IEEE WORKSHOP ON SIGNAL PROCESSING SYSTEMS (SIPS), 2018 Energy and Processing Demand Analysis of TLS Protocol in Internet of Things Applications Alejandro Hernandez Gerez∗, Kavin Kamarajy, Ramzi Nofalz, Yuhong Liux, and Behnam Dezfouli{ Internet of Things Research Lab, Department of Computer Engineering, Santa Clara University, USA ∗
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[email protected] Abstract—Transport Layer Security (TLS) is the de-facto digest algorithm. The agreement enables the two communicat- protocol for secure communication in Internet of Things (IoT) ing parties to ultimately establish a shared session key. The applications. However, the processing and energy demands of client and server also have the option to authenticate each other this protocol are two essential parameters that must be taken into account with respect to the resource-constraint nature of using certificates provided by a trusted third-party certification IoT devices. In this paper, we study the resource consumption authority (CA) [7]. The second phase of the protocol is the of the TLS handshake using a testbed in which an IoT board record layer, in which the shared session key is used to send (Cypress CYW43907) communicates with a Raspberry Pi server encrypted messages between two nodes. As of today, TLS is over an 802.11 wireless link. Although TLS supports a wide- the most widely used protocol for securing communication array of encryption algorithms, we focus on the performance of TLS using three of the most popular and robust cipher suites. between IoT devices [8], [9]. This protocol is considered to Our experiments show that ciphers using Elliptic Curve Diffie be highly effective because of its use of both symmetric key Hellman (ECDHE) key exchange are considerably more efficient and public key cryptography.