
Chapter 3 The Impact of Unstable Taxa in Coelurosaurian Phylogeny and Resampling Support Measures for Parsimony Analyses


ABSTRACT Paleontological datasets often have large amounts of missing entries that result in multiple most parsimonious . Highly incomplete and conflictive taxa produce a collapsed strict consensus and several methods have been developed for identifying these unstable or rogue taxa in optimal trees derived from phylogenetic analyses. In addition to decreasing consensus resolution, incomplete or conflictive taxa can also severely affect the support values of phylogenetic analysis in paleontological datasets. Here, we explore a protocol for the identification of taxa that decrease jackknife support values in parsimony analysis. The taxa identified are excluded from majority rule jackknife trees, revealing nodes that have either low or high support irrespective of the uncertainties in the place- ment of unstable taxa. A recently published dataset of coelurosaurian relationships based on 164 taxa and 853 characters is explored using this protocol; our protocol detects a total of 40 unstable taxa as the most detrimental for node supports. Major that are well supported in the reduced jackknife include , , , , Alvarezsauroidea, , . Clades with moderate support instead include , , , , , Anchiornithinae, and early- diverging clades of .

INTRODUCTION with thousands of trees (which were very prob- lematic for early phylogenetic software). A sub- Morphological datasets that include a large sequent problem in these cases is how the number of extinct taxa are usually characterized multiple optimal trees can be efficiently summa- by copious amounts of missing entries. The rized given that the strict consensus is usually abundance of missing data in these datasets has highly collapsed due to the alternative positions been regarded as problematic for phylogenetic of wildcard or rogue taxa. The role of reduced analyses, since the early days of quantitative cla- consensus methods (Wilkinson, 1994) has distics (Gauthier, 1986; Wilkinson and Benton, become increasingly important in recent , 1995). The presence of taxa with abundant miss- and several methods have been proposed and ing entries has been linked to searches that find implemented for detecting rogue taxa in a collec- multiple optimal trees in parsimony analyses and tion of optimal trees (Goloboff et al., 2008; Pol the related computational difficulties of dealing and Escapa, 2009; Goloboff and Szumik, 2015).

1 CONICET, Museo Paleontológico Egidio Feruglio, Trelew, Argentina. 2 CONICET, Unidad Ejecutora Lillo (UEL), S.M. Tucumán, Argentina. 98 BULLETIN AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY NO. 440

A second level of problems introduced by the the affinities of some small but conflictive groups presence of copious missing entries is related to such as scansoriopterygids (Xu et al., 2011, 2015, their influence in support values. It is commonly 2017; Turner et al., 2012; Agnolín and Novas, the case that highly incomplete taxa can be more 2013; O’Connor and Sullivan, 2014) and unenla- easily placed in alternative positions than more giines (Turner et al., 2007; Turner et al., 2012; complete taxa. This obviously affects not only the Agnolín and Novas, 2013; Brusatte et al., 2014). support with which a is placed in the phy- The application of the new protocol allows ana- logenetic tree but also the support values of lyzing the varying degrees of support many adjacent nodes (Wilkinson, 1996; Wilkin- within this group and distinguishing between son et al., 2000). The empirical outcome of this low support caused by fragmentary taxa, and low is that paleontological datasets are also charac- support due to underlying character conflict terized by the presence of low support values for and/or lack of sufficient phylogenetic data. most of the nodes recovered in the consensus tree. Some methods exist for assessing the role of rogue taxa for parsimony measures such as MATERIALS AND METHODS Bremer or decay support (e.g., double decay; Phylogenetic Analysis Wilkinson et al., 2000). Also, alternative resam- pling methods that do not eliminate characters The phylogenetic dataset (Pei et al., in press) and thus produce lower estimates of support has 164 taxa scored across 853 characters and its only in the presence of actual character conflict parsimony analysis is best carried out using the have been explored (e.g. the “nozeroweight” “New Technology Searches” option in TNT option for resampling in TNT, used by Pei et al., (Goloboff et al., 2008). This strategy was applied in press). Recently, however, most efforts have in a first phase until 50 hits to minimum length been focused on the development of ways to were achieved (command: xmult = hits 50;), detect wildcard taxa that decrease bootstrap sup- resulting in trees of 3424 steps. The application of port (Pattengale et al., 2011; Aberer and Stamata- traditional heuristic searches (multiple replicates kis, 2011; Aberer et al., 2013). of Wagner trees followed by TBR branch swap- Here, we explore the application of a more ping) is possible, but then finding optimal trees detailed protocol that identifies unstable taxa requires longer search times than new technology that decrease support measures, based on resam- searches. The strict consensus of this analysis is pling procedures (i.e., jackknife or bootstrap) well resolved, with two relatively large polytomies implemented with a script for TNT (Goloboff et at the base of Avialae and in Dromaeosauridae al., 2008), that combines several of the options (fig. 1). These polytomies are caused by four for identifying rogue taxa that already exist in unstable taxa that take multiple positions among that program. We employ this procedure for a the MPTs (i.e., Yurgovuchia, Acheroraptor, Veloci- comprehensive phylogenetic analysis of Coeluro- raptor osmolskae, and Haarlem). sauria, using the Theropod Working Group Ten other taxa are also identified as unstable by (TWiG) matrix published by Pei et al. (in press). IterPCR (Pol and Escapa, 2009) applied to the This dataset has an extensive taxon sampling MPTs, as implemented in TNT (see Goloboff and (164 taxa), and therefore provides an ideal case Szumik, 2015). Ignoring all the unstable taxa for testing the impact of fragmentary taxa on results in a well-resolved, strict reduced-consen- support measures. In particular, the TWiG data- sus tree (see resolved nodes in fig. 1). set includes a dense sampling of pennaraptoran It is important to note that the unstable taxa coelurosaurians that have been the focus of are pruned from the trees, but they are not elimi- recent systematic debates, including the interre- nated from the matrix or the tree searches at any lationships of some of its major clades as well as point. The elimination of taxa from the trees 2020 POL AND GOLOBOFF: UNSTABLE TAXA IN COELUROSAURIAN PHYLOGENY 99 amounts to representing those parts of the results of interest are collapsed in the majority rule tree that are more useful, while eliminating taxa from derived from the resampling replicates, is in fact the matrix amounts to ignoring the evidence (in a common result in paleontological datasets (in the form of character combinations) provided by particular when they are constructed using an those taxa (see discussion in Goloboff and Szu- extensive taxon-sampling regime). mik, 2015: 100–101, and fig. 6). Identifying Unstable Taxa for Resampling Support Measures Resampling Support Analysis In this paper we compare jackknife support A resampling procedure (e.g., jackknife or values obtained using the default settings in TNT bootstrap) normally involves conducting at least (including all taxa and using group frequencies on 100 pseudoreplicates. In each of these replicates the majority rule consensus) with jackknife fre- the characters of the original matrix are resam- quencies obtained with the same procedure but pled at random so that a modified (perturbed) on a reduced majority rule consensus tree (ignor- matrix is obtained and a tree search is conducted ing the alternative position of unstable taxa). on this modified matrix (fig. 3). The difference We opted for this comparison for the sake of between alternative resampling support mea- simplicity to highlight the effect of unstable taxa sures is simply how the resampling of characters on resampling support measures. However, we is performed (e.g., bootstrap, jackknife, symmet- note that there are alternative ways for summa- ric; Farris et al., 1996; Goloboff et al., 2003). rizing resampling measures, such as GC frequen- Regardless of how this is done, the tree search cies (rather than raw frequencies) and/or conducted for each pseudoreplicate results in a measuring frequencies for the nodes present in set of most parsimonious trees and, therefore, the strict consensus of the MPTs (rather than after finishing the 100 pseudoreplicates, there are those appearing in the majority rule consensus 100 sets of most parsimonious trees. of the resampling procedure). As noted previously (Goloboff et al., 2003; The frequencies of the majority rule consen- Simmons and Freudenstein, 2011), some phylo- sus obtained after performing a default jackknife genetic software (e.g., PAUP) calculates the boot- analysis on the dataset of Pei et al. (in press) are strap/jackknife frequencies by weighting groups low for most nodes. A raw frequency majority according to their frequency within each pseu- rule tree of the jackknife analysis is highly col- doreplicate, which can easily produce inappro- lapsed and has only 68 nodes, only 33 of which priate estimates of support. This problem is have support values above 75% (fig. 2). The jack- prevented if the results for each individual pseu- knife majority rule tree shows a large polytomy doreplicate are instead summarized by means of at the base of Pennaraptora that involves the rela- a strict consensus. Thus, TNT automatically cal- tionships of 38 terminal taxa and six moderately culates the strict consensus of the optimal trees supported clades. Two important clades of for each pseudoreplicate, subsequently deriving Paraves (Dromaeosauridae and Avialae) are col- the bootstrap/jackknife frequencies from the lapsed into the large early-diverging polytomy of majority rule consensus tree of the 100 strict Pennaraptora. The frequencies of the groups consensuses (each representing one pseudorepli- resolved in the reduced consensus (fig. 1) can be cate; see fig. 3). Problems similar to those result- calculated for groups with frequency below 50%, ing from weighting groups according to their but even in this case, the support values of frequency within pseudoreplicates occur if a Dromaeosauridae and Avialae are very low when single tree is found or saved during the search all the remaining taxa are included in the sum- for each pseudoreplicate (Goloboff and Pol mary tree. This situation, in which many clades 2005), with the possibility of bias in tree searches 100 BULLETIN AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY NO. 440

