

The nanoscale Leidenfrost effect†

a a,b Cite this: Nanoscale, 2019, 11, 12139 Jhonatam Rodrigues and Salil Desai *

Nanoscale of plays a key role in several applications including cooling, drag reduction and transport. This research investigates the Leidenfrost effect at the nanoscale as a function of substrate material, droplet size and using molecular dynamics models. Water droplets ranging from 4 nm to 20 nm were simulated over gold and silicon substrates at 293 K, 373 K, 473 K, and 573 K. A significant increase in the kinetic energy (>5000 kcal mol−1) was observed for molecules in the vicinity of the substrates, indicating the presence of a barrier layer between substrate and liquid. Higher droplet velocities were tracked for hydrophobic gold substrates as compared to hydrophilic silicon substrates indicating the influence of the surface wettability on the Leidenfrost effect. Droplets over silicon substrates had a higher number of fluctuations (peaks and valleys) as compared to gold due to the Received 14th February 2019, cyclic behavior of vapor formation. An increase in the interfacial kinetic energies and translatory velocities Accepted 5th June 2019 (>10 m s−1) were observed as the droplet sizes reduced confirming the Leidenfrost effect at 373 K. This DOI: 10.1039/c9nr01386e research provides understanding of the Leidenfrost effect at the nanoscale which can impact several applications in heat transfer and droplet propulsion.

1 Introduction bodies moving within a liquid.6,9 Bain, R. et al. demon- strated that the Leidenfrost effect can be used to accelerate The Leidenfrost effect is characterized by a significant chemical reactions.10 Shahriari, A. et al. applied an electric reduction in heat transfer from a heated body to liquids when field to the interface of a substrate in order to promote wett- the temperature of the body crosses a threshold,1 known as ability consequently increasing the Leidenfrost Point.11 the Leidenfrost Point (LFP) temperature. This phenomenon In spite of several investigations of the Leidenfrost effect at occurs when liquids are deposited on hot solid surfaces and a the macroscale, there is a limited body of knowledge that layer of vapor is formed in between the droplet and the sub- explains the phenomenon at the nanoscale regime. The experi- strate. This vapor layer provides a frictionless motion to the mental analysis of the Leidenfrost phenomenon at the nano- droplet isolating the substrate from the liquid and reducing scale regime is non-trivial as the nanodroplets are below the the total heat transfer.2 The Leidenfrost effect has been sys- optical resolution. Nanoscale droplets have extremely fast evap- tematically explored for macro scale applications such as oration kinetics depending on the initial size of the droplet. In cooling,3 liquid transport4 and drag reduction,5 however, recent years, attempts are being made to study the interfacial needs further investigation at the nanoscale dimensions. fluid-structural behavior using environmental scanning electron The use of nanoscale structures has been studied to microscopy for stationary nanodroplets.12 However, this increase the LFP temperature, given its criticality in cooling approach is being attempted for nanodroplets above the size of applications.6 Sajadi S., et al. proposed a layered structure that 400 nm which are composed on non-volatile fluids such gly- would eliminate the Leidenfrost Point.7 Hassebrook, A. et al. cerin, oil etc. To the best of our knowledge, currently, there are reported an increase in the Leidenfrost temperature by no experimental tools that can image fast moving nanoscale 200 °C by growing nano/microstructures on a substrate.8 The droplets at the Leidenfrost . Thus, several research Leidenfrost effect has been applied to minimize the drag on groups have used molecular models to investigate the inter- – action of nanofluids with different substrates.13 19 The interaction of heated nanodroplets with substrates has aDepartment of Industrial & Systems Engineering, North Carolina Agricultural & an ever-increasing number of applications. Nanoscale fabrica- Technical State University, Greensboro, NC 27411, USA. E-mail: [email protected]; tion processes such as chemical vapor deposition and physical Tel: +1-336-285-3725 vapor deposition utilize nanoscale species of materials that are bWake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine, Wake Forest School of Medicine, deposited on heated substrates to form 2D and 3D nano- Winston–Salem, NC 27157, USA 20,21 †Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: 10.1039/ scale features. Researchers at the National University of c9nr01386e Singapore have fabricated ultrathin ribbon-shaped molybdenum

