Masterplan Report Future High Street Fund April 2020

High Peak Borough Council working for our community Buxton Future High Street Fund: Masterplan Report


1.0 Introduction...... 3 2.0 Background...... 6 3.0 Issues & Opportunities...... 10 4.0 Community & Stakeholder Engagement...... 14 5.0 Design Evolution...... 16 6.0 The Masterplan...... 22 7.0 Next Steps...... 42


Figure 1: FHSF Area Boundary Figure 2: Town Context Figure 3: Townscape Analysis: Form Figure 4: Townscape Analysis: Movement Figure 5: Masterplan (Ground Floor Uses) Lambert Figure 6: Masterplan (Upper Floor Uses) Smith Figure 7: Masterplan (Basement Parking) e*SCAPE Figure 8: Masterplan (Roof Plan) Ham1pton urbanists

Pell Frischmann High Peak Borough Co•uncil Excellence through innovation working for our community 2 Buxton Future High Street Fund: Masterplan Report INTRODUCTION Buxton Future High Street Fund: Masterplan Report

Introduction that will integrate with and compliment, not compete with, other parts of the town centre. 1.1 High Peak Borough Council (HPBC) have applied to the Government’s Future High Street Fund (FHSF) to support Future High Street Fund process proposals to regenerate part of Buxton town centre. The proposals are focused on the area comprising Spring Gardens, 1.6 The Future High Street Fund was set up in 2019 to support The Springs Shopping Centre and the gateway to Buxton Train places by co-funding transformative, structural changes to Station (see Figure 1). overcome challenges in their area. It is a two-stage process with two rounds of funding. The first stage required the submission 1.2 This bid has been shortlisted by Government for funding and of an Expression of Interest, for shortlisting to Stage 2. HPBC’s the HPBC have now prepared their final, Stage 2 submission submission for Buxton town centre was one of the first round – the Business Case. Lambert Smith Hampton (LSH) have entrants, and has been successful in becoming one of 101 been appointed by High Peak Borough Council to assist in the entrants shortlisted for a Stage 2 submission following the EOI preparation of the masterplan and Business Case and they lead submission in March 2019. HPBC are now required to submit a a multi-disciplinary team including e*SCAPE (urban designers), Stage 2 submission by 30 April 2020. Pell Frischmann (transport and engineering) and Development Economics (economic modelling). 1.7 The total value of the FHSF is over £1 bn. It was established in response to the challenges currently facing high streets and the 1.3 This Masterplan Report describes the masterplan proposals need to facilitate their transformation. This is explained in the and the process of its preparation. This has included significant FHSF Prospectus: stakeholder and community engagement exercises, design evolution and viability testing. It is submitted alongside the “Today, as consumer patterns change and spending Stage 2 FHSF submission to provide a full explanation of the increasingly moves online, our expectations of high streets proposals. are changing too. A renewed emphasis on ‘experience’ brings convenience, valuable services and a powerful sense of the 1.4 Although the key enabling funding source would be the FHSF, community to the fore – that intrinsic desire for something that the proposals are supported by a balanced mix of funds including cannot be replicated online.” HPBC finance and private sector co-investment. The proposals have also been designed to complement and work alongside 1.8 The objective of the FSHF is to “renew and reshape town other funding sources, such as the Heritage Action Zone, that centres and high streets in a way that improves experience, HPBC have been successful in securing. The result is a holistic drives growth and ensures future sustainability”. masterplan that will deliver sustainable and transformative regeneration, creating a town centre fit for the 21st century. The proposals have been supported by viability assessment, a delivery strategy and evidence commitment from the private sector co-investor. Details of these are found in the confidential appendices that accompany this main report.

1.5 The masterplan focuses on the area within the defined FHSF boundary, but it has not been considered in isolation. The masterplan considers linkages and opportunities outside the edges of the FHSF area. It proposes a role for the FHSF area

3 1. INTRODUCTION Buxton Future High Street Fund: Masterplan Report

Key Future High Street Fund Boundary

( I------_- I

Palace Road

Charles Street

A53 Station Road

Bridge Street

Quadrant Mews Station Approach

New Wye Street

Terrace Road

Wye Street


I Spring Gardens ----1 I ' ' ' ' 'r-----~

Sylvan Park

Holker Road

The Crescent

Holker,----- AvenueI <§;::=-~~~=::~; ------;;,, -- a' Lower Hardwick Street ' ·-. ___ ·,"____ '.•" ___ \ ____ ,i-::: ~,'_I _____ --- 0m 10m 20m 30m 40m 50m 60m -CJ Scale 1:1,250 (@ A3) ( ·•~1 Ordnance Survey © Crown copyright 2019. All rights reserved. Licence number LIG1024 Hardwick Street Hardwick Mount

Figure 1: FHSF Area Boundary

4 Buxton Future High Street Fund: Masterplan Report 1. INTRODUCTION Buxton Future High Street Fund: Masterplan Report

5 2. BACKGROUND Buxton Future High Street Fund: Masterplan Report

Background 2.7 The Expression of Interest included the need to address key challenges: 2.1 A Town Centre Investment Programme was approved by High • Disconnect between Georgian heritage, visitor appeal, and Peak Borough Council in February 2019. The programme Low quality primary shopping zone outlined proposals to support the development of high streets • Physical disconnect between railway station/former buxton and town centres, and recommended submission of funding water site regeneration area (to be new hospital and bids (including the Future High Streets Fund, Heritage Lottery retirement housing) and Spring Gardens Primary shopping Fund and Highways England Designated Fund) to support area delivery. • Significant under-use of Upper floors including Heritage Assets 2.2 The Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government • Resident perception & dissatisfaction with Primary (MHCLG) made new provision for town centre funding including shopping zone a £675 million Future High Streets Fund (later uplifted to £1bn) • Low level of start-ups and growth of small businesses to help diversity ‘high street’ areas; and a Heritage Action Zone fund to help restore historic high street properties and help find And the request for funding to: new economic uses for these properties. • Adopted Supplementary Planning Guidance for Station • Develop options & business case for re-development of the Road (2007); under-utilised ‘Springs’ indoor shopping centre for more 2.3 The Government permitted only one FHSF bid and one leisure, office uses and commercial uses + experienced Heritage Action Zone application from each local authority and • Adopted Design & Place-making Strategy (2009); focused retail/pop ups to blur distinctions between visitor focused area and primary shopping zone and extend the have made clear that they will not accept bids covering town well-being and leisure focused appeal of the town into a centre areas that are not facing significant challenges primarily • Adopted Local Plan (2016); revitalised town centre identified as those having a higher rate of retail vacancies • Develop options to create a new town centre pedestrian than the national average. Having presented the criteria, and • Accelerated Housing Delivery Strategy (2016); entrance from station, cycle interchange and improved considered the challenges and opportunities presented by each gateway appeal between Station Road and Spring Gardens of the High Peak towns, the primary shopping area of Buxton • D2N2 Strategic Economic Plan (2019-2030); was approved by Members as best placed to be the focus of • look at business case to increase town centre car parking (and introduce Smart technology, EV charge points) and both submissions and would benefit most from programme. • Identified models of good practice for revitalisation of town simultaneously re-use some car parking for other uses to centres (LGA Grimsey Review) 2017; High Street Report improve visual entrance (Timpson report 2018); Expression of Interest Stage • Design options for a refresh of the public realm along Spring Gardens including rationalising of street signage & the 7 • Draft Buxton Visitor Economy Strategy ( March 2019); 2.4 An Expression of Interest was made by HPBC to the pedestrian crossings Government’s Future High Streets Fund (FHSF) in March 2019. • Commission Business case development for townscape • Draft Buxton Town Team Travel Plan (Feb 2019); grant and loan funding for capital improvements and upper 2.5 The criteria for the scheme meant that an Expression of Interest floor conversions to private sector properties to improve covering the whole of Buxton would not been eligible, as the • Emerging One Public Estate Health Hub project (on adjacent appearance of town centre and increase residential and office use on upper floors (75% vacant at present) shop vacancy level across the town centre as a whole was land); below the national rate. An application was therefore developed • Review & cost existing wayfinding strategy & travel Plan so focusing on the subarea facing the most challenge. • Economic evidence on shop diversity, vacancy rates, that this can be implemented Demographic and economic data, plus complaints/feedback • Increase capacity by having dedicated officer who will 2.6 The FHSF proposals build upon a significant body of previous from residents about town centre decline (which contrasted establish landowner forum to engage with commercial work, including: strongly from visitor feedback). property owners, lead on community liaison, engender increased civic pride and oversee above works.

