confesses, "We church where 100 attended. albums; 15 of the songs are port, Pa., and during his were fighting. Nothing Rick said, "I always dis­ their own original composi­ Towns: How can better elected officials help the situa­ late teen years, began playing serious, just a typical young agreed widi the Freewill Bap­ tion. tion? the guitar and singing in a couple who squabbled." tists because I believed once Mark Fox came up with small contemporary dance Mrs. James Davis, the saved, always saved." 69 Pre-Schoolers band. Rosemary Miller joined the idea of a children's record Janney: We need people who understand the Christian pastor's wife and Marilyn The Wilhelms began the band as the lead singer. because he was always philosophy of government, and the Constitution to run for Wright, the church pianist, watching Dr. Jerry Falwell They met and were married. mimicking small children public office. They need to pass laws that will take laws off visited and shared how Christ on television. Rick confessed, To further their musical when he sang. Rick added the books. We need to recognize the responsibility of the Graduate From LCA could help the family. Rick "I wanted to go someplace career, Rick and Rosemary some words and melody for family as it was originally recognized in our society. If a and Rosemary knelt in the and study God's Word." moved to Nashville in 1971. Mark and when Nelson child is not properly cared for, then let us deal with the kitchen and received Jesus After praying for about six father. Let us not go out and create a bureaucracy to take They wanted to be where Keener heard about it, he Kindergarten Christ. months, Rick enrolled in care of children whose father's neglect them. the action was. felt the record should be a They began attending the Thomas Road Bible In- On Thursday evening, uates and nursery rhymes gift offer for Treasure Island. Four of the songs were written Towns: A few years ago you felt America could be turn­ May 25, Lynchburg Chris­ done by four-year-olds. The ed around by electing fundamentalists to office. tian Academy graduated its costumes for both were by Rick: J-E-S-U-S; BORN 1978 kindergarten class. The original and very interesting. Gaylord Carter Heads For Australia A-G-A-I-N (spelling songs); program consisted of Bible The following 69 students "Lord, Make Me Like Janney: I still believe mat. When I'm talking about fun­ You," and the title song, damentalists, I mean someone who is a fundamentalist in skits acted out by the grad- received diplomas: Biblical philosophy, a fundamentalist in governmental ad­ As Missionary Under BIM "Little Bits." "We were singing a lot ministration, which means being constructionist as far as K-S Graduating Classes Missionary Gaylord table I told the Lord I was arrived in Lynchburg, they the Constitution is concerned. in the children's church, Carter, a 1975 graduate of ready to be saved." wondered how they would and we just made up the Thomas Road Bible In­ Carter dusted off a Bible find the church. On songs for the kids," said Towns: How can a fundamentalist help control die stitute, left Lynchburg for and read Mattiiew 5 and Highway 460 they saw a Wilhelm. "Now we find bureaucracy if good men in Washington cannot deal Perth, Australia, June 7. He began listening to Oliver B. church bus with the sign, the adults like them as much with federal machinery now? will actually leave the U. S. Greene and Dr. Jerry "Follow me to Thomas as the kids." the second week of August, Falwell over the radio. He Road Baptist Church." Janney: The Constitution was originally written to tie debarking from Los went to prayer meeting and As they pulled into the governments hands so it could not control the people. Angeles. Carter is going was compelled to give a church parking lot, a car graduated from Thomas under Baptist International testimony of his salvation. It followed them. The friendly Road Bible Institute. That's not true today. Let's take an instance—if the Missions, Inc. He has spent surprised him that he cried driver came over, shook Perth is on the West Health, Welfare and Education Department was complete­ two years on deputation but God had softened his hands and said, "May I help Coast of Australia. The ly non-existant, as it was 25 years ago, we would be many preaching in 150 churches heart. you?" There the Carter Carters will be 2500 miles billions of dollars better off. I don't know that we are any and has raised his support Two months later he felt family met Jerry Falwell. from Adelaide, the destina­ better off with the Health, Education and Welfare Depart­ but still needs $2,200 called to preach. When his The Carters arrived with tion Rick Sirico, an LBC ment. We simply turned over to the government, more of toward expenses. dad suggested Liberty Bap­ $150 in cash, plus faith. He graduate, also going to the family responsibility. Now, Secretary Califano told us Carter was saved in 1970 tist College he said, "That had no job or house. After Australia this summer. the otner day tliey were going to operate with only seven food and motel costs for a billion dollars of their budget that was going to be unac­ even though he had been college is too big for me." It Perth has a one million countable for. He felt seven billion was a reasonable figure baptized in an independent took God two years to get couple of days, they needed population and, according to and that they could live with that error. Seven billion Baptist church. On a trip to him to Lynchburg. He saw to rent a house for $100 a Carter, he knows of only one dollars is an enormous budget to simply lose because of Iowa, he overheard a lady an ad in The Sword of the month, not to mention utili­ independent Baptist church the largeness of their enterprise. When an enterprise gets who had been saved only a Lord and sent an application ty deposits and money to in the city. He says there is that big, it is just too unwieldy. I think welfare should be week telling his wife the plan to Thomas Road Bible In­ stock the cupboards. only one ACE (Accelerated taken care of by counties and by cities, not by a Mrs. Earls' Brenda Ann Leftwich of salvation. He testified, stitute. God provided a house, a Christian Education) Chris­ bureaucracy in Washington who has a huge computer to Ronald Dale Lloyd "Right there at the kitchen When the Carter family job and two years later he tian school in Australia. send out checks by die hundreds of millions every month, Carrie Leigh Binkley Craig Allan Mason with no check-and-balance. I think it corrupts the country. Mark Brewer Jane Ellen McGann Teresa Dawn Broome Kyle Everett Miersma David L. Coclasure Bobby Norman I think that we are corrupting a whole generation of people Matthew David Fleming Dannielle Margaret Smeltz through our welfare state. If we get men into Washington David Allen Foust Linda Regene Stanley who understand the Biblical approach, we cannot radically Jennifer Lynn Goff David Allen Stevens change it over night. We are not going to roll back the Darrick Lee Sawn Harvey Joseph Michael Towles clock and go back to yester year. We are going to roll for­ Stephen Carroll Hudson Alisa Winn ward the clock in progress towards individual initiative and individual freedom and family responsibility in our society.

Towns: In summing up this interview would you list some of the coming issues, we should watch for in Washington?

Janney: As far as bills are concerned, I would say that the Youth Camp Safety Act is a very difficult bill. Senator Ribercoff has introduced a bill that is pervasive. In one place the bill clarifies that if two families were to go out on a picnic, the Youth Camp Safety Regulations would not ap­ ply to them. If a bill has to explain that it would not apply to weekend picnickers, it is pretty pervasive. For instance, this particular bill says something like this, "That if anything, even though it is called a youth camp, has a youth activity it comes under that regulation." That is a pretty broad regulation. Now that gives the government control from Dan to Beersheba. From one end of the rain­ bow to the other. The bureaucrats can say, well, at youth camp they eat, so all restaurants come under it. At youth camp they have horses, so all horse riding stables come under it. All swimming pools are under it. All tabernacles Mrs. Skinner's Zion Wing-Hay Lo are under it. All religious services are under it, because Henry Dean Adkins, Jr. Gary Wayne Mays that's youth camp activity. That's the kind of legislation Gregory Thomas Berry, Jr. Melanie Joy Mitchell that is absolutely abhorred. Paul Crawford Campbell Michelle Lee Morse Stacee Ann Davis Brian Michael Peters Jana Lynette DeSaegher Robin Lin Savage The second is House Bill Number 41 that is now being Mark DeShano Peter A. Shaddock II Mark France Kristine Kay Shoemaker introduced. It has had some hearings in the sub-committee Robert Wade Grant James W. T. Stine under the post office and civil service department. This par­ Tayna Hamlet Stephanie Marie Swift ticular bill would give the post office department the right Annette Irene Klamm Melissa Jane Turpin to check the books of a church or any religious organiza­ Stacy Beth Kurka Kimberley Anne Tyree Scott Preston Lee Jonathan David Verrill tions, or any 501C3 organizations that uses the mail to raise money. They would have the right to check their books to make sure they spent money the way they said they were going to do it. In the first place, I don't trust the post office departments judgment to give me an answer on that. I wouldn't send a $10 donation next week to the post office department and feel they would use my money pro­ perly, anymore than I might sent $10 to some religious broadcaster I do not know. "Big BrotherismV in religion is wrong. "Big brother" must look after me so I don't waste my money. He doesn't stop someone from going to a race-track because he may loose his money. He shouldn't stop someone from spending money on clothing that is wasteful. Bureaucracies eventually regulate us because Today's a good day to come by Fidelity they think we don't have the ability to regulate ourselves. American Bank and open a No-Service- Charge Personal Checking account. Every House Bill #41 is going to put a regulation on the church month, it will save you money. And that's that is an improper regulation. dollars, not just pennies. It's only good sense to save anyway you I think that we also have before the Senate, the Geneside can. Anywhere you can. Treaty, to ban or prohibit the destruction of a race of peo­ At Fidelity, as long as you have one penny ple, as the Nazis tried to do to the Jews. We understand in your checking account, there is absolutely that. I am opposed to Geneside, but I'm not opposed to Miss Yelvington's Joey Lee Lottis no service charge. However many checks Geneside for what it proposes, but for the way the bill is Matthew Lewis Lyons you write. designed. For instance, it has been interpreted by some that Christopher David Bogart Wendy Dawn Mason Ruth Borland Kenneth Andrew McCord Visit a Fidelity office today and open a No- if the Geneside Treaty was signed by our government, it Teresa Lynn Carwile Jennifer Melton Service-Charge Personal Checking account. would make it illegal for a Christian to try to convert so­ Brian Lee Colben Trad Sue Morykon meone from another religion because it would destroy that Gregory Edward Falwell Jared E. Preston It will mean extra money in your pocket... 5 FIDELITY other religion. If a soul-winner tries to convert a member of Julie Ann Harse Teri Lynn Schulu trom the bank that saves you money, m***FOIC J AMERICAN BANK Kevin Wayne Hartless Edward James Smith E a sect, that would be committing an act of Geneside and Christy Jean Hindson Lance W. Smith Working to be your bank, the soul-winner could be subject to a world court decision, Jason Everett Jester Christopher James Sugden planning to stay your bank. not a U. S. court. The Geneside Treaty would for the first ScuttM. Jewell Jennifer Lynn Wilson ' time make American citizens subject to foreign courts. Jenny Lynn Loftis Mark Brian Wright JOURNAL-CHAMPION Haiti 'MIRACLE' BABY JENEY FORDYCE Dr. Bill Rice Dies, Busy Beloved Evangelist For Staff Infant Must Be 'Sick' William Henry Rice, After 11 exciting days in more commonly known as Haiti, 22 LBC young people Dr. Bill Rice of the BUI To Build Immunities Rice Ranch in Murfreesboro, and five SMITE have Jeney Ann Fordyce is an Tn., died in his sleep, Mon­ returned from a mission field immune deficient child. To day, May 28. exposure campaign where her common viruses present they ministered to the Ha- Born in Texas on Aug. serious problems, and she tian people and listened to must become sick in order 25, 1912, he was a son of lectures from missionaries. the late Will and Dolus to build immunities against Rice. Most of his early diem. years were spent on a ranch Among those returning in Texas. He attended Deca- are Debra Carney, Debbie Jeney's parents, Walter" teur Baptist College in Curwin, Natalie Farnsler, MISS JODY MITCHELL and Anita Fordyce, moved Decateur, Texas, and grad­ Irene Lange, Doris Mc- to TRBC from Pittsburgh, uated from Moody Bible Caskill, Debbie Richey, Beth Jody Mitchell, Pa. three years ago for Walter Institute, Chicago, HI. in Shumaker, Debbie Webb, to enroll in youth ministries 1941. Marie Achilles, Doug at LBC. Her sister Sarah He moved to Wheaton, Barclay, Howard burk, Ed Kanagy Beth, now nine-years-old, HI, upon graduation, travelled Cooley, Charles Hanna, tim Mr. and Mrs. Bill Mitchell was the Fordyces' first Jeney Ann Fordyce, "butterfly child" with mother. extensively as an evangelist of Anderson, Indiana an­ "miracle" child. Lawler, Rick Lange, Mark "Jeney's resistance to she'll be better in the Spr­ "cocoon" of sickness and, and became affiliated with DR. BILL RICE Stryker, Don Thomas, Den­ nounce the engagement of "We were told we could infection is delayed and, ing. Maybe she will be like a like a butterfly, be loosed the "Sword of the Lord." nis Melvin, John McCraw, their daughter, Jody Lorraine, never have children because consequently, she is subject butterfly and fly away from to fly into sunshine and good In 1953, he moved to Mur­ father's work. Charlie Smith, Craig to Kenneth Eldon Kanagy, I don't ovulate. So, when to viral and bacterial in­ her illness'." health. freesboro, Tn. where he Dr. Bill Rice is survived Bolduck, and Rick Rogers. son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul C. carved the Bill Rice Ranch by his wife, Mrs. Cathy Kanagy of Mt. Gilead, Ohio. Sarah was born it was a fections. As these type of In the Spring Jeney was literally out of the rocks Rice; two daughters, Mrs. Miss Mitchell graduated miracle and I did not expect children grow older, they worse, but the "butterfly Duke University and trees. Betty Ann Cabbage and Mrs. from Indiana Christian Aca­ another miracle," Mrs. For­ grow stronger and more idea" and Jer. 29:11 gave Medical Center Report Coordinator for all A deaf ministry was im­ Kaye Fitzgerald; three sons, demy in Anderson, Indiana, dyce said. resistant," Dr. Houcks said. the Fordyces hope. Mrs. mediately begun on the Bill Rice HI, Pete Rice and SMITE Hatian projects and attended Liberty Baptist Upon moving to Lynch­ Since the age of six months Fordyce has used the butter­ After examining Jeney, camp and conference ground Ronnie Rice; one sister, Mrs. Doug Achilles was in charge College. She is presently em­ burg, however, Mrs. Fordyce when "common" baby fly to witness to and en­ Duke University im­ of the group. He was which now ministers to Ruth Martin; and one ployed by Liberty Baptist discovered her pregnancy colds could no longer be courage other mothers who munology specialist Dr. assisted by Miss Carolyn over 1,000 deaf annually. brother, Dr. John R. Rice, CoUege. and took it as a gift from considered common, Jeney have sick children. A grow­ Rebecca Buckley reports Last summer, approximately editor of "Sword of the Wemp and Miss Jan Rowe. Mr. Kanagy graduated God for their obedience to has been ill almost continual­ ing hobby of hers is that of SMITE pilots Tim Vaughan handcrafting butterflies to that she shows no signs of 900 "hearing" individuals Lord." from Highland High School Him