This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2019 Nanoscale,2019,11, 12139–12151 | 12139 Paper Nanoscale disulphide structures by the reaction of precursor materials at In this research, the Leidenfrost effect is characterized at ∼700 °C on a clean surface.22 This reaction resulted in the nanoscale with respect to the kinetic energy, droplet vel- the formation of nanodroplets which travelled at high vel- ocity, and temperature profile. Our results report higher ocities forming ribbon-like structures, unlike the traditional kinetic energies and corresponding higher droplet velocities cylindrical or spheroidal structures. Herein, the random that are inversely proportional to the size of the nanodroplets. motion of the deposited nanodroplets from the precursor We confirm the presence of Leidenfrost point (LP) for nano- source to the substrate is dictated by the underlying wettability scale droplets at 373 K which is lower than the recorded (LP) at and thermal gradients of the nanodroplets. Zagoranskiy et al. the microscale.30 Water nanodroplets ranging from 4 nm to have guided self-organization of heated nanodroplets induced 20 nm were simulated with respect to hydrophobic gold and by nanosecond IR laser radiation on a sapphire substrate.23 hydrophilic silicon substrates, respectively. This research lays Our research will shed light on the spreading behavior of the foundation for understanding the Leidenfrost effect at the heated nanodroplets which have a significant impact on the nanoscale based on variations in substrate wetting, droplet deposition of thin-films and nanoscale structures for photo- size and temperature with a potential to impact several nic, sensor, and biomedical devices. In addition, other droplet applications. based processes involve the use of atomized jets of nanodro- plets to form nanomaterials based on , nuclea- tion, and growth on heated substrates.24,25 Charged nanodro- 2 Materials and methods plets of aqueous media were deposited on Si wafer at 873 K to generate nanoparticles for sterilization of yeast fungi.26 A Nanoscale Molecular Dynamics (NAMD) source code was used patented scalable nano/micro droplet deposition process has to execute the simulations. NAMD is a high-performance code been developed wherein, microscale droplets are irradiated for parallel computing31 and compatible with most force fields with lasers to transform them into nanodroplets on-the-fly.27 for the commonly available CHARMM32 package. Visual The nanodroplets are then deposited on heated substrates for Molecular Dynamics (VMD) was used to pre and post-process the formation of nanoscale structures. The initial impact, the molecular models. NAMD and VMD were developed by the spread dynamics and motion of the nanodroplet on the heated Theoretical and Computational Biophysics Group in Beckman substrate represents the Leidenfrost phenomena at the nano- Institute for Advanced Science and Technology at the scale regime. Heated nanodroplets have also been used to University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.33 The simulations encapsulate chemotherapy drugs and contrast agents that are were run on GPU34 computing resources provided by XSEDE further irradiated with lasers for treatment of tumors and tar- (K80, with 4992 cores).35 geted molecular imaging.28,29 Spherical water nanodroplets with diameters of 4 nm, As stated above, heated nanoscale droplets undergoing 7 nm, 10 nm, 15 nm and 20 nm were modeled using 1108, temperature gradients (Leidenfrost effect) have been 5951, 17 267, 58 462 and 138 537 molecules, respectively. implemented in multiple applications. Thus, a detailed These spherical droplets were placed tangent to the substrates atomistic investigation of these nanodroplets is necessary to while initializing the simulations. The droplets were mini- reveal the complex transport phenomena, which can be mized for 20 ps and further attained their final equilibrium further exploited for tuning properties of nanomaterials. In contact angles with respective substrates. A TIP3P structure addition, we believe that the study of the nanoscale Leidenfrost was used to represent the water molecules. Gold and silicon effect will serve as a basis to design a family of applications for substrates were used. The gold substrates had their molecules anti-dragging surfaces, self-propelling droplets, self-assembled in a face-centered cubic (FCC) structure following a [1 0 0] nano structures, and cooling applications. crystal orientation. Fig. 1 shows the MD model of a 10 nm

Fig. 1 10 nm water droplet over (a) gold and (b) silicon substrate in equilibrium.