6 2. BACKGROUND Buxton Future High Street Fund: Masterplan Report

The government has made no guarantee that towns selected for first stage funding will receive second stage capital funding; it remains a competitive process assessed by the submission of the business case against criteria set out in guidance.

2.11 An expression of interest was made to the Government’s Future High Streets Fund (FHSF) in March 2019 and was approved in July 2019.

Stage 2 2.8 Alongside the above, it was acknowledged that the FHSF project, if successful, would be part of a suite of regeneration 2.12 Lambert Smith Hampton were appointed as lead consultant projects as part of High Peak Borough Council’s corporate following a competitive tender process to qualifying priorities for ‘Thriving High Streets’. This could include other businesses on the HCA framework in September 2019. initiatives both within Buxton and across the district to provide They undertook a baseline analysis to gather together an • Townscape examination; support for both business start-ups, existing businesses; and understanding of the study area, its current situation, and the promote civic pride alongside support for re-use of opportunities that can inform the FHSF proposals. This • Transport and pedestrian movement analysis and broadband heritage assets and delivery of the visitor economy strategy included significant in-depth analysis of the factors which capacity; would impact on town centre as well as identifying 2.9 The premise of the Expression of Interest was widely endorsed deliverable opportunities and commercial aspiration • Ongoing stakeholder consultation; by private, public, voluntary and community sectors, with letters including: of support received from: • Desktop analysis and policy context; • Development of an emerging preferred masterplan option;

County Council, Derbyshire Economic • Commercial assessment, property market review, demand • Secondary consultation on emerging option with a range of Partnership, D2N2 Local Enterprise Partnership, University and investor analysis; statutory consultees and prospective investors; of Derby, Buxton & Leek College, East Midlands Chamber, Federation of Small Businesses; • Early draft business case; • Buxton Town Team, Vision Buxton and Buxton Civic • Public consultation Association, Heritage Trust, High Peak CVS 2.13 The Business Case has now been prepared and submitted. It rests upon an agreed Emerging Masterplan, which is presented • Buxton Crescent Hotel & Thermal Spa; Parkwood Leisure and explained within this report. (Buxton Pavilion Gardens) ; Buxton International Opera Festival; Buxton Pavilion Gardens; Nestlé Waters UK (Buxton Water) and a signed letter from 23 Heritage Action Zone (HAZ) Higher Buxton businesses (acknowledging and supporting application focus on Spring Gardens) 2.14 Simultaneous to the Future High Street Expression of Interest assessment period, in June 2020, there was a call for a single– 2.10 The FHSF is a two stage fund. It includes an initial revenue fund stage application to establish Heritage Action Zones. This fund for selected areas to develop proposals and prepare a business has similar objectives to the FHSF in that eligible areas had case; and a second, capital fund to implement those proposals. to be town centres facing significant challenge, but funding

7 2. BACKGROUND Buxton Future High Street Fund: Masterplan Report

had to develop the heritage value of the eligible area and so established of parties with strategic or co-investment interest in could compliment but not duplicate initiatives with the FHSF the project with representation from the VES board and synergy expression of interest. The council has been awarded an in with Heritage Action Zone. This will include appropriate sub- principle award of £913,500 under the HAZ scheme. The grant groups to oversee specific elements. agreement is expected in April 2020. 2.17 The Board will also oversee delivery of the HAZ and, in line 2.15 The key deliverables under this scheme include: with Historic England requirements, VES members will lead community engagement and cultural programme through • Shop front restoration grants for heritage buildings development of sub groups.

• Grant funding to support viability gaps to bring forward empty heritage properties

• Offer of a complementary facelift scheme to allocate small grants towards modern units to improve colour scheme and signage

• Community engagement and cultural programme development

• Exploration of the restoration and continuation of the missing colonnade around the Cavendish Arcade

• Heritage interpretation at key visitor entrance points

• Funding and delivery of an education pack for school children.


2.16 The Expression of Interest to FHSF proposed that governance arrangements for the revenue project, would include the conversion of the Visitor Economy Strategy Board (VES Board), into a Steering Board of Stakeholders with oversight by the Council’s Transformation Board and Economy and Growth Select Committee. To this end, in August 2019 revised terms of reference were taken to VES Board together with proposals to extend the membership. These were accepted, although the VES Board declined to change their name as originally proposed. If the business case is approved the VES board will continue in an advisory role but a tighter FHSF Delivery Board will be

8 Buxton Future High Street Fund: Masterplan Report Buxton Future High Street Fund: Masterplan Report

9 3. ISSUES & OPPORTUNITIES Buxton Future High Street Fund: Masterplan Report

Issues & Opportunities Summary SWOT Analysis

3.1 The consultant team first undertook a comprehensive baseline review of the issues and opportunities facing the FHSF area. Strengths Weaknesses This both informed the FHSF proposals that were subsequently developed and also acts as a robust evidence base to support the Business Case and emerging masterplan. A separate Stage • Excellent heritage context • The centre now only has Waitrose as an anchor store, 1 Report has been prepared which documents this analysis and • Strong townscape character following loss of M&S can be referred to for full details. • Key strategic location: gateway to the • Some improvements needed to public realm • Strong tourism offer • Weak gateway and arrival at Station 3.2 The issues and opportunities analysis included the following workstreams: • Easily accessible by public transport • Poor linkage to and through the study area • Town centre still has a strong comparison sector • No eastern anchor/destination • Planning policy review • Vacancy rate above the national average • Limited 4G public provision • Summary of regeneration initiatives and relevant significant development proposals Opportunities Threats • Townscape analysis

• Strong group of stakeholders supporting positive • Strong comparison sector risks further decline given • Retail healthcheck review change wider retail trends • Property market review • Solid body of local design guidance • Waitrose may leave the study area • A flexible planning policy context supports change • Reprovision of University accommodation could also • Transport and movement overview assessment • Many local development and current regeneration be a threat initiatives • Fibre broadband capacity review • HAZ funding 3.3 The accompanying plans in this section illustrate some of the • Opportunity to make better use of upper floors key features of the study area at present. It is vital that the • New University provision in the study area proposals build upon the distinctive character of Buxton, which • Healthy residential market derive from its heritage, and so this has been well understood. • Interest from hotel operators 3.4 The following ‘SWOT’ analysis table provides an overall summary of the most pertinent findings of the issues and option analysis.

10 Buxton Future High Street Fund: Masterplan Report 3. ISSUES & OPPORTUNITIES Buxton Future High Street Fund: Masterplan Report

Key Site Location

Visitor Focal Zone

Local Produce & Retail Zone

Corbars Station Arrival Zone Wood To Chapel-en-le-Frith & Manchester Underused Recreation & Visitor To Whaley Bridge Zone & Manchester Railway Station Fairfield Buxton

A5004 Manchester Road Primary Town Centre Station A6 Fairfield Road Palace Approaches Hotel Arrival Station Buxton Window Town Centre Gateways University Dome

Town Centre Spring Landmarks Gardens Viaduct Primary Views & Vistas

The Crescent Opera Indicative Topography House

Pavillion Poor Townscape & Trinity Barrier to Movement Church A53 St John’s Road To Macclesfield Pavillion Town Ashwood & Leek Gardens Hall Park

Higher Buxton & Market Place Higher Buxton Burbage

A6 Bakewell Road

0m 50m 100m 200m 300m

A515 High Street Scale 1:5,000 (@A3) B5059 Dale Road Ordnance Survey © Crown copyright 2019. To Ashbourne & To Bakewell & All rights reserved. Licence number LIG1024 Derby Matlock

