Green Mountain 100 Mile Trail Ride
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50¢ OCTOBER, 1963 GreenMountain 100 Mile Trail Ride DISPOSITION •'f>f• .., This is Ledgewood Pecora 09867 !Pecos x Janee!. A top show Morgan with a USEFUL disposition. The offspring of Pecos have the intelli gance, manners and ability to adapt themselves to the requirements of either pleasure riding or the show ring. Several excellent young prospects for sale now. Come and see us! VOORHIS FARM Red Hook, Dutchess Co., New York. MR. and MRS. GORDON VOORHIS, owners FRED HERRICK, trainer BH JJ Jl D W lJ l l f lJJl JJ] MEG FERGUSON, 13, WITH HER GELDING BROADWALL COMMANDER 11887 (Parade 10138 - Texas Lyn 05818) Meg rides Broadwall Commander (Red) on the fifty mile pleasure ride and also shows him . We have three weanling fill ies by Parade and Broadwall Drum Major and some good stallion and gelding prospects . VISIT US BEFOREBUYING . Mr. and Mrs. J. Cecil Ferguson Broadwall Farm Greene, Rhode Island EXPRESS7-3963 SPECIALFEATURES Vermont's ~8th Annual 100 Mile Ride . 6 The 50 Mile Junior Competitive Ride . 7 The Morgan Horse Club. Inc •• Secretary 's Report . 10 Morgan Horse Club Re-elects "Ferg le" Pre sident . 10 Verse Contest Winners Announced . 10 Mid-Atlantic Morgan Show Bigger Than Ever . 12 Morgan Breed Promotion . 47 First British Columbia Morgan Horse Show . 48 Dear Sir, New York Shows . 49 We read with interest President Fer Cutt ing Horse News . 50 guson's proposal to include classes for The Morgan Horse Club , Inc ., Treasurer 's Report . 50 natu ral footed horses in the Nationa l REGULAR FEATURES Morgan Show. Letters to the Editor . 4 T his is not a new idea. It was sug The President's Corner . 5 gested two, years ago by several mem Horses. Horses. Horses . 9 Jes' Hossin' Around . • . 11 bers of the ew York Stat e Morgan New York News . 15 Horse Society and dropped because the Morgan Horse Breeders and Exhibitors Assn. 17 feeling was that since the rules are ther e, Morgan In The Land of Enchantment . 19 they should be enforced. New England News . 20 The Texas Tally . 21 Tow, however, it seems to us that Mid-States Morgan Horse Club . 22 this pioneering of special classes may Northern California Morgan Horse Club . 23 well be the answer. If the pub lic can Justin Morgan Association . 24 Morgan Horse Club of Sou the rn Ca lifornia . 25 be shown the att ributes of the natura lly Penn-Ohio News . 26 stylish Morga n, pub lic demand can Ask The Doctor . 26 happily bring about the purpo:;e of the Circle J Morgan Horse Club . 27 rule. Indiana Morgan Horse Club, Inc. 28 The Wheat Sta le Morgan Assn. 28 T he atio nal is definite ly the place Pacific Northwest News . 45 for the inaugu ration of such classes. Mid-Atlantic News . 46 nd we believe that if P resident Fe rgu- Morgans In Arizona . 46 Oregon Morgan Horse Assn. 47 to on were make the req uest, other Bucke ye Bree ze . 47 show commit tees would gladly follow Southern India na Morgan Exhibitors . 48 this lead. We are sure that the great Wyoming Morgan Horse Breeders Assn., Inc. 49 majority of Morga n owne rs prefer their Southern News and View s . 50 ho.rses with natural feet. As Mr. Fer guson suggests, put a good big bundle Officers of The Morgan Horse Club of mon ey on such classes, because President . J. CECIL FERGUSON money does talk. Greene, Rhode Island Eastern Regional Vice President . MRS. ROGER E. ELA T he conditions of the classes would Wayland, Mass. need to be worked out. Keg hoe.s, by Mid-West Regional Vlce -Presldent ........ MRS. WILLIAM W . BARTON all means, should be used. But f.o.r a Rockford , Ill. Western Regional Vice Pres!dent . ...... ... DR. HENRY P. BOYD few big Morgans, a four inch toe may San Rafael. Calli. possibly be too short. Fo ur inches of Treasurer ........ .. ...... ........ .. CHAUNCY STILLMAN toe, however, is longer than you think. 230 Park Avenue , New York, N. Y. (Continued on Page 52) Secretary ... .. .... ... .. .. .. ... ...... SETH P. HOLCOMBE P. 0. Box 2157 , West Hartford 17. Connecticut The Morgan Horse Magazine OUR COVER Vol. XXIII October . 1963 No . 9 A Monthly - The Offlclol Publication of THE MORGAN HORSE CLUB, Incorporat ed Secretary's Off ice, P. 0 . Box 2157, West Hartford 17, Conn. Please send all correspond ence regard ing subscription s and advert ising to publicat ion office: The Morgan Horse Maga zine, Leominster, Mass. - Dlal KEystone 4-6506 . Publisher ... .. ...... .. .. ..... .. .. ................ Otho F. Eusey Editor . Bernice Anderson Special Features . Em Pedler Circulation . Rosalle McGuire CONTRIBUTING EDITORS Joyan Hills Ollie Mae Dansby Renee Pag e Barba ra Niemi Jud ee n Barwood Doris Hodgin Jeann e Mehl Dr. Albert Lucine Louise Beckley Dorothy Lockard R. G. Morgareldg e Paulin e Zeller Lorrayne Byers Peggy McDonald Eve Oakl ey Helene Zimmerman Dorothy Colbum ColH n Mcl ean Cece Olsen Dorothy Olson Barbara Cole Charlo tte Schmidt Ayelien Richards Pamela Leach Ruth Rogers Pat Hamilton Nata lie Webber Gloria Jon es Ellene Sullivan Pat Crookham Harriet Ulery The Publisher and staff of The Morgan Horse Magaz ine and The Morgon Horse Club, Inc. Dona Juanita 010165, highest placing are not responsible for opinions a nd statements expressed In signed art icles or pa id ad vert isements. These opinions are not necessar ily the opinions of the staff of this journal. Morgan on Vermo nt 100 Mile Competi SUBSCRIPTION RATES tive Ride, with owner-rider Lucille One Year $4.00 Two Years $7.50 Three Years $10.50 Kenyon from Fernandi no Beach, F lori Canada S4.50 Foreign Rates SS.SO per year The MORGAN HORSE MAGAZINE, published monthly except January by THE MORGAN da. Anna Ela, Vice-P resident of T he HORSE CLUB, INC., Secretary "s Office , P. 0 . Box 2157, West Hartfo rd 17, Conn. Morgan Horse Club, Inc., presents Printed by The Eusey Press, Leominster, Mass . Second class postage paid at Leominster . Moss. Closing date for copy and advert ising 1st of month preced ing date of publication trop hy. Copyright 1963 by The Morgan Horse Club. Inc. requi rement was that they must fit the collars of the coach 'L-lte 'l're6'iaent'6' eorner harness. His man trave led throughout the East carrying collars and finally found the necessary Morgans to fit By J. C ECIL FERGU O them. Mr. Stone advises the Morgans, harness, Road Coach and break arrived at Morven in fjne conditio.n and he is al Many of our readers will be pleased to. learn that the ready enjoying driving the four-in-hand. Mr. Stone has dr iven four Registered Morga ns (see cover picture January-Feb four-in-hands for years, and his father before him. T he ruary 1960, MORGAN HORSE MAGAZ rNE) which Mr. late Mr. Charles A. Stone had a beautiful Concord Coach Adrian Van Sinderen (Chairman of the Board of the made for him by Abbott and Dow ning of Conco.rd, New . H. S. A. and former President since 1937) enjoyed driv ing Hamps hire, which he and Mrs. Stone used on their honey to his beautiful Road Coach are now the property of our moon. T his Concord Coach was drawn by Registered fo.rmer Treasurer and Morgan Horse Club benefactor Mr. Morgans and traveled many of the road of 'ew England. Whitney Stone. Mrs. Winthrop S. Dakin and Mrs. Floyd A. Thompson • • • are responsible f.or the Van Sinderens having Morgans. Some Many who gave so generously to our Mqrgao Sound years ago, Mrs. Van Sioderen was looking for a reliable Film Fund no doubt wonder if they will wither on the driving horse and Mrs. Dakin and Mrs . T hompson found vine before it is completed . I am pleased to say all the pic a Morgan that suited so well, that Mr. Van Sinderen bought tures have been taken and it is being worked into form. several for his Road Coach. He derived a great deal of Next is the script and narration - then it's finished. pleasure in driving them as a four-in-hand. Locati ng the Had I known as much about this as I do now, I would never Morgans was rather interesting as the Road Coach was not have attempted it. We have some fine shots and it should full size and the wheelers had to clear the foot board; for do much to promote the Morgan Horse and keep it the that reason the horses co.uld not be too large. T he other PRIDE ND PRODUCT OF AMERICA. Beckridge Morgans We have just been to the ranch i11 Oregon. The foals look good to us and there are several still available - for breeding, show or pleasure . Included are 3 good chestnut fillies , a black colt, 2 others that are good stallion prospects - one by Sonfield and one by St. Pat. We also still have a few good young geldings at very reason- able prices. BECKRIDGE ORAETTE VISTORS ALWA YS WELCOME (Broadw all St. Pat - Orafie ld) Anothe r example of the Morgans we raise Here and at the Ranch Oraette was 1st in her class as WSU, No . Calif ., and British Columbia ; 2nd , in Oregon to a Son field filly we sold. Not shown (virus) at PNW. P. 0 . Box 240 A l Erickson Ranch, Sutherli n, Orego n Mo unt Vernon, Wash. Trai ner Tony A rana , Mg r. OCTOBER, 1963 5 100 Mile Trail Ride Largest ent ry ever .. one thi rd fail to finish . .. Morgans place 2nd and 3rd .