to enter youdi minis­ ly. She has been hospitalized any major immune deficien­ and Gary Swafford, and on four occasions with var­ give people along with the per week came to the Ranch Hundreds of people who in Chester'tile, Ohio. He is tries. "We have taken cy. for Bible study and training. Achilles son also went. a senior at Liberty Baptist Jeney's illness as an oppor­ ious viral infections and has message of encouragement loved Dr. Bill Rice and his from Jeremiah. Once when During the winter months, ministry came to the funeral College working on a major tunity to be drawn closer been to the doctor 15 times Dr. Rice continued to be in Biology. together as a family. It has this year compared to a Jeney was in the hospital, Dr. Buckley's assistant, service which was held Mrs. Fordyce sent a butter­ involved in revival work. Thursday afternoon, June 1, The wedding has been also helped me in keeping total of 67 times last year. Dr. Dennis Owenby said im­ He also wrote two nationally my priorities straight as a Once when Jeney was fly with an unsigned note mune deficiencies are rare at the John R. Rice Taber­ A young man made planned for July 8, 1978, to another distressed mother circulated papers, "The nacle on the Ranch. The at Grace Baptist Church in mother," said Mrs. Fordyce hospitalized, Mrs. Fordyce disorders, occuring in only application to be a river- who is secretary to Thomas discovered something she whom she did not know. one in 2,000 births. He said Branding Iron" and "The body is temporarily entombed boat captain. He was Anderson, Indiana. Ranch Hand." His son, Bill Road Bible Institute Dean calls the "butterfly idea" The baby later died but the any immune deficient child at the Rose Lawn Cemetary asked, mother, Mrs. Cindy Rice DI, has co-directed in Murfreesboro. However, New Arrival H. L. Willmington. which helped her realize she is worth noting in medical these ministries for the past "Do you know where was not going to lose Jeney. Knight of TRBC located Mrs. journals and would be it will be moved to the Bill the rocks are located?" Immune body functions two years and plans to con­ Mr. and Mrs. Steve Peters normally fight viruses that She quoted Jeremiah 29:11, Fordyce to thank her for beneficial to immunology Rice Ranch as soon as the what the butterfly came to tinue with each aspect of his ranch cemetary is completed. "No." announce die birth of an are breathed in; but without "For I know the thoughts researchers. "Do you know where eight pound, seven ounce these functions a person that I think toward you, mean to her. the logs and stumps daughter, Suzanne Lynette, breathing these same germs saith the Lord, thoughts of Jeney is fortunate in that "When the World Health are?" born 10:25 p.m. Friday, becomes ill. Neo-natologist peace, and not of evil, to she can live outside a sterile Organization Council met in Six Months Ahead "No." June 2. Mr. Peters stayed in Peter Houcks, who specializes give you an expected end.'' encasement such as that 1972 and classified 20 types "Why do you think the delivery room as wife in newborn disorders, is "Jeney is fearfully and shown on a recent television of immune deficiencies, that you can be a river boat Susan delivered die baby Jeney's pediatrician. He wonderfully made, and her broadcast and later discussed was just the beginning," JUNE captain when you don't through the Lamaze Method said he sees perhaps two end is good. My husband on "Good Morning, Amer­ Owenby said. 19-23 Volleyball Clinic with Patti Rizzo know where the danger of prepared childbirth. babies a year whom he sus­ gave me a butterfly which is ica." Research on immune 26-30 Volleyball Clinic with Patti Rizzo is?" Steve works with the LBC pects are immune deficient God's most visible symbol deficiency continues and Each of these types has JULY "Because I know Singers while Susan worked and estimates one in 1,000 of new life. Thinking about there is hope that Jeney and multiple sub-types, and each 17-21 LBC Instrumental Music Clinic with where the channel is with MTST prior to the babies born each year are Jeney, I quoted that verse others with her problem of these feature various many excellent guest instructors. located." birth of the baby. immune deficient. and said, 'The doctor says will some dav be free of thp disorders he concluded. AUGUST 7-11 Vacation Bible School (Age 3 through 6th grade) THE CARPET DOCTOR 7-11, 14-15 SMITE Training PRESENTS 25 Classes begin for LBC, LBS, TRBI. DISCOUNT CARPET CLEANING Tired of Renting? 28 Classes begin for LCA. SEPTEMBER FEATURING . . . 9 LBC Football Home vs. Mars Hill • LOWER PRICES 10-13 Annual Bible Conference with Dr. Harold • SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Willmington, Guest lecturers include Drs. Consider this . . . Henry Morris, Duane Gish, and Donald • MULTIPLE METHODS Campbell. • SOIL-BARRIER 12 Second Annual TRBI Alumni Day. • SANITIZATION Today's housing market is characterized by rising construction 15 LBC Sacred Concert Series featuring Eternity, WE MAKE HOUSE CALLS a vocal/instrumental ensemble. SPECIALIST IN FURNITURE CLEANING costs and interest rates. These two factors working together have 16 LBC Football Home vs. Katawba. Living Room and Hall Regular $29.95 OCTOBER made home ownership difficult, if not impossible. We at FORD- I Merrill Womack sings in both church ser­ NOW $19.50 vices. Additional Rooms $10.95 GARBEE feel we have a solution to this problem: 6-7 King's Players Drama COMMERCIAL AND RESIDENTIAL 6-8 Senior Saints Weekend with Norm Hedding SATISFIED CUSTOMERS: 7 LBC Football Home vs. Hampden-Sydney FAMILY MUSIC CENTRE 13-15 LBC Homecoming/Parents' Weekend c ( THE EATON" (Various models to choose from) 14 LBC Football Home vs. Bridgewater FIRST COLONY LIFE (Homecoming) PUBLIC FINANCE 14 Praise Festival (Musical) QUAD SHOP 20 LBC Sacred Concert Series featuring SEVEN HILL PHOTO Renaissance, a vocal trio. 22-26 Super Conference. Seven great conferences in DR. STICKLE one. One of the highlights of the year. . . . AND MANY MORE . . . 28 LBC Football Home vs. Lenoir-Rhyne. CALL FOR FREE DIAGNOSIS: 28 Old Testament Bible Seminar, Part I, with 847-4663 Dr. Harold Willmington. NOVEMBER or 2-5 LBC College for a weekend, with social and 847-6547 sports events. 1370 Rivermont Ave. 4 Football Home vs. Ferrum. Lynchburg, Va. Behind Fort Hill Village, only minutes from TRBC and LBC campus. 4 O. T. Seminar, Part II. II LBC Sacred Concert Series featuring Robert Hale and Dean Wilder. We have planned ahead and have arranged financing which we feel is very favorable. ARMSTRONG ELECTRIC COMPANY Typical case (if you qualify) Price $35,000.00 Commercial & Industrial Down payment $ 1,000.00 Loan balance $34,000.00—financed for 30 years Maintenance contracts. Jobs of at 7% (at print time) any size. State registered Payment—P & I $ 226.21 for work anywhere in state Real Estate Tax Escrow $ 30.00 Service any day, all hours Ins. Escrow $ 8.00 Total $ 264.21

For Information on "Long Meadows" Contact: Phone: 847-8631 JOHN ARMSTRONG P. O. Box 1171 President Lynchburg, Va. 24505 FORD-GARBEE & CO., INC. John L. Swann 528-4040 JOURNAL CHAMPION 5 Janney Says Government Frustrates Congressmen RICK AND ROSEMARY: Continued from Page 2 Thomas Road is develop­ stitute and graduated two ing its own song writer in years later. After graduating because they can become corrupt. 1 submit that having a Songwriters, Rick Wiihelm, who has from the Institute, Rick bureaucracy that is not answerable to voters is more cor­ composed some of the music rupting of liberty, than to have a certain amount of political enrolled in the college and corruption and graft. sung by Don Norman, Mark is majoring in Christian Lowry and Patty Rizzo. He Ministries. and his wife, Rosemary, not Performers Before his conversion, Towns: What about the local level? only go out and sing gospel Rick and Rosemary had not concerts, but are committed Soul-winners from the church regularly, Sunday composed secular music. Janney: I think we must have men and women of high to composing warm Chris­ Franklin Freewill Baptist morning and evening, and principle involved in government at a local level. It is a But Rick noticed that after tian music that touches the Church began visiting the prayer meeting. They stayed salvation he often gave his shame that men and women who run for the school board young Wiihelm family. in the church for three years, often are elected by three to five percent of the voters. Men heart, the music of Thomas testimony. So they began Rick and Rosemary heard teaching Sunday School and and women in the state offices oftentime have 300,000 Road Baptist Church. putting together words and people in a district1 but actually are elected with 9,000 or the gospel. Several others ministering in music. They melody about Christ. The from the church came to grew spiritually in this little 12,000 people. Rick and Rosemary Wiihelm Wilhelms have recorded two Rick grew up in Williams- visit. Rick confesses, "We church where 100 attended. port, Pa., and during his albums; 15 of the songs are were fighting. Nothing Rick said, "I always dis­ their own original composi­ Towns: How can better elected officials help the situa­ late teen years, began playing serious, just a typical young agreed wim the Freewill Bap­ tion. tion? the guitar and singing in a tists because I believed once couple who squabbled." Mark Fox came up with small contemporary dance Mrs. James Davis, the saved, always saved. 69 Pre-Schoolers band. Rosemary Miller joined the idea of a children's record Janney: We need people who understand the Christian pastor's wife and Marilyn The Wilhelms began the band as the lead singer. because he was always philosophy of government, and the Constitution to run for Wright, the church pianist, watching Dr. Jerry Falwell They met and were married. mimicking small children public office. They need to pass laws that will take laws off visited and shared how Christ on television. Rick confessed, To further their musical when he sang. Rick added the books. We need to recognize the responsibility of the Graduate From LCA could help the family. Rick "I wanted to go someplace career, Rick and Rosemary some words and melody for family as it was originally recognized in our society. If a and Rosemary knelt in the and study God's Word." moved to Nashville in 1971. Mark and when Nelson child is not properly cared for, then let us deal with the kitchen and received Jesus After praying for about six They wanted to be where Keener heard about it, he father. Let us not go out and create a bureaucracy to take Kindergarten months, Rick enrolled in care of children whose father's neglect them. the action was. Christ. felt the record should be a Thev began attending the Thomas Road Bible In- On Thursday evening, uates and nursery rhymes gift offer for Treasure Island. Four of the songs were written Towns: A few years ago you felt America could be turn­ May 25, Lynchburg Chris­ done by four-year-olds. The tian Academy graduated its costumes for both were by Rick: J-E-S-U-S; B-O-R-N ed around bv electing fundamentalists to office. A-G-A-I-N (spelling songs); 1978 kindergarten class. The original and very interesting. Gaylord Carter Heads For Australia "Lord, Make Me Like program consisted of Bible The following 69 students Janney: I still believe that. When I'm talking about fun­ You," and the title song, skits acted out by the grad- received diplomas: damentalists, I mean someone who is a fundamentalist in As Missionary Under BIM "Little Bits." Biblical philosophy, a fundamentalist in governmental ad­ "We were singing a lot ministration, which means being constructionist as far as K-5 Graduating Classes Missionary Gaylord table I told the Lord I was arrived in Lynchburg, they the Constitution is concerned. in the children's church, Carter, a 1975 graduate of ready to be saved." wondered how they would and we just made up the Thomas Road Bible In­ Carter dusted off a Bible find the church. On songs for the kids," said Towns: How can a fundamentalist help control the stitute, left Lynchburg for and read Matthew 5 and Highway 460 they saw a Wiihelm. "Now we find bureaucracy if good men in Washington cannot deal Perth, Australia, June 7. He began listening to Oliver B. church bus with the sign, the adults like them as much with federal machinery now? will actually leave the U. S. Greene and Dr. Jerry "Follow me to Thomas as the kids." the second week of August, Falwell over the radio. He Road Baptist Church." Janney: The Constitution was originally written to tie debarking from Los went to prayer meeting and As they pulled into the governments hands so it could not control the people. Angeles. Carter is going was compelled to give a church parking lot, a car graduated from Thomas under Baptist International testimony of his salvation. It followed them. The friendly Road Bible Institute. That's not true today. Let's take an instance—if the Missions, Inc. He has spent surprised him that he cried driver came over, shook Perth is on the West Health, Welfare and Education Department was complete­ two years on deputation but God had softened his hands and said, "May I help Coast of Australia. The ly non-existant, as it was 25 years ago, we would be many preaching in 150 churches heart. you?" There the Carter Carters will be 2500 miles billions of dollars better off. I don't know that we are any and has raised his support Two months later he felt family met Jerry Falwell. from Adelaide, the destina­ better off with the Health, Education and Welfare Depart­ but still needs $2,200 called to preach. When his The Carters arrived with tion Rick Sirico, an LBC ment. We simply turned over to the government, more of toward expenses. dad suggested Liberty Bap­ $150 in cash, plus faith. He graduate, also going to the family responsibility. Now, Secretary Califano told us Carter was saved in 1970 tist College he said, "That had no job or house. After Australia this summer. tne otner day they were going to operate with only seven food and motel costs for a billion dollars of their budget that was going to be unac­ even though he had been college is too big for me." It Perth has a one million countable for. He felt seven billion was a reasonable figure baptized in an independent took God two years to get couple of days, they needed population and, according to and that they could live with that error. Seven billion Baptist church. On a trip to him to Lynchburg. He saw to rent a house for $100 a Carter, he knows of only one dollars is an enormous budget to simply lose because of Iowa, he overheard a lady an ad in The Sword of the month, not to mention utili­ independent Baptist church the largeness of their enterprise. When an enterprise gets who had been saved only a Lord and sent an application ty deposits and money to in the city. He says there is that big, it is just too unwieldy. I think welfare should be week telling his wife the plan to Thomas Road Bible In­ stock the cupboards. only one ACE (Accelerated taken care of by counties and by cities, not by a Mrs. Earls' Brendu Ann Leftwich of salvation. He testified, stitute. God provided a house, a Christian Education) Chris­ bureaucracy in Washington who has a huge computer to Ronald Dale Lloyd "Right there at the kitchen When the Carter family job and two years later he tian school in Australia. send out checks by the hundreds of millions every month, Carrie Leigh Binkley Craig Allan Mason with no check-and-balance. I think it corrupts the country. Mark Brewer Jane Ellen McGann Teresa Dawn Broome Kyle Everett Miersma David L. Coclasure Bobby Norman I think that we are corrupting a whole generation of people Matthew David Fleming Dannielle Margaret Smeltz r i through our welfare state. If we get men into Washington David Allen Foust Linda Regene Stanley who understand the Biblical approach, we cannot radically Jennifer Lynn Goff David Allen Stevens change it over night. We are not going to roll back the Darrick Lee Sawn Harvey Joseph Michael Towles clock and go back to yester year. We are going to roll for­ Stephen Carroll Hudson Alisa Winn ward the clock in progress towards individual initiative and individual freedom and family responsibility in our society.