Figure 2: Town Context

11 3. ISSUES & OPPORTUNITIES Buxton Future High Street Fund: Masterplan Report

Listed Buildings & Structures Key (Form) Future High Street Negative Landmark Poor/Weakly Defined 1. 1-9 The Quadrant (Grade II) Fund Boundary Street Edge 2. Screen wall to former train shed (Grade II) 3. Grove Hotel and Grove (Grade II) Landmark Poor Quality Exposed back of 4. Winster Place (7-17 Spring Gardens). Grade II Enhancement Frontage Properties 5. 12-28 Spring Gardens (Grade II) Opportunity 6. Longden Court (Grade II) Positive Landmark Gateway/Entrance Strong Continuous 7. The White Lion & Stable Block (Grade II) Enhancement Frontage/Built Edge Opportunity

Palace R

Railway treet oad 2 Station

Charles S A53 Station Road Bridge Street

Station Approach Waitrose

Quadrant Mews Street ye DIY New W Centre Railway at 1 Buxton The The Quadrant Quadrant

eet Wyeeet Str

Spring Gardens Victorian Cavendish Glazed

oad Arcade 3 Arcade ark Iceland 4 Grove 7 Sylvan P Hotel 6 Holker R Buxton Argos Crescent The Crescent 5 Natwest venue Bank Holker A

Lower Hardwick Street T

errace R 0m 10m 20m 30m 40m 50m 60m The

Scale 1:1,250 (@ A3) oad Source Ordnance Survey © Crown copyright 2019. All rights reserved. Licence number LIG1024 Hardwick Street Hardwick Mount

Figure 3: Townscape Analysis: Form

12 Buxton Future High Street Fund: Masterplan Report 3. ISSUES & OPPORTUNITIES Buxton Future High Street Fund: Masterplan Report

Key (Movement) Future High Street Pedestrianized Key Pedestrian Opportunity to Fund Boundary Zone Routes (Primary/ Improve Pedestrian Secondary Links Pedestrian Gateways Public Car Parks Bus Stops Access Lanes to Bus (Primary/Secondary) P Stop Rear Yards

Pedestrian Vehicle Routes Train Station Crossings (Primary/ Secondary)

To Palace Hotel Palace R



Bus Stop

Charles S A53 Station Road Bridge Street

Bus Stop

P P Station Approach P

Quadrant Mews Street

ye New W ye Bus P Stop P

Bus Stop

The Quadrant P P eet Wyeeet Str Bus Stop

To Ashwood

Bus Park Stop Spring Gardens

oad ark

Sylvan P

Holker R P To Pavillion Gardens The Crescent & Opera House venue Holker A To Higher Buxton & Market Place

Lower Hardwick Street T

errace R 0m 10m 20m 30m 40m 50m 60m

oad Bus Scale 1:1,250 (@ A3) Stop Ordnance Survey © Crown copyright 2019. P All rights reserved. Licence number LIG1024 Hardwick Street P Hardwick Mount

Figure 4: Townscape Analysis: Movement

13 4. COMMUNITY & STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT Buxton Future High Street Fund: Masterplan Report

Community and Stakeholder Engagement 4.5 The Draft Masterplan consultation phase consisted of the following events and activities: 4.1 Akey part of the process has been consultation and engagement with stakeholders and the wider community. Stakeholder • A ‘Drop-in Day’ in the Springs on Saturday 1st February engagement is continuing and occurred throughout the process 10am-2pm; of preparing the bid. • Briefing and Q&A with HPBC Members on 6th February 4.2 The engagement and consultation consists of two overlapping 2020; phases: a stakeholder engagement phase that extends throughout the FHSF process; and a targeted community • A second, evening Drop-in Day in the Springs on 10th consultation phase at Draft Masterplan stage. Key activities for February; each are summarised below. • Targeted engagement with young people at Buxton & Leek 4.3 This section summarises the community and stakeholder College on Monday 11th February; engagement process. For a fuller account please refer to the separate Consultation Report. • Public drop-in day (Buxton Town Hall) 17th February. Masterplan was presented, with an explanation of how this had responded to comments from the first workshop. LSH and 4.6 At all of these events the public exhibition material was Activities: Stakeholder Engagement Phase HPBC also explained how other considerations (namely FHSF presented (see Appendix 1) and members of the project team criteria; viability, co-investor and landowner views; and practical (consultant team and/or HPBC team) were on hand to explain • A stakeholder workshop was held on 25 November 2019. This considerations) meant that it was not always possible to make the proposals and answer questions. was hosted by the VES/Town Centre board and comprised the changes that stakeholders requested. around 20 stakeholders, including local businesses, voluntary sector organisations and civic groups. Groups represented • Stakeholder Officer Engagement: throughout all phases of on the Board include Vision Buxton, Marketing Peak District the project, and particularly during masterplan development, & Derbyshire, Buxton Crescent Trust, Buxton Festival, the the consultant team have engaged with professional officer University of Derby, Buxton Civic Association, Buxton Town Team stakeholders, This has included Derbyshire County Council and others. The event formed an important stage in the evolution Highways; Northern Rail; Historic England; and HPBC Planning, of the masterplan. Three concept options were presented, with an Regeneration, Conservation and Tree officers. Engagement interactive exercise then undertaken to understand and comment has included ongoing dialogue and comments received on the on the options and to agree the basis for a preferred option. This Draft Masterplan. LSH have also engaged with discussions with informed the development of the Draft Masterplan. existing landowners and businesses; and potential operators and investors, to understand the current market and property context. • Briefing with HPBC Buxton members – 9th January 2020: this meeting was open to all Buxton Councillors. The background to the FHSF bid was explained and the current Activities: Community Consultation Phase emerging masterplan was presented, This was followed by questions and answers, and feedback from Members. 4.4 The purpose of the exercise is to share the current emerging Draft Masterplan proposals in order to test them and influence • Presentation and discussion with the Visitor Economic Strategy their continued evolution. A secondary aim is to raise awareness and Town Centre Board (VES Board) on 29th January 2020: of the FHSF and the objectives for Buxton town centre and to a follow up to the first stakeholder workshop, the current seek broad support and consensus. Draft 14 Buxton Future High Street Fund: Masterplan Report 4. COMMUNITY & STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT Buxton Future High Street Fund: Masterplan Report

Feedback Summary comments are generally similar to the most common points raised by others. We did engage directly with these groups 4.7 Over 800 people were engaged with the public consultation 4.9 The consultation exercise has been successful in engaging with from an early stage, including at the Stakeholder Workshop events plus a further 70 at a youth consultation event. 445 large numbers of people. 460 comments sheets were returned, in November when their feedback on options influenced the formal responses were received within the consultation period, with many more people attending one of the events and viewing design of the Draft Masterplan. The response provided to and a further 15 have been subsequently received shortly after the material. these groups has been uploaded onto the Council’s FHSF the deadline. webpage. 4.10 The consultation has also been successful in generating a 4.8 Feedback was sought via a Comments Sheet (Appendix 2). consensus and widespread support for the proposals, with 67% 4.14 In summary, the consultation exercise has generated widespread The display material was also available online, as was a digital of respondents describing the proposals positively (Question 6) engagement and provides a good basis of community consensus version of the survey. Forms could be returned at the above and 65% respondents stating that they would be more likely to and support for the proposals. events or via email to HPBC. All forms (hard copy forms and visit the area if the proposals were implemented (Question 10), online responses) were then collated and analysed by LSH. The therefore representing a two-thirds majority generally in favour comments form sought background data on the respondents; of the proposals. their views of the current FHSF area; and then asked their overall views of the Draft Masterplan proposals and their main 4.11 There has been notable support for several specific elements likes and elements they would change or add. within the masterplan: the station link; the parking proposals (moving from surface parking to multi—level parking below development terraces); and the new public space with opened- up river (on the site of the existing Waitrose car park) – these related elements have all been highlighted as popular proposals. This is important as these are fundamental elements within the proposed strategy and for creating development opportunities that would enable benefit:cost ratio outcomes required to secure funding.

4.12 There have also been comments raised on a number of elements which many people wish to change or add.. Many of these comments contradict one another (for example some people wanted more parking; others less); relate to elements of the scheme which have been commonly supported; others relate to suggestions to change use of property/land which is in private ownership and would be contrary to the financial interests of the landowners; other suggestions would otherwise prejudice the viability of the scheme. There are many points raised that will be appropriate to consider at the detailed design stage.