12140 | Nanoscale,2019,11, 12139–12151 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2019 Nanoscale Paper droplet over (a) gold (131°) and (b) silicon (86.6°) substrate at steps. The VdW interactions were conducted with a cutoff of their equilibrium contact angles, respectively. 12 Å and switching function starting at 10 Å. The long-range electrostatic interactions were calculated using the Particle 2.1 Force fields Mesh Ewald (PME) method. The simulations were performed The direct-space interactions of temperature, pressure and in an NVT ensemble, and a Langevin thermostat was used to electrostatic forces were calculated using the Particle Mesh control the temperature. All systems were minimized for 4000 Ewald (PME). The electrostatic interaction was modeled using steps of 2 fs and then equilibrated for 4 ns in an NVT ensem- Coulomb’s law, while the van der Waals (VdW) forces were ble. In the simulations of heated substrates, the system was modeled using Lennard-Jones 6–12 potential.36 The potential thermalized to 293 K for 2500 steps, and the thermostat was energy from bending and stretching interactions were also set to a higher temperature acting only on the substrate for the included to represent water. All the interactions in the model remaining of the simulation. were parameterized using a potential energy function compati- 2.3 Kinetic energy ble with CHARMM force fields. Eqn (1) shows the functional form of the energy function. The Leidenfrost-effect occurs when a thin layer of vapor exists between a heated substrate and the liquid droplet. The thin ¼ þ þ þ ð Þ Utotal Ubond Uangle UvdW UColoumb 1 vapor film significantly reduces the heat transfer between the substrate and droplet, retarding the of the droplet. The where, Ubond, Uangle are the stretching and bending inter- actions, respectively. droplet boiling is often accompanied by the random droplet X motion. However, the motion itself might not indicate the ¼ bondð Þ2 ð Þ Ubond ki ri r0i 2 presence of the Leidenfrost effect. In addition to the random bonds i motion, it is important to demonstrate that: (1) the droplet X ¼ angleðθ θ Þ2 ð Þ presents vapor and liquid phases and (2) the vapor lies Uangle ki i 0i 3 bonds i trapped in between the substrate and the liquid phase. The presence of these two conditions was verified by track- The last two terms in the equation describe the van der ing the kinetic energy of the droplet molecules at the fluid– Waals and electrostatic potential. substrate interface. The simulation volume was divided into X X σ 12 σ 6 slices parallel to the substrate surface, and the average kinetic ¼ ε ij ij ð Þ UvdW 4 ij 4 energy of the molecules in each layer was calculated using the > rij rij i j i MD energy module in NAMD. Fig. 2 illustrates the scheme X X q q used to compute the kinetic energy across different layers from U ¼ i j ð5Þ Coulomb πε the substrate. Each layer was set to a height of 0.5 Å. i j>i 4 0rij In addition, the average kinetic energy of each layer was The parameters for eqn (2)–(5) for water molecules (oxygen plotted against time. Thus, it was possible to track the pro- and hydrogen) were taken from the CHARMM force fields.37 gression of the kinetic energy of specific layers and to isolate The parameters for gold and silicon substrates were adapted the timeframes where vapor and liquid phases were present. from Braun, R. et al.38 and Mayo et al.,39 respectively. As the One of the significant findings of this work is the obser- force of gravity does not influence interactions at the nano- vation of the Leidenfrost effect at 373 K, which is signi- scale,40 the interactions between the droplet and substrate are ficantly lower than the one observed at the microscale.30 based on intermolecular interactions between pairs of mole- To study this hypothesis, the gradients of kinetic energy at cules for the water droplet and the substrate atoms.41,42 These the droplet–substrate interface were studied for different interactions are captured by two types of non-bonded poten- droplet sizes, substrate types, and temperature as listed in tials which include the van der Waals and Coulomb potentials Table 1. shown by eqn (4) and (5). To explore the solid–liquid affinity the authors have run simulations with gold (hydrophobic) and 2.4 Density profile silicon (hydrophilic) substrates with different sizes of droplets The water density was sampled by dividing the simulation (4, 7, 10, 15 and 20 nm). volume in a grid of 1 Å cubic bins. The atomic density was cal- culated at each grid point. To perform the calculations, each 2.2 Simulation parameters atom was replaced by a normalized Gaussian distribution with A spherical volume of water was generated for nanodroplet standard deviation equal to the atomic radius. The density from a pre-equilibrated water sphere using the solvate plugin map was created by summing the various Gaussians in the in VMD. The solid substrates were generated using the in- grid. The density maps were set up for every frame of the simu- organic builder in VMD. During the simulation, the substrate lations using the volmap script from VMD. Liquid water has an atoms had their coordinates fixed to their original position, atomic density of approximately 0.096 atoms per Å3 between while water molecules within the droplet were allowed to move 293 K and 373 K.43 The phase boundary between water and freely. An integration time step of 2 fs was used to perform the vapor occurs at 50% of the atomic density of liquid water, simulations. The system position was recorded every 2000 therefore if a simulation volume had less than 0.048 atoms per

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Fig. 2 Schema of the division of layers used to compute the kinetic energy normal to the substrate. The average kinetic energy of molecules within the layer was calculated as a function of the distance away from the substrate.