Allosaurus fragilis dongi argentina salleei topwilsoni fragilis aristotocus bradleyi kazuoensis wucaii Dilong paradoxus langhami lengi baimoensis acquilunguis montgomeriensis Bistahieversor sealeyi libratus

Coelurosauria sarcophagus curriei torosus rex Tugulusaurus faciles hermanni asymmetrica starki gigas Juravenator starki Sinocalliopteryx gigas longipes prima Huaxiagnathus orientalis Huaxiagnathus orientalis thwazi Compsognathus longipes Pelecanimimus polydon orientalis dongi Sinosauropteryx prima okladnikovi brevipes Nqwebasaurus thwazi asiaticus Pelecanimimus polydon bullatus planinychus Shenzhousaurus orientalis Qiupalong henanensis altus Beishanlong edmonticus sollers Harpymimus okladnikovi Achillesaurus calvoi Sinornithomimus dongi Bonapartenykus ultimus puertai Garudimimus brevipes Ceratonykus oculatus Albertonykus borealis Albertonykus borealis Gallimimus bullatus Xixianykus zhangi Albinykus baatar Xixianykus zhangi Anserimimus planinychus olecranus deserti Albinykus baatar Qiupalong henanensis Linhenykus monodactylus Parvicursor remotus Mononykus olecranus Struthiomimus altus utahensis inexpectus Shuvuuia deserti Ornithomimus edmonticus elesitaiensis Erliansaurus bellamanus Linhenykus monodactylus Maniraptoriformes cheloniformis Nanshiungosaurus bohlini Parvicursor remotus Enigmosaurus mongoliensis Enigmosaurus mongoliensis Suzhousaurus megatherioides Suzhousaurus megatherioides yangi andrewsi galbinensis Nanshiungosaurus bohlini hui