Towns: In summing up this interview would you list some of the coming issues, we should watch for in Washington?

Janney: As far as bills are concerned, I would say that the Youth Camp Safety Act is a very difficult bill. Senator Ribercoff has introduced a bill that is pervasive. In one place the bill clarifies that if two families were to go out on a picnic, the Youth Camp Safety Regulations would not ap­ ply to them. If a bill has to explain that it would not apply to weekend picnickers, it is pretty pervasive. For instance, this particular bill says something like this, "That if anything, even though it is called a youth camp, has a youth activity it comes under that regulation." That is a pretty broad regulation. Now that gives the government control from Dan to Beersheba. From one end of the rain­ bow to the other. The bureaucrats can say, well, at youth camp they eat, so all restaurants come under it. At youth camp they have horses, so all horse riding stables come under it. All swimming pools are under it. All tabernacles Mrs. Skinner's Zion Wing-Hay Lo are under it. All religious services are under it, because Henry Dean Adkins, Jr. Gary Wayne Mays that's youth camp activity. That's the kind of legislation Gregory Thomas Berry, Jr. Melanie Joy Mitchell that is absolutely abhorred. Paul Crawford Campbell Michelle Lee Morse Stacee Ann Davis Brian Michael Peters Jana Lynette DeSaegher Robin Lin Savage The second is House Bill Number 41 that is now being Mark DeShano Peter A. Shaddock II Mark France Kristine Kay Shoemaker introduced. It has had some hearings in the sub-committee Robert Wade Grant James W. T. Stine under the post office and civil service department. This par­ Tayna Hamlet Stephanie Marie Swift ticular bill would give the post office department the right Annette Irene Klamm Melissa Jane Turpin to check the books of a church or any religious organiza­ Stacy Beth Kurka Kimberley Anne Tyree Scott Preston Lee Jonathan David Verrill tions, or any 501C3 organizations that uses the mail to raise money. They would have the right to check their books to make sure they spent money the way they said they were going to do it. In the first place, I don't trust the post office departments judgment to give me an answer on that. I wouldn't send a $10 donation next week to the post office department and feel they would use my money pro­ perly, anymore than I might sent $10 to some religious broadcaster I do not know. "Big Brotherism" in religion is wrong. "Big brother" must look after me so I don't waste my money. He doesn't stop someone from going to a race-track because he may loose his money. He shouldn't stop someone from spending money on clothing that is wasteful. Bureaucracies eventually regulate us because Today's a good day to come by Fidelity they think we don't have the ability to regulate ourselves. American Bank and open a No-Service- Charge Personal Checking account. Every House Bill #41 is going to put a regulation on the church month, it will save you money. And that's that is an improper regulation. dollars, not just pennies. It's only good sense to save anyway you I think that we also have before the Senate, the Geneside can. Anywhere you can. Treaty, to ban or prohibit the destruction of a race of peo­ At Fidelity, as long as you have one penny ple, as the Nazis tried to do to the Jews. We understand in your checking account, there is absolutely that. I am opposed to Geneside, but I'm not opposed to Miss Yelvington's Joey Lee Lotus no service charge. However many checks Geneside for what it proposes, but for the way the bill is Matthew Lewis Lyons you write. designed. For instance, it has been interpreted by some that Christopher David Bogart Wendy Dawn Mason Kenneth Andrew McCord Visit a Fidelity office today and open a No- if the Geneside Treaty was signed by our government, it Ruth Borland Teresa Lynn Carwile Jennifer Melton Service-Charge Personal Checking account. would make it illegal for a Christian to try to convert so­ Brian Lee Colbert Traci Sue Morykon It will mean extra money in your pocket... meone from another religion because it would destroy that Gregory Edward Falwell JaredE. Preston R5 FIDELITY other religion. If a soul-winner tries to convert a member of Julie Ann Harse Teri Lynn Schulu from the bank that saves you money. MtntaFoc Kevin Wayne Harlless Edward James Smith ZLA AMERICAN BANK a sect, that would be committing an act of Geneside and Lance W. Smith Christy Jean Hindson Working to be your bank, the soul winner could be subject to a world court decision, Jason Everett Jester Christopher James Sugden not a U. S. court. The Geneside Treaty would for the first Scott M. Jewell Jennifer Lynn Wilson ' planning to stay your bank. time make American citizens subject to foreign courts. Jenny Lynn Loitis Mark Brian Wright 6 JOURNAL CHAMPION ^QMEJNJ Family and Chiirch are Priorities GODSEYS: FAITHFUL By BRENDA EASTERLING them that as long as they were under our roof to Him, she said. Mrs. Emmitt Godsey is a wife whose and at our table, they would obey us. Now that "Then in August of 1976 I realized the priorities center around her family and the they are grown, we still know what each of Lord had been saying to me, 'Nancy, just be local church. them is doing and we know where they sit in content, and when I get ready, I'll heal you.' She is a wife who stands by her husband, church," Mrs. Godsey said. After that the tension left and the problem was and who, with him, stands faithful in places of "We haven't had any of the problems you corrected, Mrs. Godsey said. Mr. and Mrs. Godsey with family. responsibility and Christian leadership. hear about like alcohol, cigarettes and drugs, ' 'Now I feel so good I wish I could go a day and they all at some time have attended public and night, because I remember a time when I footpedals do not work, but as Mrs. Godsey Mr. Godsey was saved at the age of six dur­ Her greatest area of leadership is her schools," she continued. was not relaxed." begins to play, it is not noticed. ing the days when "the horse and wagon and faithfulness and dependability. For example, The Godsey's youngest child, Kay, is now Mr. Godsey also attributes the family's good After singing a few hymns led by Mr. dogs all went to church," he said. In a military she and Mr. Godsey have faithfully opened 14. She and Melody, 18, and Rocky, 26, still health, his own in particular, to a variety of Godsey, the patients give words of testimony, foxhole in the Philippines, however, he pro­ Pastor Jerry Falwell's Sunday School class at live at home. Their sister, Donna, is married to fresh vegetables he grows himself. In addition praise and prayer requests. And, usually, so­ mised the Lord if he ever set foot on American 9:45 a.m. for the past 22 years, she playing the Barry Driskill and has a child, Allison, nine- to working 45 to 50 hours a week at meone will quote the verse, "I was glad when soil again, he would not leave it. He has kept piano and he leading the congregational class months-old. Bill, 27, is married and has two Montague-Berts Steel Company, Mr. Godsey they said unto me, Let us go into the house of his promise. He does not like to go out of in singing. daughters, Jodi, four, and Cristie, two-and-a- cultivates a garden at home and a large the LORD." town. His ministry is in Lynchburg. The theme song of the class, "Thank You, half. 100-acre farfn outside the city where he grew Then Mr. Godsey, the songleader, becomes The Godsey's memories of the early years of Lord," is also a song of personal testimony for Mrs. Godsey never used a baby sitter. "We up. Mr. Godsey, the lay preacher and Mrs. Godsey TRBC are the great revival preachers. In par­ the Godseys. If there were a better song to ex­ always took the children with us, and when we To Mr. Godsey, farming offers a period of becomes the preacher's wife. This particular ticular, they recall the late Dr. Oliver B. press the theme, said Mr. Godsey, then he couldn't take them, we stayed home," Mrs. relaxation rather than hardship. The time ministry is 14-years-old. Greene whose taped sermons may still be would use it. But in 22 years he has not found Godsey said. spent in the filed is his time alone with God, Mrs. Godsey never worked until the Clean heard at 10 each morning on WWOD radio. a more appropriate song than this: The day Thomas Road Church opened, Mrs. Godsey said. Up America Campaign started. Even though They remember when Dr. Greene put up a Mrs. Godsey took one-year-old Donna, now Each summer the Godseys load up fresh pro­ she loves her new parttime job opening mail, tent where the Lynchburg Christian Academy "Thank you, Lord, for saving my soul. now stands and they remember when three of Thank you, Lord, for making me whole. 23, to the nursery and began to work. She duce from their farm and sell it on a truck she said she cannot get use to it. She has worked and supervised there for 15 years, until their children were saved under Dr. Greene's Thank you, Lord, for giving to me, route. The original purpose of this was to teach always had a hot meal prepared for her hus­ her last three children were past nursery age. the boys to work, to earn money and to save. band when he comes home from work, and ministry. Thy great salvation so rich and free." For five years during this time, she also played Now, however, it has become a quiet time for now she is rushed, she said. ' 'The church as Mrs. Godsey is aware of her role of leader­ Nancy met Emmitt Godsey when he return­ the piano for junior church and in the mean­ Mr. Godsey away from the work and loud always had a hard time getting enough ship in the church. She and her husband take ed from the Army, after serving in World War time continued her faithful duty as pianist in noise of a steel mill. workers. In fact, I was asked to play the piano their role of' 'togetherness'' in service serious­ II. She lived in Lynchburg, while he lived in the pastor's class. Mr. and Mrs. Godsey are out front and for the pastor's Sunday School class because ly. "When you stand up before people, you the country. After their marriage by the Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Godsey have never been late together in their Christian service. Every Fri­ there was no one else to do it, and Mrs. Falwell have to be right with God," Mr. Godsey said. Sam Whitfield at Flat Creek Baptist Church, for church. They are among the first to arrive day night they visit TRBC members who are (who originally played for the class) was needed "If you want to set an example and have Mr. Godsey made two rules to live by. ' 'I told for services and the last to leave. Sunday is the patients at Virginia Baptist and Lynchburg in the youth department. So when this cam­ people follow you in the Lord's work, you have her she would run the house, and I'd run the fullest day of the week for them. They leave General Hospitals. Mrs. Godsey is hospitality paign started, I volunteered to help since my to be willing to do twice as much work outside and bring in the money. It's worked their home at 8:30 a.m. Sunday so Mr. chairman for the Ladies Fellowship of TRBC. children are grown and there is still a realnee d yourself," he continued. good the way we've done it," he said. Godsey can open the prayer room, and again at She is also general secretary for the junior for workers," she said. Mr. and Mrs. Godsey are not alike. In fact, The Godsey marriage also got off to a good 5:30 p.m. for another prayer meeting before department of the Sunday School. she refers to herself as a ' 'city slicker'' married start with Bible reading and study. Each night The Godsey's are not professional musi­ preparing candidates for the Sunday evening The Godseys consider the Lynchburg Nurs­ cians, but they are faithful musicians. Mrs. to a "country boy." He does not like fanfare. of their marriage, they have set aside the 9 baptismal service. ing Home their most important ministry, She does. They get along well. p.m. hour for family devotions. "We stop Godsey took piano lessons for a year when she In 22 years, they have missed one Sunday, however. After a quick Sunday lunch, Mr. was eight-years-old, and has taught herself Their favorite songs are old hymns and in whatever we're doing at that time. If we have and that was when daughter Melody was in the Godsey reviews his sermon outline and they company, then they join us for devotions," since then. Now she performs before several particular, "Will the Circle Be Unbroken?" hospital. drive out to the nursing home. thousand people in the pastor's Sunday School They believe in leading people to Christ, not in Mrs. Godsey said. For the most part, the family has been bless­ At the nursing home, the Godseys minister Mr. and Mrs. Godsey were both raised in class taught by Dr. Ed Hindson. driving them. They didn't stay at home and ed with good health which Mrs. Godsey at­ to people who have little or no family to visit The Godsey's are dependable. "Dr. Falwell tell their children to go to church. In all things the church and, therefore, have raised their tributes to their faithfulness in church and them, to people who are bedridden and to those children to attend church. "The family who often says availability is the greatest ability a they strive to set the Christian example by do­ their obedience to God. Evenso, Mrs. Godsey who are too sick to attend a regular church ser­ person can acquire. He knows when we are out ing and by living that example. prays together, stays together," can well be at­ can remember a time when a health problem vice. tributed to them. All the Godsey children live front the service will start on time. He knows restrained her energies and she was unable to The little television room doubles as a in Lynchburg. They love to go to church and, we are available and he can depend on us to be One of Mrs. Godsey's favorite verses is sit up front in church with her husband. church sanctuary as Mrs. Godsey sits down to when they were small, they looked forward to there," Mrs. Godsey said. Romans 8:28, "And we know that all things During the more than 20 years of illness, play at an old piano and the patients begin to getting there early, Mrs. Godsey says. Mrs. Godsey was saved and baptized at the work together for good to them that love God, Mrs. Godsey continued to serve the Lord, but "congregate" in their wheelchairs and The Godsey children respect and adore their old Park Avenue Baptist Church a few weeks to them who are the called according to his she did not turn the problem completely over rockers. A few keys on the piano as well as the parents. "When they,were small, we told before Dr. Falwell was saved. purpose." TRBC Couple Rejoice At 'Gift \ Planning August Marriage

"After class John Hays asked me if I knew GIVING A DOLLAR, anything about accounting because die church needed to hire someone. When he said this, I knew why I was in Lynchburg," said Wil­ GETTING A BRIDE liams, who shortly accepted die job. Part Two of God's plan for Williams un­ FINE JEWELRY CO. Lynchburg," Williams said. folded at church die following Wednesday 236 Broad St. During the offertory prayer, however, Wil­ night. Throughout college Williams went to Rome, Ga. 30161 liams' attitude changed again. "In die middle church on Sundays and reserved Wednesday of that prayer, the Lord said for me to give nights for studying. "Now that I was through presents her the dollar. I didn't understand what the school, I was free to go on Wednesday nights. Lord was doing, but I gave it to her to give," Also, I knew a lot of people went on Sunday Williams said. mornings and I wanted to see how many The congregation then broke into small would turn out for a Wednesday night service,'' groups for prayer, and Williams joined Thomas Williams said. Road member "Mama" Schmid and Miss Ruckman. Afterwards, Mrs. Schmid suggested This service made a difference in his life, David Williams, Kathy Ruckman. to them that they should get acquainted, said introducing him to Miss Ruckman and to a William*. new spurt of spiritual growth.' 