Table 1 Evaluations of the kinetic energies for different droplet sizes, tory analysis is presented for 4 nm droplet deposited over gold substrate types and temperatures and silicon substrates at 473 K.

Index Temperature (K) Substrate Droplet size (nm) 2.6 Temperature 1 293 Au 4 The temperature of the droplet was measured for 4 nm and 2 293 Au 10 10 nm droplets over gold and silicon substrates heated at 3 293 Si 4 ff 4 293 Si 10 293 K, 373 K, 473 and 573 K. The Leidenfrost e ect reduces 5 373 Au 4 the heat diffusion from the substrate to the droplet. This 6 373 Au 7 research intends to establish a relationship between droplet 7 373 Au 10 8 373 Au 15 size and substrate material to determine optimal combi- 9 373 Au 20 nations that can initiate the Leidenfrost effect at nanoscale 10 373 Si 4 dimensions. 11 373 Si 7 12 373 Si 10 13 373 Si 15 14 373 Si 20 3 Results and discussion 3.1 Kinetic energy bin it was considered as vapor. The density profile was used to To investigate the location of vapor formation at the droplet compute the percentage of the initial liquid water present in and substrate interface, the kinetic energy of droplet molecules the droplet. This was tracked as the simulation progressed for was tracked in close proximity of the substrate. Fig. 3 shows each scenario presented in Table 1. the graph of the kinetic energy of water molecules (in vapor form) at layers closer to the substrate, for a 4 nm water droplet 2.5 Droplet displacement and velocities over a gold substrate at 373 K. Droplets subjected to the Leidenfrost effect tended to move Layers 1 and 2 cannot be seen in Fig. 3 as their kinetic ener- randomly over the substrate. To analyze the droplet movement, gies are zero for most of the simulation time. Layer 3 presents the center of mass of the water droplet was calculated for each sporadic peaks in the kinetic energy but the average energy is frame of the simulation. The center of mass was computed as zero for a significant part of the simulation. This is due to the the weighted average position of the atoms in the droplet. The fact that for extended periods of the simulation these layers center of mass was tracked through all simulation frames contain no vapor molecules. Thus, for layers 1 through 3, the creating a graphical representation of the trajectory of the van der Waal’s interactions repel the water molecules from the droplet. The velocity of the droplet was calculated as the dis- substrate molecules at shorter distances. Layers 4 and 5 tance between of center of mass for two consecutive frames present a varying energy level throughout the simulation. divided by the interval of time between two frames (5 ps = Layer 4, represents atoms between 1.5 Å and 2.0 Å from the 2500 steps per frame × 2 fs per step). Velocities of droplets substrate and shows the highest peaks in energy. Fig. 4 illus- ranging from 4 nm to 20 nm over silicon and gold at 373 K, trates the kinetic energies of nanodroplets (ranging 4 nm to 473 K, and 573 K are presented in this work. A detailed trajec- 20 nm) over gold and silicon substrates at 373 K. The kinetic

