New Chapel Will Be Big Addition Dope Favorable to Three Teams
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VOL. XIII. RICE INSTITUTE, HOUSTON, TEXAS, SEPT. 20, 1927 NO. 1. Rice T opics New Chapel Will Dope Favorable MAYOR HOLCOMBE'S warning that the destruction of any property or the injury of any citizen during the annual Slime parade would end all Be Big Addition To Three Teams parades and similar events should be borne in mind by all students. • • • The regrettable incident at the Donation of Mrs. Neville Complete Texas, Southern Methodists, and Aggies old Scanlan building has placed the In Every Reipect Appear Conference's Best student body of Rice Institute on pro- bation with all of Houston, and only by practicing the most meticulous re- Construction work on Palmer Chapel, joined to the Autry With the football season's opening game less than a week re- gard for the rights of property and House by a long arch-way, will be completed by Thanksgiving, moved, the old dope bucket is being poured full of forecasts which inhabitants of the city will the stu- some dark horse will spill in one glorious upset. Strong teams dents ever win bank the confidence of according to architect William Ward Watkin. Houstonians. Work on the new structure adjoining the Rice Campus was are forecast in every Conference camp with the exception of Rice • # • started in June and has advanced steadily during the intervening and Arkansas, and when it comes to picking a champion, S. M. V., Texas and the Aggies are not bashful in their predictions. The destruction of property should three months. have no place in college life, but va- Given to the glory of God and in memory of her brother, Edwin S. M. IT.'s ponies seem to have nothing to worry about as far rious occasions during the year re- Palmer, Palmer Chapel is being erected by Mrs. E. L. Neville as as material is concerned. With Gerald Mann and Redman Hume . quire the sanction of city officials. a towering tribute to youths of today. in the backfield, the Mustangs have as strong a triple threat com- Unless students make an attempt to History of the gift which has made the new addition to Autry bination as ever, in fact it is the same. Their greatest hole to fill regain the trust of such officials, sev- House, the meeting place of Rice stu- _______ ________________ "ill be that left by Cortemglla' eral annual stunts established by tra- dents, possible, is one short in length who single-handed checked more op- dition are going to suffer seriously. but rich in sentiment. ponent* drives than any man on the • • • Edwin Palmer, in whose name the DRUM MAJOR FOR squad. The absence of this all-con- Such stunts are indeed important, chapel is being erected, was drowned KRANZNAMEDTO fen-nee man may mean the difference for they serve to bring Rice closer to while nobly endeavoring to save his between the title and .Second-best. Houstonians. The tremendous crowds sister's life. At the time of the mis- SUCCEED BENNETT RICE BAND SOUGHT Dawson, Saunders, Hooks, Howard, that turn out for the Slime parade fortune, Mr. Palmer was a student of Love, Wray, Heed, Lynch. Knieff, and bear out this statement. an Eastern coffege. Fincher are experienced performers The Episcopal chapel will be en Was Freshman Yell Leader Hoffman Will Head Group upon whom coach Morrison Will de- tirely for Rice students and will not j pend for holes through which the ^NOTHER YEAR finds the Cam- 1 During Past Year For Coming Year panile coming out some three comprise a parish of the pplscopal flashy Hume will dart A crew of be- faith. months late. Acting for the Student's Associa- "A bigger and better band than tween sixty and one hundred picked Mrs. Neville has endowed the Pal- • * • i ver before" was the prediction made m'*n from which to choose eleven to mer Chapel for music, speakers and tion, the Students' Council has ap- do battle royal on the turfed field The tardiness of the book is deplor- by Hill Grace when questioned about general upkeep. A large pipe organ pointed (Jus Kranz cheer leader to hasn't dimmed Morrison's smile in the able, and seems to be about to be- is to be installed in the new structure the horn-blowing prospects for the come a custom established by repeat- succeed Sam Bennett, who resigned coming year. "We have lost very few least. and Mrs. Roy Wilson will continue to from the position just before the close Morrison can well afford to smile ed precedence. give her services as organist. Mrs of last year's hand men, and the al- • # » of school last spring. most intact membership from the old now for prospects are bright. Mann Wilson has been organist