220 . . [KELLY'S • Phamix Fire, W. Scruby RURAL SANITARY AUTHORITY. Royal Exchange, C. Foster JWedical OJficer Sun Fire, C. Mott- Clerk, Charles Smith, ONGAR UNION. Inspector of Nuisances, Richard Stokes, High Ongar Board day every alternate tuesday at the Town hall. The union comprises twenty~ix viz. Abbots PUBLIC ESTABLISHMENTS:- Roothing, Beauchamp Roothing, Berners Roothing, Black~ Cemetery, Charles Mott, clerk to the burial board more, , Chipping Ongar, Doddinghurst, Fyfield, Essex (l~t) Rifle Volnnteers (G company), Drill hall, H. D. Greenstead, , High Ongar, Keh'edon Hatch, P. Meyer, captain; G. Hancock, drill instructor , , Moreton, NaYestock, NOl'ton Police Station, Charles Foster Robinson, inspector & in- MandeviJle, Shelley, Shellow 1l0wells, Stanfora Rivers, spector of weights & measures & under the food & drugs Stapleford Abbots, , Stnndon Massey, act; & two constables , WiIIingdale Doe & Willingdale Spain; Town Hall the population of the union in 1881 was 10,669; rateable PUBLIC OFFICERS:- value, £72,290 Cle~'k of the Peace fm' the County er to the Gene1'al "Weeting, Clerk to the Guardians, Charles Smith, High Ongar of the Lieutenancy, Henry Gibson Relieving er Vaccination 0ffiCe1's,. No. 1 district, F. Tnompson, Stamp .Dist1·ibutoJ', Charles Mott ; No. 1& dist1'ict, A. Horrell, Fyfield Trust School, endowed with the rents of five houses in I U'.1uiry et School Attendance Officer, Richard Stokes, the town & now producing r.78 yearly&left byJ oseph King High Ongar in 1678; it was re-organisea in 1869 &enlarged in 1873 at a Medical Officers er Public Vaccinat01's" No 1 district, T. cost of £320 to meet the requirements of the Elementary Spurgin, Moreton; No. 12 district, J. R. White, Stondon Education Act, 1870; the school now educates upwards of Massey; No. 3 district, F. D. Potter, Chipping Ongar: 100 children from theparishes of Chipping Ongar & SheIIey No. 4- district, G. C. Douglas, ; No. 6 district, J. &is managed by 12 trustees; Charles Rose, master Clegg, High street, Epping Railway Station, James WiIliams, station master Supe1'intendent Registrar, Charles Smith, High Ongar CARRIERS TO:- Registrars of Births, Deaths er Maniages, Chipping Ongar S1.lb-district, T. Thompson, Stanford Rillers j BobbingsW01·th James Cornell, from his house, monday &; sub-distl'ict, Augustus Woodward Horrell, Fyfield friday, at 8.30 a.m. returning from King's Head inn same Registrar of.Zlfarriages, Rev. F. T. Davis, Lambourne afternoon 3 p.m Workhonse, Stanford Rivers j a plain red brick structure, LONDoN-George Bretton, from his house, tuesday & cost £4,416; Robert William Low, master; Rev. F. EIliot, friaay at 4 p.m. returning wednesday & saturday from chaplain; H. M. Grattan, surgeon; Mrs. E. Low, matron Saracen's Head, Aldersgate at 1 p.m. & Hull at 2 p.m PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Carter Benjamin, baker Lambert Thomas William, farmer, Bailey Miss, Castle street Chapma~ Anne (Miss), fancy repository Castle & Home farms Christie Alexander Henry, Wilderness Chapman R. James, chemist & druggist Lamplough Henry Edward, KiTlf/'a Clark Wm. ChigneIl, Grammar school Childs Henry, linen draper Head commercial lwteler posting hmCS6 Coe WiIIiam Clark Dr. William Chignell, private Lawrence John, confectioner Foster Charles grammar school Lucking Joseph, corn dealer Gibson Henry, Whitehouse Clark Samuel, liV'ery stable proprietor; Mead Thomas, baker Gibson Mrs good accommodation for hunters Mott Charles, china &C. dealer, stamp Grattan Matthew Henry, Ongar house Cook Nathan, coach builder distributor& clerk to the burial board Hancock William . Cornell James, shopkeeper Mott Charles Amos, furniture dealer & Kennett Thomas Henry CoveIl John, fa.rmer, Bowes farm ironmonger King William Cowee John, cattle dealer Noakes, Thomas, shopkeeper Loud Mrs. The Hermitage Cowee Thomas, butcher Noble Frederick, builder Nicols Rev. David