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Moy 29,'1975 I 301 * TheContinutng PEACE &, FREEDOM THRUID NONVIOLENT ACTION Agong of : Ireland; Tlre ùIayaguez Affalr; Prlson Llfe '-: 1.! T',/:: ii,j ':ii';; i¡i¡¡ l:Ì¡\:i'1.,t .:¡ { i i.ii il ¡;-,i¡ i i ¡,1 .:. *:' ¡. ¡1,. t ¡i f ; ;. 1: ri'¡. ¡.'' r: iì :'a -'ì.;¿ people will be community continue ñne with it as,long as more Do we sit on our intellectual, lrourgeois perienced in parenting and knew damned sge the nonviolent - hap' term task of atträcted to it as a result. But the IWW well what'they were in for. with the more ðifficqlt,'long . cloutls and condeinà a methqd of resistänce oens to actually be explipitly not andrch¡st, forming a society where abortion is not chosen by anothsr people? \ryhât.alternative It's that kind of all-repudiating attitude if you don't believe me, write to the considãred necessary by any. Birth control -d ditl thc Vietnamese have? In the beginning that depresses my faith in radical, left, & al- headquartcrs in Chicago-and improrrement, education, and dissemination organiiation's the NLIr. u'sed nonyiolence that raised the ternative ideologies; a refusal to recognize the I\UW an Anarchist of that strüggle, as are asñ straieht out: "ls hair on the nccks of Diem and his his den that while one may scorn anotherls politics *"'itt"tïuti oaits the IlilW tries to equalizing incomes in-this- union?"1ike WIN itself, of thicvcs. Do we maintain our elite stance or mental capacities, the assumption of stopping rape ànd RENKEN be'affthings to all radicals, ând in my and denounco them because they elected to responsibility for one young life is not COúNITV. ' -'NORAH Ore. opinion it is the worry for it. lightly undertaken. .,. Portland, dcfcnd themselves with arms? They werq Please do not mistake mY meanrng: homes and families. Michele Clark cites our own orphanageg after all fighting for their Thank you for printing Barbara Dsmings.. Whatevet disagreements I may have with a policy of crammed with unwanted childrqn, com- The PRG never has employed "1o r"ot lane Álpert ii tQ Fear ourselves". the IWW or oiher syndicalists, or with . I would likc to stato my vicws on thc end of sea¡ðh and destroy; never have they satuta' plains that no one is lining up outside of '. ÍWIN. 5/221751-This piece of beautiful - Borsodi's centralized World Govemment thc Victnam war, not only in rcsponse to cities as a method of phone booths kids. Then tion bombed or shelled to beg for these wúting has touched on so many trio. I do not object at all to your having also Fìd änO aô"p tho. writçrs f WlN, 5/l/751, but to wanton dcstruction. A rural guerrilla army she goes after the "extremely naive and un- descrip- of the iisues that concern me most. It , orôônæ¿ these people's views or , Lazar lLcttcrs, a/15/751 . is not built on terror but cooperation. introspective people" who have chosen to moves from place to place in my own life, iions'of their activities. What I do object to . I agrcc with Jin l;orest, Tom Cornell The victory of the PRG came not so adopt Vietnameæ children. How about the iüutin"ting, .larifying, honingÎn and open- is your presenting them in such a way that' 1975 Xl, No. 19 and Staughton Lynd about thc PRG vic- much f¡6m military force. Thieu's govem- rest of us who have chosen to adopt no one May lVol. ins uo. Thank You, WIN. Thank You, thó reader is led to betieve all this is Ana¡- tory, and I fìnd it dcplorablc that pcople ment collapsed because there was no sus- thosg at all? Has Ms. Clark adopted one of DWORKIN chisi. Anarchisn is a distinct thing; it is it without romembering the great popular fó¡ no other own Bñú;a -ANDREA 4. The Continuing Agony of Northern cclcbrato tgnance, no suppgrt unwanted Americans languishing in our New York, iftr tef¡.f tnat authoritar!1¡ism is harmful, loss of lifb infìictcd to achieve it. Ed Lazar reasgn. Córruption and"terror spelled his orphanages? \l,.I lreland Cloudlo Drelfus and that therefô¡e we need no govemments I was right to qucstion thc wisdom of a paci' end. If so,.my apologies; she knows whereqf I have several comments on your isue of at alL People certainly do have a right to- 10. From a Kibbutz on the lsraeli' list magazinc using thc.term, "liberation" tô Many years ago the war would.have been she speaks. If not, I rouse myself from a sul- May 15 which'is represented as dealing with Aisagte" wittt this just as much as they like' Lbeanon Border I Poula RoYman tlcscribc military campàigns. Hówever, I can' ovér had not the'United