'When I emptied By BRENDA EASTERLING "I don't tiiink Kathy expected to see me my wallet in the offering, the Lord gave me God blesses givers. again. But the next day I found her at the much, much more tiian my money in return. David Williams can attest to that. Stewart Arms Dormitory and we started dating. He gave me Kathy," Williams said. In fact, when God blesses, Williams is con­ The thing that attracted me to her more than David Williams and Kathy Ruckman, who vinced it's abundant and comes at the most her outward beauty, however, is her inward were acquainted after an offertory prayer at unexpected time. beauty and her desire to serve the Lord and TRBC, will be married August 5,1978. Few people, perhaps, have parted widi their help win souls," Williams said. last dollar and found a wife-to-be. But, that's Williams first heard of TRBC and LBC in what happened to David Williams, a member Louisiana through his father who watches die of the accounting department at Thomas RAPUNZEL (lilac) 8k inches tall Old Time Gospel Hour. While working towards An issue restricted lo KXXJ Road Baptist Church. « a Master of Business Administration degree, "Some people spend time, others invest Children To Cherish Collection The Southeastern Louisiana University Williams wrote for an application to teach it." $525 graduate was visiting TRBC one January at LBC. "You don't kill time without injuring Wednesday night. He had no idea his offering eternity." "investment'' would reap a bride. "I kept die application in my desk for In church Williams usually sat at the end months before sending it in because deep of the row, but this night he sat in about four down I didn't really want to teach," said feet so people wouldn't have to push past him. Williams who is also a certified public ac­ When the service was about to start, a young countant. lady came in and sat at die end of the row. After missionary to Germany Paul Brock Williams didn't get the job, but he had BENJAMIN FRANKLIN FOODS, INC. had preached, Dr. Jerry Falwell asked the become so interested in die ministry of TRBC congregation to contribute die "biggest" bill that he had to come see it for himself. On in their wallets toward a special offering for Friday, Jan. 6, he scheduled a job interview IN OFFICE COFFEE SUPPLIES Mr. Brock. with LBC Executive vice-president Dr. James INSTITUTIONAL FOODS "All I had in my pocket was a $10 bill and O. Carpenter for die following Monday. a dollar to live on until payday," Williams (703) 586-4180 said. "My first reaction was not to give any­ His first impression with LBC was to leave thing, but then 1 realized this would be like when he saw freshman registration, but the an investment since I couldn't go to Germany appointment with Dr. Carpenter kept him myself. My thought pattern changed 180 here. On Liberty Mountain his car became A FULL LINE OF COFFEE EQUIPMENT degrees, and I wanted to give die $ 10." stuck in the mud. "They call it 'miracle FOR OFFICE-SCHOOL-HOSPITAL-BUSINESS But, Dr. Falwell was not finished. He then mud', but to me it was just plain mud," said asked those who could not give anything to Williams. raise their hands, and he asked die others who could to give something to them to contribute The next day in the single adults Sunday ASK US ABOUT OUR also. School class Williams found out Part One of The young lady Williams had noticed was FOOD LINE-PAPER LINE-ICED TEA LINE A Cybis theatre of fantasy and imagery. why he had come to Lynchburg. His reason Welcome to the enchanted world of Cybis Porcelains - Liberty Baptist College student Kathy Ruck- for coming had been to see LBC, but having where storybook children live happily evei after, flowers man and she had raised her hand. "I thought, seen it he was ready to leave. When introducing ROANOKE (703) 343-5900 bloom with unlcidiny beauty, fledglings fear nohfljm and 'If I give her the dollar it will be an opening BENJAMIN F. RIGNEY summer is always yolden. himself in Sunday School, however, Williams LYNCHBURG (804) 528-5900 to ask her out.' And asking anyone out did mentioned he had just graduated with a masters PRESIDENT not interest me until I could get settled in degree in business. JOURNAL-CHAMPION 7 ir-----Tti mh,Dj| SfYLE CHIEF USHER'IDEAL' POST George McGann Smooth Operator By BRENDA EASTERLING McGann believes that other than preaching George McGann is the "ideal" man for or teaching God's Word, ushering is the most his job at Thomas Road Baptist Church. important part of the ministry. "Everybody In fact, he could be described as an " idealist.'' should be looked at as something special when they walk through the church door. An usher In reality, he is a true idealist. should never take anyone for granted," he For example, he owns die Ideal Market. said. He operates his business with high ideals, To become an usher, McGann said a man ideals that support and endorse his convictions should meet certain qualifications which are that Christ is the center of his life, both per­ the same as those for the pastor. "He should sonal and professional. not use alcohol, or smoke cigarettes, or go to George McGann is die head usher and has Hollywood movies. He should live a separated pursued this volunteer job, often a thankless life and have the best attitude of anyone any­ one, with diligence and kindness. He does where," McGann said. more than seat die congregation. He does A cold shoulder from an usher, he said, more than seat guests. He does more than could cause a visitor to contribute his money call together all 37 ushers for periodic meetings. towards another ministry. He said from now He sees to it that everything operates through August each year TRBC has many efficiently throughout all services and all tourists. These tourists, he said, make up the "Ideal" Usher George McGann poses in front of his downtown store with his assistant—his mother, Mrs. Hilda McGann. events at Thomas Road. difference in attendence for members who are McGann has never missed a Sunday service vacationing and for LBC students who are at TRBC since his first visit there in January away for the summer. 1972. He has missed only one Wednesday Few out-of-the-ordinary occurances have service that he can remember. His store, the happened during the offetory since McGann Bob O'Gorman Heads Special Ministry Ideal Market, is located at 5th Street down­ began ushering. "Once in a while someone town and is never open on Sundays. drops a plate and you hear money rolling," For a long time the sale of alcohol in his said McGann, who also mentioned that the For 200 Retarded Children, Adults store disturbed McGann, but he continued security system of the church requires at to sell because of the revenue. least two men to stay with the offering. "I knew as a Christian the sale of alcohol class and a Sunbeam class for the little ones. But even now, plans are materializing for McGann was saved June 11,1972 at TRBC. By BOB HARRIS in my store was a poor testimony and that it His wife, Nancy had been saved as a young The workers greet them as they get off the the future. First of all, O'Gorman found him­ interfered with witnessing, said McGann. self hired by Thomas Road as a paid staff man. 1 girl at the old Park Avenue Baptist Church They wept. . . they wailed, all because they buses and head for their various rooms.'' 'I decided to get rid of it by Christmas 1974 when Dr. Falwell was her youth director. could not go to Sunday School. It might have The main Sunday School class, which con­ His title? "Special education pastor." at a time when it would be hardest on me "For years I've dreamed of being a pastor They had seldom been to church, however, been an unusual sight for children and adults sists of about 175 students each week, ministers financially so later I wouldn't have an excuse since their marriage in 1962, McGann said. to the mentally retarded and handicapped," to cry because a bus broke down. But these are to adolescents and adults. As these students to go back to selling it. This was during the In January of 1972, McGann was worried unusual people. Although their physical ages walk in the room, class begins with hymn he says. ' 'Now, thanks to the vision of Jerry inflation when people had to wait in long Falwell, it's finally happening." about a malignant mole his doctor had taken run from childhood to maturity, their minds singing and proceeds to prayer time, the lines to get their gas rationing." off the back of his ear. "The doctor was going have never matured. They bear the burdens lesson and then some refreshments. Because the Ideal Market is located in "one to have to go back into the same incision. of mental retardation. Though physically the students are of all of the heaviest drinking sections of Lynchburg," I was disturbed by this because in high school For several years now, residents of the ages, mentally they are still children. Con­ Secondly, O'Gorman last fall approached said McGann, the little 20-foot-by-50-foot I had been very athletic and never before had Lynchburg Training School and Hospital sequently, the ministry to "God's Special Dr. Russell Fitzgerald, chairman of the Division store had become one of the biggest movers any physical problems," said McGann who have looked forward each Sunday to attending People" falls under the Children's Ministries of Education at Liberty Baptist College, about of alcohol in town. In keeping with his testi­ graduated from Madison Heights High School Thomas Road Baptist Church. When some­ division at Thomas Road. possibly creating a major for students interested mony, McGann did not want to go through in 1958. thing unexpected happens, like a bus breaking The phenomenal growth of the mentally in teaching the retarded. "We've already another year of selling it. A week before the next doctor's appoint­ down, they cannot cope with disappointment. retarded classes in such a short time is par­ begun planning for a special education major,'' By Christmas Eve when the state alcoholic ment, the McGanns had not said anything Dr. Jerry Falwell, pastor, does what he can tially the result of O'Gorman's dedication, Fitzgerald told him. And until Liberty Baptist beverage control men came to pick up Mc- about going to church. "But when Sunday to keep things like that from happening, be­ according to Eldridge Dunn, Children's Min­ College hires qualified special education faculty, Gann's license to sell alcoholic beverages, morning came around, we went automatically," cause he wants this select group of people to istries director. ' 'Bob O'Gorman is so devoted it will send its student teachers to another there was not a drop of it left in the store. McGann said. come to church and hear the Gospel. These to these people. He'll spend many sleepless school, such as the University of Virginia, to This decision, however, has cost McGann After this, the McGanns went to every people are called "God's Special People," nights praying about them, and then visit get the certification they need to teach the roughly $12,000 a year in take home pay. service at Thomas Road. The malignancy and there is a special place for them at 701 them at the training school and preach to them retarded. Alcohol, he says, is a big item for grocery disappeared and, after six months of Dr. Thomas Road. tirelessly." stores because of its tremendous profit. Stores Falwell's preaching, McGann trusted Jesus Thomas Road has become one of the few In fact, O'Gorman and his team of church often depend on it to keep going, he said. to save him. churches in the nation with a dynamic minis­ and student volunteers spend much of the day Thirdly, Dr. Andrew Wood, director of McGann works 80 hours a week in his try to the country's mentally retarded citizens. every Saturday with the residents in their Shepherd's Home for the retarded in Wis­ store and, although he has had opportunities The McGann's children, Carlos, 13, and And the ministry is expanding. The church own wards at the training school and then consin, spoke recently before Thomas Road to make more money elsewhere, he has stayed Jane Ellen, 6, attend Lynchburg Christian ministers to about 200 "special people" return to hold a Tuesday night Bible study members and Liberty Baptist College students because he believes the Lord wants him to Academy. McGann's parents are George and every week. each week. to help get the ball rolling for such a home to minister to that neighborhood. Money, he Hilda McGann. His mother works for him Right now a weekly Bible study is taught Critics of the ministry have claimed that a be built right here in Lynchburg—on Liberty says, does not mean that much to him. because, as he says, "She'd rather work for at the training school. In the future, a Sunday retarded person cannot be saved because he Mountain. "I might make more money later on, but me than for someone else in public work. night worship service is planned. Liberty Bap­ cannot grasp any knowledge of Jesus Christ right now we're praying everything in. My tist College is developing a special education and very little about God. Because of mis, the tithe is the same as before I gave up selling McGann is not worried for tomorrow. "I major and the blueprint calls for a home for critics continue, the retarded will never reach booze even though I don't make as much don't need to know what tomorrow is; all I the mentally retarded on Liberty Mountain. any age of "accountability" and, therefore, When the home is built, it will serve three money and I even give more in special offerings need to know is God's will for right now," The special education division at Thomas don't have to be saved. purposes. First, it will be a place for parents and gifts," said McGann, who opened the he says. Road began in 1974. Sue Willmington, deaf all over the nation to send their retarded store August 15,1961. McGann is an usher's usher. interpreter on "The Old-Time Gospel Hour" children to get Christian training. Second, it television program, had a vision for reaching 'SPECIAL PEOPLE' will function as a laboratory for special educa­ mentally retarded people with the Gospel. tion majors at Liberty Baptist College to student At that time, virtually no church in Lynchburg teach. And third, once the student teachers get their degrees, the Liberty Mountain home Coffee—With Creasy had such a ministry, and even today the num­ Not true, according to O'Gorman, who backs his opinion with that of many experts will be a place of employment for them to put ber of churches in Virginia involved with the into practice what they've learned. retarded is small. in the field. Virtually all published writers Monday through Fridays 7 a.m. to 9 a.m. She visited Lynchburg Training School and who deal with the mentally retarded agree Hospital and established a rapport with the that they can understand scriptural truths. hospital's director, Dr. Raymond Nelson, and Learning is possible for the retarded, but Finally, O'Gorman envisions a ministry to employees. She sought permission to bring a it's a slow process. And it's slower for some the physically handicapped—the crippled, bus to pick up some of the residents and take than for others. Some are placed in institutions mute, blind and spastic—as well as the men­ them to church on Sunday mornings. like Lynchburg Training School and Hospital, tally retarded. That's included in the term WLGM Attendance on the buses grew week after but many who are not institutionalized end "special education," and the handicapped week. But in a few months' time, Mrs. Will­ up not only mentally handicapped but socially people O'Gorman has known at Thomas 1320 kc. mington realized she could not direct the handicapped as well. Road have come to love him as their "pastor" ministry. She and other workers began praying too. for a director-pastor for ' 'God's Special People'' O'Gorman believes many delinquent chil­ at Thomas Road. dren around Lynchburg have a social problem Lynchburg's Beautiful Music Station Dorman Landtroop, a Liberty Baptist brought on by the fact that they are slightly These "kids" of all ages love what they Seminary student, stepped in. Dorm had 10 retarded. He wants to reach them with the get at Thomas Road—so much that if you years' experience in counseling with the men­ Gospel as well as the training school residents. tell them they can't go to church, you hurt tally retarded in California. Under Landtroop's them—very deeply. Their tears prove it. direction, the ministry grew in just a few months to an average of more than 100 in Other complaints are that the retarded are weekly attendance. "crazy people" and shouldn't be in church; Two years ago, O'Gorman assumed leader­ or that they "smell bad" and will be offensive ship of the work. O'Gorman and his wife, to others, or that they make a commotion LIBERTY BAPTIST Faye, had worked with retarded children in a and disrupt services. home in Charlottesville before coming to Lynchburg. They were challenged by the work They're not mentally insane nor do they SEMINARY at Thomas Road. have mental illness," O'Gorman says. "Men­ Mrs. Willmington came to O'Gorman a tal illness and retardation are not the same year ago and asked if he could take some of thing. They can learn; that has been proven. Join us this fall! her deaf students that she was having trouble And, let's face it—everyone smells bad if he is teaching. He soon discovered why; they were not taught to take care of himself! Beginning new program emphasizing Christian Day School Administration retarded as well as deaf. This disheartened Helen Parziale, a Sunday But retarded people do disrupt normal School teacher who herself has been deaf since worship services, O'Gorman says. That's why First Semester Fall 1978 she was 10. She asked to teach the deaf and Falwell and O'Gorman have agreed the best Classes begin August 25 retarded people. Through words associated thing to do is have a separate worship service with pictures, she is gradually teaching them for "God's Special People." Falwell may be All applications should be submitted by Wednesday August 9. to read sign language. senior pastor, but O'Gorman is '' their pastor.'' The deaf class became the first separate class for the retarded to form at Thomas Dr. Robert Hughes, Dean At the moment, the retarded ministry at Liberty Baptist Seminary stresses the highest type of theological academic standards Road. "We pick up students of all ages with Liberty Baptist Seminary four buses every Sunday morning," O'Gorman Thomas Road has just about reached its P. O. Box 1111 within the framework of three types of orthodoxy: (1) orthodoxy of belief; (2) says. "Our ministry has become so diverse maximum numbers. There is no more room Lynchburg, Virginia 24505 orothodoxy of life; and (3) orthodoxy of service. that we now have four distinct Sunday Schools— to expand, and there won't be until the church Phone (804) 846 2781 the main class, a deaf ministry, a Primary-age comes up with more space. .

