Andrew Mills and His Descendants
ANDREW MILLS AND HIS DESCENDANTS With Genealogies of RelaJed Families By EVA MILLS LEE TAYLOR BETHESDA, MAR.YLA.VD 1944 Copyright, 1944 EVA MILLS LEE TAYLOR BETHESDA, MARYI.A.'ID Print,d by th, SH.E!':A.. ''-DOAH Pt:BLISH.ING HOUSE, .t:S'C. STRASBVRO, VA. FOREWORD HIS book constitutes a genealogical and biographical ecor~ of _the descendants of Andt:ew ~ills ( 1784:. ? -) and his wife, Margaret (McCorm1c) Mills, of Petogoe, Ireland, and of Oxford Twp., Grenville Co., Ont., Canada. It supplies, by means of footnotes and appendices, genealogical outlines of a number of families into which descendants of Andrew Mills married, both in Canada and in the United States. ·For those members of tl,e family regarding whom data are available, biographical articles appear. Following each article appears a list ,Jf the children, if any, arranged in the order of · birth. An asterisk (*) prefixed to a name in the lists of chil dren indicates that a biographical account of the individual appears later in the book. To enable readers to trace the relationship of individuals, the author has assigned code numbers to each. The figure 1. begins every code number and refers to the common ancestor, Andrew Mills. The next following numbers ( separated by periods) denote the children of Andrew in the order of their birth-1.1. for Elizabeth, 1.4. for John, etc. In like manner, the subsequent numbers show in each case that the person desig nated was a first, second, third, or later child. Thus the code number ( that of the author) means that the author was de5cended from Andrew Mills (I.) through his fifth child James (5.) and through James's fourth child Mary Etta ( 4.), whose second child was Eva Mills Lee (2.).
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