Charles [Catholic] Esse.T:' (1st) Rifle "Volunteers (G compy.) Parker Mary Ann (Mrs.), tobacconist Noble Frederick (Herman P. D. Meyer, capt. j G. Han~ Parker Thomas, dairyman Noble Miss cock, drill instructor), Drill hall Parkhurst Joseph, clothier & draper Potter Frank Dobson Fewell Alfred, confectioner Parsons Samh (Mrs.), baker Sargent George Foster Charles, auctioneer Penson James, ironmongel Sammes Edward Fuller Edwin, Crown's inn Perry John, beer retailer & shopkeeper Smith Charles Gas WO/'ks (exors. of James Griffiths, Potter & Spurgeon, surgeons Starkey Francis proprietors) Potter Thomas, The Cock Tanner Rev. James M.A.[rector & surro~ Gibson Henry, solicitor, clerk of the Prentice William, White HQrse gate] peace for the county & of the Regan )Iichael, Lion hotel Webster Mrs general meetin~ of the lieutenancy Reynolds Christopher Jas. coal mrcImt COMMERCIAL. Giffin James, boot & shoe maker Reynolds EIIen (~Irs.), dress maker Almond Nicholson, veterinary surgeon Girling James & Henry, coal merchants Reynolds Mary (Miss), day school Ashdown Alfred, draper (James Mast, agent); chief district Robinson Charles Foster, inspector of AugerJames, beer retailer &fishmonger office, Southend. See advertisement police & weights & measures Barlow Henry, builder, timber mer-J Grattan Matthew Henry, physician & Rose & Son, tailors & hatters chant, undertaker & cabinet maker surgeon, Ongar house Rowden Chas. John, watch & clock ms Barltrop Absalom, blacksmith Hammond Henry Hazzery, painter & Scruby WiIliam, stationer, & post office Bishop Elizabeth Parker (Mrs.), ladies' plumber Searle George, nurseryman & seedsman boarding & day school, Roden house. Hancock George, photographer Silcock Frank, cricket outfitter See alh-ertisement Hayward Robert, grocer Silcoek Jonathan & Frank, harness mas Eretton George, Bell Holt Frederick. greengrocer Smith AIma, hair dresser Bridge Jeremiah, boot & ehoe maker Horide John, grocer & tea dealer Smith Chas. winemerchant&auctioneer Brown Charles & Sons, grocers Houchin Charles, tailor Sparrow, Tufnell & Co. bankers (WaIter BurgessGeorgeAlfred, stationer&printer Johnston Catherine (Miss), ladies' schl Patrick Fenn, agent); draw on Bar~ Camp George, butcher Kerr John, ironmonger clay, Benm & Co. London Canllan Jane (Mrs.), fancy repository Keys James, boot & shoe maker Suckling Thos. blacksmith & whlwrght Cemetery (Charles Mott, clerk to the Lacey Peter, boot & shoe maker Ward Da\oid, chemist, & agent for W. & burial board) Larkin George, clothier & boot dealer A. Gilbe)', wine & spirit merchants HIGH ONGAR lies 1 mile north-east from Chipping Emmanuel College, Cambridge. The charities amounting in Ongar and 23 from London, on the road to Chelmsford and the aggregate to £10 are yearly distributed in bread and near the . The is in the Western divi- clothing: they consist of numerous small legacies from 108. sion of the county, hundred and union of Ongar, Brentwood upwards. Among the seats in this parish are Forest or county court district, Ongal' rural deanery, Essex arch- FoIIyott's Hall; Chevers, 80 named from a. family who held deaconry and St. Albans diocese. The church of St. Mary it in the reign of Edward Ill.: Ashe Hall, originally be-­ the Virgin is a building in the Norman style and consists of longing to the Frenles family and afterwards to the Mild~ chancel and nave and a square brick tower erected in 1858 mays and Paslow Hall belonging to a. manor given by and containing 5 bells, dated. 1610, 1728, 1746, 1773 and Harold to his abbey at Waltham, besides several ma.nors. 1822. The register dates from the year 1538. The living The principal landowners are J. L. Newall esq. J.P. 6eorge is a rectory, yearly value £:1,282, with residence, in the Capel Cure and Edward Cleeve, Abraham Caton, 1. C. gift of and held by the Rev. WiIliam Henry Bond H.A. of Bennett esq. and trustees of E. Disney. The soil is