8 JOURNAL-CHAMPION Junior Highers Under Adams Provide The Light' Two years ago, under the Recently "The Light inspiration and motivation Company" presented their CLASSIFIED of Dave Adams, "The Light program to three Lynchburg Phone 528-4112acre., ExtOnl. y5 0 $38,500$ 1.0. 0 peAnr n5-lin eTW ad.O BEDROOM MOBILE Company" was conceived area schools with a booking Davidson (collect) 1-656-6700. HOME, partially carpeted, air Musical conditioned, good condition. and born. The Light Com­ for one more before school Instruments 37 BEDFORD COUNTY $3200. Call 237-5364 after 6:00 pany consists of a group of is out. They were enthusias­ 5 BR split foyer in mint Condi­ p.m. 75 junior high young people tically accepted and ap­ Used Selmer Clarinet, ex­ tion. 2 full baths, large den cellent condition. $75.00. Call with fpl. Electric heat and dedicated to reaching their preciated by students and 846-7428. world for Christ. faculty alike. They feel by central air, of course. All this Mobile Homes Miscellaneous and more on large lot. Only getting into the public $46,900. Call Andy Wern For Rent 78 The group's program schools with their program Service 49 239-5821 or 239-6918 for ap­ ONE BEDROOM, 10' wide blends music, puppets, magic they have taken a giant Typing classes for adults pointment. trailer completely furnished for $175 a month including and multi-media in a jam- step forward for future con­ and students of all ages. tact and influence with young Starts June 5-August 17. everything. Prefer couple, no packed package of truth and Classes for geginners or ad­ TANGLEWOOD HOME, pets or children. Available inspiration. Their ministry people. vance. For more information ranch style, 3 bedroom, 2 June 1. Call Mrs. Lavonia Har­ reaches to all types of people This summer the group call Scotty Lawrence at baths, foyer, formal dining bin 239-0071. and adapts to many different will travel to Virginia Beach 821-2713. room, walk out basement PRIVATE PIANO LESSONS with fireplace and roughed in situations. From maximum and Williamsburg for camp­ bath, wall to wall carpet, cen- security prisons to churches, ground meetings, to Ohio are being offered by Grace For rent: furnished, 1 Mllllgan for the summer at tral air conditioning, bedroom APARTMENT, all from school assemblies to to participate in a Christian the Family Music Centre. If In­ dishwasher, and self-cleaning utilities included. $200. per campgrounds, The Light Youth Camp and to Florida terested please call 237-6427. oven. $49,900 (firm) with 9% month. Call 239-1426. Company is concerned with for a 10 day evangelistic assumable loan. Call Jerry Notice to Lynchburg and Hawkins 237-1493. people. They have performed tour. Almost weekly they Dr. Falwell Presents $1,000 check to Dr. J. G. Henry surrounding area residents: Wanted to buy: Pick-up before large and small crowds perform throughout Thomas Ed Martin, Hope A Glow FOUR BEDROOM, 2 baths, alike in Ohio, Indiana and Road Baptist Church in Prison Ministries will accept living room, dining room, eat- truck shell, 6' x 6V2'. Call and pick up for resell any in kitchen, family room with 239-1987. extensively in Virginia. One some area of the ministry. wood stove. Close to TRBC, 4 of the puppet teams drawn Dr. Henry Honored At Dinner, usualbe items. Call 846-5575 Based on the verse in II or 845-6437. years old. $55,200 down and Miscellaneous from the group has per­ Corinthians 6:4 "The Light assume 7%% loan. Call formed on the nationally Help Wanted 50 239-7981. For Sale 100 Company" young people PAINTED PINE CORNER known "Old Time Gospel Praised For Six-Year Service Full or part time work are determined to let their THREE BEDROOM, 1 bath, HUTCH. $30 or best offer available. Call Tim Darnell eat-in kitchen, living room Hour". lights shine out for Jesus. Baptist pastor and has served Call 845-7293. The LBC Council of Aca­ out the help ot Dr. Henry after 8:00 P.M. at 847-0049. with fireplace, dining room, demic Affairs honored Dr. we would not have gone Baptist churches throughout family room. Brick, ranch Pets and Supplies ..112 J. G. "Jim" Henry, depart­ this far toward accreditation; his educational and profes­ Houses For Sale 58 style, bull basement, three ing Vice-President of his contribution to LBC is sional career. URGENTLY NEED HOMES quarter wooded lot. Mid 30's. Black Standard Poodle for sale, female, 10 weeks old. Academic Affairs for Liberty FOR SALE. West End, Fort Call 239-7977. unparalleled." Hill near TRBC. Buyers are Call 237-4869. Baptist College, recently at He pastored the Pleasant FORT HILL CAPE COD many but homes are few. Call SEALPOINT SIAMESE KIT­ a special dinner at the Shera­ In making the presenta­ View Baptist Church, Bed­ HOME, living room with Andy Weon 239-5821 or fireplace, dining room, kit­ TENS, for sale, $20 each. Call ton Inn, Lynchburg. tion, Dr. Falwell also ford County, while serving Sun & Shield Realty. chen, 2 bedrooms, den or 237-2758. Dr. Amos Wipf presented presented a check from The Liberty Baptist College. SHEFFIELD bedroom, 2 porches, walk-out Dr. Henry with a silver Old-Time Gospel Hour to Outstanding value—all one basement, utility room, shop, Camping service honoring the six Dr. Henry in the amount He leaves Lynchburg to one floor—3 BR, 2 baths, liv­ fenced concrete patio, Equipment 126 years of service to the in­ of $1,000. become pastor of Immanuel ing room with fpl., family garden spot, unfinished attic, room, utility room. This lovely many extras, near bus line, CAMPER SLEEPS SEVEN, stitution. Baptist Church in Newport brick colonial rancher sits on assumable loan, $31,900. Call many extras, mounted on V* Jerry Falwell said, "With­ Dr. Henry is an ordained News, a large church. over 1 acre of land with a 237-1206. ton Ford pick up with air con- great garden spot. Only ditioning, automatic $37,500. Call Granville BROOKVILLE VILLAGE transmission, power steering, Graham 237-0790 or 239-6918 AREA, 4 year old, 5 power brakes, low mileage. for a showing today. bedrooms, 3 baths, living Both are in excellent condi­ room, formal dining room, tion. 106 Springvale Drive. $25,500 eat-in kitchen with extras, Call 239-8257. Charming Fort Hill Cape Cod, spacious family room and What Makes Biblical Music? 2 large BR, 1V4 baths, full large stone fireplace. All brick basement. A perfect retire­ Automobiles split foyer, rail fence, large ment or starter home. Low For Sale 131 by Beethoven level lot, central air condition­ down payment possible. Call Some love Chopin but upon the heart bv God's to the glory of God. ing, patio and deck. In $50's. 1976 CHEVETTE 4-speed, does he have a place in a Spirit, and a heartfelt expres­ Andy Wern 239-5821 or AM/FM 8 track, low mileage. JOSEPH H. BIRDWELL DAVID E. DRYER A recent guest soloist 239-6918 for a showing today. Available in June. Call New Testament church? sion of gospel truthI , is far should be mentioned. Opera 237-2019. $2600. Call 846-7428. Others love "country and more important than the singer Joe Blanton, who NEW LISTING— 1974 DUSTER, P.S., P.B., western" and the same musical prestige brought by shared his musical SANDUSKY jlfcSuK new paint, new tires. Call Homiletics Award Shared question could be asked. talent and training alone. testimony several Sunday Assumable VA loan on 846-7428. What makes Biblical music: Among the many Mohawk Drive. Nice 3-5 BR 1971 CHEVELLE MALIBU evenings ago, had a well- ranch with apartment in base­ Rea% 9KC. scriptural words? high stan­ Thomas Road musicians trained voice and correctly 350, 4 door, air conditioning, ment. Fireplace in kitchen- 239< AM/FM 8 track, excellent The annual Homiletics Award from Liberty Baptist dards? professional skill? who regularly bless hearts presented himself, though dining area, plus another 6918 engine, gold with cloth seats, Seminary for 1978 was shared by David E. Dryer and A warm church at- with their Spirit-filled he was perhaps not as relax­ fireplace in living room. Good Mobile Home 59 $1100. Call 237-2436 after 5:00 location. _and price—only Joseph H. Birdwell, both first-year students at LBS. mpsphere is involved in ministry is Don Norman, ed and free as others. While MOBILE HOME for sale, p.m. or 237-5921, Ext. 34. soloist for The Old-Time $41,900. Call Elizabeth Nesbit Homiletics professor Austin B. Tucker said of both men, Teaching hearts, and gospel this hindered somewhat his 384-2663 or 239-6918. 1973 Kensington, 12' x50',2 '69 CORONA, 1900 cc, "They demonstrated considerable competence in the music is a part of that at­ Gospel Hour. Norman is a audience communication, bedrooms, total electric, A/C motor recently rebuilt, 4 door, mosphere. Thus, Thomas consistent Christian on and included, furnished or unfur­ automatic transmission, mastery of the basic skills of biblical exposition and showed his only recent entry into A MILLION DOLLAR nished. All ready set up in off the platform. His solo VIEW good buy. 239-8257 after 5 outstanding progress in improvement of their homiletical Road Baptist Church Gospel music circles makes nice park. Call 846-0650. p.m. Jon Rich. presentations contain power­ for a $38,500 price. In skills." For their efforts they each received a set of Bible features warm gospel music this understandable. His ful, heartfelt conviction Richland Hills, 3 BR, 1V2 reference encyclopedias. in all of its services, in­ new environment is far because God moves through baths, 1st floor, den and rec cluding the traditional mor­ removed from the opera room, 2 fireplaces, fenced-in his song selections. The ning worship service. In­ stage, and as Mr. Blanton back yard. Better Hurry! Patronize Our Advertisers words match his total stead of the preacher and gains experience in his new dedication to the Lord. If B&W & FOUNDRY people being tranquilized endeavor, his style will relax The Journal Champion expressses you want a special blessing, Perfect location In with classical music before and his communication will Davidson's Subdivision. 3 BR, thanks to advertisers and encourages the sermon, we endeavor to prepare your heart as Don TAKE A STAND NOW! Norman steps to the deepen. Welcome, Joe, and brick ranch, 2 baths, full base­ readers to patronize these businesses. arouse and inspire the heart ment, large living room with microphone—his singing is may God prosper your new Here are the cities that still have ordinances toward salvation, soul- fireplace, garage & carport,.6 always in the Spirit. ministry. favoring homosexuals. Such laws destroy the winning, and Christian liv­ civil rights of employers, school children and ing. Rather than making our Another standout group the community. priority the raising of with similar attributes is the Where are the Gideons? Where are the cultural standards, we use a Pantana Family. Their lively fundamentalist pastors that will champion simple meoldy with a clear selections do not simply the cause of righteousness? Who will clean message in reaching the move the foot, but touch the up these cities? hearts of the worshippers. heart as well. They keep the The battle is turning to our side but it has Our motto might be stated, rhythm in line with the not been won. If we keep quiet now, we are "We sing to get people sav­ message, so as not to detract surrendering. ed." from their communication to the audience. With all of FREE Let us mark these cities and win the battle The principal re­ the many performing groups one by one. Let's champion the cause of quirements for those who at our church, note the Pan- righteousness. sing for the Lord ought not only to be natural talent and tanas consistency of lifestyle, talent, training, and God's musical training, but also Cities With Homosexual Ordinances blessing. More than per­ Washington, D. C. the moving of the Spirit of CHECKING formers, they minister Ann Arbor, MI. God upon them! A moving San Francisco, CA. East Lansing, MI. Seattle, WA. Toronto, CAN. Ontario, CAN. It's not new to us! Berkeley, CA. Detroit, MI. Columbus, OH. Minneapolis, MN. Alfred, N.V. &Q >o<, Palo Alto, CA. METROPOLITAN BANK customers Ithaca, N.Y. Sunny Vale, CA. have always enjoyed Portland, OR. Mt. View, CA. • FREE CHECKING Cugertino, CA. Madison, WI • ALL DAY SERVICE Marshall, MN. Yellow Springs, OH. 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Austin, TX. Santa Barbara, CA. • SATURDAY HOURS Chapel Hill, N. C. Bloomington, IN. 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Urbana, IL. Ottawa, Ontario, CAN. Pulman, WA. Amherst, MA. Los Angeles, CA. Tucson, AZ. Windsor, Ont. CAN. Iowa City, IA. Champagne, IL. Aspen, CO. Join us now! Metropolitan Cities With Executive Orders Atlanta, GA. Boston, MA. New York, N.Y. 528-4245 QMKBQ$W

JOURNAL CHAMPION 9 LBC Alumni Totals 685 In Seven Years