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Fig. 3 The average kinetic energy of water molecules in the first 5 layers of a 4 nm water droplet over a gold substrate at 373 K. Legends – X is the simulation time and Y is the kinetic energy in kcal mol−1. energy was plotted as a function of the distance of the layers molecular diffusion from liquid to a vapor state because a from the substrate. greater proportion of the droplet is located at the surface of As can be seen in the figures, the 4 nm droplet has the the droplet.44 − highest kinetic energy peak (around 10 000 kcal mol 1)at Analogously, droplets over the silicon substrate evaporate 373 K followed by the larger sized droplets. This rapid rise in more rapidly than over gold substrate at an elevated tempera- kinetic energy is only seen at distances closer to the substrate ture (373 K). However, the molecular count converges to a (<5–10 A) indicating the presence of vapor layer as explained in plateau over time with intermittent variations in the evapor- Fig. 3. The rest of the layers of droplet away from the substrate ation profile. This can be explained by the fact that after a − have a much lower kinetic energy (around 2000 kcal mol 1) vapor layer is formed at the fluid–substrate interface there is a which resemble the vibrational energy of the molecules in the drastic reduction in heat transfer between the droplet and droplets. It is important to note that as the droplet size substrates. increases there is a reduction in the kinetic energy peaks indi- Similar to the 4 nm droplets, the 10 nm droplets show an cating that at substantially larger drop sizes the Leidenfrost initial reduction in liquid molecules on both substrates. effect would cease to exist at 373 K. Droplets on silicon substrate have a higher loss of vapor molecules as compared to gold. As compared to the 10 nm 3.2 Volume reduction droplets, the 4 nm droplets have a higher reduction in liquid The density profile of the droplet was computed to identify the molecule count. This can be attributed to the higher surface liquid core and vapor periphery. Fig. 5 shows the proportion of to volume ratio for the 4 nm droplets as compared to 10 nm water molecules in a liquid state for (a) a 4 nm droplet and (b) droplets. The water molecules on the surface are exposed to a 10 nm droplet over gold and silicon substrates at 293 K and fewer hydrogen bonds and therefore require less energy to 373 K, respectively. break free and diffuse away from the liquid droplet. Thus, At the beginning of the simulation, all droplets have 100% smaller droplets evaporate proportionally faster as compared of water molecules in the liquid state. Shortly after the simu- to larger droplets. lation starts, the proportion of water molecules starts to drop. At room temperature (293 K) and without heat transfer 3.3 Droplet propulsion mechanism between the substrate and droplet, the droplet over silicon has A droplet undergoing the Leidenfrost effect over a flat substrate a lower proportion of liquid water than the droplet over gold. moves in random directions. This movement is induced by the Droplets over a flat silicon substrate have a lower contact angle formation of a vapor layer in between the droplet and sub- (86.6°) than over gold substrate (131°). The hydrophilic surface strate. The velocity at which the droplets moves over the sub- of silicon induces higher substrate wettability resulting in strate is dependent on different variables which include temp- higher surface exposure of the droplet with the environment. erature of substrate, droplet size, and substrate material. Fig. 6 Thus, higher surface exposure contributes to a higher rate of shows the velocity of a 4 nm droplet over a gold substrate

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Fig. 4 Kinetic energy during vapor formation for 4 nm, 7 nm, 10 nm, 15 nm and 20 nm droplets on (a) gold and (b) silicon substrates at 373 K.

at 473 K, where, the label X is the time (ns) and Y is the down. After the droplet slows down (velocity valley), vapor − velocity (m s 1). builds between it and the substrate to cause the droplet to A specific pattern of droplet behavior was observed by corre- propel in a random direction. Thus, this cyclic behavior of the lating the peaks and valleys in the droplet velocity with the droplet is repeated causing the droplet to traverse in random droplet position on the substrate as shown in Fig. 7. The directions as it moves across the substrate. droplet is initially levitated by the vapor to propel it to a peak The velocity valley corresponds to the moment the droplet velocity. After attaining the highest velocity, the heat transfer is in contact with the substrate, but then it is propelled by a between the substrate and droplet diminishes causing loss of vapor layer in another direction and levitated upwards, vapor formation thereby, lowering its velocity until it slows causing the sudden increase in velocity after the valley. The

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Fig. 5 The proportion of water molecules at liquid state for (a) 4 nm and (b) 10 nm droplets over gold and silicon substrates.

Fig. 6 Droplet velocity profile (4 nm) over gold substrate at 473 K (X is time in ns and Y is velocity in m s−1).

