The White House High Street Southwick PO17 6EB Tel:02392377568

Dear Friends During this season of Lent the churches of Southwick and Boarhunt organize lunches every Friday in the D-Day Memorial Hall. The reason is twofold, one, so that members of the congregation and the village can meet socially, and two, raise money for the Bishop of Portsmouth’s Lent Appeal. This year, our new bishop has chosen as his two charities: Age Concern (which has recently amalgamated with Help the Aged to become Age UK), and Stop the Traffik. This charity has nothing to do with traffic congestion but with the global trafficking of people. We may be familiar with Age UK and its concern for older people. Their charter includes the vision, that older people will be equal citizens with equal rights, have enough money for a secure and decent life, have access to the healthcare and social care they need, have the opportunity to live healthier longer lives and to enjoy a sense of well-being, live in homes and neighbourhoods that are safe and comfortable and which enable them to lead fulfilling lives. But we may not know anything about Stop the Traffik. It was set up in 2005 as a two year campaign, to mark the bicentenary of the abolition of transatlantic slavery. It also aimed to hand a million signatures to the United Nations, they exceeded this goal and the organization became so popular that they became an independent charity and its Chairman was appointed UN Special Advisor on Community Action Against Trafficking. Their aims are: to prevent the sale of people, protect the trafficked and prosecute the traffickers. It all started in Mumbai, India when an English teacher was working in a day centre for vulnerable children. He noticed, after a while, that some children stopped attending, when he asked how they were he was met with silence and when he made further enquiries he started receiving threats. He persevered and discovered that they had been sold, ‘to a nice man’ for $20. The children have never been since. It is thought that they are sold into forced labour, the sex trade or adoption. As nothing seemed to be done about this, and the teacher was so deeply moved by what had happened, he decided to do all that he could to prevent it happening to others. Stop the Traffik is now an international organisation

1 that lobbies governments and international companies on the trafficking and exploitation of people. Finally one statistic for you, more than one person is trafficked across borders every minute and is a trade that earns twice as much worldwide revenue as Coca Cola. Most of the Christian religions and other faiths are supporters of both charities and it is interesting to note that the Salvation Army is a strong supporter world wide of Stop the Traffik. So I am grateful to the Bishop for choosing the above charities and for drawing them to our attention and I am pleased that our two churches will be supporting them in our own small way.

Best wishes Bob Green

Sunday Services

Southwick Boarhunt

0830 Holy Communion 0930 Parish Eucharist. 1045 Parish Eucharist (The above, 1st, 3rd, and 5th only)

1000 Holy Communion, first Thursday in the month only, at Southwick

1830 Sunday Service at Methodist Chapel Trampers Lane

Parish Register


27th January Charles McLagan Portchester

17th March John Waters Portchester

Memorial Service

28th January Charles McLagan Southwick Church


Special Events

21st April Maundy Thursday Service Southwick Church 22nd April Good Friday Service Southwick Church

24th April Easter Day 0830 Holy Communion Southwick Church 0930 Parish Eucharist Boarhunt Church 1045 Parish Eucharist Southwick Church

For more information on services and events, please contact our Website at and

I am delighted with the response to our websites and can tell that many people are visiting it by the number of hits that they are receiving, some as far away as Australia and New Zealand.

Southwick and Parish Council Clerk: Eddie Mason 19 Okemont Close, West End, Southampton SO18 3PP Telephone: 023 8046 3228 email: [email protected]

A public meeting was held on the 25th February to discuss the future of the Children’s Playing Field. The attendance at the meeting was disappointing but those who had attended agreed to form a working party with delegated responsibility to look at options for the playing field and play area and prepare a plan for the future, including how the proposals will be financed. The only constraint on their terms of reference was that the proposals could not include the football pitch.

Once the working party has completed its report, it will be put before another Public meeting where the members of the public will be asked to give a mandate to the Council to undertake the proposals and finance the projects.


At its last meeting the Parish Council had informed Southwick Park that several of its lamps were not working. The Reverend Bernard Clarke representing Southwick Park was now able to report that all the lamps had been repaired although the time switches on some of the lamps may need to be reset.