There were only seven Master of pastor of the First Baptist Church of Liberty Baptist College has of women at LBC. Cliff Hartley, a while working on his Doctorate from Windham, N. Y.; Frank Demetrio Michael Paul Gass and Robert Roy Brooks, Louis Lakatos, Robert Divinity graduates in 1977. James Windom, Minn.; and T. P. Johnston graduated 68) students during the theology major, is now a pastor in Southwestern Baptist Theological Papandrea serves at Union County Gass are two brothers who graduated Gehman, John Houghton, Gary Cornelius Allen is pastor of the Tabb pastors the New River Valley Baptist last seven yean. Many of these Ironton, Ohio. Seminary in Fort Worth, Tex.; and Baptist Church in Clark, N. J.; and together with M.A. degrees in 1977 Byers. Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Hart- Street Presbyterian Church in man, and Bryson Wood. Church in Pulaski, Va. graduates are involved In full-time Sandra Taylor, a church workers Norman Lynn Hedding, an ordained Donald Wayne Reynolds ministers at and went to Medford. Ore., to start a Petersburg; Frederick Jackson Beyer Other alumni who are now pastors ministries in churches, schools, major, teaches in Portsmouth, Va. preacher, directs the Jolly 60's Calvary Baptist Church in Denton, church. Bob is pastor of the Harvest Waggoner is pastor of Ship- EIroy J. Newman, a pastor's major, Senior Citizens Outreach here at Md. Baptist Temple, and Mike is minister is the undershepherd at Community pensburg Independent Baptist are Randy Brooks at Northside Bap- • businesses, and other walks of life. Bible Church in Altoona, Penn.; is now assistant to the dean of Thomas Road Baptist Church. There were 11 Christian education of youth. Church in Newburg. Penn.: tist Church in Tallahassee. Fla.; Donald Jasper Ellison pastors the James R. Boling, a pastor's major, Thomas Road Bible Institute. Joe R. Peter Lewis Hilmar, also ordained, graduates in 1977. Eugene Samuel Other 1977 M.A. graduates are Gallagher is pastor of Marnatha Bap­ Lakatos at the Old-Time Gospel Maynard Baptist Church in Forsyth, is now a pastor in Greenwood, S. C. Williams, a Bible major, is a church teaches at the Hartford Christian Albert, Jr., has a tape ministry in George Edward Gary, now pastor of tist Church in Farmville. Va.; Hen Church in Youngstown, Ohio; Ga.; William Stan Howerton, pastor Michael Korpi, an English major, staff man in Euless, Tex. Academy at Farmington Avenue Hurst, Tex.; Patricia McDaniel The New Testament Baptist Church son has started thfe Lighthouse Bap­ Robert Gehman at the Baltimore of Community Bible Church in teaches film production at Liberty Lloyd C. Stahl, a pastor's major, Baptist Church in Hartford, Conn.; Bellosa is on the staff of the soul- in Indiana, Penn.; Patricia tist Church in Nashville. Tenn.; and County Baptist Church in Harper, Kan.; Gregory Miller Sprau, Baptist College. Jerry Boutry, a is a church youth pastor now in Harry Wayne Lewis also is working winning ministry at Thomas Road Greenhalgh. who teaches physical Antoine B. Alexis is director of the Reisterstown. Md.; Houghton at the who works in Lynchburg; Marvin pastor's major, serves as a college Mineral Wells, W. Va. Nancy Hol- on his Doaorate at Southwestern; Baptist Church; Stephen Bowman, education and coaches softball at Eglise Baptiste de la Providence of First Baptist Church of Clay. W. Va.; Earl Wood, pastor uf Harvest Baptist and youth director in a church in San linger Runnels, an elementary and John Grimsley Napier is work­ an ordained minister, pastors the Liberty Baptist College; Steve Ray­ Strategic Mission in St. Marc. Haiti. and Byers at the Federicktown Bap­ Church in Charleston Heights, S. C. Jose, Calif. education major, teaches at Tim- ing on a Doctorate from Dallas Ellsworth Baptist Temple in mond Vandergriff. minister of youth Whitaker pastors the Berean Bap­ tist Church in Fredericktown, Md. James Larry Pagan, a youth major, berlake Christian Academy. Ronald Theological Seminary. Ellsworth, Maine; Barbara Doane at First Christian Church in Other alumni include Kenneth M. tist Church in Charlottesville; Big­ Mr. and Mrs. Hartman have join­ is pastoring in Jacksonville, Fla. A. Thompson, a pastor's major, is And last but not least, three other Stewart is on the faculty of a Chris­ Holtville, Calif. (Don Crain's Waggoner, Robert Gallagher, Al gers leads the Southwest Baptist ed the faculty and staff of Greenwood Kathy L. Allen, an elementary now a pastor in Carrington, N. D. 1976 M.Div. graduates are all tian day school in Tallahassee, Fla.; church); and Larry Witt, pastor of Henson, Richard Whitaker. Ronald Church in Richmond: Larry Lusk Village Christian Schools in education major, is a cashier in Dale E. Wood, a religion and pas- pastors. David B. Overton leads the Ronald Edward Gatlin teaches at the People's Baptist Church in E. Biggers, Larry Lusk, Robert C. pastors the Hendrix Road Baptist , Tex.: and Wood is a Chris­ Manassas, Va. David S. Holden tor's major, is a pastor in Moraira, Mitchell Hollow Mission Church in Lynchburg Christian Academy. Buena Vista, Va. Elness, T. P. Johnson, Randy Church in Florence, Ala.; Elness is tian teacher in Kingston, Tenn. Jr., a history major, works with N. Y. Steve De Groft, a youth -, Life Action Ministries in Buchanan, major, is the area representative for Mich. Word of Life Bible Clubs in Ana­ Tom Diggs, a pastor's major, is heim, Calif. Daniel Bruce Barker, now director of admissions at LBC a pastor's major, is assistant pastor in Lynchburg. Melinda C. Brokaw, in Richmond Hill, Ontario, Canada. an elementary education major, David Merritt Rhodenhizer, a works as a mail reader for Thomas pastor's major, is pastor in Alex, Road in the Old-Time Gospel Hour Va. Walter James Webster, a pastor's Administration Building. Sally Sayger, major, is pastor in Raleigh, N. C. a missions major, works at the Suzan Meoak Bitner, a speech K Mart service desk in Dayton, education major, is a housewife in KING'S FIRST FOR SUPER VALUES Ohio. Appomattox, Va. James Thomas King, a theology Eugene Donald Bonebright, a reli­ major, now is a salesman in Vienna, gion major, is the manager of a retail Va. Margaret A. Glass, a social men's wear store in Santa "Maria, science major, is self-employed as Calif. John H. Hendershot Jr., a a social counselor in La Holcra, sacred music major, is a musician Calif. Gerald W. Hokstad, a church for the U. S. Army Band stationed ministries major, is a school bus in San Luis Obispo, Calif. driver in San Diego, Calif. David M. Simonson, a pastor's major, Grocery Values Nelson H. Keener, a religion and is a salesman in Gladstone, Ore., j youth major, is Dr. Jerry Falwell's while attending Western Conserva­ administrative assistant in Lynch­ tive Baptist Theological Seminary in RICHF00D CUT RICHF00D burg. T. P. Johnston Jr., a pastor's Portland. major, started a church in Pulaski, Arlyn Rechtzigel, a psychology Va., where he still serves as pastor. major, now is a student at Lynch­ GREEN APPLE Paulette Cope, a biology major, is a burg College. Linda Jellings, a substitute teacher at Lynchburg missions major, is a nursing aide in Christian Academy. Volga, Iowa. Gary L. Hornberger, a Ruth S. Tomczak, an English psychology major, is a teacher in major, is now managing editor of SAUCE Ashland, Penn. Marilyn Holt BEANS Faith Aflame magazine with the Payne, an elementary education major, Mb. CAN 15-01. CAN Thomas Road ministries. Lamar H. teaches in Colfax, N. C. Keener, a youth major, works as Emily Ann Wells, an elementary administrative assistant to Dr. A. education major, is a teacher and ii Pierre Guillermin, LBC president. coach at a school in Springfield, Barry L. Shettel, a religion and Tenn. Kathie C. Johnson, an ele­ FOR ^J^& "To Us-You're Special youth major, is a youth pastor in mentary education major, teaches Clearwater, Fla. with Bedford County Public Schools 98' Stephen D. Ameen, a pastor's in Virginia. major, serves as a clerk in Mt. Laurence W. Shaw, a music ed­ Airy, N. C. Debra K. Benoit, a ucation major, is a music teacher in Meat Values youth major, is now assistant dean Kingston, Mass. William Ricky SMOKED PORK CHOPS Whitmire, a pastor's major, is a HP* LEAN & TENDER BEEF church staff worker in Jonesboro, CENTER LIAN & ItNUtK beer C#%OQ 428 Complete Ga. Judy Alice Burggraf, a speech 39 major, now teaches in Franklin, RIB CUT Ohio. KABOBS*2 Seminar Dan P. Allen, a pastor's major, JESSE JONES I«GUIA«-AU MIAT. All Bill now is a theology student at a At TRBC-LBC seminary in Phillipsburg, N. J. 12oi. 09 Robert M. Steel, a biology major, $1 Some 428 pastors and is an engineering designer in Colum­ FRANKS PKG. laymen—double the registra­ bia, S. C. Allen Lynn Hartbarger, a PORK SPARE 3-5 lbs. ^ tion from 1977—attended youth major, works as a youth Q pastor in Waynesboro, Va. VALLEYDALE BACON $ 19 the fourth annual Thomas Alen Pieratt, a pastor's major, is Road Baptist Church and a theology student now at Dallas RIBS 1 Liberty Baptist College Theological Seminary in Garland, OSCAR MAYER jointly-sponsored Pastoral Tex. Deborah Harris, an elementary Counseling Institute held education major, teaches in Arling­ 12-oz. Braunsch- ton, Va. Scott H. Payne, A. Christian 8-oz. May 15-20. ministries major, is director of PKG. Dr. Ed Hindson, director ministries with Manna Crusaders, weiger TUBE 89' Inc., here in Lynchburg. of counseling at TRBC, said STAR'S MACARONI about half the registration Robert F. Sivenson, a Television- Radio-Film major, is a graduate 15-oz. figure were Baptist and half student and a draftsman at the were non-Baptists. They University of Maryland Mechanical SALADS ...CUP 39' were pastors and Christian Designers School in Hyattsville, Md. RINSO DETERGENT POTATO SALAD 49" workers who came to learn Carol J. Hummer teaches at Lynch­ burg Christian Academy; she was 49-oz. SMITHFIELD to be effective Christian an elementary education major. counselors in a church en­ Clark L. Stevens, a church min­ BOX vironment. istries major, is a graduate student BOLOGNA The three teachers during in Tekamah, Neb. And Omega Susan LIMIT 1 WITH $750 OR MORE PURCHASE the 40-hour training program Clayton, an elementary education EXCLUDING BONUS FEATURES major, teaches in Kingsport, Tenn. Mb. were Hindson, who con­ PKG centrated on the philosophy and methodology of Chris­ Seminary tian counseling; Dr. A. Pierre Guillermin, who lec­ Alumni BATHROOM TISSUE Frozen Food & Dairy tured on marriage; and Jay RICHFOOD Adams, who taught nouthe- Some 35 students have been 4 ROLL graduated from Liberty Baptist 1-PLY CHEFBOYARDEE PET tic counseling, a particular Seminary in the first four years of its PACKS Bible-oriented directed style. existence, and several more did not I Adams wrote the book graduate but came and went and LIMIT 2 WITH $7" OR MORE PURCHASE PIZZA Sherbet competent to Counsel and therefore joined the ranks of EXCLUDING BONUS FEATURES 4 ORANGE seminary alumni. VARIETIES UME made nouthetic counseling TRIPEE- The school began in 1973, offer­ 15 oi famous. TRUT ing a three-year Master of Divinity PKG. Among the celebrated degree for preachers and pastors and 78* 69° students of the institute was a two-year Master of Arts degree in GREAT GROCERY VALUES Ray Felton, director of Christian education. GRADE A' It might prove interesting to see counseling with the Radio what some of the seminary alumni RICHFOOD WHOLE KERNEL Bible Class. Some college are doing at this time. CONTADINA O O <: professors also were involved The first seminary graduating LARGE EGGS as students in the institute. class consisted of two students, John CORN The institute, offered Lynn Horner and Donald James Pendley, in 1975. They both receiv­ p once a summer, offers a DOZEN ed the M.A. in Christian education. 17-oi. c crash course in counseling. Horner since has been ordained to TOMATO SAUCE •..££ 88 the Gospel ministry and works as a CANS 55* An examination is given at 88 school administrator at Calvary Bap­ the end of the course. Tui­ tist Church in Marion, 111. Pendley HOLLYWOOD LIGHT OR DARK tion is $ 100 for the week. also was ordained and now is Pleasing Produce Part of the curriculum associate pastor at First Baptist includes case studies of Church in Spring Lake, Mich. DIET DRINKS ZS&W BREAD hypothetical counseling In 1976 four students received the FANCY WESTERN JUMBO 23 SIZE M.A. degree. Of them, Dr. Chep- NABISCO OREOS OR RITZ "T 0 £ situations, in which the panalil Thomas Abraham now is a registrants break up into church planter ministering to his LOAVES WEW %kW CANTALOUPES groups of 10 and create own people in Kerala State, India; CRACKERS £#9 Robert William Farnsworth is prin­ their own cases. Plus, they (25* OFF LABEL) 40-oz. BOT. _ _ , all get to see Hindson in cipal of a Christian day school in Ashland, Ky ; Leslie Woodrow DOUBLE action in a hypothetical Smith has been ordained and serves »69* counseling situation. as principal of Gateway Christian PINE-SOL CLEANER 99 S&H Jerry Falwell Ministries \cademy at Luster's Gate Baptist LUSCIOUS TREE RIPENED SOUTHERN Church in Blacksburg; and Donald LIBBY'S DEEP - _ _ . operates two counseling cen­ Banks Swanson is principal of Green­ GREEN ters which both serve as wood Village Christian Schools in BROWN BEANS * CANS 88* PEACHES extensions of his own Houston, Tex. STAMPS personal ministry. Under That year also saw the fust Master KICK, UPPER 10, UPTON'S TEA * LEMON TREE the church's wing, the coun­ of Divinity degree graduates. There 6 ON seling center is directed were 11 of them. John Beck Cart- 12-oz. lb. wright is pastor of Calvary Baptist CANNED DRINKS 99 TUESDAY 39 by Hindson, Wally Major Church in Sharon Hill, Penn.; Don CANS and Harold McNabb. The Lewis Crain is pastor of the First QUANTITY RIGHTS RESERVED college counseling center, Christian Church in Holtville, Calif.; located across the hall from and Gary Glendon Elmore pastors the Faith Bible Church in Theodore, the Thomas Road Bible Ala. Cartwright, Crain and Elmore Institute office, is headed have all been ordained. by Phil Stover and Bill James Lee Flanagan teaches part- Wheeler. time at Boulevard Baptist Schools 10 JOURNAL CHAMPION TRBC Alumni Active, Many Fulltime drew* pastors a church in Rocky : Literally scores of students hive pomattox, Va. Jim Haga is an Amherst, Va. Eldon Peterson is a University of Virginia extension in Mount, Va. SPORTS ^received either a Pastor's or • associate pastor in Hollywood, Fla. barber in Rustburg. Melody Pieratt Richmond. Edward A. Stewart is a John G. Qark) Andrews has a General Bible Diploma from Thomas Arthur Hage pastors the Hurricane recently gave birth to twin boys in Bible teacher in a Christian school in music ministry«\ TVramtt-Boad Bap Road Bible Institute since it wis Bible Church in