Maniraptora Nothronychus qi gauthieri Segnosaurus galbinensis zoui portentosus celer pergracilis osmolskae gracilis Conchoraptor gracilis mongoliensis yanshani Ingenia yanshani philoceratops magnodens Oviraptor philoceratops changii elegans EK troodontid IGM 10044

roodontidae youngi T Xixiasaurus henanensis jaffei continues on Zanabazar junior next page mongoliensis formosus 2020 POL AND GOLOBOFF: UNSTABLE TAXA IN COELUROSAURIAN PHYLOGENY 101

continues from previous page Mahakala omnogovae ostromi gonzalozorum Pennaraptora ashile ostromi suni IVPP V22530 yangi elizabethae Changyuraptor yangi millenii Sinornithosaurus millenii zhaoianus Hesperonychus elizabethae Graciliraptor lujiatunensis langstoni Microraptor zhaoianus feinbergorum Acheroraptor albertensis osmolskae Dromaeosauridae Achillobator giganticus steini Yurgovuchia doellingi ostrommaysorum Luanchuanraptor henanensis Velociraptor mongoliensis marshalli antirrhopus Paraves Dromaeosaurus albertensis exquisitus Achillobator giganticus mongoliensis mangas Utahraptor ostrommaysorum Deinonychus antirrhopus Atrociraptor marshalli Linheraptor exquisitus Adasaurus mongoliensis Tsaagan mangas zhengi Archaeopteryx Eichstätt Balaur bondoc Aurornis xui brevipenna Archaeopteryx Thermopolis Dakotaraptor steini huxleyi Archaeopteryx London Archaeopteryx Berlin Luanchuanraptor henanensis Anchiornithinae Archaeopteryx Eichstätt Archaeopteryx Solnhofen Archaeopteryx London Velociraptor mongoliensis Archaeopteryx 11th Archaeopteryx 11th Archaeopteryx Haarlem Archaeopteryx Munich Archaeopteryx Munich Archaeopteryx Thermopolis Archaeopteryx Berlin Archaeopteryx Solnhofen chaoyangensis vialae prima A Sapeornis chaoyangensis Jixiangornis orientalis sanctus Jeholornis prima longidigitris berivotrensis minuta houi volans lacustris yandica deferrariisi longicresta grabaui linghensis martini ukhaana Iaceornis marshii Lithornis advenus Limenavis patagonica Baptornis advenus Hesperornis Crypturellus undulatus Lithornis torquata Anas platyrhynchus Crypturellus undulatus Crax pauxi Gallus gallus Chauna torquata Anas platyrhynchus Crax pauxi Gallus gallus

FIG. 1. Strict consensus for the dataset of Pei et al., in press. Details of nodes resolved in the reduced consensus tree are shown, after excluding the 14 taxa that are unstable among the MPTs by the IterPCR implementation of TNT (Goloboff and Szumik, 2015). Taxa in bold in the strict consensus are the unstable taxa detected by IterPCR. 102 BULLETIN AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY NO. 440

Allosaurus fragilis Sinraptor dongi Bicentenaria argentina Zuolong salleei Tugulusaurus faciles 94 Tanycolagreus topwilsoni Coelurus fragilis 100 59 Dilong paradoxus Kileskus aristotocus 66 Proceratosaurus bradleyi 93 67 Sinotyrannus kazuoensis Guanlong wucaii Juratyrant langhami 91 Eotyrannus lengi 96 Xiongguanlong baimoensis Coelurosauria 69 Appalachiosaurus montgomeriensis 96 Dryptosaurus acquilunguis Bistahieversor sealeyi 81 100 Gorgosaurus libratus 68 Albertosaurus sarcophagus Alioramus 62 Teratophoneus curriei 81 Daspletosaurus torosus 100 100 Tarbosaurus Tyrannosaurus rex Ornitholestes hermanni 86 Mirischia asymmetrica Sinocalliopteryx gigas 83 Juravenator starki Compsognathus longipes Sinosauropteryx prima Huaxiagnathus orientalis Nqwebasaurus thwazi 95 Pelecanimimus polydon 84 Shenzhousaurus orientalis 68 Beishanlong Harpymimus okladnikovi 59 Sinornithomimus dongi Garudimimus brevipes 53 Archaeornithomimus asiaticus 65 Gallimimus bullatus Anserimimus planinychus 89 Qiupalong henanensis 78 Struthiomimus altus Ornithomimus edmonticus Falcarius utahensis 98 Beipiaosaurus inexpectus Alxasaurus elesitaiensis 100 Therizinosaurus cheloniformis 99 Nanshiungosaurus bohlini 62 Enigmosaurus mongoliensis Nothronychus 79 Suzhousaurus megatherioides Erliansaurus bellamanus Neimongosaurus yangi Erlikosaurus andrewsi Segnosaurus galbinensis Haplocheirus sollers 96 Achillesaurus Alvarezsaurus calvoi 96 74 Bonapartenykus ultimus Patagonykus puertai Linhenykus monodactylus 68 Ceratonykus oculatus Albertonykus borealis 89 Parvicursor remotus Shuvuuia deserti continues on Mononykus olecranus next page 62 Xixianykus zhangi Albinykus baatar

FIG. 2. Absolute frequency jackknife tree for the dataset of Pei et al. (in press) including all taxa as obtained in TNT. Acheroraptor continues from previous page Velociraptor osmolskae Epidexipteryx hui Archaeopteryx L ondon Archaeopteryx Eichstätt Archaeopteryx S olnhofen Maniraptora Archaeopteryx 11th 75 Archaeopteryx Haarlem Archaeopteryx Munich Archaeopteryx Thermopolis Archaeopteryx Berlin Yi qi Balaur bondoc IVPP V22530 Dakotaraptor steini Yurgovuchia doellingi Luanchuanraptor henanensis Hesperonychus elizabethae Changyuraptor yangi Zhenyuanlong suni Tianyuraptor ostromi Sinornithosaurus millenii Microraptor zhaoianus Velociraptor mongoliensis Mahakala omnogovae Rahonavis ostromi Shanag ashile Deinonychus antirrhopus Dromaeosaurus albertensis Achillobator giganticus Saurornitholestes langstoni Adasaurus mongoliensis Utahraptor ostrommaysorum

56 Atrociraptor marshalli Graciliraptor lujiatunensis Pennaraptora Bambiraptor feinbergorum 61 Linheraptor exquisitus Tsaagan mangas Buitreraptor gonzalozorum 51 55 Neuquenraptor / Unenlagia Austroraptor

68 Xiaotingia zhengi Aurornis xui 73 Eosinopteryx brevipenna Anchiornithinae Anchiornis huxleyi Incisivosaurus gauthieri 89 Caudipteryx zoui Avimimus portentosus Oviraptorosauria 83 Chirostenotes pergracilis Conchoraptor gracilis 52 Rinchenia mongoliensis Ingenia yanshani Microvenator celer Oviraptor philoceratops Citipati osmolskae EK troodontid IGM 10044 Sinornithoides youngi Sinusonasus magnodens 73 Sinovenator changii Mei long Troodontidae Jinfengopteryx elegans 51 Xixiasaurus henanensis