velocity peak seems to correspond to the moments the For hydrophilic substrates such as silicon, the water–sub- droplet is almost entirely suspended over a layer of vapor. strate interaction tends to decelerate the droplet motion. Fig. 8 Because the droplet is not in contact with the substrate, the shows the front view of the trajectory path of a 4 nm droplet heat transfer is diminished reducing the vapor formation. As over silicon substrate at 473 K. The initial position of the a result, the droplet approaches to contact with the substrate, droplet center is 20 Å from the substrate, but as the droplet causing a sudden drop in velocity, corresponding to a velocity spreads it rapidly reaches closer to the substrate. valley. Velocities valleys represent the rapid deceleration of Fig. 8 shows a velocity valley occurring at 0.88 ns where the the droplets wherein the droplet will be closest to the sub- droplet center of mass is closer to the substrate relative to strate. In the case of gold substrate, the fluid–substrate inter- other droplet positions. This velocity valley continues through action is hydrophobic with lower surface exposure of the 1.00 ns depicting a plateau profile (trough-like shape) after water molecules. which the droplet starts to accelerate. In the case of silicon

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Fig. 7 Trajectory path of 4 nm water droplet over a gold substrate at 473 K. The red circles indicate the position of the droplet at specific times with velocity valleys and peaks (Fig. 6).

Fig. 8 Front view of the trajectory path of a 4 nm droplet over silicon substrate at 473 K. The marks show the times when the droplet passed through that position. The ‘*’ mark are points where the droplet velocity presented a valley; the ‘○’ are points where the droplet velocity reaches a peak, and the ‘□’ mark illustrates a peak in the droplet distance from the substrate.

substrate, the droplet contact area is larger due to hydrophilic Nanodroplets have a tendency for natural vibration about nature of the fluid–substrate interaction. The sustained its mean position which is temperature dependent. In order to contact results in higher vapor volume being generated that capture these harmonic oscillations, the droplet velocity at the can transport the droplet for a longer period on the silicon center of mass were calculated at room temperature (293 K). substrate. Thus, we observe prolonged regions of velocity Droplets at room temperature do not undergo the Leidenfrost valleys and peaks (plateau regions) for the silicon substrate effect and are stationary. It is important to note that these vel- that are not observed with the gold substrate. ocities do not represent droplet movement and are used as a

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Fig. 9 Velocities of 4 nm and 10 nm water droplets over (a) gold substrate and (b) silicon substrate at 293 K, 373 K, 473 K, and 593 K. Velocities of 4, 7, 10, 15 and 20 nm over gold (c) and silicon (d) at 373 K.

base value to correct the actual velocities of droplets at higher The effect of substrate wettability is evident on the velocity temperatures undergoing the Leidenfrost effect. Fig. 9(a) and of the droplets for all drop sizes. Fig. 9(c) and (d) shows that (b) show the velocities of 4 nm and 10 nm droplets over gold hydrophobic (gold) substrate has consistently higher velocities and silicon at different temperatures, respectively. The average as compared to hydrophilic (silicon) substrate. The extended velocity of the 4 nm droplets is consistently higher than the wetting behavior of droplets on hydrophilic substrates pro- 10 nm droplet velocities due to inertial effects. The higher vided higher interfacial resistance to motion.48 surface-to-volume ratio of smaller droplets also facilitates the Table 2 shows the influence of substrate type, droplet size breakage of hydrogen bonds in the droplet. This is evident as and substrate temperature on the velocities of droplets. The the slower moving 10 nm droplets present velocity peaks after 2 ns of simulation, whereas the 4 nm droplets present velocity peaks after a few picoseconds. Table 2 Influence of substrate type, droplet size and substrate temp- Fig. 9(c) and (d) show the correlation between higher inter- erature on the velocities of nanodroplets facial kinetic energy with higher droplet velocities. Our results − − confirm findings in literature which indicate a substantial Gold (m s 1) Silicon (m s 1) increase in droplet velocities with reduction in droplet sizes.45 Temperature Size Mean Std. Dev. Mean Std. Dev. Thehigherdropletvelocitiesoccurduetothepresenceofhigher kinetic energy of vapor molecules at the droplet-substrate inter- 293 K 4 nm 4.3 0.7 3.6 1.0 373 K 4 nm 14.7 3.9 6.3 1.2 face which propel the droplets in random directions. In addition, 473 K 4 nm 13.3 3.8 8.9 2.1 larger sized nanodroplets would encounter relatively higher 573 K 4 nm 17.8 4.7 9.2 2.5 viscous effects slowing down their motion on the substrate.46,47 293 K 10 nm 1.1 0.1 1.5 0.3 373 K 10 nm 5.0 1.6 3.4 1.7 Thus, smaller drop sizes display higher tendency of Leidenfrost 473 K 10 nm 5.6 1.8 4.2 1.9 effect which diminishes as the droplet size increases. 573 K 10 nm 7.5 3.7 5.8 2.5

