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Sur la politique générale de l’eau N-‘84. : WhitePaper on the Policy on watr tariffs and related matters.. 11- 94 White Paper on Water Supply and Sanitation Policy. 04- 97 White paper on a National Water Policy for South Africa

Sur l’Orange River Developement Project

X-’62 Report on the proposed Orange River Development Project (ORDP) AA-‘64 Supplementary Report on the proposed Orange River Development Project (ORDP) LL-’68 Second supplementary report on the ORDP N-’71 Third Supplementary report on the first phase of the ORDP I-’73 Fourth Supplementary report on the first phase of the ORDP : a protective works of rivers and road crossing below Orange-Fish Tunnel N-’74 Fifth Supplementary report on the first phase of the ORDP H-84 Sixth Supplementary report on the first phase of the ORDP


C-86 Seventh on the first phase of the ORDP (Lower Sundays River Governement Water Scheme, Lower Fish River Governement Water scheme and Orange-Douglas Government Water Scheme) A- ‘90 Eighth on the first phase of the ORDP (Lower Sundays River Govt. Water Scheme : extension of supply to Port Elisabeth)

Sur de Bassin de l’Orange W-’65 Report on the Kakamas Government Water Work and the Proposed Betterment of the Canal System H-’66 Report on the Upington Islands Government Water Scheme Y –‘67 Report on the Proposed Extension of the Buchuberg-Karos Government Water Scheme H-’70 Report on teh Proposed Irrigation work for the Noord-Oranje Irrigation Board Q-’70 Report on the proposed Springbok Governmental Regional Water Supply Scheme J-’74 First Supplementary Report on the Upington Islands Government Water Scheme D-’75 First Supplementary Report on the Kakamas Government Water Work and the Proposed Betterment of the Canal System P-76 Second Supplementary Report on the Upington Islands Government Water Scheme N-‘79 Report on the proposed Lesaka Governement Water Distribution Scheme Q-‘79 Third Supplementary Report on the Upington Islands Government Water Scheme D-’86 Supplementary Report on the Riet River Government water Scheme F-’87 Report on the proposed Caledon-Modder River Governement Water Scheme G-'88 Second Supplementary Report on the Kakamas Government Water Work and the Proposed Betterment of the Canal System E- '89 Report on the Lower Orange Development Project (Kakamas Extension)

C Rapport internes du DWAF

1- Orange River System Analysis (1989-1993) Schafer N.W. (1991) : Caledon-Modder River Government Water Scheme: historical and future water demands and return flows Dept of Water Affairs: P D000/00/1691, WPAM6413 Taviv, I.; Herold, C.E. (1993) : Orange River System Analysis. Lower Vaal River subsystem: water quality management options. Dept of Water Affairs: P D000/00/2692, WPAM6424 WA006 McKenzie, R.S.; Rossouw, J.D. (1993) : Development options to increase hydro-power generation and yield of the Orange River System. Dept of Water Affairs: PD000/00/3493, WPAM6687 Van Veelen , M. (1993) : Evaluation of the future water demands on the Orange River Project. South Africa Dept of Water Affairs: PD000/00/3393, WPAM6686 Rossouw, J.D. (1993) : Further analysis of the Caledon-Modder subsystem. Dept of Water Affairs: PD000/00/3193, WPAM6684