69 Troodon formosus 87 53 Zanabazar junior Saurornithoides mongoliensis Sapeornis chaoyangensis 83 Jeholornis prima Jixiangornis orientalis 63 Liaoningornis longidigitris Vorona berivotrensis 65 Confuciusornis sanctus Pengornis houi Gobipteryx minuta 67 76 Neuquenornis volans 69 Concornis lacustris Cathayornis yandica Hongshanornis longicresta Patagopteryx deferrariisi 62 Songlingornis linghensis Yixianornis grabaui 54 Yanornis martini


instability within instability among pseudoreplicates pseudoreplicates PCR (majority) on majority rule trees IterPCR repl 1 on MPTs

IterPCR reduced repl 2 combined jackknife tree on MPTs unstable taxa

within among prupdn repl 3 IterPCR on MPTs

selected repl 4 IterPCR unstable taxa on MPTs

repl 5 IterPCR on MPTs

FIG. 3. Resampling support protocol indicating the steps in which the analysis of unstable taxa is applied, as implemented in the TNT script pcrjak.run (see http://www.lillo.org.ar/phylogeny/tnt/scripts/pcrjak.run).

(Goloboff and Simmons 2014) exacerbating the produced from the multiple trees for each pseu- problem. The best assessments of support, there- doreplicate, every one of those will be a complete fore, are obtained when multiple trees are found bush. Subsequent pruning of terminals from for each pseudoreplicate, and they are summa- those trees cannot produce an improved resolu- rized by a strict consensus tree. The multiple tion; rather, the terminals must be pruned from trees for each pseudoreplicate can be found dur- the original tree(s) for each pseudoreplicate, not ing resampling either explicitly (by actual from their (full) strict consensuses. searches) or implicitly (i.e., finding a single tree In the original analysis of Pei et al. (in press), approaching optimality, then collapsing groups the strategy used to cope with the problem just lost on TBR rearrangements producing equally discussed had been: (1) using a fixed sequence of optimal trees; see Goloboff et al., 2008). random seeds to produce the pseudoreplicate The identification of taxa that affect resam- datasets and saving a single binary tree per pseu- pling support measures can be approached in doreplicate; (2) using approximate methods to several ways. Some authors (Wilkinson, 1996; identify the effect on the majority rule of different Pattengale et al., 2011; Aberer and Stamatakis, taxon prunings in the resulting set of binary trees; 2011; Aberer et al., 2013) have analyzed a single and (3) once a set of unstable taxa is identified, the combined set of topologies, derived from all the pseudoreplicate datasets are generated again with pseudoreplicates. This is made more difficult the same sequence of random seeds and the when the results for each of the individual pseu- binary trees are collapsed by applying the implicit doreplicates are summarized by means of a strict TBR-collapsing described above on the resampled consensus: the unstable taxa cannot be identified dataset. This avoids having to search again for a a posteriori of the calculation of the strict con- large number of pseudoreplicate datasets; the sensus. To illustrate the problem, consider a optimal trees will not change and they can simply dataset with a terminal with a missing entry in be used to collapse (via TBR) those groups that every single character. If the strict consensus is are unsupported by the pseudoreplicate. 2020 POL AND GOLOBOFF: UNSTABLE TAXA IN COELUROSAURIAN PHYLOGENY 105

