HOUSE OR REPRESENTATIVES-Tuesday, March 8, 1988 the House Met at 12 Noon
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3520 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE March 8, 1988 HOUSE OR REPRESENTATIVES-Tuesday, March 8, 1988 The House met at 12 noon. certain drivers of motor vehicles and motor a weekly subsistence stipend, the pro The Chaplain, Rev. James David carriers; gram will allow the lump sum pay Ford, D.D., offered the following S. 1630. An act to provide for retirement ment of benefits to people wishing to and survivors' annuities for bankruptcy prayer: judges and magistrates, and for other pur start a small business. In effect, en Deliver us, 0 God, from judgments poses; couraging the unemployed to use their that show rashness or thoughtless S. 2151. An act to amend section 416 of existing skills to create jobs for them ness, and may we temper all our words the Agricultural Act of 1949, and for other selves. with wisdom, judiciousness, and pru purposes; This idea was originally proposed by dence. May we use our time, 0 God, S.J Res. 235. Joint resolution deploring Congressman RoN WYDEN and during for reflection and for a desire for un the Soviet Government's active persecution of religious believers in Ukraine; the last session, Congressman DoN derstanding before we rush to words S. Con. Res. 82. Concurrent resolution PEASE and I incorporated it into a bill, that do not correct or inform, but only urging the German Democratic chief of H.R. 2676. This legislation is designed cause pain. May our words, gracious state Erich Honecker to repeal permanently to make the unemployment insurance God, be instruments of healing and of the order directing East German border system more reliable, more responsive helping. In Your name, we pray. guards to shoot to kill anyone who, without and more effective. Amen. authorization, attempts to cross the Berlin You may ask why reform the system Wall, and to issue an order to tear down the Berlin Wall; now, when our national unemploy THE JOURNAL S. Con. Res. 94. Concurrent resolution to ment rate is 5. 7 percent, the lowest in express the sense of the Congress regarding a decade. We need to do this now, be The SPEAKER. The Chair has ex relief for the U.S. Soybean Industry under cause we have the opportunity. Pres amined the Journal of the last day's section 301 of the Trade Act of 1974; ently there is little strain on the proceedings and announces to the S. Con. Res. 98. Concurrent resolution to system, but in times of high unem House his approval thereof. authorize the printing of the annual three ployment it does not meet the needs of Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the volume report "Developments in Aging: the people. Reform is necessary to J oumal stands approved. 1987" prepared by the Special Committee on Aging; meet the future needs of the working S. Con. Res. 99. Concurrent resolution men and women of our Nation. MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE condemning North Korea's support for ter The lump-sum demonstration rorist activities; and project is a first step, and we need to A message from the Senate by Mr. S. Con. Res. 102. Concurrent resolution to Hallen, one of its clerks, announced take others. express the sense of the Congress regarding I would like to urge all of my col that the Senate had passed with an the contributions of John Foster Dulles in amendment in which the concurrence international affairs. leagues to take a close look at H.R. of the House is requested, a bill of the 2676 and consider becoming a cospon The message also announced that sor because now is the time to act. House of the following title: pursuant to sections 276h-276k, of H.R. 1212. An act to prevent the denial of title 22, United States Code, the Chair employment opportunities by prohibiting on behalf of the Vice President ap DISPENSING WITH CALENDAR the use of lie detectors by employers in points Mr. MURKOWSKI and Mr. volved in or affecting interstate commerce. WEDNESDAY BUSINESS ON McCAIN, as members of the Senate WEDNESDAY NEXT The message also announced that delegation to the Mexico-United the Senate insists upon its amendment States Interparliamentary Group Mr. GRAY of Illinois. Mr. Speaker, I to the bill <H.R. 1212) "An act to pro during the 2d session of the 100th ask unanimous consent that the busi vide the denial of employment oppor Congress, to be held in New Orleans, ness in order under the Calendar tunities by prohibiting the use of lie LA, March 4 to 8, 1988. Wednesday rule be dispensed with on detectors by employers involved in or The message also announced that Wednesday next. affecting interstate commerce," re pursuant to Public Law 94-201, the The SPEAKER. Is there objection quests a conference with the House on Chair on behalf of the