IJSAP Volume 01, Number 04
WellBeing International WBI Studies Repository 7-1980 IJSAP Volume 01, Number 04 Follow this and additional works at: https://www.wellbeingintlstudiesrepository.org/v1_ijsap Recommended Citation "IJSAP Volume 01, Number 04" (1980). IJSAP VOL 1. 4. https://www.wellbeingintlstudiesrepository.org/v1_ijsap/4 This material is brought to you for free and open access by WellBeing International. It has been accepted for inclusion by an authorized administrator of the WBI Studies Repository. For more information, please contact wbisr-info@wellbeingintl.org. International for :the Study of Journal An1n1al Problems VOLUME 1 NUMBER 4 JULY/AUGUST 1980 ., ·-·.··---:-7---;-~---------:--;--·- ·.- . -~~·--· -~-- .-.-,. ") International I for the Study of I TABLE OF CONTENTS-VOL. 1(4) 1980 J ournal Animal Problems EDITORIAL ADVISORY BOARD EDITORIALS EDITORIAL OFFICERS Alternatives and Animal Rights: A Reply to Maurice Visscher D.K. Belyaev, Institute of Cytology Editors-in-Chief A.N. Rowan 210-211 and Genetics, USSR Advocacy, Objectivity and the Draize Test- P. Singer 211-213 Michael W. Fox, Director, !SAP J.M. Cass, Veterans Administration, USA Andrew N. Rowan, Associate Director, ISAP S. Clark, University of Glasgow, UK j.C. Daniel, Bombay Natural History Society, FOCUS 214-217 Editor India C.L. de Cuenca, University of Madrid, Spain Live Animals in Car Crash Studies Nancy A. Heneson I. Ekesbo, Swedish Agricultural University, Sweden NEWS AND REVIEW 218-223 Managing Editor L.C. Faulkner, University of Missouri, USA Abstract: Legal Rights of Animals in the U.S.A. M.F.W. Festing, Medical Research Council Nancie L. Brownley Laboratory Animals Centre, UK Companion Animals A. F. Fraser, University of Saskatchewan, Associate Editors Pharmacology of Succinylcholine Canada Roger Ewbank, Director T.H.
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