A Combined Method for Detecting tree search and a strict consensus is performed, Instability the detection of unstable taxa in this context is entirely equivalent to the problem of detecting The present paper explores an alternative way unstable taxa for producing a reduced consen- to deal with the problem that unstable taxa can- sus. Therefore, we employ for this analysis the not be identified from the strict consensus result- IterPCR method (Pol and Escapa, 2009) as ing from the multiple trees produced by every implemented in TNT (Goloboff and Szumik, pseudoreplicate, taking advantage of the fact that 2015). The taxa detected are in many cases the scripting facilities offered by TNT make it known from highly incomplete specimens and possible to easily explore different combinations have a large number of missing entries. These of methods to summarize trees, and to identify taxa, after the deletion of a few characters dur- potential candidates for pruning. ing the resampling procedures, become unsta- The main difference of the approach explored ble in the tree search conducted in the here is that it conducts two separate evaluations perturbated dataset. Such taxa will create poly- for unstable taxa, carried out first as the pseudo- tomies in the strict consensus tree that will replicate datasets are generated and analyzed, obscure the relationships of the stable taxa in and then again on the resulting strict consensus the analysis of a given pseudoreplicate. In our trees. The first analysis aims to detect which taxa implementation, a taxon is added to a prelimi- are commonly unstable among the most parsi- nary list of unstable taxa when it is detected as monious topologies derived from a single pseu- unstable in at least 15% of the pseudoreplicates doreplicate. During each pseudoreplicate this (although this threshold value can be changed evaluation is independently repeated and the as an argument of the script in TNT). MPTs of each pseudoreplicate are saved to tem- Taxon Instability among Pseudorepli- porary tree files (without collapsing) so that they cates: The second analysis of taxon instability do not have to be calculated again. The second is conducted using the 100 strict consensus analysis is conducted by analyzing the taxa that trees derived from each of the pseudoreplicates. are unstable when comparing the 100 strict con- The taxa that are unstable among these strict sensus trees derived from each of the replicates consensus trees are in many cases terminals (fig. 3). This two-step procedure constitutes the that have a conflicting combination of charac- major difference with previous approaches and ters and that are depicted in alternative posi- provides a list of potentially unstable taxa that tions depending on the combination of can decrease the support values in resampling characters left in the perturbated dataset after measures. The final step consists of determining the random deletion of certain characters. This the optimal subset of unstable taxa that should procedure is performed using a modified ver- be pruned to obtain an informative jackknife sion of the IterPCR script (Pol and Escapa, tree. Once the taxa are identified, they can be 2009) in which triplets are regarded as in agree- pruned from the trees saved for each pseudorep- ment if they show the same resolution in more licate for calculation of the reduced strict con- than half the topologies analyzed. This differs sensuses, followed by the majority rule consensus. from the original implementation that counted We explore the implementation of this protocol agreement in triplets only when all the topolo- for jackknife analysis, but equivalent implemen- gies shared the same resolution. This follows the tations for bootstrap and symmetric resampling logic of majority rule reduced consensus trees can be easily run through the use of an argument (Wilkinson, 1996) given that this is the method in the script used here (see below). used for obtaining absolute frequencies for the Taxon Instability within Pseudorepli- jackknife support analysis. The set of taxa cates: Given that for each pseudoreplicate a detected as unstable among the strict consensus 106 BULLETIN AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY NO. 440 trees derived from the 100 replicates is added to modified IterPCR that evaluates triplet frequency a preliminary list of unstable taxa. for the majority rule tree of the consensuses Optimal Set of Unstable Taxa: The final resulting from all the pseudoreplicates. It would step consists of determining which of the taxa in be easy to modify the script used here so that the preliminary list affect the jackknife values in alternative ways to produce preliminary lists of a significant way. Their effect on the resampling prunes are used (e.g., with the TNT commands support values is then evaluated with the com- chkmoves, prunnelsen, or prunmaj). mand prupdn (implemented by P.A.G.) in TNT Implementation: The entire procedure is ver 1.5 (Goloboff and Catalano, 2016). The pre- implemented in pcrjak.run (see http://www.lillo. liminary list of unstable taxa is input to this com- org.ar/phylogeny/tnt/scripts/pcrjak.run), a TNT mand, which evaluates different combinations of script that takes as input the dataset and per- prunes to improve the majority rule consensus. forms the jackknife pseudoreplicates, applies the For each combination the command prupdn two successive steps of identification of unstable evaluates an optimality function E: taxa (within and among replicates), and then identifies the optimal set of unstable taxa that E = ( P + ∑ jak ) / ( T – 2 ) can be pruned in to maximize the function E (see above). where jak are the jackknife support values of To run the script, the user needs to call the each node of the pruned tree, P is a penalty for script giving the data matrix name as the first pruning taxa, and T is the number of taxa with argument (e.g., pcrjak datafile.tnt;). The default least possible prunings. The penalty factor (P) is option is to use the jackknife resampling method, a function of the number of taxa removed (R) but this can be changed giving a second argument. and a scaling factor (F) that can be adjusted For example, pcrjak datafile.tnt boot; will perform between 0 and 100, with P = 100 R (1 - F2). Using the same procedure on the data matrix datafile.tnt F = 1 results in no penalization for pruning taxa using the bootstrap resampling method. (P = 0) and selects the combination that maxi- The outputs of the script are two files. First, a mizes the sum of support values of the reduced graphical tree (pcrjak.svg) that shows the reduced jackknife tree. Using values of F >1 will penalize jackknife tree with their absolute frequency val- the pruning of taxa and values of F <1 will favor ues (after ignoring the position of the unstable the pruning of taxa. Further options of this com- taxa). Second, a plain text file pcrjak.out( ) in mand can be found in the TNT documentation which the same tree is depicted (in text format) (Goloboff and Catalano, 2016). followed by the list of the selected unstable taxa Note that the prupdn command evaluates E and the lists of taxa that are unstable within and for a large number of combinations of prunes among pseudoreplicates. We recommend using (the number of combinations to try is somewhat the command-based version of TNT (either for reduced by using groups with a high frequency Windows, Mac, or Linux) so that all temporary as “separators” [see TNT documentation], but it tree files are deleted automatically. is still a large number). This is why it is impor- tant to produce a preliminary list of taxa poten- RESULTS tially affecting support values, found by more approximate methods that do not use an explicit Applying the above-described protocol for the optimality criterion, instead of pruning all com- TWiG dataset results in the identification of 35 binations of all taxa. In the present implementa- taxa that decrease the jackknife support values. tion, that preliminary list is obtained by applying When the positions of these taxa are ignored for IterPCR to improve the strict consensus for the constructing the majority rule tree (reduced results of individual pseudoreplicates, and a majority rule consensus tree; Wilkinson, 1996), 2020 POL AND GOLOBOFF: UNSTABLE TAXA IN COELUROSAURIAN PHYLOGENY 107 a total of 104 nodes are recovered in this tree (in entries. Taxa detected as unstable among pseu- comparison to the 68 nodes present in the jack- doreplicates have an average of 76% of missing knife tree when all the taxa are included). The entries (slightly larger than the 65% average reduced jackknife tree (fig. 4) has an average across the entire dataset). The amount of miss- support value of 77%, showing that numerous ing entries, however, does not unequivocally clades of coelurosaurian theropods are well sup- indicate instability, given that several taxa ported within the context of the TWiG dataset. detected as unstable have a percentage of miss- The support of the 36 nodes retrieved in the ing entries that is below the overall average for reduced jackknife analysis that are absent from the dataset (15 of the taxa that are unstable the complete jackknife analyses was obscured among pseudoreplicates and 3 of the taxa that only by the alternative positions of unstable taxa. are unstable within). Similarly, there are five The protocol implemented identified 33 taxa taxa with >90% missing entries that are not that are unstable within the jackknife pseudorep- unstable among jackknife trees. The distribu- licates and 55 taxa that are unstable among the tion of missing entries among terminal taxa 100 strict consensuses of the jackknife pseudo- across time (fig. 5; gray circles) shows that taxa replicates (table 1). These two sets of unstable detected as unstable in jackknife trees within taxa are only partially overlapping and share 22 (fig. 5; green triangles) or among (fig. 5; blue taxa (Graciliraptor, Atrociraptor, Utahraptor, Sau- squares) pseudoreplicates, as well as the subset rornitholestes, Shanag, Austroraptor, Hesperony- selected by the prupdn command (fig. 5; solid chus, Luanchuanraptor, Yurgovuchia, IVPP red circles) include some taxa that are fairly V22530, Archaeopteryx Haarlem, IGM 10044, well known (e.g., Ornitholestes, Sinovenator, Iaceornis, Limenavis, Liaoningornis, Erlikosaurus, Sinosauropteryx), for which the instability likely Enigmosaurus, Nanshiungosaurus, Ceratonykus, derives from character conflict more than from Beishanlong, Mirischia, Velociraptor osmolskae). absence of information. The partial overlap among these taxon sets shows Below we discuss the results that arise from that taxa that are unstable within trees found in the jackknife analysis based on reduced majority pseudoreplicates are not necessarily unstable in rule consensus for several clades of coelurosau- the strict consensuses among pseudoreplicates. rian theropods, contrasting with those obtained Out of the combined set of 66 unstable taxa when all the taxa are included in the support detected by this procedure, the command prupdn trees and when the results of the jackknife analy- found that 35 taxa (table 1) are the ones that sis are summarized using the majority rule con- maximize the optimality function E and there- sensus (as in the default option of TNT). fore more markedly decrease jackknife support Coelurosauria: The monophyly of Coeluro- values. The composition of these 35 taxa high- sauria has high support, but the taxon sampling lights the importance of the two-step procedure includes few non-coelurosaurian theropods. for identifying unstable taxa: five of them are Tugulusaurus is detected as unstable and causing unstable only within the trees from each pseudo- low supports at the base of Coelurosauria in the replicate, 14 of them are unstable only among the jackknife analysis including all taxa (fig. 2). strict consensuses derived from each pseudorep- Ignoring this taxon in the reduced jackknife con- licate, and finally 16 taxa listed above were sensus (fig. 4) resolves Zuolong as the sister detected as unstable both within and among group of the clade formed by Maniraptorifomes pseudoreplicates. and Tyrannosauroidea (although still with low Many of the taxa detected as unstable are support 66%; fig. 4). Multiple subclades within known from incomplete specimens, in particu- Tyrannosauroidea are well supported (>90%) in lar those detected to vary within pseudorepli- both the complete jackknife tree and the reduced cates, having an average of 85% of missing jackknife trees (figs. 2, 4). Allosaurus fragilis Sinraptor dongi Bicentenaria argentina Zuolong salleei 100 93 Tanycolagreus topwilsoni Coelurus fragilis Kileskus aristotocus 100 63 63 Proceratosaurus bradleyi 70 Sinotyrannus kazuoensis 99 Guanlong wucaii Dilong paradoxus 51 91 Juratyrant langhami 97 Eotyrannus lengi 56 Coelurosauria Xiongguanlong baimoensis 68 Dryptosaurus acquilunguis Tyrannosauroidea 97 Appalachiosaurus montgomeriensis 66 Bistahieversor sealeyi