This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2019 Nanoscale,2019,11, 12139–12151 | 12147 Paper Nanoscale average velocities for 4 nm droplets are much higher as com- to large sized droplets (centimeter sized droplets) and will pared to the 10 nm droplets for both the substrates as smaller need further modifications to track the evaporation kinetics droplets require less kinetic energy to change its molecular for nanoscale droplets. To address this issue, the authors arrangement.49 Similarly, an increase in temperature of the describe the temperature profiles of 4 nm and 10 nm droplets substrate results in higher droplet velocities for both sub- based on the balance of evaporation and heat accumulation strates and droplet sizes, respectively. Droplets over gold have within the nanodroplets. a higher average velocity and standard deviation. This aligns The temperature of 10 nm water droplets was higher relative with the fact that gold is a hydrophobic substrate which has to the temperatures of 4 nm droplets for respective substrate fewer water molecules in contact thereby offering lower friction temperatures. As previously discussed, the Leidenfrost effect is to the droplet movement. On the contrary, silicon is a hydro- more evident on smaller droplets, wherein the 4 nm droplets philic substrate which offers higher friction and resistance to present rapid movements and peaks of velocities more fre- droplet movement. Thus, substrates with lower affinity with quently and at higher amplitudes as compared to 10 nm dro- water molecules require lower propelling force and vapor for- plets. Moreover, the 10 nm droplets have prolonged contact mation to induce motion (Leidenfrost effect) in nanodroplets. with the heated substrate resulting in higher heat transfer from the substrate. This contributes to a higher percentage of the 3.4 Temperature profiles water molecules being heated resulting in elevated aggregate Fig. 10(a) and (b) show the temperature variation of nanodro- temperatures of the droplet. Also, the 4 nm droplets have a plets over gold and silicon substrates, respectively. This graph higher surface to volume ratio leading to rapid evaporation and indicates that the droplet temperatures were always lower than thereby loss of kinetic energy as the vapor molecules separate the substrate temperature. This is because a significant from the droplet. Thus, the 4 nm droplet loses its of portion of the water droplets were not in direct contact with evaporation accounting for a lower temperature of the droplet. the substrate and were in a liquid state (below 373 K). The The droplet temperature profiles also show a rise and fall lower portion of the droplets that were in direct contact with pattern for the temperature of the droplet. This is because the the substrate resulted in vapor formation which further droplet gains heat from the substrate before the formation of reduced the heat transfer between the substrate and the liquid the vapor layer. Once the vapor layer is completely formed it water. The D2 law describes the evaporation of droplets which levitates the drop and propels it in random direction. During are freely suspended in the ambient environment.50 A this phase of droplet motion and levitation, the heat transfer reduction in the droplet size during droplet path-of-flight is from the substrate to the droplet is minimal. In addition, the dependent on several factors including droplet size, tempera- droplet is losing vapor molecules due to evaporation from its ture, vapor pressure and ambient atmosphere.3 However, in surface which results in loss of kinetic energy and thereby the case of droplets undergoing the Leidenfrost effect, the temperature of the droplet. This is evident from all the saw- evaporation kinetics varies from the traditional D2 law. The tooth pattern temperature profiles of droplets. drop diameter change over-time can be approximated by a Similarly, droplets deposited over silicon substrates had a non-linear approximation in the form of the second degree lower average temperature than droplets over gold as droplets polynomial.51 However, the D2 law modification is applicable deposited over silicon also evaporates faster. Droplets over

Fig. 10 Temperature profiles of 4 nm and 10 nm water droplets over (a) gold substrate and (b) silicon substrate heated at 273 K, 373 K, 473 K, and 573 K.

12148 | Nanoscale,2019,11,12139–12151 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2019 Nanoscale Paper silicon substrate have a higher spread due to hydrophilic sub- Science and Engineering Discovery Environment (XSEDE), strate interaction. The higher surface area exposure allows for which is supported by National Science Foundation grant a higher heat transfer, which to higher evaporation rates number ACI-1548562. This work used the XSEDE resource for the silicon substrate. Bridges GPU at the Pittsburgh Supercomputing through allo- cation DDM180006. 4 Conclusions

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