States continued. len bourgeois silence to suggest that she Ana¡chisn. butihey æûainly do nothalrq the right to not conclude that what the PRG did was as intcrfe¡ence. Our nonviolent resistence here direct her righteous indignation toward less 12. Prison Letters First.of all, it is plain to me that Muray falsely claim that proposers'ofworld gov- horriblc as thc atrocitics of our govemment in the monster helped extricate the military well-meaning citizens. ROBBINS - the'DC I M¡tch ' -LYNNE Rosenblith, at least, who introduced the emmãnt repreænf Analchisn' or that the f¡t Inside lail in Cambodia anrl Vietnam; machine. Wilton, Conn. isue. felt rather guilty about its contents' IWW is Anarchist, when that isdt true' Snyder- I ani a pacilìst an<l coulcl ncver advocate 'Vietnam has won, we helped them, Eddte since ne went to iome pâins to speak of _FREDWOODWORTH Ã-iiuJContentrâtion CímP I thc killing of anyone, particularly innocent consequently we won for ourselves. So lefs In response to Jeanette Chase's letter in the Tucson, Az' now WfN woulð avoid the "trap" of'saying, Sanchez ì pcoplc; no war is just. Nor am I ignoring quit looking down our a¡istoc¡atic, edu- May I issue: I agree with so much of her "this is Anarchi3m." Unfortunately for from an thc ambiguity of thc situàtion. I want the câted noses and get on with business. The letter! True, abo¡tion is not a cure-all; the 14. A Letter to Paul Goodman WIN's intention, the best way to avoid such SUSSEX & IIVARREN thirrl tbrcc rccognized, not thrown in jail. war is over, for that we should truly cele- problem lies in society but falls mainly on ATTENTION Alternative School in Milwaukee a "trapl'would have been to ¡iresent ma' (NI) READERS! But I cannot fcel as Lazar does that the brate. At least I will extend hearty greet- the women. True, abortion needs to be kept COUNTY fuvld Mc' terial on Anarchisrr itself instead of the .that newspaper, 15. The MaYaguez Affair / peace movement should protest the viola- ings of solidarity to the PRG and wish them legal in a society where better options mayr ' The publishers of fine inelange of trendy'sounding, irrelevant 'Reynolds tion of the treaty by the PRG. Granted, much success in rebuilding a nation from be nonexistent for many. the Susæx SPectator, have offer-ed a articles the issue contained neithe¡ side followcd the agreements to the chaos ¿nd ruin. There is oné point I disagree on. Whát is subscr¡Ption (a whoP 16. Premonitions of Cryst¿l Nighf You pre$ent Borsodi within the context free two Yeai lctter although the best thing would have T. WILLINGHAM all the hue and cry about taxpayers paying . anyone who con- Judith Molìna -STEPHEN of your'-'Anarchisn" iszue: Yet, Borsodi ping $8 value) to been for both sides to follow it so at least Berryville, Va. for abortion? I assume yotr (and Tim Fouts WIN fund oroooses a wo¡ld authority, a govemment, iriu"uids $5 oi more to the 17. Changes the killing couid bc rcduced. as well) mean by this the abortions that äomplete with flags, uniforms, and mili- raisins drive! What an excellent way . Yet thc Vietnamese have been victims I read the May 8th ispue of WIN with the póor women manage to obtain through 20. Reviews tarisis. Borsodi isn't even a consistent de' to suöport feisty WIN wllile.keeping up of outsidc colonialism for decades, and of of reierent humility public hospitals, Planned Parenthood, and usual combination ' 'centralist' le't alone an Anarchi'st! '-' withïhe home town news! (You musf institutionalized violence perpetuated by (there they are, giving voice to outrage, Welfare. What I ask is this: if ypu and I wo¡k Cover: Photo bY Richard Kalvar ' Then You talk about the IWW. The IWW with youi contr¡but¡on that 'the Unitcd Statcs. How can we turn our trying to counteract by communicating for a bois and we earn $2.50 an hour each it never indicate \ is consistent inpne thing anyway: gät in on this exciting of' STAFF backs on their struggle for what most positive alternatives) and resentment (here's and he earns $20,000 a year and his wiþ some- you want to ' ' discouragps ballyhoo about itself. If peoples of the wo¡ld want (freedom.from yet another non-poem by Daniel Berrigan, buys an abortion from a private dottoriare just fer.) Fager body wants to call it anarchistic, that's . Susan Cakals¡' Chuck outside influence) just because.of the ir-. who reads of the death of 100 orphans in a not you and I paying fo¡ their abortion? Maris Cakars Susan Pines' Fred Rosen ¡ationâl violence used as a response. to the .