ODNR Division of Geological Survey Dunkleosteus Sculpture Project Site Information

The Dunkleosteus sculpture will be located in the Period section of the Geological Walk Through Time (“Geo Walk”) exhibit in the Natural Resources Park at the Ohio EXPO & State Fairgrounds, as shown in the following photos and illustrations.

Aerial view of Natural Resources Park w/in Ohio State Fairgrounds; Geo Walk exhibit is labeled.

Geo Walk Exhibit

Zoomed-in aerial view of Geo Walk exhibit; Dunkleosteus sculpture location is labeled.

Dunkleosteus location

Two ground views of location for Dunkleosteus sculpture w/in Geo Walk exhibit.

Sample Image of Modern Great White Shark Breaching The following image of a Great White shark breaching is provided here as a reference for inspiration in designing the Dunkleosteus sculpture at the Geo Walk. Note the back half/tail of the shark is submerged.

Photo credit: © Morne Hardenberg. Accessed at Smithsonian Ocean website, https://ocean.si.edu/ocean-life/sharks-rays/photo-sequence-great-white-shark-hunting

ODNR Division of Geological Survey Dunkleosteus Sculpture Project Scientific Info & Sample Representations

The Dunkleosteus sculpture will be located in the Devonian Period section of the Geological Walk Through Time (“Geo Walk”) exhibit in the Natural Resources Park at the Ohio State Fairgrounds. The following images and publication provide information about the and represent other known sculptures.

The article at the following URL was published on the ODNR Division of Geological Survey website on July 31, 2019: https://ohiodnr.gov/wps/wcm/connect/gov/2845c312-f19d-4592-a469-c9ce560332a4/July_31_2019- Fishing+for+Dunkleosteus.pdf?MOD=AJPERES&CVID=nqcr2rB

An excellent example of an award-winning Dunkleosteus sculpture was produced by Esben Horn of 10 Tons studio (Denmark) for a museum exhibit. Screen shot from the 10 tons website is below. Additional images and info are available at www.10tons.dk/dunkleosteus.

Following are two photos of the Dunkleosteus sculpture located inside the nature center at the Rocky River Reservation, North Olmsted, Ohio. These images offer a good depiction of the Dunkleosteus’ relative size

Photo courtesy of Cleveland.com

Following are two photos of the Dunkleosteus sculpture exhibited at the American Museum of Natural History in New York. A duplicate of this sculpture also is on display at the Cleveland Museum of Natural History.