With regard to community safety Councillor John Cooper said that there had been a purge on fly-tipping which had resulted in one prosecution; although this resulted in a disappointing fine of only £100.00. Councillor Watson said that he would write to the Leader of City Council requesting that he complains to the Chair of the Justices about the leniency of the fine. Councillor Cooper said that it is the intention of Winchester City Council to deploy surveillance over the Easter Holiday period to keep up the pressure on fly-tippers.

Councillor Cooper said that there had been a spate of oil thefts and that the Police had provided stickers to put onto domestic oil tanks saying that the oil contained within the tank had been treated with an identification colouring.

Councillor Erica Verity said that it is not clear for dog walkers as to when they should keep their dogs on a lead when being exercised. She said that she would produce definitive notices showing where dogs should be kept on leads and where they can be let off their leads. When produced these notices will be put up on the notice boards.

Reverend Bernard Clerk asked that dog walkers respect Southwick Park Golf Club and clear up after their pets when walking on the course.

All the grit bins have all now been delivered from County Council and these will be re-sited into their permanent position in the near future.

Councillor Cooper urged the community to report immediately to the police any raves or motor bike scrambling being held on Portsdown Hill.


BOARHUNT PARISH COUNCIL UPDATE Contact details: Clerk: Elizabeth Billingham 01489 891321 c/o 7 Chapel Road, , Hants SO32 2QA email: [email protected]

As many of you know the Parish Council have been considering the future of the existing village hall after it was decided to concentrate of refurbishment rather than pursue building a new hall.

At the February meeting of the Parish Council it was agreed to lease the hall to the BOARHUNT MEMORIAL HALL PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE. As a charity the Trustees will be able to attract funding from a number of avenues which would not be open to the Parish Council. The Trustees will then form a management committee consisting of the users of the hall, the Trust and the Parish Council which will oversee the management of the building.

The Parish Council hope that now they can concentrate on improvements to the recreation ground and other parish improvements.

The Parish Council are talking to several play equipment manufacturers who will be purring forward some design suggestions for the play area. The Parish Council then hope to talk to play area users for their input. There would then be a planned phase of improvements. Obviously play area improvements will need to be financed and grants will be sought as well as using the Winchester City Council Open Spaces Fund.

The allotments are now fully rented out but if you have an interest in an allotment then please contact the Clerk who will put your name on a waiting list.

The Parish Council website is now running. The minutes and agendas of meetings will be placed on the website, plus other information that is relevant to Boarhunt. If you know of any village organisations or events that you wish to publicise please contact the Clerk who will then place them on the website. The website address is:


Boarhunt WI Trampers Lane, 1st Wednesday of the month, 2pm

Programme Speakers: 14th April Boarhunt skittles, Captain Bar, Southsea 3rd May Hampshire Skittle final at Tywford 4th May Speaker Julie Jenkins,Topic: Wildlife in Borneo 23rd May Southdown Valley Group Quiz - Hosted by Boarhunt 1st June Speaker: Joan Allen, subject: Pots 7th & 8th June NFWI AGM Liverpool

Reports 2nd February Janet Mud chaired the meeting and the speaker was Rona Musker on Life with Auntie. Auntie, if you didn’t know, means the BBC. Rona was born in Scotland, after university at Edinburgh she completed a 3 month secretarial course. She applied to the BBC in 1968, came to London and started her career in the BBC. Rona then had a Secretarial job for women’s hour, where the well known Marjorie Anderson was broadcaster. Rona then moved onto TV, was PA to Raymond Baxter on Tomorrows World, this was the first in a succession of meeting a wealth of well known people such as Lillan Board, Admiral Gernst, Alistair Cook, Bruce Norman, Michael Aspel, Frank Bough and Bob Geldof, to name a few. Rona spent 32 years with the BBC. This was a very interesting talk which was insightful to her life and career at the BBC. Business followed and the meeting was rounded up with tea and cakes.