86 99 Gorgosaurus libratus Albertosaurus sarcophagus 64 Alioramus 55 66 Teratophoneus curriei 76 Daspletosaurus torosus 100 100 Tarbosaurus Tyrannosaurus rex Juravenator starki 99 Compsognathus longipes 56 56 Sinocalliopteryx gigas Huaxiagnathus orientalis Nqwebasaurus thwazi 100 Pelecanimimus polydon 89 Shenzhousaurus orientalis 93 Harpymimus okladnikovi 89 Archaeornithomimus asiaticus

64 Sinornithomimus dongi 88 Garudimimus brevipes 55 69 Gallimimus bullatus Anserimimus planinychus 91 Qiupalong henanensis 77 Struthiomimus altus Ornithomimus edmonticus Falcarius utahensis 100 Beipiaosaurus inexpectus 100 59 Alxasaurus elesitaiensis 100 Erliansaurus bellamanus Maniraptoriformes 91 Suzhousaurus megatherioides

76 Neimongosaurus yangi Nanshiungosaurus bohlini 55 65 Nothronychus Segnosaurus galbinensis Haplocheirus sollers 99 Achillesaurus 96 Alvarezsaurus calvoi

53 82 Bonapartenykus ultimus Patagonykus puertai 69 Albertonykus borealis 87 69 Xixianykus zhangi

95 67 Albinykus baatar Maniraptora 59 Parvicursor remotus Shuvuuia deserti Epidexipteryx hui 66 Incisivosaurus gauthieri 96 Caudipteryx zoui 95 Microvenator celer 70 Chirostenotes pergracilis 65 Citipati osmolskae

59 Conchoraptor gracilis Rinchenia mongoliensis Pennaraptora continues on next page 2020 POL AND GOLOBOFF: UNSTABLE TAXA IN COELUROSAURIAN PHYLOGENY 109

continues from previous page Troodontidae Mei long 78 Jinfengopteryx elegans EK troodontid IGM 10044 79 Sinornithoides youngi

57 60 Xixiasaurus henanensis

70 Troodon formosus Dromaeosauridae 89 56 Zanabazar junior Saurornithoides mongoliensis Mahakala omnogovae Rahonavis ostromi 92 60 91 Neuquenraptor Unenlagia Buitreraptor gonzalozorum Tianyuraptor ostromi 51 85 Zhenyuanlong suni 66 Changyuraptor yangi 54 Sinornithosaurus millenii 86 89 Microraptor zhaoianus Paraves Bambiraptor feinbergorum Deinonychus antirrhopus 92 Adasaurus mongoliensis

86 Linheraptor exquisitus 54 Tsaagan mangas

61 Luanchuanraptor henanensis Velociraptor mongoliensis

67 Dromaeosaurus albertensis Atrociraptor marshalli Archaeopteryx London Archaeopteryx Eichstätt Archaeopteryx 11th Archaeopteryx Munich Archaeopteryx Thermopolis 69 Archaeopteryx Berlin Xiaotingia zhengi Avialae 78 Aurornis xui 86 Eosinopteryx brevipenna Anchiornithinae Anchiornis huxleyi Archaeopteryx Solnhofen 51 Sapeornis chaoyangensis 100 Jeholornis prima