4.13 We have also received separate detailed consultation responses from stakeholders, notably Buxton Town Team, the Buxton Civic Association and Buxton Town Team. We have responded separately and directly to these stakeholders. Their comments have also been added to the analysis undertaken and summarised within the Consultation Report. Many of their 15 5. DESIGN EVOLUTION Buxton Future High Street Fund: Masterplan Report

Design Evolution Approach and New Wye Street to activate the streets and partially screen the unsightly car parks or create improved Station Pedestrian urban blocks. Crossing An Evolving Masterplan Forecourt • Exploration of the potential to bring the underused upper Station Road 5.1 The masterplan proposals have evolved through an intensive floors back into use for commercial or residential use. iterative design process which has been directly linked to the requirements of the FHSF bid requirements, the commercial Multi-storey car • Potential to open up views to the River Wye, currently lost Apartments market advice and the stakeholder engagement process. park within a culvert and hard channel to the rear of Spring Station Approach Gardens. 5.2 Once our townscape assessment was completed as part of the baseline appreciation of place some initial spatial testing options • Finally, the refurbishment and reopening of The Grove Hotel were developed which examined the level of interventions to pull visitors and tourist through into this part of the town that could be accommodated within the FHSF area. These centre. options not only investigated the magnitude of the proposed interventions but also the mix of uses, amounts of floor spaces The Springs created and the level of new public realm proposed in terms of Option B: Intermediate Intervention the creation of a more permeable townscape and creation of spaces to attract and hold visitors to the town centre. • Partial redevelopment of The Springs with the existing Waitrose store enhanced to provide a better foodstore Option A - Improved links between Station and Spring Gardens 5.3 The preferred option emerged from feedback from the footprint, food and drink uses, with the potential for more stakeholder options workshop, which was held on 25 November active frontages and the creation of upper floor uses in terms 2019 as described in Section 4. The consensus from this of offices or studio spaces. workshop identified a mix of elements from Options B and C as Station Road the basis for the Preferred Option. • New Station forecourt space proposed which creates an enhanced arrival point and orientation to draw visitors/ 5.4 The Options are described below: commuters into Spring Gardens and create a new pedestrian Apartments street which will also futureproof the green travel plan for Waitrose store enhanced the adjacent Health & Public Sector Hub, by delivering a Option A: Low/Minor Intervention sustainable walking route for employees to the new Hub.

• Primarily retained The Springs in its current form and with its Retaurants/ • River Wye set into a new Public Square flanked by the New retail current uses, but with the existing Waitrose store enhanced Cafes enhanced Waitrose store and new College building. space to provide a better foodstore footprint with the potential for River Wye New more active frontages. • New Residential buildings along Station Road, Station Public Square Approach and Bridge Street activating the street and • Better links between the Station and Spring Gardens screening the rear of The Springs and Spring Gardens. proposed which included better crossing points on Station Road and enhancements to the route through the car park, along with a new multi-storey car park to the rear of The Option C: Major Intervention

Springs. The Springs • Partial redevelopment of The Springs with the existing • Some new residential uses adjoining Station Road, Station Waitrose store enhanced to provide a better foodstore Option B - Partial redevelopment of The Springs

16 Buxton Future High Street Fund: Masterplan Report 5. DESIGN EVOLUTION Buxton Future High Street Fund: Masterplan Report

footprint with the potential for more active frontages and the • A mix of townhouses and apartments along Station Road, which also provides for the retention of the existing service creation of upper floor uses in terms of residential apartments Bridge Street and Station Approach. yards with access via left in and left out junctions with Station and car parking. Road. Emerging Preferred Draft Masterplan • New leisure building, potentially a cinema, enclosing the • Some remodelling of the external and internal layout of the eastern end of ‘New Wye Square’ with decked parking above 5.5 Once these options had been tested and the feedback received Springs. with office building to the rear fronting Station Road. the level of intervention that could practically be achieved within the scope of the FHSF was agreed and a preferred draft • Waitrose redeveloped into a larger store with no additional • Food and drink units fronting the southern side of Wye option emerged which brought together various aspects of uses over it. Square and screening the rear of existing buildings fronting the three initial options in the form of an emerging sketch Spring Gardens masterplan. • Creation of new Square (Wye Square) with the river as the 5.6 At this stage the masterplan reverted to a series of hand drawn focus. • The Springs totally redeveloped with a mix of new retail units, sketches as various use mixes, floor areas and building forms

cafes, restaurants with a mix of residential and commercial were explored, along with the form of the public realm and the • New leisure building and potential college fronting Wye

space above. need to bridge the challenging topography. The sketches not Square. only explored the masterplan in plan form but also in three • New forecourt space outside the Station which flows across dimensions with the development of a series of cross sections • New food and drink pods also fronting Wye Square. to a new Square opposite the Station which then leads down, looking in some detail at the changes in level and how via ramps, steps and lifts into the redeveloped Springs area. these could be creatively exploited as well as looking at the • Inclusion of a new public toilet and Changing Places Basement parking situated below the Square. vertical stacking of uses within individual buildings. facility as part of the new Square.

5.7 This sketch stage was used primarily to test the proposals in • New apartments overlooking Bridge Street terms of commercial viability, prior to going out to a series of public consultation events. • New area of public realm in the form of a square and art Workspace installation set into Spring Gardens at its junction with Holker 5.8 The emerging preferred sketch masterplan included the Road. Enlarged following elements: foodstore • Refurbishment of the single storey glass pavilions to the • A new gateway from the Station set out to exploit a strong front of the White Hart. Lesiure New building visual axis from the Station to Trinity Church tower. Public Square • Exploration of promoting and developing craft and food uses • A new stepped pedestrian street in the form of ‘Station in the ‘Yards Quarter’ to the south of Spring Gardens. River Wye Terrace’ which provides direct and clear 24/7 access • Exploration of reusing upper floors for commercial and Food & drink between the Station and adjacent Health & Public Sector uses Hub to Spring Gardens, flanked by apartments and residential uses. workspace. • Redevelopment of former M&S for a single store or • New apartments overlooking Station Road with the corner development of an arcade of smaller retail uses. building on Station Approach re-using the existing former LMS Station wall that remains in-situ. • Longer term opportunity to replace the poor architecture of Option C - New leisure facilities the current Argos store with a better designed building. • Basement parking over three levels below Station Terrace 17 5. DESIGN EVOLUTION Buxton Future High Street Fund: Masterplan Report

• Removal of street clutter and The Springs canopy from Spring Gardens and creation of a new area of public realm in Existing Illustrative Section Through Station Road & Car Parks

the form of a Square to create a focal space at this important Station junction of pedestrian routes.

Station Road The Springs • Development of layby by the station for buses and other Existing Car Shopping Parks Centre sustainable forms of transport. Existing Service Yards 5.9 This masterplan was supported by an accommodation schedule and sketch cross-sections as mentioned previously.