24th February Yvonne Hurst and Eileen Child attended Padnell Park birthday party.

1st March Romain Raines chaired the meeting. The speaker was Gwen Appleton on the topic: How to Grow Old Disgracefully. This was very amusing and told us about all the ‘don’ts’ of growing old – like no exercise and how the young talk to the older generation. People have treasured memories and live thinking of the past. Quote from Gwen: ‘It is not how old you are but

6 how you grow old’. Business followed and then there was a selection of refreshments.

9th March Hampshire WI skittles competition which was held at Waterlooville. We are very pleased to announce that our team won the semi finals. There were 6 teams entered and Boarhunt won with 124 points, the runners up were Bidbury Mead with 103 points. Well done to Celia Shorthouse who got the top score of the evening with 24 points. We are off to the finals, to be held at Twyford on 3rd May. I am sure you will join us in wishing them all the best.

WI Book Club Meet last Tuesday in every month at a member’s house The Good Husband Zebra Drive by Alexander McCall Smith. This was a very light easy read set in Botswana about Precious Ramotswe and her detective agency and the cases they solved. This book was enjoyed by some but too light for others.

Trampers Walking Group 16th February – walked from The Ship at Langstone to Emsworth and back. It was a coastal walk with beautiful views. We all went to The Ship for an enjoyable lunch.

Next Walks: 20th April - Walderton, meet at The Barley Mow at 10.30am 18th May – Bere Forest, meet at 10.30am, lunch at The Roebuck

Our group- meets on the first Wednesday of every month and the walking group on the third Wednesday of every month. Please do come and join us, visitors are always welcome.

Contact Number: 01329 231488


BOARHUNT SUNSHINE HOUR CLUB Trampers Lane, 2nd Wednesday of the month, 2pm

At the AGM in February we welcomed a new member. The meeting proved very rewarding with several new ideas proposed by the members. After such a long winter break friends were happy to meet one another again and ‘no change’ to the committee was proposed by Grace and seconded by Stella.

More alterations to the Boarhunt Hall meant last minute alternatives had to be made once again but it was fortunate we were able to hire the Southwick D-Day Hall for our March meeting.

“Jack and Jill” from Hampshire County Council were the speakers that day and were very popular and brought along lots of helpful leaflets, thanked us for inviting them and hoped to come again!

Sadly we learned of John Wheeler’s death, his widow Margaret is a founder member of our club and was leader for very many years. Several members paid their respects at the crematorium – representing us all.

Our lunch gathering in March was very popular – enjoyed by everyone.

In April we look forward to hearing of the work of a Criminal Analyst who will be invited to judge the most unusual miniature table decoration.

May 11th Dr Alan Green will tell us of life in Provence June 8th Probably a Quiz July 13th TBA – well confirmed!

Some Southwick ladies joined in the March meeting – they were very welcome and we hope to see them again. Visitors are always welcome.

In June we hope to go for a trip on the Chichester Canal with a cream tea afterwards in Bosham.

8 Christian Aid Deanery Walk 2011 Fight Poverty Step by Step!

Last year, thanks to all your support, the annual Deanery Christian Aid walk raised over £4000 for this worthwhile charity. This year the walk will be held on the afternoon of Sunday 8 May, at 2.00pm. provides an ideal start point for a walk to appreciate the Meon Valley countryside in springtime, whilst raising money for a good cause and enjoying an outing with family and friends whilst our countryside is at its best!

As well as the usual five and ten mile circular routes, we have a new, shorter route (less than two miles) which will allow those with small children to take part too!

Join us on Sunday 8 May at Droxford Village Hall in time to make a prompt start at 2.00pm (registration from 1.30). Please remember to bring along your sponsorship forms! They are available from your local church, or from Robin Boston 01329 832618 and [email protected]

Westminster view – George Hollingbery MP

I got myself into a bit of trouble with the Deputy Speaker last week.