for the Au- is conceded the position of all-confer- The book is getting off to a good try House chapel for the past three Kranz held the position of Fresh- band otgether with such players as will undoubtedly come in this year ence quarterback unless something start this year, and it is to be hoped years. man cheer leader last year, and was like a cornet, appears in a rival camp. that it will be in the hands of the A special quartet has been secured, to have been assistant cheer leader will in all probability give Rice the largest band she has ever had." Man was the trickiest broken field students before the end of the schol- Autry House officials state, for the this year. He has had considerable runner in the conference last season astic year. choir of the new chapel. experience in the work, and is fully Two bass players of last year were besides passing and kicking accurate- • * • Rev. Francis M. Osborne, Autry capable of handling the job. lost through graduation, and one cor- ly and boasting plenty of speed to The Thresher has no arbitrary reg- House pastor for the past year, will According to Walter Boone, presi- net ist, Crawford, has transferred to •skirt the ends when desired. On top ulations to suggest to the Student be in charge of Palmer Chapel. dent of the Students' Association, the Texas University. of these qualifications, he was a heady Council, or other controlling forces, The new chapel, a large, airy struc- action of the Council in appointing Probably the biggest gap to be pilot who knew football as football devised to insure the appearance of ture, is being erected by the Tellepsen Kranz without holding a special elec- filled this year in the ranks of the should be known, and victory and the annual on time. It is merely our Construction Company and was plan- tion was taken after due considera- band is that left by the graduation Mann were synonomous in the Mils- ! desire to exhort the entire Campanile ned by Cram & Ferguson and William tion indicated this as the best move. of Jack Henderson, drum major. It is tang camp. staff to see that the work is done Ward Watkin, supervising architects I It was necessary that some action be not yet known who will carry the Hume too, seems to be an exact re- when it should be don% of Rice Institute. j taken at once, since the cheer lead- baton this year, and it is hoped that (Continued 011 page 4) 1 ——• R «r's work begins immfldlatoly with ("Courtesy Houston Post-Dispatch] suitable applicants will come forward JN YEARS PAST The Thresher office the opening of school, and the time re- and offer their services. rt is seems to have been considered a quired to hold the election would cause Captain Merle Comstock, of El desirable that tlie drum major be the "pep" season to ne seriously Campo, Texas, who will lead fairly tall, straight backed, and that convenient adjunc» t* to• the library. Wonder Dog Visits handicapped by a late start. In ad- the Rice Owls on the football lie may have had previous experience Its attractions were many: one dition to this, only one candidate is field. in handling the baton. It is essential could smoke, swear, play bridge, and Bunch of Warblers in the field at present, and by merely R that he be able to do the "Owl Strut", Editorial Sanctum put one's feet on the table. appointing him to the position the ex- made famous some time ago by the <* * * Forty-eight students signed up for pense and trouble of.printing a ballot first • Rice drum major. Final Friday morning the Editor was sit The fact that the lounging, loafing the Rice Glee Club Thursday and Fri- and holding an election is eliminated. 50-50 SEASON IS selection of a man to fill the position ting in his study cogitating on mat- public interfered seriously with the day at the desk placed in the Sally- It is to be clearly understood by all will probably be made in about two ters of scholarship and finance, when work of the staff seems to have oc- port. In addition, to these, eleven members of the student body that the weeks. the door swung slowly open and in curred to very few of the individuals action of the Council is not arbitrary, NOW INDICATED Grace has bought forty dollars other members are in prospect. strolled Cop. the Wonder Dog. making up that• extensiv• * e group. since any objector to the appointment worth of new music for use this year, Robert Whinery is at present con- is at liberty to present the usual pe- BY OWL GRIDMEN including Sousa marches, concert "Hello, old friend," she said, as she It is hoped that greater consider ducting the affairs of the warblers, tition nominating another candidate numbers, and waltzes.