Illustrative Section Through Proposed Station Terrace Lift 5.10 Once the above masterplan was reviewed by the client team Apartments Tower Station Station Terrace creates and wider consultant team it was refined into a version for use new pedestrian avenue

in the Public Consultation events. This fine tuning included: Station Road Workplace/Studios Lift Terrace Tower Steps Terrace • Addition of a café and convenience shop in the ground floor Steps Square of the apartment buildings opposite the Station on Station Steps

Terrace. Basement Parking Disabled & Service Staff Parking Retail Access • Retention of existing retail uses in The Springs and less internal remodelling. Existing Illustrative Section Through Food Store & River Wye

• Removal of parking over the current Waitrose. Rear of properties fronting Spring Gardens 5.11 In addition to the above, a separate upper storeys plan was Station Road developed which illustrated the vertical mix of uses at the upper Existing Car Parks Existing Foodstore Existing Car Existing Car floors, as well as a drawing setting out the potential basement Parks Parks

parking layouts and levels to illustrate the number of potential Wye Street replacement parking spaces proposed. The cross sections River Wye were also drawn up and formalised which illustrated the massing

of buildings, the accommodation of the changes in levels and Illustrative Section Through Proposed Food Store & Digital River Circus how the basement parking could be accommodated under the Digital River Rear of properties buildings and proposed Station Terrace. Circus fronting Spring Podium deck roof Multi Storey Parking Gardens gardens and living Digital Picture Frames running art installations & films wall 5.12 In order to graphically communicate the plans in the consultation Station Road event a 3D massing model and hand drawn artists’ impressions Proposed enlarged Foodstore were prepared which further elaborated on the proposals as Basement Parking Food & Wye Street Drink Pods described previously. River Wye

5.13 Widespread community consultation was then undertaken on the preferred option, as outlined in Section 4. This asked people their views on the proposals overall, and to identify elements Emerging Masterplan - Sketch Cross Sections that they liked best, would wish to remove; and other elements that they may wish to add. 18 Buxton Future High Street Fund: Masterplan Report 5. DESIGN EVOLUTION Buxton Future High Street Fund: Masterplan Report

Station forecourt retains parking New uses adjoining station including elderley for disabled users and electric New gateway to Buxton from Station accomdoation, health and local authority Key vehicles with associated charging with enhanced public realm, services connected into town via the new points. Future High Street wayfinding and direct physical and ‘Station Terrace’ and other new connections Fund Boundary visual axis into Spring Gardens via from Station Road. ‘Station Terrace’ a new street. Former Waitrose building redeveloped into multi-level building to provide larger store New layby created for minibus, electric on ground floor with parking on upper car rental, town centre shuttle, taxis and levels. scheduled bus services between station, town, hotels and wider Peak District. ‘Left-in’ access to basement Leisure Building with double car parks and car park over height atrium with main foodstore. leisure floor over car park. New residential uses along Station ‘Left-out’ access to basement Road provide enclosure, activity and Station car parks and car park over surveillance to what currently is a Aldi Potential Further Eduction Station Terrace foodstore. back of town centre location. College with associated workplace/ studio accomodation.

Historic former gable end wall of A53 Station Road LMS Station retained and used as base for residential apartments. Residential Building B Building A BP Building M BP Residential Leisure Lift Steps Toilets & 3 Storey apartment Tower Uses MSP Foodstore Changing building. BP Service Education/ Terrace Workspace/ Facilities Studios Yard Building L Workplace Residential Quadrant Mews Workspace/ Station T Building D Building P Steps Digital Street Studios Building N ye Building C Retail River Circus Terrace errace Building F New W Square Food & Steps Building K2 Drink Lift Building E Retail Tower Building K1 Square Building H Restaurants & Cafes Access to services yards and new Feature Building J Wyeeet Str New public space in the form of a basement car parks below ‘Station Tower Arcade Circus surrounded by dynamic Terrace’. Service all-day uses. Giant digital picture Retail Yard frames cover facades and display Building G art, performances and films to the Square Service users of the space. Yard Spring Gardens Cafes

Upper Floor Pilot Project to Grove Square Hotel exploring the opportunity for conversion to serviced The Yards apartments/residential use.

Gateway Upper Floor Pilot Upper Floor Pilot Project to Royal Project exploring the TerraceExisting Road canopy removed Arcade exploring the opportunity opportunity for and new space created at for conversion to workspace and/or conversion to residential entrance to new street. Food & drink uses within studios. use. Other clutter on Spring ‘Pods’ screening the rear of Gardens removed and Creative ‘Yards Quarter’ buildings on Wye Street. New space created around Public Realm refreshed. 0m 10m 20m 30m 40m 50m 60m offers potential for low renovated glass pavillion units key development and historic public house. Argos building has potential Former M&S building redeveloped opportunities for re-use Scale 1:1,250 (@ A3) Giant picture frame installed to to be redeveloped as shopping & food arcade with of buildings and access frame view of viaduct. Ordnance Survey © Crown copyright 2019. for residential uses with through-access from Spring to upper floors to All rights reserved. Licence number LIG1024 Hardwick Street retail on ground floor. Gardens. encourage their re-use.

Preferred Sketch Masterplan

19 5. DESIGN EVOLUTION Buxton Future High Street Fund: Masterplan Report

Finalisation of the Masterplan • Inclusion of greater number of sustainable features including solar panelling, green roofs and proposals for rainwater 5.14 Once all the community’s comments were received and capture (or similar). analysed, and feedback was received from the client and other key stakeholders the required changes to the masterplan were 5.16 As with the previous consultation version of the masterplan the agreed and undertaken in preparation for the use in the final revised plan is supported by an upper storey masterplan, cross submission. sections, basement parking layouts, 3d Massing Model and hand-drawn artists impressions. 5.15 These final changes included the following elements: 5.17 In addition, a roof level plan has also been developed which • Reduction in parking outside the station and an increase in assisted in the final changes to the 3D massing model and the area of public realm proposed. artists impressions.

• Accommodation of space for cycle hire facilities outside the 5.18 In essence the masterplan has undergone a continued evolution station as well as secure cycle lockers for use by commuters throughout its development and has been robustly tested at and other train users. every stage commercially, physically and socially and these final proposals are robust and look forwards to a reinvigorated • Resolution of levels issues along Station Terrace to provide town centre that does not solely rely on retail for its economic choice and alternative routes for disabled users of the and social success. facilities on this street with improved access between Station Road and Spring Gardens including ramps, walkways and a lift.

• Removal of the left in and left out access to the basement car parks with one access to all under croft and basement parking via New Wye Street.

• Secure on street bike stands at key locations in and around Spring Gardens.

• Inclusion of a space for a potential Library and community hub as part of the development around Wye Square.

• Adjustments to the food and drink pods to enable delivery vehicles to turn round whilst using Wye Street.

• General refurbishment of Spring Gardens with removal of street clutter, painting of lamp columns, replacement of and planting of new street trees and cleaning of existing paved surfaces.

20 Buxton Future High Street Fund: Masterplan Report Buxton Future High Street Fund: Masterplan Report

21 6. THE MASTERPLAN Buxton Future High Street Fund: Masterplan Report

The Masterplan • Diversifying the area to include uses other than retail (e.g. an understanding of desire lines and ground levels we have residential, workspace, leisure and education); sought to link the new anchors with existing attractors such as the train station, by creating direct and attractive new linkages Introduction • Enhancing the retail environment and increasing footfall to to draw additional footfall through the area. These changes will support existing shops benefit existing business and complement areas such as Spring 6.1 The Emerging Masterplan presents the proposals that will Gardens, where the historic built form is an important existing transform the Spring Gardens/Springs area to become a town • Improving the street environment on Spring Gardens – with asset but where changes are needed to complement the wider centre that addresses current challenges and delivers a town more quality public spaces for events and to relax, enjoy and proposals and enable it to reach its full potential. centre fit for the 21st century. These proposals have been meet people in; integrated into a holistic masterplan that brings these projects 6.6 The three focal areas are described below alongside the key together into a coherent whole and is also cognisant of the • Promoting more use of upper floors of existing buildings – proposals for each. These are explained in more detail in the surrounding context and other proposed changes adjacent to its for residential, commercial and workspace uses; following sections. boundaries. Most importantly, the masterplan, whilst providing a modern town centre experience, is built upon the local character • Creating a more direct and attractive pedestrian route from of Buxton and its special heritage, and is designed to deliver a Station Gateway and Station Terrace the train station to Spring Gardens via The Springs; distinctive town centre environment that will be complementary to the town’s existing offer. • Station Gateway: Enhancing the station forecourt to become • Relocating and moving pedestrian crossings to make it a town centre gateway and sustainable transport interchange. easier for people to walk across Terrace Road and Station 6.2 The Emerging Masterplan, presented in this section represents Road whilst also not delaying through traffic; the current version of the masterplan proposals. It has been • Station Terrace: Creating a new pedestrian street from the developed by HPBC and their consultant team, and has been train station and health hub (which is being constructed through community and stakeholder consultation, where it • The town centre shall encourage the increased use of the has been endorsed, and responds to comments raised. This public realm for children’s play by introducing interactive Emerging Masterplan has formed the basis of the projects and artworks and sculptural street furniture which enables developments that have been assessed and costed within the children to enjoy playing in the streets and spaces created Business Case for the FHSF submission. as part of this project. Creating a streetscape for active use by children will encourage families to use this part of the town centre, hold them in the public realm and in turn 6.3 The Emerging Masterplan displayed here is indicative in nature provide benefits to the shops, restaurants and cafes by but has been designed with delivery in mind, including review having families using their services. Buxton’s town centre and approval by the key partners that will drive the projects will become known for its ‘play streets’; through to delivery. It presents the fundamental principles of the proposals that will transform this part of the town centre, in a form that is deliverable. The masterplan proposals will continue • Improving car parking provision – making sure there is no to be developed in detail as projects move toward delivery. net loss of spaces whilst also meeting the needs of new uses and delivering better quality parking.