The House of Commons was again debating how much money councils are given by the Government to help run services. Caroline Flint, the shadow Communities Secretary, was getting up a real head of steam talking about how ridiculous the Coalition’s position was on potential savings in councils. Ms Flint poo pooed the idea of executive pay being able to have any effect at all. Apparently, it could only ever be the merest flea-bite on the back side of an elephant (my interpretation).

Our position is that until a council can show it has cut executive pay, looked for efficiencies, shared services with other councils and so on, there’s no excuse for cutting front line services. As it happened, I had the

9 figures on savings from Hampshire County Council with me. These showed that Hampshire is cutting an annual £7m in executive pay or some 15% of the total savings needed. That’s a big flea.

I rose to intervene. “Will the Right Honourable Lady give way?” I asked as I caught her eye. “Not now,” she said. “On this very point,” I added, and she sat down.

So I told the House about Hampshire and, as I brought up the number of £7m, the Labour Front Bench fell about in mock hilarity at such a preposterous number. They thought I was plainly an idiot. The number couldn’t be that high. This was when I got myself in a bit of trouble with the Deputy Speaker.

Interventions are supposed to be short and, rather than making my point and sitting down, I took the other side to task. Unfortunately, in the heat of battle, I hadn’t seen the Deputy Speaker rise and didn’t hear her either. She was most displeased.

Sadly, Labour genuinely think it inconceivable that a Council could make £7 million of savings from something like executive pay. Many councils think the same. Fortunately for us Hampshire does not.

And just to put all this in context, let’s compare Manchester to Hampshire. Hampshire receives £167 per person in Government grant, Manchester £1,088. In Hampshire there is one council employee for every 87 people. In Manchester it’s one council employee per 18 people.

We all understand some authorities’ needs are much greater than others but the cash given to Hampshire and Manchester make it plain that this is already well recognised in the system.

It’s time councils looked around more carefully.


Friends of Newtown School FONS Earlybirds Pre- School Registered Charity No. 1106531 Registered Charity No. 1083648


Earlybirds Pre-School and FONS (Friends of Newtown Soberton Infant School) will be holding their extremely popular Easter Egg Hunt on Wednesday 13th April 2011. Taking place from 11.30am to 3.00pm at West Walk, Hundred Acres Road, Newtown, near Wickham, this year’s event promises to be bigger and better with lots of fun and games for all ages.

Costing just £2.50 per child, participants have to find 10 coloured eggs around a circular walk and hand them in to receive their chocolate prize3. There will also be refreshments on sale and a number of stalls including lucky dip, face painting and a toy sale.

Chair of Earlybirds Committee, Jo Gamblin, comments: ‘The Easter Egg Hunt is a great activity to take part in with the family during the school holidays. Proceeds from this event will help us to purchase much needed equipment and resources for pupils at both Earlybirds and Newtown Soberton Infant School, who0 share the same site. All are welcome to join us for some Easter fun and festivities!’

For further information please call Jo Gamblin on 01329 833017


Help is required for the above event. Last year saw over 700 children complete the short walk. This year we are anticipating more children to attend the fun filled day. If you could spare some time to hel0 set up/tidy up or run a stall on the day, even if it is just for an hour, this would be gratefully received.

If you are able to help, please contact Jo Gamblin on 07590 671 722

11 Directory

Club/Organisation/Facility Contact Name Telephone No

Boarhunt Memorial Hall Planning Committee Tiggy Ayoub 01329 834813

Boarhunt Parish Council Elizabeth Billingham 01489 891321

Boarhunt Sunshine Hour Club Shirley Edmondson 023 9232 7667

Boarhunt WI June Mullen 01329 237488

Church Warden, St James Anthony Savage 01329 231930

Church Warden, St Nicholas Paul Harbord 01329 282055

D-Day Memorial Hall (bookings) Pauline Bailey 023 9237 0860 [email protected]