66 Jixiangornis orientalis Confuciusornis sanctus 74 Pengornis houi

92 Gobipteryx minuta 82 Neuquenornis volans

83 Concornis lacustris 83 Cathayornis yandica Patagopteryx deferrariisi 79 Hongshanornis

55 Yixianornis Yanornis 63 Apsaravis 98


FIG. 4. Absolute frequency jackknife tree for the dataset of Pei et al. (in press) obtained by the script pcrjak. run, ignoring the alternative positions of 35 taxa detected as unstable in the support analysis that decrease jackknife values. 110 BULLETIN AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY NO. 440

TABLE 1 Taxa detected as unstable within and among jackknife pseudoreplicates and those selected by prupdn as unstable taxa decreasing support in jackknife support analysis

Unstable among Unstable within Selected by prupdn jackknife pseudoreplications jackknife pseudoreplicates as unstable taxa – Acheroraptor Acheroraptor Achillobator – Achillobator Adasaurus – – – Albinykus – Archaeopteryx Haarlem Archaeopteryx Haarlem Archaeopteryx Haarlem Atrociraptor Atrociraptor – Austroraptor Austroraptor Austroraptor Avimimus – Avimimus Balaur – Balaur – Baptornis – Beishanlong Beishanlong Beishanlong Buitreraptor – – Byronosaurus – – Ceratonykus Ceratonykus Ceratonykus Changyuraptor – – Compsognathus – – Dakotaraptor – Dakotaraptor Dromaeosaurus – – Enigmosaurus Enigmosaurus Enigmosaurus Erlikosaurus Erlikosaurus Erlikosaurus Graciliraptor Graciliraptor Graciliraptor Hesperonychus Hesperonychus Hesperonychus – Hesperornis – Iaceornis Iaceornis – IGM 10044 IGM 1044 – Ingenia – Ingenia IVPP V22530 IVPP V22530 IVPP V22530 Jinfengopteryx – – Liaoningornis Liaoningornis Liaoningornis Limenavis Limenavis – Linhenykus – Linhenykus Linheraptor – – – Lithornis – Luanchuanraptor Luanchuanraptor – Mei – – Mirischia Mirischia Mirischia Mononykus – Mononykus Nanshiungosaurus Nanshiungosaurus – Neimongosaurus – – – Neuquenornis – Ornitholestes – Ornitholestes 2020 POL AND GOLOBOFF: UNSTABLE TAXA IN COELUROSAURIAN PHYLOGENY 111

TABLE 1 continued

Unstable among Unstable within Selected by prupdn jackknife pseudoreplications jackknife pseudoreplicates as unstable taxa Oviraptor – Oviraptor – Patagopteryx – Rahonavis – – – Rinchenia – Saurornithoides – – Saurornitholestes Saurornitholestes Saurornitholestes Shanag Shanag Shanag Sinornithoides – – Sinosauropteryx – Sinosauropteryx Sinovenator – Sinovenator Sinusonasus – Sinusonasus – Songlingornis Songlingornis Suzhousaurus – – – Therizinosaurus Therizinosaurus Troodon – – Tsaagan – – Tugulusaurus – Tugulusaurus Unenlagia – – Utahraptor Utahraptor Utahraptor – Vorona Vorona Velociraptor osmolskae Velociraptor osmolskae Velociraptor osmolskae Xixiasaurus – – Yi – Yi Yurgovuchia Yurgovuchia Yurgovuchia Zanabazar – –

Maniraptoriformes: This clade had low The support of Maniraptora is moderate in support (62%; fig. 2) and its early-diverging the jackknife based on the complete taxon set nodes were collapsed in the jackknife analysis (75%; fig. 2), but increases to 95% in the reduced including all the taxa, but the reduced jackknife jackknife tree. This difference is due to the unsta- analysis reveals high support (88%) for the node ble behavior of pennaraptorans of uncertain including compsognathids, ornithomimosauri- affinities that are excluded from the reduced ans, and later-diverging coelurosaurians. The jackknife tree (see below). The monophyly of the reduced jackknife tree also resolves compsog- two earliest-diverging branches (Alvarezsauroi- nathids as earlier diverging than ornithomimo- dea and Therizinosauria) is also extremely well saurians, although with low support (59%; fig. 4). supported (>90%) in both the complete jackknife This improvement is a consequence of the unsta- tree and the reduced jackknife trees (figs. 2, 4). ble position of Ornitholestes and two compsog- Pennaraptora: The difference in the com- nathids (the highly incomplete Mirischia and the plete jackknife tree and the reduced jackknife better-known Sinosauropteryx) that were unsta- trees in this clade is the largest of the analysis ble within many replicates. The monophyly of (figs. 2, 4). A high-order polytomy is present both Compsognathidae and Ornithomimosauria when all the taxa are included and poorly sup- are highly supported in the reduced jackknife ported groups are collapsed. Pennaraptora has tree (99% and 100%; fig. 4). moderate support in the reduced tree (78%; fig. 112 BULLETIN AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY NO. 440




40!#%" MISSING %


!" &&" 85'&" 105(!&" 125($&" 145 165 GEOLOGICAL TIME Ma

FIG. 5. Distribution of missing data in terminal taxa of the TWiG dataset (Pei et al., in press) through geologi- cal time. Each point represents a terminal taxon, vertical axis represents percentage of missing data in the matrix, and horizontal axis represents age of the terminal taxon (in millions of years). The graph represents all terminal taxa (gray circles), taxa identified as unstable within each pseudoreplicate (green triangles), taxa identified as unstable among the strict consensuses of pseudoreplicates (blue squares), and subset of taxa identified as unstable by the prupdn command (solid red circles).

