Why is Poland?

Hello everybody!

Today I’d like to explain where does Poland’s name come from, or basically: why Poland is called "Poland?" That’s actually an interesting topic, it seems there is a lot of valuable information in the name of a country, like for example its historical and cultural background, or its beginnings. It is often also considered to be an important part of national identity. Let's have a look at the origins of the name of Poland.

In Polish Poland is called "Polska". It literally means "The Land of Fields" and it comes from the word "pole" meaning "a plain/a field". However, the story behind the country’s name is a little bit more complicated than that. In fact, more directly "Polska" derives from the name of one of the main tribes which build Poland in the .

Centuries before first kings sat on the Polish throne many different tribes dwelled on what’s is now Polish territory: from the in the North and between two big rivers - in the East and Odra in the West. Back in these days, the whole territory was covered with dense woods and spacious plains. Around 6th century Slavic tribes came to these regions and started permanent settlement, building first large communities, developing their own culture, as archaeological excavations proved. One of them was the Polan tribe from which the country’s name originated. Thus, Poland also means "The Land of ". The origin of the name of the Polans itself derives from the word "pole" meaning "field/open space". Actually, the other prominent tribe of that times – , who were living in the south-east regions, have also their name derived from the word with a similar meaning of "open land/plain":"lęda". In the 9th century, the rulers of the most powerful Polans tribe started to form a lasting political structure. In result, at the beginning of the 10th century the fifth Polan's leader, , commenced his reign over a large territory inhabited by the tribes of , and Lendians, plus other smaller ones. Mieszko is regarded to be the first leader of the Polish state and the first monarch of the Piast . In 966 Mieszko ordered the so called Baptism of Poland. Most of the historians mark the event as the beginning of Polish statehood and one of the most important dates in Polish history. With The Baptism of Poland Mieszko and his state converted to and Poland joined the rank of established European Christian states and was recognized internationally.

To sum up: the name of Poland - Polska - directly comes from the name of the Slavic tribe of the Polans. Thus, we can say that Poland means "The State of Polans". Considering the etymology of the name of this tribe, which originated in the word "pole" meaning "open space/field", Poland’s name may also mean "The Land of Fields". This seems to be relevant – as most people would invoke fields as a typical Polish landscape.

Things worth remembering: - The name Poland, or Polska in Polish, derives from Slavic tribe of Polans who build Polish state, thus it means: "The State of Polans". - Polska also means "The Land of Fields" - Poland as a state was established in the 10th century - Mieszko I was the first ruler of Poland and founder of the - 966 is regarded as a symbolic date when Poland was created; it is a date of the so Called Baptism of Poland by which the country was officially recognized internationally as a state.

Turned out this post became somewhat introduction to Polish history. I will continue this interesting subject some other time!

Until next time! Hanna