Ke S,Lakeshla Attachments
SCHERTKOF RIAA.COM Ke s, LaKeshla Full legal names and addresses of the copyright owners. The copyright owners listed below have duly authorized the From: SCHERTKOFORIAA.COM person or entity named herein to file this claim on their behalf.: Sent: Wednesday, July 22, 2015 3:10 PM To: CableClaims SEE ATTACHED LIST Subject: Cable Joint Claim from RECORDING INDUSTRY ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA, INC. Attachments: Joint Claimants 2014 (FINAL).pdf Joint Claimants 2014 (FINAL).pdf A general statement of the nature of the copyright owners'orks (e.g., motion pictures, syndicated television series, Joint Claim for Cable Retransmission Royalty Fees sports broadcasts, music, news, and other station-produced programming.): In accordance with section 111 of the Copyright Act, 17 U.S.C., and Subpart A of Part 360 of the Copyright Royalty Board TV PROGRAMS (e.g., on public TV) regulations, 37 CFR 360.1 through 360.5, the copyright owner claimants named herein file with the Copyright Royalty Board of the Library of Congress a claim to royalty payments collected from cable television systems retransmitting Example(s): Below, provide at least one example of a secondary retransmission of either a non-music (Example A) or copyrighted programming contained on over-the-air television and radio broadcast signals. This joint claim to royalties is music (Example B) work by filling in the blanks. for fees collected from cable television systems during calendar year 2014. Example A (Non-Music): The copyrighted broadcast program DAVID GARRETT MUSIC: LIVE IN CONCERT, which is owned Filer's full name: by UNIVERSAL MUSIC GROUP (VERVE MUSIC GROUP) was the subject of a primary transmission made by broadcast station WQED-DT, which is licensed to the city of PITI'SBURGH, located in the state of PA, on 1/26, 2014 and was RECORDING INDUSTRY ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA, INC.
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