McKenzie, R.S. (1992) : Caledon, Modder and Riet Rivers: yield analysis. Dept of Water Affairs: P D000/00/1092, WPAM6418 Schafer, N.W. (1992) : Demands and return flows. Dept of Water Affairs: P D000/00/0492, WPAM6412 Meyer, M.S. (1992) : Description of the physical systems. Dept of Water Affairs: P D000/00/0392, WPAM6410 McKenzie, R.S.; Schafer, N.W. (1992) : Lower Orange River: hydrology. Dept of Water Affairs: P D000/00/0789, WPAM6417 Taviv, I.; Herold, C.E. (1992) : Lower Vaal River subsystem: hydro-salinity model calibration. Dept of Water Affairs: P D000/00/2592, WPAM6423 Taviv, I.; Herold, C.E. (1992) : Orange River system: evaluation of TDS constituents at key stations. Dept of Water Affairs: P D000/00/2291, WPAM6422 WA006 McKenzie, R.S.; Schafer, N.W.; Van Rooyen, P.G. (1992) : Upper Orange River: hydrology. Dept of Water Affairs: P D000/00/0691, WPAM6416 Toerien, A. (1989) : Sedimentation of the reservoirs. Dept of Water Affairs: P D000/00/0789, WPAM6411 Kakebeeke, J.P.; Herold, C.E. (1990) : Riet and Modder River subsystem: evaluation of the flow and water quality monitoring system. Dept of Water Affairs: P D000/00/0890, WPAM6420 McKenzie, R.S.; Van Veelen, M. (1993) : LHWP interim hydrology report. Dept of Water Affairs: PD000/00/3093, WPAM6685 Van Vuuren, S.J.; Rossouw, J.D. (1993) : Orange River integrated system analysis. Dept of Water Affairs: PD000/00/3593, WPAM6688 McKenzie, R.S. (1993) : Yield analysis up to PK le Roux Dam. Dept of Water Affairs: P D000/00/1292, WPAM6419 Schafer, N.W.; Mckenzie, R.S.; Van Rooyen, P.G. (1991) : Caledon River upstream of Welbedacht Dam: hydrology. Dept of Water Affairs: P D200/00/0391, WPAM6414 McKenzie, R.S.; Venter, W.A.G. (1991) :Riet and Modder River: hydrology. Dept of Water Affairs: P D000/00/0591, WPAM6415 Herold, C.E.; Kakebeeke, J.P. (1994) : Caledon and Orange Rivers: Evaluation of the flow and salinity monitoring system. Dept of Water Affairs: PD000/00/3293,WPAM6683. Van Dyk, H.S.; Meyer, M.S. (1994) : Evaluation of possible augmentation from the Mzimvubu: Reconnaissance study. Dept of Water Affairs: PD000/00/3693, WPAM6689 Kakebeeke, J.P.; Herold, C.E. (1991) : Riet and Modder River subsystem: calibration of water quality model. Dept of Water Affairs: P D000/00/0991, WPAM6421.

2- Vaal Augmentation Planning Study (1992-1996) (Rapport anonymes, références bibliothèque du DWAF Vaal augmentation planning study - Lesotho Highlands further phases. Pre-feasibility stage supporting report: Economic evaluation. WPAM7106 Vaal augmentation planning study - Lesotho Highlands further phases. Pre-feasibility stage supporting report: Environmental initial assessment. WPAM7112 WA006


Vaal augmentation planning study - Lesotho Highlands further phases. Pre-feasibility stage supporting report: Flood hydrology. WPAM7109 WA006 Vaal augmentation planning study. Lesotho Highlands further phases. Reconnaissance stage. Supporting report. System analysis. WPAM6728 WA006 Vaal augmentation planning study - Lesotho Highlands further phases. Pre-feasibility stage supporting report: Main report - executive summary. WPAM7120 WA006 Vaal augmentation planning study. Orange Vaal transfer scheme. Costing. WPAM6743 Vaal augmentation planning study. Orange Vaal transfer scheme. Economic aspects. WPAM6741 Vaal augmentation planning study. Orange Vaal transfer scheme. Environmental aspects. WPAM6740 Vaal augmentation planning study. Orange Vaal transfer scheme. Floods. WPAM6758 Vaal augmentation planning study. Orange Vaal transfer scheme. Hydrology. WPAM6759 Vaal augmentation planning study. Orange Vaal transfer scheme. Reconnaissance report. WPAM6749 WA006 Vaal augmentation planning study. Orange Vaal transfer scheme. Sedimentation. WPAM6746 Vaal augmentation planning study. Orange Vaal transfer scheme. Social aspects. WPAM6742 Vaal augmentation planning study. Orange Vaal transfer scheme. System yield. WPAM6750 Vaal augmentation planning study - Orange Vaal Transfer Scheme. Pre-feasibility supporting report. Environmental aspects. WPAM7088 WA006 Vaal augmentation planning study - Orange Vaal Transfer Scheme. Pre-feasibility report (Main) - executive summary. May 1995 WPAM7094 WA006 3- Orange River Development Replanning Study : 1996-1999 - 28 sous rapports disponibles sur CD-Rom : Department of Water Affairs and Forestry, Directorate : Water Resources Rlanning.

D° Autres documents - Archives Archives du Cap Liasses ; 3/CDK, vol n° 4/1/37, Great Fish River Board Archives du Cap; 3/CDK, vol n° 4/1/37, Great Fish River Board


- Cartes

Cartes géologiques (1: 250 000) - 2828 Harrismith - 2830 Dundee - 2928 Drakensberg - 2930 Durban

Cartes topographiques (1: 250 000) - 2828 Harrismith - 2830 Dundee - 2928 Drakensberg - 2930 Durban

Cartes topographiques (1: 50 000) - 2929 CB Sani Pass - 2930 CB Pietermaritzburg - 3229 AA Hole in the Wall - 3128 DA Umtata