Hurricane, W. Va. Garland, Tex. Lynchburg. Ralph Stinson is with tist Church. Charles O. Baldwin is founded. Robert Hall is a pastor in Maynard Plaster is a pastor in Hawaiian Island Missions. pastor of Crossroads Baptist Church Many Institute alumni are now in­ Fredericksburg, Va. Sandra F. Martinsville, Va. Melvin Prince Richard Stoey is involved with in Pensacola, Fla. Dehra D. Barden volved in full-time church work. The Hamm now is an LBC student. pastors in Emporia, Va. Steve C. Ray music evangelism in Chambersburg, has become Mrs. Joel Valenti, and following list shows what some of Samuel E. Hancock Jr., pastors the is a pastor in Kingsport, Tenn. Penn. Gary R. Taplcy is a pastor in the couple now live in Medina, Ohio. them are doing now. Anath Baptist Church in Chris- Vincennes, Ind. Wayne E. Taylor is rf *"•"•- Raymond D. Beatty is pastor in Jack and Betty Read went to Larry B. Alexander, after finishing tiansburg. Charles Hanna is an LBC a bus pastor in Covington, Va. Spooner, Wis. Valparaiso, Ind., where he is now his Institute work enrolled at Liberty student now. pastor. Don Rice is a missionary in William R. Trotter pastors the Baptist College, where he is now a Ray Berry leads the Virginia Beach Sam Hannah is co-pastor in England now. Manuel J. Rivera is a Ellery Baptist Church in Bemus freshman. Thomas J. Allen is a Freewill Baptist Church in Virginia Rochester, N. Y. W. Dan Harley student at LBC. Point, N. Y. Carlyle J. Turman is a i* ' pastor in Pratts, Va. Bobby R. An- Beach. Robert P. Bohachek is now a pastors the Lancaster Baptist Temple Max Robinson is employed by truck driver who lives in Madison freshman at LBC. Stanley Bond in Lancaster, Penn. Mike Harris is a WGOL-FM, Lynchburg. Russ and Heights. Ronald E. Umbergcr is a works as a security guard in Madison \ co-pastor in Bluffton, Ind. Doris Rohleder are Christian workers pastor in Lynchburg. Heights. ' jt TrsS t, b Robert D. Hart now is an LBC stu­ Wyatt T. Venable is a pastor in in Lynchburg. Keith O. Rosenberry William C. Bragg Sr., has become dent. John C. Haughton pastors the is an LBC student now. Pamplin, Va. Robert L. Vermillion is a bus pastor for a church in LBC ALUMNI People's Baptist Church in Newport Barbara J. Salisbury is a nursing an associate pastor in Danville. Thomasville, Ga. Arthur Brown is News. C. Tom Hauser is a pastor in superivsor in Binghamton, N. Y. Myron C. Wadsworth works as a associate pastor of the Open Door Rochester, N. Y. Ronald Sandling is a pastor in Fre­ missionary to New Zealand under Church in Chambersburg, Pa. Roger The Liberty Baptist College Divi­ Willie C. Heflin now is an LBC mont, Calif. Kenneth Saunders is a the Hawaiian Islands Missions VgP G. Brown pastors the Open Bible sion of Natural Science and Mathe­ student. Carlene Bondeson Heinlein church worker in Brockton, Mass. organization. Baptist Church in Columbus, Ohio. matics so far has graduated only a recently was married in New Mar­ Terry J. Sayer is an associate Judith Waggoner does church handful of students, each with a Paul C. Brunner has both a bus tinsville, W. Va. John and Carol pastor in Nashville, Mich. John work in Newburg, Penn. Billy major in biology. pastorate and a puppet ministry at his Heintz are involved in the ministries Schaub is a contractor in Lynchburg. Walker is a pastor in Lynchburg. C. Of the 1977 graduates, Becky church in Wilson, N. C. John J. at Thomas Road Baptist Church. Martin C. Schulze owns a used car Adrian Ward is a church worker in Freeman now teaches at a Christian Burns is a student at Biola College, Larry D. Henderson is pastor of dealership in Winchester. Evington, Va. living in Pomona, Calif. Reed H. day school in South Carolina, Buzz Gospel Baptist Church in Madison Frank Seimears is a pastor of the Donald R. Ward is pastor of the Callahan has become a traveling Offenbacker has joined the staff of Heights. Robert C. Hintz is an LBC First Baptist Church in Peabody, Open Door Baptist Church in Clin evangelist based in Elk Park, N. C. Youth Aflame at Thomas Road student. Lonnie A. Hodge is in a Kan. Arthur I. Shannon pastors the ton, Tenn. John Weaver serves as an Baptist, and James Hale teaches at Charlie Campbell is pastor of a training camp sponsored by New Liberty Baptist Church in associate pastor in East Petersburg, a day school with the Southside church in Amherst, Va. Melvin H. Tribes Missions in Rochester, Penn. Gloucester, Va. Walter E. Singletary Pa. John R. Wells is now an LBC stu­ Baptist Church in Danville-, Va. Campbell is pastor of Jordan Baptist George Hogan is an LBC student. is a pastor in Lynchburg. dent. Church in Lynchburg. Marcey Carey 1 ^ H. T. Holloway is an optometrist in Paul W. Smith now is an LBC stu­ Bernard W. White is a Christian is a student at Hesston College in Richmond. Gary J. Huether is an dent. William T. Snyder pastors the worker in Lynchburg. Rick Wilhelm Harvey Klamm presents tropheys to athletes. Hesston, Kan. Gaylor Carter is doing associate pastor in Charleston, W. Lyona Community Church in Guy has a music ministry while attending t missionary deputation work in Va. Don Humphrey is an LBC stu­ Mills, Penn. David Sisson is a pastor, LBC. E. Jackie Young has become a Australia. dent. in Woodbridge, Va. new bride here in Lynchburg. James Bradley Carver is a pastor in Mar­ Ben Isley serves as a co-pastor in Gary F. Stacey is associate pastor D. Young is music minister of the shall, Minn. Danny O. Chamberland Reidsville, N. C. Charles Jackson is a in Vincennes, Ind. Herbert A. Stapf Valley Southern Baptist Church in leads the Tabernacle Baptist Church church worker in Amherst. Jenepher is a professional chef with the Mesa.'Az. LCA Honors 158 in Topsham, Maine. Franklin Chap­ Jackson attends the Institute of Liv­ man is a construction worker in ing in Hartford, Conn. the sponsors Award and Alum Creek, W. Va. Jerry Jarvis has elected to con­ Lynchburg Christian Aca­ Liberty Baptist College acter and coaches who don't Paola Christensen is a teacher's demy this season has 210 baseball coach Al Worthing- Diane Dungan for tinue his education at LBC. Robert "cuss." He said a Christian aid in a Christian school in M. Jarvis is both a barber and a wins, 69 losses and one tie. ton, in his address to the athlete should not have to Cheerleader of the Year. Willisboro, Penn. Jeffrey Clark LBC student. Randy Jenkins also at­ In honor of athletes and group, said the outstanding put up with a poor testimony pastors the Victory Baptist Church tends LBC now. coaches, LCA held its annual aspect of LCA sports is from his coach. Junior High Cheerleading in Monmouth, Maine. Kyle Curtiss Johnson is pastor of the Clements is a design draftsman here SlUC Community Bible Church in Colum­ sports awards banquet Tues­ spiritual communication Dr. Jerry Falwell, after Coach Mrs. Julie Edgar chose in Lynchburg. Lisa Guillerman for the bia City, Ind. Kenneth L. Johnson is day, May 23 at Eagle Eyrie. which exists between athlete awards were presented, Homer Cole pastors the Open Bi­ a church worker in Madison and coach. said LCA is becoming a type Sponsors Award. ble Baptist Church in Pleasant Heights. George Kifer is a Christian f\ owl A total of 292 awards Worthington also gave of "farm" where LBC and Garden, S. C. David G. Cook is a worker in Lynchburg. went to 158 students, many pastor in East Leroy, Mich. Rebecca Daniel Laterza pastors a church in his testimony and cited a other colleges can come to Junior High Boys Basket­ J. Cooke works as a free lance por­ of whom played more than need for more Christian find good athletes. Honeybrook, Penn. Ronald Laughlin ball coach John Frasure gave trait artist in Lynchburg. is an LBC student. SUM one sport. coaches, coaches with char- the Coaches Award to Tony William O. Cox is pastor of Donald H. Lenherr directs the Norman and Junior Varsity Jacksonville Baptist Church in Rockton Christian Academy in Awards were as follows: Jacksonville, N. C. Andrew V. Cran- fteotty, 9KC. Basketball coach Harvey Chambersburg, Penn. Charles Lewis dall is pastor of Grafton Baptist Tem­ is pastor of Lighthouse Bible Church LCA Sponsors Summer Klamm chose Brian Over­ ple in Grafton, N. Y. David Cyphert in Hillsdale, Mich. Charles Loveday Most Valuable Player cast for the Coaches Award. has a music ministry in Greensburg, (MVP) in girls' Junior Var­ is a pastor in Pigeon Forge, Tenn. Mike Hawkins received the Penn. Clark Mahoney pastors in Waco, 3 Program For Basketball sity volleyball, coached by MVP Award. Jimmy E. Davis is pastor of Bel­ Texas, John Magas is a LBC stu­ Selling? Miss Karen Leslie, went to mont Baptist Church in Chris- dent, as is Frank R. Mancini. tiansburg, Va., while Roland Davis Thomas R. Mariner has started a Laura Taylor and the leads the Faith Baptist Church in Coaches Award went to Varsity Boys Basketball new church in Philadelphia, Penn. Lynchburg Christian Box 1111, Lynchburg, Va. Medina, N. Y. James L. Denny is a Keith Marlett is among the 1978 Think Sun & Shield Academy is sponsoring its 24505. Elizabeth McAllister. was coached by Len Moisan. church worker in Rougemont, N. C. graduates of LBC. Bill and Madra first annual summer basket­ Parents must include on a In Varsity Volleyball, Most Valuable Player went Lonnie Dickerson serves as a Messick are church workers in Agle, Realty! If you are coached by Miss Pattie Rizzo, to Maxey Wilkerson who pastor in Durham, N. C. Linwood Texas. ball camp July 10 through sheet of paper or a 3 x 5 card Doane is pastor of Faith Bible thinking of selling MVP went to Leslie Miller. also won the VTP All-League. Normand Michaud is a church o 21, culminating in a final the camper's name, address, Church in Portland, Ind. Raymond worker in Auburn, Me. Tom Miller tournament and awards day phone number, age and Vicki McAllister won best Best Offensive went to Maxey A. Dobyns Jr., is a Bible teacher in your home call on Wilkerson and Best Defen­ pastors the Faith Baptist Church in Saturday, July 22. The grade in school. If the offensive and Cindy. J3ell Lynchburg. Mission, Texas. Terry Moffitt is in­ us to come by. We camp will run two hours a camper is not an LCA stu­ won best defensive. Shirley sive went to Mark Brooks Richard A. Doherty works with volved in evangelism and personal Bornemier received the who also won the Coaches Wycliffe Bible Translators while liv­ counseling in Williamsport, Md. will measure your day, Monday through Fri­ dent, the name of the school ing in Lynchburg.. Everett Dougher­ Coaches Award. Award. Mike Montgomery is pastor of the day. Grades four through he attends must also be in­ ty is a staff person for Baptist Interna­ Greenmountain Baptist Church in home, evaluate the eight will meet from 8:15 to cluded. Junior Varsity Football tional Missions Inc., headquartered Woodlawn, Va. Jerry Morgan is 10:15 and grades nine to 12 Camp activities will in­ coach Victor McAllister and in Chattanooga, Term. Gilbert L. co-pastor of Calvary Bible Church in price and give you Varsity Girls Basketball Douglas works on the staff of will meet from 10:30 to clude individual instruction assistant Ken Hankins chose Ludington, Mich. Elizabeth Ann coach Miss Rizzo chose Thomas Road Baptist Church. Morris is a nursing assistant here in at no charge a 12:30. on specific skills and con­ Tim Garnett for the Coaches Linda Kennon for the Coach­ Wallace J. Dykes has a visitation Lynchburg. cepts for the Christian Award and Barry Luff as and prison ministry in Eddystone, computerized Registration will be held es Award. Leslie Miller Victor W. Morton is doing deputa­ athlete, such as team play, MVP. Penn. Patsy Eilers recently has given tion missionary work in England. E. Saturday, June 17, from received the MVP and Best closing statement 9:00 a.m. until 12:00 out­ shooting, dribbling, ball Varsity Football Coach birth to her first child, a girl, while Eileen Mulliniz plans to do the same Offensive awards. Cindy living in Lynchburg as a housewife. thing, but to Mormons. Karen L. to show how much side the Academy handling, and offensive and Harry Betts and assistants Charles Elders drives bus for Thomas Ben Huffine and Doug Ter- Lawrence was Best Defensive. Mulloy has become a new bride; she gymnasium. The cost for defensive moves. Also, there Road Baptist Church. lives in Lynchburg. you will have after rill chose Scott Peterson for camp is $30 plus a $5 will be demonstrations and Irene Enery works on the staff of Michael D. McCafferty is on staff the sale. registration fee. Those who individual help from coaches the Coaches Award. Virginia In golf, coach Glen Schultz the Liberty Home Bible Institute. at Thomas Road Baptist Church. Independent Conference Jodie Emery is on the TV team of the Franklin D. McQellan has a prison pre-register, however, pay a and Liberty Baptist College chose Doug McHaney for Old-Time Gospel Hour. Charles All-League winners were the Coaches Award. MVP ministry in Richmond. Jon McCraw total of $32.50. basketball players. Fields is a missionary on field in San attends and works at the University In addition to team play Randy Davis and B. B. went to Joel Gentry who Jose, Costa Rica in Central America. of Virginia in Charlottesville. Bonell. Best Offensive player George T. Flanagan now is a Pre-registration may be and competition, every also won the VIP All-League. R. Wayne McCraw is an LBC stu­ was Randy Davis and Best seminary student in Marion, 111. accomplished by sending a camper will have his own dent. Charles L. McNama works Defensive player was Colin George H. Flanagan pastors the with Hope Aglow Prison Ministries The Sun & Shield check or money order made camp T-shirt. Camp will Calvary Baptist Church in Marion, McAllister. Tennis coach John Frasure in Lynchburg. Erasmus J. Nahaleas payable to LCA to: Mr. culminate in a special round 111. (These men have the same ad­ a church worker in Waipahu, Ha. "Sunburst" in Junior Varsity Soccer chose Andy Greer for the dress and just about the same name.) robin tournament and Paul T. Nash is an independent Leonard Moisan, LCA Sum­ Coaches Award. MVP Herbert T. Ford Jr., is an indepen­ your yard is "The coach Bill Wheeler chose businessman in Spout Springs, Va. mer Basketball Camp, P. O. awards on parent day. dent Christian worker in Howman, Greg Booth for the Coaches went to Bill Scott who also Joseph F. Nemeth pastors the In­ La. Sign" of Success won the VIP All-League in terstate Baptist Church in North Award and Mike Bell for Fred R. Fuchs is a church worker MVP. tennis. Royalton, Ohio. Elroy Newman is in Belvidere, N. J. Bernard Geisel is assistant to the dean of Thomas Road Bonheims Conduct 16th Varsity Soccer Coach Outstanding Pitcher in associate pastor in Jenison, Mich. girl's softball, coached by Bible Institute. Harvey Klamm chose Scott Nancy Gilliland works in the Sunday Norman Nielson is co-pastor in Hawaii Tour During Summer Bonheim as MVP and Jerry Miss Rizzo, went to Laura School department and Youth Brockton, Mass. Bob Norris is pastor Ministry at her church in Prospect, Watson for the Coaches Taylor. MVP and Best in Wevertown, N. Y. William Liberty Baptist College Tenn. Webster family and Mr. and Award. Best Offensive Offensive went to Vicky O'Neil is pastor of Butler Hill Baptist athletic department coaches Norman L. Graham is a "textile Church in Knoxville, Penn. Mrs. Phil Kull and their son. player award went to Kevin McAllister. Best Defensive worker in Danville, Va. Lewis Grif- Bob and Brenda Bonheim are Roger O'Neil is an independent The program, which Hamlet and Best Defensive went to Leslie Miller and feth is assistant pastor of Clinton involved in their sixteenth businessman in Rustburg, Va. started in 1958 under the went to Rodney Kane. VIC Melany Corwin received the Baptist Church in Clinton, Maine. Douglas Olson is an LBC student. ^ Reoefaj. 