Sprawl Vs. Smart Growth
By Spr Elizabeth Humstone Vermont Forum on Sprawl Smart Growth: 2 These necessities typically i housing, clothing, furniture, a vary in generosity from state to Hampshire allows a $50,000 while in Texas, the entire home less of value. ow governments choose to invest public might inadvertently be supporting sprawl in the resources can play a key role in economic develop- Green Mountain State. To help inform policy ment and growth patterns. Decisions on road con- makers, VSGC comprehensively analyzed the Hstruction, sewer extensions, school siting, and the state’s investments, policies, and programs, identi- like can make all the difference in creating healthy, fying those that supported smart growth and those sustainable communities. Unfortunately, economic that encouraged sprawl. VSGC’s findings are development policy is often crafted or carried out instructive for states that want to formulate policy in ways that unwittingly support sprawl—low den- that minimizes costs and promotes economic sity, disconnected, auto-dependent development— development, affordable housing, transportation, which can impose sizable costs on communities and downtown revitalization. and states. The Vermont Smart Growth Collaborative Sprawl vs. Smart Growth: (VSGC), a coalition of ten nonprofit organiza- Costs and Benefits tions, was concerned that state and local policies While there are varying definitions of sprawl 10 Summer 2004 awlvs. The Power of the Public Purse include an allowance of and personal items, but state. For example, New homestead exemption, estead is exempt, regard- and smart growth (see sidebar on page 15), there and reducing the ability to walk to schools, are several generally accepted features that distin- libraries, stores, and jobs.
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