4) and resolves the scansoriopterygid Epidexi- tionships of the three major clades of paravians pteryx and oviraptorosaurians as the is not caused by unstable taxa but instead due to of Paraves. Oviraptorosaurians are well sup- character conflict in this dataset. ported in the reduced jackknife tree (96%; fig. 4) Dromaeosauridae is collapsed in the jackknife as well as in the complete jackknife tree (89%; tree including all taxa and has low support (60%; fig. 2). Support within this clade is low even fig. 4) when unstable taxa are pruned from the when unstable oviraptorids are excluded (e.g., jackknife trees. The internal relationships of Oviraptor, Ingenia), except for the early-diverg- Dromaeosauridae also have relatively low sup- ing position of Incisivosaurus within this clade. ports, such as the nodes within One of the unstable taxa excluded from the and within Eudromaeosauria. The only nodes reduced jackknife tree that resolves Pennaraptora that are well supported in Dromaeosauridae are is the bizarre scansoriopterygid Yi qi, reflecting Microraptoria, Eudromaeosauria, and the node the conflictive history of hypotheses about that clusters these two clades (89%–92%; fig. 4). scansoriopterygid affinities (Zhang et al., 2008; Additionally, the support for Unenlagiinae and Turner et al., 2012; Agnolín and Novas, 2013; for the sister group relationship of Buitreraptor Godefroit et al., 2013). and Unenlagia/Neuquenraptor are also well sup- Paraves: In the jackknife tree including all ported (>90%; fig. 4) when the unstableAus - taxa, Paraves has very low support, but this clade troraptor is excluded. These well-supported is retrieved in the reduced jackknife tree with a dromaeosaurid nodes were completely collapsed relatively high nodal support (86%; fig. 4). The in the jackknife tree including all the taxa, so relationships between the three main paravian that unstable dromaeosaurids obscured the sup- clades (Dromaeosauridae, Troodontidae, Avia- port of these nodes. These support values are lae) are weakly supported in the reduced jack- obtained after pruning a total of 11 dromaeosau- knife tree, demonstrating the lack of strong rids (out of the 31 included in this matrix), iden- support for the topology retrieved in the MPTs tified as unstable by the prupdn command (i.e., (fig. 1), in which is depicted Saurornitholestes, Graciliraptor, Hesperonychus, as monophyletic. The lack of support for the rela- Shanag, Zhenyuanlong, Dakotaraptor, Yurgov- 2020 POL AND GOLOBOFF: UNSTABLE TAXA IN COELUROSAURIAN PHYLOGENY 113 uchia, Austroraptor, Achillobator, IVPP V22530, fig. 4), which is partially caused by the scoring of and Utahraptor). Dromaeosaurids concentrate Archaeopteryx at the specimen level. After prun- the largest number of unstable taxa among all ing the Haarlem specimen that was identified as coelurosaurian clades in this dataset, and it is highly unstable, most specimens of Archaeop- worth noting that some of these taxa are among teryx are in a polytomy at the base of Avialae in the most complete of the 31 pruned taxa. the reduced jackknife tree (fig. 4). Previous In contrast to Dromaeosauridae, Troodonti- authors have noted the presence of character dae is retrieved as moderately supported (73%; conflict related to the affinities Archaeopteryxof fig. 2) in the jackknife tree when all the taxa are with early-diverging avialans (Xu et al., 2011; included. The support for this node increases Turner et al., 2012; Xu and Pol, 2012; Godefroit marginally (78%; fig. 4) in the reduced jackknife et al., 2013) and this character conflict is present tree, after the exclusion ofSinusonasus and Sino- in the analyzed dataset. Combining all the speci- venator. As in the case of Dromaeosauridae, the mens into a single composite terminal taxon internal relationships of troodontids have gener- does not result in high support for the position ally low support (56–89%; fig. 4). of Archaeopteryx at the base of Avialae. After Anchiornithinae is recovered in the jackknife combining all the specimens into a single OTU tree when all the taxa are included (68%; fig. 2) and running the pcrjak script the support for and when the unstable taxa are pruned (78%; fig. Avialae (Archaeopteryx + later-diverging ) is 4). The early-diverging position ofXiaotingia is still extremely low (53%). The low support also present in both trees, although pruning the retrieved in the reduced jackknife trees for the unstable taxa increases the support value from position of Archaeopteryx at the early-diverging 73% (fig. 2) to 96% (fig. 4). Note that none of the node of Avialae reflects the presence of the char- anchiornithines are pruned in the reduced jack- acter conflict noted by previous authors. The knife tree, so this increase is caused by non- node formed by Sapeornis and later-diverging anchiornithine taxa that influence the results of avialans is retrieved as monophyletic with mod- the jackknife analysis of this node. erately high support (83%; fig. 2) and maximal The analysis of Pei et al. (in press) retrieves values are obtained after pruning unstable taxa Anchiornithinae as the sister group of Avialae in (100%; fig. 4). Within avialans, some unstable the MPTs. The sister group relationship of taxa are pruned (e.g., Vorona, Liaoningornis, Anchiornithinae and Avialae occurs with fre- Songlingornis, Limenavis), but these are involved quency below 50% in the complete jackknife in small polytomies in the complete jackknife tree, but occurs in the reduced jackknife tree tree (fig. 2). with moderate support (69%; fig. 4). The affini- ties of anchiornithines are one of the most con- CONCLUSIONS tentious issues in paravian systematics and vary significantly in previous analyses depending on The protocol implemented for producing the taxon and character sampling schemes (see reduced jackknife trees reveals that a large num- Agnolín and Novas, 2013; Brusatte et al., 2014; ber of coelurosaurian clades are well supported in Xu et al., 2015, 2017; Foth and Rauhut, 2017; Hu the latest version of the TWiG dataset (Pei et al., et al., 2018). This conflict is clearly not deter- in press) when unstable taxa are pruned from the mined by unstable taxa within this clade but is trees found during the resampling procedure. The affected by unstable taxa of other clades (e.g., unstable taxa that decrease nodal support are dromaeosaurids and avialans) and the presence detected in both the optimal trees within indi- of character conflict (Xu and Pol, 2012). vidual jackknife pseudoreplicates and among the Finally, Avialae is retrieved only in the strict consensuses of the different jackknife pseu- reduced jackknife tree with low support (<50%; doreplicates. The two-step approach used here for 114 BULLETIN AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY NO. 440 parsimony analysis is automated in a script for REFERENCES TNT (Goloboff et al., 2008) and differs from pre- Aberer, A., and A. Stamatakis. 2011. A simple and accu- vious attempts to identify unstable taxa and to rate method for rogue taxon identification. 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