Key Principles Focal Areas for Change 6.4 The key principles for Spring Gardens have been identified Improved crossing facilities over Station Road through the FHSF brief and further tested and developed through 6.5 Proposals have been grouped into three main focal areas. Transformational projects will be concentrated where the most stakeholder and community consultation. These principles have Note: guided the masterplan development and will be used to monitor significant change can be achieved, creating new anchors to draw people to this part of the town centre. Working with Images in this section illustrate similar concepts as delivered elsewhere in the its successful delivery: UK, in order to provide an impression as to how these might look.

22 Buxton Future High Street Fund: Masterplan Report 6. THE MASTERPLAN Buxton Future High Street Fund: Masterplan Report

on the site next to the station), directly into The Springs shopping centre and Spring Gardens. This will bring people directly past shops and cafes in the town centre.

• New multi-level parking: Creating a new multi-level car park behind The Springs underneath Station Terrace - which makes use of the change in level and hides the parking and the existing Springs building

Wye Square and the Springs

• New public space: the new multi-level parking allows a new public high quality space (Wye Square) to be created on the existing Waitrose car park.

• New development: Wye Square will be the focus for new development proposal facing the square, such as a new commercial leisure attraction (for example a cinema), family restaurants, a new further education facility and a new public library.

• Existing uses will also be enhanced, the Waitrose building will have a new façade to face the new square; there will be an enhanced entrance and internal improvements to The Springs.

Spring Gardens

• Public realm transformational change: improving Spring Public Square Examples Gardens by creating new public space nodes for events, entertainment and socialising, removing street clutter, resiting and upgrading crossings.

• Bringing upper floors back into use: increasing residential or office use on upper floors by tackling the barriers to bringing them into use.

• Improving the historic buildings: Grants to help restore historic shop fronts will be delivered by the complementary £1m Heritage Action Zone scheme.

23 6. THE MASTERPLAN Buxton Future High Street Fund: Masterplan Report

Key Target Notes Access Road to 1. Historic former gable end wall of LMS Station 7. Access to undercroft & basement level car parks. 15. Former M&S building either retained as single Future High Street Proposed Health Hub Fund Boundary retained & used as ‘plinth’ for residential 8. Remodelled Waitrose store. retail unit or redeveloped as shopping & food apartments. 9. Leisure Building with double height atrium with Arcade. 2. New residential uses along Station Road provide main leisure floor over car park. 16. Argos building has potential to be redeveloped Target Note enclosure, activity & surveillance to what currently 10. New public space in the form of Wye Square for residential uses with retail on ground floor. is a back of town centre location. surrounded by dynamic all-day uses. Giant digital 17. Existing canopy removed & new space created 7. References 3. Space created for bike hire & secure bike lockers picture frames cover building facades & display art, at entrance to The Springs. Other clutter on Spring with link to relocated bus stop with scheduled bus performances & films to the users of the space. Gardens removed & Public Realm refreshed. services between station, town & wider Peak 11. Food & drink uses within ‘Pods’ screening the 18. Upper Floor Pilot Project to Royal Arcade Basement Car Parks District. rear of buildings on Wye Street. exploring the opportunity for conversion to BP 4. New gateway to Buxton from Station with 12. New space created around renovated glass workspace and/or studios. enhanced public realm, wayfinding & direct physical pavillion units & historic public house. New 19. Upper Floor Pilot Project to Grove Hotel & visual axis into Spring Gardens via ‘Station artwork installed to act as focus. exploring the opportunity for conversion to New Local Public Art Proposed Extra Care Terrace’; a new street. 13. Creative ‘Yards Quarter’ offers potential for serviced apartments/residential use. Feature Development 5. Station forecourt retains parking for disabled low key development opportunities for re-use of 20. Access to services yards below ‘Station (with Planning Permission) users, drop off & electric vehicle charging points. buildings & access to upper floors to encourage Terrace’. 6. New uses adjoining station including elderley their re-use. 21. Cycle Parking provided in key locations on Retail Uses(Primarily Station accomdoation, health & local authority services 14. Upper Floor Pilot Project exploring the Spring Gardens & Wye Square. Retained) 6. connected into town via the new ‘Station Terrace’ & opportunity for conversion to residential use. other new connections from Station Road. 5. Cafe/Restaurant/ 3. Food/Drink Uses Visual Axis to Trinity Church Tower 7. Bike 4. Residential Uses Hire 2. Residential Podium Deck Leisure Building B Uses Circa 64 undercroft parking Residential Retail Cafe spaces in one level (convienience) Podium Deck BP Library & Building A 21. Building M Lift Circa 440 basement parking 8. Changing BP Community Nursery Podium Deck Steps & spaces over 3 levels Further Education Ramps Places Accessible 1. Podium Deck Service Foodstore Public Toilets College BP * Further Education Yard Workspace/ Building L 9. Building N Uses Steps & Residential Ramps Studios Building D Building P Cafe/Food/ Lift 10. Library Sub Drink 7. Leisure Uses Retail Building C Lift * Steps & Building F Ramps 20. 11. Workspace/Studio Retail Building K2 Uses Building E Retail Family Restaurants Retail Building K1 Building J Changing Places Building H Accessible Public Service Toilets Yard 15. 12. 21. Buildings with Upper Retail Floor Use Potential 14. Building G

Service Retail Upper Floor Pilot Retail Projects Yard Pavillion 21. 19. 17. Potential Longer 18. Term Redevelopment 13. Site 16. The Yards The ‘Yards Quarter ’ Gateway

Other Buildings Retained with Current Uses Potential FE College and Library *subject to University of Derby and 0m 10m 20m 30m 40m 50m 60m Derbyshire CC decision

Scale 1:1,250 (@ A3) Ordnance Survey © Crown copyright 2020. All rights reserved. Licence number LIG1024

Figure 5: Masterplan (Ground Floor Uses)

24 Buxton Future High Street Fund: Masterplan Report 6. THE MASTERPLAN Buxton Future High Street Fund: Masterplan Report

Vj Key Access Road to Future High Street Proposed Health Hub Fund Boundary

Basement Car Parks BP

Retail Uses(Primarily Retained)

Cafe/Restaurant/ Proposed Extra Care Food/Drink Uses Development (with Planning Permission)

Station Residential Uses I , ~ l -<· f // I , . \ Library & Visual Axis to Trinity Church Tower Community Nursery

' Further Education Podium Deck \\ Residential Circa 50 undercroft parking Uses spaces in one level \ . Residential Building B Leisure Podium Deck BP Uses Leisure Uses Building A Lift Circa 440 basement parking Building M BP Podium Deck Steps & spaces over 3 levels Further Education Ramps Service College Foodstore Podium Deck * BP Workspace/Studio Yard Workspace/ Building N Uses Building L Steps & Studios Residential Ramps Building P Lift Building D Library Sub Buildings with Upper Residential Retail Floor Use Potential Building C Lift Building F * Steps & Ramps Upper Floor Pilot Workspace/ Projects Studios Building E Building K2 Retail I Potential Longer Building K1 • . I Term Redevelopment I Building H Building J I Site Service The ‘Yards Quarter ’ Yard Retail Workspace/ Building G ...... ' Roofs to Single Studios Storey Buildings ___ ----. Service Retail Retail Pavillion Buildings Retained Yard with Current Uses -- :t:; I I r The Yards