9w. summer directing a mis­ Robert C. Griffith works with the direction of Hawaiian Islands All League winners were Coaches Award. Fred D. Parziale is an'''evangelist to sionary program on the Lancaster Baptist Temple in East the deaf here in Lynchburg. 239-6918 Mission (HIM) founder Ed­ Scott Bonheim, Kevin Ham­ Boy's Baseball coach Petersburg, Penn. Hawaiian island of Maui. George D. Peters is associate ward Todd, has trained more let and Rodney Kane. Harvey Klamm and assistant David S. Grove is a pastor in Ap­ Accompanying them are pastor of Bethel Baptist Church in than 300 young people for Cheerleading Coach Miss Jimmie Glass chose Dike college students from United foreign and home missions. Bev Buffington chose Rhonda Shellman as Most Outstand­ States and Canada. In addi­ Its emphasis, however, is Corwin Cheerleader of the ing Pitcher, Barry Clarkson When in Lynchburg be sure to visit tion to prayer support, the on getting children and Year and Debbie Harvey for as Best Offensive and Rodney summer missionary trainees youth into churchc/lated ac­ the Sponsors Award in Kane as Best Defensive. must raise $500 to $700 tivities. Good News Clubs Varsity I Cheerleading. MVP in baseball went to per person to meet expenses. are organized each summer Varsity II Cheerleader of Barry Clarkson and Phil Included in the group go­ by missionary workers to the Year went to Sheila Kinley received the Coaches ing to Maui from Thomas teach the Bible to children in Delappe and the Sponsors Award. family mmi Road Baptist Church are the various villages, to enlist Award went to Jana Brewer. VIC All-League winners Georgina Holliday, Gary them for July camp and to in baseball were Barry Clark­ Avila, Jim Sample (whose encourage their involvement Junior Varsity Cheer­ son, David Pack, Rodney an unusual family store with three departments home is there), the Barry in the local church. leading coach Miss Jeanne Kane, Phil Kinley and Dike King chose Kris Schock for Shellman.

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-* rI OWEN & BARKER Among Central Virginia's oldest and best-known farm supply houses Under new ownership

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I Feed—Salt Brokers—Farm Supplies I 1314 Jefferson Street Lynchburg, Virginia 24505 Red Rose Tel. (804)846-0313 Open 8 a.m.-5 p.m. weekdays ANIMAL FEEDS i 'J 12 JOURNAL CHAMPION TRI-CITY BAPTIST 'CAPTURES' DURHAM Lamarr Mooneyham's Church-Planting Booming New Construction LBC Grad Trusts God, Scheduled By September Growth-Rate Rapid - Jerry Falwell has a vision that 5,000 grad­ :• V On the Saturday before the first service, uates of Liberty Baptist College will each begin nine young preachers from Liberty Baptist a super-aggressive church. 1 College made tfieir way to Durham to distribute Dr. Falwell wants each graduate to capture - - \wBtm ,. . & handbills concerning the first service. On that his town for Christ. day 3,000 homes were visited and a prayer The Tri-City Baptist Temple, Durham, ••""i meeting was conducted late that evening. N. C, is well on the way to fulfilling that ,u, ' ' ''''jttlK, "iY-*- Mil -nM>a^^_— ii i " "I knew of only four people who would be dream. % Rev. Lamarr Mooneyham, pastor, adds, "I there for die first Sunday," said the young learned a spirit of church-planting at Thomas preacher, "another couple, Debbie and my­ Road Baptist Church that is more than inde­ self." pendent and Baptist. I became a dependent mm Baptist.'' By this, Mooneyham means he Eighty-nine people showed up that first learned to trust God for every need in starting % ' Sunday and the offering went over $600. a church. Sixty-two people came back that night. From The Tri-City Baptist Temple was born in the beginning, there was a pianist, an organist the heart of Lamarr Mooneyham almost 10 and special music. Because of the spiritual years before its first service was held. Eighteen- maturity of those first people who associated A friend invited Mooneyham to visit the year-old Mooneyham attended the First As­ Lamarr prayed about going to Burlington, After being in Durham a month, Lamarr with the new church, some confessed, "The newly-formed Liberty Baptist College. "You've sociate Reformed Presbyterian Church of N. C, but Dr. Don Carter had built the Baptist was frustrated because he could not find a church gave the appearance of being mature, got to see this college,'' his friend insisted. Burlington, N. C, where he heard Grant Temple there. A friend asked, "Where are you building. He confessed that he fussed at God, when it was in fact, a baby." Lamarr's first experience at LBC was sitting Johnson preach the gospel. According to starting a church?" He didn't know. The noting that some Pentecostal group had a The church never dropped lower than 38 in a Sunday School room, listening to Rev. Lamarr, "He gave an invitation that I under­ friend handed him a manila envelope sayjng, big sign downtown, "Miracle Crusade Now in attendance and never received a penny of J. O. Grooms teaching Personal Evangelism. stood." The pastor did not just say, "Come "Look diis over!" It was information about in Progress." Mooneyham wondered that if outside money. It has been self-supporting Lamarr confessed, "Grooms had 'em shout­ on down.'' The pastor told how Christ would Durham, N. C. The friend had thought about they got a building, why couldn't he get one? from die first day. The church was officially ing." Before he left Lynchburg, he signed a save and how people should respond. Both going there, but changed his mind. Lamarr He investigated and found the building was organized on Dec. 19, with 61 charter mem­ lease on an apartment and was ready to come available. Lamarr and Debbie Mooneyham received drove to Durham, picked up a phone book and bers. The balance sheet issued by die CPA Christ that morning. to college. But he still owned a house in counted 72 Baptist churches. Burlington, N. C, and had a job. showed $76,000 income for die first year. The following Tuesday, Pastor Johnson When they ran the advertisement, they On die first anniversary of die church, die took Lamarr soul-winning and announced, "Honey, they already have enough Baptist included "Not connected or affiliated in any Durham Civic Center was rented and diere "Lamarr, tell these people what happened The house did not sell until the moment churches," said Debbie. way with religious groups formerly occupying were 682 for die Sunday evening service when to you Sunday.'' he was ready to leave for Lynchburg. He ob­ this location." Lamarr stated, "I wanted to Dr. Jerry Falwell was diere. They fed over The following night in prayer meeting, served, "God wanted to see if I was serious." "Not one like we're going to build," he be kind, but we had to create a positive image.'' 600 at dinner diat day. again Pastor Johnson put him on the spot by He bought the home for $14,000 and sold replied. The fact diat Jerry Falwell would come to saying, "Lamarr, tell these people what Christ it for $20,000. The money helped get him Lamarr made three trips to Durham and he a small church showed the people of the city did for you on visitation.'' through school. He said, "I became a Baptist confessed each time the burden got heavier. When he got the auditorium, it was dirty, diat die church was serious and there to stay. Within a year, Lamarr was giving his testi­ the moment I was baptized at Thomas Road He sold his color TV and bought a mimeo­ filled with roaches and other varmints. While From die very beginning, die church retained mony in youth meetings and Wednesday Baptist Church." graph to run off flyers to mail to Durham cleaning up the mess for his first Sunday, a CPA, paid its bills and was concerned about prayer meetings. "As I look' back, it was not about the new church. Bud Fisher, graphic Mooneyham received an inquiry from a church financial integrity. Mooneyham noted, "We a testimony because I preached three points When he first entered LBC, Monneyham artist at Thomas Road Baptist Church, drew keep a 45-day surplus in a checking account." and gave an invitation." He confessed that wanted to be an evangelist. He preached every­ in Pennsylvania that wanted him as a pastor, a logo and helped with die name. Jerry Fal­ $17,000 a year beginning salary. Three mondis after die church began, die he did not know he was being called to preach. where—hospitals, chapels and in churches. well did a special mailing to friends in Durham. young congregation began a foreign missions For two years, Mooneyham remained in After he graduated, the meetings quit coming. program and gave $10,000 in its first year to the insurance business and built a house to He could not understand what was happening. missions, 20 per cent of its budget. settle down in. The company wanted him to The young couple attended the gigantic Bi­ A Unique Ministry "That was a temptation," he smiled. Yet The strengdi of diis young church is that get more involved in attending parties and centennial celebration on Liberty Mountain, he knew God had called him to Durham. Five over half of its attendance is adult and the entertaining customers, which involved drink­ July 4, 1976. Mooneyham said, "I was un­ Tri-City Baptist Temple is a unique ministry. days later the building was cleaned up and offering runs over $2,200 a week. Adults ing. happy because I didn't know where I was I know of few churches that have experienced ready for its first service, Aug. 24,1976. come because they place equal emphasis on Lamarr began investigating another Bible going. Jerry gave his testimony diat afternoon such fruitful growth and expansion in such a soul-winning and Bible study. "We do every­ college. He confessed, "I prayed all weekend telling that he didn't know at first what God short period of time. This ministry is more, thing first class," says Mooneyham. while Debbie was gone to visit her sister." was going to do here in Lynchburg. however, than dollars and statistics. The Tri- The fact the church has grown is testimony The church owns eight acres on 501 Soudi, Finally, he realized God was calling him to City Baptist Temple is people, lots of people of the power of the gospel. In a day when called die Boulevard Expressway, where 28,000 preach and he surrendered. Lamarr go't in his "If God can do it for Jerry Falwell, He can with personalities and needs as different as the churches are not prospering in a downtown cars a day pass by. They plan to begin con­ car and drove to Cape Hatteras, almost the do it for me," reasoned Lamarr. "When the people themselves. The success and prosperity area, Tri-City grows in spite of its geographic struction diere in September 1978. They only length of North Carolina, to tell Debbie that fireworks went off in the sky that night, God that has been enjoyed thus far can be attributed location. Also, solid families from the outlying owe $15,000 on die ground and hope to pay he was going to be a preacher. was doing the same work in my heart." He to our fine people. suburbs are coming downtown, another indica­ it off in July, dien occupy die new building ' 'That's fine,'' she consented. knew he was going to start a church. -LAMARR MOONEYHAM, Pastor tion of God's blessing on the church. before 1979.


•BBS *T»W»I*1 \limXfy.. B9KiB •• I \ Jy," is *w 4l * « i • » 'j - m, •*

Congregation of growing Durham church sing praises for God's blessings. Jammed auditorium is evidence of growth during first anniversary celebra­ Lamarr Mooneyham Believed God tion. would bless his work.

View of downtown Durham church building where Mr. Mooneyham started Dr. Falwell was featured speaker for the anniversary program with over 600 planting. Don Norman Advertisement