North Boarhunt Social Club Mike Fortun 01329 832470

South East Hants Young Farmers Club David Norrish 07759 713 070

Priory Club Adrienne Bridger 023 9221 0418

Southwick Lions Warren Bailey 07894 198 264

Southwick Luncheon Club Carol Watson 023 9238 4069

Southwick & Widley Parish Council Eddie Mason 023 8046 3228

Southwick Social & Sports Association Rosemary Kenyon 023 9237 0426


Spare Part Players Pauline Bailey 023 9237 9520

The Rowans Hospice Eileen Jayne-Wood 07940 805 431

Vol Driver Scheme Gerry Norris 023 9221 9259

Wickham Surgery Receptionist 01329 833121

If your organisation is not listed here, or details have changed, please contact the editor or your co-ordinator with information for inclusion in future issues

The next issue of the newsletter will be distributed in June. Please send all items for inclusion by 15th May to the co-ordinators:

Southwick News to: Mrs Jean Houghton 23 West Street Southwick Tel: 023 9237 7075

Boarhunt News to: Mrs Alison Cottrell ‘Clayside’ Trampers Lane North Boarhunt PO17 6BX Tel: 01329 833 863

Advertisement enquiries to: Pauline Bailey 32 West Street Southwick PO17 6EA Tel: 023 9237 9520 Email: [email protected]

Editor Pauline Bailey



Venue: Holywell Estate, near Swanmore Date: Saturday 7th May Time: 11am & 2pm

If you love spring flowers and would like to help raise money for a national charity training dogs for people with disabilities, then Canine Partners’ Bluebell Walk near Swanmore on Saturday 7th May is ideal for you.

The walk takes place through the beautiful grounds of the Holywell Estate owned by Lady Clarendon. There will be two separate walks at 11am and 2pm each 2-3 miles long. Free of charge parking will be available on-site within the grounds and a BBQ will be available from 11.30am-2.30pm.

The fundraising event is part of the Charity’s national Bluebell Walk Campaign, which has raised over £95,000 in the past seven years. All funds raised from this walk will help the Charity to train more assistance dogs to transform the lives of people with disabilities.

Isabel Campbell Director of Fundraising and Marketing at Canine Partners comments, “The Holywell Estate is a wonderful setting for a bluebell walk, very rarely open to the public. As a charity we receive no government funding and rely on support from the public, so this is a great way to raise money for a worthwhile cause while enjoying a relaxing day out with the family and/or pet dog. The campaign is now in its eighth year, and we are hoping this will be the biggest and best yet.”


To take part please contact Libby Mauchlen, Tel: 01730 716013, [email protected]. Entry is £6 per adult, £2 per child or £14 for a family of four. Price includes sticker, small memento, children’s quiz, BBQ and refreshments.

About Canine Partners:

Canine Partners is a registered charity that assists people with disabilities to enjoy a greater independence and quality of life through the provision of specially trained dogs, whose well-being is a key consideration.

More than 1.2 million people in the UK use a wheelchair, and a significant number of those would benefit from a canine partner. The dogs are carefully matched to the applicant’s needs and lifestyle, no matter how challenging. They are trained to help with everyday tasks such as opening and shutting doors, unloading the washing machine, picking up dropped items, pressing buttons and switches and getting help in an emergency. The Charity aims to train dogs to meet the needs of people with even the most complex disabilities including members of HM Armed Forces.

These life transforming dogs also provide practical, physiological, psychological and social benefits including increased independence and confidence as well as increased motivation and self-esteem. A canine partner also brings companionship, a sense of security and increases social interaction.

Canine Partners receives no government funding and is wholly dependent on public donations and legacies.

For further press information contact Hannah Newberry, T: 01329 830408, M: 07771561567, E: [email protected] Canine Partners, Mill Lane, Heyshott, Midhurst, West Sussex GU29 0ED T 08456 580480 F 08456 580481 E [email protected] Visit Canine Partners’ Web site at

Registered charity number 803680


Thank You

Jilly Luxmore would like to thank all those kind people who thought of her over the very sad time of losing her beloved son Charles McLagan

A much loved son and brother A proud and loving father To Poppy and Daisy An adoring and doting owner to Willow And a loving and mischievous Friend to everyone who knew him We will all miss him hugely

Charles McLagan 1962 – 2011