Potential FE College and Library *subject to University of Derby and 0m 10m 20m 30m 40m 50m 60m Derbyshire CC decision

Scale 1:1,250 (@ A3) Ordnance Survey © Crown copyright 2020. All rights reserved. Licence number LIG1024

Figure 6: Masterplan (Upper Floor Uses)

25 6. THE MASTERPLAN Buxton Future High Street Fund: Masterplan Report

Site of Key Access Road to Proposed Future High Street Proposed Health Hub Health Hub Fund Boundary

Proposed Extra Care Development (with Planning Permission)

Visual Axis to Trinity Church Tower

Green Roof


Steps & Ramps Service Photovoltaic Yard Solar Panels Green Roof

Steps & Green Roof Ramps Lift

Steps & Ramps Lift

Green Roof

Service Yard

Service Yard

The Yards


0m 10m 20m 30m 40m 50m 60m

Scale 1:1,250 (@ A3) Ordnance Survey © Crown copyright 2020. All rights reserved. Licence number LIG1024

Figure 7: Masterplan (Roof Plan)

26 Buxton Future High Street Fund: Masterplan Report 6. THE MASTERPLAN Buxton Future High Street Fund: Masterplan Report

Station Gateway and Station Terrace

6.7 Proposals include:

• Creating a new transport hub in front of the train station – with bus turnaround, taxi rank, disabled parking, pick-up/ drop-off parking and cycle parking, secure bike lockers and opportunity for cycle hire;

• Creating a new wider pedestrian crossing to prioritise pedestrian movement across Station Road to improve the link to the station (other crossings will be removed to make sure that vehicle flows are not significantly impacted);

• New apartment development (or retirement living) to face Bike Shelter New Pedestrian Crossing over Station Road onto Station Road (though with vehicle access from the south within the new parking proposals). Active ground floor uses to face the Station Gateway (convenience store and café) to draw footfall across Station Road and onto Station Terrace;

• Retention of the historic former gable end wall of the LMS station as a plinth within new residential apartment development;

• Creating a new pedestrian street (‘Station Terrace’), flanked by apartments and workspace, which provides direct and clear 24/7 access between the Station and adjacent Health & Public Sector Hub to Spring Gardens. This will be designed to address the change in levels with steps, ramps Bike lockers and lifts. It will also provide accessible movement for all.

27 6. THE MASTERPLAN Buxton Future High Street Fund: Masterplan Report

Stepped terrace to address changes in level

Mixed-uses - apartments above shops Artists Impression: Station Terrace

Soft landscaping and tree planting within public realm Green roofs and podium gardens

28 Buxton Future High Street Fund: Masterplan Report 6. THE MASTERPLAN Buxton Future High Street Fund: Masterplan Report

.f ~ ,, C:

,t .. (' -t

Artists Impression: Station Gateway

29 6. THE MASTERPLAN Buxton Future High Street Fund: Masterplan Report

CGI - Station Terrace

30 Buxton Future High Street Fund: Masterplan Report 6. THE MASTERPLAN Buxton Future High Street Fund: Masterplan Report

CGI - Station Gateway

31 6. THE MASTERPLAN Buxton Future High Street Fund: Masterplan Report

Access Road to A Proposed Health Hub

) I I (I B I i' ,' \ t ' ~ \ Proposed Extra Care ) I Development ---.._; (with Planning Permission) C

~~~~ ------...... _ / \

Leisure Residential Uses Retail Cafe Residential (convienience) Lift Toilets & Steps Changing Further Education Service Facilities College Workspace/ Steps Yard Foodstore B Studios Lift Residential Cafe/Food/ Steps Lift Drink Retail

Restaurants & Cafes Retail Retail Retail Service Yard

Service Retail > Yard Retail Retail A

The Yards



0m 10m 20m 30m 40m 50m 60m

Scale 1:1,250 (@ A3) Ordnance Survey © Crown copyright 2020. All rights reserved. Licence number LIG1024

Site Sections Locations

32 Buxton Future High Street Fund: Masterplan Report 6. THE MASTERPLAN Buxton Future High Street Fund: Masterplan Report

Section AA

Railway Station Station Terrace Apartments with ground (New Street) floor Cafe The Springs Station Forecourt Workspace/Studios Ground floor Retail with Shopping Centre Retained Retail with Workspace/Studios to potential upper floor Uses Platforms Station Road upper floors Retained Retail

Spring Gardens

Basement Car Parking Basement Service Yard

Section B.B

Apartments with ground Apartments with ground floor Cafe floor Cafe Station Terrace (New Street)

Sub Station Station Road Station Approach Basement Car Parking Lift tower between Basement Car Parking Basement Parking, Station Terrace & Apartments

Section CC

Wye Square

Leisure Uses Library/Further Spring Gardens Station Road Education College Extended Wye Waitrose Supermarket Street Basement Car Parking Family Restaurant River Pods Wye

0m 5m 10m 20m 30m

Scale 1:500 (@A3) ~ ~Ordnance Survey © Crown copyright 2020. All rights reserved. Licence number LIG1024

Proposed Site Sections

33 6. THE MASTERPLAN Buxton Future High Street Fund: Masterplan Report

6.8 Underneath Station Terrace will be the new town centre parking. The parking proposals incorporate the following:

• Providing new multi-level car parking behind The Springs which will make use of the change of level and hide the existing unattractive building.

• Wye Street surface and decked parking replaced Extent of Extent of Undercroft Parking • 93 spaces more provided than the existing provision (with Basement Parking large enough bays for modern SUVs) Service Yard • Also incorporates servicing for business

• Green podium spaces at ground level above

Basement Parking Locations • As modern transport demands alter during this century (for example with electric vehicles, driverless vehicles, less private car demand) there will be opportunities to repurpose parts of this space and to reduce and alter the parking offer.

--- I~~~ ------Bike Lockers

Bike Lockers Up Lift Bike Lockers Bike Lockers 220 Basement Parking Spaces &

Service Lift Down 54 Secure Bike Lockers Yard 50 Undercroft Parking Spaces &

Lift 18 Secure Bike Lockers Service Access Car Park Entrance (via New Wyre Street)

Basement Parking Floor -3

Figure 7: Basement Parking Plan (Locations and Floor 3)

34 Buxton Future High Street Fund: Masterplan Report 6. THE MASTERPLAN Buxton Future High Street Fund: Masterplan Report

Up Lift Bike Lockers Bike Lockers 149 Basement Parking Spaces & 27 Secure Bike Lockers Down

Bike Lockers

Basement Parking Floor -2

Up Lift

Bike Lockers 70 Basement Parking Spaces & Down 18 Secure Bike Lockers Bike Lockers

Basement Parking Floor -1

Figure 7: Basement Parking Plan (Floors 1 & 2)

35 6. THE MASTERPLAN Buxton Future High Street Fund: Masterplan Report

Wye Square and the Springs enhanced entrance to Wye Square and a new entrance to Station Terrace. 6.9 Proposals include: • Opportunities for green roofs and solar panels on new and • Using existing surface level car parking to create a new high existing roofs. quality public space - Wye Square – including making a landscape feature of the revealed River Wye.

• Introducing a major new leisure attraction (such as a mainstream cinema) with complementary family restaurants near to it which will provide new facilities and mask the rear buildings of Spring Gardens.

• Improving the appearance of the current Waitrose store to face the square.

• Installing a new giant digital screen on a façade of the new building, this will be used to present arts and local information, creating a feature and attracting people to the new space.

• Introducing new public toilets and a Changing Places (fully disabled accessible) toilet.

• Providing a potential new college facility for further education courses delivered by Buxton & Leek College College (subject to University of Derby decision).

• Providing a potential new public library facility, potentially combined with a community crèche (subject to Derbyshire County Council decision).

• A new three-storey apartment building on the opposite side of New Wye Street to complement this new town centre eastern gateway and provide opportunities for town centre living.

• Improving the appearance of the pedestrian route to and from Spring Gardens via Wye Street. CGI - Wye Square

• Internal refurbishment and enhancements to The Springs, including removing the canopy on Spring Gardens, an 36 Buxton Future High Street Fund: Masterplan Report 6. THE MASTERPLAN Buxton Future High Street Fund: Masterplan Report

Revealing the River Wye

New College Building Artists Impression: Wye Square

I I •I I • •I I

New Library Digital Screens New restaurant uses overlooking Wye Square

37 6. THE MASTERPLAN Buxton Future High Street Fund: Masterplan Report

Spring Gardens • Creating an enhanced public space in front of Hats Travel (formerly Thomas Cook) and improving the historic buildings • Enhancing the gateway to the rest of the town centre by here. creating a new wider pedestrian crossing directly at the end of Spring Gardens across Terrace Road (other crossings • Removing the existing canopy at the entrance to The Springs will be removed to make sure that vehicle flows are not and creating a new public space here. significantly impacted). • Cycle parking provided in key locations on Spring Gardens • Promoting the re-use of vacant upper floors: e.g. by and Wye Square. providing residential accommodation in the former Grove Hotel and the Royal Arcade building next door, and working Other Projects with landlords to bring workspace and residential to the upper floors of other properties. 6.10 The proposals also include other projects that are not limited to Public Art as play the three focal points. These include: • Bringing a new retail use back to the former M&S store - this may be another large store or may be broken up for several • New electric vehicle charging points and card payments smaller stores for independents. In both options, a route will within the car park as well as providing spaces for staff and through will be preserved. commuters who may need a longer time period.

• Grants to help restore historic shop fronts on Spring Gardens • Improving fibre broadband to support local businesses. delivered by a supplementary £1m Heritage Action Zone scheme which the Council has already secured funding towards.

• Exploring opportunities to improve rear courtyards as the ‘Yards Quarter’ with spaces for independent creative businesses above and behind shops. Bike stands integrated within the public realm • Improving the street environment of Spring Gardens by reducing street clutter (including the concrete cubes) and providing new seating.

• Providing new public space focal points on Spring Gardens, linking with wider development proposals. These will include new surfacing, new seating and opportunities for street entertainment, which could form part of wider town centre festival trails. These spaces will also provide an opportunity for local artist-led public art which will reflect Buxton’s distinctive character.

38 Buxton Future High Street Fund: Masterplan Report 6. THE MASTERPLAN Buxton Future High Street Fund: Masterplan Report

CGI - Aerial perspective showing redevelopment of The Springs

39 6. THE MASTERPLAN Buxton Future High Street Fund: Masterplan Report

Photomontage - Gardens Square

40 Buxton Future High Street Fund: Masterplan Report 6. THE MASTERPLAN Buxton Future High Street Fund: Masterplan Report

Photomontage - Spring Gardens

41 7. NEXT STEPS Buxton Future High Street Fund: Masterplan Report

Visual Axis to Trinity Church Tower 7. Next Steps 4. 7.1 The current proposals have accompanied HPBC’s submission Podium Deck of the Business Case to the Government’s Future High Street Residential Building B Fund. Hopefully this will result in the granting of funding to esidential Retail Cafe Podium Deck enable these proposals. Building A (convienience) BP 21. Lift Circa 440 basement parking 8. Changing BP 7.2 HPBC have also been working with key development partners Podium Deck Steps & spaces over 3 levels Ramps Places Accessible to enable the proposals to be brought forward. Service Foodstore Public T BP Yard 7.3 Further work, working with development partners, will be need Workspace/ Building L Steps & to progress delivery options and to develop the masterplan Ramps Studios proposals into detailed designs. Building D Cafe/Food/ Lift 10. Sub Drink 7.4 HPBC will continue to engage with stakeholders through the Retail Building C Lift following stages. Steps & Building F Ramps 20. 7.5 The new proposal will need to secure planning permission. At 11. this stage there will be further public consultation on the detailed Retail Building K2 proposals with opportunity for public comment. Building E Retail Family Restaurants Retail Building K1 7.6 The challenges to town centres remain a key concern, especially Building J in light of the current Covid-19 pandemic and its impact on the Building H retail and hospitality sectors. The proposals presented here will Service provide Buxton with the strongest opportunity to withstand these 15. challenges in the longer term and provide for a positive future. Yard Retail 14. Building G

Service Retail Yard 19. 17. 18.

13. 16. The Yards

The Masterplan (Inset)

42 Buxton Future High Street Fund: Masterplan Report 7. NEXT STEPS

Key Target Notes Access Road to 1. Historic former gable end wall of LMS Station 7. Access to undercroft & basement level car parks. 15. Former M&S building either retained as single Future High Street Proposed Health Hub Fund Boundary retained & used as ‘plinth’ for residential 8. Remodelled Waitrose store. retail unit or redeveloped as shopping & food apartments. 9. Leisure Building with double height atrium with Arcade. 2. New residential uses along Station Road provide main leisure floor over car park. 16. Argos building has potential to be redeveloped Target Note enclosure, activity & surveillance to what currently 10. New public space in the form of Wye Square for residential uses with retail on ground floor. is a back of town centre location. surrounded by dynamic all-day uses. Giant digital 17. Existing canopy removed & new space created 7. References 3. Space created for bike hire & secure bike lockers picture frames cover building facades & display art, at entrance to The Springs. Other clutter on Spring with link to relocated bus stop with scheduled bus performances & films to the users of the space. Gardens removed & Public Realm refreshed. services between station, town & wider Peak 11. Food & drink uses within ‘Pods’ screening the 18. Upper Floor Pilot Project to Royal Arcade Basement Car Parks District. rear of buildings on Wye Street. exploring the opportunity for conversion to BP 4. New gateway to Buxton from Station with 12. New space created around renovated glass workspace and/or studios. enhanced public realm, wayfinding & direct physical pavillion units & historic public house. New 19. Upper Floor Pilot Project to Grove Hotel & visual axis into Spring Gardens via ‘Station artwork installed to act as focus. exploring the opportunity for conversion to New Local Public Art Proposed Extra Care Terrace’; a new street. 13. Creative ‘Yards Quarter’ offers potential for serviced apartments/residential use. Feature Development 5. Station forecourt retains parking for disabled low key development opportunities for re-use of 20. Access to services yards below ‘Station (with Planning Permission) users, drop off & electric vehicle charging points. buildings & access to upper floors to encourage Terrace’. 6. New uses adjoining station including elderley their re-use. 21. Cycle Parking provided in key locations on Retail Uses(Primarily Station accomdoation, health & local authority services 14. Upper Floor Pilot Project exploring the Spring Gardens & Wye Square. Retained) 6. connected into town via the new ‘Station Terrace’ & opportunity for conversion to residential use. other new connections from Station Road. 5. Cafe/Restaurant/ 3. Food/Drink Uses Visual Axis to Trinity Church Tower 7. Bike 4. Residential Uses Hire 2. Residential Podium Deck Leisure Building B Uses Circa 64 undercroft parking Residential Retail Cafe spaces in one level (convienience) Podium Deck BP Library & Building A 21. Building M Lift Circa 440 basement parking 8. Changing BP Community Nursery Podium Deck Steps & spaces over 3 levels Further Education Ramps Places Accessible 1. Service Podium Deck Foodstore Public Toilets College* Further Education BP Yard Workspace/ Building L 9. Building N Uses Steps & Residential Ramps Studios Building D Building P Cafe/Food/ Lift 10. Library Sub Drink 7. Leisure Uses Retail Building C Lift * Steps & Building F Ramps 20. 11. Workspace/Studio Retail Building K2 Uses Building E Retail Family Restaurants Retail Building K1 Building J Changing Places Building H Accessible Public Service Toilets Yard 15. 12. 21. Buildings with Upper Retail Floor Use Potential 14. Building G

Service Retail Upper Floor Pilot Retail Projects Yard Pavillion 21. 19. 17. Potential Longer 18. Term Redevelopment 13. Site 16. The Yards The ‘Yards Quarter ’ Gateway

Other Buildings Retained with Current Uses Potential FE College and Library *subject to University of Derby and 0m 10m 20m 30m 40m 50m 60m Derbyshire CC decision

Scale 1:1,250 (@ A3) Ordnance Survey © Crown copyright 2020. All rights reserved. Licence number LIG1024

The Masterplan