President pro to the request of the gentleman from the disagreeing votes of the two tempore appoints William L. Kenney, Illinois? Houses thereon, and appoints Mr. Jr., of South Carolina, to t he Board of There was no objection. KENNEDY, Mr. METZENBAUM, Mr. MAT Trustees of the American Folklife SUNAGA, Mr. HATCH, and Mr. STAFFORD, Center, effective March 19, 1988, for a to be the conferees on the part of the 6-year term. INTRODUCTION OF LEGISLA Senate. TION IMPLEMENTING THE The message also announced that SALT RIVER PIMA-MARICOPA the Senate had passed bills, a joint DEMONSTRATION PROJECTS TO INDIAN COMMUNITY WATER resolution and concurrent resolutions TEST PROGRAM TO IMPROVE RIGHTS SETTLEMENT of the following titles, in which the UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSA <Mr. RHODES asked and was given concurrence of the House is requested: TION INSURANCE SYSTEM permission to address the House for 1 S. 450. An act to recognize the organiza <Mr. CLINGER asked and was given minute and to revise and extend his tion known as the National Mining Hall of permission to address the House for 1 remarks.) Fame and Museum; minute and to revise and extend his Mr. RHODES. Mr. Speaker, the Ari S. 840. An act to recognize the organiza remarks.) zona congressional delegation is intro tion known as the 82d Airborne Division As sociation, Inc.; Mr. CLINGER. Mr. Speaker, on ducing legislation which will be the S. 854. An act entitled the "Nevada-Flori March 1, the Department of Labor foundation for implementing an agree da Land Exchange Authorization Act of issued regulations to set up three dem ment to settle long-standing Indian 1988"; onstration projects to test a program water rights claims of the Salt River S. 861. An act to require certain actions by to improve the unemployment com Pima-Maricopa Indian Community in the Secretary of Transportation regarding pensation insurance system. In lieu of Arizona. D This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., D 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. March 8, 1988 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 3521 Arizona Indian tribes and water in There was no objection. SEc. 2. The Secretary of Transportation terests have led the way in negotiating may award decorations and medals of ap settlements of Indian water rights propriate design <including ribbons, ribbon APPOINTMENT AS MEMBERS TO bars, emblems, rosettes, minature facsimiles, claims. Our efforts further fulfill the plaques, citations, or other suitable devices policy of the United States to settle NATIONAL COMMISSION ON CHILDREN or insignia) for individual acts or service in such claims through negotiation the United States merchant marine. rather than lengthy, contentious, and The SPEAKER. Pursuant to the SEc. 3. The Secretary of Transportation expensive litigation. provisions of section 1139 of the Social may award- It is in this spirit-a spirit of vision Security Act, as amended by section <1 > a Merchant Marine Distinguished ary cooperation among Indians and 9136 of Public Law 100-203, the Chair Service Medal to an individual for outstand non-Indians-that this particular set appoints on the part of the House the ing acts, conduct, or valor beyond the line of tlement has been achieved. Our task following Members to the National duty; (2) a Merchant Marine Meritorious Serv now, as we begin public hearings in Commission on Children: ice Medal to an individual for meritorious the House Interior Committee, is to A: Individuals providing services, ac acts, conduct, or valor in the line of duty, fashion a final legislative package and tivities or research for children: but not of the outstanding character as refinements in the settlement that will Mr. Gerald W. McEntee, of Wash would warrant the award of the Merchant affirm a fair and equitable allotment ington, DC; Marine Distinguished Service Medal; of these water rights, once and for all. Dr. T. Berry Brazelton, of Cam (3) a decoration or medal to an individual I am confident continued coopera bridge, MA; for service in time of war or national emer tion among the Indians, the cities, the Dr. Donald J. Cohen, of New Haven, gency proclaimed by the President or Con several vital water interests, and the CT; and gress, or during operations by the Armed Forces of the United States outside the con Federal Government will result in a Mrs. Mary Hatwood Futrell, of tinental United States under conditions of final settlement and legislative pack Washington, DC; danger to life and property; and age which we will all be proud to sup B: Individuals who are elected or ap <4> a decoration or medal to an individual port. pointed public officials: for other acts or service of conspicuous gal From the House of Representatives, lantry, intrepidity, and extraordinary hero Mr.